Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2011, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced at
 * the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Written by Keith Stevens,
 * OCEC-10-073 All rights reserved. 
 * This file is part of the C-Cat package and is covered under the terms and
 * conditions therein.
 * The C-Cat package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation and distributed hereunder to you.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.

package gov.llnl.ontology.mains;

import gov.llnl.ontology.util.MahoutSparseVector;

import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.OntologyReader;
import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.Synset;
import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.Synset.PartsOfSpeech;
import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.SynsetRelations;
import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.SynsetRelations.HypernymStatus;
import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.SynsetSimilarity;
import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.WordNetCorpusReader;
import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.sim.PathSimilarity;

import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.builder.WordNetBuilder;
import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.builder.OntologicalSortWordNetBuilder;
import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.builder.DepthFirstBnBWordNetBuilder;
import gov.llnl.ontology.wordnet.builder.UnorderedWordNetBuilder;

import edu.ucla.sspace.common.ArgOptions;
import edu.ucla.sspace.common.Similarity;
import edu.ucla.sspace.common.SemanticSpace;
import edu.ucla.sspace.common.StaticSemanticSpace;

import edu.ucla.sspace.dependency.CoNLLDependencyExtractor;
import edu.ucla.sspace.dependency.ConjunctionTransform;
import edu.ucla.sspace.dependency.DependencyExtractor;
import edu.ucla.sspace.dependency.DependencyTreeNode;
import edu.ucla.sspace.dependency.DependencyTreeTransform;
import edu.ucla.sspace.dependency.DependencyPath;
import edu.ucla.sspace.dependency.FilteredDependencyIterator;
import edu.ucla.sspace.dependency.UniversalPathAcceptor;

import edu.ucla.sspace.dv.DependencyPathBasisMapping;
import edu.ucla.sspace.dv.RelationPathBasisMapping;

import edu.ucla.sspace.text.DependencyFileDocumentIterator;
import edu.ucla.sspace.text.Document;

import edu.ucla.sspace.util.Duple;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.Pair;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.ReflectionUtil;

import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseDoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.CompactSparseVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.Vector;

import org.apache.mahout.classifier.OnlineLearner;
import org.apache.mahout.classifier.sgd.AdaptiveLogisticRegression;
import org.apache.mahout.classifier.sgd.AdaptiveLogisticRegression.Wrapper;
import org.apache.mahout.classifier.sgd.CrossFoldLearner;
import org.apache.mahout.classifier.sgd.L1;
import org.apache.mahout.classifier.sgd.OnlineLogisticRegression;

import org.apache.mahout.ep.State;

import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector;


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * @author Keith Stevens
public class ExtendWordNet {

    private final OntologyReader reader;

    private final DependencyExtractor extractor;

    private final DependencyPathBasisMapping basis;

    private final DependencyTreeTransform transformer;

    private final int numSimilarityScores;

    private EvidenceMap knownPositives;

    private EvidenceMap knownNegatives;

    private final EvidenceMap unknownEvidence;

    private final WordNetBuilder wordnetBuilder;

    private OnlineLogisticRegression hypernymPredictor;

    private OnlineLogisticRegression cousinPredictor;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ArgOptions options = new ArgOptions();
        options.addOption('w', "wordnetDir", "Set the directory holding wordnet data files", true, "DIR",
        options.addOption('l', "testWordList", "Set the test word list", true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('f', "corpusFile", "Set the CoNLL dependency parsed corpus file", true, "FILE",
        options.addOption('b', "wordnetBuilder", "Set the wordnetBuilder", true, "u|o|d", "Required");


        if (!options.hasOption('b') || !options.hasOption('w') || !options.hasOption('l') || !options.hasOption('f')
                || options.numPositionalArgs() == 0) {
            System.err.println("usage: java ExtendWordNet [OPTIONS] <sspace>+\n" + options.prettyPrint());

        // Load the test word list, and then wordnet.  Then remove each word in
        // the word list from wordnet and save the possible parents for each
        // word.
        Set<String> wordList = loadWordList(options.getStringOption('l'));
        OntologyReader wordnet = WordNetCorpusReader.initialize(options.getStringOption('w'));
        Map<String, Set<Synset>> wordParents = loadTestParents(wordList, wordnet);

        // Create the builder.
        WordNetBuilder wnBuilder = null;
        if (options.getStringOption('b').equals("u"))
            wnBuilder = new UnorderedWordNetBuilder(wordnet);
        else if (options.getStringOption('b').equals("d"))
            wnBuilder = new DepthFirstBnBWordNetBuilder(wordnet, true, true);
        else if (options.getStringOption('b').equals("o"))
            wnBuilder = new OntologicalSortWordNetBuilder(wordnet, true);

        ExtendWordNet builder = new ExtendWordNet(wordnet, new CoNLLDependencyExtractor(),
                new RelationPathBasisMapping(), new ConjunctionTransform(), wnBuilder, options.numPositionalArgs());

        // Iterate over each document in the corpus and gather evidence.
        Iterator<Document> corpusIter = new DependencyFileDocumentIterator(options.getStringOption('f'));
        int c = 0;
        while (corpusIter.hasNext()) {
            System.err.printf("Processing document %d\n", c);
            builder.gatherEvidence(, wordList);
            System.err.printf("Processed document %d\n", c++);
        System.err.println("Evidence gathered");

        // Apply similarity scores to each noun pair found.
        for (int s = 0; s < options.numPositionalArgs(); ++s) {
            SemanticSpace sspace = new StaticSemanticSpace(options.getPositionalArg(s));
            builder.applySimilarityScores(s, sspace);
        System.err.println("Similarity labeled");

        // Train the models.
        System.err.println("Models trained");

        // Label the unknown evidence.
        System.err.println("Unknown evidence labeled");

        System.err.println("Words added to wordnet");

    private static Set<String> loadWordList(String wordListFile) throws IOException {
        Set<String> words = new HashSet<String>();
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(wordListFile));
        for (String line = null; (line = br.readLine()) != null;)
        return words;

     * Get the parent {@link Synset}s for each word in the {@code wordList} and
     * remove each word's {@link Synset}s from the {@code wordnet} instance.
    private static Map<String, Set<Synset>> loadTestParents(Set<String> wordList, OntologyReader wordnet) {
        Map<String, Set<Synset>> parentMaps = new HashMap<String, Set<Synset>>();
        for (String word : wordList) {
            Set<Synset> parents = new HashSet<Synset>();
            parentMaps.put(word, parents);
            for (Synset synset : wordnet.getSynsets(word, PartsOfSpeech.NOUN)) {

        return parentMaps;

     * Compute the hypernym and cousin probabilities for each unknown noun pair.
    public void labelUnknownEvidence() {
        // Iterate through each of the first words in the relationships.
        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Evidence>> fe : {
            // Iterate through each of the related words and the evidence which
            // describes the patterns between the first word and the second
            // word.
            for (Map.Entry<String, Evidence> entry : fe.getValue().entrySet()) {
                // The predictor return the probability that the data point lies
                // in the first class, which in both cases is the negative
                // class.  Find the positive probability by removing the given
                // score from 1.
                double hypernymProb = 1 - hypernymPredictor
                        .classifyScalar(new MahoutSparseVector(entry.getValue().vector, basis.numDimensions()));
                double cousinProb = 0;//1 - cousinPredictor.classifyScalar(
                //new DenseVector(entry.getValue().similarityScores));
                System.out.printf("%s %s %f\n", fe.getKey(), entry.getKey(), hypernymProb);
                entry.getValue().classScores = new ClassScores(hypernymProb, cousinProb);

    public void extendWordNet(OntologyReader wordnet) {
        knownPositives = null;
        knownNegatives = null;
        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Evidence>> fe : {
            // For the word that needs to be added, extract all the evidence we
            // have for it, such as it's possible parents, their likelihoods,
            // and the likelihood of cousins.
            String termToAdd = fe.getKey();
            Map<String, Evidence> evidenceMap = fe.getValue();
            String[] attachmentLocations = new String[evidenceMap.size()];
            double[] attachmentScores = new double[evidenceMap.size()];
            Map<String, Double> cousinScores = new HashMap<String, Double>();

            int i = 0;
            for (Map.Entry<String, Evidence> entry : evidenceMap.entrySet()) {
                attachmentLocations[i] = entry.getKey();
                ClassScores scores = entry.getValue().classScores;
                attachmentScores[i] = scores.hypernymScore;
                if (scores.cousinScore != 0d)
                    cousinScores.put(entry.getKey(), scores.cousinScore);

            // Add this term and it's information to the core builder.
            wordnetBuilder.addEvidence(termToAdd, attachmentLocations, attachmentScores, cousinScores);

        // After all words have been passed to the builder, add the terms
        // according to the builder's methodology.

     * Constructs a new {@link ExtendWordNet} instance.
    public ExtendWordNet(OntologyReader wordnet, DependencyExtractor extractor, DependencyPathBasisMapping basis,
            DependencyTreeTransform transformer, WordNetBuilder wordnetBuilder, int numSimilarityScores) {
        this.reader = wordnet;
        this.basis = basis;
        this.extractor = extractor;
        this.transformer = transformer;
        this.wordnetBuilder = wordnetBuilder;
        this.numSimilarityScores = numSimilarityScores;

        knownPositives = new EvidenceMap(basis);
        knownNegatives = new EvidenceMap(basis);
        unknownEvidence = new EvidenceMap(basis);


     * Applies similarity scores for each of the word pairs in the evidence
     * maps.
    public void applySimilarityScores(int sspaceNum, SemanticSpace sspace) {
        knownPositives.scorePairs(sspaceNum, sspace);
        knownNegatives.scorePairs(sspaceNum, sspace);
        unknownEvidence.scorePairs(sspaceNum, sspace);

     * Trains the hypernym and cousin predictor models based on the evidence
     * gathered for positive and negative relationships.  Returns true if both
     * models could be trained.
    public boolean trainModel(int numPasses) {
        // Train the hypernym predictor.
        AdaptiveLogisticRegression model = new AdaptiveLogisticRegression(2, basis.numDimensions(), new L1());
        for (int i = 0; i < numPasses; ++i) {
            trainHypernyms(, model, 1);
            trainHypernyms(, model, 0);

        // Get the best predictor for hypernyms from the trainer.  If no trainer
        // could be found, return false.
        State<Wrapper, CrossFoldLearner> best = model.getBest();
        if (best == null)
            return false;
        hypernymPredictor = best.getPayload().getLearner().getModels().get(0);

        // Train the cousin predictor using the similarity scores.
        model = new AdaptiveLogisticRegression(
            2, numSimilarityScores, new L1());
        for (int i = 0; i < numPasses; ++i) {
        trainCousins(, model);
        trainCousins(, model);
        // Get the best cousin predictor model from the trainer.  If no trainer
        // could be found, return false.
        best = model.getBest();
        if (best == null)
        return false;
        cousinPredictor = best.getPayload().getLearner().getModels().get(0);

        return true;

     * Iterates through the {@link DependencyPath} found in the dependency trees
     * found in {@code document}.  For any two nouns that are connected by some
     * {@link DependencyPath}, the shortest path connecting these two nouns will
     * be used as evidence.
    public void gatherEvidence(BufferedReader document, Set<String> wordList) {
        try {
            for (DependencyTreeNode[] tree = null; (tree = extractor.readNextTree(document)) != null;) {
                tree = transformer.transform(tree);

                for (DependencyTreeNode treeNode : tree) {
                    // Reject any nodes that are not nouns.
                    if (!treeNode.pos().startsWith("N"))

                    Set<DependencyTreeNode> seenNodes = new HashSet<DependencyTreeNode>();

                    // Iterate through all of the available dependency paths
                    // starting at this current node.  For all valid paths, i.e.
                    // ones that start and end with nounds, and at least one of
                    // the nodes is in word net, emit the dependency path
                    // between the two nouns.
                    Iterator<DependencyPath> pathIter = new FilteredDependencyIterator(treeNode,
                            new UniversalPathAcceptor(), 3);
                    while (pathIter.hasNext()) {
                        DependencyPath path =;

                        // Reject any end nodes that are not nouns.
                        if (!path.last().pos().startsWith("N"))

                        String firstTerm = path.first().word();
                        String secondTerm = path.last().word();

                        // Check to see if the current end node in the path has
                        // already been observed.  This allows us to select only
                        // the dependency path which is shortest between the two
                        // nodes.
                        if (seenNodes.contains(path.last()))


                        addTermEvidence(firstTerm, secondTerm, path, wordList);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new IOError(ioe);

     * Add the {@link DependencyPath} information connecting {@code firstTerm}
     * and {@code secondTerm} in the appropriate {@link EvidenceMap}.  If both
     * terms are in wordnet and {@code firstTerm} is a hypernym of {@code
     * secondTerm}, the data will be stored in {@code knownPositives}.  If they
     * are in wordnet and there is no hypernym relationship, the data will be
     * stored in {@code knownNegatives}.  Otherwise, the data will be stored in
     * {@code unknownEvidence}.
    private void addTermEvidence(String firstTerm, String secondTerm, DependencyPath path, Set<String> wordList) {
        // Store the data in the correct map if the two words have already been
        // seen.
        if (knownPositives.contains(firstTerm, secondTerm))
            knownPositives.add(firstTerm, secondTerm, path);
        else if (knownNegatives.contains(firstTerm, secondTerm))
            knownNegatives.add(firstTerm, secondTerm, path);
        else if (unknownEvidence.contains(firstTerm, secondTerm) && wordList.contains(firstTerm))
            unknownEvidence.add(firstTerm, secondTerm, path);
        else {
            // Otherwise determine the relationship between the two words and
            // then select the correct map.
            HypernymStatus hypernymEvidenceStatus = SynsetRelations.getHypernymStatus(
                    reader.getSynsets(firstTerm, PartsOfSpeech.NOUN),
                    reader.getSynsets(secondTerm, PartsOfSpeech.NOUN));
            switch (hypernymEvidenceStatus) {
            case KNOWN_HYPERNYM:
                knownPositives.add(firstTerm, secondTerm, path);
            case KNOWN_NON_HYPERNYM:
                knownNegatives.add(firstTerm, secondTerm, path);
                if (wordList.contains(firstTerm))
                    unknownEvidence.add(firstTerm, secondTerm, path);

     * Trains the {@code hypernymPredictor} using the evidence from an {@link
     * EvidenceMap} and the class labels for each data point in that map.
     * @param map The raw {@link Map} holding {@link Evidence} instances
     * @param model The model to be trained
     * @param classLabel the class label to be applied to all data in {@code
     *        map}
    private void trainHypernyms(Map<String, Map<String, Evidence>> map, OnlineLearner model, int classLabel) {
        for (Map<String, Evidence> value : map.values())
            for (Evidence e : value.values())
                model.train(classLabel, new MahoutSparseVector(e.vector, basis.numDimensions()));

     * Trains the {@code cousinPredictor} using the evidence from an {@link
     * EvidenceMap} and the similarity scores for each data point in that map.
     * @param map The raw {@link Map} holding {@link Evidence} instances
     * @param model The model to be trained
    private void trainCousins(Map<String, Map<String, Evidence>> map, OnlineLearner model) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Evidence>> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, Evidence> ev : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
                // Determine whether or not the two terms are cousins.
                // Initially assume that they arent.
                Pair<Integer> cousinDepth = SynsetRelations.getCousinDistance(
                        reader.getSynsets(entry.getKey(), PartsOfSpeech.NOUN),
                        reader.getSynsets(ev.getKey(), PartsOfSpeech.NOUN), 7);

                // If the two terms are cousins, use 1 as the class label,
                // otherwise use 0.
                int classLabel = 0;
                if (cousinDepth.x != Integer.MAX_VALUE && cousinDepth.y != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                    classLabel = 1;

                // Train the model with this data point.
                model.train(classLabel, new DenseVector(ev.getValue().similarityScores));

     * A mapping from two terms to the observed {@link Evidence} information.
    private class EvidenceMap {

         * The mapping from two connected words to their observed dependency
         * path information and semantic similarity scores.
        private final HashMap<String, Map<String, Evidence>> map;

         * The {@link DependencyPathBasisMapping} used to associate {@link
         * DependencyPath}s with dimensions.
        private final DependencyPathBasisMapping basis;

         * Constructs a new {@link EvidenceMap}.
        public EvidenceMap(DependencyPathBasisMapping basis) {
            this.basis = basis;
            map = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Evidence>>();

         * Adds the {@link DependencyPath} information connecting {@code term1}
         * and {@code term2} .
        public void add(String term1, String term2, DependencyPath path) {
            // Get the mapping from term1 to other second terms.
            Map<String, Evidence> term1Map = map.get(term1);
            if (term1Map == null) {
                term1Map = new HashMap<String, Evidence>();
                map.put(term1, term1Map);

            // Get the evidence instance between term1 and term2.
            Evidence evidence = term1Map.get(term2);
            if (evidence == null) {
                evidence = new Evidence(new CompactSparseVector(), numSimilarityScores);
                term1Map.put(term2, evidence);

            // Add the observation of this connecting dependency path.
            evidence.vector.add(basis.getDimension(path), 1);

         * Returns true if this {@link EvidenceMap} has an {@link Evidence}
         * mapping between {@code term1} and {@code term2}.
        public boolean contains(String term1, String term2) {
            Map<String, Evidence> term1Map = map.get(term1);
            if (term1Map == null)
                return false;
            return term1Map.containsKey(term2);

         * Computes the semantic similarity for each word pair stored in this
         * {@link EvidenceMap} based on their representations in the provided
         * {@link SemanticSpace}.  If either word is missing from the space, the
         * similarity is assumed to be 0.
        public void scorePairs(int sspaceNum, SemanticSpace sspace) {
            // Iterate through each of the first occurring terms.
            for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Evidence>> e : map.entrySet()) {

                // Check that the first term exists in the space.
                String term1 = e.getKey();
                Vector term1Vector = sspace.getVector(term1);

                // Skip to the next term if missing.
                if (term1Vector == null)

                // Iterate through each of the second terms observed with the
                // first term and the evidence data collected.
                for (Map.Entry<String, Evidence> f : e.getValue().entrySet()) {
                    // Confirm that the second term exists in the space.
                    String term2 = f.getKey();
                    Vector term2Vector = sspace.getVector(term2);

                    // Skip to the next term if missing.
                    if (term2Vector == null)

                    // Record the similarity.
                    f.getValue().similarityScores[sspaceNum] = Similarity.cosineSimilarity(term1Vector,

        public Map<String, Map<String, Evidence>> map() {
            return map;

     * An internal struct class that maintains the of two words having a
     * hypernym relationship and a cousin relationship within the wordnet
     * hierarchy based on word co-occurrence information.
    public class ClassScores {

         * The probablility that the first word is a hypernym of the second
         * word.
        public double hypernymScore;

         * The probablility that the first word and second word share a cousin
         * relationship.
        public double cousinScore;

         * Creates a new {@link ClassScores}.
        public ClassScores(double hypernymScore, double cousinScore) {
            this.hypernymScore = hypernymScore;
            this.cousinScore = cousinScore;

     * A data struct for recording the co-occurrence information between two
     * words and any class labels for the two words.
    public class Evidence {

         * A record of the dependency paths between two terms.
        public SparseDoubleVector vector;

         * A record of the semantic similarity between two terms in a number of
         * semantic spaces.
        public double[] similarityScores;

         * The {@link ClassScores} if the two words are not both in wordnet.
        public ClassScores classScores;

         * Creates a new {@link Evidence} instance.
        public Evidence(SparseDoubleVector vector, int numSimilarityScores) {
            this.vector = vector;
            similarityScores = new double[numSimilarityScores];
            classScores = null;