Source code

Java tutorial


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package GeneticAlgorithm;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator;

 * @author chuanfuyap
public class Population {

    public ArrayList<Individual> pop = new ArrayList<>();
    private int mutationrate;
    private int nparam;
    private Individual best;
    private RandomDataGenerator random = new RandomDataGenerator(); //apache maths random number generator for uniform distribution
    private Random generator = new Random();
    private int initialcount;

    private ArrayList<double[]> Parameter_Range = new ArrayList<double[]>();

    private int[] fRIndex;
    private int[] rRIndex;
    private int[] kaIndex;
    private int[] kiIndex;

    public Population(int nparam) {
        this.nparam = nparam;

    public Population(int nparam, SystemToSolve bioSystem, ArrayList<double[]> All_Range) {
        this.nparam = nparam;
        Parameter_Range = All_Range;

    public void initializePopulation(SystemToSolve bioSystem, int popsize) {
        initialcount = popsize;

        int[] fRIndex = bioSystem.givefRIndex(); //storing all the forward rate parameter index
        int[] rRIndex = bioSystem.giverRIndex(); //storing all the reverse rate parameter index
        int[] kiIndex = bioSystem.giverKiIndex();
        int[] kaIndex = bioSystem.giverKaIndex();
        best = new Individual(nparam); //fittest individual in the entire population, ergo BEST

        for (int i = 0; i < popsize; i++) {
            int counter = 0;
            int counter2 = 0;
            int counter3 = 0;
            int counter4 = 0;
            Individual brandnew = new Individual(nparam); //instead of having each individual store the number as string of binary code, 
            for (int j = 0; j < nparam; j++) { //a random with a given range is generated instead, and is the index value for base 10
                if (counter < fRIndex.length && j == fRIndex[counter]) { //for forward rate constant and backward rate constant range which is thought to have a smaller range in general
                    //                    double num = this.RN(3, 5.5); // yeast
                    double num = this.RN(1, 3); // leaf
                    brandnew.x[j] = Math.pow(10, num);
                } else if (counter2 < rRIndex.length && j == rRIndex[counter2]) {
                    double num = this.RN(-4, -1); // yeast
                    brandnew.x[j] = Math.pow(10, num);
                } else if (counter3 < kaIndex.length && j == kaIndex[counter3]) {
                    double num = this.RN(0.5, 2); // yeast
                    brandnew.x[j] = Math.pow(10, num);
                } else if (counter4 < kiIndex.length && j == kiIndex[counter4]) {
                    double num = this.RN(-5, 2.5); // yeast
                    brandnew.x[j] = Math.pow(10, num);
                } else {
                    double num = this.RN(-2.5, 3); //leaf
                    brandnew.x[j] = Math.pow(10, num);


    public Population(int nparam, SystemToSolve bioSystem, double[][] General_Range) {
        this.nparam = nparam;
        fRIndex = bioSystem.givefRIndex(); //storing all the forward rate parameter index
        rRIndex = bioSystem.giverRIndex(); //storing all the reverse rate parameter index
        kaIndex = bioSystem.giverKaIndex();
        kiIndex = bioSystem.giverKiIndex();

        int counter = 0;
        int counter2 = 0;
        int counter3 = 0;
        int counter4 = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nparam; i++) {
            if (counter < fRIndex.length && i == fRIndex[counter]) { //for forward rate constant and backward rate constant range which is thought to have a smaller range in general
            } else if (counter2 < rRIndex.length && i == rRIndex[counter2]) {
            } else if (counter3 < kaIndex.length && i == kaIndex[counter3]) {
            } else if (counter4 < kiIndex.length && i == kiIndex[counter4]) {
            } else {

    public ArrayList<Individual> nextGeneration() {
        int growth = (int) (pop.size() * 0.1);
        ArrayList<Individual> children = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < growth; i++) {
            Individual parentA = tournament();
            Individual parentB = tournament();

            Individual child = new Individual(nparam);
            crossover(parentA, parentB, child);

        return children;

    public ArrayList<Individual> randomMutation() {

        ArrayList<Individual> mutants = new ArrayList<>();
        mutationrate = (int) (pop.size() * 0.1);
        for (int i = 0; i < mutationrate; i++) {
            int mem = (int) (this.RN() * pop.size());
            Individual mutant = clone(pop.get(mem));

        return mutants;

    public ArrayList<Individual> mutate(ArrayList<Individual> elite) {
        ArrayList<Individual> mutants = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < elite.size(); i++) {
            Individual mutant = clone(elite.get(i));
        return mutants;

    public Individual royalbirth(ArrayList<Individual> elite) {
        Individual royalty = new Individual(nparam);
        int mem = (int) (this.RN() * elite.size());
        int mem2 = (int) (this.RN() * elite.size());

        crossover(elite.get(mem), elite.get(mem2), royalty);

        return royalty;

    public void setBest(Individual bestindividual) {
        best = bestindividual;

    public Individual getBest() {
        return best;

    public ArrayList<Individual> getPop() {
        return pop;

    private double RN(double lower, double upper) {
        return random.nextUniform(lower, upper);

    private double RN() {
        return generator.nextDouble();

    private Individual tournament() {

        int tourn_size = pop.size() / 20;//3;
        int i;
        int mem;

        int fittest = -1;
        double best_fitness = 1e-200;
        i = 0;
        while (i < tourn_size) {
            mem = (int) (this.RN() * pop.size());
            if (pop.get(mem).getF() > best_fitness) {
                best_fitness = pop.get(mem).getF();
                fittest = mem;
        if (fittest == -1) {
            System.out.println("Fittest uninitialized");

        return pop.get(fittest);


    private void crossover(Individual p1, Individual p2, Individual ch) {

        // uniform crossover 
        for (int i = 0; i < nparam; i++) {
            if (this.RN() < 0.5) {
                ch.x[i] = p1.x[i];
            } else {
                ch.x[i] = p2.x[i];


    public void mutateIndividual(Individual mem) {

        int AllorOne = 1;
        if (AllorOne == 0) {
            int increaseORdrop = (int) (0.5 + this.RN());
            Double targetparam = this.RN() * nparam;
            int targetparam1 = targetparam.intValue();

            if (increaseORdrop == 0) {
                mem.x[targetparam1] = mem.x[targetparam1] * 1.13;
            } else if (increaseORdrop == 1) {
                mem.x[targetparam1] = mem.x[targetparam1] * 0.87;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < nparam; i++) {
                int increaseORdrop = (int) (0.5 + this.RN()); //to determine if it goes up or down in value
                int change = (int) (0.5 + this.RN()); //to determine if this parameter is going to be modified or not 
                if (change == 1) {
                    if (increaseORdrop == 0) {
                        mem.x[i] = mem.x[i] * 1.13;
                    } else if (increaseORdrop == 1) {
                        mem.x[i] = mem.x[i] * 0.87;


    public void plague() {
        int deathcount = (int) (pop.size() - initialcount);

        for (int count = 0; count < deathcount; count++) {
            double small = 1e100;
            int track = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < pop.size(); i++) {
                if ((double) pop.get(i).getF() < small) {
                    small = (double) pop.get(i).getF();
                    track = i;

    public Individual clone(Individual ind) {
        Individual clone = new Individual(ind.size);
        for (int i = 0; i < ind.size; i++) {
            clone.x[i] = ind.x[i];
        return clone;

    public void updateInitialCount(int newcount) {
        initialcount = newcount;

    public int getInitialCount() {
        return initialcount;

    public ArrayList<double[]> getRange() {
        return Parameter_Range;

    public ArrayList<Individual> mutateAll() {
        ArrayList<Individual> mutants = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < pop.size(); i++) {
            Individual mutant = clone(pop.get(i));

        return mutants;