Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright  2016, UChicago Argonne, LLC
 * All Rights Reserved
 * ARCANE (ANL-SF-15-108)
 * Michael J. North, Argonne National Laboratory
 * Pam Sydelko, Argonne National Laboratory
 * Ignacio Martinez-Moyano
 * Under the terms of Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 with UChicago
 * Argonne, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this
 * software.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * 1.   Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
 * 2.   Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * 3.   Neither the names of UChicago Argonne, LLC or the Department of Energy
 *      nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
 *      products derived from this software without specific prior written
 *      permission. 
 * ****************************************************************************
 * @author Michael J. North
 * @version 1.1.0
package gov.anl.cue.arcane.engine.matrix;

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.beans.Transient;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NotStrictlyPositiveException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.OutOfRangeException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFont;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount;

import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.CircleLayout;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.Layout;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DirectedSparseMultigraph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.BasicVisualizationServer;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.decorators.ToStringLabeller;
import gov.anl.cue.arcane.engine.Util;

 * The MatrixModel class supports the MatrixEngine class by
 * representing an example solution. Each MatrixModel instance
 * is an individual chromosome in the genetic algorithm. Each
 * MatrixModel instance contains a list of variables and a set
 * of fitness equations. Note that stocks are also called levels,
 * influence links are also called variables, and flows are also
 * called rates.
public class MatrixModel extends ArrayList<MatrixVariable> implements Serializable {

    /** The environment initializer. */
    static {

        // Pre-load the JScience units classes to
        // insure that they are ready when needed.
        Amount.valueOf(1.0, Currency.USD);


    /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    /** The matrix engine. */
    public transient MatrixEngine matrixEngine = null;

     * Gets the matrix engine.
     * @return the matrix engine
    public MatrixEngine getMatrixEngine() {

        // Return the results.
        return matrixEngine;


     * Instantiates a new matrix model.
     * @param newMatrixEngine the new matrix engine
    public MatrixModel(MatrixEngine newMatrixEngine) {

        // Note our container.
        this.matrixEngine = newMatrixEngine;


     * Imports a matrix model from a template spreadsheet.
     * @param matrixEngine the matrix engine
     * @param fileName            the file name
     * @return the results
    public static MatrixModel importTemplate(MatrixEngine matrixEngine, String fileName) {

        // Declare the results storage.
        MatrixModel matrixModel = new MatrixModel(matrixEngine);

        // Try to read the template spreadsheet.
        try {

            // Find the node request counts.
            HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeCounts = MatrixModel.importTemplateDimensions(fileName);

            // Find the node base index counts.
            HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeBases = MatrixModel.findNodeBases(nodeCounts);

            // Find the dimensions of the template spreadsheet.
            int nodeRequests = nodeCounts.size();
            int nodeCount = 0;
            for (Integer nodeRequest : nodeCounts.values()) {
                nodeCount += nodeRequest;

            // Attempt to open the template spreadsheet.
            XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(new File(fileName)));

            // Extract the fitness function.
            Iterator<XSSFSheet> sheets = MatrixModel.importTemplateExtractFitnessInformation(matrixModel,
                    nodeCounts, nodeRequests, workbook);

            // Scan the variables.
            MatrixModel.importTemplateScanVariables(matrixModel, nodeCounts, nodeBases, nodeRequests, nodeCount,

            // Normalize the new model.

            // Catch errors.
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // Note an error.
            matrixModel = null;


        // Return the results.
        return matrixModel;


     * Import template extract fitness information.
     * @param matrixModel the matrix model
     * @param nodeCounts the node counts
     * @param nodeRequests the node requests
     * @param workbook the workbook
     * @return the iterator
    public static Iterator<XSSFSheet> importTemplateExtractFitnessInformation(MatrixModel matrixModel,
            HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeCounts, int nodeRequests, XSSFWorkbook workbook) {

        // Prepare to scan the sheets.
        Iterator<XSSFSheet> sheets = workbook.iterator();

        // Ignore the parameters sheet.
        XSSFSheet sheet =;
        sheet =;

        // Scan the fitness sheet.
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < nodeRequests; rowIndex++) {

            // Get the next equation.
            String equation = Util.getSpreadsheetString(sheet, rowIndex + 1, 0);

            // Store the equation.
            for (int count = 0; count < nodeCounts.get(rowIndex); count++) {

            // Get the next node name.
            String nodeName = Util.getSpreadsheetString(sheet, rowIndex + 1, 1);

            // Store the node names.
            for (int count = 0; count < nodeCounts.get(rowIndex); count++) {
                matrixModel.nodeNames.add(nodeName + (count + 1));


        // Get the next fitness function specifier.
        String specifier = Util.getSpreadsheetString(sheet, nodeRequests + 1, 0);

        // Decode the fitness function specifier.
        if (specifier.equals(MatrixModel.ZERO_FITNESS_STRING)) {

            // Store the fitness function specifier.
            matrixModel.fitnessFunctionType = MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.ZERO_FITNESS;

        } else if (specifier.equals(MatrixModel.SIMPLE_MAXIMUM_STRING)) {

            // Store the fitness function specifier.
            matrixModel.fitnessFunctionType = MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.SIMPLE_MAXIMUM;

        } else {

            // Store the fitness function specifier.
            matrixModel.fitnessFunctionType = MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.USER_EQUATION;

            // Read the number of steps.
            matrixModel.stepCount = (int) Util.getSpreadsheetNumber(sheet, nodeRequests + 2, 1);

            // Read the step size.
            matrixModel.stepSize = Util.getSpreadsheetNumber(sheet, nodeRequests + 3, 1);

            // Read the step size.
            matrixModel.equationEvolution = Util.getSpreadsheetBoolean(sheet, nodeRequests + 4, 1);


        // Return the results.
        return sheets;


     * Import template scan variables.
     * @param matrixModel the matrix model
     * @param nodeCounts the node counts
     * @param nodeBases the node bases
     * @param nodeRequests the node requests
     * @param nodeCount the node count
     * @param sheets the sheets
     * @throws NotStrictlyPositiveException the not strictly positive exception
    public static void importTemplateScanVariables(MatrixModel matrixModel, HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeCounts,
            HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeBases, int nodeRequests, int nodeCount, Iterator<XSSFSheet> sheets)
            throws NotStrictlyPositiveException {

        // Scan the variables.
        XSSFSheet sheet;
        while (sheets.hasNext()) {

            // Move to the next sheet.
            sheet =;

            // Allocate a new variable.
            MatrixVariable matrixVariable = new MatrixVariable();

            // Assign the new variables's name and, possibly, units.
            String newName = sheet.getSheetName();
            if (newName.contains("(")) {

                // Parse the name and units.
       = newName.substring(0, newName.indexOf("(") - 1);
                String unitsString = newName.substring(newName.indexOf("(") + 1, newName.indexOf(")"));

                // Attempt to convert the units text to a units value.
                try {

                    // Convert the units text to a units value.
                    matrixVariable.units = Amount.valueOf("1.0 " + unitsString);

                    // Catch errors.
                } catch (Exception e) {

                    // Use a default value.
                    matrixVariable.units = Amount.ONE;


            } else {

                // Assign the name.
       = newName;


            // Scan the sheet for the next variable.
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < nodeRequests; rowIndex++) {

                // Get the next equation.
                String equation = Util.getSpreadsheetString(sheet, rowIndex + 1, 0);

                // Store the equation.
                for (int count = 0; count < nodeCounts.get(rowIndex); count++)

                // Check to make sure that the matrix is allocated.
                if (matrixVariable.coefficients == null) {

                    // Allocate the coefficient matrix.
                    matrixVariable.coefficients = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(nodeCount, nodeCount);


                // Scan the columns for the next coefficient.
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < nodeRequests; columnIndex++) {

                    // Get the next coefficient.
                    double fullValue = Util.getSpreadsheetNumber(sheet, rowIndex + 1, columnIndex + 2);

                    // Store the next coefficients.
                    MatrixModel.setTemplateEntry(nodeCounts, nodeBases, matrixVariable, rowIndex, columnIndex,



            // Store the new variable.



     * Sets the template entry.
     * @param nodeCounts the node counts
     * @param nodeBases the node bases
     * @param matrixVariable the matrix variable
     * @param rowIndex the row index
     * @param columnIndex the column index
     * @param fullValue the full value
    public static void setTemplateEntry(HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeCounts, HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeBases,
            MatrixVariable matrixVariable, int rowIndex, int columnIndex, double fullValue) {

        // Scale the value to be set.
        double scaledValue = Double.NaN;
        int cellCount = nodeCounts.get(rowIndex) * nodeCounts.get(columnIndex);
        if (cellCount != 0) {
            scaledValue = fullValue / cellCount;

        // Replace the selected entries.
        for (int rowCount = 0; rowCount < nodeCounts.get(rowIndex); rowCount++) {
            for (int columnCount = 0; columnCount < nodeCounts.get(columnIndex); columnCount++) {
                matrixVariable.coefficients.setEntry(nodeBases.get(rowIndex) + rowCount,
                        nodeBases.get(columnIndex) + columnCount, scaledValue);


     * Find node bases.
     * @param nodeCounts the node counts
     * @return the hash map
    public static HashMap<Integer, Integer> findNodeBases(HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeCounts) {

        // Create the results holder.
        HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeBases = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

        // Determine the node bases.
        int lastNodeBase = 0;
        for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCounts.size(); nodeIndex++) {

            // Store the next node base.
            nodeBases.put(nodeIndex, lastNodeBase);

            // Move on.
            lastNodeBase += nodeCounts.get(nodeIndex);


        // Return the results.
        return nodeBases;


     * Imports the dimensions for a matrix model from a
     * template spreadsheet.
     * @param fileName            the file name
     * @return the matrix dimensions
    public static HashMap<Integer, Integer> importTemplateDimensions(String fileName) {

        // Create the results holder.
        HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeCounts = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

        // Try to read the spreadsheet.
        try {

            // Attempt to open the template spreadsheet.
            XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(new File(fileName)));

            // Scan the sheets.
            Iterator<XSSFSheet> sheets = workbook.iterator();

            // Ignore the first sheet.
            XSSFSheet sheet =;
            sheet =;

            // Prepare to scan the node count column.
            Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.rowIterator();

            // Skip the header row.

            // Find the total number of nodes requested.
            int rowIndex = 0;
            Double nextCellValue = Util.getSpreadsheetNumber(sheet,, 2);
            while (!Double.isNaN(nextCellValue)) {

                // Store the results.
                nodeCounts.put(rowIndex++, nextCellValue.intValue());

                // Get the next node count.
                nextCellValue = Util.getSpreadsheetNumber(sheet,, 2);


            // Close the workbook.

            // Catch errors.
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // Note an error.
            nodeCounts = null;


        // Return the results.
        return nodeCounts;


     * Reads a matrix model from a spreadsheet.
     * @param matrixEngine the matrix engine
     * @param fileName            the file name
     * @return the results
    public static MatrixModel read(MatrixEngine matrixEngine, String fileName) {

        // Declare the results storage.
        MatrixModel matrixModel = new MatrixModel(matrixEngine);

        // Find the dimensions of the spreadsheet.
        // This is necessary because Excel spreadsheets
        // do not reliably store the row and column dimension
        // in the meta-information. The values stored
        // there are not guaranteed to be correct in all cases.
        MatrixModel.MatrixDimensions matrixDimensions = MatrixModel.readDimensions(fileName);

        // Try to read the spreadsheet.
        try {

            // Attempt to open the spreadsheet.
            XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(new File(fileName)));

            // Extract the fitness information.
            Iterator<XSSFSheet> sheets = MatrixModel.readExtractFitnessInformation(matrixModel, matrixDimensions,

            // Scan the variables.
            MatrixModel.readScanVariables(matrixModel, matrixDimensions, sheets);

            // Catch errors.
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // Note an error.
            matrixModel = null;


        // Return the results.
        return matrixModel;


     * Read scan variables.
     * @param matrixModel the matrix model
     * @param matrixDimensions the matrix dimensions
     * @param sheets the sheets
     * @throws NotStrictlyPositiveException the not strictly positive exception
     * @throws OutOfRangeException the out of range exception
    public static void readScanVariables(MatrixModel matrixModel, MatrixModel.MatrixDimensions matrixDimensions,
            Iterator<XSSFSheet> sheets) throws NotStrictlyPositiveException, OutOfRangeException {

        // Scan the sheets.
        while (sheets.hasNext()) {

            // Move to the next sheet.
            XSSFSheet sheet =;

            // Allocate a new variable.
            MatrixVariable matrixVariable = new MatrixVariable();

            // Assign the new variables's name and, possibly, units.
            String newName = sheet.getSheetName();
            if (newName.contains("(")) {

                // Parse the name and units.
       = newName.substring(0, newName.indexOf("(") - 1);
                String unitsString = newName.substring(newName.indexOf("(") + 1, newName.indexOf(")"));

                // Attempt to convert the units text to a units value.
                try {

                    // Convert the units text to a units value.
                    matrixVariable.units = Amount.valueOf("1.0 " + unitsString);

                    // Catch errors.
                } catch (Exception e) {

                    // Use a default value.
                    matrixVariable.units = Amount.ONE;


            } else {

                // Assign the name.
       = newName;


            // Scan the sheet for the next variable.
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrixDimensions.rows; rowIndex++) {

                // Get the next equation.
                String equation = Util.getSpreadsheetString(sheet, rowIndex + 1, 0);

                // Store the equation.

                // Check to make sure that the matrix is allocated.
                if (matrixVariable.coefficients == null) {
                    matrixVariable.coefficients = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrixDimensions.rows,

                // Scan the columns for the next coefficient.
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < matrixDimensions.columns; columnIndex++) {

                    // Get the next coefficient.
                    double value = Util.getSpreadsheetNumber(sheet, rowIndex + 1, columnIndex + 2);

                    // Store the next coefficient.
                    matrixVariable.coefficients.setEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex, value);



            // Store the new variable.



     * Read extract fitness information.
     * @param matrixModel the matrix model
     * @param matrixDimensions the matrix dimensions
     * @param workbook the workbook
     * @return the iterator
    public static Iterator<XSSFSheet> readExtractFitnessInformation(MatrixModel matrixModel,
            MatrixModel.MatrixDimensions matrixDimensions, XSSFWorkbook workbook) {

        // Scan the sheets.
        Iterator<XSSFSheet> sheets = workbook.iterator();
        XSSFSheet sheet =;

        // Scan the fitness sheet.
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrixDimensions.rows; rowIndex++) {

            // Get the next equation.
            String equation = Util.getSpreadsheetString(sheet, rowIndex + 1, 0);

            // Store the equation.

            // Get the next node name.
            String nodeName = Util.getSpreadsheetString(sheet, rowIndex + 1, 1);

            // Store the node names.


        // Get the next fitness function specifier.
        String specifier = Util.getSpreadsheetString(sheet, matrixDimensions.rows + 1, 0);

        // Decode the fitness function specifier.
        if (specifier.equals(MatrixModel.ZERO_FITNESS_STRING)) {

            // Store the fitness function specifier.
            matrixModel.fitnessFunctionType = MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.ZERO_FITNESS;

        } else if (specifier.equals(MatrixModel.SIMPLE_MAXIMUM_STRING)) {

            // Store the fitness function specifier.
            matrixModel.fitnessFunctionType = MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.SIMPLE_MAXIMUM;

        } else {

            // Store the fitness function specifier.
            matrixModel.fitnessFunctionType = MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.USER_EQUATION;

            // Read the number of steps.
            matrixModel.stepCount = (int) Util.getSpreadsheetNumber(sheet, matrixDimensions.rows + 2, 1);

            // Read the step size.
            matrixModel.stepSize = Util.getSpreadsheetNumber(sheet, matrixDimensions.rows + 3, 1);


        // Return the results.
        return sheets;


     * Reads the dimensions for a matrix model from a spreadsheet.
     * This method is necessary because Excel spreadsheets
     * do not reliably store the row and column dimension
     * in the meta-information. The values that are stored
     * there are not guaranteed to be correct in all cases.
     * @param fileName            the file name
     * @return the matrix dimensions
    public static MatrixDimensions readDimensions(String fileName) {

        // Create the results holder.
        MatrixDimensions matrixDimensions = new MatrixModel.MatrixDimensions();

        // Try to read the spreadsheet.
        try {

            // Attempt to open the spreadsheet.
            XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(new File(fileName)));

            // Scan the sheets.
            Iterator<XSSFSheet> sheets = workbook.iterator();

            // Skip the first sheet.
            XSSFSheet sheet =;

            // Move to the sheet for the first variable.
            sheet =;

            // Find the number of rows.
            matrixDimensions.rows = sheet.getLastRowNum();

            // Prepare to check the first row.
            Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator();

            // Check the header row length
            Row row =;
            matrixDimensions.columns = row.getLastCellNum() - 2;

            // Close the workbook.

            // Catch errors.
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // Note an error.
            matrixDimensions = null;


        // Return the results.
        return matrixDimensions;


    /** The fitness equations. */
    public ArrayList<String> fitnessEquations = new ArrayList<String>();

    /** The node names. */
    public ArrayList<String> nodeNames = new ArrayList<String>();

    /** The fitness value. */
    public Double fitnessValue = null;

    /** The current fitness function type. */
    public MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE fitnessFunctionType = MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.ZERO_FITNESS;

    /** The step size. */
    public Double stepSize = 1.0;

    /** The step size. */
    public int stepCount = 10;

    /** The equation evolution flag. */
    public boolean equationEvolution = false;

    /** The Constant ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME. */
    public static transient final String ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.0");

    /** The Constant CONCRETE_CLASS_NAME. */
    public static transient final String CONCRETE_CLASS_NAME = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.1");

    /** The Constant RSD_CLASS_NAME. */
    public static transient final String RSD_CLASS_NAME = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.14");

    /** The Constant PACKAGE_NAME. */
    public static transient final String PACKAGE_NAME = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.2");

    /** The Constant PACKAGE_PATH. */
    public static transient final String PACKAGE_PATH = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.3");

    /** The Constant ZERO_FITNESS_STRING. */
    public static transient final String ZERO_FITNESS_STRING = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.4");

    /** The Constant SIMPLE_MAXIMUM_STRING. */
    public static transient final String SIMPLE_MAXIMUM_STRING = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.5");

    /** The Constant SYSTEM_DYNAMICS_STRING. */
    public static transient final String SYSTEM_DYNAMICS_STRING = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.6");

    public static transient final String SYSTEM_DYNAMICS_STEP_COUNT_STRING = MatrixModelConstants

    public static transient final String SYSTEM_DYNAMICS_STEP_SIZE_STRING = MatrixModelConstants

    /** The Constant SYSTEM_DYNAMICS_GROW_STRING. */
    public static transient final String SYSTEM_DYNAMICS_GROW_STRING = MatrixModelConstants

    /** The Constant SCAD_FILE_A. */
    public static transient final String SCAD_INPUT_FILE_A = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.9");

    /** The Constant SCAD_FILE_B. */
    public static transient final String SCAD_INPUT_FILE_B = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.10");

    /** The Constant SCAD_FILE_C. */
    public static transient final String SCAD_INPUT_FILE_C = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.11");

    /** The Constant SCAD_FILE_D. */
    public static transient final String SCAD_INPUT_FILE_D = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.12");

    /** The Constant COMBINED_SUFFIX. */
    public static transient final String COMBINED_SUFFIX = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.16");

    /** The Constant NO_SUFFIX. */
    public static transient final String NO_SUFFIX = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.17");

    /** The Constant SHORT_SUFFIX. */
    public static transient final String SHORT_SUFFIX = MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.18");

     * Calculate fitness value.
     * @return the double
    public Double calculateFitnessValue() {

        // Declare the results holder.
        double fitnessAccumulator = 0.0;

        // Check the type of fitness function to use.
        if (this.fitnessFunctionType == MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.ZERO_FITNESS) {

            // Return the default result.
            fitnessAccumulator = zeroFitnessFunction();

        } else if (this.fitnessFunctionType == MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.SIMPLE_MAXIMUM) {

            // Calculate the simple maximum fitness function.
            fitnessAccumulator = simpleMaximumFitnessFunction();

            // User-specified fitness functions are requested.
        } else {

            // Calculate the user equation fitness function.
            fitnessAccumulator = userEquationFitnessFunction();


        // Return the results.
        return fitnessAccumulator;


     * The user-specified fitness function.
     * @return the double
    public double userEquationFitnessFunction() {

        // Evaluate the equations.
        Set<String> knit = this.knit(MatrixModel.NO_SUFFIX, MatrixModel.COMBINED_SUFFIX);

        // Disperse the results of the equations.
        Set<String> split = this.split(MatrixModel.NO_SUFFIX, MatrixModel.COMBINED_SUFFIX);

        // Collect the fitness equation.
        String fitness =;

        // Extract the declarations from the new equations.
        Set<String> declarations = this.extractDeclarations(knit);

        // Generate the formulation.
        this.formulate(declarations, this.filterKnit(knit), split, fitness);

        // Run the formulation.
        return this.runMatrixModel();


     * Filter knit.
     * @param knit the knit
     * @return the sets the
    public Set<String> filterKnit(Set<String> knit) {

        // Declare the results holder.
        Set<String> filteredKnit = new TreeSet<String>();

        // Scan the default knit values.
        for (String line : knit) {

            // Check for stocks.
            if (line.contains("INTEG(")) {

                // Extract the equation.
                String calc = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(",")).trim();
                calc = calc.replaceFirst("=", "");
                calc = calc.replace("INTEG(", "+= ((");
                calc = calc + ") * this.stepSize)";

                // Store a filtered equation.

                // Check for initial values.
            } else if (line.contains("INITIAL(")) {

                // Extract the equation.
                String calc = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(",")).trim();
                calc = calc.replace("INITIAL(", "");

                // Store a filtered equation.

                // Process regular equations.
            } else {

                // Store a regular equation.



        // Return the results.
        return filteredKnit;


     * Extract assignments.
     * @param regularSuffix the regular suffix
     * @param combinedSuffix the combined suffix
     * @return the hash map
    public Set<String> knit(String regularSuffix, String combinedSuffix) {

        // Declare the storage.
        Set<String> knit = new TreeSet<String>();
        HashMap<String, String> substitutions = new HashMap<String, String>();
        String equation;

        // Scan the source nodes (i.e., rows).
        for (int source = 0; source < this.nodeCount(); source++) {

            // Prepare to make the next substitutions list.

            // Scan the variables.
            for (MatrixVariable matrixVariable : this) {

                // Extract the next variable.
                        + MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.20") + this.nodeName(source) + regularSuffix);


            // Make substitutions, as required.
            for (MatrixVariable matrixVariable : this) {

                // Make the next substitution.
                equation = Util.simultaneousStringReplaceAndEscape(substitutions,

                // Check to see if the new equation is meaningful.
                if (equation.trim().length() > 0) {
                    knit.add( + MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.20")
                            + this.nodeName(source) + combinedSuffix + " = " + equation);



        // Return the results.
        return knit;


     * Evaluate the equations.
     * @param regularSuffix the regular suffix
     * @param combinedSuffix the combined suffix
     * @return the hash map
    public Set<String> split(String regularSuffix, String combinedSuffix) {

        // Declare the storage.
        Set<String> split = new TreeSet<String>();
        String equation;
        Double coefficient;

        // Make substitutions, as required.
        for (MatrixVariable matrixVariable : this) {

            // Scan the destination nodes (i.e., columns).
            for (int destination = 0; destination < this.nodeCount(); destination++) {

                // Prepare to assemble the next equation.
                equation = "";

                // Scan the source nodes (i.e., rows).
                for (int source = 0; source < this.nodeCount(); source++) {

                    // Check to see if the next coefficient is defined.
                    coefficient = matrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(source, destination);
                    if ((coefficient != 0.0) && !Double.isNaN(coefficient)) {

                        // Add the next term.
                        if (equation.length() > 0)
                            equation += " + ";
                        equation = equation + coefficient + " * " +
                                + MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.20") + this.nodeName(source)
                                + combinedSuffix;



                // Add the next equation, if appropriate.
                if (equation.length() > 0) {
                    split.add( + MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.20")
                            + this.nodeName(destination) + regularSuffix + " = " + equation);



        // Return the results.
        return split;


     * Fitness.
     * @param regularSuffix the regular suffix
     * @return the string
    public String fitness(String regularSuffix) {

        // Declare the storage.
        HashMap<String, String> substitutions = new HashMap<String, String>();
        String equation;

        // Start formulating the fitness equation.
        String fitness = "";

        // Scan the source nodes (i.e., rows).
        for (int source = 0; source < this.nodeCount(); source++) {

            // Prepare to make the next substitutions list.

            // Scan the variables.
            for (MatrixVariable matrixVariable : this) {

                // Extract the next variable.
                        + MatrixModelConstants.getString("MatrixModel.20") + this.nodeName(source) + regularSuffix);


            // Make the next substitution.
            equation = Util.simultaneousStringReplaceAndEscape(substitutions, this.fitnessEquations.get(source));

            // Check to see if the new equation is meaningful.
            if (equation.trim().length() > 0) {
                if (fitness.length() > 0)
                    fitness += " + ";
                fitness = fitness + "(" + equation + ")";


        // Return the result.
        return fitness;


     * Formulate.
     * @param declarations the declarations
     * @param knit the equations
     * @param split the splitting factors
     * @param fitness the fitness
     * @return the matrix formulation result.
    public boolean formulate(Set<String> declarations, Set<String> knit, Set<String> split, String fitness) {

        // Attempt to create a new formulation class.
        try {

            // Attempt to write the Java file.
            this.formulateJava(declarations, knit, split, fitness);

            // Attempt to compile the Java file.

            // Return the results.
            return true;

            // Catch errors.
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // Return the results.
            return false;



     * Formulate java.
     * @param declarations the declarations
     * @param knit the knit
     * @param split the split
     * @param fitness the fitness
     * @throws FileNotFoundException the file not found exception
    public void formulateJava(Set<String> declarations, Set<String> knit, Set<String> split, String fitness)
            throws FileNotFoundException {

        // Create the folders, if needed.
        File folders = new File(Util.TEMP_DIR + "//" + MatrixModel.PACKAGE_PATH);

        // Attempt to create a new print writer.
        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new File(
                Util.TEMP_DIR + "//" + MatrixModel.PACKAGE_PATH + MatrixModel.CONCRETE_CLASS_NAME + ".java"));

        // Combine the formulation elements.
        writer.println("package " + MatrixModel.PACKAGE_NAME + ";");
        writer.println("import static java.lang.Math.*;");
        writer.println("public class " + MatrixModel.CONCRETE_CLASS_NAME + " extends "
                + MatrixModel.ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME + " {");
        for (String line : declarations)
            writer.println("\t" + line + ";");
        writer.println("\tpublic " + MatrixModel.CONCRETE_CLASS_NAME + "(double newStepSize) {");
        writer.println("\tpublic void knit() {");
        for (String line : knit)
            writer.println("\t\t" + line + ";");
        writer.println("\tpublic void split() {");
        for (String line : split)
            writer.println("\t\t" + line + ";");
        writer.println("\tpublic Double calculateFitnessValue() {");
        writer.println("\t\treturn " + fitness + ";");

        // Close the file.


     * Formulate bytecode.
    public void formulateBytecode() {

        // Attempt to compile the file.
        JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();, null, null,
                Util.TEMP_DIR + MatrixModel.PACKAGE_PATH + MatrixModel.CONCRETE_CLASS_NAME + ".java");


     * Run the matrix model.
     * @return the double
    public Double runMatrixModel() {

        // Create a results holder.
        Double results = Double.NaN;

        // Attempt to run the model.
        try {

            // Setup a temporary class loader.
            URL[] urls = new URL[] { new File(Util.TEMP_DIR).toURI().toURL() };
            URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls, null, null);

            // Attempt to load the compiled file.
            Constructor constructor = classLoader
                    .loadClass(MatrixModel.PACKAGE_NAME + "." + MatrixModel.CONCRETE_CLASS_NAME)
            Object object = constructor.newInstance(this.stepSize);

            // Call "matrixFormulation.step(steps)".
            Method method = object.getClass().getSuperclass().getMethod("step", int.class);
            method.invoke(object, this.stepCount);

            // Call matrixFormulation.calculateFitnessValue();
            method = object.getClass().getSuperclass().getMethod("calculateFitnessValue");
            results = (Double) method.invoke(object);

            // Clear the given class loader, which should not be
            // a child of another class loader.
            object = null;
            method = null;
            classLoader = null;

            // Catch exceptions.
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // Return the default result.
            results = Double.NaN;


        // Return the results.
        return results;


     * Export an image.
     * @param fileName the file name
     * @param variables the variables
     * @param knit the knit
     * @param split the split
     * @param fitness the fitness
     * @return true, if successful
    public boolean exportImage(String fileName, Set<String> variables, Set<String> knit, Set<String> split,
            String fitness) {

        // Attempt to create a new formulation class.
        try {

            // Create the graph.
            Graph<String, String> graph = this.exportImageBuildGraph();

            // Draw the graph.
            JFrame frame = this.exportImageRenderGraph(graph);

            // Store the rendering frame.
            BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
            ImageIO.write(img, fileName.substring(fileName.length() - 3), new File(fileName));

            // Catch errors.
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // Note errors.
            return false;


        // Return the default results.
        return true;


     * Export image render graph.
     * @param graph the graph
     * @return the j frame
     * @throws HeadlessException the headless exception
    public JFrame exportImageRenderGraph(Graph<String, String> graph) throws HeadlessException {

        // Define the layout routine.
        Layout<String, String> layout = new CircleLayout<String, String>(graph);
        layout.setSize(new Dimension(700, 700));

        // Create the visualization server.
        BasicVisualizationServer<String, String> visualizationServer = new BasicVisualizationServer<String, String>(

        // Setup the vertex labeler.
        visualizationServer.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller<String>());

        // Setup the edge labeler.
        visualizationServer.getRenderContext().setEdgeLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller<String>());
        visualizationServer.getRenderContext().setEdgeLabelTransformer(new Transformer<String, String>() {
            public String transform(String string) {
                return StringUtils.substringBefore(string, "(");

        // Setup the rendering frame.
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("ARCANE Graph");

        // Return the results.
        return frame;


     * Export image build graph.
     * @return the graph
     * @throws OutOfRangeException the out of range exception
    public Graph<String, String> exportImageBuildGraph() throws OutOfRangeException {

        // Create an empty graph.
        Graph<String, String> graph = new DirectedSparseMultigraph<String, String>();

        // Build the graph.
        for (MatrixVariable matrixVariable : this) {

            // Scan the source nodes (i.e., rows).
            for (int source = 0; source < this.nodeCount(); source++) {

                // Scan the destination nodes (i.e., columns).
                for (int destination = 0; destination < this.nodeCount(); destination++) {

                    // Check to see if the next coefficient is defined.
                    Double coefficient = matrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(source, destination);
                    if ((!Double.isNaN(coefficient)) && (coefficient != 0.0)) {

                        // Add a link from the source to the destination.
                                ("" + String.format("%10.3f", coefficient) + + "("
                                        + this.nodeName(source) + ", " + ")" + this.nodeName(destination)).trim(),
                                this.nodeName(source), this.nodeName(destination));





        // Return the results.
        return graph;


     * Export a solid.
     * @param fileName the file name
     * @param variables the variables
     * @param knit the knit
     * @param split the split
     * @param fitness the fitness
     * @return true, if successful
    public boolean exportSolid(String fileName, Set<String> variables, Set<String> knit, Set<String> split,
            String fitness) {

        // Attempt to create a new formulation class.
        try {

            // Declare the graph storage.
            Graph<String, String> graph = new DirectedSparseMultigraph<String, String>();

            // Build the graph.
            int edgeCount = exportSolidBuildGraph(graph);

            // Draw the graph.
            CircleLayout<String, String> layout = exportRenderGraph(graph);

            // Find the bounds storage.
            double minimum = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            double maximum = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

            // Find the bounds of the space.
            for (int source = 0; source < this.nodeCount(); source++) {
                double x = layout.getX("" + source);
                double y = layout.getY("" + source);
                minimum = Math.min(minimum, x);
                minimum = Math.min(minimum, y);
                maximum = Math.max(maximum, x);
                maximum = Math.max(maximum, y);

            // Attempt to write out the SCAD file.
            this.exportSolidWriteSCAD(fileName, graph, edgeCount, layout, minimum, maximum);

            // Catch errors.
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // Note errors.
            return false;


        // Return the default results.
        return true;


     * Export solid write scad.
     * @param fileName the file name
     * @param graph the graph
     * @param edgeCount the edge count
     * @param layout the layout
     * @param minimum the minimum
     * @param maximum the maximum
     * @throws FileNotFoundException the file not found exception
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    public void exportSolidWriteSCAD(String fileName, Graph<String, String> graph, int edgeCount,
            CircleLayout<String, String> layout, double minimum, double maximum)
            throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

        // Attempt to create a new print writer.
        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new File(fileName));

        // Write out the node coordinates.
        this.exportSolidWriteSCADNodeCoordinates(layout, minimum, maximum, writer);

        // Write out the node identifiers.

        // Write out the edge identifiers.
        this.exportSolidWriteSCADEdgeIdentifiers(graph, edgeCount, writer);

        // Close the file.


     * Export solid write scad edge identifiers.
     * @param graph the graph
     * @param edgeCount the edge count
     * @param writer the writer
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    public void exportSolidWriteSCADEdgeIdentifiers(Graph<String, String> graph, int edgeCount, PrintWriter writer)
            throws IOException {

        // Read the boilerplate SCAD segment.
        List<String> c = Files.readAllLines(
                Paths.get(Util.INPUT_DIR + "//" + Util.INPUT_SCAD_DIR + "//" + MatrixModel.SCAD_INPUT_FILE_C));
        // Read the boilerplate SCAD segments.
        List<String> d = Files.readAllLines(
                Paths.get(Util.INPUT_DIR + "//" + Util.INPUT_SCAD_DIR + "//" + MatrixModel.SCAD_INPUT_FILE_D));

        // Write out a boilerplate SCAD segment.
        for (String line : c)

        // Write out the edge identifiers.
        for (int edgeCounter = 1; edgeCounter <= edgeCount; edgeCounter++) {
            Pair<String> pair = graph.getEndpoints("" + edgeCounter);
            writer.print("[" + edgeCounter + ", " + pair.getFirst() + ", " + pair.getSecond() + "]");
            if (edgeCounter < edgeCount) {
                writer.println(", ");
            } else {
        for (String line : d)


     * Export solid write scad node identifiers.
     * @param writer the writer
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    public void exportSolidWriteSCADNodeIdentifiers(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException {

        // Read the boilerplate SCAD segment.
        List<String> b = Files.readAllLines(
                Paths.get(Util.INPUT_DIR + "//" + Util.INPUT_SCAD_DIR + "//" + MatrixModel.SCAD_INPUT_FILE_B));

        // Write out a boilerplate SCAD segment.
        for (String line : b)

        // Write out the node identifiers.
        for (int source = 0; source < this.nodeCount(); source++) {
            writer.print("[" + source + ", " + source + "]");
            if (source < (this.nodeCount() - 1)) {
                writer.println(", ");
            } else {


     * Export solid write scad node coordinates.
     * @param layout the layout
     * @param minimum the minimum
     * @param maximum the maximum
     * @param writer the writer
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    public void exportSolidWriteSCADNodeCoordinates(CircleLayout<String, String> layout, double minimum,
            double maximum, PrintWriter writer) throws IOException {

        // Read the boilerplate SCAD segment.
        List<String> a = Files.readAllLines(
                Paths.get(Util.INPUT_DIR + "//" + Util.INPUT_SCAD_DIR + "//" + MatrixModel.SCAD_INPUT_FILE_A));

        // Write out a boilerplate SCAD segment.
        for (String line : a)

        // Write out the node coordinates.
        for (int source = 0; source < this.nodeCount(); source++) {
            writer.print("[" + layout.getX("" + source) + ", " + layout.getY("" + source) + ", "
                    + this.getMatrixEngine().getRandomNumberFromTo(minimum, maximum) + "]");
            if (source < (this.nodeCount() - 1)) {
                writer.println(", ");
            } else {


     * Export render graph.
     * @param graph the graph
     * @return the circle layout
     * @throws HeadlessException the headless exception
    public CircleLayout<String, String> exportRenderGraph(Graph<String, String> graph) throws HeadlessException {

        // Define the layout routine.
        CircleLayout<String, String> layout = new CircleLayout<String, String>(graph);
        layout.setSize(new Dimension(700, 700));

        // Create the visualization server.
        BasicVisualizationServer<String, String> visualizationServer = new BasicVisualizationServer<String, String>(

        // Setup the rendering frame.
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("ARCANE Graph");

        // Return the results.
        return layout;


     * Export solid build graph.
     * @param graph the graph
     * @return the int
     * @throws OutOfRangeException the out of range exception
    public int exportSolidBuildGraph(Graph<String, String> graph) throws OutOfRangeException {

        // Declare the edge counter.
        int edgeCount = 0;

        // Build the graph.
        for (MatrixVariable matrixVariable : this) {

            // Scan the source nodes (i.e., rows).
            for (int source = 0; source < this.nodeCount(); source++) {

                // Scan the destination nodes (i.e., columns).
                for (int destination = 0; destination < this.nodeCount(); destination++) {

                    // Check to see if the next coefficient is defined.
                    Double coefficient = matrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(source, destination);
                    if ((!Double.isNaN(coefficient)) && (coefficient != 0.0)) {

                        // Add a link from the source to the destination.
                        graph.addVertex("" + source);
                        graph.addVertex("" + destination);
                        graph.addEdge("" + (++edgeCount), "" + source, "" + destination);





        // Return the results.
        return edgeCount;


     * Export into Repast system dynamics format.
     * @param fileName the file name
     * @param variables the variables
     * @param knit the knit
     * @param split the split
     * @param fitness the fitness
     * @return true, if successful
    public boolean exportRepastSD(String fileName, Set<String> variables, Set<String> knit, Set<String> split,
            String fitness) {

        // Attempt to create a new formulation class.
        try {

            // Attempt to create a new print writer.
            PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new File(fileName));

            // Write out the main header.

            // Store the system model information opening.

            // Merge the split into the knit.
            Set<String> newKnits = this.exportRepastSDMergeSplitIntoKnit(knit, split);

            // Build a graph.
            Graph<String, String> graph = this.exportRepastSDBuildGraph(variables, newKnits);

            // Render the graph.
            CircleLayout<String, String> layout = this.exportRenderGraph(graph);

            // Define the stock tracking list.
            Set<String> stocks = new TreeSet<String>();

            // Add vertices to the output.
            this.exportRepastSDAddVerticies(writer, newKnits, stocks);

            // Define the influence link tracking list.
            Set<String> influenceLinks = new TreeSet<String>();

            // Write the rates and influence links.
            this.exportRepastSDRatesAndInfluenceLinks(writer, graph, stocks, influenceLinks);

            // Store the system model closing.
            writer.print("  </SystemModel>");

            // Store the diagram data.
            this.exportRepastSDStoreDiagram(writer, newKnits, graph, layout, influenceLinks);

            // Store the header closing.

            // Close the file.

            // Catch errors.
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // Note errors.
            return false;


        // Return the default results.
        return true;


     * Export Repast SD system model opening.
     * @param writer the writer
    public void exportRepastSDSystemModelOpening(PrintWriter writer) {

        // Store the system model information opening.
        writer.print("    <SystemModel xmi:id=\"__VZtwGkfEeSjsq7j1gAbXg\" endTime=\"" + this.stepCount + "\" ");
        writer.print("timeStep=\"" + this.stepSize + "\" units=\"\" ");
        writer.print("reportingInterval=\"1.0\" ");
                "className=\"" + MatrixModel.RSD_CLASS_NAME + "\" package=\"" + MatrixModel.PACKAGE_NAME + "\">");


     * Export Repast SD store diagram.
     * @param writer the writer
     * @param newKnits the new knits
     * @param graph the graph
     * @param layout the layout
     * @param influenceLinks the influence links
    public void exportRepastSDStoreDiagram(PrintWriter writer, Set<String> newKnits, Graph<String, String> graph,
            CircleLayout<String, String> layout, Set<String> influenceLinks) {

        // Store the diagram opening.

        // Note the item counter.
        int counter = 0;

        // Note the shape identifier for each variable.
        HashMap<String, Integer> shapeIDs = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

        // Store the diagram nodes.
        counter = this.exportRepastSDStoreDiagramStoreNodes(writer, newKnits, layout, counter, shapeIDs);

        // Store a diagram style note.
        writer.print("    <styles xmi:type=\"notation:DiagramStyle\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++) + "\"/>");

        // Store the diagram edges.
        for (String edge : graph.getEdges()) {

            // Output the next edge.
            counter = this.exportRepastSDStoreDiagramEdge(writer, graph, influenceLinks, counter, shapeIDs, edge);


        // Store the diagram closing.
        writer.print("  </notation:Diagram>");


     * Export Repast SD store diagram store nodes.
     * @param writer the writer
     * @param newKnits the new knits
     * @param layout the layout
     * @param counter the counter
     * @param shapeIDs the shape i ds
     * @return the int
    public int exportRepastSDStoreDiagramStoreNodes(PrintWriter writer, Set<String> newKnits,
            CircleLayout<String, String> layout, int counter, HashMap<String, Integer> shapeIDs) {

        // Store the diagram nodes. Note the following codes:
        //     2003 Stock (5002 Nested Inside)
        //     2004 Variable (5003 Nested Inside)
        for (String equation : newKnits) {

            // Extract the components of the next equation.
            String leftHandSide = equation.substring(0, equation.indexOf("=") - 1).trim();
            String rightHandSide = equation.substring(equation.indexOf("=") + 2).trim();

            // Get the variable's layout location.
            int x = (int) Math.round(layout.getX(leftHandSide));
            int y = (int) Math.round(layout.getY(leftHandSide));

            // Note the shape identifier.
            shapeIDs.put(leftHandSide, counter);

            // Output the next node.
            counter = this.exportRepastSDStoreDiagramNode(writer, counter, leftHandSide, rightHandSide, x, y);


        // Return the results.
        return counter;


     * Export Repast SD store diagram edge.
     * @param writer the writer
     * @param graph the graph
     * @param influenceLinks the influence links
     * @param counter the counter
     * @param shapeIDs the shape i ds
     * @param edge the edge
     * @return the int
    public int exportRepastSDStoreDiagramEdge(PrintWriter writer, Graph<String, String> graph,
            Set<String> influenceLinks, int counter, HashMap<String, Integer> shapeIDs, String edge) {

        // Check for influence links.
        if (influenceLinks.contains(edge)) {

            // Store the next influence link.
            counter = this.exportRepastSDStoreDiagramEdgeInfluenceLink(writer, graph, counter, shapeIDs, edge);

        } else {

            // Store the next rate edge.
            counter = this.exportRepastSDStoreDiagramEdgeRate(writer, graph, counter, shapeIDs, edge);


        // Return the results.
        return counter;


     * Export repast sd store diagram edge rate.
     * @param writer the writer
     * @param graph the graph
     * @param counter the counter
     * @param shapeIDs the shape i ds
     * @param edge the edge
     * @return the int
    public int exportRepastSDStoreDiagramEdgeRate(PrintWriter writer, Graph<String, String> graph, int counter,
            HashMap<String, Integer> shapeIDs, String edge) {

        // Store the next rate edge.
        writer.print("    <edges xmi:type=\"notation:Edge\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++));
        writer.print("\" type=\"4003\" element=\"" + edge);
        writer.print("\" source=\"" + shapeIDs.get(graph.getSource(edge)) + "\" target=\""
                + shapeIDs.get(graph.getDest(edge)) + "\">");
        writer.print("      <children xmi:type=\"notation:DecorationNode\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                + "\" type=\"6001\">");
        writer.print("        <layoutConstraint xmi:type=\"notation:Location\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++) + "\" x=\""
                + 12 + "\" y=\"" + 12 + "\"/>");
        writer.print("      </children>");
        writer.print("      <styles xmi:type=\"notation:RoutingStyle\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++) + "\"/>");
        writer.print("      <styles xmi:type=\"notation:FontStyle\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                + "\" fontName=\"Lucida Grande\" fontHeight=\"12\"/>");
        writer.print("      <bendpoints xmi:type=\"notation:RelativeBendpoints\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                + "\" points=\"[0, 0, 0, -75]$[0, 75, 0, 0]\"/>");
        writer.print("      <sourceAnchor xmi:type=\"notation:IdentityAnchor\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                + "\" id=\"(0.5,1.0)\"/>");
        writer.print("      <targetAnchor xmi:type=\"notation:IdentityAnchor\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                + "\" id=\"(0.5,0.0)\"/>");
        writer.print("    </edges>");

        // Return the results.
        return counter;


     * Export repast sd store diagram edge influence link.
     * @param writer the writer
     * @param graph the graph
     * @param counter the counter
     * @param shapeIDs the shape i ds
     * @param edge the edge
     * @return the int
    public int exportRepastSDStoreDiagramEdgeInfluenceLink(PrintWriter writer, Graph<String, String> graph,
            int counter, HashMap<String, Integer> shapeIDs, String edge) {

        // Store the next influence link.
        writer.print("    <edges xmi:type=\"notation:Edge\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++));
        writer.print("\" type=\"4004\" element=\"" + edge);
        writer.print("\" source=\"" + shapeIDs.get(graph.getSource(edge)) + "\" target=\""
                + shapeIDs.get(graph.getDest(edge)) + "\">");
        writer.print("      <styles xmi:type=\"notation:RoutingStyle\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                + "\" smoothness=\"Normal\"/>");
        writer.print("      <styles xmi:type=\"notation:FontStyle\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                + "\" fontName=\"Lucida Grande\" fontHeight=\"12\"/>");
        writer.print("      <bendpoints xmi:type=\"notation:RelativeBendpoints\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                + "\" points=\"[0, 0, 0, -75]$[0, 75, 0, 0]\"/>");
        writer.print("      <sourceAnchor xmi:type=\"notation:IdentityAnchor\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                + "\" id=\"(0.5,1.0)\"/>");
        writer.print("      <targetAnchor xmi:type=\"notation:IdentityAnchor\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                + "\" id=\"(0.5,0.0)\"/>");
        writer.print("    </edges>");

        // Return the results.
        return counter;


     * Export Repast SD store diagram node.
     * @param writer the writer
     * @param counter the counter
     * @param leftHandSide the left hand side
     * @param rightHandSide the right hand side
     * @param x the x
     * @param y the y
     * @return the int
    public int exportRepastSDStoreDiagramNode(PrintWriter writer, int counter, String leftHandSide,
            String rightHandSide, int x, int y) {

        // Check the next equation.
        if (rightHandSide.contains("INTEG(")) {

            // Store a stock diagram element.         
            writer.print("    <children xmi:type=\"notation:Shape\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++) + "\" ");
                    "type=\"2003\" element=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" fontName=\"Lucida Grande\" fontHeight=\"12\">");
            writer.print("      <children xmi:type=\"notation:DecorationNode\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                    + "\" type=\"5002\"/>");
            writer.print("        <layoutConstraint xmi:type=\"notation:Bounds\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++) + "\"");
            writer.print(" x=\"" + x + "\" y=\"" + y + "\"/>");
            writer.print("    </children>");

        } else {

            // Store a variable diagram element.         
            writer.print("    <children xmi:type=\"notation:Shape\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++) + "\" ");
                    "type=\"2004\" element=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" fontName=\"Lucida Grande\" fontHeight=\"12\">");
            writer.print("      <children xmi:type=\"notation:DecorationNode\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++)
                    + "\" type=\"5003\"/>");
            writer.print("        <layoutConstraint xmi:type=\"notation:Bounds\" xmi:id=\"" + (counter++) + "\"");
            writer.print(" x=\"" + x + "\" y=\"" + y + "\"/>");
            writer.print("    </children>");


        // Return the results.
        return counter;


     * Export Repast SD store diagram header.
     * @param writer the writer
    public void exportRepastSDStoreDiagramHeader(PrintWriter writer) {

        // Store the diagram opening.
        writer.print("  <notation:Diagram xmi:id=\"_A__0\" ");
        writer.print("type=\"Systemdynamics\" ");
        writer.print("element=\"__VZtwGkfEeSjsq7j1gAbXg\" ");
        writer.print("name=\"" + MatrixModel.RSD_CLASS_NAME + "\" ");


     * Export Repast SD rates and influence links.
     * @param writer the writer
     * @param graph the graph
     * @param stocks the stocks
     * @param influenceLinks the influence links
    public void exportRepastSDRatesAndInfluenceLinks(PrintWriter writer, Graph<String, String> graph,
            Set<String> stocks, Set<String> influenceLinks) {

        // Store the diagram rates and influence links.
        for (String edge : graph.getEdges()) {

            // Check the end points.
            if (stocks.contains(graph.getSource(edge)) && stocks.contains(graph.getDest(edge))) {

                // Store a rate.
                writer.print("      <variables xmi:type=\"Rate\" ");
                writer.print("xmi:id=\"" + edge + "\" ");
                writer.print("uuid=\"" + edge + "\" ");
                writer.print("name=\"" + edge + "\" ");
                writer.print("equation=\"" + graph.getDest(edge) + "\" ");
                writer.print("type=\"rate\" ");
                writer.print("lhs=\"" + graph.getDest(edge) + "\" ");
                writer.print("comment=\"\" ");
                writer.print("units=\"\" ");
                writer.print("from=\"" + graph.getSource(edge) + "\" ");
                writer.print("to=\"" + graph.getDest(edge) + "\"/>");

            } else {

                // Store an influence link.
                writer.print("      <links xmi:type=\"InfluenceLink\" ");
                writer.print("xmi:id=\"" + edge + "\" ");
                writer.print("from=\"" + graph.getSource(edge) + "\" ");
                writer.print("to=\"" + graph.getDest(edge) + "\"/>");

                // Note the influence link.




     * Export Repast SD add verticies.
     * @param writer the writer
     * @param newKnits the new knits
     * @param stocks the stocks
    public void exportRepastSDAddVerticies(PrintWriter writer, Set<String> newKnits, Set<String> stocks) {

        // Add vertices to the output.
        for (String equation : newKnits) {

            // Extract the components of the next equation.
            String leftHandSide = equation.substring(0, equation.indexOf("=") - 1).trim();
            String rightHandSide = equation.substring(equation.indexOf("=") + 2).trim();

            // Check for stocks.
            if (rightHandSide.contains("INTEG(")) {

                // Extract the equation.
                String calc = rightHandSide.substring(0, rightHandSide.indexOf(",")).trim();
                calc = calc.replace("INTEG(", "");

                // Extract the initial value.
                String initialValue = rightHandSide.substring(rightHandSide.indexOf(",") + 1).trim();
                initialValue = initialValue.substring(0, initialValue.length() - 1);

                // Store a stock.
                writer.print("      <variables xmi:type=\"Stock\" ");
                writer.print("xmi:id=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("uuid=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("name=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("lhs=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("type=\"stock\" ");
                writer.print("comment=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("units=\"\" ");
                writer.print("equation=\"" + calc + "\" ");
                writer.print("initialValue=\"" + initialValue + "\"/>");

                // Note the stock.

                // Check for initial values.
            } else if (rightHandSide.contains("INITIAL(")) {

                // Extract the equation.
                String calc = rightHandSide.substring(0, rightHandSide.indexOf(",")).trim();
                calc = calc.replace("INITIAL(", "");

                // Store a variable.
                writer.print("      <variables xmi:type=\"Variable\" ");
                writer.print("xmi:id=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("uuid=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("name=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("type=\"auxiliary\" ");
                writer.print("equation=\"" + calc + "\" ");
                writer.print("lhs=\"" + leftHandSide + "\"/>");

            } else {

                // Store a variable.
                writer.print("      <variables xmi:type=\"Variable\" ");
                writer.print("xmi:id=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("uuid=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("name=\"" + leftHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("type=\"auxiliary\" ");
                writer.print("equation=\"" + rightHandSide + "\" ");
                writer.print("lhs=\"" + leftHandSide + "\"/>");




     * Export Repast SD build graph.
     * @param variables the variables
     * @param newKnits the new knits
     * @return the graph
    public Graph<String, String> exportRepastSDBuildGraph(Set<String> variables, Set<String> newKnits) {

        // Declare the graph storage.
        Graph<String, String> graph = new DirectedSparseMultigraph<String, String>();

        // Add vertices to the graph.
        for (String variable : variables) {

            // Add the next vertex.


        // Add edges to the graph.
        for (String equation : newKnits) {

            // Extract the components of the next equation.
            String leftHandSide = equation.substring(0, equation.indexOf("=") - 1).trim();
            String rightHandSide = equation.substring(equation.indexOf("=") + 2).trim();

            // Add vertices to the graph.
            for (String variable : variables) {

                // Check the next variable.
                if (!leftHandSide.equals(variable) && rightHandSide.contains(variable)) {

                    // Add the next vertex.
                    graph.addEdge(leftHandSide + " to " + variable, variable, leftHandSide);




        // Return the results.
        return graph;


     * Export Repast SD merge split into knit.
     * @param knit the knit
     * @param split the split
     * @return the sets the
    public Set<String> exportRepastSDMergeSplitIntoKnit(Set<String> knit, Set<String> split) {

        // Prepare to merge the split into the knit.
        HashMap<String, String> termMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (String equation : split) {

            // Extract the components of the next equation.
            String leftHandSide = equation.substring(0, equation.indexOf("=") - 1).trim();
            String rightHandSide = "(" + equation.substring(equation.indexOf("=") + 2).trim() + ")";

            // Store the components of the next equation.
            termMap.put(leftHandSide, rightHandSide);


        // Merge the split into the knit.
        Set<String> newKnits = new TreeSet<String>();
        for (String equation : knit) {

            // Extract the components of the next equation.
            String leftHandSide = equation.substring(0, equation.indexOf("=") - 1).trim();
            String rightHandSide = equation.substring(equation.indexOf("=") + 2).trim();

            // Merge the splits into the next knit equation.
            newKnits.add(leftHandSide + " = " + Util.simultaneousStringReplaceAndEscape(termMap, rightHandSide));


        // Return the results.
        return newKnits;


     * Export Repast SD main header.
     * @param writer the writer
    public void exportRepastSDMainHeader(PrintWriter writer) {

        // Store the type of encoding.
        writer.print("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");

        // Store the header opening.
        writer.print("  <xmi:XMI xmi:version=\"2.0\" xmlns:xmi=\"\" ");
        writer.print("xmlns=\"\" ");


     * Extract declarations.
     * @param equations the equations
     * @return the sets the
    public Set<String> extractDeclarations(Set<String> equations) {

        // Declare the results holder.
        Set<String> results = new TreeSet<String>();

        // Scan the given equations.
        for (String equation : equations) {

            // Check for stocks.
            if (equation.contains("INTEG(")) {

                // Extract the initial value.
                String initialValue = equation.substring(equation.indexOf(",") + 1).trim();
                initialValue = initialValue.substring(0, initialValue.length() - 1).trim();

                // Prepare the declarations and assign the requested initial value.
                String variable = equation.split("=")[0].trim();
                variable = variable.substring(0, variable.length() - 9);
                results.add("double " + variable + " = " + initialValue);
                results.add("double " + variable + "_combined = " + initialValue);

                // Check for initial values.
            } else if (equation.contains("INITIAL(")) {

                // Extract the initial value.
                String initialValue = equation.substring(equation.indexOf(",") + 1).trim();
                initialValue = initialValue.substring(0, initialValue.length() - 1).trim();

                // Prepare the declarations and assign the requested initial value.
                String variable = equation.split("=")[0].trim();
                variable = variable.substring(0, variable.length() - 9);
                results.add("double " + variable + " = " + initialValue);
                results.add("double " + variable + "_combined = " + initialValue);

                // Process regular variables.
            } else {

                // Extract the initial value.
                String initialValue = equation.substring(equation.indexOf(",") + 1).trim();
                initialValue = initialValue.substring(0, initialValue.length() - 1).trim();

                // Prepare the declaration and assign the requested initial value.
                String variable = equation.split("=")[0].trim();
                variable = variable.substring(0, variable.length() - 9);
                results.add("double " + variable + " = 0.0");
                results.add("double " + variable + "_combined = 0.0");



        // Return the results.
        return results;


     * Extract variables.
     * @param equations the equations
     * @return the sets the
    public Set<String> extractVariables(Set<String> equations) {

        // Declare the results holder.
        Set<String> results = new TreeSet<String>();
        String variable = "";

        // Scan the given equations.
        for (String equation : equations) {

            // Extract the left hand variable from the next equation.
            variable = equation.split("=")[0].trim();

            // Store the next variable.


        // Return the results.
        return results;


     * Simple maximum fitness function.
     * @return the double
    public double simpleMaximumFitnessFunction() {

        // Declare the results holder.
        double fitnessAccumulator = 0.0;

        // Scan the variables.
        for (MatrixVariable matrixVariable : this) {

            // Scan the matrix rows.
            RealMatrix coefficients = matrixVariable.coefficients;
            for (int row = 0; row < coefficients.getRowDimension(); row++) {

                // Scan the matrix columns.
                double rowMax = 0.0;
                for (int column = 0; column < coefficients.getColumnDimension(); column++) {

                    // Check the next cell.
                    if (!Double.isNaN(coefficients.getEntry(row, column))) {
                        rowMax = Math.max(rowMax, coefficients.getEntry(row, column));


                // Accumulate the value.
                fitnessAccumulator += rowMax;



        // Return the results.
        return fitnessAccumulator;


     * Export Image.
     * @param fileName the file name
     * @return the double
    public boolean exportImage(String fileName) {

        // Evaluate the equations.
        Set<String> knit = this.knit(MatrixModel.NO_SUFFIX, MatrixModel.COMBINED_SUFFIX);

        // Disperse the results of the equations.
        Set<String> split = this.split(MatrixModel.NO_SUFFIX, MatrixModel.COMBINED_SUFFIX);

        // Collect the fitness equation.
        String fitness =;

        // Extract the variables from the new equations.
        Set<String> variables = this.extractVariables(knit);

        // Generate the formulation.
        return this.exportImage(fileName, variables, knit, split, fitness);


     * Export solid.
     * @param fileName the file name
     * @return the double
    public boolean exportSolid(String fileName) {

        // Evaluate the equations.
        Set<String> knit = this.knit(MatrixModel.NO_SUFFIX, MatrixModel.COMBINED_SUFFIX);

        // Disperse the results of the equations.
        Set<String> split = this.split(MatrixModel.NO_SUFFIX, MatrixModel.COMBINED_SUFFIX);

        // Collect the fitness equation.
        String fitness =;

        // Extract the variables from the new equations.
        Set<String> variables = this.extractVariables(knit);

        // Generate the formulation.
        return this.exportSolid(fileName, variables, knit, split, fitness);


     * Export Image.
     * @param fileName the file name
     * @return the double
    public boolean exportRepastSD(String fileName) {

        // Evaluate the equations.
        Set<String> knit = this.knit(MatrixModel.SHORT_SUFFIX, MatrixModel.NO_SUFFIX);

        // Disperse the results of the equations.
        Set<String> split = this.split(MatrixModel.SHORT_SUFFIX, MatrixModel.NO_SUFFIX);

        // Collect the fitness equation.
        String fitness =;

        // Extract the variables from the new equations.
        Set<String> variables = this.extractVariables(knit);

        // Generate the formulation.
        return this.exportRepastSD(fileName, variables, knit, split, fitness);


     * Zero fitness function.
     * @return the double
    public Double zeroFitnessFunction() {

        // Return the default results.
        return new Double(0.0);


     * Copy.
     * @return the matrix model
    public MatrixModel copy() {

        // Copy the current matrix model.
        MatrixModel newMatrixModel = Util.deepCopy(this);

        // Note the matrix engine, since it is transient.
        newMatrixModel.matrixEngine = this.matrixEngine;

        // Return the results.
        return newMatrixModel;


     * Cross over.
     * @param that
     *            the that
     * @return the matrix model
    public MatrixModel crossOver(MatrixModel that) {

        // Create the template for the new element.
        MatrixModel childMatrixModel = that.copy();

        // Choose roughly half of the other matrix model's fitness equations.

        // Scan the variables.

        // Select the type of fitness function.
        if (this.getMatrixEngine().getRandomNumberFromTo(0.0, 1.0) <= 0.5) {
            childMatrixModel.fitnessFunctionType = this.fitnessFunctionType;
            if (this.fitnessFunctionType == MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.USER_EQUATION) {
                childMatrixModel.stepCount = this.stepCount;
                childMatrixModel.stepSize = this.stepSize;

        // Normalize the results.

        // Reset the child's fitness.
        childMatrixModel.fitnessValue = null;

        // Return the results.
        return childMatrixModel;


     * Cross over scan variables.
     * @param childMatrixModel the child matrix model
     * @throws OutOfRangeException the out of range exception
    public void crossOverScanVariables(MatrixModel childMatrixModel) throws OutOfRangeException {

        // Scan the matrix variables.
        for (int variableIndex = 0; variableIndex < this.size(); variableIndex++) {

            // Note the next matrix variables.
            MatrixVariable thisMatrixVariable = this.get(variableIndex);
            MatrixVariable childMatrixVariable = childMatrixModel.get(variableIndex);

            // Choose roughly half of the other matrix variable's equations.
            this.crossOverScanVariablesChooseHalf(thisMatrixVariable, childMatrixVariable);

            // Combine coefficients.
            this.crossOverScanVariablesCombineCoefficients(thisMatrixVariable, childMatrixVariable);



     * Cross over scan variables combine coefficients.
     * @param thisMatrixVariable the this matrix variable
     * @param childMatrixVariable the child matrix variable
     * @throws OutOfRangeException the out of range exception
    public void crossOverScanVariablesCombineCoefficients(MatrixVariable thisMatrixVariable,
            MatrixVariable childMatrixVariable) throws OutOfRangeException {

        // Combine coefficients by scanning coefficient rows.
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < thisMatrixVariable.coefficients.getRowDimension(); rowIndex++) {

            // Combine coefficients by scanning coefficient columns.
            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < thisMatrixVariable.coefficients
                    .getColumnDimension(); columnIndex++) {

                // Check the next entries to see if they are both valid.
                if (!Double.isNaN(childMatrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex))
                        && !Double.isNaN(thisMatrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex))) {

                    // Combine two valid entries.
                    childMatrixVariable.coefficients.setEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex,
                            childMatrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex)
                                    + thisMatrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex));

                    // Check the next entry to see if thisMatrixVariable's value is valid.
                    // If not then childMatrixVariable's value must already be valid.
                } else if (!Double.isNaN(thisMatrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex))) {

                    // Use one valid entry.
                    childMatrixVariable.coefficients.setEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex,
                            thisMatrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex));





     * Cross over scan variables choose half.
     * @param thisMatrixVariable the this matrix variable
     * @param childMatrixVariable the child matrix variable
    public void crossOverScanVariablesChooseHalf(MatrixVariable thisMatrixVariable,
            MatrixVariable childMatrixVariable) {

        // Choose roughly half of the other matrix variable's equations.
        for (int equationIndex = 0; equationIndex < thisMatrixVariable.equations.size(); equationIndex++) {
            if (this.getMatrixEngine().getRandomNumberFromTo(0.0, 1.0) <= 0.5) {
                childMatrixVariable.equations.set(equationIndex, thisMatrixVariable.equations.get(equationIndex));


     * Cross over fitness equations.
     * @param childMatrixModel the child matrix model
    public void crossOverFitnessEquations(MatrixModel childMatrixModel) {

        // Choose roughly half of the other matrix model's fitness equations.
        for (int equationIndex = 0; equationIndex < this.fitnessEquations.size(); equationIndex++) {
            if (this.getMatrixEngine().getRandomNumberFromTo(0.0, 1.0) <= 0.5) {
                childMatrixModel.fitnessEquations.set(equationIndex, this.fitnessEquations.get(equationIndex));


     * Gets the fitness value.
     * @return the fitness value
    public Double getFitnessValue() {

        // Check the current value, if any.
        if (this.fitnessValue == null) {

            // Calculate this model's fitness value.
            this.fitnessValue = this.calculateFitnessValue();

            // Override invalid values.
            if (Double.isNaN(this.fitnessValue)) {
                this.fitnessValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;


        // Return the previously calculate result.
        return this.fitnessValue;


     * Mutate.
    public void mutate() {

        // Scan the variables.

        // Normalize the results.

        // Reset the fitness value.
        this.fitnessValue = null;


     * Mutate scan variables.
     * @throws OutOfRangeException the out of range exception
    public void mutateScanVariables() throws OutOfRangeException {

        // Scan the variables.
        for (MatrixVariable matrixVariable : this) {

            // Scan the rows.
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrixVariable.coefficients.getRowDimension(); rowIndex++) {

                // Scan the columns.
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < matrixVariable.coefficients
                        .getColumnDimension(); columnIndex++) {

                    // Consider imposing a random mutation.
                    if ((!Double.isNaN(matrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex)))
                            && (this.getMatrixEngine().getRandomNumberFromTo(0.0,
                                    1.0) <= this.getMatrixEngine().mutationProbabilityForCells)) {

                        // Mutate the coefficient.
                        matrixVariable.coefficients.setEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex,
                                this.getMatrixEngine().getRandomNumberFromTo(0.0, 1.0));



                // Check on mutating the current equation.
                if (this.equationEvolution) {

                    // Consider mutating the current equation.
                    if (this.getMatrixEngine().getRandomNumberFromTo(0.0,
                            1.0) <= this.getMatrixEngine().mutationProbabilityForCells) {

                        // Mutate the current equation.
                        MatrixEquation matrixEquation = new MatrixEquation(this, matrixVariable, rowIndex);
                        matrixVariable.equations.set(rowIndex, matrixEquation.getEquation());






     * Normalize.
    public void normalize() {

        // Normalize each variable.
        for (MatrixVariable matrixVariable : this) {

            // Normalize the coefficients for each equation.
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrixVariable.coefficients.getRowDimension(); rowIndex++) {

                // Setup the row accumulator.
                double sum = 0.0;

                // Find the row sum, if any.
                sum = this.normalizeFindRowSum(matrixVariable, rowIndex, sum);

                // Normalize the row.
                this.normalizeRow(matrixVariable, rowIndex, sum);



        // Reset the fitness value.
        this.fitnessValue = null;


     * Normalize row.
     * @param matrixVariable the matrix variable
     * @param rowIndex the row index
     * @param sum the sum
     * @throws OutOfRangeException the out of range exception
    public void normalizeRow(MatrixVariable matrixVariable, int rowIndex, double sum) throws OutOfRangeException {
        // Check for valid sums.
        if (sum != 0.0) {

            // Normalize the row.
            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < matrixVariable.coefficients
                    .getColumnDimension(); columnIndex++) {

                // Check for assigned cells.
                if (!Double.isNaN(matrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex))) {

                    // Normalize.
                    matrixVariable.coefficients.setEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex,
                            matrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex) / sum);




     * Normalize find row sum.
     * @param matrixVariable the matrix variable
     * @param rowIndex the row index
     * @param sum the sum
     * @return the double
     * @throws OutOfRangeException the out of range exception
    public double normalizeFindRowSum(MatrixVariable matrixVariable, int rowIndex, double sum)
            throws OutOfRangeException {

        // Find the sum, if any.
        for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < matrixVariable.coefficients.getColumnDimension(); columnIndex++) {

            // Check for assigned cells.
            if (!Double.isNaN(matrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex))) {

                // Accumulate the value.
                sum += matrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex);



        // Return the results.
        return sum;


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.util.AbstractCollection#toString()
     * To string.
     * @return the string
    public String toString() {

        // Return the results.
        return Util.XSTREAM_DRIVER.toXML(this);


     * Write.
     * @param fileName            the file name
     * @return true, if successful
    public boolean write(String fileName) {

        // Check for errors.
        try {

            // Create the requested workbook image.
            XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();

            // Create the needed highlight style.
            XSSFCellStyle cellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
            cellStyle.setFillForegroundColor(new XSSFColor(new java.awt.Color(197, 217, 241)));
            XSSFFont font = workbook.createFont();

            // Fill in the fitness sheet.
            this.writeFitnessFunctionInformation(workbook, cellStyle);

            // Fill in the variables.
            this.writeScanVariables(workbook, cellStyle);

            // Attempt to create the requested file from the workbook image.
            FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(fileName);

            // Catch errors.
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // Note the error.
            return false;


        // Return the default results.
        return true;


     * Write scan variables.
     * @param workbook the workbook
     * @param cellStyle the cell style
     * @throws OutOfRangeException the out of range exception
    public void writeScanVariables(XSSFWorkbook workbook, XSSFCellStyle cellStyle) throws OutOfRangeException {

        // Scan the variables.
        for (MatrixVariable matrixVariable : this) {

            // Fill in a header.
            XSSFSheet sheet = workbook
                    .createSheet( + " (" + matrixVariable.units.getUnit() + ")");
            XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
            XSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
            cell = row.createCell(1);
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrixVariable.equations.size(); rowIndex++) {
                cell = row.createCell(rowIndex + 2);

            // Fill in the main rows.
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrixVariable.equations.size(); rowIndex++) {

                // Create the next row.
                row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex + 1);

                // Create the equation column.
                cell = row.createCell(0);

                // Create the node index column.
                cell = row.createCell(1);

                // Fill in the coefficients.
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < matrixVariable.equations.size(); columnIndex++) {
                    cell = row.createCell(columnIndex + 2);
                    double cellValue = matrixVariable.coefficients.getEntry(rowIndex, columnIndex);
                    if (!Double.isNaN(cellValue)) {




     * Write fitness function information.
     * @param workbook the workbook
     * @param cellStyle the cell style
     * @return the XSSF sheet
    public XSSFSheet writeFitnessFunctionInformation(XSSFWorkbook workbook, XSSFCellStyle cellStyle) {

        // Fill in the fitness header.
        XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Fitness");
        XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
        XSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
        cell = row.createCell(1);

        // Fill in the fitness equations.
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < fitnessEquations.size(); rowIndex++) {

            // Create the next row.
            row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex + 1);

            // Create the equation column.
            cell = row.createCell(0);

            // Create the node index column.
            cell = row.createCell(1);


        // Fill in the fitness value footer.
        row = sheet.createRow(fitnessEquations.size() + 1);
        cell = row.createCell(0);
        if (this.fitnessFunctionType == MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.SIMPLE_MAXIMUM) {
        } else if (this.fitnessFunctionType == MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.USER_EQUATION) {
        } else {
        cell = row.createCell(1);
        if (!Double.isNaN(this.getFitnessValue())) {

        // Fill in the step count and size.
        if (this.fitnessFunctionType == MatrixModel.FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE.USER_EQUATION) {
            row = sheet.createRow(fitnessEquations.size() + 2);
            cell = row.createCell(0);
            cell = row.createCell(1);
            row = sheet.createRow(fitnessEquations.size() + 3);
            cell = row.createCell(0);
            cell = row.createCell(1);
            row = sheet.createRow(fitnessEquations.size() + 4);
            cell = row.createCell(0);
            cell = row.createCell(1);
            if (this.equationEvolution) {
            } else {


        // Return the results.
        return sheet;


     * Node count.
     * @return the int
    public int nodeCount() {

        // Return the number of nodes.
        return this.fitnessEquations.size();


     * Node name.
     * @param index the index
     * @return the string
    public String nodeName(int index) {

        // Find and return the requested node name.
        return this.nodeNames.get(index);


     * The Class MatrixDimensions.
    private static class MatrixDimensions {

        /** The rows. */
        int rows = 0;

        /** The columns. */
        int columns = 0;


    public static enum FITNESS_FUNCTION_TYPE {

        /** The no fitness code. */

        /** The simple maximum code. */

        /** The user-specified equation solver code. */

