Java tutorial
/************************************************************ * Copyright (c) 2015, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. * Written by Timothy Meier,, All rights reserved. * LLNL-CODE-673346 * * This file is part of the OpenSM Monitoring Service (OMS) package. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by * the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * OUR NOTICE AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * * Our Preamble Notice * * A. This notice is required to be provided under our contract with the U.S. * Department of Energy (DOE). This work was produced at the Lawrence Livermore * National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344 with the DOE. * * B. Neither the United States Government nor Lawrence Livermore National * Security, LLC nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or * implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, * completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or * process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately- * owned rights. * * C. Also, reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or * services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not * necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring * by the United States Government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, * LLC. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily * state or reflect those of the United States Government or Lawrence Livermore * National Security, LLC, and shall not be used for advertising or product * endorsement purposes. * * file: * * Created on: Nov 4, 2013 * Author: meier3 ********************************************************************/ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /********************************************************************** * Describe purpose and responsibility of OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer * <p> * @see related classes and interfaces * * @author meier3 * * @version Nov 4, 2013 9:41:02 AM **********************************************************************/ public class OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer implements CommonLogger { private OSM_FabricDelta Delta; private LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> VertexMap; private LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Edge> EdgeMap; private LinkedHashMap<String, PFM_PortChange> AllPortErrors = null; private LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Edge> AllLinkErrors = null; private LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> AllNodeErrors = null; private OSM_FabricAnalyzer FabAnalizer; private LinkedHashMap<String, PFM_PortChange> ActiveTrafficPorts; private LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Edge> ActiveTrafficLinks = null; private LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> ActiveTrafficNodes = null; private LinkedHashMap<String, PFM_PortRate> PortRates; private OSM_NodeType IncludedTypes; // all ports, only switch to switch ports, or only CA ports private BinList<PFM_PortRate> UtilizationRateBins; private SummaryStatistics RateStats; private static int DEFAULT_NUM_BINS = 10; private int BinSize = 20; public static final String STATIC_ERROR = "Static Error"; public static final String DYNAMIC_ERROR = "Dynamic Error"; int MaxNameSize = 30; int MaxHopSize = 8; private String FabHeader = "%-20s # ports: %6d, max rate: %s %s"; private String SumFormat = "Utilization: ave=%5.2f%%, std dev=%5.2f%%, max=%6.2f%%, min=%5.2f%%"; private String BinHeader = " % max rate # ports % ports"; private String BinFormat = " %2d-%2d %6d %6.2f%%"; /************************************************************ * Method Name: * OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer **/ /** * Describe the constructor here * * @see describe related java objects * * @param delta ***********************************************************/ public OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer(OSM_Fabric fabric1, OSM_Fabric fabric2) { this(new OSM_FabricDelta(fabric1, fabric2)); } public OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer(OSM_Fabric fabric1, OSM_Fabric fabric2, int numBins) { this(new OSM_FabricDelta(fabric1, fabric2), numBins, OSM_NodeType.UNKNOWN); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer **/ /** * Describe the constructor here * * @see describe related java objects * * @param delta ***********************************************************/ public OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer(OSM_FabricDelta delta, int numBins, OSM_NodeType includeTypes) { super(); Delta = delta; logger.severe("Initializing the Analyzer with " + numBins + " num bins"); logger.severe("CREATING VERTEX MAP"); VertexMap = IB_Vertex.createVertexMap(Delta.getFabric2()); logger.severe("CREATING EDGE MAP"); EdgeMap = IB_Vertex.createEdgeMap(VertexMap); logger.severe("CREATING FABRIC ANALYZER"); FabAnalizer = new OSM_FabricAnalyzer(Delta.getFabric2()); init(numBins, VertexMap, EdgeMap, FabAnalizer, includeTypes); } public OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer(OSM_FabricDelta delta, int numBins, LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> vertexMap, LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Edge> edgeMap, OSM_FabricAnalyzer fabAnalizer) { super(); Delta = delta; init(numBins, vertexMap, edgeMap, fabAnalizer, OSM_NodeType.UNKNOWN); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer **/ /** * Describe the constructor here * * @see describe related java objects * * @param delta ***********************************************************/ public OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer(OSM_FabricDelta delta) { this(delta, OSM_NodeType.UNKNOWN); } public OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer(OSM_FabricDelta delta, OSM_NodeType includeTypes) { this(delta, DEFAULT_NUM_BINS, includeTypes); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getDelta **/ /** * Returns the value of delta * * @return the delta * ***********************************************************/ public OSM_FabricDelta getDelta() { return Delta; } private boolean init(int numBins, LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> vertexMap, LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Edge> edgeMap, OSM_FabricAnalyzer fabAnalizer, OSM_NodeType includeTypes) { VertexMap = vertexMap; EdgeMap = edgeMap; FabAnalizer = fabAnalizer; IncludedTypes = includeTypes; logger.warning("Initializing the Delta Analyzer with new instance"); // use the methods from the TopAnalyzer to find differences (traffic and errors) ActiveTrafficPorts = TopAnalyzer.calculateActiveTrafficPorts(-1, Delta.getPortsWithTrafficChange()); UtilizationRateBins = getFabricRateUtilizationBins(numBins, includeTypes); AllPortErrors = TopAnalyzer.calculateActiveErrorPorts(-1, Delta.getPortsWithErrorChange()); AllLinkErrors = TopAnalyzer.calculateActiveErrorLinks(-1, AllPortErrors, edgeMap); AllNodeErrors = TopAnalyzer.calculateActiveErrorNodes(-1, AllPortErrors, vertexMap); ActiveTrafficLinks = TopAnalyzer.calculateActiveTrafficLinks(-1, ActiveTrafficPorts, edgeMap); ActiveTrafficNodes = TopAnalyzer.calculateActiveTrafficNodes(-1, ActiveTrafficPorts, vertexMap); // TODO: anything for the traffic?? return true; } public static String truncate(String value, int length) { if (value != null && value.length() > length) value = value.substring(0, length); return value; } public static boolean isSwitchPort(OSM_FabricDelta d, PFM_Port p) { if (d == null || d.getFabric2() == null || p == null) return false; OSM_Fabric f = d.getFabric2(); OSM_Node n = f.getOSM_Node(p.getNodeGuid()); return n == null ? false : n.isSwitch(); } public static boolean includeThisPort(OSM_FabricDelta d, PFM_Port p, OSM_NodeType includeTypes) { // return true if includeTypes == OSM_NodeType.UNKNOWN if (OSM_NodeType.UNKNOWN.equals(includeTypes)) { // System.out.println("Port"); return true; } // what types of ports are connected to each other OSM_Fabric f = d.getFabric2(); String key = OSM_Fabric.getOSM_PortKey(p.node_guid, p.port_num); OSM_Port port = f.getOSM_Port(key); IB_Guid rguid = new IB_Guid(port.sbnPort.linked_node_guid); OSM_Node rn = f.getOSM_Node(rguid); boolean isLocalSwitchPort = isSwitchPort(d, p); boolean isRemoteSwitchPort = rn == null ? false : rn.isSwitch(); // if includeTypes == OSM_NodeType.SW_NODE, return true only if this port is a switch port AND is // connected to another switch if (OSM_NodeType.SW_NODE.equals(includeTypes) && (isLocalSwitchPort && isRemoteSwitchPort)) { // System.out.println("SW Port"); return true; } // if includeTypes == OSM_NodeType.CA_NODE, return true if this port is a ca port OR is // connected to another ca port if (OSM_NodeType.CA_NODE.equals(includeTypes) && (!isLocalSwitchPort || !isRemoteSwitchPort)) { // System.out.println("CA Port"); return true; } return false; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getFabricName **/ /** * Returns the value of fabricName * * @return the fabricName * ***********************************************************/ public String getFabricName() { return Delta.getFabricName(); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getDeltaTimeStamp **/ /** * Returns the value of deltaTimeStamp * * @return the deltaTimeStamp * ***********************************************************/ public TimeStamp getDeltaTimeStamp() { return Delta.getTimeStamp(); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getDeltaSeconds **/ /** * Returns the value of deltaSeconds * * @return the deltaSeconds * ***********************************************************/ public int getDeltaSeconds() { return (int) (Delta.getAgeDifference(TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getPortRates **/ /** * Returns the value of portRates * * @return the portRates * ***********************************************************/ public LinkedHashMap<String, PFM_PortRate> getPortRates() { return PortRates; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getUtilizationRateBins **/ /** * Returns the value of utilizationRateBins * * @return the utilizationRateBins * ***********************************************************/ public BinList<PFM_PortRate> getUtilizationRateBins() { return UtilizationRateBins; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getRateStats **/ /** * Returns the value of rateStats * * @return the rateStats * ***********************************************************/ public SummaryStatistics getRateStats() { return RateStats; } public IB_Vertex getIB_Vertex(IB_Guid guid) { return VertexMap.get(IB_Vertex.getVertexKey(guid)); } public OSM_Port getOSM_Port(IB_Guid guid, int portNum) { // this port may be up or down, active or idle, fine or with errors IB_Vertex v = getIB_Vertex(guid); if (v != null) { // see if the port is part of this vertex IB_Edge e = v.getEdge(portNum); if (e != null) return e.getEndPort(v); } return null; } public IB_Edge getIB_Edge(IB_Guid guid, int portNum) { String key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(guid, portNum); if ((key == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts == null)) return null; PFM_PortChange ppc = ActiveTrafficPorts.get(key); if (ppc == null) return null; PFM_Port port = ppc.getPort2(); return IB_Edge.getEdge(port, EdgeMap); } public double getNodeUtilization(IB_Guid guid, PFM_Port.PortCounterName pcn) { // find all the ports for this node, and average up their utilization numbers IB_Vertex v = getIB_Vertex(guid); if (v == null) return 0.0; SummaryStatistics nodeStats = new SummaryStatistics(); // loop through all the ports in this vertex int num_ports = v.getNode().sbnNode.num_ports; for (int pn = 1; pn <= num_ports; pn++) { nodeStats.addValue(getPortUtilization(guid, pn, pcn)); } return nodeStats.getMean(); } public double getLinkUtilization(IB_Guid guid, int portNum, PFM_Port.PortCounterName pcn) { String key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(guid, portNum); if ((key == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts == null)) return 0; PFM_PortChange ppc = ActiveTrafficPorts.get(key); PFM_Port port = ppc.getPort2(); IB_Edge e = IB_Edge.getEdge(port, EdgeMap); return getLinkUtilization(e, pcn); } public String getPortUtilizationString(IB_Guid guid, int portNum) { double x = getPortUtilization(guid, portNum, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data); double r = getPortUtilization(guid, portNum, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.rcv_data); PFM_Port.PortCounterName maxC = (x > r ? PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data : PFM_Port.PortCounterName.rcv_data); double maxN = (x > r ? x : r); return maxC.getName() + ": " + getDoubletUtilizationString(maxN); } public String getPathUtilizationTablesString(RT_Path path) { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); sbuff.append(getPathUtilizationTableString(path, true)); sbuff.append(getPathUtilizationTableString(path.getReturnPath(), false)); return sbuff.toString(); } public String getPathUtilizationTableString(RT_Path path, boolean toDestination) { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); if (toDestination) { String tsString = this.getDeltaTimeStamp().toString(); sbuff.append("<p align=right>time stamp: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + tsString + "</b>"); sbuff.append("<br>period (secs): " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + this.getDeltaSeconds() + "</b>"); sbuff.append("<h4>Transmit Path (to dst):</h4>"); } else sbuff.append("<h4>Receive Path (from dst):</h4>"); sbuff.append("<blockquote>"); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); sbuff.append("path id: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + path.getPathIdString() + "</b>"); sbuff.append("</blockquote>"); sbuff.append("<table class=\"tftable\" border=\"1\">"); // the header, or title sbuff.append( "<tr><th>hop</th><th>node</th><th>output port</th><th>xmit delta (counts)</th><th>xmit rate</th><th>units</th><th>% rate</th></tr>"); // the guts of the table (start with the source, and finish with the destination) ArrayList<RT_PathLeg> legs = path.getLegs(); // iterate through the legs int hopNum = 0; int numHops = legs.size(); for (RT_PathLeg leg : legs) { OSM_Port p1 = leg.getFromPort(); OSM_Port p2 = leg.getToPort(); String nodeName = truncate(getIB_Vertex(p1.getNodeGuid()).getName(), MaxNameSize); String key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(p1.getNodeGuid(), p1.getPortNumber()); PFM_PortRate pr = PortRates.get(key); if (pr != null) { // the hop line sbuff.append(getPathRateUtilizationTableLine(leg.getFromNodeName(), leg, hopNum, false)); if (++hopNum >= numHops) { // print the final destination line? (check PathRateUtilizationLine() for formatting clues nodeName = truncate(getIB_Vertex(p2.getNodeGuid()).getName(), MaxNameSize); sbuff.append(getPathRateUtilizationTableLine(path.getPathIdString(), leg, hopNum, true)); // sbuff.append(String.format(dstFormat, // dstHop, // nodeName, // p2.getNodeGuid().toColonString() + "\n")); break; } } else sbuff.append(" please be patient, rates not yet available\n"); } sbuff.append("</table>"); return sbuff.toString(); } public String getTopNodeTableString(int numTop) { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); String tsString = this.getDeltaTimeStamp().toString(); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); sbuff.append("<p align=right>time stamp: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + tsString + "</b>"); sbuff.append("<br>period (secs): " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + this.getDeltaSeconds() + "</b>"); // this will end badly if there are no active traffic nodes if ((ActiveTrafficNodes == null) || (ActiveTrafficNodes.entrySet() == null) || (ActiveTrafficNodes.entrySet().size() < 1)) return sbuff.toString(); sbuff.append("<table class=\"tftable\" border=\"1\">"); sbuff.append( "<tr><th>#</th><th>level</th><th>name</th><th>guid</th><th>port #</th><th>xmit MB/s</th><th>recv MB/s</th></tr>"); // the guts of the table int topNum = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, IB_Vertex> eMapEntry : ActiveTrafficNodes.entrySet()) { IB_Vertex v = eMapEntry.getValue(); IB_Guid g = v.getGuid(); int pNum = v.getTopPortChange().getPortNumber(); String name = v.getName(); int depth = v.getDepth(); String ID = "<a href=\"" + g.toColonString() + "\">" + ++topNum + "</a>"; sbuff.append("<tr>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + ID + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + depth + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + name + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + g.toColonString() + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + pNum + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + v.toVertexXmitString() + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + v.toVertexRcvString() + "</td>"); // stop after the desired number of iterations, or when the end is reached if (topNum >= numTop) break; } sbuff.append("</table>"); return sbuff.toString(); } public String getTopLinkTableString(int numTop) { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); String tsString = this.getDeltaTimeStamp().toString(); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); sbuff.append("<p align=right>time stamp: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + tsString + "</b>"); sbuff.append("<br>period (secs): " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + this.getDeltaSeconds() + "</b>"); // FIXME: this will end badly if there are no active traffic links if ((ActiveTrafficLinks == null) || (ActiveTrafficLinks.entrySet() == null) || (ActiveTrafficLinks.entrySet().size() < 1)) return sbuff.toString(); sbuff.append("<table class=\"tftable\" border=\"1\">"); sbuff.append( "<tr><th>#</th><th>level</th><th>link identification</th><th>xmit MB/s</th><th>recv MB/s</th></tr>"); // the guts of the table int topNum = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, IB_Edge> eMapEntry : ActiveTrafficLinks.entrySet()) { IB_Edge te = eMapEntry.getValue(); String name = te.toEdgeIdStringVerbose(54); int depth = te.getDepth(); IB_Guid g = te.getEndPort1().getNodeGuid(); int pNum = te.getEndPort1().getPortNumber(); String ID = "<a href=\"" + g.toColonString() + ":" + pNum + "\">" + ++topNum + "</a>"; sbuff.append("<tr>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + ID + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + depth + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + name + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + te.toEdgeXmitString() + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + te.toEdgeRcvString() + "</td>"); // stop after the desired number of iterations, or when the end is reached if (topNum >= numTop) break; } sbuff.append("</table>"); return sbuff.toString(); } public String getTopPortTableString(int numTop) { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); String tsString = this.getDeltaTimeStamp().toString(); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); sbuff.append("<p align=right>time stamp: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + tsString + "</b>"); sbuff.append("<br>period (secs): " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + this.getDeltaSeconds() + "</b>"); // this will end badly if there are no active traffic nodes if ((ActiveTrafficPorts == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet() == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet().size() < 1)) return sbuff.toString(); sbuff.append("<table class=\"tftable\" border=\"1\">"); sbuff.append( "<tr><th>#</th><th>level</th><th>name</th><th>guid</th><th>port #</th><th>xmit MB/s</th><th>recv MB/s</th></tr>"); // the guts of the table int topNum = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, PFM_PortChange> eMapEntry : ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet()) { PFM_PortChange pc = eMapEntry.getValue(); IB_Guid g = pc.getAddress().getGuid(); IB_Vertex v = getIB_Vertex(g); int pNum = pc.getPortNumber(); String name = v.getName(); int depth = v.getDepth(); String ID = "<a href=\"" + g.toColonString() + ":" + pNum + "\">" + ++topNum + "</a>"; sbuff.append("<tr>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + ID + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + depth + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + name + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + g.toColonString() + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + pNum + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + PFM_PortRate.toTransmitRateMBString(pc) + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + PFM_PortRate.toReceiveRateMBString(pc) + "</td>"); // stop after the desired number of iterations, or when the end is reached if (topNum >= numTop) break; } sbuff.append("</table>"); return sbuff.toString(); } public String getNodeErrorTableString(int numErrs) { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); String tsString = this.getDeltaTimeStamp().toString(); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); sbuff.append("<p align=right>time stamp: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + tsString + "</b>"); sbuff.append("<br>period (secs): " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + this.getDeltaSeconds() + "</b>"); StringBuffer supp = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; for (PortCounterName sn : PortCounterName.PFM_SUPPRESS_COUNTERS) { if (!first) supp.append(", "); supp.append(sn.getName()); first = false; } // this will end badly if there are no node errors if ((AllNodeErrors == null) || (AllNodeErrors.entrySet() == null) || (AllNodeErrors.entrySet().size() < 1)) return sbuff.toString(); sbuff.append("<h4>Nodes with Errors: " + AllNodeErrors.size() + "</h4>"); sbuff.append("<blockquote>"); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); sbuff.append("Supressed Errors: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + supp.toString() + "</b>"); sbuff.append("</blockquote>"); sbuff.append("<table class=\"tftable\" border=\"1\">"); sbuff.append("<tr><th>#</th><th>level</th><th>name</th><th>guid</th><th>error:port list</th></tr>"); // the guts of the table int errNum = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, IB_Vertex> eMapEntry : AllNodeErrors.entrySet()) { IB_Vertex v = eMapEntry.getValue(); String name = v.getName(); IB_Guid g = v.getGuid(); int depth = v.getDepth(); String errs = SmtConstants.RED_FONT + v.toVertexErrorString() + SmtConstants.END_FONT; String ID = "<a href=\"" + g.toColonString() + "\">" + ++errNum + "</a>"; sbuff.append("<tr>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + ID + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + depth + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + name + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + g.toColonString() + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + errs + "</td>"); // stop after the desired number of iterations, or when the end is reached if (errNum >= numErrs) break; } sbuff.append("</table>"); return sbuff.toString(); } public String getLinkErrorTableString(int numErrs) { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); String tsString = this.getDeltaTimeStamp().toString(); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); sbuff.append("<p align=right>time stamp: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + tsString + "</b>"); sbuff.append("<br>period (secs): " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + this.getDeltaSeconds() + "</b>"); StringBuffer supp = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; for (PortCounterName sn : PortCounterName.PFM_SUPPRESS_COUNTERS) { if (!first) supp.append(", "); supp.append(sn.getName()); first = false; } // this will end badly if there are no link errors if ((AllLinkErrors == null) || (AllLinkErrors.entrySet() == null) || (AllLinkErrors.entrySet().size() < 1)) return sbuff.toString(); sbuff.append("<h4>Links with Errors: " + AllLinkErrors.size() + "</h4>"); sbuff.append("<blockquote>"); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); sbuff.append("Supressed Errors: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + supp.toString() + "</b>"); sbuff.append("</blockquote>"); sbuff.append("<table class=\"tftable\" border=\"1\">"); sbuff.append( "<tr><th>#</th><th>level</th><th>link identification</th><th>delta error/period=p1,p2</th></tr>"); // the guts of the table int errNum = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, IB_Edge> eMapEntry : AllLinkErrors.entrySet()) { IB_Edge te = eMapEntry.getValue(); String name = te.toEdgeIdStringVerbose(54); int depth = te.getDepth(); String errs = SmtConstants.RED_FONT + te.toShortErrorString() + SmtConstants.END_FONT; IB_Guid g = te.getEndPort1().getNodeGuid(); int pNum = te.getEndPort1().getPortNumber(); String ID = "<a href=\"" + g.toColonString() + ":" + pNum + "\">" + ++errNum + "</a>"; sbuff.append("<tr>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + ID + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + depth + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + name + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + errs + "</td>"); // stop after the desired number of iterations, or when the end is reached if (errNum >= numErrs) break; } sbuff.append("</table>"); return sbuff.toString(); } public String getPortErrorTableString(int numErrs) { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); String tsString = this.getDeltaTimeStamp().toString(); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); sbuff.append("<p align=right>time stamp: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + tsString + "</b>"); sbuff.append("<br>period (secs): " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + this.getDeltaSeconds() + "</b>"); StringBuffer supp = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; for (PortCounterName sn : PortCounterName.PFM_SUPPRESS_COUNTERS) { if (!first) supp.append(", "); supp.append(sn.getName()); first = false; } // this will end badly if there are no port errors if ((AllPortErrors == null) || (AllPortErrors.entrySet() == null) || (AllPortErrors.entrySet().size() < 1)) return sbuff.toString(); sbuff.append("<h4>Ports with Errors: " + AllPortErrors.size() + "</h4>"); sbuff.append("<blockquote>"); sbuff.append(SmtConstants.MEDIUM_FONT); sbuff.append("Supressed Errors: " + SmtConstants.SPACE + "<b>" + supp.toString() + "</b>"); sbuff.append("</blockquote>"); sbuff.append("<table class=\"tftable\" border=\"1\">"); sbuff.append( "<tr><th>#</th><th>level</th><th>name</th><th>guid</th><th>port #</th><th>delta error/period</th></tr>"); // the guts of the table int errNum = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, PFM_PortChange> eMapEntry : AllPortErrors.entrySet()) { PFM_PortChange pc = eMapEntry.getValue(); IB_Guid g = pc.getAddress().getGuid(); IB_Vertex v = getIB_Vertex(g); int pNum = pc.getPortNumber(); String name = v.getName(); int depth = v.getDepth(); String errs = SmtConstants.RED_FONT + pc.toShortErrorString() + SmtConstants.END_FONT; String ID = "<a href=\"" + g.toColonString() + ":" + pNum + "\">" + ++errNum + "</a>"; sbuff.append("<tr>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + ID + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + depth + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + name + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + g.toColonString() + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + pNum + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td>" + errs + "</td>"); // stop after the desired number of iterations, or when the end is reached if (errNum >= numErrs) break; } sbuff.append("</table>"); return sbuff.toString(); } public String getNodeUtilizationString(IB_Guid guid) { // get the "average" xmit and rcv, then return the max of the two double x = getNodeUtilization(guid, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data); double r = getNodeUtilization(guid, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.rcv_data); PFM_Port.PortCounterName maxC = (x > r ? PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data : PFM_Port.PortCounterName.rcv_data); double maxN = (x > r ? x : r); return maxC.getName() + ": " + getDoubletUtilizationString(maxN); } public double getMaxPortUtilization(PFM_PortRate pr) { // return the maximum of xmit or rcv data double x = getPortUtilization(pr, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data); double r = getPortUtilization(pr, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.rcv_data); return (x > r ? x : r); } public double getMaxPortUtilization(IB_Guid guid, int portNum) { // return the maximum of xmit or rcv data double x = getPortUtilization(guid, portNum, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data); double r = getPortUtilization(guid, portNum, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.rcv_data); return (x > r ? x : r); } public String getFabrictUtilizationString() { return "ave: " + getDoubletUtilizationString(getFabricRateUtilizationMean()); } public double getPortUtilization(IB_Guid guid, int portNum, PFM_Port.PortCounterName pcn) { // Look inside the PortRates for a port that matches this guid and PN String key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(guid, portNum); PFM_PortRate pr = PortRates.get(key); return getPortUtilization(pr, pcn); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getPortUtilization **/ /** * Return a percentage value, representing the rate of change of the * named counter, compared to the maximum rate. * * @see describe related java objects * * @param pr * @param pcn * @return ***********************************************************/ public double getPortUtilization(PFM_PortRate pr, PFM_Port.PortCounterName pcn) { return getPortUtilization(pr, pcn, FabAnalizer); } public static double getPortUtilization(PFM_PortRate pr, PFM_Port.PortCounterName pcn, OSM_FabricAnalyzer fAnalyzer) { // Utilization is between 0 and 100% // 1. find the maximum link rate for the fabric, and use that for all ports (even slower ones) // 2. find the counter units (different counters, count different sizes of things) // 3. find the change rate for this counter (change per unit time - like BW) // 4. utilization should be (change rate)/(max rate) * 100% // if (pr == null) return 0; // what are the typical units for this counter? // assume data counters unless packets PortCounterUnits units = PortCounterUnits.COUNTS; if (PFM_Port.PortCounterName.PFM_PACKET_COUNTERS.contains(pcn)) units = PortCounterUnits.PACKET_SIZE; // make sure everything is scaled properly for the type of counter OSM_LinkRate maxLinkRate = fAnalyzer.getMaxLinkRate(); double maxRate = (double) maxLinkRate.getRateValue(units.getValue()); double rate = (double) pr.getChangeRate(pcn); double U = (double) (rate * 100) / maxRate; if ((U > 98) || (U < 0)) { logger.severe(pr.getPortChange().getPort1().toPFM_ID_String()); logger.severe("Arbitrarily setting utilization to zero, because it is incorrect: " + U); logger.severe("PortRate:" + PFM_PortRate.toVerboseDiagnosticString(pr.getPortChange())); U = 0; } return U; } public OSM_LinkRate getTheoreticalMaxRate() { return FabAnalizer.getMaxLinkRate(); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getTheoreticalMaxRateString **/ /** * Converts the theoretical max link rate (in Gbs) to the units * specified, and returns a string. For example, converts from * 40 Gbs to a string "4000 MB/s", if supplied with MEGABYTES as * units. This takes into account, bits vs bytes, giga vs mega, * but also removes the 20% overhead to show only "payload" * rate. See OSM_LinkRate.getRateValue() * * @see describe related java objects * * @param units * @return ***********************************************************/ public String getTheoreticalMaxRateString(PortCounterUnits units) { OSM_LinkRate maxLinkRate = FabAnalizer.getMaxLinkRate(); long maxRate = maxLinkRate.getRateValue(units.getValue()); return Long.toString(maxRate) + " " + units.getName() + "/s"; } public SummaryStatistics getFabricUtilizationStats() { return RateStats; } public double getFabricRateUtilizationMean() { // assume fully constructed, just return the total utilization number return RateStats.getMean(); } public double getFabricRateUtilizationMax() { // assume fully constructed, just return the total utilization number return RateStats.getMax(); } public double getFabricRateUtilizationMin() { // assume fully constructed, just return the total utilization number return RateStats.getMin(); } public double getFabricRateUtilizationStdDev() { // assume fully constructed, just return the total utilization number return RateStats.getStandardDeviation(); } public String getFabricRateUtilizationShortSummary() { return String.format(SumFormat, getFabricRateUtilizationMean(), getFabricRateUtilizationStdDev(), getFabricRateUtilizationMax(), getFabricRateUtilizationMin()); } public BinList<PFM_PortRate> getFabricRateUtilizationBins() { return UtilizationRateBins; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getFabricRateUtilizationSummary **/ /** * Provides a (complex) "utilization" description of the overall * fabric based on the current FabricDelta. The returned string * is suitable for printing to the screen or to an html document. * * @see describe related java objects * * @return ***********************************************************/ public String getFabricRateUtilizationSummary() { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); long totPorts = UtilizationRateBins.getTotalBinSizes(); // the fabric header area sbuff.append(String.format(FabHeader, getFabricName(), totPorts, getTheoreticalMaxRate().getRateName(), getDeltaTimeStamp().toString()) + "\n"); sbuff.append(" (" + getFabricRateUtilizationShortSummary() + ")\n\n"); sbuff.append(" " + BinHeader + "\n"); java.util.Set<String> keySet = UtilizationRateBins.getKeys(); // copy and sort the keys String[] keyArray = new String[keySet.size()]; int ndex = 0; for (Iterator<String> sKey = keySet.iterator(); sKey.hasNext();) keyArray[ndex++] =; Arrays.sort(keyArray); // use the sorted key array ndex = 0; for (Iterator<String> sKey = keySet.iterator(); sKey.hasNext();) { String key =; key = keyArray[ndex++]; ArrayList<PFM_PortRate> prList = UtilizationRateBins.getBin(key); int num = prList.size(); int val = Integer.parseInt(key); double percent = ((double) (num * 100)) / (double) totPorts; sbuff.append(" " + String.format(BinFormat, val - BinSize, val, prList.size(), percent) + "\n"); } return sbuff.toString(); } public String getNodeRateUtilizationSummary(IB_Guid guid) { String NodeHeader = "%-18s t1: %s t0: %s # links: %2d max rate: %s (%s)"; StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); IB_Vertex v = getIB_Vertex(guid); if (v == null) { return "Node (vertex) unavailable during this time period"; } LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Edge> eMap = v.getEdgeMap(); int numPorts = v.getNumPorts(); int numLinks = eMap.size(); boolean initialNode = true; boolean initialLink = true; // Look inside the PortRates for a port that matches this guid and PN // loop through the ports (in order) and try to find a matching link to display for (int portNum = 1; portNum <= numPorts; portNum++) { String key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(guid, portNum); PFM_PortRate pr = PortRates.get(key); if (pr != null) { if (initialNode) { initialNode = false; PFM_Port port1 = pr.getPortChange().getPort1(); PFM_Port port2 = pr.getPortChange().getPort2(); sbuff.append(String.format(NodeHeader, v.getName(), port1.getCounterTimeStamp().toString(), port2.getCounterTimeStamp().toString(), numLinks, getTheoreticalMaxRate().getRateName(), this.getTheoreticalMaxRateString(PortCounterUnits.MEGABYTES)) + "\n\n"); } sbuff.append(getNodeRateUtilizationLine(pr, portNum, initialLink)); initialLink = false; } else { // its okay to have ports that don't belong to links, but we may want to keep track // TODO - dangling port list (ports without links) //"Link not found for that port number"); } } if (initialNode || initialLink) sbuff.append(" please be patient, rates not yet available\n"); return sbuff.toString(); } public String getPortRateUtilizationSummary(IB_Guid guid, int portNum) { String PortHeader = "%-24s node: %-18s port: %2d max rate: %s (%s)"; StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); // Look inside the PortRates for a port that matches this guid and PN String key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(guid, portNum); PFM_PortRate pr = PortRates.get(key); if (pr != null) { IB_Vertex v = getIB_Vertex(guid); // the port header area sbuff.append(String.format(PortHeader, getFabricName(), v.getName(), portNum, getTheoreticalMaxRate().getRateName(), this.getTheoreticalMaxRateString(PortCounterUnits.MEGABYTES)) + "\n\n"); sbuff.append(getPortRateUtilizationLine(pr, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data, true)); sbuff.append(getPortRateUtilizationLine(pr, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.rcv_data, false)); sbuff.append(getPortRateUtilizationLine(pr, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_pkts, false)); sbuff.append(getPortRateUtilizationLine(pr, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.rcv_pkts, false)); } else sbuff.append(" please be patient, rates not yet available\n"); return sbuff.toString(); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getPortRateUtilizationLine **/ /** * Generates a counter string similar to the one shown below. Conditionally * generates a header string prepended to the counter string, also shown * below. * * <pre> * counter Oct 22 11:15:04 2013 Oct 22 11:12:04 2013 delta (counts) rate (units) % max rate *xmit_data 324889040703834 324889040210045 493789 0 MB/s 0.00% *</pre> * * @see describe related java objects * * @param pr the rate of change for this port * @param pcn the desired counter * @param includeLineHeader true, if you want the header prepended, normally only do this the first time * @return a rate string, in quasi table form, representing a counter for a specific port ***********************************************************/ public String getPortRateUtilizationLine(PFM_PortRate pr, PFM_Port.PortCounterName pcn, boolean includeLineHeader) { // assume data counters unless packets PortCounterUnits units = PortCounterUnits.MEGABYTES; if (PFM_Port.PortCounterName.PFM_PACKET_COUNTERS.contains(pcn)) units = PortCounterUnits.PACKET_SIZE; String counterName = pcn.getName(); String DeltaHeader = " counter %20s %20s delta (counts) rate (units) %% max rate"; String DeltaFormat = "%-12s %17d %17d %12d %6d %3s/s %6.2f%%"; String DeltaFormat1 = "%-12s %17d %17d %12d %6d %3s/s"; StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); if (pr != null) { PFM_PortChange pc = pr.getPortChange(); PFM_Port port1 = pr.getPortChange().getPort1(); PFM_Port port2 = pr.getPortChange().getPort2(); if (includeLineHeader) sbuff.append(String.format(DeltaHeader, port1.getCounterTimeStamp().toString(), port2.getCounterTimeStamp().toString()) + "\n"); if (PortCounterName.PFM_DATA_COUNTERS.contains(pcn)) sbuff.append(String.format(DeltaFormat, counterName, port1.getCounter(pcn), port2.getCounter(pcn), pc.getDelta_port_counter(pcn), PFM_PortRate.getChangeRateLong(pc, pcn, units), units.getName(), getPortUtilization(pr, pcn)) + "\n"); else sbuff.append(String.format(DeltaFormat1, counterName, port1.getCounter(pcn), port2.getCounter(pcn), pc.getDelta_port_counter(pcn), PFM_PortRate.getChangeRateLong(pc, pcn, units), units.getName()) + "\n"); } return sbuff.toString(); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getNodeRateUtilizationLine **/ /** * Generates a counter string similar to the one shown below. Conditionally * generates a header string prepended to the counter string, also shown * below. * * <pre> * counter Oct 22 11:15:04 2013 Oct 22 11:12:04 2013 delta (counts) rate (units) % max rate *xmit_data 324889040703834 324889040210045 493789 0 MB/s 0.00% *</pre> * * @see describe related java objects * * @param pr the rate of change for this port * @param pcn the desired counter * @param includeLineHeader true, if you want the header prepended, normally only do this the first time * @return a rate string, in quasi table form, representing a counter for a specific port ***********************************************************/ public String getNodeRateUtilizationLine(PFM_PortRate pr, int portNum, boolean includeLineHeader) { // assume data counters PFM_Port.PortCounterName xmit = PortCounterName.xmit_data; PFM_Port.PortCounterName rcv = PortCounterName.rcv_data; PortCounterUnits units = PortCounterUnits.MEGABYTES; String DeltaHeader = "port # xmit delta (counts) xmit rate (units) rcv delta (counts) rcv rate (units) % max rate"; String DeltaFormat = " %2d %12d %6d %3s/s %12d %6d %3s/s %6.2f%%"; StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); if (pr != null) { PFM_PortChange pc = pr.getPortChange(); if (includeLineHeader) sbuff.append(DeltaHeader + "\n"); sbuff.append(String.format(DeltaFormat, portNum, pc.getDelta_port_counter(xmit), PFM_PortRate.getChangeRateLong(pc, xmit, units), units.getName(), pc.getDelta_port_counter(rcv), PFM_PortRate.getChangeRateLong(pc, rcv, units), units.getName(), getMaxPortUtilization(pr)) + "\n"); } return sbuff.toString(); } /*******************************************************************************************************/ public String getLinkRateUtilizationSummary(IB_Edge edge) { // A single link. It has two ports, and each port has xmit and rcv /* guid:port xmit delta (counts) xmit rate (units) rcv delta (counts) rcv rate (units) %max rate * * endport 1 * endport 2 * * header is just the id string t1: t0: and max rate: * * refer to node utilization */ String LinkHeader = "%-18s link: %-36s t1: %s t0: %s max rate: %s (%s)"; StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); // Look inside the PortRates for a port that matches this guid and PN OSM_Port p1 = edge.getEndPort1(); OSM_Port p2 = edge.getEndPort2(); String key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(p1.getNodeGuid(), p1.getPortNumber()); PFM_PortRate pr = PortRates.get(key); if (pr != null) { // the page header PFM_Port port1 = pr.getPortChange().getPort1(); PFM_Port port2 = pr.getPortChange().getPort2(); sbuff.append(String.format(LinkHeader, getFabricName(), edge.toEdgeIdString(36), port1.getCounterTimeStamp().toString(), port2.getCounterTimeStamp().toString(), getTheoreticalMaxRate().getRateName(), this.getTheoreticalMaxRateString(PortCounterUnits.MEGABYTES)) + "\n\n"); // the first line (endport1 with a header) sbuff.append(getLinkRateUtilizationLine(pr, key, true)); // the second line (endport2) key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(p2.getNodeGuid(), p2.getPortNumber()); pr = PortRates.get(key); if (pr != null) { sbuff.append(getLinkRateUtilizationLine(pr, key, false)); } } else sbuff.append(" please be patient, rates not yet available\n"); return sbuff.toString(); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getLinkRateUtilizationLine **/ /** * Generates a counter string similar to the one shown below. Conditionally * generates a header string prepended to the counter string, also shown * below. * * <pre> * counter Oct 22 11:15:04 2013 Oct 22 11:12:04 2013 delta (counts) rate (units) % max rate *xmit_data 324889040703834 324889040210045 493789 0 MB/s 0.00% *</pre> * * @see describe related java objects * * @param pr the rate of change for this port * @param pcn the desired counter * @param includeLineHeader true, if you want the header prepended, normally only do this the first time * @return a rate string, in quasi table form, representing a counter for a specific port ***********************************************************/ public String getLinkRateUtilizationLine(PFM_PortRate pr, String portId, boolean includeLineHeader) { // assume data counters PFM_Port.PortCounterName xmit = PortCounterName.xmit_data; PFM_Port.PortCounterName rcv = PortCounterName.rcv_data; PortCounterUnits units = PortCounterUnits.MEGABYTES; String DeltaHeader = " end port xmit delta (counts) xmit rate (units) rcv delta (counts) rcv rate (units) % max rate"; String DeltaFormat = "%-22s %12d %6d %3s/s %12d %6d %3s/s %6.2f%%"; StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); if (pr != null) { PFM_PortChange pc = pr.getPortChange(); if (includeLineHeader) sbuff.append(DeltaHeader + "\n"); sbuff.append(String.format(DeltaFormat, portId, pc.getDelta_port_counter(xmit), PFM_PortRate.getChangeRateLong(pc, xmit, units), units.getName(), pc.getDelta_port_counter(rcv), PFM_PortRate.getChangeRateLong(pc, rcv, units), units.getName(), getMaxPortUtilization(pr)) + "\n"); } return sbuff.toString(); } public String getLinkUtilizationString(IB_Edge edge) { double x = getLinkUtilization(edge, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data); double r = getLinkUtilization(edge, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.rcv_data); PFM_Port.PortCounterName maxC = (x > r ? PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data : PFM_Port.PortCounterName.rcv_data); double maxN = (x > r ? x : r); return maxC.getName() + ": " + getDoubletUtilizationString(maxN); } public double getLinkUtilization(IB_Edge e, PFM_Port.PortCounterName pcn) { SummaryStatistics linkStats = new SummaryStatistics(); // get both sides of the edge OSM_Port op1 = e.getEndPort1(); OSM_Port op2 = e.getEndPort2(); linkStats.addValue(this.getPortUtilization(op1.getNodeGuid(), op1.getPortNumber(), pcn)); linkStats.addValue(this.getPortUtilization(op2.getNodeGuid(), op2.getPortNumber(), pcn)); return linkStats.getMax(); } /*******************************************************************************************************/ public String getPathRateUtilizationSummary(RT_Path path, boolean toDestination) { // An ordered set of links. // Each has two ports (in and out), and each port has xmit and rcv /* guid:port xmit delta (counts) xmit rate (units) rcv delta (counts) rcv rate (units) %max rate * * endport 1 * endport 2 * * header is just the id string t1: t0: and max rate: * * refer to node utilization */ // String PathHeader = "path: %-36s t1: %s t0: %s max rate: %s (%s)"; StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); if (toDestination) sbuff.append("Transmit Path (to dst)\n"); else sbuff.append("Receive Path (from dst)\n"); ArrayList<RT_PathLeg> legs = path.getLegs(); // iterate through the legs int hopNum = 0; int numHops = legs.size(); for (RT_PathLeg leg : legs) { OSM_Port p1 = leg.getFromPort(); OSM_Port p2 = leg.getToPort(); String nodeName = truncate(getIB_Vertex(p1.getNodeGuid()).getName(), MaxNameSize); String key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(p1.getNodeGuid(), p1.getPortNumber()); PFM_PortRate pr = PortRates.get(key); if (pr != null) { // the hop line (if first one, include a header) sbuff.append(getPathRateUtilizationLine(path.getPathIdString(), leg, hopNum, hopNum == 0)); if (++hopNum >= numHops) { // print the final destination line? (check PathRateUtilizationLine() for formatting clues String dstFormat = "%" + MaxHopSize + "s %-" + MaxNameSize + "s %-22s"; String dstHop = "dst-" + Integer.toString(hopNum).trim(); nodeName = truncate(getIB_Vertex(p2.getNodeGuid()).getName(), MaxNameSize); sbuff.append( String.format(dstFormat, dstHop, nodeName, p2.getNodeGuid().toColonString() + "\n")); break; } } else sbuff.append(" please be patient, rates not yet available\n"); } return sbuff.toString(); } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getPathRateUtilizationLine **/ /** * Generates a counter string similar to the one shown below. Conditionally * generates a header string prepended to the counter string, also shown * below. * * <pre> * counter Oct 22 11:15:04 2013 Oct 22 11:12:04 2013 delta (counts) rate (units) % max rate *xmit_data 324889040703834 324889040210045 493789 0 MB/s 0.00% *</pre> * * @see describe related java objects * * @param pr the rate of change for this port * @param pcn the desired counter * @param includeLineHeader true, if you want the header prepended, normally only do this the first time * @return a rate string, in quasi table form, representing a counter for a specific port ***********************************************************/ public String getPathRateUtilizationLine(String pathId, RT_PathLeg leg, int hopNum, boolean includeLineHeader) { // transmit data counter only (one direction - source to destination) PFM_Port.PortCounterName xmit = PortCounterName.xmit_data; PortCounterUnits units = PortCounterUnits.MEGABYTES; String PathHeader = " path: %-36s t1: %s t0: %s max rate: %s (%s)"; String DeltaHeader = " hop# node output port xmit delta (counts) xmit rate (units) % rate"; String DeltaFormat = "%-" + MaxHopSize + "s %-" + MaxNameSize + "s %-22s %16d %10d %4s/s %6.2f%%"; StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); OSM_Port p1 = leg.getFromPort(); OSM_Port p2 = leg.getToPort(); // make sure the name isn't too long String nodeName = truncate(getIB_Vertex(p1.getNodeGuid()).getName().trim(), MaxNameSize); String portId = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(p1.getNodeGuid(), p1.getPortNumber()).trim(); PFM_PortRate pr = PortRates.get(portId); if (pr != null) { PFM_PortChange pc = pr.getPortChange(); if (includeLineHeader) { // the page header PFM_Port port1 = pr.getPortChange().getPort1(); PFM_Port port2 = pr.getPortChange().getPort2(); sbuff.append(String.format(PathHeader, pathId, port1.getCounterTimeStamp().toString(), port2.getCounterTimeStamp().toString(), getTheoreticalMaxRate().getRateName(), this.getTheoreticalMaxRateString(PortCounterUnits.MEGABYTES)) + "\n\n"); sbuff.append(DeltaHeader + "\n"); } String hop = hopNum == 0 ? "src-0" : Integer.toString(hopNum).trim(); sbuff.append(String.format(DeltaFormat, hop, nodeName, portId, pc.getDelta_port_counter(xmit), PFM_PortRate.getChangeRateLong(pc, xmit, units), units.getName(), getPortUtilization(pr, xmit)) + "\n"); } return sbuff.toString(); } public String getPathRateUtilizationTableLine(String pathId, RT_PathLeg leg, int hopNum, boolean destination) { // transmit data counter only (one direction - source to destination) PFM_Port.PortCounterName xmit = PortCounterName.xmit_data; PortCounterUnits units = PortCounterUnits.MEGABYTES; StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); OSM_Port p1 = leg.getFromPort(); OSM_Port p2 = leg.getToPort(); // make sure the name isn't too long String nodeName = truncate(getIB_Vertex(p1.getNodeGuid()).getName().trim(), MaxNameSize); String portId = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(p1.getNodeGuid(), p1.getPortNumber()).trim(); PFM_PortRate pr = PortRates.get(portId); if (pr != null) { PFM_PortChange pc = pr.getPortChange(); String hop = hopNum == 0 ? "src-0" : Integer.toString(hopNum).trim(); String ID = "<a href=\"" + portId + "\">" + hop + "</a>"; // String ID = "<a href=\"" + g.toColonString() + ":" + pNum +"\">" + ++errNum + "</a>"; // ID = hop; if (destination) { ID = "dst-" + hop; nodeName = truncate(getIB_Vertex(p2.getNodeGuid()).getName(), MaxNameSize); portId = p2.getNodeGuid().toColonString(); sbuff.append("<tr>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"center\">" + ID + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"left\">" + nodeName + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"left\">" + portId + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"right\">" + " " + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"right\">" + " " + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"center\">" + " " + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"right\">" + " " + "</td>"); } else { sbuff.append("<tr>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"center\">" + ID + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"left\">" + nodeName + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"left\">" + portId + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"right\">" + pc.getDelta_port_counter(xmit) + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"right\">" + PFM_PortRate.getChangeRateLong(pc, xmit, units) + "</td>"); sbuff.append("<td align=\"center\">" + units.getName() + "/s" + "</td>"); sbuff.append( "<td align=\"right\">" + String.format("%6.2f %%", getPortUtilization(pr, xmit)) + "</td>"); } } return sbuff.toString(); } public String getPathUtilizationString(RT_Path path) { // paths are directional (unlike links) so only examine xmit data PFM_Port.PortCounterName maxC = PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data; double x = getPathUtilization(path, maxC); return maxC.getName() + ": " + getDoubletUtilizationString(x); } public double getPathUtilization(RT_Path path, PFM_Port.PortCounterName pcn) { // walk the path, and return the maximum utilization number for any leg SummaryStatistics linkStats = new SummaryStatistics(); ArrayList<RT_PathLeg> legs = path.getLegs(); // iterate through the legs for (RT_PathLeg leg : legs) { OSM_Port p1 = leg.getFromPort(); String portId = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(p1.getNodeGuid(), p1.getPortNumber()); PFM_PortRate pr = PortRates.get(portId); linkStats.addValue(getPortUtilization(pr, pcn)); } return linkStats.getMax(); } /*******************************************************************************************************/ public String getDoubletUtilizationString(double val) { return String.format("%6.2f%%", val); } private BinList<PFM_PortRate> getFabricRateUtilizationBins(int numBins, OSM_NodeType includeTypes) { // assume I have a Delta, and I want to compute the BW's and put them // in a fixed number of bins. // only include the ports from the specified node types. if unknown, include all // the object to return, should be the specified number of bins BinList<PFM_PortRate> UtilizationBins = new BinList<PFM_PortRate>(); PortRates = new LinkedHashMap<String, PFM_PortRate>(); // enforce min/max numBins = numBins < 1 ? 1 : numBins; numBins = numBins > DEFAULT_NUM_BINS ? DEFAULT_NUM_BINS : numBins; // create the bin keys, from 0 to 100 %, linear, whole numbers // divide the max link rate up into the desired bins (0 - 100%) BinSize = 100 / numBins; RateStats = new SummaryStatistics(); if ((ActiveTrafficPorts == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet() == null)) { logger.severe("WHAT THE HECK!"); if (ActiveTrafficPorts == null) { logger.severe("I have no idea why, but the active Traffic Ports from TOP seem to be null!"); } else { logger.severe("Hmmm, the Active Traffic Ports is not null, but the entry set is, check out top!"); } return UtilizationBins; } for (Map.Entry<String, PFM_PortChange> eMapEntry : ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet()) { PFM_PortChange pc = eMapEntry.getValue(); String key = eMapEntry.getKey(); // what type of node is this port from?? boolean sPortType = isSwitchPort(getDelta(), pc.getPort1()); // only add this value if the port change is from the desired type (or no desired type specified) if (includeThisPort(getDelta(), pc.getPort1(), includeTypes)) { PFM_PortRate pr = new PFM_PortRate(pc); PortRates.put(key, pr); // FIXME - decide which way is more correct // use xmit data by default or Max ?? double U = getPortUtilization(pr, PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data); //double U = getMaxPortUtilization(pr); RateStats.addValue(U); // put this PortChange in the desired bin for (int k = BinSize; k < 100; k += BinSize) { if (U < (double) k) { UtilizationBins.add(pr, Integer.toString(k)); break; } } } } return UtilizationBins; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * main **/ /** * Describe the method here * * @see describe related java objects * * @param args * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException ***********************************************************/ public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { OSM_FabricDelta ofd = OSM_FabricDelta .readFabricDelta("/home/meier3/omsHistoryRepo/cab/"); OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer ofda = new OSM_FabricDeltaAnalyzer(ofd); ofda.getFabricRateUtilizationBins(); PortCounterName pcn = PFM_Port.PortCounterName.xmit_data; System.err.println(ofda.getFabricRateUtilizationSummary()); System.err.println("Port utilization is: " + ofda.getPortUtilization(new IB_Guid("0006:6a00:e300:4436"), 14, pcn) + "%"); System.err.println("Link utilization is: " + ofda.getLinkUtilization(new IB_Guid("0006:6a00:e300:4436"), 14, pcn) + "%"); System.err.println( "Node utilization is: " + ofda.getNodeUtilization(new IB_Guid("0006:6a00:e300:4436"), pcn) + "%"); System.err.println("Fabric utilization is: " + ofda.getFabricRateUtilizationShortSummary()); System.err.println("MAX (" + ofda.getTheoreticalMaxRate().toString() + ")"); System.err.println("MAX (" + ofda.getTheoreticalMaxRate().getRateName() + ")"); System.err.println("MAX (" + ofda.getTheoreticalMaxRate().getRateValue(1) + ")"); } public LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> getDynamicErrorVertexMap() { return AllNodeErrors; } public LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Edge> getDynamicErrorEdgeMap() { return AllLinkErrors; } public LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> getVertexMap() { return VertexMap; } public LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Edge> getEdgeMap() { return EdgeMap; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getActiveTrafficPorts **/ /** * Returns the value of ActiveTrafficPorts * * @return the activeTrafficLinks * ***********************************************************/ public LinkedHashMap<String, PFM_PortChange> getActiveTrafficPorts() { return ActiveTrafficPorts; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getActiveTrafficLinks **/ /** * Returns the value of activeTrafficLinks * * @return the activeTrafficLinks * ***********************************************************/ public LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Edge> getActiveTrafficLinks() { return ActiveTrafficLinks; } /************************************************************ * Method Name: * getActiveTrafficNodes **/ /** * Returns the value of activeTrafficNodes * * @return the activeTrafficNodes * ***********************************************************/ public LinkedHashMap<String, IB_Vertex> getActiveTrafficNodes() { return ActiveTrafficNodes; } public boolean hasDynamicError(IB_Guid guid, int portNum, PortCounterName name) { // return true, if the specified error counters value changed during // the last period. otherwise return false if ((AllPortErrors == null) || (AllPortErrors.entrySet() == null) || (AllPortErrors.entrySet().size() < 1)) return false; String key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(guid, portNum); PFM_PortChange pc = AllPortErrors.get(key); // look inside this port, if available, to see if the change happened // on the counter I care about if ((pc != null) && (name != null)) { // name must be contained in the ErrorCounter group if (PortCounterName.PFM_ERROR_COUNTERS.contains(name)) { long change = pc.getDelta_port_counter(name); if (change > 0) return true; } } return false; } public boolean hasDynamicError(IB_Edge edge) { // return true if the guid from either endpoint is in the error list // otherwise return false if (edge == null) return false; if ((hasDynamicError(edge.getEndPort1().getNodeGuid(), edge.getEndPort1().getPortNumber())) || (hasDynamicError(edge.getEndPort2().getNodeGuid(), edge.getEndPort2().getPortNumber()))) { return true; } return false; } public boolean hasStaticError(IB_Guid guid, int portNum) { // return true, if any error counter value is non-zero OSM_Fabric f = getDelta().getFabric2(); OSM_Port p = f.getOSM_Port(OSM_Fabric.getOSM_PortKey(guid.getGuid(), (short) portNum)); if (p == null) return false; return p.hasError(); } public boolean hasDynamicError(IB_Guid guid, int portNum) { // return true, if any error counter value changed during // the last period. otherwise return false if ((AllPortErrors == null) || (AllPortErrors.entrySet() == null) || (AllPortErrors.entrySet().size() < 1)) return false; String key = PFM_PortChange.getPFM_PortChangeKey(guid, portNum); PFM_PortChange pc = AllPortErrors.get(key); // look inside this port, if available, to see if the change happened // on the counter I care about if (pc != null) { // if pc is not null, then something was found. Is that enough? for (PortCounterName s : PortCounterName.PFM_ERROR_COUNTERS) { long change = pc.getDelta_port_counter(s); if (change > 0L) return true; } } return false; } public boolean hasDynamicError(IB_Guid guid) { // return true if this guid is in the error list // otherwise return false if ((AllNodeErrors == null) || (AllNodeErrors.entrySet() == null) || (AllNodeErrors.entrySet().size() < 1)) return false; for (Map.Entry<String, IB_Vertex> eMapEntry : AllNodeErrors.entrySet()) { IB_Vertex v = eMapEntry.getValue(); // if the guids match, return true immediately if (v.getGuid().equals(guid)) return true; } return false; } public boolean isTopNode(IB_Guid guid, int topSize) { // return true if this guid is in the top traffic list // otherwise return false if ((ActiveTrafficNodes == null) || (ActiveTrafficNodes.entrySet() == null) || (ActiveTrafficNodes.entrySet().size() < 1)) return false; int topNum = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, IB_Vertex> eMapEntry : ActiveTrafficNodes.entrySet()) { IB_Vertex v = eMapEntry.getValue(); // if the guids match, return true immediately if (v.getGuid().equals(guid)) return true; if (topNum++ > topSize) return false; } return false; } public boolean isTopPort(IB_Guid guid, int portNum, int topSize) { // return true if this guid is in the top traffic list // otherwise return false if ((ActiveTrafficPorts == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet() == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet().size() < 1)) return false; int topNum = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, PFM_PortChange> eMapEntry : ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet()) { PFM_PortChange pc = eMapEntry.getValue(); IB_Guid g = pc.getAddress().getGuid(); int pNum = pc.getPortNumber(); // if the supplied guid and portNum are in the list, print it out if ((g != null) && (pNum > 0) && (g.equals(guid)) && (pNum == portNum)) return true; // stop after the desired number of iterations, or when the end is reached if (topNum++ > topSize) return false; } return false; } public boolean isTopPort(OSM_Port port, int topSize) { // return true if this guid is in the top traffic list // otherwise return false if ((ActiveTrafficPorts == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet() == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet().size() < 1)) return false; if (port == null) return false; return isTopPort(port.getNodeGuid(), port.getPortNumber(), topSize); } public boolean isTopLink(IB_Edge edge, int topSize) { // return true if this guid is in the top traffic list // otherwise return false if ((ActiveTrafficPorts == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet() == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet().size() < 1)) return false; if (edge == null) return false; return (isTopPort(edge.getEndPort1(), topSize) || (isTopPort(edge.getEndPort2(), topSize))); } public boolean isTopLink(IB_Guid guid, int portNum, int topSize) { // find the TOP edge that has this guid and portnumber // otherwise return false if ((ActiveTrafficPorts == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet() == null) || (ActiveTrafficPorts.entrySet().size() < 1)) return false; if (guid == null) return false; return isTopLink(getIB_Edge(guid, portNum), topSize); } public String getPortErrorState(IB_Guid nodeGuid, int portNum) { // return one of: <empty>, Static Error, Dynamic Error String state = ""; if (hasStaticError(nodeGuid, portNum)) state = STATIC_ERROR; if (hasDynamicError(nodeGuid, portNum)) state = DYNAMIC_ERROR; return state; } public String getLinkErrorState(IB_Edge e) { // return one of: <empty>, Static Error, Dynamic Error // // check both sides of the link, and return the HIGHEST error String state = ""; if (e != null) { if (hasDynamicError(e.getEndPort1().getNodeGuid(), e.getEndPort1().getPortNumber()) || hasDynamicError(e.getEndPort2().getNodeGuid(), e.getEndPort2().getPortNumber())) return DYNAMIC_ERROR; if (hasStaticError(e.getEndPort1().getNodeGuid(), e.getEndPort1().getPortNumber()) || hasStaticError(e.getEndPort2().getNodeGuid(), e.getEndPort2().getPortNumber())) return STATIC_ERROR; } return state; } public String getLinkErrorState(IB_Link l) { // return one of: <empty>, Static Error, Dynamic Error // // check both sides of the link, and return the HIGHEST error String state = ""; if (l != null) { if (hasDynamicError(l.getEndpoint1().getNodeGuid(), l.getEndpoint1().getPortNumber()) || hasDynamicError(l.getEndpoint2().getNodeGuid(), l.getEndpoint2().getPortNumber())) return DYNAMIC_ERROR; if (hasStaticError(l.getEndpoint1().getNodeGuid(), l.getEndpoint1().getPortNumber()) || hasStaticError(l.getEndpoint2().getNodeGuid(), l.getEndpoint2().getPortNumber())) return STATIC_ERROR; } return state; } }