Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2013 TopCoder, Inc. * * This code was developed under U.S. government contract NNH10CD71C. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import gov.medicaid.binders.BinderUtils; import gov.medicaid.entities.AcceptedAgreements; import gov.medicaid.entities.Address; import gov.medicaid.entities.Affiliation; import gov.medicaid.entities.Asset; import gov.medicaid.entities.AssuredService; import gov.medicaid.entities.BeneficialOwner; import gov.medicaid.entities.BinaryContent; import gov.medicaid.entities.CMSUser; import gov.medicaid.entities.ContactData; import gov.medicaid.entities.ContactInformation; import gov.medicaid.entities.DesignatedContact; import gov.medicaid.entities.Document; import gov.medicaid.entities.Enrollment; import gov.medicaid.entities.EnrollmentStatus; import gov.medicaid.entities.Entity; import gov.medicaid.entities.License; import gov.medicaid.entities.Note; import gov.medicaid.entities.Organization; import gov.medicaid.entities.OwnershipInformation; import gov.medicaid.entities.PayToProvider; import gov.medicaid.entities.Person; import gov.medicaid.entities.PracticeLookup; import gov.medicaid.entities.PracticeSearchCriteria; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProfileHeader; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProfileStatus; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProviderCategoryOfService; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProviderLookup; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProviderProfile; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProviderSearchCriteria; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProviderService; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProviderStatement; import gov.medicaid.entities.RequestType; import gov.medicaid.entities.SearchCriteria; import gov.medicaid.entities.SearchResult; import gov.medicaid.entities.SystemId; import gov.medicaid.entities.UserRequest; import gov.medicaid.entities.Validity; import gov.medicaid.entities.dto.ViewStatics; import gov.medicaid.process.enrollment.sync.FlatFileExporter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.ejb.Local; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.ejb.TransactionManagement; import javax.ejb.TransactionManagementType; import javax.jms.BytesMessage; import javax.jms.Connection; import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory; import javax.jms.JMSException; import javax.jms.MessageProducer; import javax.jms.Queue; import javax.jms.Session; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob; import javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialException; import; import com.topcoder.util.log.Level; /** * This implementation of the persistence interface takes full control of mapping relationships in order to support * multiple request tickets and profile information on the same table. * * v1.1 - WAS Porting - JPA 2 BLOB functionality updates (for WAS 8) * * @author TCSASSEMBLER * @version 1.1 */ @Stateless @Local(ProviderEnrollmentService.class) @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) @TransactionManagement(TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER) public class ProviderEnrollmentServiceBean extends BaseService implements ProviderEnrollmentService { /** * Synchronization connection factory. */ @Resource private ConnectionFactory mqConnectionFactory; /** * Synchronization queue. */ @Resource private Queue dataSyncQueue; /** * Number of columns in the practice lookup results. */ private static final int PRACTICE_COL_CNT = 9; /** * Number of columns in the practice lookup results. */ private static final int TICKET_COL_CNT = 11; /** * List of roles with full access to all profiles and tickets. */ private static final List<String> FULL_ACCESS = Arrays.asList(ViewStatics.ROLE_SERVICE_AGENT, ViewStatics.ROLE_SERVICE_ADMINISTRATOR, ViewStatics.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR); /** * Empty constructor. */ public ProviderEnrollmentServiceBean() { } /** * This method is used to delete a ticket draft. Note that only tickets in draft status can be removed. * * @param user the user performing the operation * @param ticketId the ticket id to be removed * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public void removeDraftTicket(CMSUser user, long ticketId) throws PortalServiceException { Enrollment ticket = getTicketDetails(user, ticketId); if (ticket.getStatus().getDescription().equals(ViewStatics.DRAFT_STATUS)) { purge(ticket.getDetails()); getEm().remove(ticket); } else { throw new PortalServiceException("Cannot delete submitted tickets."); } } /** * This is the service method to be called after the process has completed and resulted in a rejected change. * * @param user the user who rejected the request * @param ticketId the ticket id that was rejected * @param reason the reason for rejecting the request * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public void rejectTicket(CMSUser user, long ticketId, String reason) throws PortalServiceException { Enrollment ticket = getTicketDetails(user, ticketId); if (!ViewStatics.PENDING_STATUS.equals(ticket.getStatus().getDescription())) { throw new PortalServiceException("Cannot change status because it is not in pending state."); } ticket.setStatus(findLookupByDescription(EnrollmentStatus.class, ViewStatics.REJECTED_STATUS)); ticket.setStatusNote(reason); ticket.setStatusDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); saveTicket(user, ticket, false); } /** * This is the service method to be called after the process has completed and resulted in an approved change, the * ticket is approved AS-IS (e.g. renewal) and there are no changes from the approver. * * @param user the user who approved the request * @param ticketId the ticket id that was approved * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public void approveTicket(CMSUser user, long ticketId) throws PortalServiceException { Enrollment ticket = getTicketDetails(user, ticketId); if (!ViewStatics.PENDING_STATUS.equals(ticket.getStatus().getDescription()) && !ViewStatics.PENDING_STATUS.equals(ticket.getStatus().getDescription())) { throw new PortalServiceException("Cannot change status because it is not in pending state."); } // change status ticket.setStatus(findLookupByDescription(EnrollmentStatus.class, ViewStatics.APPROVED_STATUS)); ticket.setStatusDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); ProviderProfile profile = ticket.getDetails().clone(); // set audit profile.setModifiedBy(ticket.getSubmittedBy()); profile.setModifiedOn(ticket.getStatusDate()); profile.setReferenceTicketId(ticket.getTicketId()); if (ticket.getRequestType().getDescription().equals(ViewStatics.ENROLLMENT_REQUEST)) { profile.setProfileStatus(findLookupByDescription(ProfileStatus.class, "Active")); profile.setProfileId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.PROVIDER_NUMBER_SEQ)); profile.setOwnerId(ticket.getSubmittedBy()); profile.setCreatedBy(ticket.getSubmittedBy()); profile.setCreatedOn(ticket.getStatusDate()); profile.getEntity().setEnrolled("Y"); // generate profile id insertProfile(0, profile); } else if (ticket.getRequestType().getDescription().equals(ViewStatics.IMPORT_REQUEST)) { profile.setProfileStatus(findLookupByDescription(ProfileStatus.class, "Active")); profile.setOwnerId(ticket.getSubmittedBy()); profile.getEntity().setEnrolled("Y"); insertProfile(0, profile); } else { if (profile.getProfileStatus() == null) { profile.setProfileStatus(findLookupByDescription(ProfileStatus.class, "Active")); } ProviderProfile baseProfile = getProviderDetails(profile.getProfileId(), true); purge(baseProfile); insertProfile(0, profile); } // notes are special because they can be added directly to the profile // we handle them separately so they are merged during approval promoteNotesToBase(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId()); promoteCOSToBase(user, profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId()); ticket.setProfileReferenceId(profile.getProfileId()); saveTicket(user, ticket, false); } /** * This is the service method to be called after the process has completed and resulted in an approved change, but * the approver made some manual changes to the data so it has to be saved first. * * @param user the user who approved the request * @param ticket the ticket that will be approved (after saving it) * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public void approveTicketWithChanges(CMSUser user, Enrollment ticket) throws PortalServiceException { // update the profile with the given changes purgeTicketDetails(user, ticket.getTicketId()); ticket.setDetails(ticket.getDetails().clone()); saveTicket(user, ticket, true); approveTicket(user, ticket.getTicketId()); } /** * This is the method to be called to stream the attachment contents to the given output stream directly from the * database. * * @param user the current user * @param attachmentId the attachment id to be streamed. * @param output the stream to write the contents to * @throws IOException for any I/O errors while streaming the attachment contents * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public void streamContent(CMSUser user, long attachmentId, OutputStream output) throws IOException, PortalServiceException { Document attachment = getEm().find(Document.class, attachmentId); if (attachment != null) { if (attachment.getTicketId() > 0) { checkTicketEntitlement(user, attachment.getTicketId()); } else if (attachment.getProfileId() > 0) { checkProfileEntitlement(user, attachment.getProfileId()); } else { if (!attachment.getCreatedBy().equals(user.getUserId())) { throw new PortalServiceException("Access Denied."); } } BinaryContent content = getEm().find(BinaryContent.class, attachment.getContentId()); InputStream input = null; try { input = content.getContent().getBinaryStream(); IOUtils.copy(input, output); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOException("Cannot read binary content from database.", e); } finally { if (input != null) { input.close(); } } } } /** * This method gets all the providers that meet the search criteria. If none available, the search result will be * empty. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param criteria - the search criteria * @return - the applicable providers * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is null, or the page size and page number settings are invalid * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SearchResult<UserRequest> searchTickets(CMSUser user, ProviderSearchCriteria criteria) throws PortalServiceException { if (criteria == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Criteria cannot be null."); } if (user == null || user.getRole() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User and the corresponding role cannot be null."); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getEnrollmentNumber()) && !Util.isDigits(criteria.getEnrollmentNumber())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number format for enrollment number."); } checkSortColumn(criteria, TICKET_COL_CNT); SearchResult<UserRequest> results = new SearchResult<UserRequest>(); results.setPageNumber(criteria.getPageNumber()); results.setPageSize(criteria.getPageSize()); String fromClause = "FROM ProviderProfile p LEFT JOIN p.riskLevel rl, Enrollment t LEFT JOIN t.requestType rt " + "LEFT JOIN t.status ts, Entity e LEFT JOIN e.providerType pt WHERE p.ticketId = t.ticketId " + "AND e.ticketId = p.ticketId AND p.profileId = e.profileId AND p.ticketId > 0"; StringBuilder countQuery = new StringBuilder("SELECT count(*) " + fromClause); appendCriteria(countQuery, user, criteria); Query count = getEm().createQuery(countQuery.toString()); bindParameters(count, user, criteria); results.setTotal(((Number) count.getSingleResult()).intValue()); StringBuilder fetchQuery = new StringBuilder( "SELECT NEW gov.medicaid.entities.UserRequest(t.ticketId, e.npi, t.submissionDate, " + "rt.description, ts.description, t.statusDate, rl.description, pt.description, " + ", t.createdOn, rl.sortIndex, t.processInstanceId, t.profileReferenceId) " + fromClause); appendCriteria(fetchQuery, user, criteria); appendSorting(fetchQuery, criteria); Query items = getEm().createQuery(fetchQuery.toString()); bindParameters(items, user, criteria); if (criteria.getPageSize() > 0) { int offset = (criteria.getPageNumber() - 1) * criteria.getPageSize(); items.setFirstResult(offset); items.setMaxResults(criteria.getPageSize()); } results.setItems(items.getResultList()); return results; } /** * Saves the given ticket as draft. * * @param user the user saving the ticket. * @param ticket the ticket to be saved * @return the ticket id for the draft created * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public long saveAsDraft(CMSUser user, Enrollment ticket) throws PortalServiceException { if (ticket.getRequestType() == null) { ticket.setRequestType(findLookupByDescription(RequestType.class, ViewStatics.ENROLLMENT_REQUEST)); } if (ticket.getDetails() == null) { throw new PortalServiceException("Invalid API call, please provide ticket details."); } if (ticket.getTicketId() == 0) { ticket.setTicketId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.TICKET_SEQ)); ticket.setCreatedBy(user.getUserId()); ticket.setCreatedOn(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); } else { // delete - insert ProviderProfile profile = ticket.getDetails(); purgeTicketDetails(user, ticket.getTicketId()); ticket.setDetails(profile); } ticket.setStatus(findLookupByDescription(EnrollmentStatus.class, ViewStatics.DRAFT_STATUS)); ticket.setStatusDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); return saveTicket(user, ticket, true); } /** * Retrieves the ticket details (full). * * @param user the user getting the ticket. * @param ticketId the ticket to get the details for * @return the complete ticket and provider profile * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public Enrollment getTicketDetails(CMSUser user, long ticketId) throws PortalServiceException { checkTicketEntitlement(user, ticketId); Enrollment ticket = getEm().find(Enrollment.class, ticketId); ticket.setDetails(getProviderDetailsByTicket(ticketId, true).clone()); return ticket; } /** * Retrieves the provider details (full). * * @param user the user getting the provider. * @param profileId the profile id to get the details for * @return the complete provider profile * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public ProviderProfile getProviderDetails(CMSUser user, long profileId) throws PortalServiceException { checkProfileEntitlement(user, profileId); ProviderProfile providerDetails = getProviderDetails(profileId, true); if (providerDetails == null) { return null; } return providerDetails.clone(); } /** * Gets the profile by id. * * @param profileId the profile id * @param fetchChildren true if the full object is needed * @return the profile with the given id */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private ProviderProfile getProviderDetails(long profileId, boolean fetchChildren) { Query query = getEm().createQuery("FROM ProviderProfile p WHERE profileId = :profileId AND ticketId = 0"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); List rs = query.getResultList(); if (rs.isEmpty()) { return null; } ProviderProfile profile = (ProviderProfile) rs.get(0); if (fetchChildren) { fetchChildren(profile); } return profile; } /** * Search for provider by NPI. * * @param user the user performing the search * @param criteria the criteria filter * @return the matching practice results * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public List<ProviderLookup> lookupProvider(String npi) throws PortalServiceException { StringBuilder fetchQuery = new StringBuilder( "SELECT NEW gov.medicaid.entities.ProviderLookup(e.profileId, e.npi,, e.providerType.description) " + "FROM Entity e WHERE e.npi = :npi AND ticketId = 0 AND e.enrolled = 'Y'"); Query items = getEm().createQuery(fetchQuery.toString()); items.setParameter("npi", npi); List resultList = items.getResultList(); populateContactPerson(resultList); return resultList; } /** * Search for practice. * * @param user the user performing the search * @param criteria the criteria filter * @return the matching practice results * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SearchResult<PracticeLookup> searchPractice(CMSUser user, PracticeSearchCriteria criteria) throws PortalServiceException { if (criteria == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Criteria cannot be null."); } if (user == null || user.getRole() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User and the corresponding role cannot be null."); } if (criteria.getPageNumber() < 0 || (criteria.getPageNumber() > 0 && criteria.getPageSize() <= 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid page number/page size combination."); } checkSortColumn(criteria, PRACTICE_COL_CNT); SearchResult<PracticeLookup> results = new SearchResult<PracticeLookup>(); results.setPageNumber(criteria.getPageNumber()); results.setPageSize(criteria.getPageSize()); String fromClause = "FROM Organization e LEFT JOIN e.contactInformation ci LEFT JOIN ci.address a " + "WHERE e.enrolled = 'Y'"; StringBuilder countQuery = new StringBuilder("SELECT count(*) " + fromClause); appendCriteria(countQuery, user, criteria); Query count = getEm().createQuery(countQuery.toString()); bindParameters(count, user, criteria); results.setTotal(((Number) count.getSingleResult()).intValue()); StringBuilder fetchQuery = new StringBuilder( "SELECT NEW gov.medicaid.entities.PracticeLookup(e.profileId, e.npi,, " + "ci.address.line1, ci.address.line2,, ci.address.state, " + "ci.address.zipcode, ci.address.county, ci.phoneNumber, ci.faxNumber, " + "e.backgroundStudyId, e.backgroundClearanceDate, e.agencyId) " + fromClause); appendCriteria(fetchQuery, user, criteria); appendSorting(fetchQuery, criteria); Query items = getEm().createQuery(fetchQuery.toString()); bindParameters(items, user, criteria); if (criteria.getPageNumber() > 0) { int offset = (criteria.getPageNumber() - 1) * criteria.getPageSize(); items.setFirstResult(offset); items.setMaxResults(criteria.getPageSize()); } results.setItems(items.getResultList()); if (criteria.isAgency()) { populateContact(items.getResultList()); } return results; } /** * Populates the contact names for the given list. * * @param resultList the list to be populated */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void populateContact(List<PracticeLookup> resultList) { if (resultList == null || resultList.isEmpty()) { return; } Map<Long, PracticeLookup> map = new HashMap<Long, PracticeLookup>(); for (PracticeLookup practiceLookup : resultList) { map.put(practiceLookup.getProfileId(), practiceLookup); } StringBuilder fetchQuery = new StringBuilder( "SELECT NEW gov.medicaid.entities.ContactData(dc.profileId, " + "FROM DesignatedContact dc WHERE dc.type = 'ENROLLMENT' AND dc.profileId IN (:profileIds)"); Query q = getEm().createQuery(fetchQuery.toString()); q.setParameter("profileIds", new ArrayList<Long>(map.keySet())); List<ContactData> rs = q.getResultList(); for (ContactData contactData : rs) { PracticeLookup match = map.get(contactData.getProfileId()); if (match != null) { match.setContactName(contactData.getName()); } } } /** * Populates the contact names for the given list. * * @param resultList the list to be populated */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void populateContactPerson(List<ProviderLookup> resultList) { if (resultList == null || resultList.isEmpty()) { return; } Map<Long, ProviderLookup> map = new HashMap<Long, ProviderLookup>(); for (ProviderLookup practiceLookup : resultList) { map.put(practiceLookup.getProfileId(), practiceLookup); } StringBuilder fetchQuery = new StringBuilder( "SELECT NEW gov.medicaid.entities.ContactData(dc.profileId,, dc.person.contactInformation.phoneNumber) " + "FROM DesignatedContact dc WHERE dc.type = 'ENROLLMENT' AND dc.profileId IN (:profileIds)"); Query q = getEm().createQuery(fetchQuery.toString()); q.setParameter("profileIds", new ArrayList<Long>(map.keySet())); List<ContactData> rs = q.getResultList(); for (ContactData contactData : rs) { ProviderLookup match = map.get(contactData.getProfileId()); if (match != null) { match.setContactName(contactData.getName()); String[] phone = BinderUtils.splitPhone(contactData.getPhoneNumber()); match.setPhone1(phone[0]); match.setPhone2(phone[1]); match.setPhone3(phone[2]); match.setPhone4(phone[3]); } } } /** * This method gets all the providers owned by the given user. If none available, the search result will be empty. * * @param user the user performing the action * @return - the applicable providers * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ProfileHeader> findMyProfiles(CMSUser user) throws PortalServiceException { if (user == null || user.getRole() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User and the corresponding role cannot be null."); } if (user.getProxyForNPI() == null) { String fetchQuery = "SELECT NEW gov.medicaid.entities.ProfileHeader(e.profileId, e.npi, pt.description, " + "p.effectiveDate, p.modifiedOn) FROM ProviderProfile p, Entity e LEFT JOIN e.providerType pt " + "WHERE e.ticketId = p.ticketId AND p.profileId = e.profileId and p.ownerId = :ownerId " + "AND p.ticketId = 0 ORDER BY 5 DESC"; Query items = getEm().createQuery(fetchQuery.toString()); items.setParameter("ownerId", user.getUserId()); return items.getResultList(); } else { // not the creator but given proxy access via the NPI ID String fetchQuery = "SELECT NEW gov.medicaid.entities.ProfileHeader(e.profileId, e.npi, pt.description, " + "p.effectiveDate, p.modifiedOn) FROM ProviderProfile p, Entity e LEFT JOIN e.providerType pt " + "WHERE e.ticketId = p.ticketId AND p.profileId = e.profileId and e.npi = :npi " + "AND p.ticketId = 0 ORDER BY 5 DESC"; Query items = getEm().createQuery(fetchQuery.toString()); items.setParameter("npi", user.getProxyForNPI()); return items.getResultList(); } } /** * Creates a renewal ticket from the given profile id. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param profileId the profile to be renewed * @return the generated ticket * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public Enrollment renewProfile(CMSUser user, long profileId) throws PortalServiceException { ProviderProfile provider = getProviderDetails(user, profileId); if (provider == null) { throw new PortalServiceException("The requested profile was not found."); } Enrollment ticket = new Enrollment(); ticket.setRequestType(findLookupByDescription(RequestType.class, ViewStatics.RENEWAL_REQUEST)); ticket.setDetails(provider.clone()); ticket.setReferenceTimestamp(provider.getModifiedOn()); return ticket; } /** * Creates an update ticket from the given profile id. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param profileId the profile to be edite * @return the generated ticket * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public Enrollment editProfile(CMSUser user, long profileId) throws PortalServiceException { ProviderProfile provider = getProviderDetails(user, profileId); Enrollment ticket = new Enrollment(); ticket.setRequestType(findLookupByDescription(RequestType.class, ViewStatics.UPDATE_REQUEST)); ticket.setDetails(provider.clone()); ticket.setReferenceTimestamp(provider.getModifiedOn()); return ticket; } /** * Uploads an attachment to the database. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param attachment the attachment to be uploaded * @return the attachment id generated * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public long uploadAttachment(CMSUser user, Document attachment) throws PortalServiceException { if (attachment.getId() <= 0) { attachment.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.ATTACHMENT_SEQ)); attachment.setCreatedOn(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); attachment.setCreatedBy(user.getUserId()); } if (attachment.getTicketId() > 0) { checkTicketEntitlement(user, attachment.getTicketId()); } else if (attachment.getProfileId() > 0) { checkProfileEntitlement(user, attachment.getProfileId()); } return uploadAttachment(attachment); } /** * Creates a note on a request, the note will remain on the request until it is approved. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param ticketId the request identifier * @param text the note text * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public void addNoteToTicket(CMSUser user, long ticketId, String text) throws PortalServiceException { checkTicketEntitlement(user, ticketId); ProviderProfile profile = getProviderDetailsByTicket(ticketId, false); insertNote(user, profile.getProfileId(), ticketId, text); } /** * Creates a note on a profile, the note will also be visible on all active requests. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param profileId the request identifier * @param text the note text * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public void addNoteToProfile(CMSUser user, long profileId, String text) throws PortalServiceException { checkProfileEntitlement(user, profileId); insertNote(user, profileId, 0, text); } /** * Retrieves the ticket details (full). * * @param user the user getting the ticket. * @param processInstanceId the process instance id to get the details for * @return the complete ticket and provider profile * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Enrollment getTicketByProcessInstanceId(CMSUser user, long processInstanceId) throws PortalServiceException { Query q = getEm().createQuery("FROM Enrollment e where e.processInstanceId = :processInstanceId"); q.setParameter("processInstanceId", processInstanceId); List rs = q.getResultList(); if (rs.isEmpty()) { return null; } Enrollment ticket = (Enrollment) rs.get(0); // should be unique per process instance checkTicketEntitlement(user, ticket.getTicketId()); ticket.setDetails(getProviderDetailsByTicket(ticket.getTicketId(), true)); return ticket; } /** * This is the service method to be called after the process has completed and resulted in a rejected change. * * @param user the user who rejected the request * @param profileId the profile to be suspended * @param reason the reason for rejecting the request * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public void suspendProvider(CMSUser user, long profileId, String reason) throws PortalServiceException { ProviderProfile profile = getProviderDetails(user, profileId); Enrollment ticket = new Enrollment(); ticket.setRequestType(findLookupByDescription(RequestType.class, ViewStatics.SUSPENSION_REQUEST)); profile.setProfileStatus(findLookupByDescription(ProfileStatus.class, ViewStatics.SUSPENDED)); ticket.setDetails(profile); bypassJBPM(user, ticket); } /** * Used by data onboarding service to fully import a mapped profile. * * @param user the user performing the operation * @param sourceSystem the source of the imported profile * @param profile the profile to be created * @return the assigned internal id * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public long importProfile(CMSUser user, SystemId sourceSystem, ProviderProfile profile) throws PortalServiceException { List<Document> attachments = profile.getAttachments(); for (Document document : attachments) { saveContentsAndCloseStreams(document); } ProviderProfile clone = profile.clone(); clone.getEntity().setLegacyIndicator("Y"); long internalProfileId = getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.PROVIDER_NUMBER_SEQ); Enrollment ticket = new Enrollment(); ticket.setRequestType(findLookupByDescription(RequestType.class, ViewStatics.IMPORT_REQUEST)); clone.setProfileId(internalProfileId); ticket.setDetails(clone); bypassJBPM(user, ticket); return internalProfileId; } /** * Inserts the given attachment and its contents. * * @param attachment the attachment to create * @return the attachment id * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private long uploadAttachment(Document attachment) throws PortalServiceException { saveContentsAndCloseStreams(attachment); getEm().persist(attachment); return attachment.getId(); } /** * Saves the attachment content and closes the stream. The content id is then set to a reference to the content * saved. * * @param attachment the attachment to be saved * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private void saveContentsAndCloseStreams(Document attachment) throws PortalServiceException { if (attachment.getStream() != null) { try { String contentId = saveAttachmentContent(attachment.getStream()); attachment.setContentId(contentId); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PortalServiceException("Cannot save binary content to database.", e); } catch (SerialException e) { throw new PortalServiceException("Cannot save binary content to database.", e); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new PortalServiceException("Cannot save binary content to database.", e); } finally { try { attachment.getStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PortalServiceException("Cannot close attachment stream.", e); } attachment.setStream(null); } } } /** * Checks for the ticket entitlement. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param ticketId the ticket being processed * @throws PortalServiceException if the user does not own or cannot access the entity */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void checkTicketEntitlement(CMSUser user, long ticketId) throws PortalServiceException { if (!FULL_ACCESS.contains(user.getRole().getDescription())) { if (user.getProxyForNPI() == null) { Query q = getEm().createQuery( "SELECT 1 FROM Enrollment t WHERE t.ticketId = :ticketId AND t.createdBy = :username"); q.setParameter("username", user.getUserId()); q.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); List rs = q.getResultList(); if (rs.isEmpty()) { throw new PortalServiceException("Access Denied."); } } else { // not the creator but given proxy access via the NPI ID long profileId = getProviderDetailsByTicket(ticketId, false).getProfileId(); Entity entity = findEntityByProviderKey(profileId, ticketId); if (!entity.getNpi().equals(user.getProxyForNPI())) { throw new PortalServiceException("You have no access to the requested ticket."); } } } } /** * Checks for the profile entitlement. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param profileId the profile being processed * @throws PortalServiceException if the user does not own or cannot access the entity */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void checkProfileEntitlement(CMSUser user, long profileId) throws PortalServiceException { if (!FULL_ACCESS.contains(user.getRole().getDescription())) { if (user.getProxyForNPI() == null) { Query q = getEm().createQuery("SELECT 1 FROM ProviderProfile p WHERE p.profileId = :profileId " + "AND p.ticketId = 0 AND p.ownerId = :username"); q.setParameter("username", user.getUserId()); q.setParameter("profileId", profileId); List rs = q.getResultList(); if (rs.isEmpty()) { throw new PortalServiceException("Access Denied."); } } else { // not the creator but given proxy access via the NPI ID Entity entity = findEntityByProviderKey(profileId, 0); if (!entity.getNpi().equals(user.getProxyForNPI())) { throw new PortalServiceException("You have no access to the requested profile."); } } } } /** * Inserts a brand new copy of the given provider profile. * * @param ticketId the ticket to insert the details for * @param details the details to insert * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private void insertProfile(long ticketId, ProviderProfile details) throws PortalServiceException { // persist parent details.setTicketId(ticketId); details.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.PROFILE_SEQ)); getEm().persist(details); // save profile owner insertProviderEntity(details); // save designated contacts insertDesignatedContacts(details); // save attachments Map<Long, Long> attachmentMapping = insertAttachments(details); // save certifications insertCertifications(details, attachmentMapping); // save affiliations insertAffiliations(details, attachmentMapping); // save statement insertStatement(details, attachmentMapping); // save agreement documents insertAgreements(details); // save ownership information insertOwnershipInfo(details); // save setup information insertSetupInfo(details); // save services information insertServicesInfo(details); insertAssuredServices(details); } private void insertAssuredServices(ProviderProfile details) { List<AssuredService> services = details.getAssuredStatements(); if (services == null || services.isEmpty()) { return; } for (AssuredService service : services) { service.setTicketId(details.getTicketId()); service.setProfileId(details.getProfileId()); service.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.ASSURED_SERVICE_SEQ)); getEm().persist(service); } } private void insertServicesInfo(ProviderProfile details) { List<ProviderService> services = details.getServices(); if (services == null || services.isEmpty()) { return; } for (ProviderService service : services) { service.setTicketId(details.getTicketId()); service.setProfileId(details.getProfileId()); service.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.SERVICE_SEQ)); getEm().persist(service); } } private void insertSetupInfo(ProviderProfile details) { List<PayToProvider> payToProviders = details.getPayToProviders(); if (payToProviders == null) { return; } for (PayToProvider payToProvider : payToProviders) { payToProvider.setProfileId(details.getProfileId()); payToProvider.setTicketId(details.getTicketId()); payToProvider.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.PAY_TO_SEQ)); getEm().persist(payToProvider); } } /** * Saves ownership information. * * @param details the provider profile */ private void insertOwnershipInfo(ProviderProfile details) { OwnershipInformation ownership = details.getOwnershipInformation(); if (ownership == null) { return; } ownership.setProfileId(details.getProfileId()); ownership.setTicketId(details.getTicketId()); ownership.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.OWNERSHIP_SEQ)); // save owners insertBeneficialOwners(ownership); // save assets insertAssets(ownership); getEm().persist(ownership); } /** * Saves the ownership information assets. * * @param ownership the ownership information */ private void insertAssets(OwnershipInformation ownership) { List<Asset> assets = ownership.getAssets(); if (assets == null || assets.isEmpty()) { return; } for (Asset asset : assets) { insertAddress(asset.getLocation()); asset.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.ASSET_SEQ)); getEm().persist(asset); } } /** * Saves the ownership information beneficial owners. * * @param ownership the ownership information */ private void insertBeneficialOwners(OwnershipInformation ownership) { List<BeneficialOwner> owners = ownership.getBeneficialOwners(); if (owners == null || owners.isEmpty()) { return; } for (BeneficialOwner owner : owners) { insertAddress(owner.getAddress()); insertAddress(owner.getOtherProviderAddress()); owner.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.BEN_OWNER_SEQ)); getEm().persist(owner); } } /** * Inserts the provider agreements. * * @param details the provider profile */ private void insertAgreements(ProviderProfile details) { List<AcceptedAgreements> agreements = details.getAgreements(); if (agreements == null || agreements.isEmpty()) { return; } for (AcceptedAgreements acceptedAgreements : agreements) { acceptedAgreements.setProfileId(details.getProfileId()); acceptedAgreements.setTicketId(details.getTicketId()); acceptedAgreements.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.AGREEMENT_SEQ)); getEm().persist(acceptedAgreements); } } /** * Inserts the provider profile statement. * * @param details the provider profile * @param attachmentMapping the attachment id mapping * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private void insertStatement(ProviderProfile details, Map<Long, Long> attachmentMapping) throws PortalServiceException { ProviderStatement statement = details.getStatement(); if (statement == null) { return; } statement.setTicketId(details.getTicketId()); statement.setProfileId(details.getProfileId()); if (statement.getSignatureAttachmentId() > 0) { if (!attachmentMapping.containsKey(statement.getSignatureAttachmentId())) { throw new PortalServiceException("Signature references an invalid attachment"); } statement.setSignatureAttachmentId(attachmentMapping.get(statement.getSignatureAttachmentId())); } statement.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.STATEMENT_ID)); getEm().persist(statement); } /** * Inserts the provider affiliations. * * @param details the provider profile * @param attachmentMapping attachment id mapping * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private void insertAffiliations(ProviderProfile details, Map<Long, Long> attachmentMapping) throws PortalServiceException { List<Affiliation> affiliations = details.getAffiliations(); if (affiliations == null || affiliations.isEmpty()) { return; } for (Affiliation affiliation : affiliations) { affiliation.setTicketId(details.getTicketId()); affiliation.setProfileId(details.getProfileId()); if (affiliation.getTargetProfileId() == 0) { // manually entered affiliation if (affiliation.getEntity() == null) { throw new PortalServiceException( "Referenced profile id or provider information must be provided"); } Entity entity = affiliation.getEntity(); insertNonProviderEntity(entity); affiliation.setTargetEntityId(entity.getId()); List<License> certifications = affiliation.getAffiliateLicenses(); if (certifications != null) { for (License license : certifications) { license.setAffiliateId(entity.getId()); if (license.getAttachmentId() > 0) { if (!attachmentMapping.containsKey(license.getAttachmentId())) { throw new PortalServiceException("License references an invalid attachment"); } license.setAttachmentId(attachmentMapping.get(license.getAttachmentId())); } license.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.LICENSE_SEQ)); getEm().persist(license); } } } else { affiliation.setTargetEntityId(0); } affiliation.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.PROV_GRP_SEQ)); getEm().persist(affiliation); } } /** * Inserts the provider attachments. * * @param details the provider profile * @return the attachment id mapping * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private Map<Long, Long> insertAttachments(ProviderProfile details) throws PortalServiceException { HashMap<Long, Long> mapping = new HashMap<Long, Long>(); List<Document> attachments = details.getAttachments(); if (attachments == null || attachments.isEmpty()) { return mapping; } for (Document attachment : attachments) { attachment.setTicketId(details.getTicketId()); attachment.setProfileId(details.getProfileId()); if (attachment.getId() > 0) { // regenerate attachment id when cloning, but keep reference so we can // fix non-mapped references long generated = getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.ATTACHMENT_SEQ); mapping.put(attachment.getId(), generated); attachment.setId(generated); } uploadAttachment(attachment); } return mapping; } /** * Inserts the provider certifications. * * @param details the provider profile * @param attachmentMapping the attachment id mapping * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private void insertCertifications(ProviderProfile details, Map<Long, Long> attachmentMapping) throws PortalServiceException { List<License> certifications = details.getCertifications(); if (certifications == null || certifications.isEmpty()) { return; } for (License license : certifications) { license.setTicketId(details.getTicketId()); license.setProfileId(details.getProfileId()); if (license.getAttachmentId() > 0) { if (!attachmentMapping.containsKey(license.getAttachmentId())) { throw new PortalServiceException("License references an invalid attachment"); } license.setAttachmentId(attachmentMapping.get(license.getAttachmentId())); } license.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.LICENSE_SEQ)); getEm().persist(license); } } /** * Inserts the provider header data. * * @param details the provider profile */ private void insertProviderEntity(ProviderProfile details) { Entity entity = details.getEntity(); if (entity instanceof Person) { // synch full name Person p = (Person) entity; String fullname = Util.defaultString(p.getFirstName()) + " " + Util.defaultString(p.getLastName()); p.setName(fullname.trim()); } insertEntity(details.getProfileId(), details.getTicketId(), entity); } /** * Inserts the provider contacts. * * @param details the provider profile */ private void insertDesignatedContacts(ProviderProfile details) { List<DesignatedContact> contacts = details.getDesignatedContacts(); if (contacts == null || contacts.isEmpty()) { return; } for (DesignatedContact designatedContact : contacts) { designatedContact.setTicketId(details.getTicketId()); designatedContact.setProfileId(details.getProfileId()); Person person = designatedContact.getPerson(); insertNonProviderEntity(person); designatedContact.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.DESIGNATED_CONTACT_SEQ)); getEm().persist(designatedContact); } } /** * Inserts the given entity (non-provider type). * * @param entity the entity to be created */ private void insertNonProviderEntity(Entity entity) { insertEntity(0, 0, entity); } /** * Inserts the given entity. * * @param profileId the profile id (0 if pending enrollment) * @param ticketId the ticket id (0 if not a provider) * @param entity the entity to be inserted */ private void insertEntity(long profileId, long ticketId, Entity entity) { if (entity == null) { return; } entity.setProfileId(profileId); entity.setTicketId(ticketId); insertContactInformation(entity.getContactInformation()); if (entity instanceof Organization) { Organization org = (Organization) entity; insertAddress(org.getBillingAddress()); insertAddress(org.getReimbursementAddress()); insertAddress(org.getTen99Address()); } entity.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.ENTITY_SEQ)); getEm().persist(entity); } /** * Inserts the given contact information. * * @param contactInformation the information to be inserted */ private void insertContactInformation(ContactInformation contactInformation) { if (contactInformation == null) { return; } insertAddress(contactInformation.getAddress()); contactInformation.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.CONTACT_INFO_SEQ)); getEm().persist(contactInformation); } /** * Inserts the given address. * * @param address the address to be inserted */ private void insertAddress(Address address) { if (address == null) { return; } address.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.ADDRESS_SEQ)); getEm().persist(address); } /** * Deletes the given profile from the database. * * @param profile the profile to be deleted */ private void purge(ProviderProfile profile) { List<ProviderService> services = profile.getServices(); if (services != null) { for (ProviderService providerService : services) { getEm().remove(providerService); } } List<PayToProvider> payTos = profile.getPayToProviders(); if (payTos != null) { for (PayToProvider payTo : payTos) { getEm().remove(payTo); } } OwnershipInformation ownership = profile.getOwnershipInformation(); if (ownership != null) { List<Asset> assets = ownership.getAssets(); if (assets != null) { for (Asset asset : assets) { purgeAddress(asset.getLocation()); getEm().remove(asset); } } List<BeneficialOwner> owners = ownership.getBeneficialOwners(); if (owners != null) { for (BeneficialOwner owner : owners) { purgeAddress(owner.getAddress()); purgeAddress(owner.getOtherProviderAddress()); getEm().remove(owner); } } getEm().remove(ownership); } List<AcceptedAgreements> agreements = profile.getAgreements(); if (agreements != null) { for (AcceptedAgreements acceptedAgreements : agreements) { getEm().remove(acceptedAgreements); } } if (profile.getStatement() != null) { getEm().remove(profile.getStatement()); } List<Affiliation> affiliations = profile.getAffiliations(); if (affiliations != null) { for (Affiliation affiliation : affiliations) { if (affiliation.getTargetProfileId() == 0) { purgeEntity(affiliation.getEntity()); } getEm().remove(affiliation); } } List<License> certifications = profile.getCertifications(); if (certifications != null) { for (License license : certifications) { getEm().remove(license); } } List<Document> attachments = profile.getAttachments(); if (attachments != null) { for (Document attachment : attachments) { if (attachment.getContentId() != null) { getEm().remove(attachment); } } } List<DesignatedContact> designatedContacts = profile.getDesignatedContacts(); if (designatedContacts != null) { for (DesignatedContact designatedContact : designatedContacts) { purgeEntity(designatedContact.getPerson()); getEm().remove(designatedContact); } } List<AssuredService> assuredServices = profile.getAssuredStatements(); if (assuredServices != null) { for (AssuredService service : assuredServices) { getEm().remove(service); } } purgeEntity(profile.getEntity()); getEm().remove(profile); } /** * Deletes the given entity from the database. * * @param entity the entity to be deleted. */ private void purgeEntity(Entity entity) { if (entity == null) { return; } purgeContactInformation(entity.getContactInformation()); if (entity instanceof Organization) { Organization org = (Organization) entity; purgeAddress(org.getBillingAddress()); purgeAddress(org.getReimbursementAddress()); purgeAddress(org.getTen99Address()); } getEm().remove(entity); } /** * Deletes the given address from the database. * * @param address the address to delete */ private void purgeAddress(Address address) { if (address == null) { return; } getEm().remove(address); } /** * Deletes the given contact information from the database. * * @param contactInformation the information to delete */ private void purgeContactInformation(ContactInformation contactInformation) { if (contactInformation == null) { return; } purgeAddress(contactInformation.getAddress()); getEm().remove(contactInformation); } /** * Removes the ticket details. * * @param user the user performing the operation. * @param ticketId the ticket that will be cleared * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private void purgeTicketDetails(CMSUser user, long ticketId) throws PortalServiceException { ProviderProfile profile = getProviderDetailsByTicket(ticketId, true); if (profile != null) { purge(profile); } } /** * Retrieves the provider details for the given ticket. * * @param ticketId the ticket to search for * @param fetchChildren if true, the entire object tree is retrieved * @return the ticket details * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private ProviderProfile getProviderDetailsByTicket(long ticketId, boolean fetchChildren) throws PortalServiceException { Query query = getEm().createQuery("FROM ProviderProfile p WHERE ticketId = :ticketId"); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); List rs = query.getResultList(); if (rs.isEmpty()) { return null; } ProviderProfile profile = (ProviderProfile) rs.get(0); if (fetchChildren) { fetchChildren(profile); } return profile; } /** * Retrieves the complex children of the given profile. * * @param profile the profile to be populated */ private void fetchChildren(ProviderProfile profile) { profile.setEntity(findEntityByProviderKey(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setDesignatedContacts(findDesignatedContacts(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setCertifications(findCertifications(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setAttachments(findAttachments(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setAffiliations(findAffiliations(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setStatement(findStatementByProviderKey(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setOwnershipInformation(findOwnershipInformation(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setAgreements(findAgreements(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setNotes(findNotes(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setPayToProviders(findPayToProviders(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setServices(findServices(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setAssuredStatements(findAssuredServices(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); profile.setCategoriesOfServiceTypes(findCategoriesOfService(profile.getProfileId(), profile.getTicketId())); } /** * Retrieves associated categories of service for this ticket/profile * * @param profileId the profile id * @param ticketId the ticket id * @return the associated categories of service */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<ProviderCategoryOfService> findCategoriesOfService(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm().createQuery( "FROM ProviderCategoryOfService p WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); if (ticketId > 0) { // COS tickets do not populate the original profile id even on UPDATE query.setParameter("profileId", new Long(0)); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); } else { query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); query.setParameter("profileId", new Long(0)); } return query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<AssuredService> findAssuredServices(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm() .createQuery("FROM AssuredService a WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); return query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<ProviderService> findServices(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm() .createQuery("FROM ProviderService a WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Retrieves the related ownership information for the given profile key. * * @param profileId the profile id of the provider * @param ticketId the request ticket id * @return the related ownership information to the profile */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) private List<PayToProvider> findPayToProviders(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm() .createQuery("FROM PayToProvider o WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Retrieves the related ownership information for the given profile key. * * @param profileId the profile id of the provider * @param ticketId the request ticket id * @return the related ownership information to the profile */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private OwnershipInformation findOwnershipInformation(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm() .createQuery("FROM OwnershipInformation o WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); List rs = query.getResultList(); if (rs.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (rs.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple ownership information records were found!"); } return (OwnershipInformation) rs.get(0); } /** * Retrieves the related agreements for the given profile key. * * @param profileId the profile id of the provider * @param ticketId the request ticket id * @return the related agreements to the profile */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<AcceptedAgreements> findAgreements(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm() .createQuery("FROM AcceptedAgreements a WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Retrieves the related notes for the given profile key. * * @param profileId the profile id of the provider * @param ticketId the request ticket id * @return the related notes to the profile */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Note> findNotes(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm().createQuery("FROM Note a WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Retrieves the related provider statement for the given profile key. * * @param profileId the profile id of the provider * @param ticketId the request ticket id * @return the related statement to the profile */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private ProviderStatement findStatementByProviderKey(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm() .createQuery("FROM ProviderStatement ps WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); List rs = query.getResultList(); if (rs.isEmpty()) { return null; } return (ProviderStatement) rs.get(0); } /** * Retrieves the related affiliations for the given profile key. * * @param profileId the profile id of the provider * @param ticketId the request ticket id * @return the related affiliations to the profile */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Affiliation> findAffiliations(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm() .createQuery("FROM Affiliation a WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); List<Affiliation> affiliations = query.getResultList(); for (Affiliation affiliation : affiliations) { if (affiliation.getTargetEntityId() > 0) { affiliation.setEntity(getEm().find(Entity.class, affiliation.getTargetEntityId())); affiliation.setAffiliateLicenses(findAffiliateLicences(affiliation.getTargetEntityId())); } else { affiliation.setEntity(findEntityByProviderKey(affiliation.getTargetProfileId(), 0)); } } return affiliations; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<License> findAffiliateLicences(long affiliateId) { Query query = getEm().createQuery("FROM License l WHERE affiliateId = :affiliateId"); query.setParameter("affiliateId", affiliateId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Retrieves the related attachments for the given profile key. * * @param profileId the profile id of the provider * @param ticketId the request ticket id * @return the related attachments to the profile */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Document> findAttachments(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm().createQuery("FROM Document a WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Retrieves the related certifications for the given profile key. * * @param profileId the profile id of the provider * @param ticketId the request ticket id * @return the related certifications to the profile */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<License> findCertifications(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm().createQuery("FROM License l WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Retrieves the related contacts for the given profile key. * * @param profileId the profile id of the provider * @param ticketId the request ticket id * @return the related contacts to the profile */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<DesignatedContact> findDesignatedContacts(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm() .createQuery("FROM DesignatedContact d WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Retrieves the related entity for the given profile key. * * @param profileId the profile id of the provider * @param ticketId the request ticket id * @return the related entity to the profile */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Entity findEntityByProviderKey(long profileId, long ticketId) { Query query = getEm().createQuery("FROM Entity e WHERE ticketId = :ticketId AND profileId = :profileId"); query.setParameter("profileId", profileId); query.setParameter("ticketId", ticketId); List rs = query.getResultList(); if (rs.isEmpty()) { return null; } return (Entity) rs.get(0); } /** * Appends the sorting criteria. * * @param fetchQuery the fetch query * @param criteria the criteria to append */ private void appendSorting(StringBuilder fetchQuery, SearchCriteria criteria) { if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getSortColumn())) { fetchQuery.append(" ORDER BY ").append(criteria.getSortColumn()) .append(criteria.isAscending() ? " ASC" : " DESC"); } } /** * Saves the attachment blob contents. * * @param content the content to be saved * @return the content id * @throws IOException if the stream cannot be saved * @throws SQLException if content cannot be transformed to a blob * @throws SerialException if content cannot be transformed to a blob */ private String saveAttachmentContent(InputStream content) throws IOException, SerialException, SQLException { String contentId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); BinaryContent binaryContent = new BinaryContent(); binaryContent.setContentId(contentId); binaryContent.setContent(new SerialBlob(IOUtils.toByteArray(content))); getEm().persist(binaryContent); return contentId; } /** * Checks the sort column parameter for valid input. * * @param criteria the criteria used for search * @param maxColumns the maximum number allowed as sort column */ private void checkSortColumn(SearchCriteria criteria, int maxColumns) { if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getSortColumn())) { if (!Util.isDigits(criteria.getSortColumn())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid sort column specified."); } int column = Integer.parseInt(criteria.getSortColumn()); if (column < 1 || column > maxColumns) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid sort column specified."); } } } /** * Appends the provider search criteria to the current buffer. * * @param buffer the query buffer * @param user the current user * @param criteria the search criteria */ private void appendCriteria(StringBuilder buffer, CMSUser user, ProviderSearchCriteria criteria) { if (!FULL_ACCESS.contains(user.getRole().getDescription())) { buffer.append("AND t.createdBy = :username "); } if (criteria.getProfileId() > 0) { buffer.append("AND e.profileId = :profileId "); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getProviderName())) { buffer.append("AND LOCATE(:name, UPPER( > 0"); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getNpi())) { buffer.append("AND e.npi = :npi "); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getRiskLevel())) { if ("NULL".equals(criteria.getRiskLevel())) { buffer.append("AND rl.description IS NULL "); } else { buffer.append("AND rl.description = :riskLevel "); } } else { if (criteria.getRiskLevels() != null && !criteria.getRiskLevels().isEmpty()) { buffer.append("AND rl.description in (:riskLevel) "); } } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getEnrollmentNumber())) { buffer.append("AND t.ticketId = :enrollmentNumber "); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getProviderType())) { buffer.append("AND pt.description = :providerType "); } if (Util.isNotEmpty(criteria.getRequestTypes())) { buffer.append("AND rt.description in (:requestTypes) "); } if (Util.isNotEmpty(criteria.getStatuses())) { buffer.append("AND ts.description in (:enrollmentStatuses) "); } if (criteria.getSubmissionDateStart() != null) { buffer.append("AND t.submissionDate >= :submissionDateStart "); } if (criteria.getSubmissionDateEnd() != null) { buffer.append("AND t.submissionDate <= :submissionDateEnd "); } if (criteria.getStatusDateStart() != null) { buffer.append("AND t.statusDate >= :statusDateStart "); } if (criteria.getStatusDateEnd() != null) { buffer.append("AND t.statusDate <= :statusDateEnd "); } if (criteria.getCreateDateStart() != null) { buffer.append("AND t.createdOn >= :createDateStart "); } if (criteria.getCreateDateEnd() != null) { buffer.append("AND t.createdOn <= :createDateEnd "); } } /** * Binds the provider search criteria to the query. * * @param query the query to bind to * @param user the user performing the action * @param criteria the search criteria */ private void bindParameters(Query query, CMSUser user, ProviderSearchCriteria criteria) { if (!FULL_ACCESS.contains(user.getRole().getDescription())) { query.setParameter("username", user.getUserId()); } if (criteria.getProfileId() > 0) { query.setParameter("profileId", criteria.getProfileId()); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getNpi())) { query.setParameter("npi", criteria.getNpi()); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getProviderName())) { query.setParameter("name", criteria.getProviderName().toUpperCase()); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getRiskLevel())) { if (!"NULL".equals(criteria.getRiskLevel())) { query.setParameter("riskLevel", criteria.getRiskLevel()); } } else { if (criteria.getRiskLevels() != null && !criteria.getRiskLevels().isEmpty()) { query.setParameter("riskLevel", criteria.getRiskLevels()); } } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getEnrollmentNumber())) { query.setParameter("enrollmentNumber", Long.parseLong(criteria.getEnrollmentNumber())); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getProviderType())) { query.setParameter("providerType", criteria.getProviderType()); } if (Util.isNotEmpty(criteria.getRequestTypes())) { query.setParameter("requestTypes", criteria.getRequestTypes()); } if (Util.isNotEmpty(criteria.getStatuses())) { query.setParameter("enrollmentStatuses", criteria.getStatuses()); } if (criteria.getSubmissionDateStart() != null) { query.setParameter("submissionDateStart", criteria.getSubmissionDateStart()); } if (criteria.getSubmissionDateEnd() != null) { query.setParameter("submissionDateEnd", criteria.getSubmissionDateEnd()); } if (criteria.getStatusDateStart() != null) { query.setParameter("statusDateStart", criteria.getStatusDateStart()); } if (criteria.getStatusDateEnd() != null) { query.setParameter("statusDateEnd", criteria.getStatusDateEnd()); } if (criteria.getCreateDateStart() != null) { query.setParameter("createDateStart", criteria.getCreateDateStart()); } if (criteria.getCreateDateEnd() != null) { query.setParameter("createDateEnd", criteria.getCreateDateEnd()); } } /** * Appends the provider search criteria to the current buffer. * * @param buffer the query buffer * @param user the current user * @param criteria the search criteria */ private void appendCriteria(StringBuilder buffer, CMSUser user, PracticeSearchCriteria criteria) { if (criteria.isAgency()) { buffer.append("AND e.agencyId IS NOT NULL"); } if (criteria.getProfileId() > 0) { buffer.append("AND e.profileId = :profileId"); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getName())) { buffer.append("AND LOCATE(:name, UPPER( > 0"); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getNpi())) { buffer.append("AND e.npi = :npi "); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getCity())) { buffer.append("AND LOCATE(:city, UPPER( > 0"); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getState())) { buffer.append("AND ci.address.state = :state "); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getZip())) { buffer.append("AND ci.address.zipcode = :zip "); } } /** * Binds the provider search criteria to the query. * * @param query the query to bind to * @param user the user performing the action * @param criteria the search criteria */ private void bindParameters(Query query, CMSUser user, PracticeSearchCriteria criteria) { if (criteria.getProfileId() > 0) { query.setParameter("profileId", criteria.getProfileId()); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getName())) { query.setParameter("name", criteria.getName().toUpperCase()); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getNpi())) { query.setParameter("npi", criteria.getNpi()); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getCity())) { query.setParameter("city", criteria.getCity()); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getState())) { query.setParameter("state", criteria.getState()); } if (Util.isNotBlank(criteria.getZip())) { query.setParameter("zip", criteria.getZip()); } } /** * This copies all cos attached to the ticket into the profile. * * @param profileId the profile associated to the cos * @param ticketId the ticket associated * @throws PortalServiceException if any error occurs */ private void promoteCOSToBase(CMSUser user, long profileId, long ticketId) throws PortalServiceException { List<ProviderCategoryOfService> services = new ArrayList<ProviderCategoryOfService>(); services.addAll(getPendingCategoryOfServices(user, ticketId)); services.addAll(getProviderCategoryOfServices(user, profileId)); for (ProviderCategoryOfService service : services) { service.setProfileId(profileId); service.setTicketId(0); getEm().merge(service); } } /** * This copies all notes attached to the ticket into the profile. * * @param profileId the profile associated to the note * @param ticketId the ticket associated */ private void promoteNotesToBase(long profileId, long ticketId) { List<Note> pendingNotes = new ArrayList<Note>(); pendingNotes.addAll(findNotes(0, ticketId)); pendingNotes.addAll(findNotes(profileId, ticketId)); for (Note note : pendingNotes) { note.setProfileId(profileId); note.setTicketId(0); getEm().merge(note); } } /** * Inserts the given note. * * @param user the user creating the note * @param profileId the profile to attach it to * @param ticketId the ticket to attach it to * @param text the note text */ private void insertNote(CMSUser user, long profileId, long ticketId, String text) { Note n = new Note(); n.setProfileId(profileId); n.setTicketId(ticketId); n.setText(text); n.setCreatedBy(user.getUserId()); n.setCreatedOn(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); n.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.NOTES_SEQ)); getEm().persist(n); } /** * Creates or updates the given ticket. * * @param user the user performing the operation * @param ticket the ticket to be saved * @param insertDetails if true, also reinserts the details * @return the ticket id * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private long saveTicket(CMSUser user, Enrollment ticket, boolean insertDetails) throws PortalServiceException { ticket.setLastUpdatedBy(user.getUserId()); getEm().merge(ticket); if (insertDetails) { insertProfile(ticket.getTicketId(), ticket.getDetails()); } return ticket.getTicketId(); } /** * Bypass the process workflow and automatically approve the given ticket. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param ticket the ticket to be approved * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private void bypassJBPM(CMSUser user, Enrollment ticket) throws PortalServiceException { saveAsDraft(user, ticket); // bypass JBPM process and approve directly! ticket.setSubmittedBy(user.getUserId()); Date now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); ticket.setSubmissionDate(now); ticket.setStatusDate(now); ticket.setStatusNote("SYSTEM - AUTO SUBMIT"); ticket.setStatus(findLookupByDescription(EnrollmentStatus.class, ViewStatics.PENDING_STATUS)); saveTicket(user, ticket, false); approveTicket(user, ticket.getTicketId()); } @Override public Document findAttachment(CMSUser user, long attachmentId) throws PortalServiceException { Document attachment = getEm().find(Document.class, attachmentId); if (attachment != null) { if (attachment.getTicketId() > 0) { checkTicketEntitlement(user, attachment.getTicketId()); } else if (attachment.getProfileId() > 0) { checkProfileEntitlement(user, attachment.getProfileId()); } else { if (!attachment.getCreatedBy().equals(user.getUserId())) { throw new PortalServiceException("Access Denied."); } } } return attachment; } /** * Checks the validity status of the ticket. * * @param ticketId the ticket id to check * @param profileId the profile to check * @return the validity status of the ticket * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public Validity getSubmissionValidity(long ticketId, long profileId) throws PortalServiceException { Enrollment ticket = getEm().find(Enrollment.class, ticketId); if (ticket == null) { throw new PortalServiceException("No such ticket."); } if (ViewStatics.UPDATE_REQUEST.equals(ticket.getRequestType().getDescription()) || ViewStatics.RENEWAL_REQUEST.equals(ticket.getRequestType().getDescription())) { // updates and renewals should have a reference to an existing approved profile ProviderProfile baseProfile = getProviderDetails(profileId, false); if (baseProfile == null) { throw new PortalServiceException("No such profile."); } // check if anyone has a pending submission for the same profile ProviderSearchCriteria criteria = new ProviderSearchCriteria(); criteria.setProfileId(profileId); criteria.setStatuses(Arrays.asList(ViewStatics.PENDING_STATUS)); SearchResult<UserRequest> results = searchTickets(getSystemUser(), criteria); if (results.getTotal() > 0) { return Validity.SUPERSEDED; } Date referenceTimestamp = ticket.getReferenceTimestamp(); if (referenceTimestamp != null) { if (baseProfile.getModifiedOn().after(referenceTimestamp)) { return Validity.STALE; } } } // new enrollments are always valid for submission return Validity.VALID; } @Override public List<Note> findNotes(long ticketId) throws PortalServiceException { List<Note> pendingNotes = new ArrayList<Note>(); pendingNotes.addAll(findNotes(0, ticketId)); ProviderProfile profile = getProviderDetailsByTicket(ticketId, false); if (profile.getProfileId() > 0) { pendingNotes.addAll(findNotes(profile.getProfileId(), ticketId)); } return pendingNotes; } /** * Performs direct update to the data during the approval process. * * @throws PortalServiceException */ @Override public void saveEnrollmentDetails(Enrollment enrollment) throws PortalServiceException { Enrollment ticket = getEm().find(Enrollment.class, enrollment.getTicketId()); ProviderProfile updatedProfile = enrollment.getDetails().clone(); ProviderProfile profile = getProviderDetailsByTicket(ticket.getTicketId(), true); if (profile != null) { purge(profile); } ticket.setDetails(updatedProfile); getEm().merge(ticket); insertProfile(ticket.getTicketId(), ticket.getDetails()); } /** * Renews the profiles directly, without making any data changes. * * @param user the current user * @param profileIds the profiles to renew */ public Long[] renewalProfiles(CMSUser user, Set<Long> profileIds) throws PortalServiceException { List<Long> results = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Long profileId : profileIds) { try { Enrollment ticket = renewProfile(user, profileId); long ticketId = saveAsDraft(user, ticket); results.add(ticketId); } catch (PortalServiceException e) { results.add(0L); } } return results.toArray(new Long[0]); } /** * Gets the COS associated with a profile. * * @param user CMS user * @param profileId profile id. * @return the list of services * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<ProviderCategoryOfService> getProviderCategoryOfServices(CMSUser user, long profileId) throws PortalServiceException { checkProfileEntitlement(user, profileId); return getEm().createQuery("from ProviderCategoryOfService p where p.profileId = :id order by p.startDate") .setParameter("id", profileId).getResultList(); } /** * Adds COS to the profile. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param categoryOfService the entity to persist * @param prevCatServiceId if last COS needs an update in end date this will be provided * @param prevCatEndDate last COS end date * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @Override public void addCOSToProfile(CMSUser user, ProviderCategoryOfService categoryOfService, long prevCatServiceId, Date prevCatEndDate) throws PortalServiceException { checkProfileEntitlement(user, categoryOfService.getProfileId()); categoryOfService.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.PROVIDER_COS_SEQ)); getEm().persist(categoryOfService); if (prevCatServiceId != 0) { ProviderCategoryOfService service = getEm().find(ProviderCategoryOfService.class, prevCatServiceId); if (service != null) { service.setEndDate(prevCatEndDate); getEm().merge(service); } } } /** * Deletes the COS. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param profileId the profile id * @param id the cos id * * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @Override public void deleteCOSByProfile(CMSUser user, long profileId, long id) throws PortalServiceException { checkProfileEntitlement(user, profileId); ProviderCategoryOfService service = getEm().find(ProviderCategoryOfService.class, id); if (service != null) { getEm().remove(service); } } /** * Adds COS to the ticket. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param categoryOfService the entity to persist * @param prevCatServiceId if last COS needs an update in end date this will be provided * @param prevCatEndDate last COS end date * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @Override public void addCOSToTicket(CMSUser user, ProviderCategoryOfService categoryOfService, long prevCatServiceId, Date prevCatEndDate) throws PortalServiceException { checkTicketEntitlement(user, categoryOfService.getTicketId()); categoryOfService.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.PROVIDER_COS_SEQ)); getEm().persist(categoryOfService); if (prevCatServiceId != 0) { ProviderCategoryOfService service = getEm().find(ProviderCategoryOfService.class, prevCatServiceId); if (service != null) { service.setEndDate(prevCatEndDate); getEm().merge(service); } } } /** * Gets the COS associated with a ticket. * * @param user CMS user * @param ticketId ticket id. * @return the list of services * * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<ProviderCategoryOfService> getPendingCategoryOfServices(CMSUser user, long ticketId) throws PortalServiceException { checkTicketEntitlement(user, ticketId); return getEm().createQuery("from ProviderCategoryOfService p where ticketId = :id order by p.startDate") .setParameter("id", ticketId).getResultList(); } /** * Deletes the COS by ticket. * * @param user the user performing the action * @param ticketId the ticket id * @param id the cos id * * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @Override public void deleteCOSByTicket(CMSUser user, long ticketId, long id) throws PortalServiceException { checkTicketEntitlement(user, ticketId); ProviderCategoryOfService service = getEm().find(ProviderCategoryOfService.class, id); if (service != null) { getEm().remove(service); } } /** * Returns true if the first parameter can be considered an employer of the second. * * @param externalUserId the employer to be checked * @param profileNPI the employee to be checked * @return true if there is an affiliation between the two arguments that gives the first access to the latter * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean hasGroupAffiliation(String externalUserId, String profileNPI) { String fetchQuery = "SELECT NEW gov.medicaid.entities.ProfileHeader(e.profileId, e.npi, pt.description, " + "p.effectiveDate, p.modifiedOn) FROM ProviderProfile p, Entity e LEFT JOIN e.providerType pt " + "WHERE e.ticketId = p.ticketId AND p.profileId = e.profileId and e.npi = :npi " + "AND p.ticketId = 0 ORDER BY 5 DESC"; Query items = getEm().createQuery(fetchQuery.toString()); items.setParameter("npi", profileNPI); List<ProfileHeader> profiles = items.getResultList(); // for all profiles with NPI = requested profile (shouldn't be that many, likely 1 or 0 for (ProfileHeader profileHeader : profiles) { // find all practice locations List<Affiliation> affiliations = findAffiliations(profileHeader.getProfileId(), 0); // for every practice location for (Affiliation affiliation : affiliations) { if (ViewStatics.DISCRIMINATOR_LOCATION.equals(affiliation.getObjectType())) { // check if the external user has the same NPI if (affiliation.getEntity().getNpi().equals(externalUserId)) { return true; } } } } // no employer relationship found return false; } /** * Returns true if there is a profile found in the database with the given NPI * * @param profileNPI the NPI to be checked * @return true if a record matches * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public boolean existsProfile(String profileNPI) { String fetchQuery = "SELECT NEW gov.medicaid.entities.ProfileHeader(e.profileId, e.npi, pt.description, " + "p.effectiveDate, p.modifiedOn) FROM ProviderProfile p, Entity e LEFT JOIN e.providerType pt " + "WHERE e.ticketId = p.ticketId AND p.profileId = e.profileId and e.npi = :npi " + "AND p.ticketId = 0 ORDER BY 5 DESC"; Query items = getEm().createQuery(fetchQuery.toString()); items.setParameter("npi", profileNPI); return !items.getResultList().isEmpty(); } /** * Sends the given provider for export to the message queue. * @param ticketId the ticket id */ @Override public void sendSyncronizationRequest(long ticketId) { Session session = null; Connection connection = null; try { connection = mqConnectionFactory.createConnection(); session = connection.createSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); MessageProducer sender = session.createProducer(dataSyncQueue); BytesMessage message = session.createBytesMessage(); byte[] content = exportAsFlatFile(ticketId); getLog().log(Level.INFO, "Sending data sync request:" + new String(content)); message.writeBytes(content); sender.send(message); } catch (PortalServiceException e) { getLog().log(Level.ERROR, e); throw new PortalServiceRuntimeException("While attempting to synchronize data", e); } catch (JMSException e) { getLog().log(Level.ERROR, e); throw new PortalServiceRuntimeException("While attempting to synchronize data", e); } } /** * Converts the profile represented by the given ticket to a flat file. * * @param ticketId the ticket for the profile * @return the exported flat file * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private byte[] exportAsFlatFile(long ticketId) throws PortalServiceException { Enrollment ticket = getTicketDetails(getSystemUser(), ticketId); return new FlatFileExporter().exportProviderFile(ticket); } /** * Callback from legacy system for setting the legacy ID. * * @param ticketId the ticket id * @param legacyId the legacy id * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public void updateLegacyId(long ticketId, String legacyId) throws PortalServiceException { Enrollment ticket = getTicketDetails(getSystemUser(), ticketId); long profileId = ticket.getProfileReferenceId(); ProviderProfile provider = getProviderDetails(getSystemUser(), profileId); provider.getEntity().setLegacyId(legacyId); getEm().merge(provider.getEntity()); } /** * Purges any trace of a legacy record * @param legacyId the legacy id * @throws PortalServiceException for any records found */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean purgeLegacyRecord(String legacyId) throws PortalServiceException { if (Util.isBlank(legacyId)) { return false; } Query query = getEm().createQuery("FROM Entity e WHERE e.legacyId = :legacyId"); query.setParameter("legacyId", legacyId); List<Entity> rs = query.getResultList(); boolean purged = false; for (Entity entity : rs) { long profileId = entity.getProfileId(); long ticketId = entity.getTicketId(); if (ticketId == 0) { ProviderProfile details = getProviderDetails(profileId, true); if (details != null) { purge(details); purged = true; } } } return purged; } /** * Adds the beneficial owner records to the provider with the given legacy id. * @param legacyId the legacy id * @param ownership the ownership information */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addBeneficialOwners(String legacyId, OwnershipInformation ownership) { Query query = getEm().createQuery("FROM Entity e WHERE e.legacyId = :legacyId"); query.setParameter("legacyId", legacyId); List<Entity> rs = new ArrayList<Entity>(query.getResultList()); for (Entity entity : rs) { long profileId = entity.getProfileId(); long ticketId = entity.getTicketId(); OwnershipInformation ownershipInformation = findOwnershipInformation(profileId, ticketId); if (ownershipInformation != null) { ownershipInformation.getBeneficialOwners().addAll(ownership.getBeneficialOwners()); for (BeneficialOwner owner : ownershipInformation.getBeneficialOwners()) { if (owner.getId() == 0) { insertAddress(owner.getAddress()); insertAddress(owner.getOtherProviderAddress()); owner.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.BEN_OWNER_SEQ)); getEm().persist(owner); } } getEm().merge(ownershipInformation); } else { ownership.setProfileId(profileId); ownership.setTicketId(ticketId); ownership.setId(getSequence().getNextValue(Sequences.OWNERSHIP_SEQ)); insertBeneficialOwners(ownership); getEm().persist(ownership); } } } }