Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015, United States Government, as represented by the * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. * All rights reserved. * * The PSYCO: A Predicate-based Symbolic Compositional Reasoning environment * platform is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // // Copyright (C) 2014 The University of Illinois Board of Trustees. // All Rights Reserved. // // The software in this Java package is distributed under the MIT License. // See the MIT-LICENSE file at the top of the distribution directory tree // for the complete license. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // package; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.MersenneTwister; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.api.ConstraintSolver.Result; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.api.ConstraintSolver; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.api.Expression; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.api.SolverContext; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.api.Valuation; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.api.ValuationEntry; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.api.Variable; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.expressions.Constant; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.expressions.LogicalOperator; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.expressions.NumericBooleanExpression; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.expressions.NumericComparator; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.expressions.NumericCompound; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.expressions.NumericOperator; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.expressions.PropositionalCompound; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.solvers.ConstraintSolverFactory; import; import; import; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.types.BuiltinTypes; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.types.ConcreteIntegerType; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.types.IntegerType; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.types.RealType; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.types.Type; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.types.BuiltinTypes.BoolType; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.types.BuiltinTypes.DoubleType; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.types.BuiltinTypes.SInt16Type; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.util.ExpressionClassifier; import gov.nasa.jpf.constraints.util.ExpressionUtil; public class CWSolver extends ConstraintSolver { public static class CWSolverBuilder { private Properties config; private boolean seedSet = false; private long seed; private String linearSolverStr = CWConfig.LINEAR_SOLVER.getDefaultValue(); private int iterationsPerConstraint = CWConfig.ITERATIONS_PER_CONSTRAINT.getDefaultValue(); private int neighborsGeneratedPerIteration = CWConfig.NEIGHBORS_GENERATED_PER_ITERATION.getDefaultValue(); private float tabuIterationsPerVariable = CWConfig.TABU_ITERATIONS_PER_VARIABLE.getDefaultValue(); private int minTabuIterations = CWConfig.MIN_TABU_ITERATIONS.getDefaultValue(); private boolean enableSeeding = CWConfig.ENABLE_SEEDING.getDefaultValue(); private boolean enableBisection = CWConfig.ENABLE_BISECTION.getDefaultValue(); private int randomizationRadiusExp = CWConfig.RANDOMIZATION_RADIUS_EXPONENT.getDefaultValue(); public CWSolverBuilder setLinearSolver(String linearSolver) { this.linearSolverStr = linearSolver; return this; } public CWSolverBuilder setIterationsPerConstraint(int iterationsPerConstraint) { this.iterationsPerConstraint = iterationsPerConstraint; return this; } public CWSolverBuilder setNeighborsGeneratedPerIteration(int neighborsGeneratedPerIteration) { this.neighborsGeneratedPerIteration = neighborsGeneratedPerIteration; return this; } public CWSolverBuilder setTabuIterationsPerVariable(float tabuIterationsPerVariable) { this.tabuIterationsPerVariable = tabuIterationsPerVariable; return this; } public CWSolverBuilder setMinTabuIterations(int minTabuIterations) { this.minTabuIterations = minTabuIterations; return this; } public CWSolverBuilder setEnableSeeding(boolean enableSeeding) { this.enableSeeding = enableSeeding; return this; } public CWSolverBuilder setEnableBisection(boolean enableBisection) { this.enableBisection = enableBisection; return this; } public CWSolverBuilder setRandomizationRadiusExp(int randomizationRadiusExp) { this.randomizationRadiusExp = randomizationRadiusExp; return this; } public CWSolverBuilder setConfig(Properties conf) { this.config = conf; return this; } public CWSolverBuilder setSeed(long seed) { this.seed = seed; this.seedSet = true; return this; } public CWSolver buildSolver() { ConstraintSolverFactory csFac = (this.config != null) ? new ConstraintSolverFactory(config) : new ConstraintSolverFactory(); ConstraintSolver linearSolver = csFac.createSolver(linearSolverStr); if (!this.seedSet) return new CWSolver(linearSolver, this.iterationsPerConstraint, this.neighborsGeneratedPerIteration, this.tabuIterationsPerVariable, this.minTabuIterations, this.enableSeeding, this.enableBisection, this.randomizationRadiusExp); else return new CWSolver(linearSolver, this.iterationsPerConstraint, this.neighborsGeneratedPerIteration, this.tabuIterationsPerVariable, this.minTabuIterations, this.enableSeeding, this.enableBisection, this.randomizationRadiusExp, this.seed); } } /** * Produces a lot of log data atm */ private final boolean USE_LOGGER = false; protected ConstraintSolver linearSolver; /** * Number of algorithm iterations added for each constraint in the path * condition. The paper speaks of <em>steps</em> instead of iterations and * denotes this constant as <em>I</em>. */ private final int ITERATIONS_PER_CONSTRAINT; /** * Number of random neighbor {@link RealVector points} to generate per iteration. * The paper calls points <em>environments</em> and denotes this constant * as <em>R</em>. */ private final int NEIGHBORS_GENERATED_PER_ITERATION; /** * Multiplier for computing how many iterations a variable is tabu if changing * it failed to yield a better point. The paper uses this constant and * {@link #MIN_TABU_ITERATIONS} to compute the number of tabu iterations * <em>T</em>. */ private final float TABU_ITERATIONS_PER_VARIABLE; /** * Minimum number of iterations that a variable is tabu if changing it failed * to yield a better point. See {@link #TABU_ITERATIONS_PER_VARIABLE} above. */ private final int MIN_TABU_ITERATIONS; /** * Enable trying the hard-coded {@link #SEEDED_VALUES} for the changed variable? */ private final boolean ENABLE_SEEDING; /** * Enable estimating additional neighbors that <em>should</em> satisfy one * of the constraints violated by the current variable if the constraint was * linear? See the discussion of Finding Neighbors in section 3.3 of the paper. */ public final boolean ENABLE_BISECTION; private final int RANDOMIZATION_RADIUS_EXPONENT; /** Error value used if the error function of a constraint returns NaN */ private final static double NAN_ERROR = 0.125 * Double.MAX_VALUE; private final static double[] SEEDED_VALUES = { 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MIN_VALUE }; private final Random random; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("constraints"); public CWSolver(ConstraintSolver linearSolver, int iterationsPerConstraint, int neighborsGeneratedPerIteration, float tabuIterationsPerVariable, int minTabuIterations, boolean enableSeeding, boolean enableBisection, int randomizationRadiusExp, long seed) { this.linearSolver = linearSolver; this.ITERATIONS_PER_CONSTRAINT = iterationsPerConstraint; this.NEIGHBORS_GENERATED_PER_ITERATION = neighborsGeneratedPerIteration; this.TABU_ITERATIONS_PER_VARIABLE = tabuIterationsPerVariable; this.MIN_TABU_ITERATIONS = minTabuIterations; this.ENABLE_BISECTION = enableBisection; this.ENABLE_SEEDING = enableSeeding; this.RANDOMIZATION_RADIUS_EXPONENT = randomizationRadiusExp; this.random = new Random(seed); } public CWSolver(ConstraintSolver linearSolver, int iterationsPerConstraint, int neighborsGeneratedPerIteration, float tabuIterationsPerVariable, int minTabuIterations, boolean enableSeeding, boolean enableBisection, int randomizationRadiusExp) { this(linearSolver, iterationsPerConstraint, neighborsGeneratedPerIteration, tabuIterationsPerVariable, minTabuIterations, enableSeeding, enableBisection, randomizationRadiusExp, new MersenneTwister().nextLong()); } @Override public SolverContext createContext() { return new CWSolverContext(this); } @Override public Result solve(Expression<Boolean> constraint, Valuation result) { List<Expression<Boolean>> linear = new ArrayList<>(); List<Expression<Boolean>> nonlinear = new ArrayList<>(); ExpressionClassifier.splitConstraintsInto(constraint, linear, nonlinear); Expression<Boolean> linearConstraint = (linear.size() > 0) ? ExpressionUtil.and(linear) : null; if (linearConstraint == null) { //TODO: anything else we can do here? return Result.DONT_KNOW; } //if there are no linear constraints, the best we can do is just to use an arbitrary valuation? //Expression<Boolean> linearConstraint = ExpressionUtil.and(linear); Expression<Boolean> nonlinearConstraint = (nonlinear.size() > 0) ? ExpressionUtil.and(nonlinear) : null; //Expression<Boolean> nonlinearConstraint = ExpressionUtil.and(nonlinear); Valuation linearValuation = new Valuation(); Result linSol = this.linearSolver.solve(linearConstraint, linearValuation); if (linSol != Result.SAT) { // lines 4--5 return linSol; } if (nonlinearConstraint == null) { //no nonlinear constraints are present for (ValuationEntry<?> entry : linearValuation) result.addEntry(entry); return Result.SAT; } return solveWithAdaptiveVariableSearch(linearConstraint, linearValuation, nonlinearConstraint, result); } private static <T> Set<T> union(Collection<T> collection1, Collection<T> collection2) { Set<T> result = new HashSet<>(); result.addAll(collection1); result.addAll(collection2); return result; } //TODO: note that adaptive variable search can ONLY return SAT or DONT_KNOW atm private Result solveWithAdaptiveVariableSearch(Expression<Boolean> linearConstraint, Valuation linearSolution, Expression<Boolean> nonlinearConstraint, Valuation result) { // Partially based on the paper "Yet Another Local Search Method for Constraint Solving" // by Philippe Codognet and Daniel Diaz, 2001. // NOTE: End-of-line comments give the variable names and line numbers // used in Algorithms 1 and 2 of the paper. // Interpret every variable in the path condition as a dimension // in a real-valued vector space. Set<Variable<?>> vars = union(ExpressionUtil.freeVariables(linearConstraint), ExpressionUtil.freeVariables(nonlinearConstraint)); RealVectorSpace vectorSpace = RealVectorSpace.forDimensions(vars); int numberOfVariables = vectorSpace.dimensions().size(); RealVector p = makeVectorFromSolutions(vectorSpace, linearSolution); // Alg. 1: \alpha, line 4 printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Linear PC: ", linearConstraint); printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Linear PC solution: ", p); printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Solving non-linear PC\n", nonlinearConstraint); List<Expression<Boolean>> nonLinearConstraintsLst = ExpressionClassifier .splitToConjuncts(nonlinearConstraint); // Initialize lookup tables and local variables Map<Expression<Boolean>, BitSet> variableIndicesByConstraint = new IdentityHashMap<>( nonLinearConstraintsLst.size()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Expression<Boolean>>[] constraintsByVariableIndex = new List[numberOfVariables]; populateLookupTables(vectorSpace, nonLinearConstraintsLst, constraintsByVariableIndex, variableIndicesByConstraint); double[] errorByVariables = new double[numberOfVariables]; // Alg. 1: \epsilon int[] tabuVariables = new int[numberOfVariables]; // Alg. 1: \tau int iterationCount = 1; // i int iterationLimit = nonLinearConstraintsLst.size() * ITERATIONS_PER_CONSTRAINT; // Alg. 1: I //iterate as long as non linear constraint is not satisfied while (!nonlinearConstraint.evaluate(p.convertToJconstraintsValuation())) { // Alg. 1: line 7 if (iterationCount > iterationLimit) { // Alg. 1: line 8 printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Could not find solution within ", iterationLimit, " iterations"); return Result.DONT_KNOW; } ++iterationCount; // Alg. 1: line 9 // Compute errors double errorAtP = 0.0; // Alg. 1: e_\alpha Arrays.fill(errorByVariables, 0.0); // Alg. 1: line 14 for (Expression<Boolean> c : nonLinearConstraintsLst) { // Alg. 1: lines 15--20 if (c instanceof PropositionalCompound) { System.out.println("propositional compound. Skipping"); continue; } //TODO: fix the list; it must be composed of NumericBooleanExpressions (stronger type) if (!(c instanceof NumericBooleanExpression)) throw new IllegalStateException("constraint must be " + NumericBooleanExpression.class.getName() + " and not of type " + c.getClass().getName()); NumericBooleanExpression nc = (NumericBooleanExpression) c; double e = computeError(nc, p.convertToJconstraintsValuation()); errorAtP += e; incrementElements(errorByVariables, variableIndicesByConstraint.get(c), e); } printDebug(CWSolver.class, "p = ", p, " -> error ", errorAtP); // Try to find a better solution by modifying the "worst" non-tabu variable int wiggleVarIndex = indexOfMaxIgnoringTabu(errorByVariables, tabuVariables); if (wiggleVarIndex == -1) { // All variables might be tabu, Alg. 1: lines 10--13 for (int i = 0; i < tabuVariables.length; ++i) { p = makeRandomNeighborInPolytope(p, linearConstraint, vectorSpace.dimensions().get(i)); if (p == null) { //no point could be found, so dont_know? return Result.DONT_KNOW; } tabuVariables[i] = 0; } printDebug(CWSolver.class, "All variables are tabu. Took random step to ", p); continue; } Variable<?> wiggleVar = vectorSpace.dimensions().get(wiggleVarIndex); // Alg. 1: x, line 21 printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Wiggling ", wiggleVar); // Find best neighbor (Algorithm 3) double minError = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // Alg. 3: e_\mu RealVector minNeighbor = null; for (int i = 0; i < NEIGHBORS_GENERATED_PER_ITERATION; ++i) { RealVector q = makeRandomNeighborInPolytope(p, linearConstraint, wiggleVar); // Alg. 3: \beta RealVector r = null; // Alg. 3: \gamma if (q == null) { // No random neighbor could be found break; } double errorAtQ = computeError(nonLinearConstraintsLst, q.convertToJconstraintsValuation()); // Alg. 3: e_\beta, line 7 double errorAtR = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // Alg. 3: e_\gamma if (ENABLE_BISECTION && constraintsByVariableIndex[wiggleVarIndex] != null) { // Alg. 3: line 5 // Pick a random unsatisfied constraint List<Expression<Boolean>> constraintsForVar = new ArrayList<>( constraintsByVariableIndex[wiggleVarIndex]); Collections.shuffle(constraintsForVar); Expression<Boolean> constraint = null; for (int k = 0; k < constraintsForVar.size(); ++k) { constraint = constraintsForVar.get(k); boolean sat = constraint.evaluate(p.convertToJconstraintsValuation()); if (!sat) { break; } } Number valueAtP = evaluateAndSubtractSides((NumericBooleanExpression) constraint, p.convertToJconstraintsValuation()); Number valueAtQ = evaluateAndSubtractSides((NumericBooleanExpression) constraint, q.convertToJconstraintsValuation()); r = linearlyEstimateZero(p, valueAtP, q, valueAtQ, ((NumericBooleanExpression) constraint).getComparator()); // Alg. 3: line 6 boolean sat = linearConstraint.evaluate(r.convertToJconstraintsValuation()); if (sat) { errorAtR = computeError(nonLinearConstraintsLst, r.convertToJconstraintsValuation()); } } printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Random neighbors"); printDebug(CWSolver.class, " q = ", q, " -> error ", errorAtQ); printDebug(CWSolver.class, " r = ", r, " -> error ", errorAtR); if (errorAtQ < minError) { // Alg. 3: lines 9--12 minError = errorAtQ; minNeighbor = q; } if (errorAtR < minError) { // Alg. 3: lines 13--16 minError = errorAtR; minNeighbor = r; } } if (ENABLE_SEEDING) { for (double seed : SEEDED_VALUES) { RealVector s = vectorSpace.makeVector(p).set(wiggleVar, seed).build(); double errorAtS = computeError(nonLinearConstraintsLst, s.convertToJconstraintsValuation()); boolean sat = linearConstraint.evaluate(s.convertToJconstraintsValuation()); if (sat && errorAtS < minError) { minError = errorAtS; minNeighbor = s; } } } if (minError < errorAtP) { // Alg. 1: lines 23--27 printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Found new neighbor"); p = minNeighbor; decrementElements(tabuVariables); } else { // Alg 1: lines 27--29 printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Could not find better neighbor"); tabuVariables[wiggleVarIndex] = Math.max( Math.round(TABU_ITERATIONS_PER_VARIABLE * vectorSpace.dimensions().size()), MIN_TABU_ITERATIONS); printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Tabu ", Arrays.toString(tabuVariables)); } } printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Found solution: ", p); for (Variable<?> v : vars) { double vectorVal = p.get(v); if (v.getType() instanceof IntegerType<?>) { result.setValue((Variable<Integer>) v, (int) vectorVal); } else if (v.getType() instanceof RealType<?>) { result.setValue((Variable<Double>) v, vectorVal); } } System.out.println("cwsolver solution: " + result.toString()); return Result.SAT; } private static void typeCheck(Variable<?> var) { Type<?> t = var.getType(); if (!(t instanceof IntegerType<?> || t instanceof RealType<?>)) throw new AssertionError("Unknown variable type: " + var); } /** * Returns a point in the {@code vectorSpace} that is described by the * solution values attached to the given set of {@code variables}. */ private static RealVector makeVectorFromSolutions(RealVectorSpace vectorSpace, Valuation valuation) { RealVector.Builder builder = vectorSpace.makeVector(); if (valuation.entries().size() == 0) { return; } for (ValuationEntry<?> sol : valuation) { Variable<?> var = sol.getVariable(); typeCheck(var); Object value = sol.getValue(); if (value == null) throw new AssertionError("Variable " + var + " has no attached solution"); if (!(value instanceof Number)) throw new AssertionError("Unsupported value type" + value.getClass().getName()); builder.set(var, ((Number) value).doubleValue()); } return; } static void populateLookupTables(RealVectorSpace space, List<Expression<Boolean>> constraints, List<Expression<Boolean>>[] constraintsByVariableIndex, Map<Expression<Boolean>, BitSet> variableIndicesByConstraint) { int numberOfVariables = space.dimensions().size(); for (Expression<Boolean> constraint : constraints) { BitSet variableIndices = new BitSet(numberOfVariables); variableIndicesByConstraint.put(constraint, variableIndices); for (Variable<?> variable : ExpressionUtil.freeVariables(constraint)) { int varIndex = space.indexOf(variable); variableIndices.set(varIndex); if (constraintsByVariableIndex[varIndex] == null) { constraintsByVariableIndex[varIndex] = new ArrayList<>(); } constraintsByVariableIndex[varIndex].add(constraint); } } } /** * Returns the cumulative error score for the constraints in the given path * condition at the given valuation point. * * <p> * This is Algorithm 2 in the paper. */ static double computeError(List<Expression<Boolean>> constraints, Valuation valuation) { double totalError = 0; for (Expression<Boolean> c : constraints) { if (c instanceof PropositionalCompound) { System.out.println("propositional compound. Skipping"); continue; } if (!(c instanceof NumericBooleanExpression)) { throw new IllegalStateException("must be of type " + NumericBooleanExpression.class.getName() + "; not " + c.getClass().getName()); } totalError += computeError((NumericBooleanExpression) c, valuation); } return totalError; } //DELETE? static double computeError(Expression<Boolean> constraint, Valuation valuation) { NumericBooleanExpression bExp = new NumericBooleanExpression(constraint, NumericComparator.EQ, new Constant<>(BuiltinTypes.BOOL, true)); return computeError(bExp.getComparator(), evaluateAndSubtractSides(bExp, valuation)); } static double computeError(NumericBooleanExpression constraint, Valuation valuation) { NumericBooleanExpression bExp = (NumericBooleanExpression) constraint; return computeError(bExp.getComparator(), evaluateAndSubtractSides(bExp, valuation)); } static double computeError(NumericComparator comparator, Number value) { return computeError(comparator, value.doubleValue()); } static double computeError(NumericComparator comparator, double value) { if (Double.isNaN(value)) { return NAN_ERROR; } switch (comparator) { case EQ: return Math.abs(value); case GE: return value >= 0 ? 0 : -value + 1; case GT: return value > 0 ? 0 : -value + 1; case LE: return value <= 0 ? 0 : value + 1; case LT: return value < 0 ? 0 : value + 1; case NE: return value != 0 ? 0 : 1; } throw new AssertionError(); } public static Number evaluateAndSubtractSides(NumericBooleanExpression constraint, Valuation valuation) { Object leftVal = constraint.getLeft().evaluate(valuation); Object rightVal = constraint.getRight().evaluate(valuation); if (!(leftVal instanceof Number && rightVal instanceof Number) && !(leftVal instanceof Boolean && rightVal instanceof Boolean)) throw new IllegalStateException( "left and right hand side must evaluate to a number or boolean; not Ltype: " + leftVal.getClass().getName() + " RType: " + rightVal.getClass().getName()); Number l; //DELETE? if (leftVal instanceof Boolean) { Boolean lv = (Boolean) leftVal; l = (lv) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } else l = (Number) leftVal; boolean leftIsNegative = l.doubleValue() < 0; Number r; //DELETE? if (rightVal instanceof Boolean) { Boolean rv = (Boolean) rightVal; r = (rv) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } else r = (Number) rightVal; boolean rightIsNegative = r.doubleValue() < 0; //TODO: not sure if this is correct.. double check with original implementation Number result = l.doubleValue() - r.doubleValue(); if (leftIsNegative == rightIsNegative) { // Can neither overflow nor underflow return result; } boolean resultIsNegative = result.doubleValue() < 0; boolean underflowOccurred = leftIsNegative && !resultIsNegative; boolean overflowOccurred = rightIsNegative && resultIsNegative; if (!underflowOccurred && !overflowOccurred) { return result; } if (result instanceof Integer) { return (underflowOccurred ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else if (result instanceof Double) { return (underflowOccurred ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); } else { throw new AssertionError("Result has unknown number type: " + result); } } static void incrementElements(double[] values, BitSet selectedIndices, double increment) { for (int i = selectedIndices.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = selectedIndices.nextSetBit(i + 1)) { values[i] += increment; } } static void decrementElements(int[] values) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { if (values[i] > 0) { --values[i]; } } } static int indexOfMaxIgnoringTabu(double[] values, int[] tabuIndices) { double currentMax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; int currentMaxIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { if (tabuIndices[i] > 0) { continue; } if (currentMax < values[i]) { currentMaxIndex = i; currentMax = values[i]; } } return currentMaxIndex; } /** * Returns a new point in the {@code polytope} that differs from the given * {@code point} in the given {@code variable} (= dimension), or {@code null} * if no such point could be found. * * @see Algorithm 4 in the paper. */ private RealVector makeRandomNeighborInPolytope(RealVector point, Expression<Boolean> polytope, Variable<?> variable) { // Implement this as Dikin walk, see Kannan and Narayanan "Random Walks // on Polytopes and an Affine Interior Point Method for Linear Programing". RealVector.Builder deltaBuilder =; RealVector neighbor; final int e = 2 * RANDOMIZATION_RADIUS_EXPONENT; for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) { double g = random.nextDouble(); int j = random.nextInt(e) - RANDOMIZATION_RADIUS_EXPONENT; double delta = (j > 0) ? g * (1 << j) : 1.0 / (g * (1 << -j)); deltaBuilder.set(variable, delta); neighbor =,; boolean satisfied = polytope.evaluate(neighbor.convertToJconstraintsValuation()); if (satisfied) { return neighbor; } } printDebug(CWSolver.class, "Failed to find random neighbor in polytope"); return null; } /** * Returns a point {@code r} where the linear function {@code f} with * {@code f(p) = valueAtP} and {@code f(q) = valueAtQ} is zero, that is, * {@code f(r) = 0}. * * <p> * NOTE: The returned point does not necessarily lie within the polytope. * * <p> * This is the BisectionStep function that appears in the paper. */ private RealVector linearlyEstimateZero(RealVector p, Number valueAtP, RealVector q, Number valueAtQ, NumericComparator comparator) { double vP = valueAtP.doubleValue(); double vQ = valueAtQ.doubleValue(); double t0 = (vP != vQ) ? -vP / (vQ - vP) : random.nextGaussian(); if (comparator != NumericComparator.EQ) { t0 *= (1.0 + (random.nextInt(250) * 0.01)); if (t0 == 0) { t0 = random.nextGaussian(); } } return, RealVector.minus(q, p)), p); } /************************************************************************* * * * Debugging * TODO: change to Logger..... * */ public void printDebug(Class<?> source, Object message) { printDebug(source, message.toString()); } public void printDebug(Class<?> source, Object message1, Object message2) { printDebug(source, message1.toString() + message2); } public void printDebug(Class<?> source, Object message1, Object message2, Object message3) { printDebug(source, message1.toString() + message2 + message3); } public void printDebug(Class<?> source, Object message1, Object message2, Object message3, Object message4) { printDebug(source, message1.toString() + message2 + message3 + message4); } public void printDebug(Class<?> source, Object message1, Object message2, Object message3, Object message4, Object... messages) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(message1).append(message2).append(message3).append(message4); for (Object m : messages) { sb.append(m); } printDebug(source, sb.toString()); } public void printDebug(Object source, String message) { printDebug(source.getClass(), message); } public void printDebug(Class<?> klass, String message) { if (USE_LOGGER)"[CW] - " + klass.getSimpleName() + ": " + message); } public static String defaultStringRepresentation(Object this_, Object... fieldValues) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this_.getClass().getSimpleName()); sb.append("{"); for (int i = 0; i < fieldValues.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(fieldValues[i]); } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } }