Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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package glvis.renderers;

import glvis.AudioProvider;
import glvis.VisRender;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20;

 * @author root
public class NeatSymmetrical extends VisRender {

    public NeatSymmetrical(AudioProvider provider, int shader) {
        super(provider, shader);

    public void render() {
        if (initial) {
            initial = false;

        int LIGHT_POINTS = 288 * 2; // 1152
        //        LIGHT_POINTS = 2;
        //        int LIGHT_POINTS = 1152; // 1152
        float LIGHT_POINT_SEPARATION = 4.42f;

        float LIGHT_Y = 256f;
        float LIGHT_X = 0f;

        short raw = 0;
        float fraw = 0;
        float calc = 0;

        float distx = 0;
        float disty = 0;
        boolean swch = false;
        int hak = 0;

        short rraw = 0;

        float vdist = 0f;

        boolean chswch = false;

        GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); //Enable blending.
        GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
        if (initial) {
            initial = false;
            GL11.glColor4f(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
        } else
            GL11.glColor4f(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.1f);
        GL11.glVertex2f(0, 0);
        GL11.glVertex2f(1280, 0);
        GL11.glVertex2f(1280, 720);
        GL11.glVertex2f(0, 720);
        GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND); //Enable blending.
        GL11.glColor4f(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
        //        GL11.glPolygonMode( GL11.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL11.GL_LINE );
        short[] samp = provider.getCurrentSample();
        int samplen = provider.getCurrentSampleLength();

        for (int ie = 0; ie < LIGHT_POINTS; ie++) {

            //            itra ++;
            //            itra %= Player.samplen;
            //            raw = Player.samp[itra];
            //            rraw = Player.samp[Player.samplen-(itra+1)];

            itra %= samplen;
            raw = samp[itra];
            rraw = samp[samplen - (itra + 1)];
            itra %= samplen;
            raw += samp[itra];
            rraw += samp[samplen - (itra + 1)];
            raw /= 2;
            rraw /= 2;

            phys_x[ie] /= 2f;
            phys_y[ie] /= 2f;

            distx = -loc_x[ie];
            disty = -loc_y[ie];
            //            phys_x[ie] += distx + raw/64f;
            //            phys_y[ie] += disty + rraw/64f;
            phys_x[ie] += distx + raw / 64f;
            phys_y[ie] += disty + rraw / 64f;

            loc_x[ie] += phys_x[ie] / 16f;
            loc_y[ie] += phys_y[ie] / 16f;
            LIGHT_X = loc_x[ie] * 2 + 1280 / 2;
            LIGHT_Y = loc_y[ie] * 2 + 720 / 2;

            GL11.glColorMask(true, true, true, true);
            GL20.glUniform2f(GL20.glGetUniformLocation(this.shaderProgram, (CharSequence) "location"), LIGHT_X,
                    720.0F - LIGHT_Y);
            GL20.glUniform3f(GL20.glGetUniformLocation(this.shaderProgram, (CharSequence) "colour"), R[ie] / 14,
                    G[ie] / 14, B[ie] / 14);
            GL11.glBlendFunc(1, 1);
            GL11.glVertex2f(0.0F, 0.0F);
            GL11.glVertex2f(0.0F, 720.0F);
            GL11.glVertex2f(1280.0F, 720.0F);
            GL11.glVertex2f(1280.0F, 0.0F);


        for (int ie = 0; ie < LIGHT_POINTS; ie++) {
            LIGHT_X = loc_x[ie] * 4 + 1280 / 2;
            LIGHT_Y = loc_y[ie] * 4 + 720 / 2;

            vdist = Math.abs(distx) + Math.abs(disty);
            vdist /= 4f;

            R[ie] /= 1.08;
            G[ie] /= 1.08;
            B[ie] /= 1.08;
            R[ie] += ((Math.abs(loc_y[ie] % 2f) + Math.abs(loc_x[ie] % 2f)) * vdist) / 512f;
            G[ie] += ((loc_x[ie] % 2f + Math.abs(loc_y[ie] % 2f)) * vdist) / 256f;
            B[ie] += ((Math.abs(loc_x[ie] % 2f) + loc_y[ie] % 2f) * vdist) / 256f;
            LIGHT_X = loc_x[ie] * 2 + 1280 / 2;
            LIGHT_Y = loc_y[ie] * 2 + 720 / 2;
            //            GL11.glColor3f(lR9[ie], lG9[ie], lB9[ie]);
            //            GL11.glVertex2f(lastx9[ie], lasty9[ie]);
            //            GL11.glColor3f(lR8[ie], lG8[ie], lB8[ie]);
            //            GL11.glVertex2f(lastx8[ie], lasty8[ie]);
            //            GL11.glColor3f(lR7[ie], lG7[ie], lB7[ie]);
            //            GL11.glVertex2f(lastx7[ie], lasty7[ie]);

            GL11.glColor3f(lR6[ie], lG6[ie], lB6[ie]);
            GL11.glVertex2f(lastx6[ie], lasty6[ie]);
            GL11.glColor3f(lR5[ie], lG5[ie], lB5[ie]);
            GL11.glVertex2f(lastx5[ie], lasty5[ie]);
            GL11.glColor3f(lR4[ie], lG4[ie], lB4[ie]);
            GL11.glVertex2f(lastx4[ie], lasty4[ie]);
            GL11.glColor3f(lR3[ie], lG3[ie], lB3[ie]);
            GL11.glVertex2f(lastx3[ie], lasty3[ie]);
            GL11.glColor3f(lR2[ie], lG2[ie], lB2[ie]);
            GL11.glVertex2f(lastx2[ie], lasty2[ie]);
            GL11.glColor3f(lR[ie], lG[ie], lB[ie]);
            GL11.glVertex2f(lastx[ie], lasty[ie]);
            GL11.glColor3f(R[ie] * 2, G[ie] * 2, B[ie] * 2);
            GL11.glVertex2f(LIGHT_X, LIGHT_Y);

            lastx9[ie] = lastx8[ie];
            lasty9[ie] = lasty8[ie];
            lastx8[ie] = lastx7[ie];
            lasty8[ie] = lasty7[ie];
            lastx7[ie] = lastx6[ie];
            lasty7[ie] = lasty6[ie];

            lastx6[ie] = lastx5[ie];
            lasty6[ie] = lasty5[ie];
            lastx5[ie] = lastx4[ie];
            lasty5[ie] = lasty4[ie];
            lastx4[ie] = lastx3[ie];
            lasty4[ie] = lasty3[ie];
            lastx3[ie] = lastx2[ie];
            lasty3[ie] = lasty2[ie];
            lastx2[ie] = lastx[ie];
            lasty2[ie] = lasty[ie];
            //            lastx[ie] = LIGHT_X;
            //            lasty[ie] = LIGHT_Y;
            lastx[ie] = LIGHT_X;
            lasty[ie] = LIGHT_Y;

            lR9[ie] = lR8[ie];
            lG9[ie] = lG8[ie];
            lB9[ie] = lB8[ie];
            lR8[ie] = lR7[ie];
            lG8[ie] = lG7[ie];
            lB8[ie] = lB7[ie];
            lR7[ie] = lR6[ie];
            lG7[ie] = lG6[ie];
            lB7[ie] = lB6[ie];

            lR6[ie] = lR5[ie] / 1.2f;
            lG6[ie] = lG5[ie] / 1.2f;
            lB6[ie] = lB5[ie] / 1.2f;
            lR5[ie] = lR4[ie] / 1.2f;
            lG5[ie] = lG4[ie] / 1.2f;
            lB5[ie] = lB4[ie] / 1.2f;
            lR4[ie] = lR3[ie] / 1.2f;
            lG4[ie] = lG3[ie] / 1.2f;
            lB4[ie] = lB3[ie] / 1.2f;
            lR3[ie] = lR2[ie] / 1.2f;
            lG3[ie] = lG2[ie] / 1.2f;
            lB3[ie] = lB2[ie] / 1.2f;
            lR2[ie] = lR[ie] / 1.2f;
            lG2[ie] = lG[ie] / 1.2f;
            lB2[ie] = lB[ie] / 1.2f;
            lR[ie] = R[ie] * 2;
            lG[ie] = G[ie] * 2;
            lB[ie] = B[ie] * 2;

