Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Grammatical Evolution in Java
Copyright (C) 2008 Michael O'Neill, Erik Hemberg, Anthony Brabazon, Conor Gilligan 
Contributors Patrick Middleburgh, Eliott Bartley, Jonathan Hugosson, Jeff Wrigh
Separate licences for asm, bsf, antlr, groovy, jscheme, commons-logging, jsci is included in the lib folder. 
Separate licence for rieps is included in src/com folder.
This licence refers to GEVA-v1.2.
This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

 * Created on 17 October 2006, 13:32
 * DerrivationTree

package geva.Mapper;

import geva.Exceptions.MalformedGrammarException;
import geva.Individuals.GEChromosome;
import geva.Individuals.Phenotype;
import geva.Util.Constants;
import geva.Util.Enums;
import geva.Util.Random.MersenneTwisterFast;
import geva.Util.Structures.IntIterator;
import geva.Util.Structures.NimbleTree;
import geva.Util.Structures.TreeNode;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * This class is used in the mapping from genotype to phenotype in GE.
 * @author EHemberg
public class DerivationTree extends NimbleTree<Symbol> {
    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DerivationTree.class);
    protected final GEGrammar grammy;
    private final GEChromosome genny;
    private int wrapCount;
    private IntIterator genIter;
    protected int geneCnt;

    protected TreeNode<Symbol> newNode() {
        return new DerivationNode();

     * Create new Derivation Tree
     * @param gram mapper
     * @param gen input
    public DerivationTree(GEGrammar gram, GEChromosome gen) {
        this.genny = gen;
        this.grammy = gram;
        this.genIter = genny.iterator();
        this.wrapCount = 1;
        this.geneCnt = 0;

     * Copy Constructor
     * @param DerivationTree copy
    public DerivationTree(DerivationTree copy) {
        this.grammy = new GEGrammar(copy.grammy);
        this.genny = new GEChromosome(copy.genny);
        this.wrapCount = copy.wrapCount;
        this.geneCnt = copy.geneCnt;

     * Build a derivation tree. Using the grammar as a mapper and the input is
     *  the genotype.
     * @return validity of the mapping
    public boolean buildDerivationTree() {
        assert this.getCurrentNode() instanceof DerivationNode : this.getCurrentNode().getClass().getName();
        DerivationNode t;
        Boolean validBuild;
        t = (DerivationNode) this.getCurrentNode();
        validBuild = growNode(t);
        return validBuild;

    /** Extract range for value from non-terminal specification,
     * where specification is in the format <GECodonValue{x, y, z}> (set-mode)
     * or <GECodonValue(x, y)> (range-mode -- range can be open, closed, or half-open).
     * @param s symbol string
     * @param codon codon value
     * @return string value
     * @throws MalformedGrammarException The specification s is malformed
    String getGECodonValue(String s, int codon) throws MalformedGrammarException {

        String c = Constants.GE_CODON_VALUE_PARSING;
        if (s.indexOf("{") != -1) {
            // in "set"-mode: uses set-notation {x, y, z}
            if (s.indexOf("}") == -1) {
                throw new MalformedGrammarException("Bad GECodonValue specification: " + s);

            String GECodonValueRE = c + "\\{(.*)\\}" + ">";
            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(GECodonValueRE);
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s);
            if (matcher.find()) {
                if (matcher.groupCount() == 1) {
                    String content =;
                    String[] setValues = content.split(",");

                    // Success: found good values in set-mode. Return.
                    return setValues[codon % setValues.length].trim();
                } else {
                    throw new MalformedGrammarException(
                            "Bad GECodonValue specification (found too many matches): " + s);
            } else {
                throw new MalformedGrammarException("Bad GECodonValue specification (didn't find a match): " + s);

        else if (s.indexOf("(") != -1 || s.indexOf("[") != -1) {
            // in "range"-mode: uses open, closed, or half-open ranges:
            // [x, y], (x, y), [x, y), or (x, y]
            if (s.indexOf(")") == -1 && s.indexOf("]") == -1) {
                throw new MalformedGrammarException(
                        "Bad GECodonValue specification (didn't find closing brackets): " + s);

            // first group gets lower-boundary indicator ( or [;
            // second group gets content, eg 4.1, 4.9;
            // third group gets upper-boundary indicator ) or ].
            String GECodonValueRE = c + "([\\(\\[])(.*)([\\)\\]])" + ">";
            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(GECodonValueRE);
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s);
            String content;
            String[] boundaryValues;
            if (matcher.find()) {
                //       for (int i = 0; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
                //           System.out.println("debug: i = " + i + "; group = " +;
                //       }

                if (matcher.groupCount() != 3) {
                    throw new MalformedGrammarException(
                            "Bad GECodonValue specification (didn't find opening and closing brackets and boundaries): "
                                    + s);

                // Get the text
                content =;
                boundaryValues = content.split(",");
                if (boundaryValues.length != 2) {
                    throw new MalformedGrammarException(
                            "Bad GECodonValue specification (didn't find upper and lower boundaries): " + s);
            } else {
                throw new MalformedGrammarException("Bad GECodonValue specification (didn't find a match): " + s);

            int low, high;
            double lowd, highd;
            boolean intMode;
            try {
                intMode = true;
                low = Integer.parseInt(boundaryValues[0].trim());
                high = Integer.parseInt(boundaryValues[1].trim());
                // dummy values, these won't be used
                lowd = 0.0;
                highd = 0.0;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                intMode = false;
                lowd = Double.parseDouble(boundaryValues[0].trim());
                highd = Double.parseDouble(boundaryValues[1].trim());
                low = 0;
                high = genny.getMaxCodonValue();

            if ("(")) {
                // it's an open range: exclude the low value
                // System.out.println("range semi-open at the bottom");
                low += 1;
                // FIXME what a hack
                lowd += 0.0001;
            if (")")) {
                // it's an open range: exclude the high value
                // System.out.println("range semi-open at the top");
                high -= 1;
                // FIXME what a hack
                highd -= 0.0001;

            if (intMode == true) {
                if (low > high) {
                    throw new MalformedGrammarException("Bad GECodonValue specification (bad boundaries): " + s);

                // Success: found good boundaries in integer mode: return.
                return String.valueOf(low + (codon % (high - low + 1)));
            } else {
                if (lowd > highd) {
                    throw new MalformedGrammarException("Bad GECodonValue specification (bad boundaries): " + s);
                // Success: found good boundaries in double-mode: return.
                return String
                        .valueOf(lowd + (highd - lowd) * (codon) / Double.valueOf((genny.getMaxCodonValue() - 0)));

        } else {
            // may be in legacy mode
            logger.warn("Warning: DerivationTree attempting to use GECodonValue legacy format");
            return getGECodonValueLegacyFormat(s, codon);

    /** Extract range for value from non-terminal specification,
     * where specification is in the legacy format <GECodonValue-3+17>
     * @param s symbol string
     * @param codon codon value
     * @return string value
    String getGECodonValueLegacyFormat(String s, int codon) {
        int low = 0;
        int high = -1;
        int i = Constants.GE_CODON_VALUE_PARSING.length(); //Start value for codon counter
        String codon_value;
        char currentChar = s.charAt(i);// currentChar is first character after "<GECodonValue"
        // Look for range definitions
        while (currentChar != '>') {
            if (currentChar == '-') {// Low range specification
                currentChar = s.charAt(i++);
                while ((currentChar >= '0') && (currentChar <= '9')) {
                    low = (low * 10) + (currentChar - '0');
                    currentChar = s.charAt(i++);
            } else if (currentChar == '+') {// High range specification
                currentChar = s.charAt(i++);
                while ((currentChar >= '0') && (currentChar <= '9')) {
                    if (high == -1) {
                        high = 0;
                    high = (high * 10) + (currentChar - '0');
                    currentChar = s.charAt(i++);
            } else {// Ignore errors
                currentChar = s.charAt(i++);
        // High range was not specified, so set it to maximum
        if (high == -1) {
            high = genny.getMaxCodonValue();
        if (high == low) {// Catch division by zero
            codon_value = String.valueOf(low);
        } else {
            codon = (codon % (high - low + 1)) + low;
            codon_value = String.valueOf(codon);
        return codon_value;

     * Grows the nodes of the tree in a recursive procedure.
     * @param t start node
     * @return validity of growth
    @SuppressWarnings({ "LoopStatementThatDoesntLoop" })
    boolean growNode(DerivationNode t) {
        Symbol s = t.getData();
        if (this.getDepth() > grammy.getMaxDerivationTreeDepth()) {
            logger.warn("maxDerivationTreeDepth exceeded:" + this.getDepth() + ">" + grammy.maxDerivationTreeDepth);
            return false;
        if (this.geneCnt > this.genny.getMaxChromosomeLength()) {
            logger.warn("maxGEChromosomeLength exceeded:" + this.geneCnt + ">" + genny.getMaxChromosomeLength());
            return false;

        if (s.getType() == Enums.SymbolType.NTSymbol) {
            Rule r = this.grammy.findRule(s);
            int numProd = r.size();
            if (!this.genIter.hasNext()) {
                this.genIter = genny.iterator();

            //Use a codon if there is more then one production
            while (this.wrapCount <= this.grammy.getMaxWraps()) {
                Production p;
                int currentCodonValue;
                if (numProd > 1) {
                    currentCodonValue =;
                            /* currentCodonValue,*/
                            currentCodonValue % numProd);
                    p = r.get(currentCodonValue % numProd);
                } else {
                    p = r.get(0);
                Iterator<Symbol> symIt = p.iterator();
                DerivationNode newTree;
                Symbol newSym;
                while (symIt.hasNext()) {
                    newSym =;
                    // Check for GECodonValue
                    if (newSym.getType() == Enums.SymbolType.NTSymbol
                            && newSym.getSymbolString().startsWith(Constants.GE_CODON_VALUE_PARSING)) {
                        String value;

                        // Create a new symbol from the GE codon value
                        // GE Codon uses a codon from the genotype
                        if (!this.genIter.hasNext()) {
                            this.genIter = genny.iterator();
                        currentCodonValue =;

                        try {
                            value = getGECodonValue(newSym.getSymbolString(), currentCodonValue);
                        } catch (MalformedGrammarException e) {
                            logger.error("Malformed GECodonValue specification in grammar");
                            return false;
                        newSym = new Symbol(value, Enums.SymbolType.TSymbol);
                    newTree = new DerivationNode(t, newSym);
                    this.setCurrentLevel(this.getCurrentLevel() + 1);
                    if (this.getDepth() < this.getCurrentLevel()) {
                    if (!growNode(newTree)) {
                        return false;
                    this.setCurrentLevel(this.getCurrentLevel() - 1);
                return true;
            return false;
        } else {

            //System.out.print(s.getSymbolString() + " ");
            //System.out.print(" p:"+this.grammy.phenotype.getString() + " ");
            return true;

     * Get the number of wraps used
     * @return wraps used
    public int getWrapCount() {
        return wrapCount;

     * Get the input used, called genes
     * @return number of inputs used
    public int getGeneCnt() {
        return geneCnt;

    public boolean derive() {
        return this.buildDerivationTree();