Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 TopCoder Inc., All Rights Reserved. */ package gov.medicaid.screening.dao.impl; import gov.medicaid.entities.License; import gov.medicaid.entities.LicenseType; import gov.medicaid.entities.NursingLicenseSearchCriteria; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProviderProfile; import gov.medicaid.entities.SearchCriteria; import gov.medicaid.entities.SearchResult; import gov.medicaid.entities.Sex; import gov.medicaid.entities.User; import gov.medicaid.screening.dao.NursingLicenseDAO; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.ejb.Local; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.ejb.TransactionManagement; import javax.ejb.TransactionManagementType; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.LaxRedirectStrategy; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import com.topcoder.util.log.Level; /** * This defines the logic for searching for Nursing Licenses. * * @author sampath01, j3_guile * @version 1.0 */ @Stateless @Local(NursingLicenseDAO.class) @TransactionManagement(TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER) public class NursingLicenseDAOBean extends BaseDAO implements NursingLicenseDAO { /** * Represents all matching rows to parse. */ private static final String GRID_ROW_SELECTOR = "#_ctl7_grdSearchResults tr.TableItem, " + "#_ctl7_grdSearchResults tr.TableAlternatingItem"; /** * Default empty constructor. */ public NursingLicenseDAOBean() { } /** * The supported columns for this implementation. */ private static final Map<String, String> SORT_COLUMNS = new HashMap<String, String>() { /** * Generated serial version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8177400373999035841L; { put("firstName", "profile.user.firstName"); put("middleName", "profile.user.middleName"); put("lastName", "profile.user.lastName"); put("type", ""); put("originalIssueDate", "originalIssueDate"); put("dateOfBirth", "profile.dob"); put("licenseNumber", "licenseNumber"); } }; /** * The supported license type mappings for this source. */ private static final Map<String, String> TYPES = new HashMap<String, String>() { /** * Generated serial version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4695890753077346179L; { put("R", "RN"); put("L", "LPN"); } }; /** * Date format used by this source. */ private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "MM-dd-yyyy"; /** * Searches for providers with Medical Practice license using the name filter. * * @param criteria the search criteria * @return the matched results * @throws ParsingException if any parsing errors are encountered * @throws ServiceException for any other exceptions encountered */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public SearchResult<License> searchByName(NursingLicenseSearchCriteria criteria) throws ParsingException, ServiceException { String signature = "NursingLicenseDataAccessImpl#searchByName"; LogUtil.traceEntry(getLog(), signature, new String[] { "criteria" }, new Object[] { criteria }); if (criteria == null) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA10005.getDesc()); } if (Util.isBlank(criteria.getLastName()) && Util.isBlank(criteria.getFirstName())) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA10005.getDesc()); } validateSortOptions(criteria, SORT_COLUMNS); try { SearchResult<License> allResults = getAllResults(criteria, true); SearchResult<License> results = trimResults(allResults, criteria.getPageSize(), criteria.getPageNumber(), SORT_COLUMNS.get(criteria.getSortColumn()), criteria.getSortOrder()); logSearchEntry(criteria); return LogUtil.traceExit(getLog(), signature, results); } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { LogUtil.traceError(getLog(), signature, e); throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA50001.getDesc(), e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LogUtil.traceError(getLog(), signature, e); throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA50001.getDesc(), e); } catch (IOException e) { LogUtil.traceError(getLog(), signature, e); throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA50001.getDesc(), e); } catch (ParseException e) { LogUtil.traceError(getLog(), signature, e); throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA50001.getDesc(), e); } } /** * Searches for providers with Nursing license using the identifier filter. * * @param criteria the search criteria * @return the matched results * @throws ParsingException if any parsing errors are encountered * @throws ServiceException for any other exceptions encountered */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public SearchResult<License> searchByLicenseNumber(NursingLicenseSearchCriteria criteria) throws ParsingException, ServiceException { String signature = "NursingLicenseDataAccessImpl#searchByLicenseNumber"; LogUtil.traceEntry(getLog(), signature, new String[] { "criteria" }, new Object[] { criteria }); if (criteria == null) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA10005.getDesc()); } if (criteria.getLicenseType() == null || Util.isBlank(criteria.getLicenseType().getName())) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA10008.getDesc()); } // transform the license type mapping boolean found = false; for (Map.Entry<String, String> type : TYPES.entrySet()) { if (type.getValue().equals(criteria.getLicenseType().getName())) { criteria.getLicenseType().setName(type.getKey()); found = true; } } if (!found) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA10009.getDesc()); } if (Util.isBlank(criteria.getIdentifier())) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA10004.getDesc()); } if (!Util.isDigits(criteria.getIdentifier())) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA10010.getDesc()); } if (Util.isBlank(criteria.getCheckDigit())) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA10011.getDesc()); } if (!Util.isDigits(criteria.getCheckDigit())) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA10012.getDesc()); } validateSortOptions(criteria, SORT_COLUMNS); try { SearchResult<License> allResults = getAllResults(criteria, false); SearchResult<License> results = trimResults(allResults, criteria.getPageSize(), criteria.getPageNumber(), SORT_COLUMNS.get(criteria.getSortColumn()), criteria.getSortOrder()); logSearchEntry(criteria); return LogUtil.traceExit(getLog(), signature, results); } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { LogUtil.traceError(getLog(), signature, e); throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA50001.getDesc(), e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LogUtil.traceError(getLog(), signature, e); throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA50001.getDesc(), e); } catch (IOException e) { LogUtil.traceError(getLog(), signature, e); throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA50001.getDesc(), e); } catch (ParseException e) { LogUtil.traceError(getLog(), signature, e); throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA50001.getDesc(), e); } } /** * Performs a search for all possible results. * * @param criteria The search criteria. * @param byName flag indicating it is a name search * @return the search result for licenses * * @throws URISyntaxException if an error occurs while building the URL. * @throws ClientProtocolException if client does not support protocol used. * @throws IOException if an error occurs while parsing response. * @throws ParseException if an error occurs while parsing response. * @throws ServiceException for any other problems encountered */ private SearchResult<License> getAllResults(NursingLicenseSearchCriteria criteria, boolean byName) throws URISyntaxException, ClientProtocolException, IOException, ParseException, ServiceException { DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(getLaxSSLConnectionManager()); client.setRedirectStrategy(new LaxRedirectStrategy()); client.setCookieStore(loginAsPublicUser()); HttpGet getSearch = new HttpGet(new URIBuilder(getSearchURL()).build()); HttpResponse response = client.execute(getSearch); verifyAndAuditCall(getSearchURL(), response); Document page = Jsoup.parse(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())); HttpPost search = new HttpPost(new URIBuilder(getSearchURL()).build()); List<License> allLicenses = new ArrayList<License>(); // switch to search by name screen if (byName) { HttpEntity entity = postForm(getSearchURL(), client, search, new String[][] { { "__EVENTTARGET", "_ctl7_rbtnSearch_1" }, { "__EVENTARGUMENT", "" }, { "_ctl7:ddlbLicenseType", "R" }, { "_ctl7:rbtnSearch", "2" }, { "_ctl7:txtCheckDigit", "" }, { "_ctl7:txtLicenseNumber", "" }, { "__VIEWSTATE","input[name=__VIEWSTATE]").first().val() } }, true); page = Jsoup.parse(EntityUtils.toString(entity)); entity = getResultPage(criteria, client, page, search, "_ctl7:cmdSearch", getSearchURL()); page = Jsoup.parse(EntityUtils.toString(entity)); // get the data grid entries if ("table#_ctl7_grdSearchResults").size() < 1) { throw new ParsingException(ErrorCode.MITA50002.getDesc()); } Elements rows =; while (rows.size() > 0) { for (Element row : rows) { String url ="a").first().attr("href"); String licenseNo ="td:eq(4)").text(); HttpGet getDetail = new HttpGet(Util.replaceLastURLPart(getSearchURL(), url)); response = client.execute(getDetail); verifyAndAuditCall(getSearchURL(), response); Document licenseDetails = Jsoup.parse(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())); allLicenses.add(parseLicense(licenseDetails, licenseNo.substring(0, 1))); } rows.clear(); // check for next page Element currentPage ="#_ctl7_grdSearchResults tr.TablePager span").first(); if (getLog() != null) { getLog().log(Level.DEBUG, "Current page is: " + currentPage.text()); } Element pageLink = currentPage.nextElementSibling(); if (pageLink != null && pageLink.hasAttr("href")) { if (getLog() != null) { getLog().log(Level.DEBUG, "There are more results, getting the next page."); } String target = parseEventTarget(pageLink.attr("href")); entity = getResultPage(criteria, client, page, search, target, getSearchURL()); page = Jsoup.parse(EntityUtils.toString(entity)); rows =; } } } else { // search by license number (site supports only exact match) HttpEntity entity = postForm(getSearchURL(), client, search, new String[][] { { "__EVENTTARGET", "_ctl7:cmdSearch" }, { "__EVENTARGUMENT", "" }, { "_ctl7:ddlbLicenseType", Util.defaultString(criteria.getLicenseType().getName()) }, { "_ctl7:rbtnSearch", "1" }, { "_ctl7:txtCheckDigit", Util.defaultString(criteria.getCheckDigit()) }, { "_ctl7:txtLicenseNumber", Util.defaultString(criteria.getIdentifier()) }, { "__VIEWSTATE","input[name=__VIEWSTATE]").first().val() } }, true); page = Jsoup.parse(EntityUtils.toString(entity)); if ("span#lblFormTitle").text().equals("License Details")) { String prefLicenseType = criteria.getLicenseType().getName(); allLicenses.add(parseLicense(page, prefLicenseType)); } } SearchResult<License> searchResult = new SearchResult<License>(); searchResult.setItems(allLicenses); return searchResult; } /** * Parses the nursing license details page. * * @param page the details page * @param licenseType if user has multiple licenses, this one will be used * @return the parsed license details * @throws ParsingException if the page does not contain the expected elements */ private License parseLicense(Document page, String licenseType) throws ParsingException { if (!"span#lblFormTitle").text().equals("License Details")) { throw new ParsingException(ErrorCode.MITA50002.getDesc()); } License license = new License(); ProviderProfile profile = new ProviderProfile(); license.setProfile(profile); String fullName ="#_ctl7_lblName").text(); User user = new User(); profile.setUser(user); String[] nameParts = fullName.split(" "); user.setLastName(nameParts[nameParts.length - 1]); if (nameParts.length > 1) { user.setFirstName(nameParts[0]); } // everything else goes to middle name (per site behavior) if (nameParts.length > 2) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 1; i < nameParts.length - 1; i++) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(" "); } sb.append(nameParts[i]); } user.setMiddleName(sb.toString()); } String dateOfBirth ="#_ctl7_lblDOB").text(); if (Util.isNotBlank(dateOfBirth)) { profile.setDob(parseDate(dateOfBirth, DATE_FORMAT)); } String gender ="#_ctl7_lblGender").text(); if (Util.isNotBlank(gender)) { if ("Female".equals(gender)) { profile.setSex(Sex.FEMALE); } else { profile.setSex(Sex.MALE); } } Elements licenses ="#_ctl7_dgLicense tr.Normal"); for (Element row : licenses) { String licenseNumber ="td:eq(0)").text(); if (licenseType != null && !licenseNumber.startsWith(licenseType)) { // user has multiple licenses, the results will show this user twice (search by name) continue; } String[] licenseParts = licenseNumber.split(" "); LicenseType type = new LicenseType(); type.setName(TYPES.get(licenseParts[0]) == null ? licenseParts[0] : TYPES.get(licenseParts[0])); license.setType(type); license.setLicenseNumber(licenseParts[1]); String issueDate ="td:eq(1)").text(); if (Util.isNotBlank(issueDate)) { license.setOriginalIssueDate(parseDate(issueDate, DATE_FORMAT)); } String expirationDate ="td:eq(2)").text(); if (Util.isNotBlank(expirationDate)) { license.setExpireDate(parseDate(expirationDate, DATE_FORMAT)); } } return license; } /** * This method performs login to the configured site. * * @return the cookies generated by the login process * * @throws URISyntaxException if an error occurs while building the URL. * @throws ClientProtocolException if client does not support protocol used. * @throws IOException if an error occurs while parsing response. * @throws ServiceException for any other problems encountered */ private CookieStore loginAsPublicUser() throws URISyntaxException, ClientProtocolException, IOException, ServiceException { DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(getLaxSSLConnectionManager()); client.setRedirectStrategy(new LaxRedirectStrategy()); String loginSite = getLoginURL(); HttpGet getLogin = new HttpGet(new URIBuilder(loginSite).build()); HttpResponse response = client.execute(getLogin); verifyAndAuditCall(loginSite, response); Document page = Jsoup.parse(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())); // select public user HttpPost login = new HttpPost(new URIBuilder(loginSite).build()); HttpEntity entity = postForm(loginSite, client, login, new String[][] { { "__EVENTTARGET", "_ctl0_rblUserType_2" }, { "__EVENTARGUMENT", "" }, { "__VIEWSTATE","input[name=__VIEWSTATE]").first().val() } }, true); page = Jsoup.parse(EntityUtils.toString(entity)); // enter credentials entity = postForm(loginSite, client, login, new String[][] { { "__EVENTTARGET", "" }, { "__EVENTARGUMENT", "" }, { "_ctl0:cmdLogin", "Log In" }, { "_ctl0:rblUserType", "14" }, { "_ctl0:txtEMailAddress", getUsername() }, { "_ctl0:txtPassword", getPassword() }, { "__VIEWSTATE","input[name=__VIEWSTATE]").first().val() } }, true); page = Jsoup.parse(EntityUtils.toString(entity)); // check that the user was actually logged in if ("a#Banner_hlLogoff").size() == 0) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.MITA50003.getDesc()); } return client.getCookieStore(); } /** * Retrieves the result page for the name query (paginated). * * @param criteria the search criteria * @param client the HTTP client * @param page the current page * @param search the search URL * @param target the paging command * @param searchURL the search URL * @return the page with the requested paginated results * @throws ClientProtocolException if client does not support protocol used. * @throws IOException if an error occurs while parsing response. * @throws ServiceException for any other problems encountered */ private HttpEntity getResultPage(SearchCriteria criteria, DefaultHttpClient client, Document page, HttpPost search, String target, String searchURL) throws IOException, ServiceException { HttpEntity entity; entity = postForm(searchURL, client, search, new String[][] { { "__EVENTTARGET", target }, { "__EVENTARGUMENT", "" }, { "_ctl7:rbtnSearch", "2" }, { "_ctl7:txtFirstName", Util.defaultString(criteria.getFirstName()) }, { "_ctl7:txtLastName", Util.defaultString(criteria.getLastName()) }, { "__VIEWSTATE","input[name=__VIEWSTATE]").first().val() } }, true); return entity; } }