Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


GeoGebra - Dynamic Mathematics for Everyone
This file is part of GeoGebra.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
the Free Software Foundation.

 * Created on 30. August 2001, 20:12

package geogebra.kernel;

import geogebra.cas.GeoGebraCAS;
import geogebra.euclidian.EuclidianConstants;
import geogebra.euclidian.EuclidianView;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.Equation;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNodeEvaluator;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.Function;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionNVar;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionalNVar;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.Polynomial;
import geogebra.kernel.commands.AlgebraProcessor;
import geogebra.kernel.discrete.AlgoConvexHull;
import geogebra.kernel.discrete.AlgoDelauneyTriangulation;
import geogebra.kernel.discrete.AlgoHull;
import geogebra.kernel.discrete.AlgoMinimumSpanningTree;
import geogebra.kernel.discrete.AlgoShortestDistance;
import geogebra.kernel.discrete.AlgoTravelingSalesman;
import geogebra.kernel.discrete.AlgoVoronoi;
import geogebra.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicND;
import geogebra.kernel.kernelND.GeoDirectionND;
import geogebra.kernel.kernelND.GeoLineND;
import geogebra.kernel.kernelND.GeoPlaneND;
import geogebra.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND;
import geogebra.kernel.optimization.ExtremumFinder;
import geogebra.kernel.parser.Parser;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoANOVA;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoBernoulliBarChart;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoBinomialDist;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoBinomialDistBarChart;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoCauchy;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoChiSquared;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoDoubleListCovariance;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoDoubleListPMCC;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoDoubleListSXX;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoDoubleListSXY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoDoubleListSigmaXX;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoDoubleListSigmaXY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoDoubleListSigmaYY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoExponential;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFDistribution;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFit;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitExp;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitGrowth;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitLineX;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitLineY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitLog;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitLogistic;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitNL;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitPoly;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitPow;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitSin;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoGamma;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoGeometricMean;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoHarmonicMean;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoHyperGeometric;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoHyperGeometricBarChart;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseBinomial;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseCauchy;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseChiSquared;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseExponential;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseFDistribution;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseGamma;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseHyperGeometric;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseNormal;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInversePascal;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInversePoisson;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseTDistribution;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseWeibull;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoInverseZipf;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListCovariance;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListMeanX;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListMeanY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListPMCC;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListSDX;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListSDY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListSXX;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListSXY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListSYY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListSampleSDX;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListSampleSDY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListSigmaXX;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListSigmaXY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoListSigmaYY;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoMean;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoMedian;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoMode;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoNormal;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoOrdinalRank;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoPascal;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoPascalBarChart;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoPercentile;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoPoisson;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoPoissonBarChart;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoProduct;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoQ1;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoQ3;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoRSquare;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoRandom;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoRandomBinomial;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoRandomNormal;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoRandomPoisson;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoRandomUniform;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoRootMeanSquare;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoSXX;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoSample;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoSampleStandardDeviation;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoSampleVariance;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoShuffle;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoSigmaXX;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoSpearman;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoStandardDeviation;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoSum;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoSumSquaredErrors;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoTDistribution;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoTMean2Estimate;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoTMeanEstimate;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoTTest;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoTTest2;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoTTestPaired;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoTiedRank;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoVariance;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoWeibull;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.AlgoZipf;
import geogebra.kernel.statistics.RegressionMath;
import geogebra.main.Application;
import geogebra.main.MyError;
import geogebra.util.ScientificFormat;
import geogebra.util.Unicode;
import geogebra3D.kernel3D.AlgoPolyLine3D;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.commons.math.complex.Complex;

public class Kernel {

    /** standard precision */
    public final static double STANDARD_PRECISION = 1E-8;

    /** minimum precision */
    public final static double MIN_PRECISION = 1E-5;
    private final static double INV_MIN_PRECISION = 1E5;

    /** maximum reasonable precision */
    public final static double MAX_PRECISION = 1E-12;

    /** current working precision */
    public static double EPSILON = STANDARD_PRECISION;

    /** maximum precision of double numbers */
    public final static double MAX_DOUBLE_PRECISION = 1E-15;
    /** reciprocal of maximum precision of double numbers */
    public final static double INV_MAX_DOUBLE_PRECISION = 1E15;

    // style of point/vector coordinates
    /** A = (3, 2)  and    B = (3; 90)*/
    public static final int COORD_STYLE_DEFAULT = 0;
    /** A(3|2)        and   B(3; 90)*/
    public static final int COORD_STYLE_AUSTRIAN = 1;
    /** A: (3, 2)   and   B: (3; 90) */
    public static final int COORD_STYLE_FRENCH = 2;
    private int coordStyle = 0;

    // STATIC
    final public static int ANGLE_RADIANT = 1;
    final public static int ANGLE_DEGREE = 2;
    final public static int COORD_CARTESIAN = 3;
    final public static int COORD_POLAR = 4;
    final public static int COORD_COMPLEX = 5;
    final public static double PI_2 = 2.0 * Math.PI;
    final public static double PI_HALF = Math.PI / 2.0;
    final public static double SQRT_2_HALF = Math.sqrt(2.0) / 2.0;
    final public static double PI_180 = Math.PI / 180;
    final public static double CONST_180_PI = 180 / Math.PI;
    //private static boolean KEEP_LEADING_SIGN = true;

    //G.Sturr 2009-10-18
    // algebra style 
    final public static int ALGEBRA_STYLE_VALUE = 0;
    final public static int ALGEBRA_STYLE_DEFINITION = 1;
    final public static int ALGEBRA_STYLE_COMMAND = 2;
    private int algebraStyle = Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_VALUE;
    //end G.Sturr

    // print precision
    public static final int STANDARD_PRINT_DECIMALS = 2;
    private double PRINT_PRECISION = 1E-2;
    private NumberFormat nf;
    private ScientificFormat sf;
    public boolean useSignificantFigures = false;

    // angle unit: degree, radians
    private int angleUnit = Kernel.ANGLE_DEGREE;

    // rounding hack, see format()
    private static final double ROUND_HALF_UP_FACTOR_DEFAULT = 1.0 + 1E-15;

    // used to store info when rounding is temporarily changed
    private Stack<Boolean> useSignificantFiguresList;
    private Stack<Integer> noOfSignificantFiguresList;
    private Stack<Integer> noOfDecimalPlacesList;

    /* Significant figures
     * How to do:
     * private ScientificFormat sf;
     * sf = new ScientificFormat(5, 20, false);
     * String s = sf.format(double)
     * need to address:
     * setPrintDecimals()
     * getPrintDecimals()
     * getMaximumFractionDigits()
     * setMaximumFractionDigits()
     * how to determine whether to use nf or sf

    private int casPrintForm;
    private String casPrintFormPI; // for pi

    // before May 23, 2005 the function acos(), asin() and atan()
    // had an angle as result. Now the result is a number.
    // this flag is used to distinguish the different behaviour
    // depending on the the age of saved construction files
    /** if true, cyclometric functions return GeoAngle, if false, they return GeoNumeric**/
    public boolean arcusFunctionCreatesAngle = false;

    private boolean translateCommandName = true;
    private boolean undoActive = false;
    private boolean notifyViewsActive = true;
    private boolean viewReiniting = false;
    private boolean allowVisibilitySideEffects = true;

    // silentMode is used to create helper objects without any side effects   
    // i.e. in silentMode no labels are created and no objects are added to views
    private boolean silentMode = false;

    // setResolveUnkownVarsAsDummyGeos
    private boolean resolveUnkownVarsAsDummyGeos = false;

    private double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xscale, yscale;
    // for 2nd Graphics View
    private double xmin2, xmax2, ymin2, ymax2, xscale2, yscale2;
    private boolean graphicsView2showing = false;

    // Views may register to be informed about 
    // changes to the Kernel
    // (add, remove, update)
    private View[] views = new View[20];
    private int viewCnt = 0;

    protected Construction cons;
    protected Application app;
    protected AlgebraProcessor algProcessor;
    private EquationSolver eqnSolver;
    private RegressionMath regMath;
    private ExtremumFinder extrFinder;
    protected Parser parser;
    private Object ggbCAS;

    // Continuity on or off, default: false since V3.0
    private boolean continuous = false;
    private MacroManager macroManager;

    /** Evaluator for ExpressionNode */
    protected ExpressionNodeEvaluator expressionNodeEvaluator;

    /** 3D manager */
    private Manager3DInterface manager3D;

    public Kernel(Application app) {
        this(); = app;



     * @param kernel
     * @return a new 3D manager
    protected Manager3DInterface newManager3D(Kernel kernel) {
        return null;

     * sets the 3D manager
     * @param manager
    public void setManager3D(Manager3DInterface manager) {
        this.manager3D = manager;

     * @return the 3D manager of this
    public Manager3DInterface getManager3D() {
        return manager3D;

     * creates the construction cons
    protected void newConstruction() {
        cons = new Construction(this);

     * creates a new MyXMLHandler (used for 3D)
     * @param cons construction used in MyXMLHandler constructor
     * @return a new MyXMLHandler
    public MyXMLHandler newMyXMLHandler(Construction cons) {
        return newMyXMLHandler(this, cons);

     * creates a new MyXMLHandler (used for 3D)
     * @param kernel
     * @param cons
     * @return a new MyXMLHandler
    public MyXMLHandler newMyXMLHandler(Kernel kernel, Construction cons) {
        return new MyXMLHandler(kernel, cons);

     * creates the Evaluator for ExpressionNode
     * @return the Evaluator for ExpressionNode
    protected ExpressionNodeEvaluator newExpressionNodeEvaluator() {
        return new ExpressionNodeEvaluator();

    /** return the Evaluator for ExpressionNode
     * @return the Evaluator for ExpressionNode
    public ExpressionNodeEvaluator getExpressionNodeEvaluator() {
        if (expressionNodeEvaluator == null)
            expressionNodeEvaluator = newExpressionNodeEvaluator();
        return expressionNodeEvaluator;

    public Kernel() {
        nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);

        sf = new ScientificFormat(5, 16, false);


     * Returns this kernel's algebra processor that handles
     * all input and commands.
     * @return Algebra processor
    public AlgebraProcessor getAlgebraProcessor() {
        if (algProcessor == null)
            algProcessor = newAlgebraProcessor(this);
        return algProcessor;

     * @param kernel 
     * @return a new algebra processor (used for 3D)
    protected AlgebraProcessor newAlgebraProcessor(Kernel kernel) {
        return new AlgebraProcessor(kernel);

      * Returns a GeoElement for the given label. 
      * @return may return null
    final public GeoElement lookupLabel(String label) {
        return lookupLabel(label, false);

     * Finds element with given the label and possibly creates it
     * @param label Label of element we are looking for
     * @param autoCreate true iff new geo should be created if missing
     * @return GeoElement with given label
    final public GeoElement lookupLabel(String label, boolean autoCreate) {
        GeoElement geo = cons.lookupLabel(label, autoCreate);

        if (geo == null && resolveUnkownVarsAsDummyGeos) {
            // resolve unknown variable as dummy geo to keep its name and 
            // avoid an "unknown variable" error message
            geo = new GeoDummyVariable(cons, label);

        return geo;

     * returns GeoElement at (row,col) in spreadsheet
     * may return nully 
     * @param col Spreadsheet column
     * @param row Spreadsheet row
     * @return Spreadsheet cell content (may be null)
    public GeoElement getGeoAt(int col, int row) {
        return lookupLabel(GeoElement.getSpreadsheetCellName(col, row));

    final public GeoAxis getXAxis() {
        return cons.getXAxis();

    final public GeoAxis getYAxis() {
        return cons.getYAxis();

    final public boolean isAxis(GeoElement geo) {
        return (geo == cons.getXAxis() || geo == cons.getYAxis());

    public void updateLocalAxesNames() {

    final public Application getApplication() {
        return app;

    public void setShowOnlyBreakpoints(boolean flag) {

    final public boolean showOnlyBreakpoints() {
        return cons.showOnlyBreakpoints();

    final public EquationSolver getEquationSolver() {
        if (eqnSolver == null)
            eqnSolver = new EquationSolver(this);
        return eqnSolver;

    final public ExtremumFinder getExtremumFinder() {
        if (extrFinder == null)
            extrFinder = new ExtremumFinder();
        return extrFinder;

    final public RegressionMath getRegressionMath() {
        if (regMath == null)
            regMath = new RegressionMath();
        return regMath;

    final public Parser getParser() {
        if (parser == null)
            parser = new Parser(this, cons);
        return parser;

     * Evaluates an expression in GeoGebraCAS syntax.
      * @return result string (null possible)
     * @throws Throwable 
    final public String evaluateGeoGebraCAS(String exp) throws Throwable {
        if (ggbCAS == null) {

        return ((geogebra.cas.GeoGebraCAS) ggbCAS).evaluateGeoGebraCAS(exp);

     * Evaluates an expression in MathPiper syntax with.
      * @return result string (null possible)
     * @throws Throwable 
    final public String evaluateMathPiper(String exp) {
        if (ggbCAS == null) {

        return ((geogebra.cas.GeoGebraCAS) ggbCAS).evaluateMathPiper(exp);

     * Evaluates an expression in Maxima syntax with.
      * @return result string (null possible)
     * @throws Throwable 
    final public String evaluateMaxima(String exp) {
        if (ggbCAS == null) {

        return ((geogebra.cas.GeoGebraCAS) ggbCAS).evaluateMaxima(exp);

      *  Returns whether var is a defined variable in GeoGebraCAS.
    final public boolean isCASVariableBound(String var) {
        if (ggbCAS == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return ((geogebra.cas.GeoGebraCAS) ggbCAS).isVariableBound(var);

    final public boolean isGeoGebraCASready() {
        return ggbCAS != null;

    public static int DEFAULT_CAS = Application.CAS_MATHPIPER; // default

     * needed eg change MathPiper -> Maxima
    final public void setDefaultCAS(int cas) {
        DEFAULT_CAS = cas;
        if (ggbCAS != null)
            ((geogebra.cas.GeoGebraCAS) ggbCAS).setCurrentCAS(DEFAULT_CAS);

     * Returns this kernel's GeoGebraCAS object.
    public synchronized Object getGeoGebraCAS() {
        if (ggbCAS == null) {
            ggbCAS = new geogebra.cas.GeoGebraCAS(this);

        return ggbCAS;

      * Finds the polynomial coefficients of
      * the given expression and returns it in ascending order. 
      * If exp is not a polynomial null is returned.
      * example: getPolynomialCoeffs("3*a*x^2 + b"); returns
      * ["0", "b", "3*a"]
    final public String[] getPolynomialCoeffs(String exp, String variable) {
        if (ggbCAS == null) {

        return ((geogebra.cas.GeoGebraCAS) ggbCAS).getPolynomialCoeffs(exp, variable);

    final public void setEpsilon(double epsilon) {
        EPSILON = epsilon;

        else if (EPSILON < MAX_PRECISION)


     * Sets the working epsilon precision according to the given 
     * print precision. After this method epsilon will always be
     * less or equal STANDARD_PRECISION.
     * @param printPrecision
    private void setEpsilonForPrintPrecision(double printPrecision) {
        if (printPrecision < STANDARD_PRECISION) {
        } else {

    final public double getEpsilon() {
        return EPSILON;

    final public void setMinPrecision() {

    final public void resetPrecision() {

     * Tells this kernel about the bounds and the scales for x-Axis and y-Axis used
     * in EudlidianView. The scale is the number of pixels per unit.
     * (useful for some algorithms like findminimum). All 
    final public void setEuclidianViewBounds(int view, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax,
            double xscale, double yscale) {

        switch (view) {
        case 1:
            this.xmin = xmin;
            this.xmax = xmax;
            this.ymin = ymin;
            this.ymax = ymax;
            this.xscale = xscale;
            this.yscale = yscale;

        case 2:
            this.xmin2 = xmin;
            this.xmax2 = xmax;
            this.ymin2 = ymin;
            this.ymax2 = ymax;
            this.xscale2 = xscale;
            this.yscale2 = yscale;

        graphicsView2showing = app.isShowingEuclidianView2();

    private void notifyEuclidianViewAlgos() {
        if (macroManager != null)


    double getXmax() {
        if (graphicsView2showing)
            return Math.max(xmax, xmax2);
            return xmax;

    double getXmin() {
        if (graphicsView2showing)
            return Math.min(xmin, xmin2);
            return xmin;

    double getXscale() {
        if (graphicsView2showing) {
            // xscale = pixel per unit
            // higher xscale means more pixels per unit, i.e. higher precision
            return Math.max(xscale, xscale2);
        } else {
            return xscale;


    double getYmax() {
        if (graphicsView2showing)
            return Math.max(ymax, ymax2);
            return ymax;

    double getYmin() {
        if (graphicsView2showing)
            return Math.min(ymin, ymin2);
            return ymin;

    double getYscale() {
        if (graphicsView2showing)
            // yscale = pixel per unit
            // higher xscale means more pixels per unit, i.e. higher precision
            return Math.max(yscale, yscale2);
            return yscale;

     * Registers an algorithm that needs to be updated when notifyRename(),
     * notifyAdd(), or notifyRemove() is called.    
    void registerRenameListenerAlgo(AlgoElement algo) {
        if (renameListenerAlgos == null) {
            renameListenerAlgos = new ArrayList();

        if (!renameListenerAlgos.contains(algo))

    void unregisterRenameListenerAlgo(AlgoElement algo) {
        if (renameListenerAlgos != null)

    private ArrayList renameListenerAlgos;

    private void notifyRenameListenerAlgos() {

    //G.Sturr 2009-10-18
    final public void setAlgebraStyle(int style) {
        algebraStyle = style;

    final public int getAlgebraStyle() {
        return algebraStyle;
    //end G.Sturr

    final public void setAngleUnit(int unit) {
        angleUnit = unit;

    final public int getAngleUnit() {
        return angleUnit;

    final public int getMaximumFractionDigits() {
        return nf.getMaximumFractionDigits();

    final public void setMaximumFractionDigits(int digits) {
        useSignificantFigures = false;

    final public String getPiString() {
        return casPrintFormPI;

    final public void setCASPrintForm(int type) {
        casPrintForm = type;

        switch (casPrintForm) {
        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MATH_PIPER:
            casPrintFormPI = "Pi";

        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MAXIMA:
            casPrintFormPI = "%pi";

        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_JASYMCA:
        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_GEOGEBRA_XML:
            casPrintFormPI = "pi";

        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MPREDUCE:
            casPrintFormPI = "PI";

        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_LATEX:
            casPrintFormPI = "\\pi";

            casPrintFormPI = Unicode.PI_STRING;

    final public int getCASPrintForm() {
        return casPrintForm;

    final public int getCurrentCAS() {
        return ((GeoGebraCAS) getGeoGebraCAS()).currentCAS;

    final public void setPrintDecimals(int decimals) {
        if (decimals >= 0) {
            useSignificantFigures = false;
            ROUND_HALF_UP_FACTOR = decimals < 15 ? ROUND_HALF_UP_FACTOR_DEFAULT : 1;

            PRINT_PRECISION = Math.pow(10, -decimals);

    final public int getPrintDecimals() {
        return nf.getMaximumFractionDigits();

    final public void setPrintFigures(int figures) {
        if (figures >= 0) {
            useSignificantFigures = true;
            sf.setMaxWidth(16); // for scientific notation
            ROUND_HALF_UP_FACTOR = figures < 15 ? ROUND_HALF_UP_FACTOR_DEFAULT : 1;


     * Sets the print accuracy to at least the given decimals
     * or significant figures. If the current accuracy is already higher, nothing is changed.
     * @param decimalsOrFigures
     * @return whether the print accuracy was changed
    public boolean ensureTemporaryPrintAccuracy(int decimalsOrFigures) {
        if (useSignificantFigures) {
            if (sf.getSigDigits() < decimalsOrFigures) {
                return true;
        } else {
            // decimals
            if (nf.getMaximumFractionDigits() < decimalsOrFigures) {
                return true;
        return false;

    final public void setTemporaryPrintFigures(int figures) {

    final public void setTemporaryPrintDecimals(int decimals) {

     * stores information about the current no of decimal places/sig figures used
     * for when it is (temporarily changed)
     * needs to be in a list as it can be nested
    private void storeTemporaryRoundingInfoInList() {
        if (useSignificantFiguresList == null) {
            useSignificantFiguresList = new Stack<Boolean>();
            noOfSignificantFiguresList = new Stack<Integer>();
            noOfDecimalPlacesList = new Stack<Integer>();

        useSignificantFiguresList.push(new Boolean(useSignificantFigures));
        noOfSignificantFiguresList.push(new Integer(sf.getSigDigits()));
        noOfDecimalPlacesList.push(new Integer(nf.getMaximumFractionDigits()));

     *  gets previous values of print acuracy from stacks
    final public void restorePrintAccuracy() {
        useSignificantFigures = useSignificantFiguresList.pop().booleanValue();
        int sigFigures = noOfSignificantFiguresList.pop().intValue();
        int decDigits = noOfDecimalPlacesList.pop().intValue();

        if (useSignificantFigures)

        //Application.debug("list size"+noOfSignificantFiguresList.size());

     * returns number of significant digits, or -1 if using decimal places
    final public int getPrintFigures() {
        if (!useSignificantFigures)
            return -1;
        return sf.getSigDigits();

     * returns 10^(-PrintDecimals)
    final public double getPrintPrecision() {
       return PRINT_PRECISION;
    } */

    final public int getCoordStyle() {
        return coordStyle;

    public void setCoordStyle(int coordStlye) {
        coordStyle = coordStlye;

     * GeoElement specific

    public int getClassType(String type) throws MyError {
        switch (type.charAt(0)) {
        case 'a': //angle             
            return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_ANGLE;

        case 'b': //angle
            if (type.equals("boolean"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_BOOLEAN;
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_BUTTON; // "button"

        case 'c': // conic
            if (type.equals("conic"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_CONIC;
            else if (type.equals("conicpart"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_CONICPART;
            else if (type.equals("circle")) { // bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_CONIC;

        case 'd': // doubleLine          // bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
            return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_CONIC;

        case 'e': // ellipse, emptyset   //  bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
            return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_CONIC;

        case 'f': // function
            return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_FUNCTION;

        case 'h': // hyperbola         //  bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
            return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_CONIC;

        case 'i': // image,implicitpoly
            if (type.equals("image"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_IMAGE;
            else if (type.equals("intersectinglines")) //  bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_CONIC;
            else if (type.equals("implicitpoly"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_IMPLICIT_POLY;

        case 'l': // line, list, locus
            if (type.equals("line"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_LINE;
            else if (type.equals("list"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_LIST;
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_LOCUS;

        case 'n': // numeric
            return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_NUMERIC;

        case 'p': // point, polygon
            if (type.equals("point"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_POINT;
            else if (type.equals("polygon"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_POLYGON;
            else if (type.equals("polyline"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_POLYLINE;
            else // parabola, parallelLines, point //  bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_CONIC;

        case 'r': // ray
            return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_RAY;

        case 's': // segment             
            return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_SEGMENT;

        case 't':
            if (type.equals("text"))
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXT; // text
                return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXTFIELD; // textfield

        case 'v': // vector
            return GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_VECTOR;

            throw new MyError(cons.getApplication(),
                    "Kernel: GeoElement of type " + type + " could not be created.");

      * Creates a new GeoElement object for the given type string.
      * @param type: String as produced by GeoElement.getXMLtypeString()
    public GeoElement createGeoElement(Construction cons, String type) throws MyError {
        // the type strings are the classnames in lowercase without the beginning "geo"
        // due to a bug in GeoGebra 2.6c the type strings for conics
        // in XML may be "ellipse", "hyperbola", ...  

        switch (type.charAt(0)) {
        case 'a': //angle             
            return new GeoAngle(cons);

        case 'b': //angle
            if (type.equals("boolean"))
                return new GeoBoolean(cons);
                return new GeoButton(cons); // "button"

        case 'c': // conic
            if (type.equals("conic"))
                return new GeoConic(cons);
            else if (type.equals("conicpart"))
                return new GeoConicPart(cons, 0);
            else if (type.equals("circle")) { // bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
                return new GeoConic(cons);

        case 'd': // doubleLine          // bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
            return new GeoConic(cons);

        case 'e': // ellipse, emptyset   //  bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
            return new GeoConic(cons);

        case 'f': // function
            return new GeoFunction(cons);

        case 'h': // hyperbola         //  bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
            return new GeoConic(cons);

        case 'i': // image,implicitpoly
            if (type.equals("image"))
                return new GeoImage(cons);
            else if (type.equals("intersectinglines")) //  bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
                return new GeoConic(cons);
            else if (type.equals("implicitpoly"))
                return new GeoImplicitPoly(cons);

        case 'l': // line, list, locus
            if (type.equals("line"))
                return new GeoLine(cons);
            else if (type.equals("list"))
                return new GeoList(cons);
                return new GeoLocus(cons);

        case 'n': // numeric
            return new GeoNumeric(cons);

        case 'p': // point, polygon
            if (type.equals("point"))
                return new GeoPoint(cons);
            else if (type.equals("polygon"))
                return new GeoPolygon(cons, null);
            else if (type.equals("polyline"))
                return new GeoPolyLine(cons, null);
            else // parabola, parallelLines, point //  bug in GeoGebra 2.6c
                return new GeoConic(cons);

        case 'r': // ray
            return new GeoRay(cons, null);

        case 's': // segment             
            return new GeoSegment(cons, null, null);

        case 't':
            if (type.equals("text"))
                return new GeoText(cons); // text
                return new GeoTextField(cons); // textfield

        case 'v': // vector
            return new GeoVector(cons);

            throw new MyError(cons.getApplication(),
                    "Kernel: GeoElement of type " + type + " could not be created.");

    /* *******************************************
     *  Methods for EuclidianView/EuclidianView3D
     * ********************************************/

    public String getModeText(int mode) {
        switch (mode) {
        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SELECTION_LISTENER:
            return "Select";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE:
            return "Move";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POINT:
            return "Point";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POINT_ON_OBJECT:
            return "PointOnObject";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_JOIN:
            return "Join";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SEGMENT:
            return "Segment";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SEGMENT_FIXED:
            return "SegmentFixed";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_RAY:
            return "Ray";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POLYGON:
            return "Polygon";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POLYLINE:
            return "PolyLine";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_RIGID_POLYGON:
            return "RigidPolygon";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VECTOR_POLYGON:
            return "VectorPolygon";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PARALLEL:
            return "Parallel";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ORTHOGONAL:
            return "Orthogonal";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_INTERSECT:
            return "Intersect";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_INTERSECTION_CURVE:
            return "IntersectionCurve";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_LINE_BISECTOR:
            return "LineBisector";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ANGULAR_BISECTOR:
            return "AngularBisector";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_TANGENTS:
            return "Tangent";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POLAR_DIAMETER:
            return "PolarDiameter";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_TWO_POINTS:
            return "Circle2";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_THREE_POINTS:
            return "Circle3";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ELLIPSE_THREE_POINTS:
            return "Ellipse3";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PARABOLA:
            return "Parabola";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_HYPERBOLA_THREE_POINTS:
            return "Hyperbola3";

        // Michael Borcherds 2008-03-13
        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_COMPASSES:
            return "Compasses";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONIC_FIVE_POINTS:
            return "Conic5";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_RELATION:
            return "Relation";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_TRANSLATEVIEW:
            return "TranslateView";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SHOW_HIDE_OBJECT:
            return "ShowHideObject";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SHOW_HIDE_LABEL:
            return "ShowHideLabel";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_COPY_VISUAL_STYLE:
            return "CopyVisualStyle";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_DELETE:
            return "Delete";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VECTOR:
            return "Vector";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_TEXT:
            return "Text";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_IMAGE:
            return "Image";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_MIDPOINT:
            return "Midpoint";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SEMICIRCLE:
            return "Semicircle";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_ARC_THREE_POINTS:
            return "CircleArc3";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_SECTOR_THREE_POINTS:
            return "CircleSector3";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCUMCIRCLE_ARC_THREE_POINTS:
            return "CircumcircleArc3";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCUMCIRCLE_SECTOR_THREE_POINTS:
            return "CircumcircleSector3";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SLIDER:
            return "Slider";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_MIRROR_AT_POINT:
            return "MirrorAtPoint";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_MIRROR_AT_LINE:
            return "MirrorAtLine";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_MIRROR_AT_CIRCLE:
            return "MirrorAtCircle";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_TRANSLATE_BY_VECTOR:
            return "TranslateByVector";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ROTATE_BY_ANGLE:
            return "RotateByAngle";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_DILATE_FROM_POINT:
            return "DilateFromPoint";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_POINT_RADIUS:
            return "CirclePointRadius";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ANGLE:
            return "Angle";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ANGLE_FIXED:
            return "AngleFixed";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VECTOR_FROM_POINT:
            return "VectorFromPoint";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_DISTANCE:
            return "Distance";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE_ROTATE:
            return "MoveRotate";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ZOOM_IN:
            return "ZoomIn";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ZOOM_OUT:
            return "ZoomOut";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_LOCUS:
            return "Locus";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_AREA:
            return "Area";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SLOPE:
            return "Slope";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_REGULAR_POLYGON:
            return "RegularPolygon";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SHOW_HIDE_CHECKBOX:
            return "ShowCheckBox";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_BUTTON_ACTION:
            return "ButtonAction";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_TEXTFIELD_ACTION:
            return "TextFieldAction";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PEN:
            return "Pen";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VISUAL_STYLE:
            return "VisualStyle";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_FITLINE:
            return "FitLine";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_RECORD_TO_SPREADSHEET:
            return "RecordToSpreadsheet";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PROBABILITY_CALCULATOR:
            return "ProbabilityCalculator";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_FUNCTION_INSPECTOR:
            return "FunctionInspector";

        // CAS   
        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CAS_EVALUATE:
            return "Evaluate";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CAS_NUMERIC:
            return "Numeric";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CAS_KEEP_INPUT:
            return "KeepInput";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CAS_EXPAND:
            return "Expand";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CAS_FACTOR:
            return "Factor";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CAS_SUBSTITUTE:
            return "Substitute";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CAS_SOLVE:
            return "Solve";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CAS_DERIVATIVE:
            return "Derivative";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CAS_INTEGRAL:
            return "Integral";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ATTACH_DETACH:
            return "AttachDetachPoint";

        // Spreadsheet   
        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_ONEVARSTATS:
            return "OneVarStats";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_TWOVARSTATS:
            return "TwoVarStats";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_MULTIVARSTATS:
            return "MultiVarStats";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_CREATE_LIST:
            return "CreateList";

            return "CreateListOfPoints";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_CREATE_MATRIX:
            return "CreateMatrix";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_CREATE_TABLETEXT:
            return "CreateTable";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_CREATE_POLYLINE:
            return "CreatePolyLine";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_SUM:
            return "SumCells";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_AVERAGE:
            return "MeanCells";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_COUNT:
            return "CountCells";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_MIN:
            return "MinCells";

        case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_MAX:
            return "MaxCells";

            return "";

    /* *******************************************
     *  Methods for MyXMLHandler
     * ********************************************/
    public boolean handleCoords(GeoElement geo, LinkedHashMap<String, String> attrs) {

        if (!(geo instanceof GeoVec3D)) {
            Application.debug("wrong element type for <coords>: " + geo.getClass());
            return false;
        GeoVec3D v = (GeoVec3D) geo;

        try {
            double x = Double.parseDouble((String) attrs.get("x"));
            double y = Double.parseDouble((String) attrs.get("y"));
            double z = Double.parseDouble((String) attrs.get("z"));
            v.setCoords(x, y, z);
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

    /* *******************************************
     *  Construction specific methods
     * ********************************************/

     * Returns the ConstructionElement for the given GeoElement.
     * If geo is independent geo itself is returned. If geo is dependent
     * it's parent algorithm is returned.    
    public static ConstructionElement getConstructionElement(GeoElement geo) {
        AlgoElement algo = geo.getParentAlgorithm();
        if (algo == null)
            return geo;
            return algo;

     * Returns the Construction object of this kernel.
    public Construction getConstruction() {
        return cons;

     * Returns the ConstructionElement for the given construction index.
    public ConstructionElement getConstructionElement(int index) {
        return cons.getConstructionElement(index);

    public void setConstructionStep(int step) {
        if (cons.getStep() != step) {

    public int getConstructionStep() {
        return cons.getStep();

    public int getLastConstructionStep() {
        return cons.steps() - 1;

     * Sets construction step to 
     * first step of construction protocol. 
     * Note: showOnlyBreakpoints() is important here
    public void firstStep() {
        int step = 0;

        if (showOnlyBreakpoints()) {
        } else {

     * Sets construction step to 
     * last step of construction protocol. 
     * Note: showOnlyBreakpoints() is important here
    public void lastStep() {
        int step = getLastConstructionStep();

        if (showOnlyBreakpoints()) {
        } else {

     * Sets construction step to 
     * next step of construction protocol. 
     * Note: showOnlyBreakpoints() is important here
    public void nextStep() {
        int step = cons.getStep() + 1;

        if (showOnlyBreakpoints()) {
        } else {

    private int getNextBreakpoint(int step) {
        int lastStep = getLastConstructionStep();
        // go to next breakpoint
        while (step <= lastStep) {
            if (cons.getConstructionElement(step).isConsProtocolBreakpoint()) {
                return step;


        return lastStep;

     * Sets construction step to 
     * previous step of construction protocol   
     * Note: showOnlyBreakpoints() is important here 
    public void previousStep() {
        int step = cons.getStep() - 1;

        if (showOnlyBreakpoints()) {
        } else {

    private int getPreviousBreakpoint(int step) {
        // go to previous breakpoint
        while (step >= 0) {
            if (cons.getConstructionElement(step).isConsProtocolBreakpoint())
                return step;
        return -1;

     * Move object at position from to position to in current construction.
    public boolean moveInConstructionList(int from, int to) {
        return cons.moveInConstructionList(from, to);

    public void clearConstruction() {
        if (macroManager != null)

        // clear animations
        if (animationManager != null) {



    public void updateConstruction() {

     * Tests if the current construction has no elements. 
     * @return true if the current construction has no GeoElements; false otherwise.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return cons.isEmpty();

    /* ******************************
     * redo / undo for current construction
     * ******************************/

    public void setUndoActive(boolean flag) {
        undoActive = flag;

    public boolean isUndoActive() {
        return undoActive;

    public void storeUndoInfo() {
        if (undoActive) {

    public void restoreCurrentUndoInfo() {
        if (undoActive)

    public void initUndoInfo() {
        if (undoActive)

    public void redo() {
        if (undoActive) {

    public void undo() {
        if (undoActive) {

            // repaint needed for last undo in second EuclidianView (bugfix)
            if (!undoPossible())

    public boolean undoPossible() {
        return undoActive && cons.undoPossible();

    public boolean redoPossible() {
        return undoActive && cons.redoPossible();

    /* *******************************************************
     * methods for view-Pattern (Model-View-Controller)
     * *******************************************************/

    public void attach(View view) {
        //   Application.debug("ATTACH " + view + ", notifyActive: " + notifyViewsActive);         
        if (!notifyViewsActive) {
            viewCnt = oldViewCnt;

        // view already attached?
        boolean viewFound = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; i++) {
            if (views[i] == view) {
                viewFound = true;

        if (!viewFound) {
            // new view
            views[viewCnt++] = view;

        //TODO: remove
        System.out.print("  current views:\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; i++) {
            System.out.print(views[i] + "\n");

        if (!notifyViewsActive) {
            oldViewCnt = viewCnt;
            viewCnt = 0;

        System.err.println("XXXXXXXXX Number of registered views = " + viewCnt);
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; i++) {

    public void detach(View view) {
        // Application.debug("detach " + view);

        if (!notifyViewsActive) {
            viewCnt = oldViewCnt;

        int pos = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; ++i) {
            if (views[i] == view) {
                pos = i;
                views[pos] = null; // delete view

        // view found
        if (pos > -1) {
            // copy following views
            for (; pos < viewCnt; ++pos) {
                views[pos] = views[pos + 1];

        System.out.print("  current views: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; i++) {
           System.out.print(views[i] + ", ");

        if (!notifyViewsActive) {
            oldViewCnt = viewCnt;
            viewCnt = 0;

        System.err.println("XXXXXXXXX Number of registered views = " + viewCnt);
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; i++) {


     * Notify the views that the mode changed.
     * @param mode
    final public void notifyModeChanged(int mode) {
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; ++i) {

    final public void notifyAddAll(View view) {
        int consStep = cons.getStep();
        notifyAddAll(view, consStep);

    final public void notifyAddAll(View view, int consStep) {
        if (!notifyViewsActive)

        Iterator it = cons.getGeoSetConstructionOrder().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            GeoElement geo = (GeoElement);

            // stop when not visible for current construction step
            if (!geo.isAvailableAtConstructionStep(consStep))


    //   final public void notifyRemoveAll(View view) {
    //      Iterator it = cons.getGeoSetConstructionOrder().iterator();
    //      while (it.hasNext()) {
    //         GeoElement geo = (GeoElement);
    //         view.remove(geo);
    //      }   
    //   }

     * Tells views to update all labeled elements of current construction.
    final public static void notifyUpdateAll() {

    final void notifyAdd(GeoElement geo) {
        if (notifyViewsActive) {
            for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; ++i) {


    final void notifyRemove(GeoElement geo) {
        if (notifyViewsActive) {
            for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; ++i) {


    public final void notifyUpdate(GeoElement geo) {
        if (notifyViewsActive) {
            for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; ++i) {

    final void notifyUpdateAuxiliaryObject(GeoElement geo) {
        if (notifyViewsActive) {
            for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; ++i) {

    final void notifyRename(GeoElement geo) {
        if (notifyViewsActive) {
            for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; ++i) {


    public void setNotifyViewsActive(boolean flag) {
        //Application.debug("setNotifyViews: " + flag);

        if (flag != notifyViewsActive) {
            notifyViewsActive = flag;

            if (flag) {
                //Application.debug("Activate VIEWS");            
                viewReiniting = true;

                // "attach" views again
                viewCnt = oldViewCnt;

                // add all geos to all views
                Iterator it = cons.getGeoSetConstructionOrder().iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    GeoElement geo = (GeoElement);

                Object [] geos =
                for (int i = 0 ; i < geos.length ; i++) {
                   GeoElement geo =  (GeoElement) geos[i];               


                viewReiniting = false;
            } else {
                //Application.debug("Deactivate VIEWS");

                // "detach" views
                oldViewCnt = viewCnt;
                viewCnt = 0;

    private int oldViewCnt;

    public boolean isNotifyViewsActive() {
        return notifyViewsActive && !viewReiniting;

    public boolean isViewReiniting() {
        return viewReiniting;

    private boolean notifyRepaint = true;

    public void setNotifyRepaintActive(boolean flag) {
        if (flag != notifyRepaint) {
            notifyRepaint = flag;
            if (notifyRepaint)

    final public boolean isNotifyRepaintActive() {
        return notifyRepaint;

    public final void notifyRepaint() {
        if (notifyRepaint) {
            for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; ++i) {

    final void notifyReset() {
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; ++i) {

    final void notifyClearView() {
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; ++i) {

    public void clearJustCreatedGeosInViews() {
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCnt; i++) {
            if (views[i] instanceof EuclidianView)
                ((EuclidianView) views[i]).getEuclidianController().clearJustCreatedGeos();

    /* **********************************
     *   MACRO handling
     * **********************************/

     * Creates a new macro within the kernel. A macro is a user defined
     * command in GeoGebra.
    public void addMacro(Macro macro) {
        if (macroManager == null) {
            macroManager = new MacroManager();

     * Removes a macro from the kernel.
    public void removeMacro(Macro macro) {
        if (macroManager != null)

     * Removes all macros from the kernel. 
    public void removeAllMacros() {
        if (macroManager != null) {

     * Sets the command name of a macro. Note: if the given name is
     * already used nothing is done.
     * @return if the command name was really set
    public boolean setMacroCommandName(Macro macro, String cmdName) {
        boolean nameUsed = macroManager.getMacro(cmdName) != null;
        if (nameUsed || cmdName == null || cmdName.length() == 0)
            return false;

        macroManager.setMacroCommandName(macro, cmdName);
        return true;

     * Returns the macro object for a given macro name.
     * Note: null may be returned.
    public Macro getMacro(String name) {
        return (macroManager == null) ? null : macroManager.getMacro(name);

     * Returns the number of currently registered macros
    public int getMacroNumber() {
        if (macroManager == null)
            return 0;
            return macroManager.getMacroNumber();

     * Returns a list with all currently registered macros.
    public ArrayList getAllMacros() {
        if (macroManager == null)
            return null;
            return macroManager.getAllMacros();

     * Returns i-th registered macro
    public Macro getMacro(int i) {
        try {
            return macroManager.getMacro(i);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * Returns the ID of the given macro.
    public int getMacroID(Macro macro) {
        return (macroManager == null) ? -1 : macroManager.getMacroID(macro);

     * Creates a new algorithm that uses the given macro.
     * @return output of macro algorithm
    final public GeoElement[] useMacro(String[] labels, Macro macro, GeoElement[] input) {
        try {
            AlgoMacro algo = new AlgoMacro(cons, labels, macro, input);
            return algo.getOutput();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * Returns an XML represenation of the given macros in this kernel.
     * @return
    public String getMacroXML(ArrayList macros) {
        if (hasMacros())
            return MacroManager.getMacroXML(macros);
            return "";

     * Returns whether any macros have been added to this kernel. 
    public boolean hasMacros() {
        return (macroManager != null && macroManager.getMacroNumber() > 0);

     * FACTORY METHODS FOR GeoElements

    /** Point label with cartesian coordinates (x,y)   */
    final public GeoPoint Point(String label, double x, double y) {
        GeoPoint p = new GeoPoint(cons);
        p.setCoords(x, y, 1.0);
        p.setLabel(label); // invokes add()                
        return p;

    /** Point label with cartesian coordinates (x,y)   */
    final public GeoPoint Point(String label, double x, double y, boolean complex) {
        GeoPoint p = new GeoPoint(cons);
        p.setCoords(x, y, 1.0);
        if (complex) {
            /* removed as this sets the mode back to COORD_CARTESIAN
            // we have to reset the visual style as the constructor
            // did not know that this was a complex number
            //p.setConstructionDefaults(); */
        } else
        p.setLabel(label); // invokes add()
        return p;

    /** Vector label with cartesian coordinates (x,y)   */
    final public GeoVector Vector(String label, double x, double y) {
        GeoVector v = new GeoVector(cons);
        v.setCoords(x, y, 0.0);
        v.setLabel(label); // invokes add()                
        return v;

    /** Line a x + b y + c = 0 named label */
    final public GeoLine Line(String label, double a, double b, double c) {
        GeoLine line = new GeoLine(cons, label, a, b, c);
        return line;

    /** Conic label with equation ax + bxy + cy + dx + ey + f = 0  */
    final public GeoConic Conic(String label, double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f) {
        double[] coeffs = { a, b, c, d, e, f };
        GeoConic conic = new GeoConic(cons, label, coeffs);
        return conic;

    /** Implicit Polynomial  */
    final public GeoImplicitPoly ImplicitPoly(String label, Polynomial poly) {
        GeoImplicitPoly implicitPoly = new GeoImplicitPoly(cons, label, poly);
        return implicitPoly;

    /** Implicit Polynomial through points */
    final public GeoImplicitPoly ImplicitPoly(String label, GeoList points) {
        AlgoImplicitPolyThroughPoints algo = new AlgoImplicitPolyThroughPoints(cons, label, points);
        GeoImplicitPoly implicitPoly = algo.getImplicitPoly();
        return implicitPoly;

    /** Converts number to angle */
    final public GeoAngle Angle(String label, GeoNumeric num) {
        AlgoAngleNumeric algo = new AlgoAngleNumeric(cons, label, num);
        GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle();
        return angle;

    /** Function in x,  e.g. f(x) = 4 x + 3 x
    final public GeoFunction Function(String label, Function fun) {
        GeoFunction f = new GeoFunction(cons, label, fun);
        return f;

    /** Function in multiple variables,  e.g. f(x,y) = 4 x^2 + 3 y^2
    final public GeoFunctionNVar FunctionNVar(String label, FunctionNVar fun) {
        GeoFunctionNVar f = new GeoFunctionNVar(cons, label, fun);
        return f;

    /** Interval in x,  e.g. x > 3 && x < 6
    final public GeoInterval Interval(String label, Function fun) {
        GeoInterval f = new GeoInterval(cons, label, fun);
        return f;

    final public GeoText Text(String label, String text) {
        GeoText t = new GeoText(cons);
        return t;

    final public GeoBoolean Boolean(String label, boolean value) {
        GeoBoolean b = new GeoBoolean(cons);
        return b;

     * Creates a free list object with the given
     * @param label
     * @param geoElementList list of GeoElement objects
     * @return
    final public GeoList List(String label, ArrayList geoElementList, boolean isIndependent) {
        if (isIndependent) {
            GeoList list = new GeoList(cons);
            int size = geoElementList.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                list.add((GeoElement) geoElementList.get(i));
            return list;
        } else {
            AlgoDependentList algoList = new AlgoDependentList(cons, label, geoElementList);
            return algoList.getGeoList();

     * Creates a dependent list object with the given label, 
     * e.g. {3, 2, 1} + {a, b, 2}    
    final public GeoList ListExpression(String label, ExpressionNode root) {
        AlgoDependentListExpression algo = new AlgoDependentListExpression(cons, label, root);
        return algo.getList();

     * Creates a list object for a range of cells in the spreadsheet. 
     * e.g. A1:B2
    final public GeoList CellRange(String label, GeoElement startCell, GeoElement endCell) {
        AlgoCellRange algo = new AlgoCellRange(cons, label, startCell, endCell);
        return algo.getList();


     * If-then-else construct.
    final public GeoElement If(String label, GeoBoolean condition, GeoElement geoIf, GeoElement geoElse) {

        // check if geoIf and geoElse are of same type
        /*   if (geoElse == null ||
              geoIf.isNumberValue() && geoElse.isNumberValue() ||
        AlgoIf algo = new AlgoIf(cons, label, condition, geoIf, geoElse);
        return algo.getGeoElement();
        /*   }
           else {
              // incompatible types
              Application.debug("if incompatible: " + geoIf + ", " + geoElse);
              return null;
           }   */

     * If-then-else construct for functions. 
     *  example: If[ x < 2, x^2, x + 2 ]
    final public GeoFunction If(String label, GeoFunction boolFun, GeoFunction ifFun, GeoFunction elseFun) {

        AlgoIfFunction algo = new AlgoIfFunction(cons, label, boolFun, ifFun, elseFun);
        return algo.getGeoFunction();

     * If-then-else construct for functions. 
     *  example: If[ x < 2, x^2, x + 2 ]
    final public GeoNumeric CountIf(String label, GeoFunction boolFun, GeoList list) {

        AlgoCountIf algo = new AlgoCountIf(cons, label, boolFun, list);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Sequence command:
      * Sequence[ <expression>, <number-var>, <from>, <to>, <step> ]  
      * @return array with GeoList object and its list items
    final public GeoElement[] Sequence(String label, GeoElement expression, GeoNumeric localVar, NumberValue from,
            NumberValue to, NumberValue step) {

        AlgoSequence algo = new AlgoSequence(cons, label, expression, localVar, from, to, step);
        return algo.getOutput();

     * Cartesian curve command:
      * Curve[ <expression x-coord>, <expression x-coord>, <number-var>, <from>, <to> ]  
    final public GeoCurveCartesian CurveCartesian(String label, NumberValue xcoord, NumberValue ycoord,
            GeoNumeric localVar, NumberValue from, NumberValue to) {
        AlgoCurveCartesian algo = new AlgoCurveCartesian(cons, label, new NumberValue[] { xcoord, ycoord },
                localVar, from, to);
        return (GeoCurveCartesian) algo.getCurve();

     * Converts a NumberValue object to an ExpressionNode object. 
    public ExpressionNode convertNumberValueToExpressionNode(NumberValue nv) {
        GeoElement geo = nv.toGeoElement();
        AlgoElement algo = geo.getParentAlgorithm();

        if (algo != null && algo instanceof AlgoDependentNumber) {
            AlgoDependentNumber algoDep = (AlgoDependentNumber) algo;
            return algoDep.getExpression().getCopy(this);
        } else {
            return new ExpressionNode(this, geo);

    /** Number dependent on arithmetic expression with variables,
     * represented by a tree. e.g. t = 6z - 2
    final public GeoNumeric DependentNumber(String label, ExpressionNode root, boolean isAngle) {
        AlgoDependentNumber algo = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, label, root, isAngle);
        GeoNumeric number = algo.getNumber();
        return number;

    /** Point dependent on arithmetic expression with variables,
     * represented by a tree. e.g. P = (4t, 2s)
    final public GeoPoint DependentPoint(String label, ExpressionNode root, boolean complex) {
        AlgoDependentPoint algo = new AlgoDependentPoint(cons, label, root, complex);
        GeoPoint P = algo.getPoint();
        return P;

    /** Vector dependent on arithmetic expression with variables,
     * represented by a tree. e.g. v = u + 3 w
    final public GeoVector DependentVector(String label, ExpressionNode root) {
        AlgoDependentVector algo = new AlgoDependentVector(cons, label, root);
        GeoVector v = algo.getVector();
        return v;

    /** Line dependent on coefficients of arithmetic expressions with variables,
     * represented by trees. e.g. y = k x + d
    final public GeoLine DependentLine(String label, Equation equ) {
        AlgoDependentLine algo = new AlgoDependentLine(cons, label, equ);
        GeoLine line = algo.getLine();
        return line;

    /** Conic dependent on coefficients of arithmetic expressions with variables,
     * represented by trees. e.g. y = 2 p x 
    final public GeoConic DependentConic(String label, Equation equ) {
        AlgoDependentConic algo = new AlgoDependentConic(cons, label, equ);
        GeoConic conic = algo.getConic();
        return conic;

    final public GeoImplicitPoly DependentImplicitPoly(String label, Equation equ) {
        AlgoDependentImplicitPoly algo = new AlgoDependentImplicitPoly(cons, label, equ);
        GeoImplicitPoly implicitPoly = algo.getImplicitPoly();
        return implicitPoly;

    /** Function dependent on coefficients of arithmetic expressions with variables,
     * represented by trees. e.g. f(x) = a x + b x
    final public GeoFunction DependentFunction(String label, Function fun) {
        AlgoDependentFunction algo = new AlgoDependentFunction(cons, label, fun);
        GeoFunction f = algo.getFunction();
        return f;

    /** Multivariate Function depending on coefficients of arithmetic expressions with variables,
     *  e.g. f(x,y) = a x^2 + b y^2
    final public GeoFunctionNVar DependentFunctionNVar(String label, FunctionNVar fun) {
        AlgoDependentFunctionNVar algo = new AlgoDependentFunctionNVar(cons, label, fun);
        GeoFunctionNVar f = algo.getFunction();
        return f;

    /** Interval dependent on coefficients of arithmetic expressions with variables,
     * represented by trees. e.g. x > a && x < b
    final public GeoFunction DependentInterval(String label, Function fun) {
        AlgoDependentInterval algo = new AlgoDependentInterval(cons, label, fun);
        GeoFunction f = algo.getFunction();
        return f;

    /** Text dependent on coefficients of arithmetic expressions with variables,
     * represented by trees. e.g. text = "Radius: " + r
    final public GeoText DependentText(String label, ExpressionNode root) {
        AlgoDependentText algo = new AlgoDependentText(cons, label, root);
        GeoText t = algo.getGeoText();
        return t;

     * Creates a dependent copy of origGeo with label
    final public GeoElement DependentGeoCopy(String label, ExpressionNode origGeoNode) {
        AlgoDependentGeoCopy algo = new AlgoDependentGeoCopy(cons, label, origGeoNode);
        return algo.getGeo();

    final public GeoElement DependentGeoCopy(String label, GeoElement origGeoNode) {
        AlgoDependentGeoCopy algo = new AlgoDependentGeoCopy(cons, label, origGeoNode);
        return algo.getGeo();

     * Name of geo.
    final public GeoText Name(String label, GeoElement geo) {
        AlgoName algo = new AlgoName(cons, label, geo);
        GeoText t = algo.getGeoText();
        return t;

     * Object from name
    final public GeoElement Object(String label, GeoText text) {
        AlgoObject algo = new AlgoObject(cons, label, text);
        GeoElement ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Spreadsheet Object from coords
    final public GeoElement Cell(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoCell algo = new AlgoCell(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoElement ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * ColumnName[]
    final public GeoText ColumnName(String label, GeoElement geo) {
        AlgoColumnName algo = new AlgoColumnName(cons, label, geo);
        GeoText t = algo.getGeoText();
        return t;

     * LaTeX of geo.
    final public GeoText LaTeX(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoBoolean substituteVars, GeoBoolean showName) {
        AlgoLaTeX algo = new AlgoLaTeX(cons, label, geo, substituteVars, showName);
        GeoText t = algo.getGeoText();
        return t;

     * LaTeX of geo.
    final public GeoText LaTeX(String label, GeoElement geo) {
        AlgoLaTeX algo = new AlgoLaTeX(cons, label, geo);
        GeoText t = algo.getGeoText();
        return t;

     * Text of geo.
    final public GeoText Text(String label, GeoElement geo) {
        AlgoText algo = new AlgoText(cons, label, geo);
        GeoText t = algo.getGeoText();
        return t;

     * Text of geo.
    final public GeoText Text(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoBoolean substituteVars) {
        AlgoText algo = new AlgoText(cons, label, geo, substituteVars);
        GeoText t = algo.getGeoText();
        return t;

     * Text of geo.
    final public GeoText Text(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoPoint p, GeoBoolean substituteVars) {
        AlgoText algo = new AlgoText(cons, label, geo, p, substituteVars);
        GeoText t = algo.getGeoText();
        return t;

     * Text of geo.
    final public GeoText Text(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoPoint p, GeoBoolean substituteVars,
            GeoBoolean latex) {
        AlgoText algo = new AlgoText(cons, label, geo, p, substituteVars, latex);
        GeoText t = algo.getGeoText();
        return t;

     * Text of geo.
    final public GeoText Text(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoPoint p) {
        AlgoText algo = new AlgoText(cons, label, geo, p);
        GeoText t = algo.getGeoText();
        return t;

     * Row of geo.
    final public GeoNumeric Row(String label, GeoElement geo) {
        AlgoRow algo = new AlgoRow(cons, label, geo);
        GeoNumeric ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Column of geo.
    final public GeoNumeric Column(String label, GeoElement geo) {
        AlgoColumn algo = new AlgoColumn(cons, label, geo);
        GeoNumeric ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * ToNumber
    final public GeoNumeric LetterToUnicode(String label, GeoText geo) {
        AlgoLetterToUnicode algo = new AlgoLetterToUnicode(cons, label, geo);
        GeoNumeric ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * ToNumbers
    final public GeoList TextToUnicode(String label, GeoText geo) {
        AlgoTextToUnicode algo = new AlgoTextToUnicode(cons, label, geo);
        GeoList ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * ToText(number)
    final public GeoText UnicodeToLetter(String label, NumberValue a) {
        AlgoUnicodeToLetter algo = new AlgoUnicodeToLetter(cons, label, a);
        GeoText text = algo.getResult();
        return text;

     * ToText(list)
    final public GeoText UnicodeToText(String label, GeoList geo) {
        AlgoUnicodeToText algo = new AlgoUnicodeToText(cons, label, geo);
        GeoText ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Ordinal(list)
    final public GeoText Ordinal(String label, GeoNumeric geo) {
        AlgoOrdinal algo = new AlgoOrdinal(cons, label, geo);
        GeoText ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * returns the current x-axis step
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoNumeric AxisStepX(String label) {
        AlgoAxisStepX algo = new AlgoAxisStepX(cons, label);
        GeoNumeric t = algo.getResult();
        return t;

     * returns the current y-axis step
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoNumeric AxisStepY(String label) {
        AlgoAxisStepY algo = new AlgoAxisStepY(cons, label);
        GeoNumeric t = algo.getResult();
        return t;

     * returns the current construction protocol step
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-05-15
    final public GeoNumeric ConstructionStep(String label) {
        AlgoConstructionStep algo = new AlgoConstructionStep(cons, label);
        GeoNumeric t = algo.getResult();
        return t;

     * returns  current construction protocol step for an object
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-05-15
    final public GeoNumeric ConstructionStep(String label, GeoElement geo) {
        AlgoStepObject algo = new AlgoStepObject(cons, label, geo);
        GeoNumeric t = algo.getResult();
        return t;

     * Text dependent on coefficients of arithmetic expressions with variables,
     * represented by trees. e.g. c = a & b
    final public GeoBoolean DependentBoolean(String label, ExpressionNode root) {
        AlgoDependentBoolean algo = new AlgoDependentBoolean(cons, label, root);
        return algo.getGeoBoolean();

    /** Point on path with cartesian coordinates (x,y)   */
    final public GeoPoint Point(String label, Path path, double x, double y, boolean addToConstruction) {
        boolean oldMacroMode = false;
        if (!addToConstruction) {
            oldMacroMode = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive();

        AlgoPointOnPath algo = new AlgoPointOnPath(cons, label, path, x, y);
        GeoPoint p = algo.getP();
        if (!addToConstruction) {
        return p;

    /** Point anywhere on path with    */
    final public GeoPoint Point(String label, Path path, NumberValue param) {
        // try (0,0)
        AlgoPointOnPath algo = null;
        if (param == null)
            algo = new AlgoPointOnPath(cons, label, path, 0, 0);
            algo = new AlgoPointOnPath(cons, label, path, 0, 0, param);
        GeoPoint p = algo.getP();

        // try (1,0) 
        if (!p.isDefined()) {
            p.setCoords(1, 0, 1);

        // try (random(),0)
        if (!p.isDefined()) {
            p.setCoords(Math.random(), 0, 1);

        return p;

    /** Point anywhere on path with    */
    final public GeoPoint ClosestPoint(String label, Path path, GeoPoint p) {
        AlgoClosestPoint algo = new AlgoClosestPoint(cons, label, path, p);
        return algo.getP();

    public GeoElement Point(String label, Path path) {

        return Point(label, path, null);

    /** Point in region with cartesian coordinates (x,y)   */
    final public GeoPoint PointIn(String label, Region region, double x, double y, boolean addToConstruction) {
        boolean oldMacroMode = false;
        if (!addToConstruction) {
            oldMacroMode = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive();

        AlgoPointInRegion algo = new AlgoPointInRegion(cons, label, region, x, y);
        //Application.debug("PointIn - \n x="+x+"\n y="+y);
        GeoPoint p = algo.getP();
        if (!addToConstruction) {
        return p;

    /** Point in region */
    final public GeoPoint PointIn(String label, Region region) {
        return PointIn(label, region, 0, 0, true); //TODO do as for paths

    /** Point P + v   */
    final public GeoPoint Point(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoVector v) {
        AlgoPointVector algo = new AlgoPointVector(cons, label, P, v);
        GeoPoint p = algo.getQ();
        return p;

     * Returns the projected point of P on line g. 
    final public GeoPoint ProjectedPoint(GeoPoint P, GeoLine g) {
        boolean oldMacroMode = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive();
        GeoLine perp = OrthogonalLine(null, P, g);
        GeoPoint S = (GeoPoint) IntersectLines(null, perp, g);
        return S;

     * Midpoint M = (P + Q)/2
    final public GeoPoint Midpoint(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoPoint Q) {
        AlgoMidpoint algo = new AlgoMidpoint(cons, label, P, Q);
        GeoPoint M = algo.getPoint();
        return M;

     * Creates Midpoint M = (P + Q)/2 without label (for use as e.g. start point)
    final public GeoPoint Midpoint(GeoPoint P, GeoPoint Q) {

        boolean oldValue = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive();
        GeoPoint midPoint = Midpoint(null, P, Q);
        return midPoint;

     * Midpoint of segment
    final public GeoPoint Midpoint(String label, GeoSegment s) {
        AlgoMidpointSegment algo = new AlgoMidpointSegment(cons, label, s);
        GeoPoint M = algo.getPoint();
        return M;

     * Midpoint of interval
    final public GeoNumeric Midpoint(String label, GeoInterval s) {
        AlgoIntervalMidpoint algo = new AlgoIntervalMidpoint(cons, label, s);
        GeoNumeric n = algo.getResult();
        return n;

     * Min of interval
    final public GeoNumeric Min(String label, GeoInterval s) {
        AlgoIntervalMin algo = new AlgoIntervalMin(cons, label, s);
        GeoNumeric n = algo.getResult();
        return n;

     * Max of interval
    final public GeoNumeric Max(String label, GeoInterval s) {
        AlgoIntervalMax algo = new AlgoIntervalMax(cons, label, s);
        GeoNumeric n = algo.getResult();
        return n;

       * LineSegment named label from Point P to Point Q
    final public GeoSegment Segment(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoPoint Q) {
        AlgoJoinPointsSegment algo = new AlgoJoinPointsSegment(cons, label, P, Q);
        GeoSegment s = algo.getSegment();
        return s;

     * Line named label through Points P and Q
    final public GeoLine Line(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoPoint Q) {
        AlgoJoinPoints algo = new AlgoJoinPoints(cons, label, P, Q);
        GeoLine g = algo.getLine();
        return g;

     * Line named label through Point P with direction of vector v
    final public GeoLine Line(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoVector v) {
        AlgoLinePointVector algo = new AlgoLinePointVector(cons, label, P, v);
        GeoLine g = algo.getLine();
        return g;

     *  Ray named label through Points P and Q
    final public GeoRay Ray(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoPoint Q) {
        AlgoJoinPointsRay algo = new AlgoJoinPointsRay(cons, label, P, Q);
        return algo.getRay();

     * Ray named label through Point P with direction of vector v
    final public GeoRay Ray(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoVector v) {
        AlgoRayPointVector algo = new AlgoRayPointVector(cons, label, P, v);
        return algo.getRay();

    * Line named label through Point P parallel to Line l
    final public GeoLine Line(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoLine l) {
        AlgoLinePointLine algo = new AlgoLinePointLine(cons, label, P, l);
        GeoLine g = algo.getLine();
        return g;

    * Line named label through Point P orthogonal to vector v
    final public GeoLine OrthogonalLine(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoVector v) {
        AlgoOrthoLinePointVector algo = new AlgoOrthoLinePointVector(cons, label, P, v);
        GeoLine g = algo.getLine();
        return g;

     * Line named label through Point P orthogonal to line l
    final public GeoLine OrthogonalLine(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoLine l) {
        AlgoOrthoLinePointLine algo = new AlgoOrthoLinePointLine(cons, label, P, l);
        GeoLine g = algo.getLine();
        return g;

    public GeoLineND OrthogonalLine(String label, GeoPointND P, GeoLineND l, GeoDirectionND direction) {
        return OrthogonalLine(label, (GeoPoint) P, (GeoLine) l);

     * Line bisector of points A, B
    final public GeoLine LineBisector(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B) {
        AlgoLineBisector algo = new AlgoLineBisector(cons, label, A, B);
        GeoLine g = algo.getLine();
        return g;

      * Line bisector of segment s
    final public GeoLine LineBisector(String label, GeoSegment s) {
        AlgoLineBisectorSegment algo = new AlgoLineBisectorSegment(cons, label, s);
        GeoLine g = algo.getLine();
        return g;

     * Angular bisector of points A, B, C
    final public GeoLine AngularBisector(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoAngularBisectorPoints algo = new AlgoAngularBisectorPoints(cons, label, A, B, C);
        GeoLine g = algo.getLine();
        return g;

     * Angular bisectors of lines g, h
    final public GeoLine[] AngularBisector(String[] labels, GeoLine g, GeoLine h) {
        AlgoAngularBisectorLines algo = new AlgoAngularBisectorLines(cons, labels, g, h);
        GeoLine[] lines = algo.getLines();
        return lines;

     * Vector named label from Point P to Q
    final public GeoVector Vector(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoPoint Q) {
        AlgoVector algo = new AlgoVector(cons, label, P, Q);
        GeoVector v = (GeoVector) algo.getVector();
        return v;

    * Vector (0,0) to P
    final public GeoVector Vector(String label, GeoPoint P) {
        AlgoVectorPoint algo = new AlgoVectorPoint(cons, label, P);
        GeoVector v = algo.getVector();
        return v;

     * Direction vector of line g
    final public GeoVector Direction(String label, GeoLine g) {
        AlgoDirection algo = new AlgoDirection(cons, label, g);
        GeoVector v = algo.getVector();
        return v;

     * Slope of line g
    final public GeoNumeric Slope(String label, GeoLine g) {
        AlgoSlope algo = new AlgoSlope(cons, label, g);
        GeoNumeric slope = algo.getSlope();
        return slope;

     * BarChart   
    final public GeoNumeric BarChart(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, GeoList list) {
        AlgoBarChart algo = new AlgoBarChart(cons, label, a, b, list);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * BarChart   
    final public GeoNumeric BarChart(String label, GeoList list1, GeoList list2) {
        AlgoBarChart algo = new AlgoBarChart(cons, label, list1, list2);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * BarChart   
    final public GeoNumeric BarChart(String label, GeoList list1, GeoList list2, NumberValue width) {
        AlgoBarChart algo = new AlgoBarChart(cons, label, list1, list2, width);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * BarChart   
    final public GeoNumeric BarChart(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric a) {
        AlgoBarChart algo = new AlgoBarChart(cons, label, list, a);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * BarChart   
    final public GeoNumeric BarChart(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, GeoElement expression,
            GeoNumeric localVar, NumberValue from, NumberValue to, NumberValue step) {

        AlgoSequence seq = new AlgoSequence(cons, expression, localVar, from, to, step);

        AlgoBarChart algo = new AlgoBarChart(cons, label, a, b, (GeoList) seq.getOutput()[0]);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * BoxPlot
    final public GeoNumeric BoxPlot(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, GeoList rawData) {

        AlgoListMin min = new AlgoListMin(cons,rawData);
        AlgoQ1 Q1 = new AlgoQ1(cons,rawData);
        AlgoMedian median = new AlgoMedian(cons,rawData);
        AlgoQ3 Q3 = new AlgoQ3(cons,rawData);
        AlgoListMax max = new AlgoListMax(cons,rawData);
        AlgoBoxPlot algo = new AlgoBoxPlot(cons, label, a, b, (NumberValue)(min.getMin()),
        (NumberValue)(Q1.getQ1()), (NumberValue)(median.getMedian()), (NumberValue)(Q3.getQ3()), (NumberValue)(max.getMax()));

        AlgoBoxPlot algo = new AlgoBoxPlot(cons, label, a, b, rawData);

        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * BoxPlot
    final public GeoNumeric BoxPlot(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue min, NumberValue Q1,
            NumberValue median, NumberValue Q3, NumberValue max) {
        AlgoBoxPlot algo = new AlgoBoxPlot(cons, label, a, b, min, Q1, median, Q3, max);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * Histogram[classList, dataList]
    final public GeoNumeric Histogram(String label, GeoList list1, GeoList list2) {
        AlgoHistogram algo = new AlgoHistogram(cons, label, list1, list2);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     *  Histogram[classList, dataList, useDensity, density]
    final public GeoNumeric Histogram(String label, GeoList list1, GeoList list2, GeoBoolean useDensity,
            GeoNumeric density) {
        AlgoHistogram algo = new AlgoHistogram(cons, label, null, list1, list2, useDensity, density);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * Histogram[isCumulative, classList, dataList, useDensity]
    final public GeoNumeric Histogram(String label, GeoBoolean isCumulative, GeoList list1, GeoList list2,
            GeoBoolean useDensity) {
        AlgoHistogram algo = new AlgoHistogram(cons, label, isCumulative, list1, list2, useDensity, null);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

      * Histogram[isCumulative, classList, dataList, useDensity, density]
    final public GeoNumeric Histogram(String label, GeoBoolean isCumulative, GeoList list1, GeoList list2,
            GeoBoolean useDensity, GeoNumeric density) {
        AlgoHistogram algo = new AlgoHistogram(cons, label, isCumulative, list1, list2, useDensity, density);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * FrequencyPolygon with list of class boundaries and list of heights
    final public GeoPolyLine FrequencyPolygon(String label, GeoList list1, GeoList list2) {
        AlgoFrequencyPolygon algo = new AlgoFrequencyPolygon(cons, label, list1, list2);
        GeoPolyLine result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

     * FrequencyPolygon with density scale factor  (no cumulative parameter)
    final public GeoPolyLine FrequencyPolygon(String label, GeoList list1, GeoList list2, GeoBoolean useDensity,
            GeoNumeric density) {
        AlgoFrequencyPolygon algo = new AlgoFrequencyPolygon(cons, label, null, list1, list2, useDensity, density);
        GeoPolyLine result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

     * FrequencyPolygon with density scale factor and cumulative parameter
    final public GeoPolyLine FrequencyPolygon(String label, GeoBoolean isCumulative, GeoList list1, GeoList list2,
            GeoBoolean useDensity) {
        AlgoFrequencyPolygon algo = new AlgoFrequencyPolygon(cons, label, isCumulative, list1, list2, useDensity,
        GeoPolyLine result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

     * FrequencyPolygon with density scale factor and cumulative parameter
    final public GeoPolyLine FrequencyPolygon(String label, GeoBoolean isCumulative, GeoList list1, GeoList list2,
            GeoBoolean useDensity, GeoNumeric density) {
        AlgoFrequencyPolygon algo = new AlgoFrequencyPolygon(cons, label, isCumulative, list1, list2, useDensity,
        GeoPolyLine result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

     * DotPlot
     * G.Sturr 2010-8-10
    final public GeoList DotPlot(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoDotPlot algo = new AlgoDotPlot(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * ResidualPlot
     * G.Sturr 2011-2-5
    final public GeoList ResidualPlot(String label, GeoList list, GeoFunction function) {
        AlgoResidualPlot algo = new AlgoResidualPlot(cons, label, list, function);
        GeoList result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

     * NormalQuantilePlot
     * G.Sturr 2011-6-29
    final public GeoList NormalQuantilePlot(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoNormalQuantilePlot algo = new AlgoNormalQuantilePlot(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * UpperSum of function f 
    final public GeoNumeric UpperSum(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue n) {
        AlgoSumUpper algo = new AlgoSumUpper(cons, label, f, a, b, n);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * TrapezoidalSum of function f 
    final public GeoNumeric TrapezoidalSum(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b,
            NumberValue n) {
        AlgoSumTrapezoidal algo = new AlgoSumTrapezoidal(cons, label, f, a, b, n);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * LowerSum of function f 
    final public GeoNumeric LowerSum(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue n) {
        AlgoSumLower algo = new AlgoSumLower(cons, label, f, a, b, n);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * LeftSum of function f 
     * Ulven 09.02.11
    final public GeoNumeric LeftSum(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue n) {
        AlgoSumLeft algo = new AlgoSumLeft(cons, label, f, a, b, n);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * RectangleSum of function f 
     * Ulven 09.02.11
    final public GeoNumeric RectangleSum(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue n,
            NumberValue d) {
        AlgoSumRectangle algo = new AlgoSumRectangle(cons, label, f, a, b, n, d);
        GeoNumeric sum = algo.getSum();
        return sum;

     * SumSquaredErrors[<List of Points>,<Function>]
     * Hans-Petter Ulven
     * 2010-02-22
    final public GeoNumeric SumSquaredErrors(String label, GeoList list, GeoFunctionable function) {
        AlgoSumSquaredErrors algo = new AlgoSumSquaredErrors(cons, label, list, function);
        GeoNumeric sse = algo.getsse();
        return sse;

     * RSquare[<List of Points>,<Function>]
    final public GeoNumeric RSquare(String label, GeoList list, GeoFunctionable function) {
        AlgoRSquare algo = new AlgoRSquare(cons, label, list, function);
        GeoNumeric r2 = algo.getRSquare();
        return r2;

     * ResidualPlot[<List of Points>,<Function>]
    final public GeoList ResidualPlot(String label, GeoList list, GeoFunctionable function) {
        AlgoResidualPlot algo = new AlgoResidualPlot(cons, label, list, function);
        GeoList result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

     * unit vector of line g
    final public GeoVector UnitVector(String label, GeoLine g) {
        AlgoUnitVectorLine algo = new AlgoUnitVectorLine(cons, label, g);
        GeoVector v = algo.getVector();
        return v;

     * unit vector of vector v
    final public GeoVector UnitVector(String label, GeoVector v) {
        AlgoUnitVectorVector algo = new AlgoUnitVectorVector(cons, label, v);
        GeoVector u = algo.getVector();
        return u;

     * orthogonal vector of line g
    final public GeoVector OrthogonalVector(String label, GeoLine g) {
        AlgoOrthoVectorLine algo = new AlgoOrthoVectorLine(cons, label, g);
        GeoVector n = algo.getVector();
        return n;

     * orthogonal vector of vector v
    final public GeoVector OrthogonalVector(String label, GeoVector v) {
        AlgoOrthoVectorVector algo = new AlgoOrthoVectorVector(cons, label, v);
        GeoVector n = algo.getVector();
        return n;

     * unit orthogonal vector of line g
    final public GeoVector UnitOrthogonalVector(String label, GeoLine g) {
        AlgoUnitOrthoVectorLine algo = new AlgoUnitOrthoVectorLine(cons, label, g);
        GeoVector n = algo.getVector();
        return n;

     * unit orthogonal vector of vector v
    final public GeoVector UnitOrthogonalVector(String label, GeoVector v) {
        AlgoUnitOrthoVectorVector algo = new AlgoUnitOrthoVectorVector(cons, label, v);
        GeoVector n = algo.getVector();
        return n;

     * Length named label of vector v
    final public GeoNumeric Length(String label, GeoVec3D v) {
        AlgoLengthVector algo = new AlgoLengthVector(cons, label, v);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getLength();
        return num;

     * Distance named label between points P and Q
    final public GeoNumeric Distance(String label, GeoPointND P, GeoPointND Q) {
        AlgoDistancePoints algo = new AlgoDistancePoints(cons, label, P, Q);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getDistance();
        return num;

     * Distance named label between point P and line g
    final public GeoNumeric Distance(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoElement g) {
        AlgoDistancePointObject algo = new AlgoDistancePointObject(cons, label, P, g);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getDistance();
        return num;

     * Distance named label between line g and line h
    final public GeoNumeric Distance(String label, GeoLine g, GeoLine h) {
        AlgoDistanceLineLine algo = new AlgoDistanceLineLine(cons, label, g, h);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getDistance();
        return num;

     * Area named label of  P[0], ..., P[n]
    final public GeoNumeric Area(String label, GeoPoint[] P) {
        AlgoAreaPoints algo = new AlgoAreaPoints(cons, label, P);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getArea();
        return num;

     * Area named label of  conic
    final public GeoNumeric Area(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoAreaConic algo = new AlgoAreaConic(cons, label, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getArea();
        return num;

     * Mod[a, b]
    final public GeoNumeric Mod(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoMod algo = new AlgoMod(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Div[a, b]
    final public GeoNumeric Div(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoDiv algo = new AlgoDiv(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Mod[a, b] Polynomial remainder
    final public GeoFunction Mod(String label, GeoFunction a, GeoFunction b) {
        AlgoPolynomialMod algo = new AlgoPolynomialMod(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoFunction f = algo.getResult();
        return f;

     * Div[a, b] Polynomial Division
    final public GeoFunction Div(String label, GeoFunction a, GeoFunction b) {
        AlgoPolynomialDiv algo = new AlgoPolynomialDiv(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoFunction f = algo.getResult();
        return f;

     * Min[a, b]
    final public GeoNumeric Min(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoMin algo = new AlgoMin(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Min[list]
    final public GeoNumeric Min(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListMin algo = new AlgoListMin(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getMin();
        return num;

     *  Min[function,left,right]
     *  Ulven 20.02.11
     *  4.0: Numerical minimum of function in open interval <a,b>
    final public GeoPoint Min(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoFunctionMin algo = new AlgoFunctionMin(cons, label, f, a, b);
        GeoPoint minpoint = algo.getPoint();
        return minpoint;

     * Max[a, b]
    final public GeoNumeric Max(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoMax algo = new AlgoMax(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Max[list]
    final public GeoNumeric Max(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListMax algo = new AlgoListMax(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getMax();
        return num;

     *  Max[function,left,right]
     *  Ulven 20.02.11
     *  4.0: Numerical maximum of function in open interval <a,b>
    final public GeoPoint Max(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoFunctionMax algo = new AlgoFunctionMax(cons, label, f, a, b);
        GeoPoint maxpoint = algo.getPoint();
        return maxpoint;

     * LCM[a, b]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric LCM(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoLCM algo = new AlgoLCM(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * LCM[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric LCM(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListLCM algo = new AlgoListLCM(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getLCM();
        return num;

     * GCD[a, b]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric GCD(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoGCD algo = new AlgoGCD(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * GCD[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric GCD(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListGCD algo = new AlgoListGCD(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getGCD();
        return num;

     * SigmaXY[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SigmaXY(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListSigmaXY algo = new AlgoListSigmaXY(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SigmaYY[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SigmaYY(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListSigmaYY algo = new AlgoListSigmaYY(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Covariance[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Covariance(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListCovariance algo = new AlgoListCovariance(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Spearman[list]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoNumeric Spearman(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoSpearman algo = new AlgoSpearman(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Spearman[list, list]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoNumeric Spearman(String label, GeoList list, GeoList list2) {
        AlgoSpearman algo = new AlgoSpearman(cons, label, list, list2);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SXX[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SXX(String label, GeoList list) {
        GeoNumeric num;
        GeoElement geo = list.get(0);
        if (geo.isNumberValue()) { // list of numbers
            AlgoSXX algo = new AlgoSXX(cons, label, list);
            num = algo.getResult();
        } else { // (probably) list of points
            AlgoListSXX algo = new AlgoListSXX(cons, label, list);
            num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SXY[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SXY(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListSXY algo = new AlgoListSXY(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SYY[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SYY(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListSYY algo = new AlgoListSYY(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * MeanX[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric MeanX(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListMeanX algo = new AlgoListMeanX(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * MeanY[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric MeanY(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListMeanY algo = new AlgoListMeanY(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SampleSDX[list]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoNumeric SampleSDX(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListSampleSDX algo = new AlgoListSampleSDX(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SampleSDY[list]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoNumeric SampleSDY(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListSampleSDY algo = new AlgoListSampleSDY(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric SDY(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListSDY algo = new AlgoListSDY(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric SDX(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListSDX algo = new AlgoListSDX(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * PMCC[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric PMCC(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListPMCC algo = new AlgoListPMCC(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SigmaXY[list,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SigmaXY(String label, GeoList listX, GeoList listY) {
        AlgoDoubleListSigmaXY algo = new AlgoDoubleListSigmaXY(cons, label, listX, listY);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SigmaXX[list,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SigmaXX(String label, GeoList listX, GeoList listY) {
        AlgoDoubleListSigmaXX algo = new AlgoDoubleListSigmaXX(cons, label, listX, listY);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SigmaYY[list,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SigmaYY(String label, GeoList listX, GeoList listY) {
        AlgoDoubleListSigmaYY algo = new AlgoDoubleListSigmaYY(cons, label, listX, listY);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Covariance[list,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Covariance(String label, GeoList listX, GeoList listY) {
        AlgoDoubleListCovariance algo = new AlgoDoubleListCovariance(cons, label, listX, listY);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SXX[list,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SXX(String label, GeoList listX, GeoList listY) {
        AlgoDoubleListSXX algo = new AlgoDoubleListSXX(cons, label, listX, listY);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SXY[list,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SXY(String label, GeoList listX, GeoList listY) {
        AlgoDoubleListSXY algo = new AlgoDoubleListSXY(cons, label, listX, listY);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * PMCC[list,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric PMCC(String label, GeoList listX, GeoList listY) {
        AlgoDoubleListPMCC algo = new AlgoDoubleListPMCC(cons, label, listX, listY);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * FitLineY[list of coords]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoLine FitLineY(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoFitLineY algo = new AlgoFitLineY(cons, label, list);
        GeoLine line = algo.getFitLineY();
        return line;

     * FitLineX[list of coords]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoLine FitLineX(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoFitLineX algo = new AlgoFitLineX(cons, label, list);
        GeoLine line = algo.getFitLineX();
        return line;

    final public GeoLocus Voronoi(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoVoronoi algo = new AlgoVoronoi(cons, label, list);
        GeoLocus ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

    final public GeoLocus Hull(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric percent) {
        AlgoHull algo = new AlgoHull(cons, label, list, percent);
        GeoLocus ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

    final public GeoLocus TravelingSalesman(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoTravelingSalesman algo = new AlgoTravelingSalesman(cons, label, list);
        GeoLocus ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

    final public GeoLocus ConvexHull(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoConvexHull algo = new AlgoConvexHull(cons, label, list);
        GeoLocus ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

    final public GeoLocus MinimumSpanningTree(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoMinimumSpanningTree algo = new AlgoMinimumSpanningTree(cons, label, list);
        GeoLocus ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

    final public GeoLocus ShortestDistance(String label, GeoList list, GeoPointND start, GeoPointND end,
            GeoBoolean weighted) {
        AlgoShortestDistance algo = new AlgoShortestDistance(cons, label, list, start, end, weighted);
        GeoLocus ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

    final public GeoLocus DelauneyTriangulation(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoDelauneyTriangulation algo = new AlgoDelauneyTriangulation(cons, label, list);
        GeoLocus ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * FitPoly[list of coords,degree]
     * Hans-Petter Ulven
    final public GeoFunction FitPoly(String label, GeoList list, NumberValue degree) {
        AlgoFitPoly algo = new AlgoFitPoly(cons, label, list, degree);
        GeoFunction function = algo.getFitPoly();
        return function;

     * FitExp[list of coords]
     * Hans-Petter Ulven
    final public GeoFunction FitExp(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoFitExp algo = new AlgoFitExp(cons, label, list);
        GeoFunction function = algo.getFitExp();
        return function;

     * FitLog[list of coords]
     * Hans-Petter Ulven
    final public GeoFunction FitLog(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoFitLog algo = new AlgoFitLog(cons, label, list);
        GeoFunction function = algo.getFitLog();
        return function;

     * FitPow[list of coords]
     * Hans-Petter Ulven
    final public GeoFunction FitPow(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoFitPow algo = new AlgoFitPow(cons, label, list);
        GeoFunction function = algo.getFitPow();
        return function;

     * FitSin[list of coords]
     * Hans-Petter Ulven
    final public GeoFunction FitSin(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoFitSin algo = new AlgoFitSin(cons, label, list);
        GeoFunction function = algo.getFitSin();
        return function;

     * FitLogistic[list of coords]
     * Hans-Petter Ulven
    final public GeoFunction FitLogistic(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoFitLogistic algo = new AlgoFitLogistic(cons, label, list);
        GeoFunction function = algo.getFitLogistic();
        return function;

     * Fit[list of points,list of functions]
     * Hans-Petter Ulven
    final public GeoFunction Fit(String label, GeoList ptslist, GeoList funclist) {
        AlgoFit algo = new AlgoFit(cons, label, ptslist, funclist);
        GeoFunction function = algo.getFit();
        return function;

     * Fit[list of points,function]
     * NonLinear case, one function with glider parameters
     * Hans-Petter Ulven
    final public GeoFunction Fit(String label, GeoList ptslist, GeoFunction function) {
        AlgoFitNL algo = new AlgoFitNL(cons, label, ptslist, function);
        GeoFunction geofunction = algo.getFitNL();
        return geofunction;

     * 'FitGrowth[<List of Points>]
     * Hans-Petter Ulven
    final public GeoFunction FitGrowth(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoFitGrowth algo = new AlgoFitGrowth(cons, label, list);
        GeoFunction function = algo.getFitGrowth();
        return function;

     * Binomial[n,r]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Binomial(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoBinomial algo = new AlgoBinomial(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * RandomNormal[mean,variance]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric RandomNormal(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoRandomNormal algo = new AlgoRandomNormal(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Random[max,min]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Random(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoRandom algo = new AlgoRandom(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * RandomUniform[max,min]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric RandomUniform(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoRandomUniform algo = new AlgoRandomUniform(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * RandomBinomial[n,p]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric RandomBinomial(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoRandomBinomial algo = new AlgoRandomBinomial(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * RandomPoisson[lambda]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric RandomPoisson(String label, NumberValue a) {
        AlgoRandomPoisson algo = new AlgoRandomPoisson(cons, label, a);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * InverseNormal[mean,variance,x]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric InverseNormal(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoInverseNormal algo = new AlgoInverseNormal(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Normal[mean,variance,x]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Normal(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoNormal algo = new AlgoNormal(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * TDistribution[degrees of freedom,x]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric TDistribution(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoTDistribution algo = new AlgoTDistribution(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InverseTDistribution(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoInverseTDistribution algo = new AlgoInverseTDistribution(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric ChiSquared(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoChiSquared algo = new AlgoChiSquared(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InverseChiSquared(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoInverseChiSquared algo = new AlgoInverseChiSquared(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric Exponential(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoExponential algo = new AlgoExponential(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InverseExponential(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoInverseExponential algo = new AlgoInverseExponential(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric FDistribution(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoFDistribution algo = new AlgoFDistribution(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InverseFDistribution(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoInverseFDistribution algo = new AlgoInverseFDistribution(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric Gamma(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoGamma algo = new AlgoGamma(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InverseGamma(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoInverseGamma algo = new AlgoInverseGamma(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric Cauchy(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoCauchy algo = new AlgoCauchy(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InverseCauchy(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoInverseCauchy algo = new AlgoInverseCauchy(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric Weibull(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoWeibull algo = new AlgoWeibull(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InverseWeibull(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoInverseWeibull algo = new AlgoInverseWeibull(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric Zipf(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c,
            GeoBoolean isCumulative) {
        AlgoZipf algo = new AlgoZipf(cons, label, a, b, c, isCumulative);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InverseZipf(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoInverseZipf algo = new AlgoInverseZipf(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    /** Pascal[] probability */
    final public GeoNumeric Pascal(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c,
            GeoBoolean isCumulative) {
        AlgoPascal algo = new AlgoPascal(cons, label, a, b, c, isCumulative);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    /** Pascal[] bar chart */
    final public GeoNumeric Pascal(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoPascalBarChart algo = new AlgoPascalBarChart(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getSum();
        return num;

    /** Pascal[] bar chart with cumulative option */
    final public GeoNumeric Pascal(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, GeoBoolean isCumulative) {
        AlgoPascalBarChart algo = new AlgoPascalBarChart(cons, label, a, b, isCumulative);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getSum();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InversePascal(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoInversePascal algo = new AlgoInversePascal(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    /** Poisson[] probability */
    final public GeoNumeric Poisson(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, GeoBoolean isCumulative) {
        AlgoPoisson algo = new AlgoPoisson(cons, label, a, b, isCumulative);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    /** Poisson[] bar chart */
    final public GeoNumeric Poisson(String label, NumberValue a) {
        AlgoPoissonBarChart algo = new AlgoPoissonBarChart(cons, label, a);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getSum();
        return num;

    /** Poisson[] bar chart with cumulative option */
    final public GeoNumeric Poisson(String label, NumberValue a, GeoBoolean isCumulative) {
        AlgoPoissonBarChart algo = new AlgoPoissonBarChart(cons, label, a, isCumulative);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getSum();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InversePoisson(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoInversePoisson algo = new AlgoInversePoisson(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    /** HyperGeometric[] probability */
    final public GeoNumeric HyperGeometric(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c, NumberValue d,
            GeoBoolean isCumulative) {
        AlgoHyperGeometric algo = new AlgoHyperGeometric(cons, label, a, b, c, d, isCumulative);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    /** HyperGeometric[] bar chart */
    final public GeoNumeric HyperGeometric(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoHyperGeometricBarChart algo = new AlgoHyperGeometricBarChart(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getSum();
        return num;

    /** HyperGeometric[] bar chart with cumulative option */
    final public GeoNumeric HyperGeometric(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c,
            GeoBoolean isCumulative) {
        AlgoHyperGeometricBarChart algo = new AlgoHyperGeometricBarChart(cons, label, a, b, c, isCumulative);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getSum();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InverseHyperGeometric(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c,
            NumberValue d) {
        AlgoInverseHyperGeometric algo = new AlgoInverseHyperGeometric(cons, label, a, b, c, d);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    /** Binomial[] probability */
    final public GeoNumeric BinomialDist(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c,
            GeoBoolean isCumulative) {
        AlgoBinomialDist algo = new AlgoBinomialDist(cons, label, a, b, c, isCumulative);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    public GeoNumeric Bernoulli(String label, NumberValue probability, GeoBoolean cumulative) {
        AlgoBernoulliBarChart algo = new AlgoBernoulliBarChart(cons, label, probability, cumulative);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getSum();
        return num;

    /** Binomial[] bar chart */
    final public GeoNumeric BinomialDist(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoBinomialDistBarChart algo = new AlgoBinomialDistBarChart(cons, label, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getSum();
        return num;

    /** Binomial[] bar chart with cumulative option */
    final public GeoNumeric BinomialDist(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, GeoBoolean isCumulative) {
        AlgoBinomialDistBarChart algo = new AlgoBinomialDistBarChart(cons, label, a, b, isCumulative);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getSum();
        return num;

    final public GeoNumeric InverseBinomial(String label, NumberValue a, NumberValue b, NumberValue c) {
        AlgoInverseBinomial algo = new AlgoInverseBinomial(cons, label, a, b, c);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    /** ANOVATest[]  */
    final public GeoList ANOVATest(String label, GeoList dataArrayList) {
        AlgoANOVA algo = new AlgoANOVA(cons, label, dataArrayList);
        GeoList result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

    /** TTest[] with sample data */
    final public GeoList TTest(String label, GeoList sampleList, GeoNumeric hypMean, GeoText tail) {
        AlgoTTest algo = new AlgoTTest(cons, label, sampleList, hypMean, tail);
        GeoList result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

    /** TTest[] with sample statistics */
    final public GeoList TTest(String label, GeoNumeric mean, GeoNumeric sd, GeoNumeric n, GeoNumeric hypMean,
            GeoText tail) {
        AlgoTTest algo = new AlgoTTest(cons, label, mean, sd, n, hypMean, tail);
        GeoList result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

    /** TTestPaired[] */
    final public GeoList TTestPaired(String label, GeoList sampleList1, GeoList sampleList2, GeoText tail) {
        AlgoTTestPaired algo = new AlgoTTestPaired(cons, label, sampleList1, sampleList2, tail);
        GeoList result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

    /** TTest2[] with sample data */
    final public GeoList TTest2(String label, GeoList sampleList1, GeoList sampleList2, GeoText tail,
            GeoBoolean pooled) {
        AlgoTTest2 algo = new AlgoTTest2(cons, label, sampleList1, sampleList2, tail, pooled);
        GeoList result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

    /** TTest2[] with sample statistics */
    final public GeoList TTest2(String label, GeoNumeric mean1, GeoNumeric sd1, GeoNumeric n1, GeoNumeric mean2,
            GeoNumeric sd2, GeoNumeric n2, GeoText tail, GeoBoolean pooled) {
        AlgoTTest2 algo = new AlgoTTest2(cons, label, mean1, mean2, sd1, sd2, n1, n2, tail, pooled);
        GeoList result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

    /** TMeanEstimate[] with sample data */
    final public GeoList TMeanEstimate(String label, GeoList sampleList, GeoNumeric level) {
        AlgoTMeanEstimate algo = new AlgoTMeanEstimate(cons, label, sampleList, level);
        GeoList resultList = algo.getResult();
        return resultList;

    /** TMeanEstimate[] with sample statistics */
    final public GeoList TMeanEstimate(String label, GeoNumeric mean, GeoNumeric sd, GeoNumeric n,
            GeoNumeric level) {
        AlgoTMeanEstimate algo = new AlgoTMeanEstimate(cons, label, mean, sd, n, level);
        GeoList resultList = algo.getResult();
        return resultList;

    /** TMean2Estimate[] with sample data */
    final public GeoList TMean2Estimate(String label, GeoList sampleList1, GeoList sampleList2, GeoNumeric level,
            GeoBoolean pooled) {
        AlgoTMean2Estimate algo = new AlgoTMean2Estimate(cons, label, sampleList1, sampleList2, level, pooled);
        GeoList resultList = algo.getResult();
        return resultList;

    /** TMean2Estimate[] with sample statistics */
    final public GeoList TMean2Estimate(String label, GeoNumeric mean1, GeoNumeric sd1, GeoNumeric n1,
            GeoNumeric mean2, GeoNumeric sd2, GeoNumeric n2, GeoNumeric level, GeoBoolean pooled) {
        AlgoTMean2Estimate algo = new AlgoTMean2Estimate(cons, label, mean1, sd1, n1, mean2, sd2, n2, level,
        GeoList resultList = algo.getResult();
        return resultList;

     * Sort[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Sort(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoSort algo = new AlgoSort(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * OrdinalRank[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList OrdinalRank(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoOrdinalRank algo = new AlgoOrdinalRank(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * TiedRank[list]
    final public GeoList TiedRank(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoTiedRank algo = new AlgoTiedRank(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Percentile[list, value]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoNumeric Percentile(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric value) {
        AlgoPercentile algo = new AlgoPercentile(cons, label, list, value);
        GeoNumeric result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

     * Shuffle[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Shuffle(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoShuffle algo = new AlgoShuffle(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * PointList[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList PointList(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoPointList algo = new AlgoPointList(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * RootList[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList RootList(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoRootList algo = new AlgoRootList(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * First[list,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList First(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric n) {
        AlgoFirst algo = new AlgoFirst(cons, label, list, n);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * FirstLocus[locus,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList FirstLocus(String label, GeoLocus locus, GeoNumeric n) {
        AlgoFirstLocus algo = new AlgoFirstLocus(cons, label, locus, n);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * First[string,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoText First(String label, GeoText list, GeoNumeric n) {
        AlgoFirstString algo = new AlgoFirstString(cons, label, list, n);
        GeoText list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Last[string,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoText Last(String label, GeoText list, GeoNumeric n) {
        AlgoLastString algo = new AlgoLastString(cons, label, list, n);
        GeoText list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * First[string,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoText Take(String label, GeoText list, GeoNumeric m, GeoNumeric n) {
        AlgoTakeString algo = new AlgoTakeString(cons, label, list, m, n);
        GeoText list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Last[list,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Last(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric n) {
        AlgoLast algo = new AlgoLast(cons, label, list, n);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Take[list,m,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Take(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric m, GeoNumeric n) {
        AlgoTake algo = new AlgoTake(cons, label, list, m, n);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Append[list,object]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Append(String label, GeoList list, GeoElement geo) {
        AlgoAppend algo = new AlgoAppend(cons, label, list, geo);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * IndexOf[text,text]
    final public GeoNumeric IndexOf(String label, GeoText needle, GeoText haystack) {
        AlgoIndexOf algo = new AlgoIndexOf(cons, label, needle, haystack);
        GeoNumeric index = algo.getResult();
        return index;

     * IndexOf[text,text,start]
    final public GeoNumeric IndexOf(String label, GeoText needle, GeoText haystack, NumberValue start) {
        AlgoIndexOf algo = new AlgoIndexOf(cons, label, needle, haystack, start);
        GeoNumeric index = algo.getResult();
        return index;

     * IndexOf[object,list]
    final public GeoNumeric IndexOf(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoList list) {
        AlgoIndexOf algo = new AlgoIndexOf(cons, label, geo, list);
        GeoNumeric index = algo.getResult();
        return index;

     * IndexOf[object,list,start]
    final public GeoNumeric IndexOf(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoList list, NumberValue nv) {
        AlgoIndexOf algo = new AlgoIndexOf(cons, label, geo, list, nv);
        GeoNumeric index = algo.getResult();
        return index;

     * Append[object,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Append(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoList list) {
        AlgoAppend algo = new AlgoAppend(cons, label, geo, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Join[list,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Join(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoJoin algo = new AlgoJoin(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Union[list,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Union(String label, GeoList list, GeoList list1) {
        AlgoUnion algo = new AlgoUnion(cons, label, list, list1);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Intersection[list,list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Intersection(String label, GeoList list, GeoList list1) {
        AlgoIntersection algo = new AlgoIntersection(cons, label, list, list1);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Insert[list,list,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Insert(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoList list, GeoNumeric n) {
        AlgoInsert algo = new AlgoInsert(cons, label, geo, list, n);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * RemoveUndefined[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList RemoveUndefined(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoRemoveUndefined algo = new AlgoRemoveUndefined(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Keep[boolean condition, list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList KeepIf(String label, GeoFunction boolFun, GeoList list) {
        AlgoKeepIf algo = new AlgoKeepIf(cons, label, boolFun, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Defined[object]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoBoolean Defined(String label, GeoElement geo) {
        AlgoDefined algo = new AlgoDefined(cons, label, geo);
        GeoBoolean result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

     * IsInteger[number]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoBoolean IsInteger(String label, GeoNumeric geo) {
        AlgoIsInteger algo = new AlgoIsInteger(cons, label, geo);
        GeoBoolean result = algo.getResult();
        return result;

     * Mode[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Mode(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoMode algo = new AlgoMode(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * PrimeFactors[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList PrimeFactors(String label, NumberValue num) {
        AlgoPrimeFactors algo = new AlgoPrimeFactors(cons, label, num);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

    final public GeoList PrimeFactorisation(String label, NumberValue num) {
        AlgoPrimeFactorization algo = new AlgoPrimeFactorization(cons, label, num);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Invert[matrix]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Invert(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoInvert algo = new AlgoInvert(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Transpose[matrix]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Transpose(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoTranspose algo = new AlgoTranspose(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Transpose[matrix]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList ReducedRowEchelonForm(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoReducedRowEchelonForm algo = new AlgoReducedRowEchelonForm(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Transpose[matrix]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Determinant(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoDeterminant algo = new AlgoDeterminant(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Reverse[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoList Reverse(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoReverse algo = new AlgoReverse(cons, label, list);
        GeoList list2 = algo.getResult();
        return list2;

     * Product[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Product(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoProduct algo = new AlgoProduct(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Product[list,n]
     * Zbynek Konecny
    final public GeoNumeric Product(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric n) {
        AlgoProduct algo = new AlgoProduct(cons, label, list, n);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Sum[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoElement Sum(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoSum algo = new AlgoSum(cons, label, list);
        GeoElement ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Sum[list,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoElement Sum(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric n) {
        AlgoSum algo = new AlgoSum(cons, label, list, n);
        GeoElement ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Sum[list of functions]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoElement SumFunctions(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoSumFunctions algo = new AlgoSumFunctions(cons, label, list);
        GeoElement ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Sum[list of functions,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoElement SumFunctions(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric num) {
        AlgoSumFunctions algo = new AlgoSumFunctions(cons, label, list, num);
        GeoElement ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Sum[list of points]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoElement SumPoints(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoSumPoints algo = new AlgoSumPoints(cons, label, list);
        GeoElement ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Sum[list of points,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoElement SumPoints(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric num) {
        AlgoSumPoints algo = new AlgoSumPoints(cons, label, list, num);
        GeoElement ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Sum[list of points]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoElement SumText(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoSumText algo = new AlgoSumText(cons, label, list);
        GeoText ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Sum[list of text,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoElement SumText(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric num) {
        AlgoSumText algo = new AlgoSumText(cons, label, list, num);
        GeoText ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Sample[list,n]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoElement Sample(String label, GeoList list, NumberValue n) {
        AlgoSample algo = new AlgoSample(cons, label, list, n, null);
        GeoElement ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Sample[list,n, withReplacement]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoElement Sample(String label, GeoList list, NumberValue n, GeoBoolean withReplacement) {
        AlgoSample algo = new AlgoSample(cons, label, list, n, withReplacement);
        GeoElement ret = algo.getResult();
        return ret;

     * Table[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoText TableText(String label, GeoList list, GeoText args) {
        AlgoTableText algo = new AlgoTableText(cons, label, list, args);
        GeoText text = algo.getResult();
        return text;

     * StemPlot[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoText StemPlot(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoStemPlot algo = new AlgoStemPlot(cons, label, list, null);
        GeoText text = algo.getResult();
        return text;

     * StemPlot[list, number]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoText StemPlot(String label, GeoList list, GeoNumeric num) {
        AlgoStemPlot algo = new AlgoStemPlot(cons, label, list, num);
        GeoText text = algo.getResult();
        return text;

     * Frequency[dataList]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Frequency(String label, GeoList dataList) {
        AlgoFrequency algo = new AlgoFrequency(cons, label, null, null, dataList);
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * Frequency[isCumulative, dataList]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Frequency(String label, GeoBoolean isCumulative, GeoList dataList) {
        AlgoFrequency algo = new AlgoFrequency(cons, label, isCumulative, null, dataList);
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * Frequency[classList, dataList]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Frequency(String label, GeoList classList, GeoList dataList) {
        AlgoFrequency algo = new AlgoFrequency(cons, label, null, classList, dataList);
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * Frequency[classList, dataList, useDensity]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Frequency(String label, GeoList classList, GeoList dataList, GeoBoolean useDensity) {
        AlgoFrequency algo = new AlgoFrequency(cons, label, null, classList, dataList, useDensity, null);
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * Frequency[classList, dataList, useDensity, scaleFactor]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Frequency(String label, GeoList classList, GeoList dataList, GeoBoolean useDensity,
            GeoNumeric scaleFactor) {
        AlgoFrequency algo = new AlgoFrequency(cons, label, null, classList, dataList, useDensity, scaleFactor);
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * Frequency[isCumulative, classList, dataList]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Frequency(String label, GeoBoolean isCumulative, GeoList classList, GeoList dataList) {
        AlgoFrequency algo = new AlgoFrequency(cons, label, isCumulative, classList, dataList, null, null);
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * Frequency[isCumulative, classList, dataList, useDensity]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Frequency(String label, GeoBoolean isCumulative, GeoList classList, GeoList dataList,
            GeoBoolean useDensity) {
        AlgoFrequency algo = new AlgoFrequency(cons, label, isCumulative, classList, dataList, useDensity, null);
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * Frequency[isCumulative, classList, dataList, useDensity, scaleFactor]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Frequency(String label, GeoBoolean isCumulative, GeoList classList, GeoList dataList,
            GeoBoolean useDensity, GeoNumeric scaleFactor) {
        AlgoFrequency algo = new AlgoFrequency(cons, label, isCumulative, classList, dataList, useDensity,
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * Unique[dataList]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Unique(String label, GeoList dataList) {
        AlgoUnique algo = new AlgoUnique(cons, label, dataList);
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * Classes[dataList, number of classes]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Classes(String label, GeoList dataList, GeoNumeric numClasses) {
        AlgoClasses algo = new AlgoClasses(cons, label, dataList, null, null, numClasses);
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * Classes[dataList, start, width]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoList Classes(String label, GeoList dataList, GeoNumeric start, GeoNumeric width) {
        AlgoClasses algo = new AlgoClasses(cons, label, dataList, start, width, null);
        GeoList list = algo.getResult();
        return list;

     * ToFraction[number]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoText FractionText(String label, GeoNumeric num) {
        AlgoFractionText algo = new AlgoFractionText(cons, label, num);
        GeoText text = algo.getResult();
        return text;

     * Mean[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Mean(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoMean algo = new AlgoMean(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

    final public GeoText VerticalText(String label, GeoText args) {
        AlgoVerticalText algo = new AlgoVerticalText(cons, label, args);
        GeoText text = algo.getResult();
        return text;

    final public GeoText RotateText(String label, GeoText args, GeoNumeric angle) {
        AlgoRotateText algo = new AlgoRotateText(cons, label, args, angle);
        GeoText text = algo.getResult();
        return text;

     * Variance[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Variance(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoVariance algo = new AlgoVariance(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SampleVariance[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SampleVariance(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoSampleVariance algo = new AlgoSampleVariance(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SD[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric StandardDeviation(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoStandardDeviation algo = new AlgoStandardDeviation(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SampleSD[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SampleStandardDeviation(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoSampleStandardDeviation algo = new AlgoSampleStandardDeviation(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * SigmaXX[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric SigmaXX(String label, GeoList list) {
        GeoNumeric num;
        GeoElement geo = list.get(0);
        if (geo.isNumberValue()) { // list of numbers
            AlgoSigmaXX algo = new AlgoSigmaXX(cons, label, list);
            num = algo.getResult();
        } else { // (probably) list of points
            AlgoListSigmaXX algo = new AlgoListSigmaXX(cons, label, list);
            num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Median[list]
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Median(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoMedian algo = new AlgoMedian(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getMedian();
        return num;

     * Q1[list] lower quartile
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Q1(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoQ1 algo = new AlgoQ1(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getQ1();
        return num;

     * Q3[list] upper quartile
     * Michael Borcherds
    final public GeoNumeric Q3(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoQ3 algo = new AlgoQ3(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getQ3();
        return num;

     * GeometricMean[list]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoNumeric GeometricMean(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoGeometricMean algo = new AlgoGeometricMean(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * HarmonicMean[list]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoNumeric HarmonicMean(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoHarmonicMean algo = new AlgoHarmonicMean(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * @param label
     * @param list
     * @return
    final public GeoNumeric RootMeanSquare(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoRootMeanSquare algo = new AlgoRootMeanSquare(cons, label, list);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * Iteration[ f(x), x0, n ] 
    final public GeoNumeric Iteration(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue start, NumberValue n) {
        AlgoIteration algo = new AlgoIteration(cons, label, f, start, n);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getResult();
        return num;

     * IterationList[ f(x), x0, n ] 
    final public GeoList IterationList(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue start, NumberValue n) {
        AlgoIterationList algo = new AlgoIterationList(cons, label, f, start, n);
        return algo.getResult();

     * RandomElement[list]
    final public GeoElement RandomElement(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoRandomElement algo = new AlgoRandomElement(cons, label, list);
        GeoElement geo = algo.getElement();
        return geo;

     * Element[list, number]
    final public GeoElement Element(String label, GeoList list, NumberValue n) {
        AlgoListElement algo = new AlgoListElement(cons, label, list, n);
        GeoElement geo = algo.getElement();
        return geo;

     * SelectedElement[list]
    final public GeoElement SelectedElement(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoSelectedElement algo = new AlgoSelectedElement(cons, label, list);
        GeoElement geo = algo.getElement();
        return geo;

     * SelectedElement[list]
    final public GeoElement SelectedIndex(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoSelectedIndex algo = new AlgoSelectedIndex(cons, label, list);
        GeoElement geo = algo.getElement();
        return geo;

     * Element[list, number, number]
    final public GeoElement Element(String label, GeoList list, NumberValue[] n) {
        AlgoListElement algo = new AlgoListElement(cons, label, list, n, false);
        GeoElement geo = algo.getElement();
        return geo;

     * Length[list]
    final public GeoNumeric Length(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoListLength algo = new AlgoListLength(cons, label, list);
        return algo.getLength();

     * Length[locus]
    final public GeoNumeric Length(String label, GeoLocus locus) {
        AlgoLengthLocus algo = new AlgoLengthLocus(cons, label, locus);
        return algo.getLength();

     * Element[text, number]
    final public GeoElement Element(String label, GeoText text, NumberValue n) {
        AlgoTextElement algo = new AlgoTextElement(cons, label, text, n);
        GeoElement geo = algo.getText();
        return geo;

     * Length[text]
    final public GeoNumeric Length(String label, GeoText text) {
        AlgoTextLength algo = new AlgoTextLength(cons, label, text);
        return algo.getLength();

    // PhilippWeissenbacher 2007-04-10

     * Perimeter named label of GeoPolygon
    final public GeoNumeric Perimeter(String label, GeoPolygon polygon) {
        AlgoPerimeterPoly algo = new AlgoPerimeterPoly(cons, label, polygon);
        return algo.getCircumference();

     * Perimeter of Locus
    final public GeoNumeric Perimeter(String label, GeoLocus locus) {
        AlgoPerimeterLocus algo = new AlgoPerimeterLocus(cons, label, locus);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Circumference named label of GeoConic
    final public GeoNumeric Circumference(String label, GeoConic conic) {
        AlgoCircumferenceConic algo = new AlgoCircumferenceConic(cons, label, conic);
        return algo.getCircumference();

     * Path Parameter for eg point on circle
    final public GeoNumeric PathParameter(String label, GeoPoint p) {
        AlgoPathParameter algo = new AlgoPathParameter(cons, label, p);
        return algo.getResult();

    // PhilippWeissenbacher 2007-04-10

     * polygon P[0], ..., P[n-1]
     * The labels name the polygon itself and its segments
    final public GeoElement[] Polygon(String[] labels, GeoPointND[] P) {
        AlgoPolygon algo = new AlgoPolygon(cons, labels, P);
        return algo.getOutput();

    //G.Sturr 2010-3-14
     * Polygon with vertices from geolist 
     * Only the polygon is labeled, segments are not labeled
    final public GeoElement[] Polygon(String[] labels, GeoList pointList) {
        AlgoPolygon algo = new AlgoPolygon(cons, labels, pointList);
        return algo.getOutput();
    //END G.Sturr

     * polygon P[0], ..., P[n-1]
     * The labels name the polygon itself and its segments
    final public GeoElement[] PolyLine(String[] labels, GeoPoint[] P) {
        AlgoPolyLine algo = new AlgoPolyLine(cons, labels, P);
        return algo.getOutput();

    final public GeoElement[] PolyLine(String[] labels, GeoList pointList) {
        AlgoPolyLine algo = new AlgoPolyLine(cons, labels, pointList);
        return algo.getOutput();

    final public GeoElement[] VectorPolygon(String[] labels, GeoPoint[] points) {
        boolean oldMacroMode = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive();

        GeoConic circle = Circle(null, points[0], new MyDouble(this, points[0].distance(points[1])));

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        double xA = points[0].inhomX;
        double yA = points[0].inhomY;

        for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {

            double xC = points[i].inhomX;
            double yC = points[i].inhomY;

            GeoNumeric nx = new GeoNumeric(cons, null, xC - xA);
            GeoNumeric ny = new GeoNumeric(cons, null, yC - yA);

            // make string like this
            // (a+x(A),b+y(A))


            GeoPoint pp = (GeoPoint) getAlgebraProcessor().evaluateToPoint(sb.toString());

            try {
                cons.replace(points[i], pp);
                points[i] = pp;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return null;

        return Polygon(labels, points);


    final public GeoElement[] RigidPolygon(String[] labels, GeoPoint[] points) {
        boolean oldMacroMode = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive();

        GeoConic circle = Circle(null, points[0], new MyDouble(this, points[0].distance(points[1])));

        GeoPoint p = Point(null, (Path) circle, points[1].inhomX, points[1].inhomY, true);
        try {
            cons.replace(points[1], p);
            points[1] = p;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        double xA = points[0].inhomX;
        double yA = points[0].inhomY;
        double xB = points[1].inhomX;
        double yB = points[1].inhomY;

        GeoVec2D a = new GeoVec2D(this, xB - xA, yB - yA); // vector AB
        GeoVec2D b = new GeoVec2D(this, yA - yB, xB - xA); // perpendicular to AB


        for (int i = 2; i < points.length; i++) {

            double xC = points[i].inhomX;
            double yC = points[i].inhomY;

            GeoVec2D d = new GeoVec2D(this, xC - xA, yC - yA); // vector AC

            // make string like this
            // A+3.76UnitVector[Segment[A,B]]+-1.74UnitPerpendicularVector[Segment[A,B]]

            // use internal command name
            // use internal command name



            GeoPoint pp = (GeoPoint) getAlgebraProcessor().evaluateToPoint(sb.toString());

            try {
                cons.replace(points[i], pp);
                points[i] = pp;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return null;

        return Polygon(labels, points);


     * Regular polygon with vertices A and B and n total vertices.
     * The labels name the polygon itself, its segments and points
    final public GeoElement[] RegularPolygon(String[] labels, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, NumberValue n) {
        AlgoPolygonRegular algo = new AlgoPolygonRegular(cons, labels, A, B, n);
        return algo.getOutput();

     * Creates new point B with distance n from A and  new segment AB 
     * The labels[0] is for the segment, labels[1] for the new point    
    final public GeoElement[] Segment(String[] labels, GeoPoint A, NumberValue n) {
        // this is actually a macro
        String pointLabel = null, segmentLabel = null;
        if (labels != null) {
            switch (labels.length) {
            case 2:
                pointLabel = labels[1];

            case 1:
                segmentLabel = labels[0];


        // create a circle around A with radius n
        AlgoCirclePointRadius algoCircle = new AlgoCirclePointRadius(cons, A, n);
        // place the new point on the circle
        AlgoPointOnPath algoPoint = new AlgoPointOnPath(cons, pointLabel, algoCircle.getCircle(),
                A.inhomX + n.getDouble(), A.inhomY);

        // return segment and new point
        GeoElement[] ret = { Segment(segmentLabel, A, algoPoint.getP()), algoPoint.getP() };
        return ret;

     * Creates a new point C by rotating B around A using angle alpha and
     * a new angle BAC. 
     * The labels[0] is for the angle, labels[1] for the new point    
    final public GeoElement[] Angle(String[] labels, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint A, NumberValue alpha) {
        return Angle(labels, B, A, alpha, true);

     * Creates a new point C by rotating B around A using angle alpha and
     * a new angle BAC (for positive orientation) resp. angle CAB (for negative orientation). 
     * The labels[0] is for the angle, labels[1] for the new point    
    final public GeoElement[] Angle(String[] labels, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint A, NumberValue alpha,
            boolean posOrientation) {
        // this is actually a macro
        String pointLabel = null, angleLabel = null;
        if (labels != null) {
            switch (labels.length) {
            case 2:
                pointLabel = labels[1];

            case 1:
                angleLabel = labels[0];


        // rotate B around A using angle alpha
        GeoPoint C = (GeoPoint) Rotate(pointLabel, B, alpha, A)[0];

        // create angle according to orientation
        GeoAngle angle;
        if (posOrientation) {
            angle = Angle(angleLabel, B, A, C);
        } else {
            angle = Angle(angleLabel, C, A, B);

        //return angle and new point
        GeoElement[] ret = { angle, C };
        return ret;

     * Angle named label between line g and line h
    final public GeoAngle Angle(String label, GeoLine g, GeoLine h) {
        AlgoAngleLines algo = new AlgoAngleLines(cons, label, g, h);
        GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle();
        return angle;

     * Angle named label between vector v and vector w
    final public GeoAngle Angle(String label, GeoVector v, GeoVector w) {
        AlgoAngleVectors algo = new AlgoAngleVectors(cons, label, v, w);
        GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle();
        return angle;

     * Angle named label for a point or a vector
    final public GeoAngle Angle(String label, GeoVec3D v) {
        AlgoAngleVector algo = new AlgoAngleVector(cons, label, v);
        GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle();
        return angle;

     * Angle named label between three points
    final public GeoAngle Angle(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoAnglePoints algo = new AlgoAnglePoints(cons, label, A, B, C);
        GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle();
        return angle;

     * all angles of given polygon
    final public GeoAngle[] Angles(String[] labels, GeoPolygon poly) {
        AlgoAnglePolygon algo = new AlgoAnglePolygon(cons, labels, poly);
        GeoAngle[] angles = algo.getAngles();
        //for (int i=0; i < angles.length; i++) {
        //   angles[i].setAlphaValue(0.0f);
        return angles;

     * IntersectLines yields intersection point named label of lines g, h
    public GeoPointND IntersectLines(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoLineND h) {
        AlgoIntersectLines algo = new AlgoIntersectLines(cons, label, (GeoLine) g, (GeoLine) h);
        GeoPoint S = algo.getPoint();
        return S;

     * yields intersection points named label of line g and polyLine p
    final public GeoElement[] IntersectLinePolyLine(String[] labels, GeoLine g, GeoPolyLine p) {
        AlgoIntersectLinePolyLine algo = new AlgoIntersectLinePolyLine(cons, labels, g, p);
        return algo.getOutput();

     * yields intersection segments named label of line g and polygon p (as region)
    final public GeoElement[] IntersectLinePolygonalRegion(String[] labels, GeoLine g, GeoPolygon p) {
        AlgoIntersectLinePolygonalRegion algo = new AlgoIntersectLinePolygonalRegion(cons, labels, g, p);
        return algo.getOutput();

     * IntersectLineConic yields intersection points named label1, label2
     * of line g and conic c
     * and intersection lines named in lowcase of the label
    final public GeoLine[] IntersectLineConicRegion(String[] labels, GeoLine g, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoIntersectLineConicRegion algo = new AlgoIntersectLineConicRegion(cons, labels, g, c);

        GeoLine[] lines = algo.getIntersectionLines();

        return lines;

     * yields intersection points named label of line g and polygon p (as boundary)
    final public GeoElement[] IntersectLinePolygon(String[] labels, GeoLine g, GeoPolygon p) {
        AlgoIntersectLinePolyLine algo = new AlgoIntersectLinePolyLine(cons, labels, g, p);
        return algo.getOutput();

     * Intersects f and g using starting point A (with Newton's root finding)
    final public GeoPoint IntersectFunctions(String label, GeoFunction f, GeoFunction g, GeoPoint A) {
        AlgoIntersectFunctionsNewton algo = new AlgoIntersectFunctionsNewton(cons, label, f, g, A);
        GeoPoint S = algo.getIntersectionPoint();
        return S;

     * Intersects f and l using starting point A (with Newton's root finding)
    final public GeoPoint IntersectFunctionLine(String label, GeoFunction f, GeoLine l, GeoPoint A) {

        AlgoIntersectFunctionLineNewton algo = new AlgoIntersectFunctionLineNewton(cons, label, f, l, A);
        GeoPoint S = algo.getIntersectionPoint();
        return S;

     * Intersects f and g in interfal [left,right] numerically
    final public GeoPoint[] IntersectFunctions(String[] labels, GeoFunction f, GeoFunction g, NumberValue left,
            NumberValue right) {
        AlgoIntersectFunctions algo = new AlgoIntersectFunctions(cons, labels, f, g, left, right);
        GeoPoint[] S = algo.getIntersectionPoints();
        return S;

     * Intersect[polygon,polygon]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoElement[] IntersectPolygons(String[] labels, GeoPolygon poly0, GeoPolygon poly1) {
        AlgoPolygonIntersection algo = new AlgoPolygonIntersection(cons, labels, poly0, poly1);
        GeoElement[] polygon = algo.getOutput();
        return polygon;

     * Union[polygon,polygon]
     * G. Sturr
    final public GeoElement[] Union(String[] labels, GeoPolygon poly0, GeoPolygon poly1) {
        AlgoPolygonUnion algo = new AlgoPolygonUnion(cons, labels, poly0, poly1);
        GeoElement[] polygon = algo.getOutput();
        return polygon;


     * circle with midpoint M and radius r
    final public GeoConic Circle(String label, GeoPoint M, NumberValue r) {
        AlgoCirclePointRadius algo = new AlgoCirclePointRadius(cons, label, M, r);
        GeoConic circle = algo.getCircle();
        return circle;

     * circle with midpoint M and radius BC
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-03-14
    final public GeoConic Circle(
            // this is actually a macro
            String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C, boolean dummy) {

        AlgoJoinPointsSegment algoSegment = new AlgoJoinPointsSegment(cons, B, C, null);

        AlgoCirclePointRadius algo = new AlgoCirclePointRadius(cons, label, A, algoSegment.getSegment(), true);
        GeoConic circle = algo.getCircle();
        return circle;

     * circle with midpoint A and radius the same as circle
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-03-14
    final public GeoConic Circle(
            // this is actually a macro
            String label, GeoPoint A, GeoConic c) {

        AlgoRadius radius = new AlgoRadius(cons, c);

        AlgoCirclePointRadius algo = new AlgoCirclePointRadius(cons, label, A, radius.getRadius());
        GeoConic circle = algo.getCircle();
        return circle;

     * circle with midpoint M and radius segment
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-03-15
    final public GeoConic Circle(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoSegment segment) {

        AlgoCirclePointRadius algo = new AlgoCirclePointRadius(cons, label, A, segment, true);
        GeoConic circle = algo.getCircle();
        return circle;

     * circle with midpoint M through point P
    final public GeoConic Circle(String label, GeoPoint M, GeoPoint P) {
        AlgoCircleTwoPoints algo = new AlgoCircleTwoPoints(cons, label, M, P);
        GeoConic circle = algo.getCircle();
        return circle;

     * semicircle with midpoint M through point P
    final public GeoConicPart Semicircle(String label, GeoPoint M, GeoPoint P) {
        AlgoSemicircle algo = new AlgoSemicircle(cons, label, M, P);
        return algo.getSemicircle();

     * locus line for Q dependent on P. Note: P must be a point
     * on a path.
    final public GeoLocus Locus(String label, GeoPoint Q, GeoPoint P) {
        if (P.getPath() == null || Q.getPath() != null || !P.isParentOf(Q))
            return null;
        AlgoLocus algo = new AlgoLocus(cons, label, Q, P);
        return algo.getLocus();

     * locus line for Q dependent on P. Note: P must be a visible slider
    final public GeoLocus Locus(String label, GeoPoint Q, GeoNumeric P) {
        if (!P.isSlider() || !P.isDefined() || !P.isAnimatable() || // !P.isSliderable() || !P.isDrawable() ||
                Q.getPath() != null || !P.isParentOf(Q))
            return null;
        AlgoLocusSlider algo = new AlgoLocusSlider(cons, label, Q, P);
        return algo.getLocus();

     * circle with through points A, B, C
    final public GeoConic Circle(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoCircleThreePoints algo = new AlgoCircleThreePoints(cons, label, A, B, C);
        GeoConic circle = (GeoConic) algo.getCircle();
        return circle;

     * incircle with vertex points A, B, C
     * dsun48 [6/26/2011]
    final public GeoConic Incircle(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoIncircle algo = new AlgoIncircle(cons, label, A, B, C);
        GeoConic circle = (GeoConic) algo.getCircle();
        return circle;

     * conic arc from conic and parameters
    final public GeoConicPart ConicArc(String label, GeoConic conic, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoConicPartConicParameters algo = new AlgoConicPartConicParameters(cons, label, conic, a, b,
        return algo.getConicPart();

     * conic sector from conic and points
    final public GeoConicPart ConicArc(String label, GeoConic conic, GeoPoint P, GeoPoint Q) {
        AlgoConicPartConicPoints algo = new AlgoConicPartConicPoints(cons, label, conic, P, Q,
        return algo.getConicPart();

     * conic sector from conic and parameters
    final public GeoConicPart ConicSector(String label, GeoConic conic, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoConicPartConicParameters algo = new AlgoConicPartConicParameters(cons, label, conic, a, b,
        return algo.getConicPart();

     * conic sector from conic and points
    final public GeoConicPart ConicSector(String label, GeoConic conic, GeoPoint P, GeoPoint Q) {
        AlgoConicPartConicPoints algo = new AlgoConicPartConicPoints(cons, label, conic, P, Q,
        return algo.getConicPart();

     * circle arc from three points
    final public GeoConicPart CircumcircleArc(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoConicPartCircumcircle algo = new AlgoConicPartCircumcircle(cons, label, A, B, C,
        return algo.getConicPart();

     * circle sector from three points
    final public GeoConicPart CircumcircleSector(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoConicPartCircumcircle algo = new AlgoConicPartCircumcircle(cons, label, A, B, C,
        return algo.getConicPart();

     * circle arc from center and twho points on arc
    final public GeoConicPart CircleArc(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoConicPartCircle algo = new AlgoConicPartCircle(cons, label, A, B, C, GeoConicPart.CONIC_PART_ARC);
        return algo.getConicPart();

     * circle sector from center and twho points on arc
    final public GeoConicPart CircleSector(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoConicPartCircle algo = new AlgoConicPartCircle(cons, label, A, B, C, GeoConicPart.CONIC_PART_SECTOR);
        return algo.getConicPart();

     * Focuses of conic. returns 2 GeoPoints
    final public GeoPoint[] Focus(String[] labels, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoFocus algo = new AlgoFocus(cons, labels, c);
        GeoPoint[] focus = algo.getFocus();
        return focus;

     * Vertices of conic. returns 4 GeoPoints
    final public GeoPoint[] Vertex(String[] labels, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoVertex algo = new AlgoVertex(cons, labels, c);
        GeoPoint[] vertex = algo.getVertex();
        return vertex;

     * Vertices of polygon. returns 3+ GeoPoints
    final public GeoElement[] Vertex(String[] labels, GeoPolyLineInterface p) {
        AlgoVertexPolygon algo = new AlgoVertexPolygon(cons, labels, p);
        GeoElement[] vertex = algo.getVertex();
        return vertex;

     * Vertex of polygon. returns a GeoPoint
    final public GeoPoint Vertex(String label, GeoPolyLineInterface p, NumberValue v) {
        AlgoVertexPolygon algo = new AlgoVertexPolygon(cons, label, p, v);
        GeoPoint vertex = algo.getOneVertex();
        return vertex;

     * Center of conic
    final public GeoPoint Center(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoCenterConic algo = new AlgoCenterConic(cons, label, c);
        GeoPoint midpoint = algo.getPoint();
        return midpoint;

     * Centroid of a 
    final public GeoPoint Centroid(String label, GeoPolygon p) {
        AlgoCentroidPolygon algo = new AlgoCentroidPolygon(cons, label, p);
        GeoPoint centroid = algo.getPoint();
        return centroid;

     * Corner of image
    final public GeoPoint Corner(String label, GeoImage img, NumberValue number) {
        AlgoImageCorner algo = new AlgoImageCorner(cons, label, img, number);
        return algo.getCorner();

     * Corner of text Michael Borcherds 2007-11-26
    final public GeoPoint Corner(String label, GeoText txt, NumberValue number) {
        AlgoTextCorner algo = new AlgoTextCorner(cons, label, txt, number);
        return algo.getCorner();

     * Corner of Drawing Pad Michael Borcherds 2008-05-10
    final public GeoPoint CornerOfDrawingPad(String label, NumberValue number, NumberValue ev) {
        AlgoDrawingPadCorner algo = new AlgoDrawingPadCorner(cons, label, number, ev);
        return algo.getCorner();

     * parabola with focus F and line l
    final public GeoConic Parabola(String label, GeoPoint F, GeoLine l) {
        AlgoParabolaPointLine algo = new AlgoParabolaPointLine(cons, label, F, l);
        GeoConic parabola = algo.getParabola();
        return parabola;

     * ellipse with foci A, B and length of first half axis a
    final public GeoConic Ellipse(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, NumberValue a) {
        AlgoEllipseFociLength algo = new AlgoEllipseFociLength(cons, label, A, B, a);
        GeoConic ellipse = algo.getConic();
        return ellipse;

     * ellipse with foci A, B passing thorugh C
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-04-06
    final public GeoConic Ellipse(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoEllipseFociPoint algo = new AlgoEllipseFociPoint(cons, label, A, B, C);
        GeoConic ellipse = algo.getEllipse();
        return ellipse;

     * hyperbola with foci A, B and length of first half axis a
    final public GeoConic Hyperbola(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, NumberValue a) {
        AlgoHyperbolaFociLength algo = new AlgoHyperbolaFociLength(cons, label, A, B, a);
        GeoConic hyperbola = algo.getConic();
        return hyperbola;

     * hyperbola with foci A, B passing thorugh C
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-04-06
    final public GeoConic Hyperbola(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoHyperbolaFociPoint algo = new AlgoHyperbolaFociPoint(cons, label, A, B, C);
        GeoConic hyperbola = algo.getHyperbola();
        return hyperbola;

     * conic through five points
    final public GeoConic Conic(String label, GeoPoint[] points) {
        AlgoConicFivePoints algo = new AlgoConicFivePoints(cons, label, points);
        GeoConic conic = algo.getConic();
        return conic;

     * IntersectLineConic yields intersection points named label1, label2
     * of line g and conic c
    final public GeoPoint[] IntersectLineConic(String[] labels, GeoLine g, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoIntersectLineConic algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(g, c);
        GeoPoint[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints();
        GeoElement.setLabels(labels, points);
        return points;

     * IntersectConics yields intersection points named label1, label2, label3, label4
     * of conics c1, c2
    public GeoPointND[] IntersectConics(String[] labels, GeoConicND a, GeoConicND b) {
        AlgoIntersectConics algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm((GeoConic) a, (GeoConic) b);
        GeoPoint[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints();
        GeoElement.setLabels(labels, points);
        return points;

     * IntersectPolynomials yields all intersection points 
     * of polynomials a, b
    final public GeoPoint[] IntersectPolynomials(String[] labels, GeoFunction a, GeoFunction b) {

        if (!a.isPolynomialFunction(false) || !b.isPolynomialFunction(false)) {

            // dummy point 
            GeoPoint A = new GeoPoint(cons);
            //we must check that getLabels() didn't return null
            String label = labels == null ? null : labels[0];
            AlgoIntersectFunctionsNewton algo = new AlgoIntersectFunctionsNewton(cons, label, a, b, A);
            GeoPoint[] ret = { algo.getIntersectionPoint() };
            return ret;

        AlgoIntersectPolynomials algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(a, b);
        GeoPoint[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints();
        return points;

     * get only one intersection point of two polynomials a, b 
     * that is near to the given location (xRW, yRW)    
    final public GeoPoint IntersectPolynomialsSingle(String label, GeoFunction a, GeoFunction b, double xRW,
            double yRW) {
        if (!a.isPolynomialFunction(false) || !b.isPolynomialFunction(false))
            return null;

        AlgoIntersectPolynomials algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(a, b);
        int index = algo.getClosestPointIndex(xRW, yRW);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, index);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get only one intersection point of two polynomials a, b 
     * with given index    
    final public GeoPoint IntersectPolynomialsSingle(String label, GeoFunction a, GeoFunction b,
            NumberValue index) {
        if (!a.isPolynomialFunction(false) || !b.isPolynomialFunction(false))
            return null;

        AlgoIntersectPolynomials algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(a, b); // index - 1 to start at 0
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, (int) index.getDouble() - 1);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * IntersectPolyomialLine yields all intersection points
     * of polynomial f and line l
    final public GeoPoint[] IntersectPolynomialLine(String[] labels, GeoFunction f, GeoLine l) {

        if (!f.isPolynomialFunction(false)) {

            // dummy point 
            GeoPoint A = new GeoPoint(cons);
            //we must check that getLabels() didn't return null
            String label = labels == null ? null : labels[0];
            AlgoIntersectFunctionLineNewton algo = new AlgoIntersectFunctionLineNewton(cons, label, f, l, A);
            GeoPoint[] ret = { algo.getIntersectionPoint() };
            return ret;


        AlgoIntersectPolynomialLine algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(f, l);
        GeoPoint[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints();
        return points;

     * one intersection point of polynomial f and line l near to (xRW, yRW)
    final public GeoPoint IntersectPolynomialLineSingle(String label, GeoFunction f, GeoLine l, double xRW,
            double yRW) {

        if (!f.isPolynomialFunction(false))
            return null;

        AlgoIntersectPolynomialLine algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(f, l);
        int index = algo.getClosestPointIndex(xRW, yRW);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, index);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get only one intersection point of a line and a function 
    final public GeoPoint IntersectPolynomialLineSingle(String label, GeoFunction f, GeoLine l, NumberValue index) {
        if (!f.isPolynomialFunction(false))
            return null;

        AlgoIntersectPolynomialLine algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(f, l);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, (int) index.getDouble() - 1);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get only one intersection point of two conics that is near to the given
     * location (xRW, yRW)
    final public GeoPoint IntersectLineConicSingle(String label, GeoLine g, GeoConic c, double xRW, double yRW) {
        AlgoIntersectLineConic algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(g, c);
        int index = algo.getClosestPointIndex(xRW, yRW);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, index);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get only one intersection point of a line and a conic 
    final public GeoPoint IntersectLineConicSingle(String label, GeoLine g, GeoConic c, NumberValue index) {
        AlgoIntersectLineConic algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(g, c); // index - 1 to start at 0
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, (int) index.getDouble() - 1);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get only one intersection point of two conics that is near to the given
     * location (xRW, yRW)
    final public GeoPoint IntersectConicsSingle(String label, GeoConic a, GeoConic b, double xRW, double yRW) {
        AlgoIntersectConics algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(a, b);
        int index = algo.getClosestPointIndex(xRW, yRW);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, index);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get only one intersection point of two conics 
    final public GeoPoint IntersectConicsSingle(String label, GeoConic a, GeoConic b, NumberValue index) {
        AlgoIntersectConics algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(a, b); // index - 1 to start at 0
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, (int) index.getDouble() - 1);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get intersection points of a polynomial and a conic
    final public GeoPoint[] IntersectPolynomialConic(String[] labels, GeoFunction f, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoIntersectPolynomialConic algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(f, c);
        GeoPoint[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints();
        //   GeoElement.setLabels(labels, points);   
        return points;

    final public GeoPoint IntersectPolynomialConicSingle(String label, GeoFunction f, GeoConic c, NumberValue idx) {
        AlgoIntersect algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(f, c);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, (int) idx.getDouble() - 1);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

    final public GeoPoint IntersectPolynomialConicSingle(String label, GeoFunction f, GeoConic c, double x,
            double y) {
        AlgoIntersect algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(f, c);
        int idx = algo.getClosestPointIndex(x, y);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, idx);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get intersection points of a implicitPoly and a line
    final public GeoPoint[] IntersectImplicitpolyLine(String[] labels, GeoImplicitPoly p, GeoLine l) {
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p, l);
        GeoPoint[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints();
        return points;

     * get single intersection points of a implicitPoly and a line
     * @param idx index of choosen point
    final public GeoPoint IntersectImplicitpolyLineSingle(String label, GeoImplicitPoly p, GeoLine l,
            NumberValue idx) {
        AlgoIntersect algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p, l);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, (int) idx.getDouble() - 1);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get single intersection points of a implicitPoly and a line
    final public GeoPoint IntersectImplicitpolyLineSingle(String label, GeoImplicitPoly p, GeoLine l, double x,
            double y) {
        AlgoIntersect algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p, l);
        int idx = algo.getClosestPointIndex(x, y);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, idx);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get intersection points of a implicitPoly and a polynomial
    final public GeoPoint[] IntersectImplicitpolyPolynomial(String[] labels, GeoImplicitPoly p, GeoFunction f) {
        if (!f.isPolynomialFunction(false))
            return null;
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p, f);
        GeoPoint[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints();
        return points;

     * get single intersection points of a implicitPoly and a line
     * @param idx index of choosen point
    final public GeoPoint IntersectImplicitpolyPolynomialSingle(String label, GeoImplicitPoly p, GeoFunction f,
            NumberValue idx) {
        if (!f.isPolynomialFunction(false))
            return null;
        AlgoIntersect algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p, f);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, (int) idx.getDouble() - 1);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get single intersection points of a implicitPoly and a line
    final public GeoPoint IntersectImplicitpolyPolynomialSingle(String label, GeoImplicitPoly p, GeoFunction f,
            double x, double y) {
        if (!f.isPolynomialFunction(false))
            return null;
        AlgoIntersect algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p, f);
        int idx = algo.getClosestPointIndex(x, y);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, idx);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get intersection points of two implicitPolys
    final public GeoPoint[] IntersectImplicitpolys(String[] labels, GeoImplicitPoly p1, GeoImplicitPoly p2) {
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p1, p2);
        GeoPoint[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints();
        return points;

     * get single intersection points of two implicitPolys
     * @param idx index of choosen point
    final public GeoPoint IntersectImplicitpolysSingle(String label, GeoImplicitPoly p1, GeoImplicitPoly p2,
            NumberValue idx) {
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p1, p2);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, (int) idx.getDouble() - 1);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get single intersection points of two implicitPolys near given Point (x,y)
     * @param x 
     * @param y
    final public GeoPoint IntersectImplicitpolysSingle(String label, GeoImplicitPoly p1, GeoImplicitPoly p2,
            double x, double y) {
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p1, p2);
        int idx = algo.getClosestPointIndex(x, y);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, idx);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get intersection points of implicitPoly and conic
    final public GeoPoint[] IntersectImplicitpolyConic(String[] labels, GeoImplicitPoly p1, GeoConic c1) {
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p1, c1);
        GeoPoint[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints();
        return points;

     * get single intersection points of implicitPoly and conic
     * @param idx index of choosen point
    final public GeoPoint IntersectImplicitpolyConicSingle(String label, GeoImplicitPoly p1, GeoConic c1,
            NumberValue idx) {
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p1, c1);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, (int) idx.getDouble() - 1);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * get single intersection points of implicitPolys and conic near given Point (x,y)
     * @param x 
     * @param y
    final public GeoPoint IntersectImplicitpolyConicSingle(String label, GeoImplicitPoly p1, GeoConic c1, double x,
            double y) {
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(p1, c1);
        int idx = algo.getClosestPointIndex(x, y);
        AlgoIntersectSingle salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle(label, algo, idx);
        GeoPoint point = salgo.getPoint();
        return point;

     * to avoid multiple calculations of the intersection points of the same
     * two objects, we remember all the intersection algorithms created
    private ArrayList intersectionAlgos = new ArrayList();

    // intersect polynomial and conic
    AlgoIntersectPolynomialConic getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoFunction f, GeoConic c) {

        AlgoElement existingAlgo = findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(f, c);
        if (existingAlgo != null)
            return (AlgoIntersectPolynomialConic) existingAlgo;

        // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one
        AlgoIntersectPolynomialConic algo = new AlgoIntersectPolynomialConic(cons, f, c);
        intersectionAlgos.add(algo); // remember this algorithm
        return algo;

    // intersect line and conic
    AlgoIntersectLineConic getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoLine g, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoElement existingAlgo = findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(g, c);
        if (existingAlgo != null)
            return (AlgoIntersectLineConic) existingAlgo;

        // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one
        AlgoIntersectLineConic algo = new AlgoIntersectLineConic(cons, g, c);
        intersectionAlgos.add(algo); // remember this algorithm
        return algo;

    // intersect conics
    AlgoIntersectConics getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoConic a, GeoConic b) {
        AlgoElement existingAlgo = findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(a, b);
        if (existingAlgo != null)
            return (AlgoIntersectConics) existingAlgo;

        // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one
        AlgoIntersectConics algo = new AlgoIntersectConics(cons, a, b);
        intersectionAlgos.add(algo); // remember this algorithm
        return algo;

    // intersection of polynomials
    AlgoIntersectPolynomials getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoFunction a, GeoFunction b) {
        AlgoElement existingAlgo = findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(a, b);
        if (existingAlgo != null)
            return (AlgoIntersectPolynomials) existingAlgo;

        // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one
        AlgoIntersectPolynomials algo = new AlgoIntersectPolynomials(cons, a, b);
        intersectionAlgos.add(algo); // remember this algorithm
        return algo;

    // intersection of polynomials
    AlgoIntersectPolynomialLine getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoFunction a, GeoLine l) {
        AlgoElement existingAlgo = findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(a, l);
        if (existingAlgo != null)
            return (AlgoIntersectPolynomialLine) existingAlgo;

        // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one
        AlgoIntersectPolynomialLine algo = new AlgoIntersectPolynomialLine(cons, a, l);
        intersectionAlgos.add(algo); // remember this algorithm
        return algo;

    // intersection of GeoImplicitPoly, GeoLine
    AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoImplicitPoly p, GeoLine l) {
        AlgoElement existingAlgo = findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(p, l);
        if (existingAlgo != null)
            return (AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric) existingAlgo;

        // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric algo = new AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric(cons, p, l);
        intersectionAlgos.add(algo); // remember this algorithm
        return algo;

    // intersection of GeoImplicitPoly, polynomial
    AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoImplicitPoly p, GeoFunction f) {
        AlgoElement existingAlgo = findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(p, f);
        if (existingAlgo != null)
            return (AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric) existingAlgo;

        // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric algo = new AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric(cons, p, f);
        intersectionAlgos.add(algo); // remember this algorithm
        return algo;

    // intersection of two GeoImplicitPoly
    AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoImplicitPoly p1, GeoImplicitPoly p2) {
        AlgoElement existingAlgo = findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(p1, p2);
        if (existingAlgo != null)
            return (AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys) existingAlgo;

        // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys algo = new AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys(cons, p1, p2);
        intersectionAlgos.add(algo); // remember this algorithm
        return algo;

    AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoImplicitPoly p1, GeoConic c1) {
        AlgoElement existingAlgo = findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(p1, c1);
        if (existingAlgo != null)
            return (AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys) existingAlgo;

        // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one
        AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys algo = new AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys(cons, p1, c1);
        intersectionAlgos.add(algo); // remember this algorithm
        return algo;

    public AlgoElement findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoElement a, GeoElement b) {
        int size = intersectionAlgos.size();
        AlgoElement algo;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            algo = (AlgoElement) intersectionAlgos.get(i);
            GeoElement[] input = algo.getInput();
            if (a == input[0] && b == input[1] || a == input[1] && b == input[0])
                // we found an existing intersection algorithm
                return algo;
        return null;

    public void removeIntersectionAlgorithm(AlgoIntersectAbstract algo) {

    public void addIntersectionAlgorithm(AlgoIntersectAbstract algo) {

    * polar line to P relativ to c
    final public GeoLine PolarLine(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoPolarLine algo = new AlgoPolarLine(cons, label, c, P);
        GeoLine polar = algo.getLine();
        return polar;

     * diameter line conjugate to direction of g relative to c
    final public GeoLine DiameterLine(String label, GeoLine g, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoDiameterLine algo = new AlgoDiameterLine(cons, label, c, g);
        GeoLine diameter = algo.getDiameter();
        return diameter;

     * diameter line conjugate to v relative to c
    final public GeoLine DiameterLine(String label, GeoVector v, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoDiameterVector algo = new AlgoDiameterVector(cons, label, c, v);
        GeoLine diameter = algo.getDiameter();
        return diameter;

     * tangents to c through P
    final public GeoLine[] Tangent(String[] labels, GeoPoint P, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoTangentPoint algo = new AlgoTangentPoint(cons, labels, P, c);
        GeoLine[] tangents = algo.getTangents();
        return tangents;

     * common tangents to c1 and c2
     * dsun48 [6/26/2011]
    final public GeoLine[] CommonTangents(String[] labels, GeoConic c1, GeoConic c2) {
        AlgoCommonTangents algo = new AlgoCommonTangents(cons, labels, c1, c2);
        GeoLine[] tangents = algo.getTangents();
        return tangents;

     * tangents to c parallel to g
    final public GeoLine[] Tangent(String[] labels, GeoLine g, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoTangentLine algo = new AlgoTangentLine(cons, labels, g, c);
        GeoLine[] tangents = algo.getTangents();
        return tangents;

     * tangent to f in x = a
    final public GeoLine Tangent(String label, NumberValue a, GeoFunction f) {
        AlgoTangentFunctionNumber algo = new AlgoTangentFunctionNumber(cons, label, a, f);
        GeoLine t = algo.getTangent();
        return t;

     * tangent to f in x = x(P)
    final public GeoLine Tangent(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoFunction f) {
        AlgoTangentFunctionPoint algo = new AlgoTangentFunctionPoint(cons, label, P, f);
        GeoLine t = algo.getTangent();
        return t;

     * tangents to p through P
    final public GeoLine[] Tangent(String[] labels, GeoPoint R, GeoImplicitPoly p) {
        AlgoTangentImplicitpoly algo = new AlgoTangentImplicitpoly(cons, labels, p, R);
        GeoLine[] tangents = algo.getTangents();
        return tangents;

     * tangents to p parallel to g
    final public GeoLine[] Tangent(String[] labels, GeoLine g, GeoImplicitPoly p) {
        AlgoTangentImplicitpoly algo = new AlgoTangentImplicitpoly(cons, labels, p, g);
        GeoLine[] tangents = algo.getTangents();
        return tangents;

     * asymptotes to c
    final public GeoLine[] Asymptote(String[] labels, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoAsymptote algo = new AlgoAsymptote(cons, labels, c);
        GeoLine[] asymptotes = algo.getAsymptotes();
        return asymptotes;

     * axes of c
    final public GeoLine[] Axes(String[] labels, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoAxes algo = new AlgoAxes(cons, labels, c);
        GeoLine[] axes = algo.getAxes();
        return axes;

     * first axis of c
    final public GeoLine FirstAxis(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoAxisFirst algo = new AlgoAxisFirst(cons, label, c);
        GeoLine axis = algo.getAxis();
        return axis;

     * second axis of c
    final public GeoLine SecondAxis(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoAxisSecond algo = new AlgoAxisSecond(cons, label, c);
        GeoLine axis = algo.getAxis();
        return axis;

     * directrix of c
    final public GeoLine Directrix(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoDirectrix algo = new AlgoDirectrix(cons, label, c);
        GeoLine directrix = algo.getDirectrix();
        return directrix;

     * linear eccentricity of c
    final public GeoNumeric Excentricity(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoExcentricity algo = new AlgoExcentricity(cons, label, c);
        GeoNumeric linearEccentricity = algo.getLinearEccentricity();
        return linearEccentricity;

     * eccentricity of c
    final public GeoNumeric Eccentricity(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoEccentricity algo = new AlgoEccentricity(cons, label, c);
        GeoNumeric eccentricity = algo.getEccentricity();
        return eccentricity;

     * first axis' length of c
    final public GeoNumeric FirstAxisLength(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoAxisFirstLength algo = new AlgoAxisFirstLength(cons, label, c);
        GeoNumeric length = algo.getLength();
        return length;

     * second axis' length of c
    final public GeoNumeric SecondAxisLength(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoAxisSecondLength algo = new AlgoAxisSecondLength(cons, label, c);
        GeoNumeric length = algo.getLength();
        return length;

     * (parabola) parameter of c
    final public GeoNumeric Parameter(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoParabolaParameter algo = new AlgoParabolaParameter(cons, label, c);
        GeoNumeric length = algo.getParameter();
        return length;

     * (circle) radius of c
    final public GeoNumeric Radius(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoRadius algo = new AlgoRadius(cons, label, c);
        GeoNumeric length = algo.getRadius();
        return length;

     * angle of c (angle between first eigenvector and (1,0))
    final public GeoAngle Angle(String label, GeoConic c) {
        AlgoAngleConic algo = new AlgoAngleConic(cons, label, c);
        GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle();
        return angle;


     * translate geoTrans by vector v
    final public GeoElement[] Translate(String label, GeoElement geoTrans, GeoVec3D v) {
        Transform t = new TransformTranslate(cons, v);
        return t.transform(geoTrans, label);

     * translates vector v to point A. The resulting vector is equal
     * to v and has A as startPoint
    final public GeoVector Translate(String label, GeoVec3D v, GeoPoint A) {
        AlgoTranslateVector algo = new AlgoTranslateVector(cons, label, v, A);
        GeoVector vec = algo.getTranslatedVector();
        return vec;

     * rotate geoRot by angle phi around (0,0)
    final public GeoElement[] Rotate(String label, GeoElement geoRot, NumberValue phi) {
        Transform t = new TransformRotate(cons, phi);
        return t.transform(geoRot, label);

     * rotate geoRot by angle phi around Q
    final public GeoElement[] Rotate(String label, GeoElement geoRot, NumberValue phi, GeoPoint Q) {
        Transform t = new TransformRotate(cons, phi, Q);
        return t.transform(geoRot, label);

     * dilate geoRot by r from S
    final public GeoElement[] Dilate(String label, GeoElement geoDil, NumberValue r, GeoPoint S) {
        Transform t = new TransformDilate(cons, r, S);
        return t.transform(geoDil, label);

     * dilate geoRot by r from origin
    final public GeoElement[] Dilate(String label, GeoElement geoDil, NumberValue r) {
        Transform t = new TransformDilate(cons, r);
        return t.transform(geoDil, label);

     * mirror geoMir at point Q
    final public GeoElement[] Mirror(String label, GeoElement geoMir, GeoPoint Q) {
        Transform t = new TransformMirror(cons, Q);
        return t.transform(geoMir, label);

     * mirror (invert) element Q in circle 
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-02-10
    final public GeoElement[] Mirror(String label, GeoElement Q, GeoConic conic) {
        Transform t = new TransformMirror(cons, conic);
        return t.transform(Q, label);

     * apply matrix 
     * Michael Borcherds 2010-05-27
    final public GeoElement[] ApplyMatrix(String label, GeoElement Q, GeoList matrix) {
        Transform t = new TransformApplyMatrix(cons, matrix);
        return t.transform(Q, label);

     * shear
    final public GeoElement[] Shear(String label, GeoElement Q, GeoVec3D l, GeoNumeric num) {
        Transform t = new TransformShearOrStretch(cons, l, num, true);
        return t.transform(Q, label);

     * apply matrix 
     * Michael Borcherds 2010-05-27
    final public GeoElement[] Stretch(String label, GeoElement Q, GeoVec3D l, GeoNumeric num) {
        Transform t = new TransformShearOrStretch(cons, l, num, false);
        return t.transform(Q, label);

     * mirror geoMir at line g
    final public GeoElement[] Mirror(String label, GeoElement geoMir, GeoLine g) {
        Transform t = new TransformMirror(cons, g);
        return t.transform(geoMir, label);


    static final int TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE = 0;
    static final int TRANSFORM_MIRROR_AT_POINT = 1;
    static final int TRANSFORM_MIRROR_AT_LINE = 2;
    static final int TRANSFORM_ROTATE = 3;
    static final int TRANSFORM_ROTATE_AROUND_POINT = 4;
    static final int TRANSFORM_DILATE = 5;

    public static boolean keepOrientationForTransformation(int transformationType) {
        switch (transformationType) {
            return false;

            return true;


    /** function limited to interval [a, b]
    final public GeoFunction Function(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoFunctionInterval algo = new AlgoFunctionInterval(cons, label, f, a, b);
        GeoFunction g = algo.getFunction();
        return g;

     * n-th derivative of multivariate function f
    final public GeoElement Derivative(String label, CasEvaluableFunction f, GeoNumeric var, NumberValue n) {

        AlgoCasDerivative algo = new AlgoCasDerivative(cons, label, f, var, n);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Tries to expand a function f to a polynomial.
    final public GeoFunction PolynomialFunction(String label, GeoFunction f) {
        AlgoPolynomialFromFunction algo = new AlgoPolynomialFromFunction(cons, label, f);
        return algo.getPolynomial();

     * Fits a polynomial exactly to a list of coordinates
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-01-22
    final public GeoFunction PolynomialFunction(String label, GeoList list) {
        AlgoPolynomialFromCoordinates algo = new AlgoPolynomialFromCoordinates(cons, label, list);
        return algo.getPolynomial();

    final public GeoElement Expand(String label, CasEvaluableFunction func) {
        AlgoCasExpand algo = new AlgoCasExpand(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

    final public GeoElement Simplify(String label, CasEvaluableFunction func) {
        AlgoCasSimplify algo = new AlgoCasSimplify(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

    final public GeoElement SolveODE(String label, CasEvaluableFunction func) {
        AlgoCasSolveODE algo = new AlgoCasSolveODE(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Simplify text, eg "+-x" to "-x"
     * @author Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoElement Simplify(String label, GeoText text) {
        AlgoSimplifyText algo = new AlgoSimplifyText(cons, label, text);
        return algo.getGeoText();

    final public GeoElement DynamicCoordinates(String label, GeoPoint geoPoint, NumberValue num1,
            NumberValue num2) {
        AlgoDynamicCoordinates algo = new AlgoDynamicCoordinates(cons, label, geoPoint, num1, num2);
        return algo.getPoint();

    final public GeoElement Factor(String label, CasEvaluableFunction func) {
        AlgoCasFactor algo = new AlgoCasFactor(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

    final public GeoElement CompleteSquare(String label, GeoFunction func) {
        AlgoCompleteSquare algo = new AlgoCompleteSquare(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Factors
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoList Factors(String label, GeoFunction func) {
        AlgoFactors algo = new AlgoFactors(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

    final public GeoLocus SolveODE(String label, FunctionalNVar f, FunctionalNVar g, GeoNumeric x, GeoNumeric y,
            GeoNumeric end, GeoNumeric step) {
        AlgoSolveODE algo = new AlgoSolveODE(cons, label, f, g, x, y, end, step);
        return algo.getResult();

     * second order ODEs
    final public GeoLocus SolveODE2(String label, GeoFunctionable f, GeoFunctionable g, GeoFunctionable h,
            GeoNumeric x, GeoNumeric y, GeoNumeric yDot, GeoNumeric end, GeoNumeric step) {
        AlgoSolveODE2 algo = new AlgoSolveODE2(cons, label, f, g, h, x, y, yDot, end, step);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Asymptotes
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoList AsymptoteFunction(String label, GeoFunction func) {
        AlgoAsymptoteFunction algo = new AlgoAsymptoteFunction(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Asymptotes to ImplicitPoly
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoList AsymptoteImplicitpoly(String label, GeoImplicitPoly ip) {
        AlgoAsymptoteImplicitPoly algo = new AlgoAsymptoteImplicitPoly(cons, label, ip);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Numerator
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoFunction Numerator(String label, GeoFunction func) {
        AlgoNumerator algo = new AlgoNumerator(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Denominator
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoFunction Denominator(String label, GeoFunction func) {
        AlgoDenominator algo = new AlgoDenominator(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Degree
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoNumeric Degree(String label, GeoFunction func) {
        AlgoDegree algo = new AlgoDegree(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Limit
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoNumeric Limit(String label, GeoFunction func, NumberValue num) {
        AlgoLimit algo = new AlgoLimit(cons, label, func, num);
        return algo.getResult();

     * LimitBelow
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoNumeric LimitBelow(String label, GeoFunction func, NumberValue num) {
        AlgoLimitBelow algo = new AlgoLimitBelow(cons, label, func, num);
        return algo.getResult();

     * LimitAbove
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoNumeric LimitAbove(String label, GeoFunction func, NumberValue num) {
        AlgoLimitAbove algo = new AlgoLimitAbove(cons, label, func, num);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Partial Fractions
     * Michael Borcherds 
    final public GeoElement PartialFractions(String label, CasEvaluableFunction func) {
        AlgoCasPartialFractions algo = new AlgoCasPartialFractions(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Coefficients
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-04-04
    final public GeoList Coefficients(String label, GeoFunction func) {
        AlgoCoefficients algo = new AlgoCoefficients(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Coefficients
     * Michael Borcherds 2008-04-04
    final public GeoList Coefficients(String label, GeoConic func) {
        AlgoConicCoefficients algo = new AlgoConicCoefficients(cons, label, func);
        return algo.getResult();

     * Taylor series of function f about point x=a of order n
    final public GeoFunction TaylorSeries(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue n) {

        AlgoTaylorSeries algo = new AlgoTaylorSeries(cons, label, f, a, n);
        return algo.getPolynomial();

     * Integral of function f
    final public GeoElement Integral(String label, CasEvaluableFunction f, GeoNumeric var) {
        AlgoCasIntegral algo = new AlgoCasIntegral(cons, label, f, var);
        return algo.getResult();

     * definite Integral of function f from x=a to x=b
    final public GeoNumeric Integral(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoIntegralDefinite algo = new AlgoIntegralDefinite(cons, label, f, a, b);
        GeoNumeric n = algo.getIntegral();
        return n;

     * definite Integral of function f from x=a to x=b 
     * with option to evaluate  (evaluate == false allows shade-only drawing)
    final public GeoNumeric Integral(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b,
            GeoBoolean evaluate) {
        AlgoIntegralDefinite algo = new AlgoIntegralDefinite(cons, label, f, a, b, evaluate);
        GeoNumeric n = algo.getIntegral();
        return n;

     * definite integral of function (f - g) in interval [a, b]
    final public GeoNumeric Integral(String label, GeoFunction f, GeoFunction g, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoIntegralFunctions algo = new AlgoIntegralFunctions(cons, label, f, g, a, b);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getIntegral();
        return num;

     * definite integral of function (f - g) in interval [a, b]
     * with option to not evaluate  (evaluate == false allows shade-only drawing)
    final public GeoNumeric Integral(String label, GeoFunction f, GeoFunction g, NumberValue a, NumberValue b,
            GeoBoolean evaluate) {
        AlgoIntegralFunctions algo = new AlgoIntegralFunctions(cons, label, f, g, a, b, evaluate);
        GeoNumeric num = algo.getIntegral();
        return num;

    final public GeoPoint[] PointsFromList(String[] labels, GeoList list) {

        AlgoPointsFromList algo = new AlgoPointsFromList(cons, labels, true, list);
        GeoPoint[] g = algo.getPoints();
        return g;

     * all Roots of polynomial f (works only for polynomials and functions
     * that can be simplified to factors of polynomials, e.g. sqrt(x) to x)
    final public GeoPoint[] Root(String[] labels, GeoFunction f) {
        // allow functions that can be simplified to factors of polynomials
        if (!f.isPolynomialFunction(true))
            return null;

        AlgoRootsPolynomial algo = new AlgoRootsPolynomial(cons, labels, f);
        GeoPoint[] g = algo.getRootPoints();
        return g;

     * all Complex Roots of polynomial f (works only for polynomials)
    final public GeoPoint[] ComplexRoot(String[] labels, GeoFunction f) {
        // allow functions that can be simplified to factors of polynomials
        if (!f.isPolynomialFunction(true))
            return null;

        AlgoComplexRootsPolynomial algo = new AlgoComplexRootsPolynomial(cons, labels, f);
        GeoPoint[] g = algo.getRootPoints();
        return g;

     * Root of a function f to given start value a (works only if first derivative of f exists)
    final public GeoPoint Root(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a) {
        AlgoRootNewton algo = new AlgoRootNewton(cons, label, f, a);
        GeoPoint p = algo.getRootPoint();
        return p;

     * Root of a function f in given interval [a, b]
    final public GeoPoint Root(String label, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoRootInterval algo = new AlgoRootInterval(cons, label, f, a, b);
        GeoPoint p = algo.getRootPoint();
        return p;

     * Roots of a function f in given interval [a, b]
     * Numerical version
    final public GeoPoint[] Roots(String[] labels, GeoFunction f, NumberValue a, NumberValue b) {
        AlgoRoots algo = new AlgoRoots(cons, labels, f, a, b);
        GeoPoint[] pts = algo.getRootPoints();
        return pts;

     * all Extrema of function f (works only for polynomials)
    final public GeoPoint[] Extremum(String[] labels, GeoFunction f) {
        //   check if this is a polynomial at the moment
        if (!f.isPolynomialFunction(true))
            return null;

        AlgoExtremumPolynomial algo = new AlgoExtremumPolynomial(cons, labels, f);
        GeoPoint[] g = algo.getRootPoints();
        return g;

     * Numeric search for extremum of function f in interval [left,right]
     * Ulven 2011-2-5
    final public GeoPoint[] Extremum(String label,GeoFunction f,NumberValue left,NumberValue right) {
       AlgoExtremumNumerical algo=new AlgoExtremumNumerical(cons,label,f,left,right);
       GeoPoint g=algo.getNumericalExtremum();   //All variants return array...
       GeoPoint[] result=new GeoPoint[1];
       return result;
    final public GeoPoint[] Extremum(String[] labels, GeoFunction f, NumberValue left, NumberValue right) {
        AlgoExtremumMulti algo = new AlgoExtremumMulti(cons, labels, f, left, right);
        GeoPoint[] gpts = algo.getExtremumPoints(); //All variants return array...
        return gpts;

    * Trying to maximize dependent variable with respect to independen variable
    * Ulven 2011-2-13
    final public GeoElement Maximize(String label, GeoElement dep, GeoNumeric indep) {
        AlgoMaximize algo = new AlgoMaximize(cons, label, dep, indep);
        GeoElement[] geo=new GeoElement[1];
        geo[0]=algo.getMaximized();   //All variants return array...
        return algo.getResult();//geo;

    * Trying to minimize dependent variable with respect to independen variable
    * Ulven 2011-2-13
    final public GeoElement Minimize(String label, GeoElement dep, GeoNumeric indep) {
        AlgoMinimize algo = new AlgoMinimize(cons, label, dep, indep); //   true: minimize
        /*GeoElement geo=algo.getMaximized();   //All variants return array...
        return algo.getResult();

     * all Turning points of function f (works only for polynomials)
    final public GeoPoint[] TurningPoint(String[] labels, GeoFunction f) {
        //   check if this is a polynomial at the moment
        if (!f.isPolynomialFunction(true))
            return null;

        AlgoTurningPointPolynomial algo = new AlgoTurningPointPolynomial(cons, labels, f);
        GeoPoint[] g = algo.getRootPoints();
        return g;

     * Victor Franco Espino 18-04-2007: New commands
     * Calculate affine ratio: (A,B,C) = (t(C)-t(A)) : (t(C)-t(B)) 

    final public GeoNumeric AffineRatio(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C) {
        AlgoAffineRatio affine = new AlgoAffineRatio(cons, label, A, B, C);
        GeoNumeric M = affine.getResult();
        return M;


     * Calculate cross ratio: (A,B,C,D) = affineRatio(A, B, C) / affineRatio(A, B, D)

    final public GeoNumeric CrossRatio(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B, GeoPoint C, GeoPoint D) {

        AlgoCrossRatio cross = new AlgoCrossRatio(cons, label, A, B, C, D);
        GeoNumeric M = cross.getResult();
        return M;


     * Calculate Curvature Vector for function: c(x) = (1/T^4)*(-f'*f'',f''), T = sqrt(1+(f')^2)

    final public GeoVector CurvatureVector(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoFunction f) {

        AlgoCurvatureVector algo = new AlgoCurvatureVector(cons, label, A, f);
        GeoVector v = algo.getVector();
        return v;


     * Calculate Curvature Vector for curve: c(t) = ((a'(t)b''(t)-a''(t)b'(t))/T^4) * (-b'(t),a'(t))
      *                                       T = sqrt(a'(t)^2+b'(t)^2)

    final public GeoVector CurvatureVectorCurve(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoCurveCartesian f) {

        AlgoCurvatureVectorCurve algo = new AlgoCurvatureVectorCurve(cons, label, A, f);
        GeoVector v = algo.getVector();
        return v;


     * Calculate Curvature for function: k(x) = f''/T^3, T = sqrt(1+(f')^2)

    final public GeoNumeric Curvature(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoFunction f) {

        AlgoCurvature algo = new AlgoCurvature(cons, label, A, f);
        GeoNumeric k = algo.getResult();
        return k;


     * Calculate Curvature for Curve: k(t) = (a'(t)b''(t)-a''(t)b'(t))/T^3, T = sqrt(a'(t)^2+b'(t)^2)

    final public GeoNumeric CurvatureCurve(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoCurveCartesian f) {

        AlgoCurvatureCurve algo = new AlgoCurvatureCurve(cons, label, A, f);
        GeoNumeric k = algo.getResult();
        return k;


     * Osculating Circle of a function f in point A

    final public GeoConic OsculatingCircle(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoFunction f) {

        AlgoOsculatingCircle algo = new AlgoOsculatingCircle(cons, label, A, f);
        GeoConic circle = algo.getCircle();
        return circle;


     * Osculating Circle of a curve f in point A

    final public GeoConic OsculatingCircleCurve(String label, GeoPoint A, GeoCurveCartesian f) {

        AlgoOsculatingCircleCurve algo = new AlgoOsculatingCircleCurve(cons, label, A, f);
        GeoConic circle = algo.getCircle();
        return circle;


     * Calculate Function Length between the numbers A and B: integral from A to B on T = sqrt(1+(f')^2)

    final public GeoNumeric FunctionLength(String label, GeoFunction f, GeoNumeric A, GeoNumeric B) {

        AlgoLengthFunction algo = new AlgoLengthFunction(cons, label, f, A, B);
        GeoNumeric length = algo.getLength();
        return length;


     * Calculate Function Length between the points A and B: integral from A to B on T = sqrt(1+(f')^2)

    final public GeoNumeric FunctionLength2Points(String label, GeoFunction f, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B) {

        AlgoLengthFunction2Points algo = new AlgoLengthFunction2Points(cons, label, f, A, B);
        GeoNumeric length = algo.getLength();
        return length;


     * Calculate Curve Length between the parameters t0 and t1: integral from t0 to t1 on T = sqrt(a'(t)^2+b'(t)^2)

    final public GeoNumeric CurveLength(String label, GeoCurveCartesian c, GeoNumeric t0, GeoNumeric t1) {

        AlgoLengthCurve algo = new AlgoLengthCurve(cons, label, c, t0, t1);
        GeoNumeric length = algo.getLength();
        return length;


     * Calculate Curve Length between the points A and B: integral from t0 to t1 on T = sqrt(a'(t)^2+b'(t)^2)
    final public GeoNumeric CurveLength2Points(String label, GeoCurveCartesian c, GeoPoint A, GeoPoint B) {
        AlgoLengthCurve2Points algo = new AlgoLengthCurve2Points(cons, label, c, A, B);
        GeoNumeric length = algo.getLength();
        return length;

     * tangent to Curve f in point P: (b'(t), -a'(t), a'(t)*b(t)-a(t)*b'(t))
    final public GeoLine Tangent(String label, GeoPoint P, GeoCurveCartesian f) {
        AlgoTangentCurve algo = new AlgoTangentCurve(cons, label, P, f);
        GeoLine t = algo.getTangent();
        return t;

     * Victor Franco Espino 18-04-2007: End new commands 


    /** if x is nearly zero, 0.0 is returned,
     *  else x is returned
    final public double chop(double x) {
        if (isZero(x))
            return 0.0d;
            return x;

    final public boolean isReal(Complex c) {
        return isZero(c.getImaginary());

    /** is abs(x) < epsilon ? */
    final public static boolean isZero(double x) {
        return -EPSILON < x && x < EPSILON;

    final boolean isZero(double[] a) {
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            if (!isZero(a[i]))
                return false;
        return true;

    final public boolean isInteger(double x) {
        if (x > 1E17)
            return true;
            return isEqual(x, Math.round(x));

     * Returns whether x is equal to y    
     * infinity == infinity returns true eg 1/0    
     * -infinity == infinity returns false    eg -1/0
     * -infinity == -infinity returns true
     * undefined == undefined returns false eg 0/0    
    final public static boolean isEqual(double x, double y) {
        if (x == y) // handles infinity and NaN cases
            return true;
            return x - EPSILON <= y && y <= x + EPSILON;

    final public static boolean isEqual(double x, double y, double eps) {
        if (x == y) // handles infinity and NaN cases
            return true;
            return x - eps < y && y < x + eps;

     * Returns whether x is greater than y        
    final public static boolean isGreater(double x, double y) {
        return x > y + EPSILON;

     * Returns whether x is greater than or equal to y        
    final public static boolean isGreaterEqual(double x, double y) {
        return x + EPSILON > y;

    // compares double arrays: 
    // yields true if (isEqual(a[i], b[i]) == true) for all i
    final boolean isEqual(double[] a, double[] b) {
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
            if (!isEqual(a[i], b[i]))
                return false;
        return true;

    final public double convertToAngleValue(double val) {
        if (val > EPSILON && val < PI_2)
            return val;

        double value = val % PI_2;
        if (isZero(value)) {
            if (val < 1.0)
                value = 0.0;
                value = PI_2;
        } else if (value < 0.0) {
            value += PI_2;
        return value;

    // calc acos(x). returns 0 for x > 1 and pi for x < -1    
    final static double trimmedAcos(double x) {
      if (Math.abs(x) <= 1.0d)
     return Math.acos(x);
      else if (x > 1.0d)
     return 0.0d;
      else if (x < -1.0d)
     return Math.PI;
     return Double.NaN;

    /** returns max of abs(a[i]) */
    final static double maxAbs(double[] a) {
        double temp, max = Math.abs(a[0]);
        for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {
            temp = Math.abs(a[i]);
            if (temp > max)
                max = temp;
        return max;

    // copy array a to array b
    final static void copy(double[] a, double[] b) {
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            b[i] = a[i];

    // change signs of double array values, write result to array b
    final static void negative(double[] a, double[] b) {
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            b[i] = -a[i];

    // c[] = a[] / b
    final static void divide(double[] a, double b, double[] c) {
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            c[i] = a[i] / b;

    // temp for buildEquation    
    private double[] temp;// = new double[6];

    // lhs of implicit equation without constant coeff
    final private StringBuilder buildImplicitVarPart(double[] numbers, String[] vars, boolean KEEP_LEADING_SIGN,
            boolean CANCEL_DOWN) {

        temp = new double[numbers.length];

        int leadingNonZero = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
            if (!isZero(numbers[i])) {
                leadingNonZero = i;

        if (CANCEL_DOWN) {
            // check if integers and divide through gcd
            boolean allIntegers = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
                allIntegers = allIntegers && isInteger(numbers[i]);
            if (allIntegers) {
                // divide by greates common divisor
                divide(numbers, gcd(numbers), numbers);

        // no left hand side        
        if (leadingNonZero == -1) {
            return sbBuildImplicitVarPart;

        // don't change leading coefficient
        if (KEEP_LEADING_SIGN) {
            copy(numbers, temp);
        } else {
            if (numbers[leadingNonZero] < 0)
                negative(numbers, temp);
                copy(numbers, temp);

        // BUILD EQUATION STRING                              
        // valid left hand side 
        // leading coefficient
        String strCoeff = formatCoeff(temp[leadingNonZero]);

        // other coefficients on lhs
        String sign;
        double abs;
        for (int i = leadingNonZero + 1; i < vars.length; i++) {
            if (temp[i] < 0.0) {
                sign = " - ";
                abs = -temp[i];
            } else {
                sign = " + ";
                abs = temp[i];

            if (abs >= PRINT_PRECISION || useSignificantFigures) {
        return sbBuildImplicitVarPart;

    private StringBuilder sbBuildImplicitVarPart = new StringBuilder(80);

    public final StringBuilder buildImplicitEquation(double[] numbers, String[] vars, boolean KEEP_LEADING_SIGN,
            boolean CANCEL_DOWN, char op) {

                .append(buildImplicitVarPart(numbers, vars, KEEP_LEADING_SIGN || (op == '='), CANCEL_DOWN));

        if (casPrintForm == ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MATH_PIPER && op == '=') {
            sbBuildImplicitEquation.append(" == ");
        } else {
            sbBuildImplicitEquation.append(' ');
            sbBuildImplicitEquation.append(' ');

        // temp is set by buildImplicitVarPart

        return sbBuildImplicitEquation;

    private StringBuilder sbBuildImplicitEquation = new StringBuilder(80);

    // lhs of lhs = 0
    final public StringBuilder buildLHS(double[] numbers, String[] vars, boolean KEEP_LEADING_SIGN,
            boolean CANCEL_DOWN) {
        sbBuildLHS.append(buildImplicitVarPart(numbers, vars, KEEP_LEADING_SIGN, CANCEL_DOWN));

        // add constant coeff
        double coeff = temp[vars.length];
        if (Math.abs(coeff) >= PRINT_PRECISION || useSignificantFigures) {
            sbBuildLHS.append(' ');
            sbBuildLHS.append(' ');
        return sbBuildLHS;

    private StringBuilder sbBuildLHS = new StringBuilder(80);

    // form: y = f(x) (coeff of y = 0)
    public final StringBuilder buildExplicitConicEquation(double[] numbers, String[] vars, int pos,
            boolean KEEP_LEADING_SIGN) {
        // y-coeff is 0
        double d, dabs, q = numbers[pos];
        // coeff of y is 0 or coeff of y is not 0
        if (isZero(q))
            return buildImplicitEquation(numbers, vars, KEEP_LEADING_SIGN, true, '=');

        int i, leadingNonZero = numbers.length;
        for (i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
            if (i != pos && // except y coefficient                
                    (Math.abs(numbers[i]) >= PRINT_PRECISION || useSignificantFigures)) {
                leadingNonZero = i;

        // BUILD EQUATION STRING                              
        sbBuildExplicitConicEquation.append(" = ");

        if (leadingNonZero == numbers.length) {
            return sbBuildExplicitConicEquation;
        } else if (leadingNonZero == numbers.length - 1) {
            // only constant coeff
            d = -numbers[leadingNonZero] / q;
            return sbBuildExplicitConicEquation;
        } else {
            // leading coeff
            d = -numbers[leadingNonZero] / q;

            // other coeffs
            for (i = leadingNonZero + 1; i < vars.length; i++) {
                if (i != pos) {
                    d = -numbers[i] / q;
                    dabs = Math.abs(d);
                    if (dabs >= PRINT_PRECISION || useSignificantFigures) {
                        sbBuildExplicitConicEquation.append(' ');
                        sbBuildExplicitConicEquation.append(' ');

            // constant coeff
            d = -numbers[i] / q;
            dabs = Math.abs(d);
            if (dabs >= PRINT_PRECISION || useSignificantFigures) {
                sbBuildExplicitConicEquation.append(' ');
                sbBuildExplicitConicEquation.append(' ');


            return sbBuildExplicitConicEquation;

    private StringBuilder sbBuildExplicitConicEquation = new StringBuilder(80);

    // y = k x + d
    final StringBuilder buildExplicitLineEquation(double[] numbers, String[] vars, char op) {

        double d, dabs, q = numbers[1];

        //   BUILD EQUATION STRING                      
        // special case
        // y-coeff is 0: form x = constant
        if (isZero(q)) {

            if (casPrintForm == ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MATH_PIPER) {
                sbBuildExplicitLineEquation.append(" == ");
            } else {
                sbBuildExplicitLineEquation.append(' ');
                if (numbers[0] < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION) {
                    op = oppositeSign(op);
                sbBuildExplicitLineEquation.append(' ');

            sbBuildExplicitLineEquation.append(format(-numbers[2] / numbers[0]));
            return sbBuildExplicitLineEquation;

        // standard case: y-coeff not 0
        if (casPrintForm == ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MATH_PIPER) {
            sbBuildExplicitLineEquation.append(" == ");
        } else {
            sbBuildExplicitLineEquation.append(' ');
            if (numbers[1] < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION) {
                op = oppositeSign(op);
            sbBuildExplicitLineEquation.append(' ');

        // x coeff
        d = -numbers[0] / q;
        dabs = Math.abs(d);
        if (dabs >= PRINT_PRECISION || useSignificantFigures) {

            // constant            
            d = -numbers[2] / q;
            dabs = Math.abs(d);
            if (dabs >= PRINT_PRECISION || useSignificantFigures) {
                sbBuildExplicitLineEquation.append(' ');
                sbBuildExplicitLineEquation.append(' ');
        } else {
            // only constant
            sbBuildExplicitLineEquation.append(format(-numbers[2] / q));
        return sbBuildExplicitLineEquation;

     * Inverts the > or < sign
     * @param op =,<,>,\u2264 or \u2265
     * @return opposite sign
    public static char oppositeSign(char op) {
        switch (op) {
        case '=':
            return '=';
        case '<':
            return '>';
        case '>':
            return '<';
        case '\u2264':
            return '\u2265';
        case '\u2265':
            return '\u2264';
            return '?'; //should never happen

    private StringBuilder sbBuildExplicitLineEquation = new StringBuilder(50);

    final private String formatAbs(double x) {
       if (isZero(x))
     return "0";
     return formatNF(Math.abs(x));

    /** doesn't show 1 or -1 */
    final private String formatCoeff(double x) {
        if (Math.abs(x) == 1.0) {
            if (x > 0.0)
                return "";
                return "-";
        } else {
            String numberStr = format(x);
            switch (casPrintForm) {
            case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MATH_PIPER:
            case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MAXIMA:
            case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MPREDUCE:
                return numberStr + "*";

                // standard case
                return numberStr;


    public double axisNumberDistance(double units, NumberFormat numberFormat) {

        // calc number of digits
        int exp = (int) Math.floor(Math.log(units) / Math.log(10));
        int maxFractionDigtis = Math.max(-exp, getPrintDecimals());

        // format the numbers
        if (numberFormat instanceof DecimalFormat)
            ((DecimalFormat) numberFormat).applyPattern("###0.##");

        // calc the distance
        double pot = Math.pow(10, exp);
        double n = units / pot;
        double distance;

        if (n > 5) {
            distance = 5 * pot;
        } else if (n > 2) {
            distance = 2 * pot;
        } else {
            distance = pot;

        return distance;

    private StringBuilder formatSB;

     * Formats the value of x using the currently set
     * NumberFormat or ScientificFormat. This method also
     * takes getCasPrintForm() into account.
     * converts to localised digits if appropriate
    final public String format(double x) {

        String ret = formatRaw(x);

        if (Application.unicodeZero != '0') {
            ret = internationalizeDigits(ret);

        return ret;


    // needed so that can be turned off 
    public static boolean internationalizeDigits = true;

     * swaps the digits in num to the current locale's
    public String internationalizeDigits(String num) {

        if (!internationalizeDigits)
            return num;

        if (formatSB == null)
            formatSB = new StringBuilder(17);

        // make sure minus sign works in Arabic
        boolean reverseOrder = num.charAt(0) == '-' && app.isRightToLeftDigits();

        if (reverseOrder)

        int length = num.length();

        for (int i = 0; i < num.length(); i++) {
            char c = num.charAt(i);
            //char c = reverseOrder ? num.charAt(length - 1 - i) : num.charAt(i);
            if (c == '.')
                c = Application.unicodeDecimalPoint;
            else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {

                c += Application.unicodeZero - '0'; // convert to eg Arabic Numeral


            // make sure the minus is treated as part of the number in eg Arabic
            //if ( reverseOrder && c=='-'){
            //   formatSB.append(Unicode.RightToLeftUnaryMinusSign);

        if (reverseOrder)

        return formatSB.toString();


     * Formats the value of x using the currently set
     * NumberFormat or ScientificFormat. This method also
     * takes getCasPrintForm() into account.
    final public String formatRaw(double x) {
        switch (casPrintForm) {
        // number formatting for XML string output
        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_GEOGEBRA_XML:
            if (Math.abs(x) < Integer.MAX_VALUE && Math.floor(x) == x)
                return Integer.toString((int) x);
                return Double.toString(x);

            // number formatting for CAS
        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MATH_PIPER:
        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_JASYMCA:
        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MAXIMA:
        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MPREDUCE:
            if (Double.isNaN(x))
                return " 1/0 ";
            else if (Double.isInfinite(x)) {
                if (casPrintForm == ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MAXIMA)
                    return (x < 0) ? "-inf" : "inf";
                return Double.toString(x); // "Infinity" or "-Infinity"
            } else {
                double abs = Math.abs(x);
                // number small enough that Double.toString() won't create E notation
                if (abs >= 10E-3 && abs < 10E7) {
                    long round = Math.round(x);
                    if (x == round) {
                        return Long.toString(round);
                    } else {
                        return Double.toString(x);
                // number would produce E notation with Double.toString()
                else {
                    // convert scientific notation 1.0E-20 to 1*10^(-20) 
                    String scientificStr = Double.toString(x);
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(scientificStr.length() * 2);
                    boolean Efound = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < scientificStr.length(); i++) {
                        char ch = scientificStr.charAt(i);
                        if (ch == 'E') {
                            Efound = true;
                        } else {
                    if (Efound)

                    return sb.toString();

            // number formatting for screen output
            if (Double.isNaN(x))
                return "?";
            else if (Double.isInfinite(x)) {
                return (x > 0) ? "\u221e" : "-\u221e"; // infinity
            } else if (x == Math.PI) {
                return casPrintFormPI;

            // ROUNDING hack                     
            // NumberFormat and SignificantFigures use ROUND_HALF_EVEN as 
            // default which is not changeable, so we need to hack this 
            // to get ROUND_HALF_UP like in schools: increase abs(x) slightly
            //    x = x * ROUND_HALF_UP_FACTOR;
            // We don't do this for large numbers as 
            double abs = Math.abs(x);
            if ((abs < 10E7 && nf.getMaximumFractionDigits() < 10) || abs < 1000) {
                // increase abs(x) slightly to round up
                x = x * ROUND_HALF_UP_FACTOR;

            if (useSignificantFigures) {
                return formatSF(x);
            } else {
                return formatNF(x);

     * Uses current NumberFormat nf to format a number.
    final private String formatNF(double x) {
        // "<=" catches -0.0000000000000005
        // should be rounded to -0.000000000000001 (15 d.p.)
        // but nf.format(x) returns "-0" 
        if (-PRINT_PRECISION / 2 <= x && x < PRINT_PRECISION / 2) {
            // avoid output of "-0" for eg -0.0004
            return "0";
        } else {
            // standard case
            return nf.format(x);

     * Uses current ScientificFormat sf to format a number. Makes sure ".123" is
     * returned as "0.123".
    final private String formatSF(double x) {
        if (sbFormatSF == null)
            sbFormatSF = new StringBuilder();

        // get scientific format
        String absStr;
        if (x == 0) {
            // avoid output of "-0.00"
            absStr = sf.format(0);
        } else if (x > 0) {
            absStr = sf.format(x);
        } else {
            absStr = sf.format(-x);

        // make sure ".123" is returned as "0.123".
        if (absStr.charAt(0) == '.')

        return sbFormatSF.toString();

    private StringBuilder sbFormatSF;

     * calls formatPiERaw() and converts to localised digits if appropriate
    final public String formatPiE(double x, NumberFormat numF) {
        if (Application.unicodeZero != '0') {

            String num = formatPiERaw(x, numF);

            return internationalizeDigits(num);

        } else
            return formatPiERaw(x, numF);


    final public String formatPiERaw(double x, NumberFormat numF) {
        // PI
        if (x == Math.PI) {
            return casPrintFormPI;

        //    MULTIPLES OF PI/2
        // i.e. x = a * pi/2
        double a = 2 * x / Math.PI;
        int aint = (int) Math.round(a);
        if (sbFormat == null)
            sbFormat = new StringBuilder();
        if (isEqual(a, aint, STANDARD_PRECISION)) {
            switch (aint) {
            case 0:
                return "0";

            case 1: // pi/2
                return sbFormat.toString();

            case -1: // -pi/2
                return sbFormat.toString();

            case 2: // 2pi/2 = pi
                return casPrintFormPI;

            case -2: // -2pi/2 = -pi
                return sbFormat.toString();

                //    even
                long half = aint / 2;
                if (aint == 2 * half) {
                    // half * pi
                    if (casPrintForm != ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_GEOGEBRA)
                    return sbFormat.toString();
                // odd
                else {
                    // aint * pi/2
                    if (casPrintForm != ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_GEOGEBRA)
                    return sbFormat.toString();

        // STANDARD CASE
        // use numberformat to get number string
        // checkDecimalFraction() added to avoid 2.19999999999999 when set to 15dp
        String str = numF.format(checkDecimalFraction(x));
        // if number is in scientific notation and ends with "E0", remove this
        if (str.endsWith("E0"))
            sbFormat.setLength(sbFormat.length() - 2);
        return sbFormat.toString();

    private StringBuilder sbFormat;

    final public String formatSignedCoefficient(double x) {
        if (x == -1.0)
            return "- ";
        if (x == 1.0)
            return "+ ";

        return formatSigned(x).toString();

    final public StringBuilder formatSigned(double x) {

        if (x >= 0.0d) {
            sbFormatSigned.append("+ ");
            return sbFormatSigned;
        } else {
            sbFormatSigned.append("- ");
            return sbFormatSigned;

    private StringBuilder sbFormatSigned = new StringBuilder(40);

    final public StringBuilder formatAngle(double phi) {
        // STANDARD_PRECISION * 10 as we need a little leeway as we've converted from radians
        return formatAngle(phi, 10);

    final public StringBuilder formatAngle(double phi, double precision) {
        switch (casPrintForm) {
        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MATH_PIPER:
        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_JASYMCA:
        case ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MPREDUCE:
            if (angleUnit == ANGLE_DEGREE) {
                // STANDARD_PRECISION * 10 as we need a little leeway as we've converted from radians
                sbFormatAngle.append(format(checkDecimalFraction(Math.toDegrees(phi), precision)));
            } else {
            return sbFormatAngle;


            if (Double.isNaN(phi)) {
                return sbFormatAngle;

            if (angleUnit == ANGLE_DEGREE) {
                boolean rtl = app.isRightToLeftDigits();
                if (rtl) {

                phi = Math.toDegrees(phi);
                if (phi < 0)
                    phi += 360;
                else if (phi > 360)
                    phi = phi % 360;
                // STANDARD_PRECISION * 10 as we need a little leeway as we've converted from radians
                sbFormatAngle.append(format(checkDecimalFraction(phi, precision)));

                if (casPrintForm == ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_GEOGEBRA_XML) {

                if (!rtl)

                return sbFormatAngle;
            } else {
                // RADIANS

                if (casPrintForm != ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_GEOGEBRA_XML) {
                    sbFormatAngle.append(" rad");
                return sbFormatAngle;


    private StringBuilder sbFormatAngle = new StringBuilder(40);

    final private static char sign(double x) {
        if (x > 0)
            return '+';
            return '-';

     * greatest common divisor
    final public static long gcd(long m, long n) {
        // Return the GCD of positive integers m and n.
        if (m == 0 || n == 0)
            return Math.max(Math.abs(m), Math.abs(n));

        long p = m, q = n;
        while (p % q != 0) {
            long r = p % q;
            p = q;
            q = r;
        return q;

     * Compute greatest common divisor of given doubles.
     * Note: all double values are cast to long.
    final public static double gcd(double[] numbers) {
        long gcd = (long) numbers[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
            gcd = gcd((long) numbers[i], gcd);
        return Math.abs(gcd);

     * Round a double to the given scale
     * e.g. roundToScale(5.32, 1) = 5.0,
     *      roundToScale(5.32, 0.5) = 5.5,
     *      roundToScale(5.32, 0.25) = 5.25,
     *       roundToScale(5.32, 0.1) = 5.3
    final public static double roundToScale(double x, double scale) {
        if (scale == 1.0)
            return Math.round(x);
        else {
            return Math.round(x / scale) * scale;

     * Checks if x is close (Kernel.MIN_PRECISION) to a decimal fraction,  
     * eg 2.800000000000001. If it is, the decimal fraction eg 2.8 is returned, 
     * otherwise x is returned.
     * Checks if x is close (Kernel.MIN_PRECISION) to a decimal fraction, eg
     * 2.800000000000001. If it is, the decimal fraction eg 2.8 is returned,
     * otherwise x is returned.
    final public double checkDecimalFraction(double x, double precision) {

        //Application.debug(precision+" ");
        precision = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(precision)) / Math.log(10)));

        double fracVal = x * INV_MIN_PRECISION;
        double roundVal = Math.round(fracVal);
        //Application.debug(precision+" "+x+" "+fracVal+" "+roundVal+" "+isEqual(fracVal, roundVal, precision)+" "+roundVal / INV_MIN_PRECISION);
        if (isEqual(fracVal, roundVal, STANDARD_PRECISION * precision))
            return roundVal / INV_MIN_PRECISION;
            return x;

    final public double checkDecimalFraction(double x) {
        return checkDecimalFraction(x, 1);

     * Checks if x is very close (1E-8) to an integer. If it is,
     * the integer value is returned, otherwise x is returnd.
    final public double checkInteger(double x) {
        double roundVal = Math.round(x);
        if (Math.abs(x - roundVal) < EPSILON)
            return roundVal;
            return x;

     * SAVING

    private boolean isSaving;

    public synchronized boolean isSaving() {
        return isSaving;

    public synchronized void setSaving(boolean saving) {
        isSaving = saving;

     * Returns the kernel settings in XML format.
    public void getKernelXML(StringBuilder sb) {

        // kernel settings

        // continuity: true or false, since V3.0
        sb.append("\t<continuous val=\"");

        if (useSignificantFigures) {
            // significant figures
            sb.append("\t<significantfigures val=\"");
        } else {
            // decimal places
            sb.append("\t<decimals val=\"");

        // angle unit
        sb.append("\t<angleUnit val=\"");
        sb.append(angleUnit == Kernel.ANGLE_RADIANT ? "radiant" : "degree");

        // algebra style
        sb.append("\t<algebraStyle val=\"");

        // coord style
        sb.append("\t<coordStyle val=\"");

        // animation
        if (isAnimationRunning()) {
            sb.append("\t<startAnimation val=\"");


    public boolean isTranslateCommandName() {
        return translateCommandName;

    public void setTranslateCommandName(boolean b) {
        translateCommandName = b;

     * States whether the continuity heuristic is active.
    final public boolean isContinuous() {
        return continuous;

     * Turns the continuity heuristic on or off.
     * Note: the macro kernel always turns continuity off. 
    public void setContinuous(boolean continuous) {
        this.continuous = continuous;

    public final boolean isAllowVisibilitySideEffects() {
        return allowVisibilitySideEffects;

    public final void setAllowVisibilitySideEffects(boolean allowVisibilitySideEffects) {
        this.allowVisibilitySideEffects = allowVisibilitySideEffects;

    public boolean isMacroKernel() {
        return false;

    private AnimationManager animationManager;

    final public AnimationManager getAnimatonManager() {
        if (animationManager == null) {
            animationManager = new AnimationManager(this);
        return animationManager;

    final public boolean isAnimationRunning() {
        return animationManager != null && animationManager.isRunning();

    final public boolean isAnimationPaused() {
        return animationManager != null && animationManager.isPaused();

    final public boolean needToShowAnimationButton() {
        return animationManager != null && animationManager.needToShowAnimationButton();

    final public void udpateNeedToShowAnimationButton() {
        if (animationManager != null)


     * Turns silent mode on (true) or off (false). In silent mode, commands can
     * be used to create objects without any side effects, i.e.
     * no labels are created, algorithms are not added to the construction
     * list and the views are not notified about new objects. 
    public final void setSilentMode(boolean silentMode) {

        this.silentMode = silentMode;

        // no new labels, no adding to construction list

        // no notifying of views
        //ggb3D - 2009-07-17
        //removing :
        //notifyViewsActive = !silentMode;
        //(seems not to work with loading files)



     * Returns whether silent mode is turned on.
     * @see setSilentMode()
    public final boolean isSilentMode() {
        return silentMode;

     * Sets whether unknown variables should be resolved as GeoDummyVariable objects. 
    public final void setResolveUnkownVarsAsDummyGeos(boolean resolveUnkownVarsAsDummyGeos) {
        this.resolveUnkownVarsAsDummyGeos = resolveUnkownVarsAsDummyGeos;

     * Returns whether unkown variables are resolved as GeoDummyVariable objects.
     * @see setSilentMode()
    public final boolean isResolveUnkownVarsAsDummyGeos() {
        return resolveUnkownVarsAsDummyGeos;

    final public static String defaultLibraryJavaScript = "function ggbOnInit() {}";

    String libraryJavaScript = defaultLibraryJavaScript;

    private boolean wantAnimationStarted = false;

    public void resetLibraryJavaScript() {
        libraryJavaScript = defaultLibraryJavaScript;

    public void setLibraryJavaScript(String str) {
        libraryJavaScript = str;

        //libraryJavaScript = "function ggbOnInit() {ggbApplet.evalCommand('A=(1,2)');ggbApplet.registerObjectUpdateListener('A','listener');}function listener() {//java.lang.System.out.println('add listener called'); var x = ggbApplet.getXcoord('A');var y = ggbApplet.getYcoord('A');var len = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);if (len > 5) { x=x*5/len; y=y*5/len; }ggbApplet.unregisterObjectUpdateListener('A');ggbApplet.setCoords('A',x,y);ggbApplet.registerObjectUpdateListener('A','listener');}";
        //libraryJavaScript = "function ggbOnInit() {ggbApplet.evalCommand('A=(1,2)');}";

    //public String getLibraryJavaScriptXML() {
    //   return Util.encodeXML(libraryJavaScript);

    public String getLibraryJavaScript() {
        return libraryJavaScript;

    /** return all points of the current construction */
    public TreeSet getPointSet() {
        return getConstruction().getGeoSetLabelOrder(GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_POINT);

     * test kernel
    public static void mainx(String[] args) {
        // create kernel with null application for testing
        Kernel kernel = new Kernel(null);
        Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction();

        // create points A and B
        GeoPoint A = new GeoPoint(cons, "A", 0, 1, 1);
        GeoPoint B = new GeoPoint(cons, "B", 3, 4, 1);

        // create line g through points A and B
        GeoLine g = kernel.Line("g", A, B);

        // print current objects

        // change B
        B.setCoords(3, 2, 1);

        // print current objects
        System.out.println("changed " + B);

    final public GeoNumeric convertIndexToNumber(String str) {

        int i = 0;
        char c;
        while (i < str.length() && !Unicode.isSuperscriptDigit(str.charAt(i)))

        //Application.debug(str.substring(i, str.length() - 1)); 
        MyDouble md = new MyDouble(this, str.substring(i, str.length() - 1)); // strip off eg "sin" at start, "(" at end
        GeoNumeric num = new GeoNumeric(getConstruction(), md.getDouble());
        return num;


    final public ExpressionNode handleTrigPower(String image, ExpressionNode en, int type) {

        // sin^(-1)(x) -> ArcSin(x)
        if (image.indexOf(Unicode.Superscript_Minus) > -1) {
            //String check = ""+Unicode.Superscript_Minus + Unicode.Superscript_1 + '(';
            if (image.substring(3, 6).equals(Unicode.superscriptMinusOneBracket)) {
                switch (type) {
                case ExpressionNode.SIN:
                    return new ExpressionNode(this, en, ExpressionNode.ARCSIN, null);
                case ExpressionNode.COS:
                    return new ExpressionNode(this, en, ExpressionNode.ARCCOS, null);
                case ExpressionNode.TAN:
                    return new ExpressionNode(this, en, ExpressionNode.ARCTAN, null);
                    throw new Error("Inverse not supported for trig function"); // eg csc^-1(x)
            } else
                throw new Error("Bad index for trig function"); // eg sin^-2(x)

        return new ExpressionNode(this, new ExpressionNode(this, en, type, null), ExpressionNode.POWER,

     * used to delay animation start until everything loaded
    public void setWantAnimationStarted(boolean b) {
        wantAnimationStarted = true;

    public boolean wantAnimationStarted() {
        return wantAnimationStarted;

     * Determine whether point is inregion
     * @param label
     * @param pi
     * @param region
     * @return GeoBoolean which is true iff point is in region
    public GeoBoolean isInRegion(String label, GeoPointND pi, Region region) {
        AlgoIsInRegion algo = new AlgoIsInRegion(cons, label, pi, region);
        return algo.getResult();

    public GeoElement[] Sequence(String label, GeoNumeric upTo) {
        AlgoSequence algo = new AlgoSequence(cons, label, upTo);
        return algo.getOutput();

    public GeoElement[] Zip(String label, GeoElement expression, GeoElement[] vars, GeoList[] over) {
        Application.debug("expr:" + expression + "label:" + label + "var:" + vars + "over:" + over);
        AlgoZip algo = new AlgoZip(cons, label, expression, vars, over);
        return algo.getOutput();

    public GeoTextField textfield(String label, GeoElement geoElement) {
        AlgoTextfield at = new AlgoTextfield(cons, label, geoElement);
        return at.getResult();


    boolean inverseTrigReturnsAngle = false;

    public void setInverseTrigReturnsAngle(boolean selected) {
        arcusFunctionCreatesAngle = selected;

    public boolean getInverseTrigReturnsAngle() {
        return arcusFunctionCreatesAngle;

     * @param precision
     * @return a double comparator which says doubles are equal if their diff is less than precision
    final static public Comparator<Double> DoubleComparator(double precision) {

        final double eps = precision;

        Comparator<Double> ret = new Comparator<Double>() {

            public int compare(Double d1, Double d2) {
                if (Math.abs(d1 - d2) < eps)
                    return 0;
                else if (d1 < d2)
                    return -1;
                    return 1;


        return ret;

     * @return default plane (null for 2D implementation, xOy plane for 3D)
    public GeoPlaneND getDefaultPlane() {
        return null;

    public GeoNumeric getDefaultNumber(boolean isAngle) {
        return (GeoNumeric) cons.consDefaults
                .getDefaultGeo(isAngle ? ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_ANGLE : ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_NUMBER);