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// Copyright 2016 The Nomulus Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package google.registry.config;

import static google.registry.config.ConfigUtils.makeUrl;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
import static org.joda.time.Duration.standardDays;

import dagger.Module;
import dagger.Provides;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Qualifier;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeConstants;
import org.joda.time.Duration;

 * Central clearing-house for all configuration.
public final class RegistryConfig {

    /** Dagger qualifier for configuration settings. */
    public static @interface Config {
        String value() default "";

     * Configuration example for the Nomulus codebase.
     * <p>The Nomulus codebase contains many classes that inject configurable settings. This is
     * the centralized class that is used by default to configure them all, in hard-coded type-safe
     * Java code.
     * <p>This class does not represent the total configuration of the Nomulus service. It's
     * <b>only meant for settings that need to be configured <i>once</i></b>. Settings which may
     * be subject to change in the future, should instead be retrieved from Datastore. The
     * {@link google.registry.model.registry.Registry Registry} class is one such example of this.
     * <h3>Customization</h3>
     * <p>It is recommended that users do not modify this file within a forked repository. It is
     * preferable to modify these settings by swapping out this module with a separate copied version
     * in the user's repository. For this to work, other files need to be copied too, such as the
     * {@code @Component} instances under {@code google.registry.module}.  This allows modules to be
     * substituted at the {@code @Component} level.
    public static final class ConfigModule {

        private static final RegistryEnvironment REGISTRY_ENVIRONMENT = RegistryEnvironment.get();

        public static RegistryEnvironment provideRegistryEnvironment() {
            return REGISTRY_ENVIRONMENT;

        public static String provideProjectId() {
            return RegistryConfig.getProjectId();

         * The filename of the logo to be displayed in the header of the registrar console.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.ConsoleUiAction
        public static String provideLogoFilename(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case UNITTEST:
            case LOCAL:
                return "logo.png";
                // Change this to the filename of your logo.
                return "google_registry.png";

         * The product name of this specific registry.  Used throughout the registrar console.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.ConsoleUiAction
        public static String provideProductName(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            // Change this to the name of your product.
            return "Nomulus";

         * Returns the roid suffix to be used for the roids of all contacts and hosts.  E.g. a value of
         * "ROID" would end up creating roids that look like "ABC123-ROID".
         * @see <a href="">
         *      Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Repository Identifiers</a>
        public static String provideContactAndHostRoidSuffix(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            return LocalTestConfig.CONTACT_AND_HOST_ROID_SUFFIX;

         * The e-mail address for questions about integrating with the registry.  Used in the
         * "contact-us" section of the registrar console.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.ConsoleUiAction
        public static String provideIntegrationEmail(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            // Change this to your integration email address.
            return "";

         * The e-mail address for general support.  Used in the "contact-us" section of the registrar
         * console.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.ConsoleUiAction
        public static String provideSupportEmail(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            // Change this to your support email address.
            return "";

         * The "From" e-mail address for announcements.  Used in the "contact-us" section of the
         * registrar console.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.ConsoleUiAction
        public static String provideAnnouncementsEmail(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            // Change this to your announcements e-mail.
            return "";

         * The contact phone number.  Used in the "contact-us" section of the registrar console.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.ConsoleUiAction
        public static String provideSupportPhoneNumber(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            // Change this to your phone number.
            return "+1 (888) 555 0123";

         * The URL for technical support docs. Used in the "contact-us" section of the registrar
         * console.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.ConsoleUiAction
        public static String provideTechnicalDocsUrl(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            // Change this to your support docs link.
            return "";

         * Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket for storing zone files.
         * @see google.registry.backup.ExportCommitLogDiffAction
        public static String provideZoneFilesBucket(@Config("projectId") String projectId) {
            return projectId + "-zonefiles";

         * Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket for storing commit logs.
         * @see google.registry.backup.ExportCommitLogDiffAction
        public static String provideCommitLogGcsBucket(@Config("projectId") String projectId) {
            return projectId + "-commits";

        /** @see RegistryConfig#getCommitLogDatastoreRetention() */
        public static Duration provideCommitLogDatastoreRetention() {
            return RegistryConfig.getCommitLogDatastoreRetention();

         * The GCS bucket for exporting domain lists.
         * @see google.registry.export.ExportDomainListsAction
        public static String provideDomainListsGcsBucket(@Config("projectId") String projectId) {
            return projectId + "-domain-lists";

         * Maximum number of commit logs to delete per transaction.
         * <p>If we assume that the average key size is 256 bytes and that each manifest has six
         * mutations, we can do about 5,000 deletes in a single transaction before hitting the 10mB
         * limit. Therefore 500 should be a safe number, since it's an order of a magnitude less space
         * than we need.
         * <p>Transactions also have a four minute time limit. Since we have to perform N subqueries to
         * fetch mutation keys, 500 would be a safe number if those queries were performed in serial,
         * since each query would have about 500ms to complete, which is an order a magnitude more time
         * than we need. However this does not apply, since the subqueries are performed asynchronously.
         * @see google.registry.backup.DeleteOldCommitLogsAction
        public static int provideCommitLogMaxDeletes() {
            return 500;

         * Batch size for the number of transactions' worth of commit log data to process at once when
         * exporting a commit log diff.
         * @see google.registry.backup.ExportCommitLogDiffAction
        public static int provideCommitLogDiffExportBatchSize() {
            return 100;

         * Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket for staging BRDA escrow deposits.
         * @see google.registry.rde.PendingDepositChecker
        public static String provideBrdaBucket(@Config("projectId") String projectId) {
            return projectId + "-icann-brda";

        /** @see google.registry.rde.BrdaCopyAction */
        public static int provideBrdaDayOfWeek() {
            return DateTimeConstants.TUESDAY;

         * Amount of time between BRDA deposits.
         * @see google.registry.rde.PendingDepositChecker
        public static Duration provideBrdaInterval() {
            return Duration.standardDays(7);

         * Returns {@code true} if the target zone should be created in DNS if it does not exist.
        public static boolean provideDnsCreateZone(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case PRODUCTION:
                return false;
                return true;

         * The maximum number of domain and host updates to batch together to send to
         * PublishDnsUpdatesAction, to avoid exceeding AppEngine's limits.
         * @see google.registry.dns.ReadDnsQueueAction
        public static int provideDnsTldUpdateBatchSize() {
            return 100;

         * The maximum interval (seconds) to lease tasks from the dns-pull queue.
         * @see google.registry.dns.ReadDnsQueueAction
         * @see google.registry.dns.PublishDnsUpdatesAction
        public static Duration provideDnsWriteLockTimeout() {
             * Optimally, we would set this to a little less than the length of the DNS refresh cycle,
             * since otherwise, a new PublishDnsUpdatesAction could get kicked off before the current one
             * has finished, which will try and fail to acquire the lock. However, it is more important
             * that it be greater than the DNS write timeout, so that if that timeout occurs, it will be
             * cleaned up gracefully, rather than having the lock time out. So we have to live with the
             * possible lock failures.
            return Duration.standardSeconds(75);

         * Returns the default time to live for DNS records.
         * @see google.registry.dns.writer.clouddns.CloudDnsWriter
        public static Duration provideDnsDefaultTtl() {
            return Duration.standardSeconds(180);

         * Number of sharded entity group roots used for performing strongly consistent scans.
         * <p><b>Warning:</b> This number may increase but never decrease.
         * @see google.registry.model.index.EppResourceIndex
        public static int provideEppResourceIndexBucketCount() {
            return RegistryConfig.getEppResourceIndexBucketCount();

         * Returns size of Google Cloud Storage client connection buffer in bytes.
         * @see google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
        public static int provideGcsBufferSize() {
            return 1024 * 1024;

         * Gets the email address of the admin account for the Google App.
         * @see google.registry.groups.DirectoryGroupsConnection
        public static String provideGoogleAppsAdminEmailAddress(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            // Change this to your admin account.
            return "";

         * Returns the email address(es) that notifications of registrar and/or registrar contact
         * updates should be sent to, or the empty list if updates should not be sent.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.RegistrarSettingsAction
        public static ImmutableList<String> provideRegistrarChangesNotificationEmailAddresses(
                RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case PRODUCTION:
                // Change this to an appropriate notification e-mail address.
                return ImmutableList.of("notification@registry.example");
            case UNITTEST:
                return ImmutableList.of("notification@test.example", "notification2@test.example");
                return ImmutableList.<String>of();

         * Returns the publicly accessible domain name for the running Google Apps instance.
         * @see google.registry.export.SyncGroupMembersAction
         * @see
        public static String providePublicDomainName(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            // Change this to your domain name.
            return "";

         * Returns {@code true} if TMCH certificate authority should be in testing mode.
         * @see RegistryConfig#getTmchCaTestingMode()
        public static boolean provideTmchCaTestingMode() {
            return RegistryConfig.getTmchCaTestingMode();

         * ICANN TMCH Certificate Revocation List URL.
         * <p>This file needs to be downloaded at least once a day and verified to make sure it was
         * signed by {@code icann-tmch.crt}.
         * @see google.registry.tmch.TmchCrlAction
         * @see <a href="">TMCH
         *     RFC</a>
        public static URL provideTmchCrlUrl(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case PRODUCTION:
                return makeUrl("");
                return makeUrl("");

         * URL prefix for communicating with MarksDB ry interface.
         * <p>This URL is used for DNL, SMDRL, and LORDN.
         * @see google.registry.tmch.Marksdb
         * @see google.registry.tmch.NordnUploadAction
        public static String provideTmchMarksdbUrl(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case PRODUCTION:
            case UNITTEST:
                return "";
                return "";

         * The email address that outgoing emails from the app are sent from.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.SendEmailUtils
        public static String provideGoogleAppsSendFromEmailAddress() {
            return String.format("", SystemProperty.applicationId.get());

         * The display name that is used on outgoing emails sent by Nomulus.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.SendEmailUtils
        public static String provideGoogleAppsAdminEmailDisplayName() {
            // Production example: "Example Registry"
            return "Google Domain Registry";

         * Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket for staging escrow deposits pending upload.
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
        public static String provideRdeBucket(@Config("projectId") String projectId) {
            return projectId + "-rde";

         * Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket for importing escrow files.
         * @see google.registry.rde.imports.RdeContactImportAction
         * @see google.registry.rde.imports.RdeHostImportAction
        public static String provideRdeImportBucket(@Config("projectId") String projectId) {
            return projectId + "-rde-import";

         * Size of Ghostryde buffer in bytes for each layer in the pipeline.
         * @see google.registry.rde.Ghostryde
        public static Integer provideRdeGhostrydeBufferSize() {
            return 64 * 1024;

         * Amount of time between RDE deposits.
         * @see google.registry.rde.PendingDepositChecker
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeReportAction
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeUploadAction
        public static Duration provideRdeInterval() {
            return Duration.standardDays(1);

         * Maximum amount of time for sending a small XML file to ICANN via HTTP, before killing.
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeReportAction
        public static Duration provideRdeReportLockTimeout() {
            return Duration.standardSeconds(60);

         * URL of ICANN's HTTPS server to which the RDE report should be {@code PUT}.
         * <p>You must append {@code "/TLD/ID"} to this URL.
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeReportAction
        public static String provideRdeReportUrlPrefix(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case PRODUCTION:
                return "";
                return "";

         * Size of RYDE generator buffer in bytes for each of the five layers.
         * @see google.registry.rde.RydePgpCompressionOutputStream
         * @see google.registry.rde.RydePgpFileOutputStream
         * @see google.registry.rde.RydePgpSigningOutputStream
         * @see google.registry.rde.RydeTarOutputStream
        public static Integer provideRdeRydeBufferSize() {
            return 64 * 1024;

         * Maximum amount of time generating an escrow deposit for a TLD could take, before killing.
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeStagingReducer
        public static Duration provideRdeStagingLockTimeout() {
            return Duration.standardHours(5);

         * Maximum amount of time it should ever take to upload an escrow deposit, before killing.
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeUploadAction
        public static Duration provideRdeUploadLockTimeout() {
            return Duration.standardMinutes(30);

         * Minimum amount of time to wait between consecutive SFTP uploads on a single TLD.
         * <p>This value was communicated to us by the escrow provider.
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeStagingReducer
        public static Duration provideRdeUploadSftpCooldown() {
            return Duration.standardHours(2);

         * Returns the identity (an email address) used for the SSH keys used in RDE SFTP uploads.
         * @see google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring#getRdeSshClientPublicKey()
         * @see google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring#getRdeSshClientPrivateKey()
        public static String provideSshIdentity() {
            // Change this to your RDE identity.
            return "";

         * Returns SFTP URL containing a username, hostname, port (optional), and directory (optional)
         * to which cloud storage files are uploaded. The password should not be included, as it's
         * better to use public key authentication.
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeUploadAction
        public static URI provideRdeUploadUrl(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case PRODUCTION:
                return URI.create("s");
                return URI.create("s");

         * Whether or not the registrar console is enabled.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.ConsoleUiAction
        public static boolean provideRegistrarConsoleEnabled() {
            return true;

         * Maximum amount of time for syncing a spreadsheet, before killing.
         * @see google.registry.export.sheet.SyncRegistrarsSheetAction
        public static Duration provideSheetLockTimeout() {
            return Duration.standardHours(1);

         * Returns ID of Google Spreadsheet to which Registrar entities should be synced.
         * <p>This ID, as you'd expect, comes from the URL of the spreadsheet.
         * @see google.registry.export.sheet.SyncRegistrarsSheetAction
        public static Optional<String> provideSheetRegistrarId(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case PRODUCTION:
                return Optional.of("1n2Gflqsgo9iDXcdt9VEskOVySZ8qIhQHJgjqsleCKdE");
            case ALPHA:
            case CRASH:
                return Optional.of("16BwRt6v11Iw-HujCbAkmMxqw3sUG13B8lmXLo-uJTsE");
            case SANDBOX:
                return Optional.of("1TlR_UMCtfpkxT9oUEoF5JEbIvdWNkLRuURltFkJ_7_8");
            case QA:
                return Optional.of("1RoY1XZhLLwqBkrz0WbEtaT9CU6c8nUAXfId5BtM837o");
                return Optional.absent();

         * Returns SSH client connection and read timeout.
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeUploadAction
        public static Duration provideSshTimeout() {
            return Duration.standardSeconds(30);

         * Duration after watermark where we shouldn't deposit, because transactions might be pending.
         * @see google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
        public static Duration provideTransactionCooldown() {
            return Duration.standardMinutes(5);

         * Number of times to retry a GAE operation when {@code TransientFailureException} is thrown.
         * <p>The number of milliseconds it'll sleep before giving up is {@code 2^n - 2}.
         * <p>Note that this uses {@code @Named} instead of {@code @Config} so that it can be used from
         * the low-level util package, which cannot have a dependency on the config package.
         * @see google.registry.util.TaskEnqueuer
        public static int provideTransientFailureRetries() {
            return 12; // Four seconds.

         * Amount of time public HTTP proxies are permitted to cache our WHOIS responses.
         * @see google.registry.whois.WhoisHttpServer
        public static Duration provideWhoisHttpExpires() {
            return Duration.standardDays(1);

         * Maximum number of results to return for an RDAP search query
         * @see google.registry.rdap.RdapActionBase
        public static int provideRdapResultSetMaxSize() {
            return 100;

         * Base for RDAP link paths.
         * @see google.registry.rdap.RdapActionBase
        public static String provideRdapLinkBase() {
            return "";

         * WHOIS server displayed in RDAP query responses. As per Gustavo Lozano of ICANN, this should
         * be omitted, but the ICANN operational profile doesn't actually say that, so it's good to have
         * the ability to reinstate this field if necessary.
         * @see google.registry.rdap.RdapActionBase
        public static String provideRdapWhoisServer() {
            return null;

         * Returns Braintree Merchant Account IDs for each supported currency.
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.RegistrarPaymentAction
         * @see google.registry.ui.server.registrar.RegistrarPaymentSetupAction
        public static ImmutableMap<CurrencyUnit, String> provideBraintreeMerchantAccountId(
                RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case PRODUCTION:
                return ImmutableMap.of(CurrencyUnit.USD, "charlestonregistryUSD", CurrencyUnit.JPY,
                return ImmutableMap.of(CurrencyUnit.USD, "google", CurrencyUnit.JPY, "google-jpy");

         * Returns Braintree Merchant ID of Registry, used for accessing Braintree API.
         * <p>This is a base32 value copied from the Braintree website.
         * @see google.registry.braintree.BraintreeModule
        public static String provideBraintreeMerchantId(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case PRODUCTION:
                return "6gm2mm48k9ty4zmx";
                // Valentine: Nomulus Braintree Sandbox
                return "vqgn8khkq2cs6y9s";

         * Returns Braintree Public Key of Registry, used for accessing Braintree API.
         * <p>This is a base32 value copied from the Braintree website.
         * @see google.registry.braintree.BraintreeModule
         * @see google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring#getBraintreePrivateKey()
        public static String provideBraintreePublicKey(RegistryEnvironment environment) {
            switch (environment) {
            case PRODUCTION:
                return "tzcfxggzgbh2jg5x";
                // Valentine: Nomulus Braintree Sandbox
                return "tzcyzvm3mn7zkdnx";

         * Disclaimer displayed at the end of WHOIS query results.
         * @see google.registry.whois.WhoisResponse
        public static String provideWhoisDisclaimer() {
            return "WHOIS information is provided by Charleston Road Registry Inc. (CRR) solely for\n"
                    + "query-based, informational purposes. By querying our WHOIS database, you are\n"
                    + "agreeing to comply with these terms\n"
                    + "( so please read them\n"
                    + "carefully.  Any information provided is \"as is\" without any guarantee of\n"
                    + "accuracy. You may not use such information to (a) allow, enable, or otherwise\n"
                    + "support the transmission of mass unsolicited, commercial advertising or\n"
                    + "solicitations; (b) enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that\n"
                    + "access the systems of CRR or any ICANN-Accredited Registrar, except as\n"
                    + "reasonably necessary to register domain names or modify existing registrations;\n"
                    + "or (c) engage in or support unlawful behavior. CRR reserves the right to\n"
                    + "restrict or deny your access to the Whois database, and may modify these terms\n"
                    + "at any time.\n";

         * Maximum QPS for the Google Cloud Monitoring V3 (aka Stackdriver) API. The QPS limit can be
         * adjusted by contacting Cloud Support.
         * @see google.registry.monitoring.metrics.StackdriverWriter
        public static int provideStackdriverMaxQps() {
            return 30;

         * Maximum number of points that can be sent to Stackdriver in a single TimeSeries.Create API
         * call.
         * @see google.registry.monitoring.metrics.StackdriverWriter
        public static int provideStackdriverMaxPointsPerRequest() {
            return 200;

         * The reporting interval, for BigQueryMetricsEnqueuer to be sent to a {@link
         * google.registry.monitoring.metrics.MetricWriter}.
         * @see google.registry.monitoring.metrics.MetricReporter
        public static Duration provideMetricsWriteInterval() {
            return Duration.standardSeconds(60);

         * The global automatic transfer length for contacts.  After this amount of time has
         * elapsed, the transfer is automatically approved.
         * @see
        public static Duration provideContactAutomaticTransferLength() {
            return standardDays(5);

         * Returns the maximum number of entities that can be checked at one time in an EPP check flow.
        public static int provideMaxChecks() {
            return 50;

         * Returns the delay before executing async delete flow mapreduces.
         * <p>This delay should be sufficiently longer than a transaction, to solve the following
         * problem:
         * <ul>
         *   <li>a domain mutation flow starts a transaction
         *   <li>the domain flow non-transactionally reads a resource and sees that it's not in
         *       PENDING_DELETE
         *   <li>the domain flow creates a new reference to this resource
         *   <li>a contact/host delete flow runs and marks the resource PENDING_DELETE and commits
         *   <li>the domain flow commits
         * </ul>
         * <p>Although we try not to add references to a PENDING_DELETE resource, strictly speaking that
         * is ok as long as the mapreduce eventually sees the new reference (and therefore
         * asynchronously fails the delete). Without this delay, the mapreduce might have started before
         * the domain flow committed, and could potentially miss the reference.
         * @see google.registry.flows.async.AsyncFlowEnqueuer
        public static Duration provideAsyncDeleteFlowMapreduceDelay() {
            return Duration.standardSeconds(90);

         * The server ID used in the 'svID' element of an EPP 'greeting'.
         * @see <a href="">RFC 7530</a>
        public static String provideGreetingServerId() {
            return "Charleston Road Registry";

        public static String provideCustomLogicFactoryClass() {
            // TODO(b/32875427): This will be converted to YAML configuration in a future refactor.
            return "google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicFactory";

        private static final String RESERVED_TERMS_EXPORT_DISCLAIMER = ""
                + "# This list contains reserve terms for the TLD. Other terms may be reserved\n"
                + "# but not included in this list, including terms EXAMPLE REGISTRY chooses not\n"
                + "# to publish, and terms that ICANN commonly mandates to be reserved. This\n"
                + "# list is subject to change and the most up-to-date source is always to\n"
                + "# check availability directly with the Registry server.\n";

         * Returns the header text at the top of the reserved terms exported list.
         * @see google.registry.export.ExportUtils#exportReservedTerms
        public static String provideReservedTermsExportDisclaimer() {

         * Returns the clientId of the registrar used by the {@code CheckApiServlet}.
        public static String provideCheckApiServletRegistrarClientId() {
            return "TheRegistrar";

         * Returns the help path for the RDAP terms of service.
         * <p>Make sure that this path is equal to the key of the entry in the RDAP help map containing
         * the terms of service. The ICANN operational profile requires that the TOS be included in all
         * responses, and this string is used to find the TOS in the help map.
        public static String provideRdapTosPath() {
            return "/tos";

         * Returns the help text to be used by RDAP.
         * <p>Make sure that the map entry for the terms of service use the same key as specified in
         * rdapTosPath above.
        public static ImmutableMap<String, RdapNoticeDescriptor> provideRdapHelpMap() {
            return new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, RdapNoticeDescriptor>()
                    .put("/", RdapNoticeDescriptor.builder().setTitle("RDAP Help")
                            .setDescription(ImmutableList.of("RDAP Help Topics (use /help/topic for information)",
                                    "syntax", "tos (Terms of Service)"))
                    .put("/index", RdapNoticeDescriptor.builder().setTitle("RDAP Help")
                            .setDescription(ImmutableList.of("RDAP Help Topics (use /help/topic for information)",
                                    "syntax", "tos (Terms of Service)"))
                    .put("/syntax", RdapNoticeDescriptor.builder().setTitle("RDAP Command Syntax")
                            .setDescription(ImmutableList.of("domain/XXXX", "nameserver/XXXX", "entity/XXXX",
                                    "domains?name=XXXX", "domains?nsLdhName=XXXX", "domains?nsIp=XXXX",
                                    "nameservers?name=XXXX", "nameservers?ip=XXXX", "entities?fn=XXXX",
                                    "entities?handle=XXXX", "help/XXXX"))
                    .put("/tos", RdapNoticeDescriptor.builder().setTitle("RDAP Terms of Service")
                                    "By querying our Domain Database, you are agreeing to comply with these terms so"
                                            + " please read them carefully.",
                                    "Any information provided is 'as is' without any guarantee of accuracy.",
                                    "Please do not misuse the Domain Database. It is intended solely for"
                                            + " query-based access.",
                                    "Don't use the Domain Database to allow, enable, or otherwise support the"
                                            + " transmission of mass unsolicited, commercial advertising or"
                                            + " solicitations.",
                                    "Don't access our Domain Database through the use of high volume, automated"
                                            + " electronic processes that send queries or data to the systems of any"
                                            + " ICANN-accredited registrar.",
                                    "You may only use the information contained in the Domain Database for lawful"
                                            + " purposes.",
                                    "Do not compile, repackage, disseminate, or otherwise use the information"
                                            + " contained in the Domain Database in its entirety, or in any substantial"
                                            + " portion, without our prior written permission.",
                                    "We may retain certain details about queries to our Domain Database for the"
                                            + " purposes of detecting and preventing misuse.",
                                    "We reserve the right to restrict or deny your access to the database if we"
                                            + " suspect that you have failed to comply with these terms.",
                                    "We reserve the right to modify this agreement at any time."))

     * Returns the App Engine project ID, which is based off the environment name.
    public static String getProjectId() {
        String prodProjectId = "domain-registry";
        RegistryEnvironment environment = RegistryEnvironment.get();
        switch (environment) {
        case PRODUCTION:
        case UNITTEST:
        case LOCAL:
            return prodProjectId;
            return prodProjectId + "-" + Ascii.toLowerCase(;

     * Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket for storing backup snapshots.
     * @see google.registry.export.ExportSnapshotServlet
    public static String getSnapshotsBucket() {
        return getProjectId() + "-snapshots";

     * Number of sharded commit log buckets.
     * <p>This number is crucial for determining how much transactional throughput the system can
     * allow, because it determines how many entity groups are available for writing commit logs.
     * Since entity groups have a one transaction per second SLA (which is actually like ten in
     * practice), a registry that wants to be able to handle one hundred transactions per second
     * should have one hundred buckets.
     * <p><b>Warning:</b> This can be raised but never lowered.
     * @see google.registry.model.ofy.CommitLogBucket
    public static int getCommitLogBucketCount() {
        switch (RegistryEnvironment.get()) {
        case UNITTEST:
            return 3;
            return 100;

     * Returns the length of time before commit logs should be deleted from datastore.
     * <p>The only reason you'll want to retain this commit logs in datastore is for performing
     * point-in-time restoration queries for subsystems like RDE.
     * @see google.registry.backup.DeleteOldCommitLogsAction
     * @see google.registry.model.translators.CommitLogRevisionsTranslatorFactory
    public static Duration getCommitLogDatastoreRetention() {
        return Duration.standardDays(30);

     * Returns {@code true} if TMCH certificate authority should be in testing mode.
     * @see google.registry.tmch.TmchCertificateAuthority
    public static boolean getTmchCaTestingMode() {
        switch (RegistryEnvironment.get()) {
        case PRODUCTION:
            return false;
            return true;

     * Returns the address of the Nomulus app HTTP server.
     * <p>This is used by the {@code nomulus} tool to connect to the App Engine remote API.
    public static HostAndPort getServer() {
        switch (RegistryEnvironment.get()) {
        case LOCAL:
            return HostAndPort.fromParts("localhost", 8080);
        case UNITTEST:
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unit tests can't spin up a full server");
            return HostAndPort.fromParts(String.format("", getProjectId()), 443);

    /** Returns the amount of time a singleton should be cached, before expiring. */
    public static Duration getSingletonCacheRefreshDuration() {
        switch (RegistryEnvironment.get()) {
        case UNITTEST:
            // All cache durations are set to zero so that unit tests can update and then retrieve data
            // immediately without failure.
            return Duration.ZERO;
            return Duration.standardMinutes(10);

     * Returns the amount of time a domain label list should be cached in memory before expiring.
     * @see google.registry.model.registry.label.ReservedList
     * @see google.registry.model.registry.label.PremiumList
    public static Duration getDomainLabelListCacheDuration() {
        switch (RegistryEnvironment.get()) {
        case UNITTEST:
            return Duration.ZERO;
            return Duration.standardHours(1);

    /** Returns the amount of time a singleton should be cached in persist mode, before expiring. */
    public static Duration getSingletonCachePersistDuration() {
        switch (RegistryEnvironment.get()) {
        case UNITTEST:
            return Duration.ZERO;
            return Duration.standardDays(365);

     * Returns default WHOIS server to use when {@code Registrar#getWhoisServer()} is {@code null}.
     * @see "google.registry.whois.DomainWhoisResponse"
     * @see "google.registry.whois.RegistrarWhoisResponse"
    public static String getRegistrarDefaultWhoisServer() {
        switch (RegistryEnvironment.get()) {
        case UNITTEST:
            return "whois.nic.fakewhois.example";
            return "whois.nic.registry.example";

     * Returns the default referral URL that is used unless registrars have specified otherwise.
    public static URL getRegistrarDefaultReferralUrl() {
        switch (RegistryEnvironment.get()) {
        case UNITTEST:
            return makeUrl("http://www.referral.example/path");
            return makeUrl("https://www.registry.example");

     * Returns the number of {@code EppResourceIndex} buckets to be used.
    public static int getEppResourceIndexBucketCount() {
        switch (RegistryEnvironment.get()) {
        case UNITTEST:
            return 3;
            return 997;

     * Returns the base retry duration that gets doubled after each failure within {@code Ofy}.
    public static Duration getBaseOfyRetryDuration() {
        switch (RegistryEnvironment.get()) {
        case UNITTEST:
            return Duration.ZERO;
            return Duration.millis(100);

    /** Config values used for local and unit test environments. */
    public static class LocalTestConfig {

        public static final String CONTACT_AND_HOST_ROID_SUFFIX = "ROID";

        public static final String RESERVED_TERMS_TEST_EXPORT_DISCLAIMER = "This is a disclaimer.\n";

        public static final String GOOGLE_APPS_SEND_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "noreply@testing.example";

        public static final String GOOGLE_APPS_ADMIN_EMAIL_DISPLAY_NAME = "Testing Nomulus";

        public static final Duration CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_TRANSFER_LENGTH = standardDays(5);

    private RegistryConfig() {