Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package gdsc.foci;

 * GDSC Plugins for ImageJ
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Alex Herbert
 * Genome Damage and Stability Centre
 * University of Sussex, UK
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.

import gdsc.threshold.Auto_Threshold;
import ij.IJ;
import ij.ImagePlus;
import ij.ImageStack;
import ij.WindowManager;
import ij.gui.DialogListener;
import ij.gui.GenericDialog;
import ij.gui.Roi;
import ij.measure.ResultsTable;
import ij.plugin.filter.ExtendedPlugInFilter;
import ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur;
import ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer;
import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilterRunner;
import ij.process.Blitter;
import ij.process.ByteProcessor;
import ij.process.ImageProcessor;
import ij.text.TextWindow;

import java.awt.AWTEvent;
import java.awt.Label;

import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NumberIsTooSmallException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.correlation.PearsonsCorrelation;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.TestUtils;

 * Analyses the intensity of each channel within the brightest spot of the
 * selected channel.
 * <P>
 * Identifies cells using thresholding. For each cell the region of the brightest spot is identified. The intensity of
 * each channel inside and outside the spot are then compared.
public class SpotAnalyser implements ExtendedPlugInFilter, DialogListener {
    public static String FRAME_TITLE = "Spot Analyser";
    private static String[] maskOptions = new String[] { "Threshold", "Use ROI" };

    private static final int INSIDE = 0;
    private static final int OUTSIDE = 1;

    private int flags = DOES_16 + DOES_8G + SNAPSHOT + FINAL_PROCESSING;
    private ImagePlus imp;
    private ImageProcessor maskIp;
    private Label label;
    private double min = 0, max = 0;
    private int spotChannel = 0, thresholdChannel = 0;
    private int noOfParticles = 0;
    private boolean containsRoiMask = false;

    private static TextWindow results = null;
    private static boolean writeHeader = true;

    private static int maskOption = 0;
    private static double blur = 3;
    private static String thresholdMethod = "Otsu";
    private static double minSize = 50;
    private static boolean showParticles = false;
    private static int maxPeaks = 1;
    private static double fraction = 0.9;
    private static boolean showSpots = false;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#setup(java.lang.String, ij.ImagePlus)
    public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) {
        if (imp == null) {
            return DONE;
        this.imp = imp;
        ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
        if (arg.equals("final")) {
            return DONE;
        min = ip.getMin();
        max = ip.getMax();
        return flags;

    private void resetImage() {
        ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
        ip.setMinAndMax(min, max);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ij.plugin.filter.ExtendedPlugInFilter#showDialog(ij.ImagePlus,
     * java.lang.String, ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilterRunner)
    public int showDialog(ImagePlus imp, String command, PlugInFilterRunner pfr) {
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(FRAME_TITLE);

        spotChannel = imp.getChannel();
        thresholdChannel = spotChannel;
        Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
        if (roi != null && roi.isArea()) {
            containsRoiMask = true;
            gd.addChoice("Threshold_Channel", maskOptions, maskOptions[maskOption]);

            // Set up the mask using the ROI
            maskIp = new ByteProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight());
            maskIp.setThreshold(0, 254, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE);

        String[] channels = new String[imp.getNChannels()];
        for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++)
            channels[i] = Integer.toString(i + 1);

        gd.addChoice("Threshold_Channel", channels, channels[thresholdChannel - 1]);
        gd.addSlider("Blur", 0.01, 5, blur);
        gd.addChoice("Threshold_method", Auto_Threshold.methods, thresholdMethod);
        gd.addChoice("Spot_Channel", channels, channels[spotChannel - 1]);
        gd.addSlider("Min_size", 50, 10000, minSize);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show_particles", showParticles);
        gd.addSlider("Max_peaks", 1, 10, maxPeaks);
        gd.addSlider("Fraction", 0.01, 1, fraction);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show_spots", showSpots);
        label = (Label) gd.getMessage();


        if (gd.wasCanceled() || !dialogItemChanged(gd, null))
            return DONE;

        return flags;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ij.gui.DialogListener#dialogItemChanged(ij.gui.GenericDialog,
     * java.awt.AWTEvent)
    public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) {
        if (containsRoiMask)
            maskOption = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
        thresholdChannel = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1;
        blur = gd.getNextNumber();
        if (gd.invalidNumber())
            return false;
        thresholdMethod = gd.getNextChoice();
        spotChannel = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1;
        minSize = gd.getNextNumber();
        if (gd.invalidNumber())
            minSize = 50;
        showParticles = gd.getNextBoolean();
        maxPeaks = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        if (gd.invalidNumber() || maxPeaks < 1)
            maxPeaks = 1;
        fraction = gd.getNextNumber();
        if (gd.invalidNumber())
            fraction = 0.9;
        showSpots = gd.getNextBoolean();

        // Preview checkbox will be null if running headless
        if (gd.getPreviewCheckbox() != null && !gd.getPreviewCheckbox().getState()) {
            // Reset preview

        return true;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ij.plugin.filter.ExtendedPlugInFilter#setNPasses(int)
    public void setNPasses(int nPasses) {
        // Do nothing

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#run(ij.process.ImageProcessor)
    public void run(ImageProcessor inputIp) {
        // Just run the particle analyser
        noOfParticles = 0;

        // Avoid destructively modifying the image. Work on the selected channel for thresholding
        int index = imp.getStackIndex(thresholdChannel, imp.getSlice(), imp.getFrame());
        ImageProcessor ip = imp.getImageStack().getProcessor(index).duplicate();

        if (!checkData(ip)) {
            IJ.error(FRAME_TITLE, "Channel has no data range");

        if (containsRoiMask && maskOption == 1) {
            ip = maskIp.duplicate();
            ip.setThreshold(254, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE);
        } else {
            // Blur the image
            if (blur > 0) {
                GaussianBlur gb = new GaussianBlur();
                gb.blurGaussian(ip, blur, blur, 0.002);

            // Threshold
            int t = Auto_Threshold.getThreshold(thresholdMethod, ip.getHistogram());
            ip.setThreshold(t, 65536, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE);

        // Analyse particles
        ImagePlus particlesImp = new ImagePlus(imp.getTitle() + " Particles", ip);
        int analyserOptions = ParticleAnalyzer.SHOW_ROI_MASKS + ParticleAnalyzer.IN_SITU_SHOW
                + ParticleAnalyzer.EXCLUDE_EDGE_PARTICLES;
        int measurements = 0;
        ResultsTable rt = new ResultsTable();

        double maxSize = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        ParticleAnalyzer pa = new ParticleAnalyzer(analyserOptions, measurements, rt, minSize, maxSize);
        pa.analyze(particlesImp, ip);

        ImageProcessor particlesIp = particlesImp.getProcessor();
        noOfParticles = rt.getCounter();
        if (label != null)
            label.setText(String.format("%d particle%s", noOfParticles, (noOfParticles == 1) ? "" : "s"));

        // Show the particles
        inputIp.copyBits(particlesIp, 0, 0, Blitter.COPY);
        inputIp.setMinAndMax(0, noOfParticles);

    private boolean checkData(ImageProcessor ip) {
        final int firstValue = ip.get(0);
        for (int i = 1; i < ip.getPixelCount(); i++) {
            if (ip.get(i) != firstValue)
                return true;
        return false;

    private void analyseImage() {

        if (noOfParticles == 0) {
            resetImage(); // Restore the original image

        // The particles have already been identified in the run() method.
        // Copy the pixels.
        ImageProcessor particlesIp = imp.getProcessor().duplicate();

        resetImage(); // Restore the original image

        // Get the channel for spot analysis
        ImagePlus tmpImp;
            int index = imp.getStackIndex(spotChannel, imp.getSlice(), imp.getFrame());
            ImageProcessor ip = imp.getImageStack().getProcessor(index);
            tmpImp = new ImagePlus("Dummy", ip);

        if (showParticles) {
            ImageProcessor tmpIp = particlesIp.duplicate();
            tmpIp.setMinAndMax(0, noOfParticles);
            showImage(this.imp.getTitle() + " Particles", tmpIp);

        ImageProcessor spotsIp = particlesIp.createProcessor(particlesIp.getWidth(), particlesIp.getHeight());

        // For each particle:
        for (int particle = 1; particle <= noOfParticles; particle++) {
            // Run FindFoci to find the single highest spot
            FindFoci fp = new FindFoci();
            ImagePlus mask = createMask(particlesIp, particle);
            int backgroundMethod = FindFoci.BACKGROUND_MEAN;
            double backgroundParameter = 0;
            String autoThresholdMethod = "";
            int searchMethod = FindFoci.SEARCH_ABOVE_BACKGROUND;
            double searchParameter = 0;
            int minSize = 5;
            int peakMethod = FindFoci.PEAK_RELATIVE_ABOVE_BACKGROUND;
            double peakParameter = 0.5;
            int outputType = FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK | FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_FRACTION_OF_HEIGHT
                    | FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_NO_PEAK_DOTS;
            int sortIndex = FindFoci.SORT_MAX_VALUE;
            int options = FindFoci.OPTION_STATS_INSIDE;
            int centreMethod = FindFoci.CENTRE_MAX_VALUE_ORIGINAL;
            double centreParameter = 0;
            double fractionParameter = fraction;

            Object[] results = fp.findMaxima(tmpImp, mask, backgroundMethod, backgroundParameter,
                    autoThresholdMethod, searchMethod, searchParameter, maxPeaks, minSize, peakMethod,
                    peakParameter, outputType, sortIndex, options, blur, centreMethod, centreParameter,
            if (results == null)

            ImagePlus maximaImp = (ImagePlus) results[0];
            ImageProcessor spotIp = maximaImp.getProcessor();

            // Renumber to the correct particle value
            for (int j = 0; j < spotIp.getPixelCount(); j++)
                if (spotIp.get(j) != 0)
                    spotIp.set(j, particle);
            spotsIp.copyBits(spotIp, 0, 0, Blitter.ADD);

        if (showSpots) {
            spotsIp.setMinAndMax(0, noOfParticles);
            showImage(this.imp.getTitle() + " Spots", spotsIp);

        // Now we have:
        // particlesIp => Particles
        // spotsIp => The largest spot within each particle

        // Create a mask of the particles
        byte[] mask = new byte[particlesIp.getPixelCount()];
        for (int i = 0; i < particlesIp.getPixelCount(); i++) {
            if (particlesIp.get(i) != 0)
                mask[i] = 1;

        // Subtract the spots from the particles
        particlesIp.copyBits(spotsIp, 0, 0, Blitter.SUBTRACT);


        // Create a statistical summary for [channel][inside/outside][particle]
        DescriptiveStatistics[][][] stats = new DescriptiveStatistics[imp.getNChannels() + 1][2][noOfParticles + 1];

        ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack();
        for (int channel = 1; channel <= imp.getNChannels(); channel++) {
            int index = imp.getStackIndex(channel, imp.getSlice(), imp.getFrame());
            ImageProcessor channelIp = stack.getProcessor(index);

            for (int particle = 0; particle <= noOfParticles; particle++) {
                stats[channel][INSIDE][particle] = new DescriptiveStatistics();
                stats[channel][OUTSIDE][particle] = new DescriptiveStatistics();

            for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
                if (mask[i] != 0) {
                    int v = channelIp.get(i);

        // Add the counts inside and outside
        for (int particle = 1; particle <= noOfParticles; particle++) {
            // Just choose the first channel (all are the same)
            addResult(particle, stats[1][INSIDE][particle].getN(), stats[1][OUTSIDE][particle].getN());

        // Add the statistics inside and outside for each channel
        for (int channel = 1; channel <= imp.getNChannels(); channel++) {
            for (int particle = 1; particle <= noOfParticles; particle++) {
                addResult(channel, particle, stats);

    private ImagePlus showImage(String title, ImageProcessor ip) {
        ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(title);
        if (imp == null) {
            imp = new ImagePlus(title, ip);
        } else {
        return imp;

     * Zero all pixels that are not the given value
     * @param ip
     * @param value
     * @return
    private ImagePlus createMask(ImageProcessor ip, int value) {
        ip = ip.duplicate();
        for (int i = 0; i < ip.getPixelCount(); i++) {
            if (ip.get(i) != value)
                ip.set(i, 0);
        return new ImagePlus("Mask", ip);

    private void createResultsWindow() {
        if (!java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
            if (results == null || !results.isShowing()) {
                results = new TextWindow(FRAME_TITLE + " Results",
                        "Image\tChannel\tParticle\tInside Sum\tAv\tSD\tR\tOutside Sum\tAv\tSD\tR\tIncrease\tp-value",
                        "", 800, 600);
        } else {
            if (writeHeader) {
                writeHeader = false;
                IJ.log("Image\tChannel\tParticle\tInside Sum\tAv\tSD\tR\tOutside Sum\tAv\tSD\tR\tIncrease\tp-value");

    private void addResult(int particle, long countInside, long countOutside) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        } else {

    private void addResult(int channel, int particle, DescriptiveStatistics[][][] stats) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        double sx = stats[channel][INSIDE][particle].getSum();
        double sd = stats[channel][INSIDE][particle].getStandardDeviation();
        long n = stats[channel][INSIDE][particle].getN();
        double av = sx / n;
        double sx2 = stats[channel][OUTSIDE][particle].getSum();
        double sd2 = stats[channel][OUTSIDE][particle].getStandardDeviation();
        long n2 = stats[channel][OUTSIDE][particle].getN();
        double av2 = sx2 / n2;

        double p = 0;
        try {
            p = TestUtils.tTest(stats[channel][INSIDE][particle], stats[channel][OUTSIDE][particle]);
        } catch (NumberIsTooSmallException e) {
            // Ignore

        // Correlate inside & outside spot with the principle channel
        double r = 1;
        double r2 = 1;
        if (channel != spotChannel) // Principle channel => No test required
            r = new PearsonsCorrelation().correlation(stats[channel][INSIDE][particle].getValues(),
            r2 = new PearsonsCorrelation().correlation(stats[channel][OUTSIDE][particle].getValues(),

        sb.append(IJ.d2s(sx, 0)).append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(av, 2)).append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(sd, 2)).append("\t")
                .append(IJ.d2s(r, 3)).append("\t");
        sb.append(IJ.d2s(sx2, 0)).append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(av2, 2)).append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(sd2, 2))
                .append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(r2, 3)).append("\t");
        sb.append(IJ.d2s(av / av2, 2)).append("\t");
        sb.append(String.format("%.3g", p));

        if (java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        } else {