Java tutorial
/* Grammatical Evolution in Java Release: Copyright (C) 2008 Michael O'Neill, Erik Hemberg, Anthony Brabazon, Conor Gilligan Contributors Patrick Middleburgh, Eliott Bartley, Jonathan Hugosson, Jeff Wrigh Separate licences for asm, bsf, antlr, groovy, jscheme, commons-logging, jsci is included in the lib folder. Separate licence for rieps is included in src/com folder. This licence refers to GEVA-v1.2. This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. />. */ package geva.Operator; import geva.Exceptions.BadParameterException; import geva.Individuals.Individual; import geva.Individuals.Populations.SimplePopulation; import geva.Mapper.GEGrammar; import geva.Operator.Operations.CreationOperation; import geva.Operator.Operations.FullInitialiser; import geva.Operator.Operations.GrowInitialiser; import geva.Operator.Operations.UserSelect; import geva.Util.Constants; import geva.Util.Random.RandomNumberGenerator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Class for performing ramped full and grow initialization. * The population is divided(ramped) between minimum depth(shortest possible depth of a derivationTree) * and maximum depth(Maximum allowed depth of a derivationTree). * For each individual the full or the grow operation is chosen. */ public class RampedFullGrowInitialiser extends Initialiser { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(RampedFullGrowInitialiser.class); protected CreationOperation growInitialisation; protected double growProb; protected int currentDepth; protected int maxDepth; protected int depthInterval; /** * New instance * @param rng random number generator * @param size size * @param op operation * @param op2 operation * @param growProb probability of chosing grow operation * @param maxDepth max depth of initalised trees */ public RampedFullGrowInitialiser(RandomNumberGenerator rng, int size, CreationOperation op, CreationOperation op2, double growProb, int maxDepth) { super(rng, size, op); this.growProb = growProb; this.currentDepth = 0; this.maxDepth = maxDepth; this.population = new SimplePopulation(); this.growInitialisation = op2; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { this.population.add(this.operation.createIndividual()); } } /** * New instance */ public RampedFullGrowInitialiser() { super(); } @Override public void setProperties(Properties p) { super.setProperties(p); double value; String key = Constants.GROW_PROBABILITY; try { value = Double.parseDouble(p.getProperty(key)); if (value < 0.0 || value > 1.0) { throw new BadParameterException(key); } } catch (Exception e) { value = 0.5; p.setProperty(key, Double.toString(value)); logger.warn(e + " using default: " + value, e); } this.growProb = value; int valueI; key = Constants.MAX_DEPTH; try { valueI = Integer.parseInt(p.getProperty(key)); if (valueI < 1) { throw new BadParameterException(key); } } catch (Exception e) { valueI = 10; p.setProperty(key, Integer.toString(valueI)); logger.warn(e + " using default: " + valueI, e); } this.maxDepth = valueI; } /** * The population is divided(ramped) between minimum depth(shortest possible depth of a derivationTree) * and maximum depth(Maximum allowed depth of a derivationTree). * For each individual the full or the grow operation is chosen. */ @Override public void perform() { this.depthInterval = getDepthInterval(this.size); int i = 0; Individual individual; while (i < this.size) { individual = this.population.get(i); if (i % this.depthInterval == 0) { //ramp up the depth ((FullInitialiser) operation).setMaxDepth(this.currentDepth); ((GrowInitialiser) growInitialisation).setMaxDepth(this.currentDepth); this.currentDepth++; } // Choose full or grow if (getRNG().nextDouble() > growProb) { growInitialisation.doOperation(individual); } else { operation.doOperation(individual); } i++; //Insert check for not having identical individuals in initialisation!!?? //System.out.println(individual.getGenotype().get(0)); } } /** * Calculates how the population should be partitioned between the different * initialisation depths * @param populationSize Size of the population * @return The interval for each depth **/ public int getDepthInterval(int populationSize) { Individual individual = this.population.get(0); int depthInt; if (currentDepth < ((GEGrammar) individual.getMapper()) .findRule(((GEGrammar) individual.getMapper()).getStartSymbol()).getMinimumDepth()) { //System.out.println("Min depth to small, must be larger then the minDepth of start symbol."); this.currentDepth = ((GEGrammar) individual.getMapper()) .findRule(((GEGrammar) individual.getMapper()).getStartSymbol()).getMinimumDepth(); } if (currentDepth > maxDepth) { logger.warn("Max depth to small, must be larger then minDepth."); maxDepth = currentDepth; } depthInt = populationSize / (maxDepth - currentDepth + 1); // System.out.println(depthInterval+"="+populationSize+"/("+maxDepth+"-"+currentDepth+"+1)"); if (depthInt < 1) { logger.warn("Too small population for initialisation on all depths"); depthInt = 1; } return depthInt; } /** * First item in collection is set as fullInitalion. * Second item is set as growInitialisation. * @param ops List of the operations to be set */ public void setOperations(List<CreationOperation> ops) { this.operation = ops.get(0); this.growInitialisation = ops.get(1); } }