Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Grammatical Evolution in Java
Copyright (C) 2008 Michael O'Neill, Erik Hemberg, Anthony Brabazon, Conor Gilligan 
Contributors Patrick Middleburgh, Eliott Bartley, Jonathan Hugosson, Jeff Wrigh
Separate licences for asm, bsf, antlr, groovy, jscheme, commons-logging, jsci is included in the lib folder. 
Separate licence for rieps is included in src/com folder.
This licence refers to GEVA-v1.2.
This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package geva.Operator;

import geva.Exceptions.BadParameterException;
import geva.Individuals.Individual;
import geva.Individuals.Populations.SimplePopulation;
import geva.Mapper.GEGrammar;
import geva.Operator.Operations.CreationOperation;
import geva.Operator.Operations.FullInitialiser;
import geva.Operator.Operations.GrowInitialiser;
import geva.Operator.Operations.UserSelect;
import geva.Util.Constants;
import geva.Util.Random.RandomNumberGenerator;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Class for performing ramped full and grow initialization. 
 * The population is divided(ramped) between minimum depth(shortest possible depth of a derivationTree)
 * and maximum depth(Maximum allowed depth of a derivationTree). 
 * For each individual the full or the grow operation is chosen.
public class RampedFullGrowInitialiser extends Initialiser {
    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(RampedFullGrowInitialiser.class);
    protected CreationOperation growInitialisation;
    protected double growProb;
    protected int currentDepth;
    protected int maxDepth;
    protected int depthInterval;

     * New instance
     * @param rng random number generator
     * @param size size
     * @param op operation
     * @param op2 operation
     * @param growProb probability of chosing grow operation
     * @param maxDepth max depth of initalised trees
    public RampedFullGrowInitialiser(RandomNumberGenerator rng, int size, CreationOperation op,
            CreationOperation op2, double growProb, int maxDepth) {
        super(rng, size, op);
        this.growProb = growProb;
        this.currentDepth = 0;
        this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
        this.population = new SimplePopulation();
        this.growInitialisation = op2;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

     * New instance
    public RampedFullGrowInitialiser() {

    public void setProperties(Properties p) {
        double value;
        String key = Constants.GROW_PROBABILITY;
        try {
            value = Double.parseDouble(p.getProperty(key));
            if (value < 0.0 || value > 1.0) {
                throw new BadParameterException(key);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            value = 0.5;
            p.setProperty(key, Double.toString(value));
            logger.warn(e + " using default: " + value, e);
        this.growProb = value;
        int valueI;
        key = Constants.MAX_DEPTH;
        try {
            valueI = Integer.parseInt(p.getProperty(key));
            if (valueI < 1) {
                throw new BadParameterException(key);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            valueI = 10;
            p.setProperty(key, Integer.toString(valueI));
            logger.warn(e + " using default: " + valueI, e);
        this.maxDepth = valueI;

     * The population is divided(ramped) between minimum depth(shortest possible depth of a derivationTree)
     * and maximum depth(Maximum allowed depth of a derivationTree). 
     * For each individual the full or the grow operation is chosen.
    public void perform() {
        this.depthInterval = getDepthInterval(this.size);
        int i = 0;
        Individual individual;
        while (i < this.size) {
            individual = this.population.get(i);
            if (i % this.depthInterval == 0) { //ramp up the depth
                ((FullInitialiser) operation).setMaxDepth(this.currentDepth);
                ((GrowInitialiser) growInitialisation).setMaxDepth(this.currentDepth);
            // Choose full or grow
            if (getRNG().nextDouble() > growProb) {
            } else {
            //Insert check for not having identical individuals in initialisation!!??

     * Calculates how the population should be partitioned between the different
     * initialisation depths
     * @param populationSize Size of the population
     * @return The interval for each depth
    public int getDepthInterval(int populationSize) {
        Individual individual = this.population.get(0);
        int depthInt;
        if (currentDepth < ((GEGrammar) individual.getMapper())
                .findRule(((GEGrammar) individual.getMapper()).getStartSymbol()).getMinimumDepth()) {
            //System.out.println("Min depth to small, must be larger then the minDepth of start symbol.");
            this.currentDepth = ((GEGrammar) individual.getMapper())
                    .findRule(((GEGrammar) individual.getMapper()).getStartSymbol()).getMinimumDepth();
        if (currentDepth > maxDepth) {
            logger.warn("Max depth to small, must be larger then minDepth.");
            maxDepth = currentDepth;
        depthInt = populationSize / (maxDepth - currentDepth + 1);
        //        System.out.println(depthInterval+"="+populationSize+"/("+maxDepth+"-"+currentDepth+"+1)");
        if (depthInt < 1) {
            logger.warn("Too small population for initialisation on all depths");
            depthInt = 1;
        return depthInt;

     * First item in collection is set as fullInitalion. 
     * Second item is set as growInitialisation.
     * @param ops List of the operations to be set
    public void setOperations(List<CreationOperation> ops) {
        this.operation = ops.get(0);
        this.growInitialisation = ops.get(1);
