Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 TopCoder Inc., All Rights Reserved. */ package gov.medicaid.process.enrollment.sync; import gov.medicaid.entities.Address; import gov.medicaid.entities.Affiliation; import gov.medicaid.entities.Asset; import gov.medicaid.entities.BeneficialOwner; import gov.medicaid.entities.CategoryOfService; import gov.medicaid.entities.CountyType; import gov.medicaid.entities.DesignatedContact; import gov.medicaid.entities.DesignatedContactType; import gov.medicaid.entities.Enrollment; import gov.medicaid.entities.Entity; import gov.medicaid.entities.License; import gov.medicaid.entities.Organization; import gov.medicaid.entities.OrganizationBeneficialOwner; import gov.medicaid.entities.OwnershipInformation; import gov.medicaid.entities.Person; import gov.medicaid.entities.PersonBeneficialOwner; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProviderCategoryOfService; import gov.medicaid.entities.ProviderProfile; import gov.medicaid.entities.SystemId; import gov.medicaid.entities.dto.ViewStatics; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * This exports the provider model to a flat file. * * @author TCSASSEMBLER * @version 1.0 */ public class FlatFileExporter { /** * Beneficial owner type mapping name. */ private static final String XREF_OWNER_TYPE = "BEN_OWNER_TYPE"; /** * COS Mapping. */ private static final String XREF_COS = "COS"; /** * Code value external mapping. */ private static final String XREF_COUNTY = "COUNTY_CODE"; /** * Code value external mapping. */ private static final String XREF_OWNERSHIP_TYPE = "OWNERSHIP_TYPE"; /** * Code value external mapping. */ private static final String XREF_PROVIDER_TYPE = "PROVIDER_TYPE"; /** * Code value external mapping. */ private static final String XREF_ISSUING_BOARD = "ISSUING_BOARD"; /** * Code value external mapping. */ private static final String XREF_LICENSE_TYPE = "LICENSE_TYPE"; /** * Code value external mapping. */ private static final String XREF_SPECIALTY_CODE = "SPECIALTY_CODE"; /** * Code value external mapping. */ private static final Address BLANK_ADDRESS = new Address(); /** * Code value external mapping. */ private static final String XREF_RISK_LEVEL = "RISK_LEVEL"; /** * Code value external mapping. */ private static final String XREF_ENROLLMENT_STATUS = "ENROLLMENT_STATUS"; /** * License status. */ private static final String XREF_LICENSE_STATUS = "LICENSE_STATUS"; /** * Lookup service for code values. */ private final LookupService lookup; /** * Empty constructor. */ public FlatFileExporter() { CMSConfigurator config = new CMSConfigurator(); lookup = config.getLookupService(); } /** * Exports the provider file. * * @param enrollment the enrollment to be exported * @return the exported file * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ public byte[] exportProviderFile(Enrollment enrollment) throws PortalServiceException { ProviderProfile profile = enrollment.getDetails(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); generateHeader(sb, enrollment); exportWS000EXTENTITY(sb, enrollment); exportWS000EXTOWNINFO(sb, profile); exportWS000EXTOWNASSET(sb, profile); exportWS000EXTPROVPROFILE(sb, enrollment); exportWS000EXTCONTINFO(sb, enrollment); exportWS000EXTPRACTICEADDR(sb, enrollment); exportWS000EXTBILLADDR(sb, enrollment); exportWS000EXTLIC(sb, enrollment); exportWS000EXTCOS(sb, enrollment); exportWS000EXT2OWNBEN(sb, enrollment); return sb.toString().getBytes(); } /** * Generates the header for the request. * * * <pre> * | Add-Update ID| Oracle Row ID| Legacy ID | Sys Err Code | Data Err Code | <provider file> * * - Set add/update * - Leave sys err and data err empty for all records * - Leave legacy ID blank for new providers * * Add-Update ID: 1 byte. A for add, U for update (existing) * Oracle Row ID: 22 bytes our row ID for this provider * Legacy ID: 8 bytes the legacy ID of the provider * Sys err Code: 2 bytes we record this to the log for every processed row, but ignore it * Data Err Code: 30 bytes (which will be 3 byte segments) * </pre> * * @param sb the buffer * @param enrollment the enrollment * @throws PortalServiceException for any errors encountered */ private void generateHeader(StringBuilder sb, Enrollment enrollment) throws PortalServiceException { ProviderProfile profile = enrollment.getDetails(); String mode = "U"; if (enrollment.getRequestType().getDescription().equals(ViewStatics.ENROLLMENT_REQUEST)) { mode = "A"; } else { if (profile.getEntity().getLegacyId() == null) { throw new PortalServiceException("Cannot send UPDATE synchronization as Legacy ID is not known."); } } sb.append(fw(mode, ColumnDef.HEADER_MODE)); sb.append(fw(enrollment.getTicketId(), ColumnDef.HEADER_PROFILE_ID)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.HEADER_LEGACY_ID)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.HEADER_SYS_ERR)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.HEADER_DATA_ERR)); } /** * <pre> * 002270 05 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-BEN. * 002280 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-PROV-ID PIC X(09) VALUE ' '. * 002290 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-NPI PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 002300 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-INT-PCT PIC S9(03)V VALUE 0. * 002310 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-BIRTH-DATE PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 002320 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-HIRE-DATE PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 002330 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-M-NAME PIC X(35) VALUE ' '. * 002340 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-F-NAME PIC X(35) VALUE ' '. * 002350 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-L-NAME PIC X(35) VALUE ' '. * 002360 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-SSN PIC X(09) VALUE ' '. * 002370 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-ROLE-IND-1 PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * 002380 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-ROLE-IND-2 PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * 002390 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-ROLE-IND-3 PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * 002400 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-ROLE-IND-4 PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * 002410 10 WS-000-EXT2-OWN-B-FEIN PIC X(09) VALUE ' '. * </pre> */ private void exportWS000EXT2OWNBEN(StringBuilder sb, Enrollment enrollment) { ProviderProfile profile = enrollment.getDetails(); sb.append(fw(profile.getProfileId(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_PROV_ID)); sb.append(fw(profile.getEntity().getNpi(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_NPI)); OwnershipInformation ownershipInformation = profile.getOwnershipInformation(); BeneficialOwner owner = null; boolean isPerson = true; if (ownershipInformation != null) { List<BeneficialOwner> owners = ownershipInformation.getBeneficialOwners(); if (owners.isEmpty()) { owner = owners.get(0); isPerson = owner instanceof PersonBeneficialOwner; } } if (owner == null) { owner = new PersonBeneficialOwner(); } sb.append(fw(mod(owner.getOwnershipInterest(), 1000), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_INT_PCT)); if (isPerson) { PersonBeneficialOwner person = (PersonBeneficialOwner) owner; sb.append(fw(person.getDob(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_BIRTH_DATE)); sb.append(fw(person.getHireDate(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_HIRE_DATE)); sb.append(fw(person.getMiddleName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_M_NAME)); sb.append(fw(person.getFirstName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_F_NAME)); sb.append(fw(person.getLastName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_L_NAME)); sb.append(fw(person.getSsn(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_SSN)); String typeCode = owner.getType() == null ? null : owner.getType().getCode(); String extCode = doLegacyMapping(typeCode, XREF_OWNER_TYPE); sb.append(fw(extCode, ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_ROLE_IND_1)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_ROLE_IND_2)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_ROLE_IND_3)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_ROLE_IND_4)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_FEIN)); } else { OrganizationBeneficialOwner org = (OrganizationBeneficialOwner) owner; sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_BIRTH_DATE)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_HIRE_DATE)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_M_NAME)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_F_NAME)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_L_NAME)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_SSN)); String typeCode = owner.getType() == null ? null : owner.getType().getCode(); String extCode = doLegacyMapping(typeCode, XREF_OWNER_TYPE); sb.append(fw(extCode, ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_ROLE_IND_1)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_ROLE_IND_2)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_ROLE_IND_3)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_ROLE_IND_4)); sb.append(fw(org.getFein(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT2_OWN_B_FEIN)); } } /** * Limits the value to a range * * @param value the value * @param i the range * @return the mod of value and i */ private String mod(BigDecimal value, int i) { if (value == null) { return null; } return String.valueOf(value.intValue() % i); } /** * <pre> * 002190 05 WS-000-EXT-COS. * 002200 10 WS-000-EXT-COS-ARRAY OCCURS 20 TIMES. * 002210 15 WS-000-EXT-COS-START-DATE PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 002220 15 WS-000-EXT-COS-END-DATE PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 002230 15 WS-000-EXT-COS-ARRAY OCCURS 60 TIMES. * 002240 20 WS-000-EXT-COS-CODE PIC X(03) VALUE ' '. * </pre> */ private void exportWS000EXTCOS(StringBuilder sb, Enrollment enrollment) { ProviderProfile profile = enrollment.getDetails(); List<ProviderCategoryOfService> cos = profile.getCategoriesOfServiceTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { ProviderCategoryOfService cat = null; if (cos.size() > i) { cat = cos.get(i); } else { cat = new ProviderCategoryOfService(); } sb.append(fw(cat.getStartDate(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_COS_START_DATE)); sb.append(fw(cat.getEndDate(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_COS_END_DATE)); List<CategoryOfService> codes = cat.getCategories(); for (int j = 0; j < 60; j++) { CategoryOfService code = null; if (codes != null && codes.size() > j) { code = codes.get(j); } else { code = new CategoryOfService(); } sb.append(fw(doLegacyMapping(code.getCode(), XREF_COS), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_COS_CODE)); } } } /** * <pre> * 002090 05 WS-000-EXT-LIC. * 002100 10 WS-000-EXT-LIC-ARRAY OCCURS 112 TIMES. * 002110 15 WS-000-EXT-LIC-SPEC-TYPE PIC X(02) VALUE ' '. * 002120 15 WS-000-EXT-LIC-TYPE PIC X(02) VALUE ' '. * 002130 15 WS-000-EXT-LIC-NBR PIC X(13) VALUE ' '. * 002140 15 WS-000-EXT-LIC-BEG-DATE PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 002150 15 WS-000-EXT-LIC-END-DATE PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 002160 15 WS-000-EXT-LIC-STATE PIC X(02) VALUE ' '. * 002170 15 WS-000-EXT-LIC-STAT PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * 002180 15 WS-000-EXT-LIC-ISSUE-BRD PIC X(09) VALUE ' '. * </pre> */ private void exportWS000EXTLIC(StringBuilder sb, Enrollment enrollment) { ProviderProfile profile = enrollment.getDetails(); List<License> certifications = profile.getCertifications(); for (int i = 0; i < 112; i++) { License license = null; if (certifications.size() > i) { license = certifications.get(i); } else { license = new License(); } String specType = license.getSpecialty() == null ? null : doLegacyMapping(license.getSpecialty().getCode(), XREF_SPECIALTY_CODE); sb.append(fw(specType, ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_LIC_SPEC_TYPE)); String licType = license.getType() == null ? null : doLegacyMapping(license.getType().getCode(), XREF_LICENSE_TYPE); sb.append(fw(licType, ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_LIC_TYPE)); sb.append(fw(license.getLicenseNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_LIC_NBR)); sb.append(fw(license.getOriginalIssueDate(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_LIC_BEG_DATE)); sb.append(fw(license.getRenewalEndDate(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_LIC_END_DATE)); sb.append(fw(license.getIssuingUSState(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_LIC_STATE)); String status = license.getStatus() == null ? null : doLegacyMapping(license.getStatus().getCode(), XREF_LICENSE_STATUS); sb.append(fw(status, ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_LIC_STAT)); String board = license.getIssuingBoard() == null ? null : doLegacyMapping(license.getIssuingBoard().getCode(), XREF_ISSUING_BOARD); sb.append(fw(board, ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_LIC_ISSUE_BRD)); } } /** * <pre> * 002020 05 WS-000-EXT-BILL-ADDR. * 002030 10 WS-000-EXT-BILL-ADDR-1 PIC X(28) VALUE ' '. * 002040 10 WS-000-EXT-BILL-ADDR-2 PIC X(28) VALUE ' '. * 002050 10 WS-000-EXT-BILL-ADDR-CITY PIC X(18) VALUE ' '. * 002060 10 WS-000-EXT-BILL-ADDR-STATE PIC X(02) VALUE ' '. * 002070 10 WS-000-EXT-BILL-ADDR-ZIP PIC X(05) VALUE ' '. * 002080 10 WS-000-EXT-BILL-ADDR-COUNTY PIC X(30) VALUE ' '. * </pre> */ private void exportWS000EXTBILLADDR(StringBuilder sb, Enrollment enrollment) { ProviderProfile profile = enrollment.getDetails(); Entity entity = profile.getEntity(); boolean isPerson = entity instanceof Person; Organization practice = getPrimaryPractice(profile, entity); if (isPerson) { exportAddress(sb, practice.getBillingAddress()); } else { exportAddress(sb, ((Organization) entity).getBillingAddress()); } } /** * <pre> * 001950 05 WS-000-EXT-PRACTICE-ADDR. * 001960 10 WS-000-EXT-PRAC-ADDR-1 PIC X(28) VALUE ' '. * 001970 10 WS-000-EXT-PRAC-ADDR-2 PIC X(28) VALUE ' '. * 001980 10 WS-000-EXT-PRAC-ADDR-CITY PIC X(18) VALUE ' '. * 001990 10 WS-000-EXT-PRAC-ADDR-STATE PIC X(02) VALUE ' '. * 002000 10 WS-000-EXT-PRAC-ADDR-ZIP PIC X(05) VALUE ' '. * 002010 10 WS-000-EXT-PRAC-ADDR-COUNTY PIC X(30) VALUE ' '. * </pre> */ private void exportWS000EXTPRACTICEADDR(StringBuilder sb, Enrollment enrollment) { ProviderProfile profile = enrollment.getDetails(); Entity entity = profile.getEntity(); boolean isPerson = entity instanceof Person; Organization practice = getPrimaryPractice(profile, entity); if (isPerson && practice != null) { exportAddress(sb, practice.getContactInformation().getAddress()); } else { exportAddress(sb, entity.getContactInformation().getAddress()); } } /** * Finds the primary practice for the given profile. * * @param profile the profile * @param entity the profile entity * @return the primary practice if it exists */ private Organization getPrimaryPractice(ProviderProfile profile, Entity entity) { Organization practice = null; if (entity instanceof Person) { List<Affiliation> affiliations = profile.getAffiliations(); for (Affiliation affiliation : affiliations) { if (ViewStatics.DISCRIMINATOR_LOCATION.equals(affiliation.getObjectType()) && "Y".equals(affiliation.getPrimaryInd())) { practice = (Organization) affiliation.getEntity(); } } } return practice; } /** * Exports the given address. * * @param sb the current buffer * @param address the address to be exported */ private void exportAddress(StringBuilder sb, Address address) { if (address == null) { address = BLANK_ADDRESS; } sb.append(fw(address.getLine1(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PRAC_ADDR_1)); sb.append(fw(address.getLine2(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PRAC_ADDR_2)); sb.append(fw(address.getCity(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PRAC_ADDR_CITY)); sb.append(fw(address.getState(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PRAC_ADDR_STATE)); sb.append(fw(address.getZipcode(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PRAC_ADDR_ZIP)); String county = doLegacyMapping(address.getCounty(), XREF_COUNTY); sb.append(fw(county, ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PRAC_ADDR_COUNTY)); } /** * <pre> * 001910 05 WS-000-EXT-CONT-INFO. * 001920 10 WS-000-EXT-CONT-I-PHONE PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 001930 10 WS-000-EXT-CONT-I-FAX PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 001940 10 WS-000-EXT-CONT-I-EMAIL PIC X(70) VALUE ' '. * </pre> */ private void exportWS000EXTCONTINFO(StringBuilder sb, Enrollment enrollment) { ProviderProfile profile = enrollment.getDetails(); Entity entity = profile.getEntity(); boolean isPerson = entity instanceof Person; Organization practice = getPrimaryPractice(profile, entity); DesignatedContact designatedContact = findDesignatedContact(profile); if (isPerson) { if (practice != null) { // use practice location phone numbers sb.append(fw(practice.getContactInformation().getPhoneNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_PHONE)); sb.append(fw(practice.getContactInformation().getFaxNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_FAX)); } else { // use residential information (home based?) sb.append(fw(entity.getContactInformation().getPhoneNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_PHONE)); sb.append(fw(entity.getContactInformation().getFaxNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_FAX)); } if (designatedContact != null) { // use designated contact sb.append(fw(designatedContact.getPerson().getContactInformation().getEmail(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_EMAIL)); } else { // use personal email sb.append(fw(entity.getContactInformation().getEmail(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_EMAIL)); } } else { if (designatedContact != null) { // always expect a designated contact sb.append(fw(designatedContact.getPerson().getContactInformation().getPhoneNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_PHONE)); sb.append(fw(designatedContact.getPerson().getContactInformation().getFaxNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_FAX)); sb.append(fw(designatedContact.getPerson().getContactInformation().getEmail(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_EMAIL)); } else { // default to organization location sb.append(fw(entity.getContactInformation().getPhoneNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_PHONE)); sb.append(fw(entity.getContactInformation().getFaxNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_FAX)); sb.append(fw(entity.getContactInformation().getEmail(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_CONT_I_EMAIL)); } } } /** * Finds the designated contact for the profile * * @param profile the profile * @return the designated contact person if it exists */ private DesignatedContact findDesignatedContact(ProviderProfile profile) { List<DesignatedContact> contacts = profile.getDesignatedContacts(); for (DesignatedContact designatedContact : contacts) { if (designatedContact.getType() == DesignatedContactType.ENROLLMENT) { return designatedContact; } } // default to the first designated contact (agencies?) return contacts.isEmpty() ? null : contacts.get(0); } /** * <pre> * 001840 05 WS-000-EXT-PROV-PROFILE. * 001850 10 WS-000-EXT-PROV-P-ARRAY OCCURS 12 TIMES. * 001860 15 WS-000-EXT-PROV-P-E-STAT-DT PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 001870 15 WS-000-EXT-PROV-P-ENRL-STAT PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * 001880 10 WS-000-EXT-PROV-P-RESV-IND PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * 001890 10 WS-000-EXT-PROV-P-CO-CODE PIC X(03) VALUE ' '. * 001900 10 WS-000-EXT-PROV-P-RISK-LVL PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * </pre> */ private void exportWS000EXTPROVPROFILE(StringBuilder sb, Enrollment enrollment) { sb.append(fw(enrollment.getStatusDate(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PROV_P_E_STAT_DT)); sb.append(fw(doLegacyMapping(enrollment.getStatus().getCode(), XREF_ENROLLMENT_STATUS), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PROV_P_ENRL_STAT)); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PROV_P_E_STAT_DT)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PROV_P_ENRL_STAT)); } ProviderProfile profile = enrollment.getDetails(); sb.append(fw(profile.getWorksOnReservationInd(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PROV_P_RESV_IND)); sb.append(fw(findCountyCode(profile.getCounty()), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PROV_P_CO_CODE)); sb.append(fw(doLegacyMapping(profile.getRiskLevel().getCode(), XREF_RISK_LEVEL), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_PROV_P_RISK_LVL)); } /** * <pre> * 001800 05 WS-000-EXT-OWN-ASSET. * 001810 10 WS-000-EXT-OWN-A-ARRAY OCCURS 25 TIMES. * 001820 15 WS-000-EXT-OWN-A-BCKGRD-NAM PIC X(35) VALUE ' '. * 001830 15 WS-000-EXT-OWN-A-BCKGRD-OWN PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * </pre> */ private void exportWS000EXTOWNASSET(StringBuilder sb, ProviderProfile profile) { OwnershipInformation ownershipInformation = profile.getOwnershipInformation(); for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { Asset asset = null; if (ownershipInformation != null && ownershipInformation.getAssets().size() > i) { asset = ownershipInformation.getAssets().get(i); } else { asset = new Asset(); } sb.append(fw(asset.getName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_OWN_A_BCKGRD_NAM)); if (asset.getOwnershipType() != null) { String type = doLegacyMapping(asset.getOwnershipType().getCode(), XREF_OWNERSHIP_TYPE); sb.append(fw(type, ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_OWN_A_BCKGRD_OWN)); } else { sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_OWN_A_BCKGRD_OWN)); } } } /** * <pre> * 001780 05 WS-000-EXT-OWN-INFO. * 001790 10 WS-000-EXT-OWN-I-OWNER PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * </pre> */ private void exportWS000EXTOWNINFO(StringBuilder sb, ProviderProfile profile) { sb.append(fw(profile.getMaintainsOwnPrivatePractice(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_OWN_I_OWNER)); } /** * <pre> * 001600 05 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY. * 001610 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-PROV-ID PIC X(09) VALUE ' '. * 001620 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-NPI PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 001630 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-NAME PIC X(35) VALUE ' '. * 001640 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-LEGAL-NAME PIC X(35) VALUE ' '. * 001650 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-PROV-TYPE PIC X(02) VALUE ' '. * 001660 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-MIDDLE-NAME PIC X(35) VALUE ' '. * 001670 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-SSN PIC X(09) VALUE ' '. * 001680 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-BIRTH-DATE PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 001690 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-DEGREE PIC X(01) VALUE ' '. * 001700 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-DEGREE-DATE PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 001710 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-FIRST-NAME PIC X(35) VALUE ' '. * 001720 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-LAST-NAME PIC X(35) VALUE ' '. * 001730 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-ST-TAX-ID PIC X(07) VALUE ' '. * 001740 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-FEIN PIC X(09) VALUE ' '. * 001750 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-FSCL-YR-END PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 001760 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-EFT-VEND-N PIC X(10) VALUE ' '. * 001770 10 WS-000-EXT-ENTITY-VEND-LOC PIC X(03) VALUE ' '. * </pre> */ private void exportWS000EXTENTITY(StringBuilder sb, Enrollment enrollment) { ProviderProfile profile = enrollment.getDetails(); Entity entity = profile.getEntity(); boolean isPerson = entity instanceof Person; Organization practice = getPrimaryPractice(profile, entity); Organization organization = isPerson ? null : (Organization) entity; Person person = isPerson ? (Person) entity : null; String providerTypeCode = doLegacyMapping(entity.getProviderType().getCode(), XREF_PROVIDER_TYPE); sb.append(fw(enrollment.getTicketId(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_PROV_ID)); sb.append(fw(entity.getNpi(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_NPI)); if (isPerson) { sb.append(fw(practice.getName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_NAME)); sb.append(fw(practice.getLegalName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_LEGAL_NAME)); sb.append(fw(providerTypeCode, ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_PROV_TYPE)); sb.append(fw(person.getMiddleName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_MIDDLE_NAME)); sb.append(fw(person.getSsn(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_SSN)); sb.append(fw(person.getDob(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_BIRTH_DATE)); if (person.getDegree() != null) { sb.append(fw(doLegacyMapping(person.getDegree().getCode(), "DEGREE"), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_DEGREE)); } else { sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_DEGREE)); } sb.append(fw(person.getDegreeAwardDate(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_DEGREE_DATE)); sb.append(fw(person.getFirstName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_FIRST_NAME)); sb.append(fw(person.getLastName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_LAST_NAME)); sb.append(fw(practice.getStateTaxId(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_ST_TAX_ID)); sb.append(fw(practice.getFein(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_FEIN)); sb.append(fw(fiscalYearToDate(practice.getFiscalYearEnd()), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_FSCL_YR_END)); sb.append(fw(practice.getEftVendorNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_EFT_VEND_N)); } else { sb.append(fw(entity.getName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_NAME)); sb.append(fw(entity.getLegalName(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_LEGAL_NAME)); sb.append(fw(providerTypeCode, ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_PROV_TYPE)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_MIDDLE_NAME)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_SSN)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_BIRTH_DATE)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_DEGREE)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_DEGREE_DATE)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_FIRST_NAME)); sb.append(fw("", ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_LAST_NAME)); sb.append(fw(organization.getStateTaxId(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_ST_TAX_ID)); sb.append(fw(organization.getFein(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_FEIN)); sb.append( fw(fiscalYearToDate(organization.getFiscalYearEnd()), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_FSCL_YR_END)); sb.append(fw(organization.getEftVendorNumber(), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_EFT_VEND_N)); } sb.append(fw(findCountyCode(profile.getCounty()), ColumnDef.WS_000_EXT_ENTITY_VEND_LOC)); } /** * Converts the fiscal year end to a data. * * @param fiscalYearEnd the current value * @return the formatted date, or null */ private Date fiscalYearToDate(String fiscalYearEnd) { if (fiscalYearEnd == null) { return null; } try { return new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").parse(fiscalYearEnd + "/1900"); } catch (ParseException e) { return null; } } /** * Retrieves the county code for the description * * @param county the county name * @return the county code, or the county name if not found */ private String findCountyCode(String county) { CountyType countyObj = lookup.findLookupByDescription(CountyType.class, county); if (countyObj == null) { return county; } return doLegacyMapping(countyObj.getCode(), XREF_COUNTY); } /** * Performs code value mapping for the given lookup. * * @param internalCodeValue the internal application value * @param codeType the code type * @return the mapped value */ private String doLegacyMapping(String internalCodeValue, String codeType) { String externalCode = lookup.findLegacyMapping(, codeType, internalCodeValue); if (externalCode != null && externalCode.trim().length() > 0) { return externalCode; } return internalCodeValue; } /** * Fixes the width of the given object given the column definition. * * @param value the value to fix the width for * @param def the column definition * @return the fixed width string */ private String fw(Object value, ColumnDef def) { if (value == null) { fixWidth("", def.getWidth()); } if (value != null && value instanceof Date) { return fixWidthDate((Date) value, def.getWidth()); } return fixWidth(String.valueOf(value), def.getWidth()); } /** * Converts the given date to the export format. * * @param value the value to convert * @param width the width of the field * @return the formatted data */ private String fixWidthDate(Date value, int width) { return StringUtils.leftPad(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(value), width); } /** * Converts the given object to the export format. * * @param value the value to convert * @param width the width of the field * @return the formatted data */ private String fixWidth(String value, int width) { if (value != null) { return value.length() > width ? value.substring(0, width) : StringUtils.leftPad(value, width); } return StringUtils.leftPad("", width); } }