Java tutorial
/* Grammatical Evolution in Java Release: Copyright (C) 2008 Michael O'Neill, Erik Hemberg, Anthony Brabazon, Conor Gilligan Contributors Patrick Middleburgh, Eliott Bartley, Jonathan Hugosson, Jeff Wrigh Separate licences for asm, bsf, antlr, groovy, jscheme, commons-logging, jsci is included in the lib folder. Separate licence for rieps is included in src/com folder. This licence refers to GEVA-v1.2. This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. />. */ /* * * * Created on 17 October 2006, 13:32 * * DerrivationTree * */ package geva.Mapper; import geva.Exceptions.MalformedGrammarException; import geva.Individuals.GEChromosome; import geva.Individuals.Phenotype; import geva.Util.Constants; import geva.Util.Enums; import geva.Util.Random.MersenneTwisterFast; import geva.Util.Structures.IntIterator; import geva.Util.Structures.NimbleTree; import geva.Util.Structures.TreeNode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * This class is used in the mapping from genotype to phenotype in GE. * @author EHemberg */ public class DerivationTree extends NimbleTree<Symbol> { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DerivationTree.class); protected final GEGrammar grammy; private final GEChromosome genny; private int wrapCount; private IntIterator genIter; protected int geneCnt; @Override protected TreeNode<Symbol> newNode() { return new DerivationNode(); } /** * Create new Derivation Tree * @param gram mapper * @param gen input */ public DerivationTree(GEGrammar gram, GEChromosome gen) { super(); this.getRoot().setData(gram.getStartSymbol()); this.genny = gen; this.grammy = gram; this.genIter = genny.iterator(); this.wrapCount = 1; this.geneCnt = 0; } /** * Copy Constructor * @param DerivationTree copy */ public DerivationTree(DerivationTree copy) { super(copy); this.grammy = new GEGrammar(copy.grammy); this.genny = new GEChromosome(copy.genny); this.wrapCount = copy.wrapCount; this.geneCnt = copy.geneCnt; } /** * Build a derivation tree. Using the grammar as a mapper and the input is * the genotype. * @return validity of the mapping */ public boolean buildDerivationTree() { assert this.getCurrentNode() instanceof DerivationNode : this.getCurrentNode().getClass().getName(); DerivationNode t; Boolean validBuild; t = (DerivationNode) this.getCurrentNode(); this.grammy.findRule(t.getData()); validBuild = growNode(t); this.genny.setUsedGenes(this.geneCnt); //System.out.println(this.geneCnt); //System.out.println(this.wrapCount); return validBuild; } /** Extract range for value from non-terminal specification, * where specification is in the format <GECodonValue{x, y, z}> (set-mode) * or <GECodonValue(x, y)> (range-mode -- range can be open, closed, or half-open). * @param s symbol string * @param codon codon value * @return string value * @throws MalformedGrammarException The specification s is malformed */ String getGECodonValue(String s, int codon) throws MalformedGrammarException { String c = Constants.GE_CODON_VALUE_PARSING; if (s.indexOf("{") != -1) { // in "set"-mode: uses set-notation {x, y, z} if (s.indexOf("}") == -1) { throw new MalformedGrammarException("Bad GECodonValue specification: " + s); } String GECodonValueRE = c + "\\{(.*)\\}" + ">"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(GECodonValueRE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s); if (matcher.find()) { if (matcher.groupCount() == 1) { String content =; String[] setValues = content.split(","); // Success: found good values in set-mode. Return. return setValues[codon % setValues.length].trim(); } else { throw new MalformedGrammarException( "Bad GECodonValue specification (found too many matches): " + s); } } else { throw new MalformedGrammarException("Bad GECodonValue specification (didn't find a match): " + s); } } else if (s.indexOf("(") != -1 || s.indexOf("[") != -1) { // in "range"-mode: uses open, closed, or half-open ranges: // [x, y], (x, y), [x, y), or (x, y] if (s.indexOf(")") == -1 && s.indexOf("]") == -1) { throw new MalformedGrammarException( "Bad GECodonValue specification (didn't find closing brackets): " + s); } // first group gets lower-boundary indicator ( or [; // second group gets content, eg 4.1, 4.9; // third group gets upper-boundary indicator ) or ]. String GECodonValueRE = c + "([\\(\\[])(.*)([\\)\\]])" + ">"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(GECodonValueRE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s); String content; String[] boundaryValues; if (matcher.find()) { // for (int i = 0; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) { // System.out.println("debug: i = " + i + "; group = " +; // } if (matcher.groupCount() != 3) { throw new MalformedGrammarException( "Bad GECodonValue specification (didn't find opening and closing brackets and boundaries): " + s); } // Get the text content =; boundaryValues = content.split(","); if (boundaryValues.length != 2) { throw new MalformedGrammarException( "Bad GECodonValue specification (didn't find upper and lower boundaries): " + s); } } else { throw new MalformedGrammarException("Bad GECodonValue specification (didn't find a match): " + s); } int low, high; double lowd, highd; boolean intMode; try { intMode = true; low = Integer.parseInt(boundaryValues[0].trim()); high = Integer.parseInt(boundaryValues[1].trim()); // dummy values, these won't be used lowd = 0.0; highd = 0.0; } catch (Exception e) { intMode = false; lowd = Double.parseDouble(boundaryValues[0].trim()); highd = Double.parseDouble(boundaryValues[1].trim()); low = 0; high = genny.getMaxCodonValue(); } if ("(")) { // it's an open range: exclude the low value // System.out.println("range semi-open at the bottom"); low += 1; // FIXME what a hack lowd += 0.0001; } if (")")) { // it's an open range: exclude the high value // System.out.println("range semi-open at the top"); high -= 1; // FIXME what a hack highd -= 0.0001; } if (intMode == true) { if (low > high) { throw new MalformedGrammarException("Bad GECodonValue specification (bad boundaries): " + s); } // Success: found good boundaries in integer mode: return. return String.valueOf(low + (codon % (high - low + 1))); } else { if (lowd > highd) { throw new MalformedGrammarException("Bad GECodonValue specification (bad boundaries): " + s); } // Success: found good boundaries in double-mode: return. return String .valueOf(lowd + (highd - lowd) * (codon) / Double.valueOf((genny.getMaxCodonValue() - 0))); } } else { // may be in legacy mode logger.warn("Warning: DerivationTree attempting to use GECodonValue legacy format"); return getGECodonValueLegacyFormat(s, codon); } } /** Extract range for value from non-terminal specification, * where specification is in the legacy format <GECodonValue-3+17> * @param s symbol string * @param codon codon value * @return string value */ String getGECodonValueLegacyFormat(String s, int codon) { int low = 0; int high = -1; int i = Constants.GE_CODON_VALUE_PARSING.length(); //Start value for codon counter String codon_value; char currentChar = s.charAt(i);// currentChar is first character after "<GECodonValue" // Look for range definitions while (currentChar != '>') { if (currentChar == '-') {// Low range specification currentChar = s.charAt(i++); while ((currentChar >= '0') && (currentChar <= '9')) { low = (low * 10) + (currentChar - '0'); currentChar = s.charAt(i++); } } else if (currentChar == '+') {// High range specification currentChar = s.charAt(i++); while ((currentChar >= '0') && (currentChar <= '9')) { if (high == -1) { high = 0; } high = (high * 10) + (currentChar - '0'); currentChar = s.charAt(i++); } } else {// Ignore errors currentChar = s.charAt(i++); } } // High range was not specified, so set it to maximum if (high == -1) { high = genny.getMaxCodonValue(); } if (high == low) {// Catch division by zero codon_value = String.valueOf(low); } else { codon = (codon % (high - low + 1)) + low; codon_value = String.valueOf(codon); } return codon_value; } /** * Grows the nodes of the tree in a recursive procedure. * @param t start node * @return validity of growth **/ @SuppressWarnings({ "LoopStatementThatDoesntLoop" }) boolean growNode(DerivationNode t) { Symbol s = t.getData(); if (this.getDepth() > grammy.getMaxDerivationTreeDepth()) { logger.warn("maxDerivationTreeDepth exceeded:" + this.getDepth() + ">" + grammy.maxDerivationTreeDepth); return false; } if (this.geneCnt > this.genny.getMaxChromosomeLength()) { logger.warn("maxGEChromosomeLength exceeded:" + this.geneCnt + ">" + genny.getMaxChromosomeLength()); return false; } if (s.getType() == Enums.SymbolType.NTSymbol) { Rule r = this.grammy.findRule(s); int numProd = r.size(); if (!this.genIter.hasNext()) { this.wrapCount++; this.genIter = genny.iterator(); } //Use a codon if there is more then one production while (this.wrapCount <= this.grammy.getMaxWraps()) { Production p; int currentCodonValue; if (numProd > 1) { currentCodonValue =; t.setCodonIndex(geneCnt, /* currentCodonValue,*/ currentCodonValue % numProd); this.geneCnt++; p = r.get(currentCodonValue % numProd); } else { p = r.get(0); } Iterator<Symbol> symIt = p.iterator(); DerivationNode newTree; Symbol newSym; while (symIt.hasNext()) { newSym =; // Check for GECodonValue if (newSym.getType() == Enums.SymbolType.NTSymbol && newSym.getSymbolString().startsWith(Constants.GE_CODON_VALUE_PARSING)) { String value; // Create a new symbol from the GE codon value // GE Codon uses a codon from the genotype if (!this.genIter.hasNext()) { this.genIter = genny.iterator(); this.wrapCount++; } this.geneCnt++; currentCodonValue =; try { value = getGECodonValue(newSym.getSymbolString(), currentCodonValue); } catch (MalformedGrammarException e) { logger.error("Malformed GECodonValue specification in grammar"); return false; } newSym = new Symbol(value, Enums.SymbolType.TSymbol); } newTree = new DerivationNode(t, newSym); t.add(newTree); this.setCurrentLevel(this.getCurrentLevel() + 1); if (this.getDepth() < this.getCurrentLevel()) { this.setDepth(this.getCurrentLevel()); } if (!growNode(newTree)) { return false; } this.setCurrentLevel(this.getCurrentLevel() - 1); } return true; } return false; } else { this.grammy.getPhenotype().add(s); //System.out.print(s.getSymbolString() + " "); //System.out.print(" p:"+this.grammy.phenotype.getString() + " "); return true; } } /** * Get the number of wraps used * @return wraps used */ public int getWrapCount() { return wrapCount; } /** * Get the input used, called genes * @return number of inputs used */ public int getGeneCnt() { return geneCnt; } public boolean derive() { return this.buildDerivationTree(); } }