Java tutorial
//====================================================================================== // Copyright 5AM Solutions Inc, Yale University // // Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. // See for details. //====================================================================================== package gov.nih.nci.caarray.plugins.nimblegen; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.application.util.Utils; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.dao.ArrayDao; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.dao.SearchDao; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.dataStorage.DataStorageFacade; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.array.ArrayDesign; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.array.ArrayDesignDetails; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.array.Feature; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.array.LogicalProbe; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.array.PhysicalProbe; import; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.file.CaArrayFile; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.file.FileCategory; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.file.FileType; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.platforms.AbstractDesignFileHandler; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.platforms.SessionTransactionManager; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.platforms.spi.PlatformFileReadException; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.util.CaArrayHibernateHelper; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.validation.FileValidationResult; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.validation.ValidationMessage; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.validation.ValidationResult; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Implementation of NDF parser. * * @author Jim McCusker */ @SuppressWarnings("PMD.TooManyMethods") public class NdfHandler extends AbstractDesignFileHandler { private static final String LSID_AUTHORITY = ""; private static final String LSID_NAMESPACE = "PhysicalArrayDesign"; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(NdfHandler.class); private static final String TEMP_TABLE_NAME = "NGImporterTempTable"; private static final String CREATE_TEMP_TABLE_STMT = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " + TEMP_TABLE_NAME + " ( PROBE_ID varchar(100), " + "SEQ_ID varchar(100), " + "CONTAINER varchar(100), " + "X int, " + "Y int, " + "INDEX(SEQ_ID));"; private static final String Y = "Y"; private static final String X = "X"; private static final String PROBE_ID = "PROBE_ID"; private static final String CONTAINER2 = "CONTAINER"; private static final String SEQ_ID = "SEQ_ID"; private static final Map<String, DataType> NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS = new HashMap<String, DataType>(); static { NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS.put(CONTAINER2, DataType.STRING); NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS.put(SEQ_ID, DataType.STRING); NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS.put(PROBE_ID, DataType.STRING); NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS.put(X, DataType.INTEGER); NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS.put(Y, DataType.INTEGER); } /** * File Type for NDF array design. */ public static final FileType NDF_FILE_TYPE = new FileType("NIMBLEGEN_NDF", FileCategory.ARRAY_DESIGN, true, "NDF"); static final Set<FileType> SUPPORTED_TYPES = Sets.newHashSet(NDF_FILE_TYPE); private CaArrayFile designFile; private File fileOnDisk; private DelimitedFileReader reader; @Inject private final CaArrayHibernateHelper hibernateHelper; @Inject NdfHandler(SessionTransactionManager sessionTransactionManager, DataStorageFacade dataStorageFacade, ArrayDao arrayDao, SearchDao searchDao, CaArrayHibernateHelper hibernateHelper) { super(sessionTransactionManager, dataStorageFacade, arrayDao, searchDao); this.hibernateHelper = hibernateHelper; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean openFiles(Set<CaArrayFile> designFiles) throws PlatformFileReadException { if (designFiles == null || designFiles.size() != 1 || !SUPPORTED_TYPES.contains(designFiles.iterator().next().getFileType())) { return false; } this.designFile = designFiles.iterator().next(); this.fileOnDisk = getDataStorageFacade().openFile(this.designFile.getDataHandle(), false); try { this.reader = new DelimitedFileReaderFactoryImpl().createTabDelimitedFileReader(this.fileOnDisk); return true; } catch (final IOException e) { throw new PlatformFileReadException(this.fileOnDisk, "Could not open reader for file " + this.designFile.getName(), e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Set<FileType> getSupportedTypes() { return SUPPORTED_TYPES; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void closeFiles() { if (this.reader != null) { this.reader.close(); } getDataStorageFacade().releaseFile(this.designFile.getDataHandle(), false); this.reader = null; this.fileOnDisk = null; this.designFile = null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean parsesData() { return true; } private ScrollableResults loadRows(File file) throws IOException { this.hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(CREATE_TEMP_TABLE_STMT).executeUpdate(); final String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/'); final String loadQuery = "load data local infile '" + filePath + "' into table " + TEMP_TABLE_NAME + " fields terminated by '\t' ignore 1 lines " + "(@c1,CONTAINER,@c3,@c4,SEQ_ID,@c6,@c7,@c8,@c9,@c10,@c11,@c12,PROBE_ID,@c14,@c15,X,Y);"; final SQLQuery q = this.hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(loadQuery); q.executeUpdate(); return getProbes(); } ScrollableResults getProbes() { final SQLQuery q = this.hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery("select * from " + TEMP_TABLE_NAME + " order by SEQ_ID asc"); return q.scroll(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void createDesignDetails(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) throws PlatformFileReadException { final Map<String, LogicalProbe> logicalProbes = new HashMap<String, LogicalProbe>(); int count = 0; try { final ArrayDesignDetails details = new ArrayDesignDetails(); arrayDesign.setDesignDetails(details); getArrayDao().save(arrayDesign); getArrayDao().save(details); final ScrollableResults results = loadRows(this.fileOnDisk); count = loadProbes(details, logicalProbes, results); arrayDesign.setNumberOfFeatures(count); } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.error("Error processing line " + count); throw new PlatformFileReadException(this.fileOnDisk, "Couldn't read file: ", e); } finally { this.hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery("DROP TABLE " + TEMP_TABLE_NAME + ";") .executeUpdate(); } } private int loadProbes(ArrayDesignDetails details, Map<String, LogicalProbe> logicalProbes, ScrollableResults results) throws IOException { int count = 0; results.beforeFirst(); String lastSeqId = null; while ( { final Object[] values = results.get(); final Map<String, Object> vals = new HashMap<String, Object>(); vals.put(PROBE_ID, values[0]); vals.put(SEQ_ID, values[1]); vals.put(CONTAINER2, values[2]); vals.put(X, values[3]); vals.put(Y, values[4]); if (lastSeqId != null && !vals.get(SEQ_ID).equals(lastSeqId)) { logicalProbes.clear(); flushAndClearSession(); } lastSeqId = (String) vals.get(SEQ_ID); final PhysicalProbe p = createPhysicalProbe(details, vals, logicalProbes); getArrayDao().save(p); ++count; } return count; } private LogicalProbe getLogicalProbe(String feature, ArrayDesignDetails details, Map<String, LogicalProbe> logicalProbes) { if (!logicalProbes.containsKey(feature)) { final LogicalProbe p = new LogicalProbe(details); p.setName(feature); logicalProbes.put(feature, p); getArrayDao().save(p); return p; } else { return logicalProbes.get(feature); } } private PhysicalProbe createPhysicalProbe(ArrayDesignDetails details, Map<String, Object> values, Map<String, LogicalProbe> logicalProbes) { final String sequenceId = (String) values.get(SEQ_ID); final String container = (String) values.get(CONTAINER2); final String probeId = (String) values.get(PROBE_ID); final LogicalProbe lp = getLogicalProbe(sequenceId, details, logicalProbes); final PhysicalProbe p = new PhysicalProbe(details, null); lp.addProbe(p); p.setName(container + "|" + sequenceId + "|" + probeId); final Feature f = new Feature(details); f.setColumn(((Integer) values.get(X)).shortValue()); f.setRow(((Integer) values.get(Y)).shortValue()); p.getFeatures().add(f); return p; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void load(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { arrayDesign.setName(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(this.designFile.getName())); arrayDesign.setLsidForEntity(LSID_AUTHORITY + ":" + LSID_NAMESPACE + ":" + arrayDesign.getName()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void validate(ValidationResult result) throws PlatformFileReadException { final FileValidationResult fileResult = result.getOrCreateFileValidationResult(this.designFile.getName()); this.designFile.setValidationResult(fileResult); try { this.reader.reset(); if (!this.reader.hasNextLine()) { fileResult.addMessage(ValidationMessage.Type.ERROR, "File was empty"); } final Map<String, Integer> headers = getHeaders(); validateHeader(headers, fileResult); if (fileResult.isValid()) { validateValues(headers, fileResult); } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new PlatformFileReadException(this.fileOnDisk, "Unable to read file", e); } } private void validateHeader(Map<String, Integer> headers, FileValidationResult result) throws IOException { if (headers == null) { result.addMessage(ValidationMessage.Type.ERROR, "Could not find column headers in file. Header must " + " contain at least the following column headings: " + NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS.keySet()); } else { final Set<String> missing = new HashSet<String>(NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS.keySet()); missing.removeAll(headers.keySet()); for (final String col : missing) { result.addMessage(ValidationMessage.Type.ERROR, "Invalid column header for Nimblegen NDF. Missing " + col + " column", this.reader.getCurrentLineNumber(), 0); } } } private void validateValues(Map<String, Integer> headers, FileValidationResult result) throws IOException { while (this.reader.hasNextLine()) { final List<String> values = this.reader.nextLine(); validateValuesRow(values, headers, result); } } private void validateValuesRow(List<String> values, Map<String, Integer> header, FileValidationResult result) { if (values.size() != header.size()) { result.addMessage( ValidationMessage.Type.ERROR, "Row has incorrect number of columns. There were " + values.size() + " columns in the row, and " + header.size() + " columns in the header", this.reader.getCurrentLineNumber(), 0); return; } for (final String column : NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS.keySet()) { final int columnIndex = header.get(column); final String value = values.get(columnIndex); final DataType columnType = NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS.get(column); if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { result.addMessage(ValidationMessage.Type.ERROR, "Empty value for required column " + column, this.reader.getCurrentLineNumber(), columnIndex + 1); } else if (columnType == DataType.INTEGER && !Utils.isInteger(value)) { result.addMessage(ValidationMessage.Type.ERROR, "Expected integer value but found " + value + " for required column " + column, this.reader.getCurrentLineNumber(), columnIndex + 1); } } } private boolean isHeaderLine(List<String> values) { // assume that a line that contains any of expected header columns is the header return !Sets.intersection(ImmutableSet.copyOf(values), NDF_REQUIRED_COLUMNS.keySet()).isEmpty(); } /** * @return mapping of header columns to their positions, or null if no header line found */ private Map<String, Integer> getHeaders() throws IOException { while (this.reader.hasNextLine()) { final List<String> values = this.reader.nextLine(); if (values.isEmpty()) { // allow blank lines at start continue; } if (isHeaderLine(values)) { int index = 0; final Map<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (final String value : values) { result.put(value.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()), index++); } return result; } else { // once we've hit a non-blank line, if it's not the header, then there is no header return null; } } return null; } }