Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2011, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. * Written by Kevin Lawrence, * Under the guidance of: * David Andrzejewski, * David Buttler, * LLNL-CODE-521811 All rights reserved. This file is part of IRIS * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License (as published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2, dated June 1991. This program is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA For full text see license.txt * * */ package gov.llnl.iscr.iris; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import gov.llnl.iscr.iris.LDAModel; /** * * This class provides the methods for processing the data retrieved by the {@link LDAModel}. * It contains an LDAModel as one of its members and makes the appropriate calls for data via this object. * It then processes the data according to the topic selection procedure for the latent topic feedback system. * <p>A typical invocation sequence is: * <blockquote><pre> * MongoInstance mongo = new MongoInstance("", "topicModel"); * LDAModel model = new LDAModel(mongo); * LDAHandler lda = new LDAHandler(model); * </pre></blockquote> * */ public class LDAHandler { private final LDAModel model; private double topicThreshold = -100.0; private List<Integer> enrichedSet = null; private List<Integer> relatedSet = null; private List<BasicDBObject> selectedNgrams = null; private List<BasicDBObject> selectedUnigrams = null; private Map<Integer, List<String>> expansionWords = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<String>>(); public static enum TopicType { ENRICHED, RELATED } /** * creates an instance of LDAHandler based on the LDAModel provided * @param model */ public LDAHandler(LDAModel model) { this.model = model; } /** * sets the threshold value to be used for filtering "junk" topics * to a value obtained by thresholding the topic semantic coherence scores * at the percentile value given. * @param thresholdPercentile * @return */ public LDAHandler setTopicThreshold(float thresholdPercentile) { DBCursor semcoCur = model.getSemcoValues(); int semcoCount = semcoCur.count(); int limit = (int) (thresholdPercentile * semcoCount) - 1; this.topicThreshold = (Double) semcoCur.toArray().get(limit).get("semco"); return this; } /** * set the threshold value to be used for filtering "junk" topics to the absolute value given * @param threshold * @return */ public LDAHandler setTopicThreshold(double threshold) { this.topicThreshold = threshold; return this; } /** * sets the list of enriched topics for the user query using the results list; * call {@link LDAHandler#getRelatedTopicSet()} on the returned * LDAHandler to retrieve the list. * @param results * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public LDAHandler setEnrichedTopicSet(List<Object> docIDs) { enrichedSet = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int iterateCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { //-|=============================================== //-|1. Gets associated topics for given document //-|2. Sorts topics by probability, descending //-|3. Filters topics according to threshold value //-|=============================================== List<DBObject> topics = (List<DBObject>) model.getTopics(docIDs.get(i)).get("topics"); Collections.sort(topics, new TopicSortByProb()); List<Integer> temp = filterTopics(topics, topicThreshold, TopicType.ENRICHED); //-|=============================================== //-|Iterates temp to extract enriched topics //-|=============================================== int index = 0; int numOfTopicAdded = 0; while (numOfTopicAdded < 2 && index < temp.size() && enrichedSet.size() < 4) { if (!enrichedSet.contains(temp.get(index))) { enrichedSet.add(temp.get(index)); ++index; ++numOfTopicAdded; } else { ++index; } } //If the enriched set does not contain four (4) topics after searching both topic lists if (i == 1 && enrichedSet.size() < 4) { i = -1; ++iterateCount; } //If the topic list has been iterated twice: Exit if (iterateCount == 2) break; } return this; } /** * sets the list of topics that are related to the enriched topic list; * call {@link LDAHandler#getRelatedTopicSet()} on the returned * LDAHandler to retrieve the list. * @return */ public LDAHandler setRelatedTopicSet() { relatedSet = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (enrichedSet != null) { List<DBCursor> curList = model.getRelatedTopics(enrichedSet); for (DBCursor cur : curList) { List<Integer> temp = filterTopics(cur.toArray(), topicThreshold, TopicType.RELATED); relatedSet.add(temp.get(0)); relatedSet.add(temp.get(1)); } } else { System.err.println("Related Topics Set cannot be populated!"); System.err.println("Ensure enriched topic set has been established."); } return this; } /** * sets the ngrams for the given topic; * call {@link LDAHandler#getSelectedNgrams()} on the returned * LDAHandler to retrieve the list. * @param selectedTopic * @return */ public LDAHandler setNgrams(Object selectedTopic) { //-|================================================== //-|1. Instantiate multicomparator for sorting ngrams //-| by size and score //-|2. Get ngrams from model and sort them //-|================================================== List<Comparator<BasicDBObject>> comps = new ArrayList<Comparator<BasicDBObject>>(); comps.add(new NgramSortBySize()); comps.add(new NgramSortByScore()); MultiComparator<BasicDBObject> multiComp = new MultiComparator<BasicDBObject>(comps); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<BasicDBObject> topicNgrams = (List<BasicDBObject>) model.getNgrams(selectedTopic).get("ngrams"); Collections.sort(topicNgrams, multiComp); List<BasicDBObject> allNgrams = topicNgrams; //-|===================================== //-|Extract top trigram and //-|top two (2) bigrams from sort ngrams //-|===================================== boolean tri = true; int biCount = 0; selectedNgrams = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < allNgrams.size(); i++) { if (tri && (Integer) allNgrams.get(i).get("size") == 3) { tri = false; selectedNgrams.add(allNgrams.get(i)); } else if (biCount < 2) { if ((Integer) allNgrams.get(i).get("size") == 2) { selectedNgrams.add(allNgrams.get(i)); ++biCount; } } else break; } return this; } /** * sets the unigrams for the given topic; * call {@link LDAHandler#getSelectedUnigrams()} on the returned * LDAHandler to retrieve the list. * @param selectedTopic * @return */ public LDAHandler setUnigrams(Object selectedTopic) { //-|=================================================== //-|1. Get unigrams (probable words) for selected topic //-|2. Sort unigrams by probability //-|=================================================== @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<DBObject> topicUnigrams = (List<DBObject>) model.getUnigrams(selectedTopic).get("words"); Collections.sort(topicUnigrams, new TopicSortByProb()); List<DBObject> allUnigrams = topicUnigrams; //-|============================== //-|Extract the best unigrams for //-|display and query expansion //-|============================== List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>(); //Store words for expansion DBObject obj; selectedUnigrams = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { obj = allUnigrams.get(i); selectedUnigrams.add((BasicDBObject) obj); words.add(obj.get("word").toString()); } try { obj = allUnigrams.get(4); words.add(obj.get("word").toString()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Could NOT add the last (5th) term to the query expansion word list:"); System.err.println("Only four (4) words will be used for query expansion."); } expansionWords.put((Integer) selectedTopic, words); return this; } /** * returns the list of enriched topics * @return */ public List<Integer> getEnrichedTopicSet() { return enrichedSet; } /** * returns the a map of topics and associated expansion words * @return */ public Map<Integer, List<String>> getAllExpansionWords() { return expansionWords; } /** * returns a list of expansion words for the given topic * @param topicID * @return */ public List<String> getTopicExpansionWords(Integer topicID) { return expansionWords.get(topicID); } /** * returns a list of related topics * @return */ public List<Integer> getRelatedTopicSet() { return relatedSet; } /** * returns a list of ngrams * @return */ public List<BasicDBObject> getSelectedNgrams() { return selectedNgrams; } /** * returns a list of unigrams * @return */ public List<BasicDBObject> getSelectedUnigrams() { return selectedUnigrams; } /** * returns the topic threshold value * @return */ public double getTopicThreshold() { return topicThreshold; } /** * returns the model associated with the LDAHandler * @return */ public LDAModel getModel() { return model; } /** * filter the list of given topics by removing those that are less than the provided threshold * @param topics the list of topic objects which consist of a key-value map (topic: id, prob: value) * @param threshold value use to remove topics that fall short * @param topicType enum value to use for distinguishing what type of topics are to be filtered (ENRICHED or RELATED) * @return */ public List<Integer> filterTopics(List<DBObject> topics, double threshold, TopicType topicType) { List<Integer> semcoArgs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //Store topic IDs to retrieve the semco values //Getting topic ID's from topics list Iterator<DBObject> topicsIter = topics.iterator(); switch (topicType) { case ENRICHED: while (topicsIter.hasNext()) { semcoArgs.add((Integer)"topic")); } case RELATED: while (topicsIter.hasNext()) { semcoArgs.add((Integer)"cotopic")); } } //-|========================================================== //-|Retrieve the list of topicIDs in given list of topics //-| less than threshold (junk topics) //-|Remove junk topics from given list and return filter list //-|========================================================== DBCursor semcoCur = model.getTopicsLessThan(semcoArgs, threshold); while (semcoCur.hasNext()) { DBObject obj =; semcoArgs.remove(obj.get("topic")); } return semcoArgs; } //-|============================================================= //-|Private classes used for sorting data retrieved from model //-|============================================================= /** * Comparator use to sort topic objects by probability */ private static class TopicSortByProb implements Comparator<DBObject>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int compare(DBObject o1, DBObject o2) { Double d1 = (Double) o1.get("prob"); Double d2 = (Double) o2.get("prob"); return (d1.compareTo(d2)) * -1; } } /** * Comparator use to sort ngram objects by score */ private static class NgramSortByScore implements Comparator<BasicDBObject>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; public int compare(BasicDBObject o1, BasicDBObject o2) { Double d1 = o1.getDouble("score"); Double d2 = o2.getDouble("score"); return (d1.compareTo(d2)) * -1; } } /** * Comparator use to sort ngram objects by size */ private static class NgramSortBySize implements Comparator<BasicDBObject>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3L; public int compare(BasicDBObject o1, BasicDBObject o2) { Integer i1 = o1.getInt("size"); Integer i2 = o2.getInt("size"); return (i1.compareTo(i2)) * -1; } } /** * Generic comparator list use to enable sorting using multiple comparators */ private static class MultiComparator<T> implements Comparator<T>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4L; private List<Comparator<T>> comparators; public MultiComparator(List<Comparator<T>> comparators) { this.comparators = comparators; } public int compare(T o1, T o2) { for (Comparator<T> comparator : comparators) { int comparison =, o2); if (comparison != 0) return comparison; } return 0; } } }