Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 , UT-Battelle, LLC * All rights reserved * * JavaParserOfAddresses, Version 1.0 * * * This program is freely distributed under UT-Batelle, LLC * open source license. Read the file LICENSE.txt for details. */ package GIST.IzbirkomExtractor; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.Normalizer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; /** * @author Alex Sorokine <> * */ public class TableExtractor { /** * Main logger */ private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("ALL"); private AddressParserManager apm; private AddressMatcher addressMatcher; private ResultSink resultSink; public TableExtractor(AddressMatcher addressMatcher, ResultSink resultSink) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { this.addressMatcher = addressMatcher; this.resultSink = resultSink; this.apm = new AddressParserManager(); apm.loadAllParsers(); } public void processHTMLfile(File input_html) throws IOException, TableExtractorException, CloneNotSupportedException, SQLException, ResultSinkException {"Start processing " + input_html); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(input_html, "UTF-8"); Elements tables = doc.getElementsByTag("table"); /* count of parseable tables found */ int tables_found = 0; /* determine raion name */ String raion_name = extractRaionFromFileName(input_html.getName()); //System.err.println(raion_name); // TODO: inflect raion name in case /* searches for a table that has " . -" in its very 1st cell */ for (Element table : tables) { Elements rows = table.getElementsByTag("tr"); boolean firstRow = true; row_loop: for (Element row : rows) { Elements cells = row.getElementsByTag("td"); if (firstRow) { //System.err.println(row.text()); if (isParsableTable(row)) { firstRow = false;"Processing table #" + ++tables_found + " in " + input_html); } else break row_loop; } if (StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(cleanupUNICODE(cells.first().text()), " . -") < 3) continue row_loop; /* skip the row if it looks like a table header */ /* skip rows with all cells empty */ boolean emptyRow = true; for (Element cell : cells) emptyRow = emptyRow && cleanupUNICODE(cell.text()).isEmpty(); if (emptyRow) continue; int i_cell = 0; Element station_id = null; Element address_field = null; Element org_address = null; /* address of the ??? */ Element station_address = null; for (Element cell : cells) { switch (i_cell) { case 0: station_id = cell; break; case 1: address_field = cell; break; case 2: org_address = cell; break; case 3: station_address = cell; default: break; } i_cell++; } if (station_id == null) throw new TableExtractorException("Polling station ID not found", row, input_html); if (address_field == null) throw new TableExtractorException("Address list not found", row, input_html); /* extract int from poll station id */ int psid; try { psid = Integer.valueOf(cleanupUNICODE(station_id.text()).trim().replaceAll("[^\\d]", "")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Exception te = new TableExtractorException("Failed to parse polling station ID >" + cleanupUNICODE(station_id.text()).trim() + "<: ", station_id, input_html); logger.severe(te.getMessage() + "; rest of " + input_html + " ignored."); return; } /* extraction from HTML completely finished, now we work only with the addresses in the text form */ extractAddressesFromText(raion_name.trim(), psid, cleanLeftoverHTML(address_field), cleanLeftoverHTML(org_address), cleanLeftoverHTML(station_address)); } } if (tables_found == 0) logger.severe("No parsable tables found in " + input_html); resultSink.commit();"" + tables_found + " table(s) processed in " + input_html); } /** * Cleaning up leftover of HTML code from the cell content. * * @param cell_content HTML code contains in the table cell * @return an array list containing each line of the cell_content withh all HTML markup removed */ private ArrayList<String> cleanLeftoverHTML(Element cell_content) { ArrayList<String> streets_and_numbers = new ArrayList<String>(); /* <div>s designate separate lines inside the table cell */ for (Element addr_line : cell_content.getElementsByTag("div")) { /* skip empty address lines */ String addr_line_text = cleanupUNICODE(addr_line.text()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(addr_line_text)) continue; /* <strong> is not particularly useful, but can designate placement of simple separators like space */ Elements streets = addr_line.getElementsByTag("strong"); if (!streets.isEmpty()) { addr_line_text = addr_line_text.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(streets.text()), " " + streets.text() + " "); } streets_and_numbers.add(addr_line_text); } return streets_and_numbers; } /** * Extracts raion name for 'like' query on name or okato columns in the database. * @param fileName file name in the form "? ? ?? .html" * @return */ private static String extractRaionFromFileName(String fileName) { /** * You probably wondering what NFC is and what the next line is doing. * It is only relevant to OSX file names. For details see * */ String fileNameNFC = Normalizer.isNormalized(fileName, Normalizer.Form.NFC) ? fileName : Normalizer.normalize(fileName, Normalizer.Form.NFC); return fileNameNFC.replaceFirst("\\.html?$", ""). /* remove parts of the file name */ replaceFirst("^? .* ?\\S+\\s+", ""). // replaceAll("\\s*\\b\\b\\s*", ""). /* THIS IS NFD FROM remove word "" and spaces*/ replaceAll("\\s*\\b\\b\\s*", ""). /* THIS IS NFC FORM remove word "" and spaces*/ replace('', '').replace('?', ''). /* replace ? */ replaceAll("(||||)$", ""); /* remove ? , , , */ } /** * For tests, ignore. * @param argv */ public static void main(String[] argv) { System.out.println(extractRaionFromFileName( "? ? .html")); } /** * Address tokenizer * @param psid polling station ID * @param raion_name * * @param streets_and_numbers * @param station_address * @param org_address * @throws CloneNotSupportedException * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException * @throws ResultSinkException */ private void extractAddressesFromText( String raion_name, int psid, ArrayList<String> streets_and_numbers, ArrayList<String> org_address, ArrayList<String> station_address ) throws CloneNotSupportedException, IOException, ResultSinkException, SQLException { /* split the address line on ; in case there is a street name somewhere in the middle; works for most cases */ ArrayList<String> streets_and_numbers_split = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String addr_line_text_raw : streets_and_numbers) { // FIXME: move cleanup to later parsing stages String addr_line_text = cleanupUNICODE(addr_line_text_raw). replace('.', ' '). // get rid of all periods replaceAll("[:;]\\s*$", ""). // remove spaces and semicolons at the end of the string, colon is a typo fix replaceAll("\\s* ?\\s*", " "). replaceAll("\\s*\\s ", " "). replaceAll("\\s*\\s*", " "). replaceAll("\\s*? ?\\s*", " "). replace('', '').replace('?', ''). // an ugly way to handle replaceAll("??", "??"). replaceAll("\\s*(?|)\\s", "; $1 "). // fixes some missed spaces replace("?", "?"). replace("()", ""). replaceAll("??", "??"). replaceAll("\\b?\\b", "??"). replaceAll("???", "???"). replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim(); // remove spurious spaces (has to be the last action) logger.fine("Levenshtein=" + StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(addr_line_text, addr_line_text_raw) + ": " + addr_line_text_raw + "' => '" + addr_line_text + "'"); String addr_parts[] = addr_line_text.split("\\s*;\\s*"); if (addr_parts.length > 0) { for (String s : addr_parts) { if (s.isEmpty()) continue; streets_and_numbers_split.add(s); } } else streets_and_numbers_split.add(addr_line_text); } /* fixes for incorrectly split lines */ ArrayList<String> streets_and_numbers_fixed = new ArrayList<String>(); streets_and_numbers_fixed.add(streets_and_numbers_split.get(0)); /* these are the characters that can only be found in house number part */ Pattern house_number_chars_pattern = Pattern.compile("[^0-9(),\\s/;??-\\-]"); for (int i = 1; i < streets_and_numbers_split.size(); i++) { String cur_line = streets_and_numbers_split.get(i); /* last element number of the array of fixed addresses */ int last_el = streets_and_numbers_fixed.size() - 1; String prev_line = streets_and_numbers_fixed.get(last_el); /* ? ? and addresses in ? can be broken across lines */ if (prev_line.endsWith("?") && cur_line.startsWith("?") || prev_line.endsWith("") && cur_line.matches("^\\d-??\\s*?.+$")) { streets_and_numbers_fixed.set(last_el, prev_line + " " + cur_line); continue; } /* if a line looks like house numbers only, append it to the previous string */ Matcher not_only_house_numbers = house_number_chars_pattern.matcher(cur_line); if (!not_only_house_numbers.find()) { // double negation String infix = prev_line.matches(",\\s*$") || cur_line.matches("^\\s*,") ? "" : ", "; streets_and_numbers_fixed.set(last_el, prev_line + infix + cur_line); continue; } streets_and_numbers_fixed.add(cur_line); } for (String street_name_and_numbers : streets_and_numbers_fixed) { ArrayList<ParsedAddress> pas = apm.parseThroughAllParsers( street_name_and_numbers, StringUtils.join(org_address.toArray(), " "), StringUtils.join(station_address.toArray(), " ")); if (pas.size() == 0) { logger.severe("Complete parse failure: '" + street_name_and_numbers + "' src='" + StringUtils.join(streets_and_numbers, '|') + "' from " + raion_name); continue; } //System.out.println(pa); /* matched individual addresses */ ArrayList<Iterable<IndividualAddress>> matched_ias = new ArrayList<>(pas.size()); int[] matches = new int[pas.size()]; // count of successful matches per ParsedAddress int matched_parsers = 0; // number of parsers that had successful matches for (ParsedAddress pa : pas) { Iterable<IndividualAddress> ias = pa.enumerateIndividualAddresses(); matched_ias.add(ias); if (ias != null) for (IndividualAddress individualAddress : ias) { if (individualAddress == null) continue; individualAddress.setRaion(raion_name); individualAddress.setPsid(psid); individualAddress.setOtherParses(pas); /* address matcher updates individual address */ addressMatcher.matchAddress(individualAddress);"" + individualAddress); if (individualAddress.getOsmid().size() > 0) matches[matched_ias.size()-1]++; } else { logger.severe("NULL IndividualAddress list in " + pa); return; } // increase count of parsers with successful matches if (matches[matched_ias.size()-1] > 0) matched_parsers++; } // set secondary match counts for (ParsedAddress pa : pas) pa.setParserMatchCount(matched_parsers); /* save result from the highest-priority parser */ boolean resultPosted = false; for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { if (matches[i] > 0) if (resultPosted) for (IndividualAddress ia : matched_ias.get(i))"Matches in multiple parses in " + ia); else { for (IndividualAddress ia : matched_ias.get(i)) resultSink.postResult(ia); resultPosted = true; } } /* if no addresses were matched post results from the highest priority parser */ if (!resultPosted) for (IndividualAddress ia : matched_ias.get(0)) resultSink.postResult(ia); } } /** * Tests the row if it looks like the 1st row of a parsable table * @param row * @return */ private boolean isParsableTable(Element row) { Elements cells = row.getElementsByTag("td"); /* number of columns should be 4 */ if (cells.size() != 4) return false; /* look for number signs in 1st cell*/ if (StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(cleanupUNICODE(cells.first().text()), " . -") < 3) return true; /* discard the table if any of the cells is empty */ for (Element cell : cells) { if (cleanupUNICODE(cell.text()).isEmpty()) return false; } /* 1st column should be a number */ try { Integer.parseInt(cleanupUNICODE(cells.first().text()).trim()); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } } /** * Replaces strange UNICODE symbols with ASCII codes, trims leading and trailing spaces. The symbols are: * spaces * dash * @param text * @return */ private static String cleanupUNICODE(String text) { return text.replaceAll("[\\s\\xA0]+", " ").replaceAll("\\s*[\\-]\\s*", "-").trim(); } }