Java tutorial
/************************************************************ * Copyright (c) 2015, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. * Written by Timothy Meier,, All rights reserved. * LLNL-CODE-673346 * * This file is part of the OpenSM Monitoring Service (OMS) package. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by * the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * OUR NOTICE AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * * Our Preamble Notice * * A. This notice is required to be provided under our contract with the U.S. * Department of Energy (DOE). This work was produced at the Lawrence Livermore * National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344 with the DOE. * * B. Neither the United States Government nor Lawrence Livermore National * Security, LLC nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or * implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, * completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or * process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately- * owned rights. * * C. Also, reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or * services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not * necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring * by the United States Government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, * LLC. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily * state or reflect those of the United States Government or Lawrence Livermore * National Security, LLC, and shall not be used for advertising or product * endorsement purposes. * * file: * * Created on: Aug 6, 2015 * Author: meier3 ********************************************************************/ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; import; import; import; /********************************************************************** * A Nodes routing table is considered to be balanced, if the following * conditions are satisfied; * * The number of down links is approximately the same as the number of up links * (an exception is allowed for the top level switches) * * The number of routes to CA nodes in each down link is roughly the same * * Up links depend on the nodes depth. TBD * * <p> * @see related classes and interfaces * * @author meier3 * * @version May 18, 2015 10:07:50 AM **********************************************************************/ public class RT_NodeBalance { RT_Node Node; IB_Vertex Vertex; RT_Table Table; OSM_Fabric Fabric; LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> VertexMap; int NumPortsTotal = 0; int NumPortsRoutes = 0; int NumCaRoutes = 0; /** * a List of Bins, containing ports with the same # of routes to a CA (sorted) **/ BinList<RT_Port> UpCA_Bins = new BinList<RT_Port>(); BinList<RT_Port> DownCA_Bins = new BinList<RT_Port>(); ArrayList<Integer> UnderSubscribedPorts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> OverSubscribedPorts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // /** // * # ports that have a single route to a CA (leaf switch port) this should // * exactly match # CAs // **/ // int NumSingleRoutes = 0; // /** * stats for the number of routes to a CA for each port (excluding leaf switch * ports) **/ SummaryStatistics UpStats = new SummaryStatistics(); SummaryStatistics DownStats = new SummaryStatistics(); /************************************************************ * Method Name: * RT_NodeBalance **/ /** * Describe the constructor here * * @see describe related java objects * * @param node * @param table * @param fabric * @param vertexMap ***********************************************************/ public RT_NodeBalance(RT_Node node, RT_Table table, OSM_Fabric fabric, LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> vertexMap) { super(); Node = node; Table = table; Fabric = fabric; VertexMap = vertexMap; initialize(); } private SummaryStatistics calculateStatistics(BinList<RT_Port> caBins) { // sort these by the # of CA paths BinList<RT_Port> CA_Bins = RT_Balance.sortBinsByKeys(caBins); SummaryStatistics RouteStats = new SummaryStatistics(); int k = 0; for (ArrayList<RT_Port> caList : CA_Bins) { if (caList != null) { String key = (CA_Bins.getKey(k)).trim(); NumPortsRoutes += caList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < caList.size(); i++) { RouteStats.addValue(Double.parseDouble(key)); } // // excluding single paths (switch to leaf nodes), calculate the // // statistics // if ("1".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) // { // // sanity check, these are ports connected directly to CAs, so // // should match # of CAs // NumSingleRoutes = caList.size(); // } // else // { // // include these in the stats, the ports connected to compute // // (leaf or CA) nodes will throw off stats // for (int i = 0; i < caList.size(); i++) // { // RouteStats.addValue(Double.parseDouble(key)); // } // } } k++; } return RouteStats; } private boolean getPortsExceedingSubscription(BinList<RT_Port> caBins, SummaryStatistics stats) { // create the normal boundaries, anything outside of these are considered "out of balance" double stdDev = stats.getStandardDeviation() > RT_Balance.DEVIATION_LIMIT ? stats.getStandardDeviation() : RT_Balance.DEVIATION_LIMIT; double maxPaths = stats.getMean() + stdDev; double minPaths = stats.getMean() - stdDev; int k = 0; for (ArrayList<RT_Port> caList : caBins) { if (caList != null) { double nPaths = Double.parseDouble((caBins.getKey(k)).trim()); if (nPaths > maxPaths) { // add all of these port numbers to the OverSubscribed list for (RT_Port p : caList) OverSubscribedPorts.add(p.getPortNumber()); } else if (nPaths < minPaths) { // add all of these port numbers to the UnderSubscribed list for (RT_Port p : caList) UnderSubscribedPorts.add(p.getPortNumber()); } } k++; } return true; } private boolean initialize() { boolean balanced = false; // if Node == null, then this balance is for the entire Table, not just a switch if ((Table != null) && (Fabric != null) && (VertexMap != null)) { if (Node != null) { // find the matching IB_Vertex for this node Vertex = VertexMap.get(IB_Vertex.getVertexKey(Node.getGuid())); NumCaRoutes = Node.getNumCaRoutes(Table); LinkedHashMap<String, RT_Port> PortRouteMap = RT_Node.sortPortRouteTable(Node.getPortRouteMap(), true); if (PortRouteMap != null) { OSM_Node node = Fabric.getOSM_Node(Node.getGuid()); NumPortsTotal += node.sbnNode.num_ports; // bin up the ports by the number of (non-zero) CA routes for (Map.Entry<String, RT_Port> entry : PortRouteMap.entrySet()) { RT_Port rp = entry.getValue(); int nCAs = rp.getNumCaRoutes(Table); if (nCAs > 0) { if (Vertex.isDownLink(rp.getPortNumber())) DownCA_Bins.add(rp, Integer.toString(nCAs)); else if (Vertex.isUpLink(rp.getPortNumber())) UpCA_Bins.add(rp, Integer.toString(nCAs)); else { System.err.println("Unknow type of Port (not up or down)"); System.err.println(rp.getPortNumber()); System.err.println(rp.toIB_RouteString(Table, Fabric)); } } } // now I have the up and down CA Bins, calculate their stats seperately UpStats = calculateStatistics(UpCA_Bins); DownStats = calculateStatistics(DownCA_Bins); getPortsExceedingSubscription(UpCA_Bins, UpStats); getPortsExceedingSubscription(DownCA_Bins, DownStats); } // // System.err.println("**************************************"); // System.err.println("Levels: " + NumFabricLevels + ", this node level: " + NodeLevel); // System.err.println("U/D Balanced: " + isUpDownBalanced()); // System.err.println("Down Balanced: " + isDownLinksBalanced()); // System.err.println("Up Balanced: " + isUpLinksBalanced()); // System.err.println("Up average: " + UpStats.getMean() + ", and std dev: " + UpStats.getStandardDeviation()); // System.err.println("Down average: " + DownStats.getMean() + ", and std dev: " + DownStats.getStandardDeviation()); // System.err.println("Num Under Subscribed: " + UnderSubscribedPorts.size() + ", " + UnderSubscribedPorts.toString()); // System.err.println("Num Over Subscribed: " + OverSubscribedPorts.size() + ", " + OverSubscribedPorts.toString()); // System.err.println("Balanced: " + isBalanced()); // System.err.println("**************************************"); // } } // System.err.println("Up Bins: " + UpCA_Bins.size() + ", balanced? " + isBinListBalanced(UpCA_Bins)); // System.err.println("Down Bins: " + DownCA_Bins.size() + ", balanced? " + isBinListBalanced(DownCA_Bins)); // // return balanced; } // // public static String getBalanceReport(RT_Table table, OSM_Fabric fabric) // { // // // for all of the switches, bin up the CA routes // StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); // // // loop through all the nodes // // for all of the switches, bin up the CA routes // HashMap<String, RT_Node> NodeRouteMap = table.getSwitchGuidMap(); // // if (NodeRouteMap != null) // { // int numBalanced = 0; // buff.append(String.format(" Balance Report: All Switches to Channel Adapters")+ SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("Fabric Name: %20s", fabric.getFabricName())+ SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("timestamp: %20s", table.toTimeString())+ SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // // buff.append(String.format("routing engine: %20s", table.getRouteEngine()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("# switches: %4d", table.getNumSwitches()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("# channel adapters: %6d", table.getNumChannelAdapters()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("# routes: %6d", table.getNumRoutes()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // // int k = 0; // for (Map.Entry<String, RT_Node> entry : NodeRouteMap.entrySet()) // { // RT_Node rn = entry.getValue(); // //// RT_NodeBalance swBalance = new RT_NodeBalance(rn, table, fabric); // // // keep track of the number of balanced and not balanced // buff.append(++k + ") -----------------------" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); //// buff.append(swBalance.getShortBalanceReport()); //// if(swBalance.isBalanced()) // numBalanced++; // } // buff.append("-------------------------" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append("total balanced: " + numBalanced + ", total unbalanced: " + (k-numBalanced) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // // } // // return buff.toString(); // } // /************************************************************ * Method Name: * isBalanced **/ /** * Returns the value of balanced * * @return the balanced * ***********************************************************/ protected boolean isUpDownBalanced() { // unless this is a top level switch, the up and down links need to // be similar if (getNodeLevel() == getMaxFabricLevel()) return true; int ul = Vertex.getUpLinkNumbers().size(); // the # of up links for node "n" int dl = Vertex.getDownLinkNumbers().size(); // allow same, or up to 1/2 of down int minUp = dl / 2; int maxUp = dl + 3; if ((ul > minUp) && (ul < maxUp)) return true; return false; } protected boolean isLinksBalanced(ArrayList<Integer> porNumList) { // assume already initialized() // given these links, do any of these exist in the over/under // subscribed list? for (Integer pNum : porNumList) { // does this port number exist in either imbalance list? for (Integer oNum : OverSubscribedPorts) if (pNum == oNum) return false; for (Integer oNum : UnderSubscribedPorts) if (pNum == oNum) return false; } return true; } protected boolean isDownLinksBalanced() { return isLinksBalanced(Vertex.getDownLinkNumbers()); } protected boolean isUpLinksBalanced() { return isLinksBalanced(Vertex.getUpLinkNumbers()); } protected boolean isAllCAHaveRoutes() { // every switch (via all its ports) must have routes to all // Channel Adapters. if (Table.getNumChannelAdapters() == (UpStats.getSum() + DownStats.getSum())) return true; return false; } public boolean isBalanced() { // satisfy all conditions, or return false if (isAllCAHaveRoutes() && isUpDownBalanced() && isUpLinksBalanced() && isDownLinksBalanced()) return true; return false; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getVertex **/ /** * Returns the value of vertex * * @return the vertex * ***********************************************************/ public IB_Vertex getVertex() { return Vertex; } public RT_Node getRT_Node() { return Node; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getUpCA_Bins **/ /** * Returns the value of upCA_Bins * * @return the upCA_Bins * ***********************************************************/ public BinList<RT_Port> getUpCA_Bins() { return UpCA_Bins; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getDownCA_Bins **/ /** * Returns the value of downCA_Bins * * @return the downCA_Bins * ***********************************************************/ public BinList<RT_Port> getDownCA_Bins() { return DownCA_Bins; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getUnderSubscribedPorts **/ /** * Returns the value of underSubscribedPorts * * @return the underSubscribedPorts * ***********************************************************/ public ArrayList<Integer> getUnderSubscribedPorts() { return UnderSubscribedPorts; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getOverSubscribedPorts **/ /** * Returns the value of overSubscribedPorts * * @return the overSubscribedPorts * ***********************************************************/ public ArrayList<Integer> getOverSubscribedPorts() { return OverSubscribedPorts; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getNodeLevel **/ /** * Returns the value of nodeLevel * * @return the nodeLevel * ***********************************************************/ public int getNumCaRoutes() { return NumCaRoutes; } public int getNodeLevel() { return Vertex == null ? -1 : Vertex.getDepth(); } public int getMaxFabricLevel() { return IB_Vertex.getMaxDepth(VertexMap); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getUpStats **/ /** * Returns the value of upStats * * @return the upStats * ***********************************************************/ public SummaryStatistics getUpStats() { return UpStats; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getDownStats **/ /** * Returns the value of downStats * * @return the downStats * ***********************************************************/ public SummaryStatistics getDownStats() { return DownStats; } public String getBalanceReport() { // report number of ports with routes, and then each port summary StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); if ((Table != null) && (Node != null) && (Fabric != null)) { buff.append(String.format(" Balance Report: Single Switch to Channel Adapters") + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("Fabric Name: %20s", Fabric.getFabricName()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("timestamp: %20s", Table.toTimeString()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("routing engine: %20s", Table.getRouteEngine()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("switch:%20s (%19s lid: %4d)", Node.getName(Fabric), Node.getGuid().toColonString(), Node.getLid()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("switch depth: %6d", getNodeLevel()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append( String.format("fabric depth: %6d", getMaxFabricLevel()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("# channel adapters: %6d", Table.getNumChannelAdapters()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("# switch ports: %6d", NumPortsTotal) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("# switch ports with routes: %6d", NumPortsRoutes) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append( String.format("# routes: %6d", Node.getNumRoutes()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("# CA routes: %6d", (int) (UpStats.getSum() + DownStats.getSum())) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // if the switch depth equals the fabric depth, then there shouldn't be any up links if (getNodeLevel() == getMaxFabricLevel()) { buff.append(" ---------Top Level Switch, " + Vertex.getUpLinkNumbers().size() + " Up Links-------" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); } else { buff.append(" -----------------" + Vertex.getUpLinkNumbers().size() + " Up Links---------------" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); int k = 0; for (ArrayList<RT_Port> caList : UpCA_Bins) { if (caList != null) { String key = (UpCA_Bins.getKey(k)).trim(); buff.append(String.format("# ports with %3s CA routes: %4d", key, caList.size()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); } k++; } buff.append(String.format("up links balanced?: %5s", Boolean.toString(isUpLinksBalanced())) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); } buff.append(" -----------------" + Vertex.getDownLinkNumbers().size() + " Down Links--------------" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); int k = 0; for (ArrayList<RT_Port> caList : DownCA_Bins) { if (caList != null) { String key = (DownCA_Bins.getKey(k)).trim(); buff.append(String.format("# ports with %3s CA routes: %4d", key, caList.size()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); } k++; } // buff.append(" ------- excluding single leaf routes ------" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("total # CA routes (this switch): %7.0f", RouteStats.getSum()+NumSingleRoutes) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("# CA routes (w/o singles): %7.0f", RouteStats.getSum()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("mean # CA routes/port: %5.1f", RouteStats.getMean()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("std deviation: %5.1f", RouteStats.getStandardDeviation()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("min: %5.1f", RouteStats.getMin()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); // buff.append(String.format("max: %5.1f", RouteStats.getMax()) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("down links balanced?: %5s", Boolean.toString(isDownLinksBalanced())) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(" --------------------------------------------" + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); buff.append(String.format("switch routes balanced?: %5s", Boolean.toString(isBalanced())) + SmtConstants.NEW_LINE); } return buff.toString(); } }