Java tutorial
/************************************************************ * Copyright (c) 2015, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. * Written by Timothy Meier,, All rights reserved. * LLNL-CODE-673346 * * This file is part of the OpenSM Monitoring Service (OMS) package. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by * the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * OUR NOTICE AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * * Our Preamble Notice * * A. This notice is required to be provided under our contract with the U.S. * Department of Energy (DOE). This work was produced at the Lawrence Livermore * National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344 with the DOE. * * B. Neither the United States Government nor Lawrence Livermore National * Security, LLC nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or * implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, * completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or * process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately- * owned rights. * * C. Also, reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or * services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not * necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring * by the United States Government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, * LLC. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily * state or reflect those of the United States Government or Lawrence Livermore * National Security, LLC, and shall not be used for advertising or product * endorsement purposes. * * file: * * Created on: Jan 15, 2013 * Author: meier3 ********************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /********************************************************************** * This abstract class should be extended for all SMT Commands. It servers to * provide default or common implementation, and to enforce the use of the * command interface. * * Most of the action in this Class happens in the execute() method. * <p> * * @see #SmtNode * * @author meier3 * * @version Jan 15, 2013 3:37:12 PM **********************************************************************/ public abstract class SmtCommand implements SmtCommandInterface, SmtConstants, CommonLogger { protected OMS_Updater UpdateService = null; // almost every command could use/re-use the fabric protected OpenSmMonitorService OMService = null; // few commands need this, and it may be null, so test it protected OSM_Configuration osmConfig = null; // you must initialize legal options in the commands constructor); protected Options options = null; // an empty filter, by default protected SmtFilter smtFilter = new SmtFilter(); // a splash screen only used by slow starting gui commands (see execute) protected SmtSplashFrame Splash = null; /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getSplash **/ /** * Returns the value of splash * * @return the splash * ***********************************************************/ public SmtSplashFrame getSplash() { return Splash; } // get the default properties, then override if necessary protected SmtProperties nProps = null; protected SmtConfig smtConfig = null; protected String USAGE = "[-h=<host url>] [-p=<port num>] [-v] [-?]"; protected String HEADER = "smt-command - Invoke a genereric smt command"; protected String EXAMPLE = SmtConstants.NEW_LINE; protected String FOOTER = SmtConstants.COPYRIGHT; // true means the data is based on an active connection (online) to an // OMS(ervice) protected boolean online = true; // this typically does not exist, but if it does, can be used for optimization purposes (check for null) protected OMS_Collection history = null; /************************************************************ * Method Name: getOptions **/ /** * Describe the method here * * @see * * @return ***********************************************************/ @Override public Options getOptions() { return options; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initMinimumOptions **/ /** * All the options that are common to all SMT commands. This method should be * included within every init() method, near the top. * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initMinimumOptions() { // create and initialize the common options for most commands if (options == null) options = new Options(); SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_HELP; Option help = new Option(sp.getShortName(), sp.getName(), false, sp.getDescription()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_VERSION; Option version = new Option(sp.getShortName(), sp.getName(), false, sp.getDescription()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_READ_CONFIG; Option cFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_LOG_FILE; Option log_file = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_LOG_LEVEL; Option log_level = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()) .withValueSeparator('=').withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()) .create(sp.getShortName()); options.addOption(cFile); options.addOption(log_file); options.addOption(log_level); options.addOption(help); options.addOption(version); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initCommonOptions **/ /** * All the options that are common to all SMT commands. This method should be * included within every init() method, near the top. * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initCommonOptions() { // create and initialize the common options for most commands initMinimumOptions(); initConnectionOptions(); // initReadFileOptions(); initReadHistoryFileOptions(); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initReadFileOptions **/ /** * Set up the options for reading files that contain "single" instances of the * fabric. This is the most common type of reading. * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initReadFileOptions() { /* support reading of both OMS and Fabric files */ SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_READ_OMS; Option roFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); // sp = SmtProperty.SMT_READ_FABRIC; // Option rfFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()) // .withValueSeparator('=').withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()) // .create(sp.getShortName()); options.addOption(roFile); // options.addOption(rfFile); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initMulitReadFileOptions **/ /** * Set up the options for reading files that contain "multiple" instances of * the fabric. Tools that read these types of files are less common. * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initMulitReadFileOptions() { /* support reading of both OMS and Fabric files */ SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_READ_DELTA; Option rdFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_READ_DELTA_HISTORY; Option rdhFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_READ_OMS_HISTORY; Option roFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); // options.addOption(rdFile); // options.addOption(rdhFile); options.addOption(roFile); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initReadHistoryFileOptions **/ /** * Set up the options for reading files that contain "multiple" instances of * the fabric. Tools that read these types of files are MOST common. * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initReadHistoryFileOptions() { /* support reading of History files files */ SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_READ_OMS_HISTORY; Option roFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); options.addOption(roFile); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initWriteFileOptions **/ /** * Set up the options for writing files that contain "single" instances of the * fabric. This is the most common type of writing. * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initWriteFileOptions() { // initialize the command specific options SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_WRITE_OMS; Option woFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); /* support writing of both OMS and Fabric files */ // sp = SmtProperty.SMT_WRITE_FABRIC; // Option wfFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()) // .withValueSeparator('=').withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()) // .create(sp.getShortName()); options.addOption(woFile); // options.addOption(wfFile); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initWriteConfigFileOptions **/ /** * Set up the options for writing the Fabric Config files, currently * this means the ibfabricconf.xml and node-name-map files. * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initWriteConfigFileOptions() { // initialize the command specific options SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_WRITE_CONFIG; Option wcFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); options.addOption(wcFile); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initMultiWriteFileOptions **/ /** * Set up the options for writing files that contain "multiple" instances of * the fabric. Tools that write these types of files are less common. * * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initMultiWriteFileOptions() { // initialize the command specific options SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_WRITE_DELTA; Option wdFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); /* support writing of both OMS and Fabric files */ sp = SmtProperty.SMT_WRITE_DELTA_HISTORY; Option wdhFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); /* support writing of both OMS and Fabric files */ sp = SmtProperty.SMT_WRITE_OMS_HISTORY; Option woFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); // the recording attributes (only applies when in the History writing mode) sp = SmtProperty.SMT_HISTORY_RECORDS; Option nRecords = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_HISTORY_MINUTES; Option nMinutes = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_HISTORY_HOURS; Option nHours = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); // options.addOption(woFile); // options.addOption(wdFile); options.addOption(wdhFile); options.addOption(nRecords); options.addOption(nMinutes); options.addOption(nHours); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initWriteHistoryFileOptions **/ /** * Set up the options for writing files that contain "multiple" instances of * the OMS. Tools that write these types of files are MOST common. * * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initWriteHistoryFileOptions() { // initialize the command specific options SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_WRITE_OMS_HISTORY; Option woFile = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); // the recording attributes (only applies when in the History writing mode) sp = SmtProperty.SMT_HISTORY_RECORDS; Option nRecords = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_HISTORY_MINUTES; Option nMinutes = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_HISTORY_HOURS; Option nHours = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); options.addOption(woFile); options.addOption(nRecords); options.addOption(nMinutes); options.addOption(nHours); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initCommonOptions **/ /** * All the options that are common to all SMT commands. This method should be * included within every init() method, near the top. * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initConnectionOptions() { // create and initialize the common options for most commands initMinimumOptions(); SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_HOST; Option host_name = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()) .withValueSeparator('=').withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()) .create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_PORT; Option port_num = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_REUSE; Option re_use = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); options.addOption(host_name); options.addOption(port_num); options.addOption(re_use); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: initPlayableOptions **/ /** * All the options necessary for playback control (the time * slider) * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ protected boolean initPlayableOptions() { // create and initialize the common options for playback SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_UPDATE_PERIOD; Option uPeriod = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_UPDATE_MULTIPLIER; Option multi = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_WRAP_DATA; Option wrap = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).hasArgs(1).withArgName(sp.getArgName()).withValueSeparator('=') .withDescription(sp.getDescription()).withLongOpt(sp.getName()).create(sp.getShortName()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_SINGLE_SHOT; Option once = new Option(sp.getShortName(), sp.getName(), false, sp.getDescription()); sp = SmtProperty.SMT_PLAY_CONTROL; Option play = new Option(sp.getShortName(), sp.getName(), false, sp.getDescription()); options.addOption(uPeriod); options.addOption(multi); options.addOption(wrap); options.addOption(once); options.addOption(play); return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: printUsage **/ /** * Override this method, if the overall SMT version is not desired for a * specific command. * * @see describe related java objects * * @param options ***********************************************************/ public static void printVersion() { SubnetMonitorTool.printVersion(); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: printUsage **/ /** * Describe the method here * * @see describe related java objects * * @param options ***********************************************************/ public void printUsage() { if (options == null) { logger.severe("The options object was null, initialize the command!"); System.err.println("No help or options for " + this.getClass().getName()); return; } int w = Console.getScreenWidth(); int width = w < 32 ? 32 : w - 2; HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter(); helpFormatter.setWidth(width); // override this method, or just the static strings in your command helpFormatter.printHelp(USAGE, SmtConstants.NEW_LINE + HEADER + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE + ".", options, SmtConstants.NEW_LINE + EXAMPLE + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE + FOOTER); } @Override public void osmServiceUpdate(OMS_Updater updater, OpenSmMonitorService osmService) throws Exception { // a new service is available OMService = osmService; } @Override public void osmFabricUpdate(OSM_Fabric osmFabric) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /************************************************************ * Method Name: execute **/ /** * The main entry point into the command. It is broken into 3 phases. 1. * init() (in the Objects Constructor) 1a. this execute() (from main()) 1b. * configure command line options (using an SmtConfig obj) 1b*. * parseCommands() - command specific (invoked within SmtCofnig) 1c. get an * OMS*** 2. doCommand() the specific command 3. destroy (release resources, * etc.) * * ** ideally, an OMS is only obtained if the command requires it * * @see describe related java objects * * @param cmdLineArgs * @throws Exception ***********************************************************/ public boolean execute(String[] cmdLineArgs) throws Exception { boolean success = true; // read in properties and preferences smtConfig = new SmtConfig(); // read in command line options, which may override preferences // an option may be a config file, use it first, override with // remaining command line options if (smtConfig.parseCommandLineOptions(cmdLineArgs, this)) { // get the OMS and the fabric, unless this is an Off-Line command Map<String, String> map = smtConfig.getConfigMap(); String cmdName = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_COMMAND.getName()); if (!SmtProperty.isSkipOMSCommandOption(map)) { if (!smtConfig.isOmsSpecified()) { // nothing specified so use persisted data if possible, or just // fall through and use the default (localhost 10011) // defaults String method = null; try { method = SmtGuiPreferences.getHist_1(); String mst = "A method to obtain OMS data was not specified, so using the previous persisted method"; MessageManager.getInstance() .postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_WARNING, mst)); logger.warning(mst); } catch (Exception e) { String mst = "No persisted method for determining an OMS Source, using default"; MessageManager.getInstance() .postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_WARNING, mst)); logger.warning(mst); method = "-h localhost -pn 10011"; } // System.err.println("The command: " +cmdName); // System.err.println("The subcommand: " + map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_SUBCOMMAND.getName() )); // System.err.println("The query type: " + map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_QUERY_TYPE.getName() )); // this will either be a path, or start with -h and have -pn in it if (method.startsWith("-h")) { // the persisted method seems to be a host and port number, so jamb it into the map // as if it was entered on the command line String[] cmdArgs = method.split(" "); // will be in form "-h hostName -pn portNumber" // save the host name and port number map.put(SmtProperty.SMT_HOST.getName(), cmdArgs[1]); map.put(SmtProperty.SMT_PORT.getName(), cmdArgs[3]); } else if (method.length() > 3) { // the persisted method seems to be a filename, so jamb it into the map // as if it was entered on the command line // save the file name as a History file to be used map.put(SmtProperty.SMT_READ_OMS_HISTORY.getName(), method); } } // Special Case for gui commands that take a long time to start if (SmtProperty.SMT_GUI_COMMAND.getPropertyName().equals(cmdName)) { // put up the splash panel (and have it live until the main window is ready - listen for ready event) Splash = new SmtSplashFrame(SmtCommandType.SMT_GUI_CMD.getToolName(), SubnetMonitorTool.getVersion()); // Splash = new SmtSplashFrame(SmtProperty.SMT_GUI_COMMAND.getName(), SubnetMonitorTool.getVersion()); if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance() .postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "Initial Splash Message")); } // some commands shouldn't attempt to connect to the service, but most do if (!SmtProperty.isSkipOMSCommand(map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_COMMAND.getName())) && online) { if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "Getting an OMS for command: " + map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_COMMAND.getName())));"Getting an OMS for command: " + map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_COMMAND.getName())); // attempt to get an initial instance from a connection or a file OMService = this.getOpenSmMonitorService(); } else {"An smt command that does not require an initial OMS was detected: " + map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_COMMAND.getName())); } } else {"A special OMS Command Option was detected that does not require an OMS snapshot"); } // if asking for version info, provide it and stop if (SmtProperty.SMT_VERSION.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_COMMAND.getName()))) { // this will invoke the abstract CLASS method printVersion(). If you // want to have a different // version for your specific command, you must over-ride this method printVersion(); } else { if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage( new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "Starting command specific work")); success = doCommand(smtConfig); if (!success) logger.severe("doCommand() failed for command: " + cmdName); } } else { // if here, nothing valid on the command line, assume needs help logger.severe("Parsing cmd line options for " + this.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " returned false"); printUsage(); } // clean up - probably a NOP destroy(); return success; } abstract public boolean doCommand(SmtConfig config) throws Exception; /************************************************************ * Method Name: init **/ /** * Initializes the resources for the Command, primarily the Option object. * * @see * * @return true ***********************************************************/ abstract public boolean init(); /************************************************************ * Method Name: parseCommands **/ /** * Every command gets its command line options parsed and saved by an instance * of SmtConfig. After normal parsing, additional command specific parsing can * occur in this method. It is typically used to persist additional command * line arguments in the config map for future use. * * @see * @see, * org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine) * * @param config * @param line * @return ***********************************************************/ abstract public boolean parseCommands(Map<String, String> config, CommandLine line); /************************************************************ * Method Name: destroy **/ /** * Releases the resources for the Command, this may do nothing at all, if the * doCommand() cleans up after itself. It is here for symmetry. * * @see * * @return true ***********************************************************/ public boolean destroy() { return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: openSession **/ /** * Describe the method here * * @throws Exception * * @see describe related java objects * ***********************************************************/ protected OsmSession openSession() { // establish a connection OsmSession ParentSession = null; Map<String, String> map = smtConfig.getConfigMap(); String hostNam = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_HOST.getName()); String portNum = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_PORT.getName()); /* the one and only OsmServiceManager */ OsmServiceManager OsmService = OsmServiceManager.getInstance(); try { ParentSession = OsmService.openSession(hostNam, portNum, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe(e.getStackTrace().toString()); System.exit(-1); } return ParentSession; } private boolean skipMessages() { // anyone listening to messages? if not skip return MessageManager.getInstance().getNumListeners() < 1; } protected void closeSession(OsmSession ParentSession) { OsmServiceManager OsmService = OsmServiceManager.getInstance(); try { OsmService.closeSession(ParentSession); } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe(e.getStackTrace().toString()); } } public void closeSplash() { logger.severe("\n*** Shutting down the SmtSplashFrame, and bringing up the normal SmtGui.\n"); if (Splash != null) { // gracefully shut the splash screen down // this normally means // flush the messages in the manager (intended for splash screen) // removed the splash panel from the listener list // post a final message // make it invisible, and remove // MessageManager.getInstance().flushMessages(); if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INFO, "Ready")); Splash.setVisible(false); Splash.dispose(); } } public static String convertSpecialFileName(String fname) { if ((fname == null) || (fname.length() < 2)) return null; String fileName = fname; if (fname.startsWith("~")) fileName = System.getProperty("user.home") + fname.substring(1); if (fname.startsWith("%h")) fileName = System.getProperty("user.home") + fname.substring(2); if (fname.startsWith("%t")) fileName = System.getProperty("") + fname.substring(2); // finally, if the file name is just the file name, assume path is current directory if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(fname.charAt(0))) fileName = System.getProperty("user.dir") + FILE_SEPARATOR + fname; return fileName; } protected IB_Guid getNodeGuid(String nodeStr) { // I want only the type I am asking for return SMT_SearchManager.getGuidByType(nodeStr, IB_GuidType.NODE_GUID, OMService); } protected IB_Guid getPortsNodeGuid(String nodeStr) { // the search string could be anything, and I want // the node guid in return IB_Guid g = getNodeGuid(nodeStr); IB_Guid pg = SMT_SearchManager.getGuidByType(nodeStr, IB_GuidType.PORT_GUID, OMService); if (pg != null) { OSM_Fabric fabric = OMService.getFabric(); OSM_Port op = fabric.getOSM_Port(pg); g = op.getNodeGuid(); } return g; } protected HashMap<String, OSM_Node> getOSM_Nodes() { OSM_Fabric Fabric = OMService.getFabric(); return ((Fabric == null) || (!Fabric.isInitialized())) ? null : Fabric.getOSM_Nodes(); } protected OMS_Updater initServiceUpdater(SmtConfig config) throws Exception { // support online or offline (connected or file based) // support single shot or continuous // support playable offline (gui), or just free run // // online & single (reqr: two snapshots to form a Delta) // online & continuous (ctrl-c to stop) // offline & single (reqr: OMS History, OSM_DeltaFabric) // offline & continuous (reqr: OMS History file) // // // this is the top command, and ultimately we want to be able // to operate off an instance of the the service (OFFLINE) or // dynamically with changing data // ALSO: a mode where a connection is established and used or // reused until done. As opposed to a new connection each time // new data is desired or refreshed. Both have pros/cons, so // provide both. Map<String, String> map = config.getConfigMap(); String hostNam = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_HOST.getName()); String portNum = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_PORT.getName()); String re_use = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_REUSE.getName()); String sWrap = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_WRAP_DATA.getName()); String sMult = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_UPDATE_MULTIPLIER.getName()); String sNumTop = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_TOP_NUMBER.getName()); String sTopType = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_SUBCOMMAND.getName()); String sOnce = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_SINGLE_SHOT.getName()); String sPlay = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_PLAY_CONTROL.getName()); // the defaults, TODO make these persistent or at least define in a common place if (re_use == null) re_use = "false"; if (sWrap == null) sWrap = "true"; if (sMult == null) sMult = "20"; if (sOnce == null) sOnce = "false"; if (sPlay == null) sPlay = "false"; boolean reuse = re_use.toLowerCase().startsWith("t") || re_use.toLowerCase().startsWith("y"); boolean wrap = sWrap.toLowerCase().startsWith("t") || sWrap.toLowerCase().startsWith("y"); boolean once = sOnce.toLowerCase().startsWith("t") || sOnce.toLowerCase().startsWith("y"); boolean playable = sPlay.toLowerCase().startsWith("t") || sPlay.toLowerCase().startsWith("y"); String file = convertSpecialFileName(map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_READ_OMS_HISTORY.getName())); if (file != null) online = false; else file = SmtConstants.SMT_NO_FILE; UpdaterType Utype = UpdaterType.CONNECTION_BASED_UPDATER; // the default if (!isOnLine()) // using a file based service updater, which kind? Utype = playable ? UpdaterType.PLAYABLE_FILE_BASED_UPDATER : UpdaterType.FILE_BASED_UPDATER; if (usingSMT_Updater()) { // using an SMT_Updater, currently only one kind, which is a hybrid (file, connection/file) Utype = UpdaterType.SMT_UPDATER; } if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "getting the desired service updater from the OMS_UpdateProvider")); OMS_UpdateProvider up = OMS_UpdateProvider.getInstance(); UpdateService = up.getUpdater(Utype); if (UpdateService instanceof OMS_PlayableFileBasedService) { ((OMS_PlayableFileBasedService) UpdateService).setDetachedFrame(true); } Properties serviceProps = UpdateService.getProperties(); if (serviceProps == null) serviceProps = new Properties(); // setup the updater service properties serviceProps.setProperty(, portNum); serviceProps.setProperty(, hostNam); serviceProps.setProperty(, "30"); serviceProps.setProperty(, Boolean.toString(reuse)); serviceProps.setProperty(, sMult); serviceProps.setProperty(, Boolean.toString(wrap)); serviceProps.setProperty(, file); serviceProps.setProperty(, this.getClass().getName()); if ((UpdateService instanceof SMT_UpdateService) && (history != null)) { // using an SMT_Updater, AND I have already read the file, so just set the collection SMT_UpdateService sus = (SMT_UpdateService) UpdateService; sus.setCollection(history); } if ((UpdateService instanceof OMS_NConnectionBasedService) && (history != null)) { // using an Connection_Updater, AND I have already read the OMS_List so just update the service OMS_NConnectionBasedService cus = (OMS_NConnectionBasedService) UpdateService; cus.setOMS_List(new OMS_List(history)); } if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "initializing the " + UpdateService.getName() + " (via init())")); UpdateService.addListener(this); // optimization, if this is TOP, add its Analyser if (this instanceof SmtTop) { // TOP starts another thread for analysis, and it should get updates too SmtTop top = (SmtTop) this; OSM_ServiceChangeListener analyzer = top.getUpdateListener(); UpdateService.addListener(analyzer); } // this will initialize it and start it, and get the first OMS instance. Make sure // listeners are registered, or they will miss the first one and have to wait for the // next one UpdateService.init(serviceProps); return UpdateService; } protected OpenSmMonitorService getOpenSmMonitorService() { // TODO: Convert to use the service provider (refer to top or console) OpenSmMonitorService OMS = null; Map<String, String> map = smtConfig.getConfigMap(); // get the an instance from an on-line connection or from a file // this needs to have been previously saved or -W -of filename // // 1. read the OMS from cache, if it exists // 1a. if it exists, check to see if its stale // 2. if directed to read from OMS cache via command line // do it, override any previous stuff, and done // 3. otherwise, if cache is not stale, done, but if stale // connect to the service and get a fresh copy // String oread = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_READ_OMS.getName()); String hread = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_READ_OMS_HISTORY.getName()); String fread = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_READ_FABRIC.getName()); String hostNam = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_HOST.getName()); String portNum = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_PORT.getName()); if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "*** Inside getOpenSmMonitorService() to get a snapshot")); if ((oread != null) || (hread != null)) { if (hread != null) { // grab a single snapshot out of this history file // if a timestamp was not specified, use the earliest one if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "grabbing a single OMS snapshot out of the history file")); String fName = convertSpecialFileName(hread); String ts = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_TIMESTAMP.getName()); try { if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "Reading OMS history file (" + fName + ")")); history = OMS_Collection.readOMS_Collection(fName); // use the current (most recent) by default OMS = history.getCurrentOMS(); OMS_List lst = new OMS_List(history); String cts = OMS.getTimeStamp().toString(); if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage( new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "Done reading history file")); // if I can make a timestamp AND find it in the history, then use it if ((ts != null) && (!ts.equalsIgnoreCase(SmtProperty.SMT_USE_DEFAULT.getName()))) { String name = OMS.getFabricName(); TimeStamp tStamp = new TimeStamp(ts);"Looking for a specific instance of OMS"); OpenSmMonitorService osmms = history.getOMS(name, tStamp); if (osmms != null) { OMS = osmms;"Found an OMS with timestamp (" + OMS.getTimeStamp().toString() + ")"); } } online = false; String msg = "Using an OMS from the OMS History file [" + fName + "] with timestamp (" + cts + "), size {" + history.getSize() + "}"; logger.severe(msg); if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, msg)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe("Couldn't read the History file"); // must be a bad value, so clear it out if possible map.remove(SmtProperty.SMT_READ_OMS_HISTORY.getName()); } } else { if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage(new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "grabbing a single OMS snapshot out of the OMS file")); try { // the file name may have special characters, so interpret them String fName = convertSpecialFileName(oread);"Getting a new OMS instance via the file: " + fName); OMS = OpenSmMonitorService.readOMS(fName); online = false; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.severe("Couldn't read the OMS file"); } } } else if (fread != null) { String file = convertSpecialFileName(fread); if (file != null) { OSM_Fabric fabric = null; try {"Getting a new Fabric instance via the file: " + file); fabric = OSM_Fabric.readFabric(file); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (fabric != null) { ObjectSession ParentSession = null; OsmServerStatus RemoteStatus = null; if (OMService != null) { ParentSession = OMService.getParentSessionStatus(); RemoteStatus = OMService.getRemoteServerStatus(); }"Constructing a new OMS instance from the fabric"); // have everything I need to construct a new OpenSmMonitorService // (which will include the fabric) OpenSmMonitorService service = null; service = new OpenSmMonitorService(ParentSession, RemoteStatus, fabric); if (service != null) { OMS = service; online = false; } else { logger.severe("Failed to construct an OMS instance, its null Jim!"); } } } } else { // always get a new instance if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage( new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "Getting a new OMS instance via the OMS")); try { OMS_List lst = OpenSmMonitorService.getOMS_List(hostNam, portNum); OMS = lst.getCurrentOMS(); if (history == null) { history = new OMS_Collection(); history.put(lst.getOldestOMS()); history.put(OMS); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.severe("IOException: " + e.getMessage()); } if (OMS != null) { if ((OMS.getFabric() != null) && (OMS.getFabric().isStale())) logger.severe("The Fabric information appears stale, make sure the PerfMgr is running"); } } if (!skipMessages()) MessageManager.getInstance().postMessage( new SmtMessage(SmtMessageType.SMT_MSG_INIT, "*** Done getting a new OMS instance")); return OMS; } protected OSM_Configuration getOsmConfig(boolean newInstance) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { if (newInstance) {"Getting a new Configuration instance via the OMS"); Map<String, String> map = smtConfig.getConfigMap(); String hostNam = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_HOST.getName()); String portNum = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_PORT.getName()); OSM_Configuration cfg = null; try { cfg = OSM_Configuration.getOsmConfig(hostNam, portNum); } catch (IOException e) { logger.severe("Couldn't obtain OsmConfig via " + hostNam + " and port " + portNum + ". Trying cache file.."); if (OMService != null) { OMService.getFabricName(); String fname = OSM_Configuration.getCacheFileName(OMService.getFabricName());"Trying cache file (" + fname + ")"); cfg = OSM_Configuration.readConfig(fname); } } if (cfg != null) osmConfig = cfg; return cfg; } return osmConfig; } protected OSM_Fabric getOSM_Fabric(boolean newInstance) { if (newInstance) {"Getting a new Fabric instance via the OMS"); Map<String, String> map = smtConfig.getConfigMap(); String hostNam = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_HOST.getName()); String portNum = map.get(SmtProperty.SMT_PORT.getName()); return OSM_Fabric.getOSM_Fabric(hostNam, portNum); } return OMService.getFabric(); } protected OSM_FabricDelta getOSM_FabricDelta(boolean newInstance) { // create a FabricDelta using the history, or getting new fabrics // if the history doesn't exits // how big is the history? if (history != null) return history.getCurrentOSM_FabricDelta(); return getOSM_FabricDeltaOld(newInstance); } protected OSM_FabricDelta getOSM_FabricDeltaOld(boolean newInstance) { // create a FabricDelta using the existing fabric, and getting another one OSM_Fabric Fabric1 = getOSM_Fabric(newInstance); int sleepTime = Fabric1.getPerfMgrSweepSecs(); // wait for the perfmanager to perform another sweep, and produce new data // (add a little extra time to make sure) try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(sleepTime + 5); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.severe("Simple sleep failed"); } // get the second fabric OSM_Fabric Fabric2 = getOSM_Fabric(true); return new OSM_FabricDelta(Fabric1, Fabric2); } protected HashMap<String, IB_Link> getIB_Links() { OSM_Fabric Fabric = OMService.getFabric(); return ((Fabric == null) || (!Fabric.isInitialized())) ? null : Fabric.getIB_Links(); } protected HashMap<String, OSM_Port> getOSM_Ports() { OSM_Fabric Fabric = OMService.getFabric(); return ((Fabric == null) || (!Fabric.isInitialized())) ? null : Fabric.getOSM_Ports(); } protected OSM_Node getOSM_Node(long guid) { // OSM_Fabric Fabric = OMService.getFabric(); return getOSM_Node(OSM_Fabric.getOSM_NodeKey(guid)); } protected OSM_Node getOSM_Node(String guidHashKey) { // if this starts with an 0x, 0X, then assume it is hex // if this is a number, assume it is a long // if this is a return getOSM_Nodes().get(guidHashKey); } protected boolean isOnLine() { return online; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * usingSMT_Updater **/ /** * A few SMT Commands should always use the SMT_Updater, instead * of the more general forms. This method checks to see if this * command should use the SMT_UpdateService, and returns true if so * and false otherwise. * * @return true if this command should use the SMT_UpdateService ***********************************************************/ protected boolean usingSMT_Updater() { boolean smt = false; // only return true if this is the SmtGui command, or the SmtUtilize command if (SmtProperty.SMT_GUI_COMMAND.getPropertyName().compareTo(this.getClass().getName()) == 0) smt = true; if (SmtProperty.SMT_UTILIZE_COMMAND.getPropertyName().compareTo(this.getClass().getName()) == 0) smt = true; if (SmtProperty.SMT_EVENT_COMMAND.getPropertyName().compareTo(this.getClass().getName()) == 0) smt = true; return smt; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getOSM_Port **/ /** * Describe the method here * * @see describe related java objects * * @param guidPortHashKey * @return ***********************************************************/ protected OSM_Port getOSM_Port(String guidPortHashKey) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return getOSM_Ports().get(guidPortHashKey); } protected OSM_Port getOSM_Port(long guid, short port_num) { // OSM_Fabric Fabric = OMService.getFabric(); return getOSM_Port(OSM_Fabric.getOSM_PortKey(guid, port_num)); } protected OSM_Node getOSM_Node(IB_Guid guid, HashMap<String, OSM_Node> nodes) { // OSM_Fabric Fabric = OMService.getFabric(); // find the first node that matches the supplied guid OSM_Node node = null; if ((guid != null) && (nodes != null) && (nodes.size() > 0)) { node = nodes.get(OSM_Fabric.getOSM_NodeKey(guid.getGuid())); } return node; } protected OSM_Node getOSM_Node(IB_Guid guid) { return getOSM_Node(guid.getGuid()); } protected OSM_Node getOSM_NodeByName(String name) { // find the first node that matches the supplied name OSM_Node node = null; if (name != null) { HashMap<String, OSM_Node> nodes = getOSM_Nodes(); for (OSM_Node n : nodes.values()) { if (n.pfmNode.getNode_name().startsWith(name)) { node = n; break; } } } return node; } protected boolean initFilter(Map<String, String> map) { // check to see if anything needs to be initialized if (map == null) return false; try { smtFilter = new SmtFilter(map); } catch (IOException e) { logger.severe("Could not initialize filter from configuration map"); } return true; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: getFilter **/ /** * Returns the value of smtFilter * * @return the smtFilter * ***********************************************************/ public SmtFilter getFilter() { return smtFilter; } protected boolean isFiltered(String test) { if (smtFilter == null) return false; return (smtFilter.isFiltered(test)); } protected boolean putHistoryProperty(Map<String, String> map, String fn) { boolean status = false; SmtProperty sp = SmtProperty.SMT_READ_OMS_HISTORY; if (fn != null) { // save this, only if its a valid file File hf = new File(fn); if (hf.exists()) { status = true; // a valid argument map.put(sp.getName(), fn); } } return status; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: SmtCommand **/ /** * Describe the constructor here * * @see describe related java objects * ***********************************************************/ public SmtCommand() { super(); init(); } }