Java tutorial
// Copyright 2016 The Nomulus Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static google.registry.model.domain.launch.ApplicationStatus.REJECTED; import static google.registry.model.domain.launch.ApplicationStatus.VALIDATED; import static google.registry.model.ofy.ObjectifyService.ofy; import static google.registry.model.registry.Registries.assertTldExists; import static google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils.isAtOrAfter; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.UTC; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import google.registry.model.domain.DomainApplication; import google.registry.model.domain.launch.ApplicationStatus; import google.registry.model.registrar.Registrar; import google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarAddress; import google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarContact; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; /** Command to generate the auction data for a TLD. */ @Parameters(separators = " =", commandDescription = "Generate auction data") final class GenerateAuctionDataCommand implements RemoteApiCommand { @Parameter(description = "TLD(s) to generate auction data for", required = true) private List<String> mainParameters; @Parameter(names = { "-o", "--output" }, description = "Output file.", validateWith = PathParameter.OutputFile.class) private Path output = Paths.get("/dev/stdout"); @Parameter(names = "--skip_validated_check", description = "Skip the check that all contended applications are already validated.") private boolean skipValidatedCheck; /** This is the date format expected in the output file. */ final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); @Override public void run() throws Exception { checkArgument(mainParameters.size() == 1, "Expected a single parameter with the TLD name. Actual: %s", Joiner.on(' ').join(mainParameters)); String tld = mainParameters.get(0); assertTldExists(tld); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> registrars = new TreeSet<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<DomainApplication>> entry : getDomainApplicationMap(tld).asMap() .entrySet()) { String domainName = entry.getKey(); List<DomainApplication> domainApplications = filterApplications(entry.getValue()); // Skip the domain if there are no contentions. This can happen if there is only a single // sunrise applicant, or if there are no sunrise applicants and just a single landrush // application. if (domainApplications.size() < 2) { continue; } Set<String> emailAddresses = new HashSet<>(); for (DomainApplication domainApplication : domainApplications) { checkState(skipValidatedCheck || domainApplication.getApplicationStatus() == VALIDATED, "" + "Can't process contending applications for %s because some applications " + "are not yet validated.", domainName); ContactResource registrant = ofy().load().key(checkNotNull(domainApplication.getRegistrant())) .now(); result.add(emitApplication(domainApplication, registrant)); // Ensure the registrant's email address is unique across the contending applications. if (!emailAddresses.add(registrant.getEmailAddress())) { System.err.printf("Warning: Multiple applications found with email address %s for domain %s\n", registrant.getEmailAddress(), domainName); } // Add registrar for this application our set of registrars that we must output at the end. registrars.add(domainApplication.getCurrentSponsorClientId()); } } // Output records for the registrars of any applications we emitted above. for (String clientId : registrars) { Registrar registrar = checkNotNull(Registrar.loadByClientId(clientId), "Registrar %s does not exist", clientId); result.add(emitRegistrar(registrar)); } Files.write(output, result, UTF_8); } /** Return a map of all fully-qualified domain names mapped to the applications for that name. */ private static Multimap<String, DomainApplication> getDomainApplicationMap(final String tld) { DateTime now =; Multimap<String, DomainApplication> domainApplicationMap = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), new Comparator<DomainApplication>() { @Override public int compare(DomainApplication o1, DomainApplication o2) { return o1.getForeignKey().compareTo(o2.getForeignKey()); } }); Iterable<DomainApplication> domainApplications = ofy().load().type(DomainApplication.class).filter("tld", tld); for (DomainApplication domainApplication : domainApplications) { // Ignore deleted and rejected applications. They aren't under consideration. ApplicationStatus applicationStatus = domainApplication.getApplicationStatus(); DateTime deletionTime = domainApplication.getDeletionTime(); if (applicationStatus == REJECTED || isAtOrAfter(now, deletionTime)) { continue; } boolean result = domainApplicationMap.put(domainApplication.getFullyQualifiedDomainName(), domainApplication); checkState(result, "Domain application not added to map: %s", domainApplication); } return domainApplicationMap; } /** * Filter applications by their priority. If there are any sunrise applications, then those will * be returned; otherwise just the landrush applications will be returned. */ private static List<DomainApplication> filterApplications(Iterable<DomainApplication> domainApplications) { // Sort the applications into sunrise and landrush applications. List<DomainApplication> sunriseApplications = new ArrayList<>(); List<DomainApplication> landrushApplications = new ArrayList<>(); for (DomainApplication domainApplication : domainApplications) { if (!domainApplication.getEncodedSignedMarks().isEmpty()) { sunriseApplications.add(domainApplication); } else { landrushApplications.add(domainApplication); } } return !sunriseApplications.isEmpty() ? sunriseApplications : landrushApplications; } /** Return a record line for the given application. */ private String emitApplication(DomainApplication domainApplication, ContactResource registrant) { Optional<PostalInfo> postalInfo = Optional.fromNullable(registrant.getInternationalizedPostalInfo()) .or(Optional.fromNullable(registrant.getLocalizedPostalInfo())); Optional<ContactAddress> address = Optional .fromNullable(postalInfo.isPresent() ? postalInfo.get().getAddress() : null); List<String> street = address.isPresent() ? address.get().getStreet() : ImmutableList.<String>of(); Optional<ContactPhoneNumber> phoneNumber = Optional.fromNullable(registrant.getVoiceNumber()); // Each line containing an auction participant has the following format: // // Domain|Application ID|Application timestamp|Last update date|Registrar Name| // Registrant Name|Registrant Company|Registrant Address 1|Registrant Address 2| // Registrant City|Registrant Province|Registrant Postal Code|Registrant Country| // Registrant Email|Registrant Telephone|Reserve|Application Type return Joiner.on('|') .join(ImmutableList.of(domainApplication.getFullyQualifiedDomainName(), domainApplication.getForeignKey(), formatter.print(domainApplication.getCreationTime()), domainApplication.getLastEppUpdateTime() != null ? formatter.print(domainApplication.getLastEppUpdateTime()) : "", domainApplication.getCurrentSponsorClientId(), nullToEmpty(postalInfo.isPresent() ? postalInfo.get().getName() : ""), nullToEmpty(postalInfo.isPresent() ? postalInfo.get().getOrg() : ""), Iterables.getFirst(street, ""), Joiner.on(' ').skipNulls().join(Iterables.skip(street, 1)), nullToEmpty(address.isPresent() ? address.get().getCity() : ""), nullToEmpty(address.isPresent() ? address.get().getState() : ""), nullToEmpty(address.isPresent() ? address.get().getZip() : ""), nullToEmpty(address.isPresent() ? address.get().getCountryCode() : ""), nullToEmpty(registrant.getEmailAddress()), nullToEmpty(phoneNumber.isPresent() ? phoneNumber.get().toPhoneString() : ""), "", domainApplication.getEncodedSignedMarks().isEmpty() ? "Landrush" : "Sunrise")); } /** Return a record line for the given registrar. */ private static String emitRegistrar(Registrar registrar) { // TODO(b/19016140): Determine if this set-up is required. Optional<RegistrarContact> contact = Optional .fromNullable(Iterables.getFirst(registrar.getContacts(), null)); Optional<RegistrarAddress> address = Optional.fromNullable(registrar.getLocalizedAddress()) .or(Optional.fromNullable(registrar.getInternationalizedAddress())); List<String> street = address.isPresent() ? address.get().getStreet() : ImmutableList.<String>of(); // Each line containing the registrar of an auction participant has the following format: // // Registrar Name|Registrar Contact Name|Registrar Full Company|Registrar Address 1| // Registrar Address 2|Registrar City|Registrar Province|Registrar Postal Code| // Registrar Country|Registrar Email|Registrar Telephone return Joiner.on('|').join(ImmutableList.of(registrar.getClientId(), contact.isPresent() ? contact.get().getName() : "N/A", nullToEmpty(registrar.getRegistrarName()), Iterables.getFirst(street, ""), Iterables.get(street, 1, ""), address.isPresent() ? nullToEmpty(address.get().getCity()) : "", address.isPresent() ? nullToEmpty(address.get().getState()) : "", address.isPresent() ? nullToEmpty(address.get().getZip()) : "", address.isPresent() ? nullToEmpty(address.get().getCountryCode()) : "", nullToEmpty(registrar.getEmailAddress()), nullToEmpty(registrar.getPhoneNumber()))); } }