Java tutorial
/************************************************************ * Copyright (c) 2015, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. * Written by Timothy Meier,, All rights reserved. * LLNL-CODE-673346 * * This file is part of the OpenSM Monitoring Service (OMS) package. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by * the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * OUR NOTICE AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * * Our Preamble Notice * * A. This notice is required to be provided under our contract with the U.S. * Department of Energy (DOE). This work was produced at the Lawrence Livermore * National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344 with the DOE. * * B. Neither the United States Government nor Lawrence Livermore National * Security, LLC nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or * implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, * completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or * process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately- * owned rights. * * C. Also, reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or * services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not * necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring * by the United States Government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, * LLC. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily * state or reflect those of the United States Government or Lawrence Livermore * National Security, LLC, and shall not be used for advertising or product * endorsement purposes. * * file: * * Created on: Sept 30, 2016 * Author: meier3 ********************************************************************/ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /********************************************************************** * Describe purpose and responsibility of SmtSystem * <p> * @see related classes and interfaces * * @author meier3 * * @version Mar 20, 2013 12:08:04 PM **********************************************************************/ public class SmtSystem extends SmtCommand { /************************************************************ * Method Name: * parseCommands **/ /** * Parse the command line options here. If any of these need to be persistent * then they need to be "put" into the config map. Otherwise the command line * options need to set "command" flags or variables, which will potentially be * used later, typically by the "doCommand()". * * * @see, org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine) * * @param config * @param line * @return ***********************************************************/ @Override public boolean parseCommands(Map<String, String> config, CommandLine line) { boolean status = true; // set the command and sub-command (always do this) config.put(SmtProperty.SMT_COMMAND.getName(), this.getClass().getName()); // hopefully the node description is here, so save it saveCommandArgs(line.getArgs(), config); // if the host and port is supplied on the command line, assume we are making // a connection to the service - no matter what // // if an OMS_FILE or FABRIC_FILE is supplied, it could be for reading or writing // but NOT BOTH. We need to determine which based on; // // if host and port is supplied, then its for WRITING // // if host and port is NOT supplied AND there is persistent host and port configured // AND the -R flag is NOT provided on the command line, then its for WRITING // // if host and port is NOT supplied AND there is no persistent host and port configured // then its for READING // // if the -R flag is provided on the command line, then its for READING // parse (only) the command specific options SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_READ_OMS_HISTORY; if (line.hasOption(sp.getName())) { // save this, only if its a valid file status = putHistoryProperty(config, line.getOptionValue(sp.getName())); if (status) { config.put(SmtProperty.SMT_OMS_COLLECTION_FILE.getName(), convertSpecialFileName(line.getOptionValue(sp.getName()))); } config.put(SmtProperty.SMT_SUBCOMMAND.getName(), sp.getName()); } // parse (only) the command specific options sp = SmtProperty.SMT_QUERY_TYPE; if (line.hasOption(sp.getName())) { config.put(SmtProperty.SMT_SUBCOMMAND.getName(), sp.getName()); config.put(sp.getName(), line.getOptionValue(sp.getName())); } sp = SmtProperty.SMT_QUERY_LIST; if (line.hasOption(sp.getName())) { config.put(SmtProperty.SMT_SUBCOMMAND.getName(), SmtProperty.SMT_QUERY_TYPE.getName()); config.put(SmtProperty.SMT_QUERY_TYPE.getName(), SmtProperty.SMT_LIST.getName()); } sp = SmtProperty.SMT_STATUS; if (line.hasOption(sp.getName())) { config.put(SmtProperty.SMT_SUBCOMMAND.getName(), sp.getName()); config.put(sp.getName(), line.getOptionValue(sp.getName())); } sp = SmtProperty.SMT_DUMP; if (line.hasOption(sp.getName())) { // the dump option is intended to process a file, and display the results as soon as possible // - playback speed does not apply - instead process next delta as soon as previous finishes // - wrap does not apply - display from beginning to end, then stop // - connection issues do not apply, this is file based config.put(SmtProperty.SMT_SUBCOMMAND.getName(), sp.getName()); config.put(sp.getName(), line.getOptionValue(sp.getName())); } return status; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * doCommand **/ /** * Describe the method here * * @see * * @param config * @return * @throws Exception ***********************************************************/ @Override public boolean doCommand(SmtConfig config) throws Exception { // this is the fabric command // support obtaining the fabric on-line, or from an OMS or Fabric // file. Only one at a time.... // which is all done by default within the execute() command of the // parent superclass smt-command // only one way of obtaining fabric data should be specified, but IF more // than one is, prefer; // // on-line (if host or port is specified) // OMS file // Fabric file // on-line using localhost and port 10011 initServiceUpdater(config); Map<String, String> map = smtConfig.getConfigMap(); String subCommand = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_SUBCOMMAND.getName()); if (subCommand == null) subCommand = SmtProperty.SMT_HELP.getName(); // attempt to identify the systems ArrayList<OSM_System> sysArray = getOSM_Systems(); IB_Guid g = getSystemGuid(config, sysArray); // there should only be one subcommand if (subCommand.equalsIgnoreCase(SmtProperty.SMT_QUERY_TYPE.getName())) { SystemQuery qType = SystemQuery.getByName(map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_QUERY_TYPE.getName())); if (qType == null) { logger.severe("Invalid SmtSystem query option"); subCommand = SmtProperty.SMT_HELP.getName(); return false; } switch (qType) { case SYS_LIST: System.out.println(SystemQuery.describeAllQueryTypes()); break; case SYS_SWITCHES: showSwitches(sysArray, g); break; case SYS_LEVELS: showLevels(sysArray, g); break; case SYS_PORTS: showPorts(sysArray, g); break; case SYS_STATUS: showStatus(sysArray, g); break; default: System.out.println("That's not an option"); break; } } else if (subCommand.equalsIgnoreCase(SmtProperty.SMT_STATUS.getName())) { showStatus(sysArray, g); } else if (subCommand.equalsIgnoreCase(SmtProperty.SMT_DUMP.getName())) { if (g == null) dumpAllSystems(); else dumpSystem(OSM_System.getOSM_System(sysArray, g)); } else if (OMService != null) showStatus(sysArray, g); return true; } public String toSwitchString(OSM_System sys, boolean includePortDetails) { OSM_Fabric Fabric = OMService.getFabric(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); String shortHeader = " lid guid name/description #ports" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE; String shortFormat = "%5d %20s %30s %3d"; String detailHeader = " lid guid name/description lvl up down total" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE; String detailFormat = "%5d %20s %30s %2d %3d %3d %3d"; // lid guid name num ports buff.append(includePortDetails ? detailHeader : shortHeader); if (includePortDetails) { LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> vMap = sys.getVertexMap(); int maxDepth = sys.getMaxDepth(); int minDepth = sys.getMinDepth(); for (int d = maxDepth; d >= minDepth; d--) { LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> level = IB_Vertex.getVertexMapAtDepth(vMap, d); for (Entry<String, IB_Vertex> entry : level.entrySet()) { IB_Vertex v = entry.getValue(); ArrayList<IB_Edge> el = v.getEdges(); int upPorts = 0; int downPorts = 0; // if associated with an edge, then it is active (add up the ones at the lowest which will be external) for (IB_Edge e : el) { if (e.getDepth() < v.getDepth()) downPorts++; else upPorts++; } IB_Guid g = v.getGuid(); SBN_Node s = Fabric.getOSM_Node(g).sbnNode; String name = Fabric.getNameFromGuid(g); int lid = Fabric.getLidFromGuid(g); buff.append(String.format(detailFormat, lid, g.toColonString(), name, v.getDepth(), upPorts, downPorts, v.getNumPorts()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); } } } else for (IB_Guid g : sys.getGuidList()) { SBN_Node s = Fabric.getOSM_Node(g).sbnNode; String name = Fabric.getNameFromGuid(g); int lid = Fabric.getLidFromGuid(g); buff.append(String.format(shortFormat, lid, g.toColonString(), name, s.num_ports) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); } return buff.toString(); } public String toSwitchString(OSM_System sys) { return toSwitchString(sys, false); } public String toPortString(OSM_System sys) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); // active/inactive and internal/external ports buff.append(" port type active inactive total" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); String format = " %8s %5d %5d %6d"; buff.append(String.format(format, "internal", sys.getActiveInternalPorts(), sys.getInactiveInternalPorts(), sys.getTotalInternalPorts()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format(format, "external", sys.getActiveExternalPorts(), sys.getInactiveExternalPorts(), sys.getTotalExternalPorts()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format(format, "total", sys.getTotalActivePorts(), sys.getTotalInactivePorts(), sys.getTotalPorts()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); return buff.toString(); } public static String toPortStatusString(OSM_System sys) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); // active/inactive and internal/external ports buff.append(" inactive ports: " + sys.getTotalInactivePorts() + ", externally available ports: " + sys.getActiveExternalPorts()); return buff.toString(); } public static String getStatus(ArrayList<OSM_System> sysArray, IB_Guid sysGuid) { if ((sysArray == null) || (sysArray.size() < 1)) { logger.severe("Can't get status from a null object"); return "Can't get status from a null object"; } // show the status of one or more systems OSM_System sys = OSM_System.getOSM_System(sysArray, sysGuid); if (sys == null) return "System guid: " + sysGuid.toColonString() + " not found"; StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append(getStatus(sys) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(toPortStatusString(sys)); return buff.toString(); } public static String getStatus(OSM_System sys) { if (sys == null) return null; StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("System " + sys.getSysGuid().toColonString() + " - " + sys.getTotalSwitches() + " switches, " + sys.getTotalPorts() + " ports (" + sys.getTotalPorts() / sys.getTotalSwitches() + "/switch)"); return buff.toString(); } protected ArrayList<OSM_System> getOSM_Systems() { OSM_Fabric fabric = null; ArrayList<OSM_System> sysArray = null; if (OMService != null) { fabric = OMService.getFabric(); if ((fabric == null) || (!fabric.isInitialized())) return null; sysArray = OSM_System.getArrayOfSystems(fabric); } return sysArray; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * dumpPort **/ /** * Describe the method here * * @see describe related java objects * * @param osm_Port ***********************************************************/ private void dumpSystem(OSM_System sys) { if (sys == null) return; StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append(getStatus(sys) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(toSwitchString(sys, true)); System.out.println(buff.toString()); return; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * dumpAllPorts **/ /** * Describe the method here * * @see describe related java objects * ***********************************************************/ private void dumpAllSystems() { ArrayList<OSM_System> sysArray = getOSM_Systems(); if (sysArray != null) { for (OSM_System sys : sysArray) { dumpSystem(sys); } } } private void showLevels(ArrayList<OSM_System> sysArray, IB_Guid sysGuid) { OSM_System sys = OSM_System.getOSM_System(sysArray, sysGuid); // find the OSM_System, and show the levels if (sys != null) { System.out.println(getStatus(sys)); System.out.println(sys.toLevels()); } } private void showSwitches(ArrayList<OSM_System> sysArray, IB_Guid sysGuid) { OSM_System sys = OSM_System.getOSM_System(sysArray, sysGuid); // find the OSM_System, and show the levels if (sys != null) { System.out.println(getStatus(sys)); System.out.println(toSwitchString(sys)); } } private void showPorts(ArrayList<OSM_System> sysArray, IB_Guid sysGuid) { OSM_System sys = OSM_System.getOSM_System(sysArray, sysGuid); // find the OSM_System, and show the levels if (sys != null) { System.out.println(getStatus(sys)); System.out.println(toPortString(sys)); } } private void showStatus(ArrayList<OSM_System> sysArray, IB_Guid sysGuid) { if ((sysArray == null) || (sysArray.size() < 1)) { System.out.println("No Systems detected in this fabric"); return; } // show the status of one or more systems OSM_System sys = OSM_System.getOSM_System(sysArray, sysGuid); // find the OSM_System, and show the levels if (sys != null) { // print just the single system guid System.out.println(getStatus(sysArray, sys.getSysGuid())); } else if (sysGuid == null) { // want a summary of all systems, if a null was passed in for (OSM_System s : sysArray) { System.out.println(getStatus(sysArray, s.getSysGuid())); } } else System.out .println("System: " + sysGuid.toColonString() + " is not a valid system guid in this fabric."); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * init **/ /** * Describe the method here * * @see * @see * * @return ***********************************************************/ @Override public boolean init() { USAGE = "[-h=<host url>] [-pn=<port num>] [<sys guid>] -sr"; HEADER = "smt-system - a tool for obtaining high level system information"; EXAMPLE = "examples:" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE + "> smt-system -pn 10011 - using the default port, list any & all systems" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE + "> smt-system -ql - list the query options" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE + "> smt-system -pn 10011 0006:6a00:e900:131d -q switches\n" + ". - list the switches associated with the system" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE + "> smt-system 0006:6a00:e900:131e -q ports\n" + ". - show the port arrangement for the system" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE + "> smt-system -pn 10013 -dump - show the systems (if any) in a verbose way" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE + "."; // terminate with nl // create and initialize the common options for this command initCommonOptions(); SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_QUERY_TYPE; Option qType = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_QUERY_LIST; Option qList = new Option(sp.getShortName(), sp.getName(), false, sp.getDescription()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_DUMP; Option dump = OptionBuilder.hasOptionalArg().withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()) .create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_STATUS; Option status = OptionBuilder.hasArg(false).withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()) .create(sp.getShortName()); options.addOption(status); options.addOption(qType); options.addOption(qList); options.addOption(dump); return true; } private void saveCommandArgs(String[] args, Map<String, String> config) { // stash the command line arguments away, because we will use them later // see getNodeGuid() if ((args != null && args.length > 0)) { // save all the arguments in a single parameter StringBuffer cmdArgs = new StringBuffer(); for (String arg : args) { cmdArgs.append(arg + " "); } config.put(SmtProperty.SMT_COMMAND_ARGS.getName(), cmdArgs.toString().trim()); } } private IB_Guid getSystemGuid(SmtConfig config, ArrayList<OSM_System> systems) { // if there are any arguments, they normally reference a system guid // return null, indicating couldn't be found, or nothing specified if (config != null) { Map<String, String> map = config.getConfigMap(); String guidId = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_COMMAND_ARGS.getName()); if (guidId != null) { // should be at least one word // if more than one, use everything except the last word // to support guid, lid, and name // if only one word, the treat it as a guid string String[] args = guidId.split(" "); int num = args.length; int argNum = 0; StringBuffer nodeid = new StringBuffer(); if (num == 1) nodeid.append(guidId); // all but the last arg for (String arg : args) { if (++argNum < num) nodeid.append(arg + " "); } return getSystemGuid(nodeid.toString().trim(), systems); } } return null; } private IB_Guid getSystemGuid(String systemId, ArrayList<OSM_System> systems) { // if there are any arguments, they normally reference a system guid // return null, indicating couldn't be found, or nothing specified if ((systemId != null) && (systems != null) && (systems.size() > 0)) { IB_Guid sysGuid = null; try { sysGuid = new IB_Guid(systemId); } catch (Exception e) { // don't care } OSM_System sys = OSM_System.getOSM_System(systems, sysGuid); if (sys != null) return sys.getSysGuid(); } return null; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * main **/ /** * Describe the method here * * @see describe related java objects * * @param args * @throws Exception ***********************************************************/ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.exit((new SmtSystem().execute(args)) ? 0 : -1); } }