Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2009 Francois Duchemin * * This file is part of GrisbiGraphs. * * GrisbiGraphs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GrisbiGraphs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GrisbiGraphs; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package gg.imports; import gg.db.datamodel.DateFormatException; import gg.db.entities.GrisbiCategory; import gg.db.datamodel.Datamodel; import gg.db.entities.Account; import gg.db.entities.Category; import gg.db.entities.Currency; import gg.db.entities.Payee; import gg.db.entities.Transaction; import gg.db.datamodel.Period; import gg.utilities.Utilities; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandle; import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandleFactory; import org.openide.util.Cancellable; import org.openide.util.NbBundle; /** * <B>GrisbiFile050</B> * <UL> * <LI>Permits to import Grisbi 0.5.x files</LI> * <LI>The public method <CODE>importFile()</CODE> imports the XML document into the embedded database</LI> * </UL> * @author Francois Duchemin */ public class GrisbiFile050 implements Importer { /** Document (supports XPath), which contains the XML Grisbi document to import */ private Document grisbiFileDocument; /** Path to the Grisbi file to import*/ private String pathToGrisbiFile; /** Is the import task cancelled? */ private boolean importCancelled; /** Current work unit (for the progress bar) */ private int workUnit; /** Logger */ private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GrisbiFile050.class.getName()); /** * Creates a new instance of GrisbiFile050 * @param grisbiFileDocument Document which contains the Grisbi file to import into the embedded database * @param pathToGrisbiFile Path to the Grisbi file to import */ public GrisbiFile050(Document grisbiFileDocument, String pathToGrisbiFile) { if (grisbiFileDocument == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter 'grisbiFileDocument' is null"); } if (pathToGrisbiFile == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter 'pathToGrisbiFile' is null"); } this.grisbiFileDocument = grisbiFileDocument; this.pathToGrisbiFile = pathToGrisbiFile; this.importCancelled = false; } /** * Gets expected number of payees * @return Expected number of payees * @throws ParsingException Expected number of payees not found * @throws NumberFormatException The expected number of payees is not numeric */ private int getExpectedNumberOfPayees() throws ParsingException, NumberFormatException { log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "getExpectedNumberOfPayees"); Node expectedNumberOfPayeesNode = grisbiFileDocument.selectSingleNode("/Grisbi/Tiers/Generalites/Nb_tiers"); if (expectedNumberOfPayeesNode == null) { throw new ParsingException("The expected number of payees has not been found in the Grisbi file '" + pathToGrisbiFile + "'"); } String expectedNumberOfPayeesValue = expectedNumberOfPayeesNode.getStringValue(); assert (expectedNumberOfPayeesValue != null); int expectedNumberOfPayees = Integer.parseInt(expectedNumberOfPayeesValue); log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "getExpectedNumberOfPayees", expectedNumberOfPayees); return expectedNumberOfPayees; } /** * Gets expected number of categories * @return Expected number of categories * @throws ParsingException Expected number of categories not found * @throws NumberFormatException The expected number of categories is not numeric */ private int getExpectedNumberOfCategories() throws ParsingException, NumberFormatException { log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "getExpectedNumberOfCategories"); Node expectedNumberOfCategoriesNode = grisbiFileDocument .selectSingleNode("/Grisbi/Categories/Generalites/Nb_categories"); if (expectedNumberOfCategoriesNode == null) { throw new ParsingException("The expected number of categories has not been found in the Grisbi file '" + pathToGrisbiFile + "'"); } String expectedNumberOfCategoriesValue = expectedNumberOfCategoriesNode.getStringValue(); assert (expectedNumberOfCategoriesValue != null); int expectedNumberOfCategories = Integer.parseInt(expectedNumberOfCategoriesValue); log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "getExpectedNumberOfCategories", expectedNumberOfCategories); return expectedNumberOfCategories; } /** * Gets expected number of currencies * @return Expected number of currencies * @throws ParsingException Expected number of currencies not found * @throws NumberFormatException The expected number of currencies is not numeric */ private int getExpectedNumberOfCurrencies() throws ParsingException, NumberFormatException { log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "getExpectedNumberOfCurrencies"); Node expectedNumberOfCurrenciesNode = grisbiFileDocument .selectSingleNode("/Grisbi/Devises/Generalites/Nb_devises"); if (expectedNumberOfCurrenciesNode == null) { throw new ParsingException("The expected number of currencies has not been found in the Grisbi file '" + pathToGrisbiFile + "'"); } String expectedNumberOfCurrenciesValue = expectedNumberOfCurrenciesNode.getStringValue(); assert (expectedNumberOfCurrenciesValue != null); int expectedNumberOfCurrencies = Integer.parseInt(expectedNumberOfCurrenciesValue); log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "getExpectedNumberOfCurrencies", expectedNumberOfCurrencies); return expectedNumberOfCurrencies; } /** * Gets expected number of transactions (for all accounts) * @return Expected number of transactions * @throws ParsingException Expected number of transactions not found * @throws NumberFormatException The expected number of transactions is not numeric */ private int getExpectedNumberOfTransactions() throws ParsingException, NumberFormatException { log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "getExpectedNumberOfTransactions"); int expectedNumberOfTransactions = 0; List listOfAccounts = grisbiFileDocument.selectNodes("/Grisbi/Comptes/Compte"); for (Object accountObject : listOfAccounts) { Node accountNode = (Node) accountObject; assert (accountNode != null); // Get the name of the current account Node accountNameNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/Nom"); assert (accountNameNode != null); String accountName = accountNameNode.getStringValue(); assert (accountName != null); // Get the expected number of transactions of the account Node expectedNumberOfTransactionsNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/Nb_operations"); if (expectedNumberOfTransactionsNode == null) { throw new ParsingException( "The expected number of transactions has not been found for the account '" + accountName + "' in the Grisbi file '" + pathToGrisbiFile + "'"); } String expectedNumberOfTransactionsValue = expectedNumberOfTransactionsNode.getStringValue(); assert (expectedNumberOfTransactionsValue != null); int expectedNumberOfTransactionsForCurrentAccount = Integer.parseInt(expectedNumberOfTransactionsValue); expectedNumberOfTransactions += expectedNumberOfTransactionsForCurrentAccount; } log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "getExpectedNumberOfTransactions", expectedNumberOfTransactions); return expectedNumberOfTransactions; } /** * Imports the payees into the embedded database * @param p Progress handle for the progress bar * @param expectedNumberOfPayees Expected number of payees: the number of imported payees should be equal to this number * @throws ParsingException * <UL> * <LI>If there is a problem finding the needed nodes</LI> * <LI>If the number of imported payees is not equal to the number of payees defined in the Grisbi file</LI> * </UL> * @throws NumberFormatException If a string is read when a number is expected */ private void importPayees(ProgressHandle p, int expectedNumberOfPayees) throws ParsingException, NumberFormatException { log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "importPayees"); long startImportingPayeesTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Save default payee in the database Datamodel.savePayee(Payee.NO_PAYEE); // This constant is used to search the transactions for which no payee is defined // Import the payees from the Grisbi file into the embedded database int numberOfImportedPayees = 0; List listOfPayees = grisbiFileDocument.selectNodes("/Grisbi/Tiers/Detail_des_tiers/Tiers"); Iterator payeesIterator = listOfPayees.iterator(); while (payeesIterator.hasNext() && !isImportCancelled()) { // Go through the list of payees found in the Grisbi XML file // Get the current payee node Node payeeNode = (Node); // Get the ID and the name of the current payee String payeeIdValue = payeeNode.valueOf("@No"); assert (payeeIdValue != null); long payeeId = Long.parseLong(payeeIdValue); assert (payeeId > 0); String payeeName = payeeNode.valueOf("@Nom"); assert (payeeName != null); // Create a new payee and save it in the embedded database Payee payee = new Payee(payeeId, payeeName, false); Datamodel.savePayee(payee); numberOfImportedPayees++; p.progress(workUnit++); } // Make sure that all payees have been imported if (!isImportCancelled() && numberOfImportedPayees != expectedNumberOfPayees) { throw new ParsingException("The number of imported payees (" + numberOfImportedPayees + ") is not equal to the expected number of payees (" + expectedNumberOfPayees + ") written in the Grisbi file '" + pathToGrisbiFile + "'"); } long endImportingPayeesTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); + " payees have been successfully imported in " + (endImportingPayeesTime - startImportingPayeesTime) + " ms"); log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "importPayees"); } /** * Imports the categories into the embedded database * @param p Progress handle for the progress bar * @param expectedNumberOfCategories Expected number of categories: the number of imported categories should be equal to this number * @throws ParsingException * <UL> * <LI>If there is a problem finding the needed nodes</LI> * <LI>If the number of imported categories is not equal to the number of categories defined in the Grisbi file</LI> * </UL> * @throws NumberFormatException If a string is read when a number is expected */ private void importCategories(ProgressHandle p, int expectedNumberOfCategories) throws ParsingException, NumberFormatException { log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "importCategories"); long startImportingCategoriesTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Save system categories in the embedded database Datamodel.saveCategory(Category.TRANSFER); Datamodel.saveCategory(Category.BREAKDOWN_OF_TRANSACTIONS); Datamodel.saveCategory(Category.NO_CATEGORY); // Import the categories from the Grisbi file into the embedded database int numberOfImportedCategories = 0; List listOfCategories = grisbiFileDocument .selectNodes("/Grisbi/Categories/Detail_des_categories/Categorie"); Iterator categoriesIterator = listOfCategories.iterator(); while (categoriesIterator.hasNext() && !isImportCancelled()) { // Go through the list of categories written in the Grisbi file // Get the current category node Node categoryNode = (Node); // Get the ID and the name of the current category String categoryIdValue = categoryNode.valueOf("@No"); assert (categoryIdValue != null); long categoryId = Long.parseLong(categoryIdValue); // Get the ID of the category assert (categoryId > 0); String categoryName = categoryNode.valueOf("@Nom"); // Get the name of the category assert (categoryName != null); // Create a new category and save it in the embedded database Category category = new Category(categoryId, 0L, categoryName, null, false); // There is no sub-category - the field "grisbi_sub_category_id" is set to 0 Datamodel.saveCategory(category); // Import the sub-categories into the database List listOfSubCategories = categoryNode.selectNodes("Sous-categorie"); Iterator subCategoriesIterator = listOfSubCategories.iterator(); while (subCategoriesIterator.hasNext() && !isImportCancelled()) { // Go through the list of sub-categories of the current category // Get the current sub-category node Node subCategoryNode = (Node); // Get the ID and the name of the current sub-category String subCategoryIdValue = subCategoryNode.valueOf("@No"); assert (subCategoryIdValue != null); long subCategoryId = Long.parseLong(subCategoryIdValue); // Get the ID of the sub-category assert (subCategoryId > 0); String subCategoryName = subCategoryNode.valueOf("@Nom"); // Get the name of the sub-category assert (subCategoryName != null); // Create a new sub-category and save it in the embedded database Category subCategory = new Category(categoryId, subCategoryId, subCategoryName, category, false); Datamodel.saveCategory(subCategory); } // For each category, save an empty sub-category Category noSubCategory = new Category(categoryId, Category.NO_SUB_CATEGORY_ID, "No sub-category", category, false); Datamodel.saveCategory(noSubCategory); numberOfImportedCategories++; p.progress(workUnit++); } // Make sure that all categories have been imported if (!isImportCancelled() && numberOfImportedCategories != expectedNumberOfCategories) { throw new ParsingException("The number of imported categories (" + numberOfImportedCategories + ") is not equal to the expected number of categories (" + expectedNumberOfCategories + ") written in the Grisbi file '" + pathToGrisbiFile + "'"); } long endImportingCategoriesTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); + " categories have been successfully imported in " + (endImportingCategoriesTime - startImportingCategoriesTime) + " ms"); log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "importCategories"); } /** * Imports the currencies into the database * @param p Progress handle for the progress bar * @param expectedNumberOfCurrencies Expected number of currencies: the number of imported currencies should be equal to this number * @throws ParsingException * <UL> * <LI>If there is a problem finding the needed nodes</LI> * <LI>If the number of imported currencies is not equal to the number of currencies defined in the Grisbi file</LI> * </UL> * @throws NumberFormatException If a string is read when a number is expected */ private void importCurrencies(ProgressHandle p, int expectedNumberOfCurrencies) throws ParsingException, NumberFormatException { log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "importCurrencies"); long startImportingCurrenciesTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Import the currencies into the embedded database int numberOfImportedCurrencies = 0; List listOfCurrencies = grisbiFileDocument.selectNodes("/Grisbi/Devises/Detail_des_devises/Devise"); Iterator currenciesIterator = listOfCurrencies.iterator(); while (currenciesIterator.hasNext() && !isImportCancelled()) { // Go through the list of currencies // Get the current currency node Node currencyNode = (Node); // Get the ID, the name and the ISO code of the current currency String currencyIdValue = currencyNode.valueOf("@No"); assert (currencyIdValue != null); long currencyId = Long.parseLong(currencyIdValue); // Get the ID of the currency assert (currencyId > 0); String currencyName = currencyNode.valueOf("@Nom"); // Get the name of the currency assert (currencyName != null); String currencyCode = currencyNode.valueOf("@Code"); // Get the code of the currency assert (currencyCode != null); String currencyIsoCode = currencyNode.valueOf("@IsoCode"); // Get the code ISO of the currency assert (currencyIsoCode != null); String currencyExchangeRateValue = currencyNode.valueOf("@Change"); // Get the exchange rate of the currency assert (currencyExchangeRateValue != null); BigDecimal currencyExchangeRate = new BigDecimal(currencyExchangeRateValue.replace(',', '.')); String currencyRelation = currencyNode.valueOf("@Rapport_entre_devises"); assert (currencyRelation != null); boolean currencyMultiply = (currencyRelation.compareTo("1") == 0); String euroConversionValue = currencyNode.valueOf("@Passage_euro"); assert (euroConversionValue != null); boolean currencyEuroConversion = (euroConversionValue.compareTo("1") == 0); // Create a new currency and save the currency in the database // By default the currencies are not active // When the accounts are imported, the currencies are activated Currency currency = new Currency(currencyId, currencyName, currencyCode, currencyIsoCode, new BigDecimal(0), new BigDecimal(0), currencyExchangeRate, currencyMultiply, currencyEuroConversion, false); Datamodel.saveCurrency(currency); numberOfImportedCurrencies++; p.progress(workUnit++); } // Make sure that all currencies have been imported if (!isImportCancelled() && numberOfImportedCurrencies != expectedNumberOfCurrencies) { throw new ParsingException("The number of imported currencies (" + numberOfImportedCurrencies + ") is not equal to the expected number of currencies (" + expectedNumberOfCurrencies + ") in the Grisbi file '" + pathToGrisbiFile + "'"); } long endImportingCurrenciesTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); + " currencies have been successfully imported in " + (endImportingCurrenciesTime - startImportingCurrenciesTime) + " ms"); log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "importCurrencies"); } /** * Imports the accounts into the database<BR/> * The method <CODE>importCurrencies()</CODE> has to be called before * @throws ParsingException If there is a problem finding the needed nodes * @throws NumberFormatException If a string is read when a number is expected * @throws DateFormatException If the format of the date of the first transaction is invalid */ private void importAccounts() throws ParsingException, NumberFormatException, DateFormatException { log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "importAccounts"); long startImportingAccountsTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Get all the currencies already saved in the database (the method importCurrencies() has to be called before) Map<Long, Currency> currencies = Datamodel.getCurrenciesWithId(); // Import the accounts in the embedded database long numberOfImportedAccounts = 0; List listOfAccounts = grisbiFileDocument.selectNodes("/Grisbi/Comptes/Compte"); Iterator accountsIterator = listOfAccounts.iterator(); while (accountsIterator.hasNext() && !isImportCancelled()) { // Get the account node Node accountNode = (Node); // Get the "Active" property of the account: is the account closed? Node accountActiveNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/Compte_cloture"); assert (accountActiveNode != null); String accountActiveValue = accountActiveNode.getStringValue(); assert (accountActiveValue != null); boolean accountActive = (accountActiveValue.compareTo("1") != 0); // Get the ID of the account Node accountIdNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/No_de_compte"); assert (accountIdNode != null); String accountIdValue = accountIdNode.getStringValue(); assert (accountIdValue != null); long accountId = Long.parseLong(accountIdValue); assert (accountId >= 0); // Get the name of the account Node accountNameNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/Nom"); assert (accountNameNode != null); String accountName = accountNameNode.getStringValue(); assert (accountName != null); // Get the currency of the account Node currencyIdNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/Devise"); assert (currencyIdNode != null); String currencyIdValue = currencyIdNode.getStringValue(); assert (currencyIdValue != null); long currencyId = Long.parseLong(currencyIdValue); assert (currencyId > 0); // Get the corresponding Currency object Currency accountCurrency = currencies.get(currencyId); // An account has always a currency in Grisbi assert (accountCurrency != null); // Activate the currency if needed if (accountActive && !accountCurrency.getActive()) { accountCurrency.setActive(true); } // Get the initial amount of the account Node accountInitialAmountNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/Solde_initial"); assert (accountInitialAmountNode != null); String accountInitialAmountValue = accountInitialAmountNode.getStringValue(); assert (accountInitialAmountValue != null); BigDecimal accountInitialAmount = new BigDecimal(accountInitialAmountValue.replace(',', '.')); accountInitialAmount = accountInitialAmount.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN); // Get the current balance of the account Node accountBalanceNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/Solde_courant"); assert (accountBalanceNode != null); String accountBalanceValue = accountBalanceNode.getStringValue(); assert (accountBalanceValue != null); BigDecimal accountBalance = new BigDecimal(accountBalanceValue.replace(',', '.')); accountBalance = accountBalance.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN); // Create a new account and save the account in the embedded database Account account = new Account(accountId, accountName, accountCurrency, accountInitialAmount, accountBalance, accountActive); Datamodel.saveAccount(account); // Update the currency's balance and the currency's initial amount if (accountActive) { accountCurrency.setBalance(accountCurrency.getBalance().add(accountBalance)); accountCurrency.setInitialAmount(accountCurrency.getInitialAmount().add(accountInitialAmount)); } numberOfImportedAccounts++; } // Update the currencies (active flag, balance, initial amount) for (Currency currency : currencies.values()) { Datamodel.saveCurrency(currency); } long endImportingAccountsTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); + " accounts have been successfully imported in " + (endImportingAccountsTime - startImportingAccountsTime) + " ms"); log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "importAccounts"); } /** * Imports the transactions into the embedded database<BR/> * The methods <CODE>importCurrencies()</CODE>, <CODE>importPayees()</CODE>, * <CODE>importAccounts()</CODE>, and <CODE>importCategories()</CODE> have to be called before * @param p Progress handle for the progress bar * @throws ParsingException If there is a problem finding the needed nodes * @throws NumberFormatException If a string is read when a number is expected * @throws DateFormatException If the date format of a transaction is invalid */ private void importTransactions(ProgressHandle p) throws ParsingException, NumberFormatException, DateFormatException { log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "importTransactions"); long startImportingTotalTransactionsTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<Long, Account> accounts = Datamodel.getAccountsWithId(); Map<Long, Payee> payees = Datamodel.getPayeesWithId(); Map<GrisbiCategory, Category> categories = Datamodel.getCategoriesWithGrisbiCategory(); Map<Long, Currency> currencies = Datamodel.getCurrenciesWithId(); // Import the transactions from each account into the embedded database long totalNumberOfImportedTransactions = 0; List listOfAccounts = grisbiFileDocument.selectNodes("/Grisbi/Comptes/Compte"); Iterator accountsIterator = listOfAccounts.iterator(); while (accountsIterator.hasNext() && !isImportCancelled()) { // Go through the accounts long startImportingTransactionsTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Get the account's node Node accountNode = (Node); assert (accountNode != null); // Get the ID of the account Node accountIdNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/No_de_compte"); assert (accountIdNode != null); String accountIdValue = accountIdNode.getStringValue(); assert (accountIdValue != null); long accountId = Long.parseLong(accountIdValue); assert (accountId >= 0); // Get the name of the current account Node accountNameNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/Nom"); assert (accountNameNode != null); String accountName = accountNameNode.getStringValue(); assert (accountName != null); // Display on the progress bar the account from which transactions are imported p.progress("Importing transactions from " + accountName); // Get the corresponding Account object Account account = accounts.get(accountId); assert (account != null); // Get the expected number of transactions of the account Node expectedNumberOfTransactionsNode = accountNode.selectSingleNode("Details/Nb_operations"); if (expectedNumberOfTransactionsNode == null) { throw new ParsingException( "The expected number of transactions has not been found for the account '" + accountName + "' in the Grisbi file '" + pathToGrisbiFile + "'"); } String expectedNumberOfTransactionsValue = expectedNumberOfTransactionsNode.getStringValue(); assert (expectedNumberOfTransactionsValue != null); int expectedNumberOfTransactions = Integer.parseInt(expectedNumberOfTransactionsValue); // Import the transactions of the account into the embedded database int numberOfImportedTransactions = 0; Map<Long, Transaction> transactions = new HashMap<Long, Transaction>(); // Map containing all the saved transactions - the key of the map is the transaction's ID List listOfTransactions = accountNode.selectNodes("Detail_des_operations/Operation"); Iterator transactionsIterator = listOfTransactions.iterator(); while (transactionsIterator.hasNext() && !isImportCancelled()) { // Go through the list of transactions of the account // Get the transaction node Node transactionNode = (Node); // Get the ID of the transaction assert (transactionNode != null); String transactionIdValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@No"); assert (transactionIdValue != null); long transactionId = Long.parseLong(transactionIdValue); assert (transactionId > 0); // Get the date of the transaction String transactionDateValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@D"); assert (transactionDateValue != null && transactionDateValue.compareTo("") != 0); // Get the date from the string LocalDate transactionDate = Period.getDate(transactionDateValue); // Throws a DateFormatException if the format of 'transactionDateValue' is not valid assert (transactionDate != null); // Get the exchange rate String exchangeRateValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@Tc"); assert (exchangeRateValue != null); BigDecimal exchangeRate = new BigDecimal(exchangeRateValue.replace(',', '.')); // exchangeRate = 0 if there is no echange rate // Get the fees String feesValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@Fc"); assert (feesValue != null); BigDecimal fees = new BigDecimal(feesValue.replace(',', '.')); // Get the amount of the transaction String transactionAmountValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@M"); assert (transactionAmountValue != null); BigDecimal transactionAmount = new BigDecimal(transactionAmountValue.replace(',', '.')); // Get the currency of the transaction String transactionCurrencyIdValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@De"); assert (transactionCurrencyIdValue != null); long transactionCurrencyId = Long.parseLong(transactionCurrencyIdValue); // Get the ID of the currency Currency transactionCurrency = currencies.get(transactionCurrencyId); assert (transactionCurrency != null); Currency accountCurrency = currencies.get(account.getCurrency().getId()); assert (accountCurrency != null); // Update the amount of the transaction if the currency of the transaction is different from the currency of the account // (Method found in the Grisbi source file: devises.c/calcule_montant_devise_renvoi) if (transactionCurrency.getId().compareTo(accountCurrency.getId()) != 0) { if (accountCurrency.getEuroConversion()) { if (transactionCurrency.getName().compareToIgnoreCase("euro") == 0) { transactionAmount = transactionAmount.multiply(accountCurrency.getExchangeRate()); } } else if (accountCurrency.getEuroConversion() && transactionCurrency.getName().compareToIgnoreCase("euro") != 0) { transactionAmount = transactionAmount.divide(transactionCurrency.getExchangeRate(), RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN); } else { if (exchangeRate.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) { String transactionRdcValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@Rdc"); assert (transactionRdcValue != null); long transactionRdc = Long.parseLong(transactionRdcValue); if (transactionRdc == 1) { transactionAmount = (transactionAmount.divide(exchangeRate, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)) .subtract(fees); } else { transactionAmount = (transactionAmount.multiply(exchangeRate)).subtract(fees); } } else if (transactionCurrency.getExchangeRate().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) { if (transactionCurrency.getMultiply()) { transactionAmount = (transactionAmount .multiply(transactionCurrency.getExchangeRate())).subtract(fees); } else { transactionAmount = (transactionAmount.divide(transactionCurrency.getExchangeRate(), RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)).subtract(fees); } } else { transactionAmount = new BigDecimal(0); } } } transactionAmount = transactionAmount.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN); // If the current transaction is a transfer: String twinTransaction = transactionNode.valueOf("@Ro"); // Twin transaction assert (twinTransaction != null); String accountOfTransfer = transactionNode.valueOf("@Rc"); // Account where the amount has been transfered (account of the twin transaction) assert (accountOfTransfer != null); // Is the current transaction a breakdown of transactions? String breakdownOfTransaction = transactionNode.valueOf("@Ov"); // breakdownOfTransaction = 1 if the current trasnsaction is a breakdown of transactions assert (breakdownOfTransaction != null); // Get the category and the sub-category of the transaction String transactionGrisbiCategoryIdValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@C"); // Get the category ID ('0' means that the category is not defined) assert (transactionGrisbiCategoryIdValue != null); long transactionGrisbiCategoryId = Long.parseLong(transactionGrisbiCategoryIdValue); assert (transactionGrisbiCategoryId >= 0); String transactionGrisbiSubCategoryIdValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@Sc"); // Get the sub-category ID ('0' means that the sub-category is not defined) assert (transactionGrisbiSubCategoryIdValue != null); long transactionGrisbiSubCategoryId = Long.parseLong(transactionGrisbiSubCategoryIdValue); assert (transactionGrisbiSubCategoryId >= 0); // Check if the category is "Transfer" or "Breakdown of transactions" Category transactionCategory = null; GrisbiCategory transactionGrisbiCategory = new GrisbiCategory(0, 0); if (transactionGrisbiCategoryId == 0 && (twinTransaction.compareTo("0") != 0 || accountOfTransfer.compareTo("0") != 0)) { // The current transaction is a transfer transactionCategory = Category.TRANSFER; } else if (transactionGrisbiCategoryId == 0 && breakdownOfTransaction.compareTo("1") == 0) { // The current transaction is a breakdown of transactions transactionCategory = Category.BREAKDOWN_OF_TRANSACTIONS; } else if (transactionGrisbiSubCategoryId != 0) { transactionGrisbiCategory.setCategoryId(transactionGrisbiCategoryId); transactionGrisbiCategory.setSubCategoryId(transactionGrisbiSubCategoryId); transactionCategory = categories.get(transactionGrisbiCategory); assert (transactionCategory != null); } else if (transactionGrisbiCategoryId != 0) { // Else, if a category is defined, get the category transactionGrisbiCategory.setCategoryId(transactionGrisbiCategoryId); transactionGrisbiCategory.setSubCategoryId(Category.NO_SUB_CATEGORY_ID); transactionCategory = categories.get(transactionGrisbiCategory); assert (transactionCategory != null); } else { // Else, no category is defined transactionCategory = Category.NO_CATEGORY; } assert (transactionCategory != null); // Get the comment of the transaction String transactionComment = transactionNode.valueOf("@N"); assert (transactionComment != null); // Get the payee of the transaction String transactionPayeeIdValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@T"); // 'transactionPayeeIdValue' contains '0' if no payee is defined assert (transactionPayeeIdValue != null); long transactionPayeeId = Long.parseLong(transactionPayeeIdValue); assert (transactionPayeeId >= 0); Payee transactionPayee = null; if (transactionPayeeId != 0) { // Get the payee if it has been defined transactionPayee = payees.get(transactionPayeeId); assert (transactionPayee != null); } else { // No payee has been defined transactionPayee = Payee.NO_PAYEE; } // Get the parent transaction String transactionParentIdValue = transactionNode.valueOf("@Va"); // '0' means that the transaction is a top-transaction ; not '0' means that the transaction is a sub-transaction assert (transactionParentIdValue != null); long transactionParentId = Long.parseLong(transactionParentIdValue); assert (transactionParentId >= 0); Transaction transactionParent = null; if (transactionParentId != 0) { // Get the parent transaction transactionParent = transactions.get(transactionParentId); // 'transactionParentId' is the ID of the parent transaction (in Grisbi files, parent transactions are always BEFORE sub-transactions) assert (transactionParent != null); } else { // The current transaction has no parent transaction // The current transaction is a top transaction transactionParent = null; } // Create a new transaction and save the transaction in the embedded database Transaction transaction = new Transaction(transactionDate, account, transactionAmount, transactionCategory, transactionComment, transactionPayee, transactionParent); Datamodel.saveTransaction(transaction); transactions.put(transactionId, transaction); // Save the transaction in the map, so that parent transactions can be found numberOfImportedTransactions++; p.progress(workUnit++); } // Make sure that the number of imported transactions and sub-transactions is the expected number if (!isImportCancelled() && numberOfImportedTransactions != expectedNumberOfTransactions) { throw new ParsingException("For the account '" + accountName + "', the number of imported transactions (" + numberOfImportedTransactions + ") is not equal to the expected number of transactions (" + expectedNumberOfTransactions + ") in the Grisbi file '" + pathToGrisbiFile + "'"); } long endImportingTransactionsTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); + " transactions have been successfully imported in the account '" + accountName + "' in " + (endImportingTransactionsTime - startImportingTransactionsTime) + " ms"); totalNumberOfImportedTransactions += numberOfImportedTransactions; } long endImportingTotalTransactionsTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); + " transactions have been successfully imported in " + (endImportingTotalTransactionsTime - startImportingTotalTransactionsTime) + " ms"); log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "importTransactions"); } /** * Imports the Grisbi file into the database<BR/> * <UL> * <LI>Import the payees</LI> * <LI>Import the categories</LI> * <LI>Import the currencies</LI> * <LI>Import the accounts</LI> * <LI>Import the transactions and the sub-transactions</LI> * </UL> * @return Number of miliseconds needed to import the Grisbi file into the database * @throws ParsingException If there is a problem finding the needed nodes * @throws NumberFormatException If a string is read when a number is expected * @throws DateFormatException If a the format of a date is invalid */ @Override public long importFile() throws ParsingException, NumberFormatException, DateFormatException { log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "importFile"); importCancelled = false; workUnit = 0; ProgressHandle p = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle( NbBundle.getMessage(GrisbiFile050.class, "GrisbiFile050.ImportingGrisbiFile"), new Cancellable() { @Override public boolean cancel() { Utilities.changeCursorWaitStatus(false); importCancelled = true;"Import of '" + pathToGrisbiFile + "' has been cancelled"); return true; } }); long startImportingFileTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Start progress bar p.setInitialDelay(0); p.start(); // Get number of expected entities int expectedNumberOfPayees = getExpectedNumberOfPayees(); int expectedNumberOfCategories = getExpectedNumberOfCategories(); int expectedNumberOfCurrencies = getExpectedNumberOfCurrencies(); int expectedNumberOfTransactions = getExpectedNumberOfTransactions(); int totalEntities = expectedNumberOfPayees + expectedNumberOfCategories + expectedNumberOfCurrencies + expectedNumberOfTransactions;"Expected number of entities (payees, categories, currencies, transactions): " + totalEntities); p.switchToDeterminate(totalEntities); // Empty the embedded database p.progress(NbBundle.getMessage(GrisbiFile050.class, "GrisbiFile050.EmptyingDatabase")); Datamodel.emptyDatabase(); // Import the Grisbi file into the embedded database if (!isImportCancelled()) { p.progress(NbBundle.getMessage(GrisbiFile050.class, "GrisbiFile050.ImportingPayees")); importPayees(p, expectedNumberOfPayees); } if (!isImportCancelled()) { p.progress(NbBundle.getMessage(GrisbiFile050.class, "GrisbiFile050.ImportingCategories")); importCategories(p, expectedNumberOfCategories); } if (!isImportCancelled()) { p.progress(NbBundle.getMessage(GrisbiFile050.class, "GrisbiFile050.ImportingCurrencies")); importCurrencies(p, expectedNumberOfCurrencies); } if (!isImportCancelled()) { p.progress(NbBundle.getMessage(GrisbiFile050.class, "GrisbiFile050.ImportingAccounts")); importAccounts(); } if (!isImportCancelled()) { p.progress(NbBundle.getMessage(GrisbiFile050.class, "GrisbiFile050.ImportingTransactions")); importTransactions(p); } p.finish(); long endImportingFileTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long importDuration = endImportingFileTime - startImportingFileTime; log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "importFile", importDuration); return importDuration; } @Override public boolean isImportCancelled() { return importCancelled; } }