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// Copyright 2016 The Nomulus Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package google.registry.model.ofy;

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static com.googlecode.objectify.ObjectifyService.ofy;
import static google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.getBaseOfyRetryDuration;
import static google.registry.util.CollectionUtils.union;
import static google.registry.util.ObjectifyUtils.OBJECTS_TO_KEYS;

import com.googlecode.objectify.Key;
import com.googlecode.objectify.Objectify;
import com.googlecode.objectify.ObjectifyFactory;
import com.googlecode.objectify.Work;
import com.googlecode.objectify.cmd.Deleter;
import com.googlecode.objectify.cmd.Loader;
import com.googlecode.objectify.cmd.Saver;
import google.registry.model.annotations.NotBackedUp;
import google.registry.model.annotations.VirtualEntity;
import google.registry.model.ofy.ReadOnlyWork.KillTransactionException;
import google.registry.util.Clock;
import google.registry.util.FormattingLogger;
import google.registry.util.NonFinalForTesting;
import google.registry.util.Sleeper;
import google.registry.util.SystemClock;
import google.registry.util.SystemSleeper;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.Duration;

 * A wrapper around ofy().
 * <p>The primary purpose of this class is to add functionality to support commit logs. It is
 * simpler to wrap {@link Objectify} rather than extend it because this way we can remove some
 * methods that we don't really want exposed and add some shortcuts.
public class Ofy {

    private static final FormattingLogger logger = FormattingLogger.getLoggerForCallerClass();

     * Recommended memcache expiration time, which is one hour, specified in seconds.
     * <p>This value should used as a cache expiration time for any entities annotated with an
     * Objectify {@code @Cache} annotation, to put an upper bound on unlikely-but-possible divergence
     * between memcache and datastore when a memcache write fails.
    public static final int RECOMMENDED_MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION = 3600;

    /** Default clock for transactions that don't provide one. */
    static Clock clock = new SystemClock();

    /** Default sleeper for transactions that don't provide one. */
    static Sleeper sleeper = new SystemSleeper();

     * An injected clock that overrides the static clock.
     * <p>Eventually the static clock should go away when we are 100% injected, but for now we need to
     * preserve the old way of overriding the clock in tests by changing the static field.
    private final Clock injectedClock;

    /** Retry for 8^2 * 100ms = ~25 seconds. */
    private static final int NUM_RETRIES = 8;

    public Ofy(Clock injectedClock) {
        this.injectedClock = injectedClock;

     * Thread local transaction info. There can only be one active transaction on a thread at a given
     * time, and this will hold metadata for it.
    static final ThreadLocal<TransactionInfo> TRANSACTION_INFO = new ThreadLocal<>();

    /** Returns the wrapped Objectify's ObjectifyFactory. */
    public ObjectifyFactory factory() {
        return ofy().factory();

    /** Clears the session cache. */
    public void clearSessionCache() {

    public boolean inTransaction() {
        return ofy().getTransaction() != null;

    public void assertInTransaction() {
        checkState(inTransaction(), "Must be called in a transaction");

    public Loader load() {
        return ofy().load();

    public Loader loadEventuallyConsistent() {
        return ofy().consistency(Consistency.EVENTUAL).load();

     * Delete, augmented to enroll the deleted entities in a commit log.
     * <p>We only allow this in transactions so commit logs can be written in tandem with the delete.
    public Deleter delete() {
        return new AugmentedDeleter() {
            protected void handleDeletion(Iterable<Key<?>> keys) {
                checkState(Iterables.all(keys, notNull()), "Can't delete a null key.");
                checkProhibitedAnnotations(keys, NotBackedUp.class, VirtualEntity.class);

     * Delete, without any augmentations.
     * <p>No backups get written.
    public Deleter deleteWithoutBackup() {
        return ofy().delete();

     * Save, augmented to enroll the saved entities in a commit log and to check that we're not saving
     * virtual entities.
     * <p>We only allow this in transactions so commit logs can be written in tandem with the save.
    public Saver save() {
        return new AugmentedSaver() {
            protected void handleSave(Iterable<?> entities) {
                checkState(Iterables.all(entities, notNull()), "Can't save a null entity.");
                checkProhibitedAnnotations(entities, NotBackedUp.class, VirtualEntity.class);
                ImmutableMap<Key<?>, ?> keysToEntities = uniqueIndex(entities, OBJECTS_TO_KEYS);

     * Save, without any augmentations except to check that we're not saving any virtual entities.
     * <p>No backups get written.
    public Saver saveWithoutBackup() {
        return new AugmentedSaver() {
            protected void handleSave(Iterable<?> entities) {
                checkProhibitedAnnotations(entities, VirtualEntity.class);

    private Clock getClock() {
        return injectedClock == null ? clock : injectedClock;

    /** Execute a transaction. */
    public <R> R transact(Work<R> work) {
        // If we are already in a transaction, don't wrap in a CommitLoggedWork.
        return inTransaction() ? : transactNew(work);

    /** Pause the current transaction (if any) and complete this one before returning to it. */
    public <R> R transactNew(Work<R> work) {
        // Wrap the Work in a CommitLoggedWork so that we can give transactions a frozen view of time
        // and maintain commit logs for them.
        return transactCommitLoggedWork(new CommitLoggedWork<>(work, getClock()));

     * Transact with commit logs and retry with exponential backoff.
     * <p>This method is broken out from {@link #transactNew(Work)} for testing purposes.
    <R> R transactCommitLoggedWork(CommitLoggedWork<R> work) {
        long baseRetryMillis = getBaseOfyRetryDuration().getMillis();
        for (long attempt = 0, sleepMillis = baseRetryMillis; true; attempt++, sleepMillis *= 2) {
            try {
                return work.getResult();
            } catch (TransientFailureException | TimestampInversionException | DatastoreTimeoutException
                    | DatastoreFailureException e) {
                // TransientFailureExceptions come from task queues and always mean nothing committed.
                // TimestampInversionExceptions are thrown by our code and are always retryable as well.
                // However, datastore exceptions might get thrown even if the transaction succeeded.
                if ((e instanceof DatastoreTimeoutException || e instanceof DatastoreFailureException)
                        && checkIfAlreadySucceeded(work)) {
                    return work.getResult();
                if (attempt == NUM_RETRIES) {
                    throw e; // Give up.
                logger.infofmt(e, "Retrying %s, attempt %s", e.getClass().getSimpleName(), attempt);

     * We can determine whether a transaction has succeded by trying to read the commit log back in
     * its own retryable read-only transaction.
    private <R> Boolean checkIfAlreadySucceeded(final CommitLoggedWork<R> work) {
        return work.hasRun() && transactNewReadOnly(new Work<Boolean>() {
            public Boolean run() {
                CommitLogManifest manifest = work.getManifest();
                if (manifest == null) {
                    // Work ran but no commit log was created. This might mean that the transaction did not
                    // write anything to datastore. We can safely retry because it only reads. (Although the
                    // transaction might have written a task to a queue, we consider that safe to retry too
                    // since we generally assume that tasks might be doubly executed.) Alternatively it
                    // might mean that the transaction wrote to datastore but turned off commit logs by
                    // exclusively using save/deleteWithoutBackups() rather than save/delete(). Although we
                    // have no hard proof that retrying is safe, we use these methods judiciously and it is
                    // reasonable to assume that if the transaction really did succeed that the retry will
                    // either be idempotent or will fail with a non-transient error.
                    return false;
                return Objects.equals(union(work.getMutations(), manifest),

    /** A read-only transaction is useful to get strongly consistent reads at a shared timestamp. */
    public <R> R transactNewReadOnly(Work<R> work) {
        ReadOnlyWork<R> readOnlyWork = new ReadOnlyWork<>(work, getClock());
        try {
        } catch (TransientFailureException | DatastoreTimeoutException | DatastoreFailureException e) {
            // These are always retryable for a read-only operation.
            return transactNewReadOnly(work);
        } catch (KillTransactionException e) {
            // Expected; we killed the transaction as a safety measure, and now we can return the result.
            return readOnlyWork.getResult();
        throw new AssertionError(); // How on earth did we get here?

    /** Execute some work in a transactionless context. */
    public <R> R doTransactionless(Work<R> work) {
        try {
        } finally {

     * Execute some work with a fresh session cache.
     * <p>This is useful in cases where we want to load the latest possible data from datastore but
     * don't need point-in-time consistency across loads and consequently don't need a transaction.
     * Note that unlike a transaction's fresh session cache, the contents of this cache will be
     * discarded once the work completes, rather than being propagated into the enclosing session.
    public <R> R doWithFreshSessionCache(Work<R> work) {
        try {
        } finally {

    /** Get the time associated with the start of this particular transaction attempt. */
    public DateTime getTransactionTime() {
        return TRANSACTION_INFO.get().transactionTime;

    /** Returns key of {@link CommitLogManifest} that will be saved when the transaction ends. */
    public Key<CommitLogManifest> getCommitLogManifestKey() {
        TransactionInfo info = TRANSACTION_INFO.get();
        return Key.create(info.bucketKey, CommitLogManifest.class, info.transactionTime.getMillis());

     * Returns the @Entity-annotated base class for an object that is either an {@code Key<?>} or an
     * object of an entity class registered with Objectify.
    static Class<?> getBaseEntityClassFromEntityOrKey(Object entityOrKey) {
        // Convert both keys and entities into keys, so that we get consistent behavior in either case.
        Key<?> key = (entityOrKey instanceof Key<?> ? (Key<?>) entityOrKey : Key.create(entityOrKey));
        // Get the entity class associated with this key's kind, which should be the base @Entity class
        // from which the kind name is derived.  Don't be tempted to use getMetadata(String kind) or
        // getMetadataForEntity(T pojo) instead; the former won't throw an exception for an unknown
        // kind (it just returns null) and the latter will return the @EntitySubclass if there is one.
        return ofy().factory().getMetadata(key).getEntityClass();

     * Checks that the base @Entity classes for the provided entities or keys don't have any of the
     * specified forbidden annotations.
    private static void checkProhibitedAnnotations(Iterable<?> entitiesOrKeys,
            Class<? extends Annotation>... annotations) {
        for (Object entityOrKey : entitiesOrKeys) {
            Class<?> entityClass = getBaseEntityClassFromEntityOrKey(entityOrKey);
            for (Class<? extends Annotation> annotation : annotations) {
                checkArgument(!entityClass.isAnnotationPresent(annotation), "Can't save/delete a @%s entity: %s",
                        annotation.getSimpleName(), entityClass);