Java tutorial
/*- * Copyright 2009 Diamond Light Source Ltd. * * This file is part of GDA. * * GDA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * GDA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with GDA. If not, see <>. */ package gda.device.detector.countertimer; import gda.device.ContinuousParameters; import gda.device.DeviceException; import gda.device.detector.BufferedDetector; import gda.device.detector.DAServer; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Adapter for the TfgScalerWithLogValues class so that it may be used in ContinuousScans. * <p> * Assumes that the TTL signal driving the TFG time-frames is connected to TFG socket TTL INPUT 0. */ public class BufferedScaler extends TfgScalerWithLogValues implements BufferedDetector { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BufferedScaler.class); private ContinuousParameters parameters; private boolean continuousMode; private double overrunTime = 0.1; private DAServer daserver; private int ttlSocket = 0; // the TTL Trig In socket [0-3] default is 0 private Boolean returnCountRates = false; private double[][] framesRead; public BufferedScaler() { try { framesRead = new double[getNumberFrames()][5]; } catch (DeviceException e) { logger.error("Cannot construct BufferedScaler, something wrong with TFG", e); } } public double[][] getFramesRead() { return framesRead; } public void clearFramesRead() { framesRead = null; } @Override public void collectData() throws DeviceException { // do nothing when in continuous mode if (continuousMode) { return; } super.collectData(); } @Override public Object[] readAllFrames() throws DeviceException { Integer lastFrame = getNumberFrames() - 1; return readoutCorrectedFrames(0, lastFrame); } @Override public Object[] readFrames(int startFrame, int finalFrame) throws DeviceException { double[][] frame = readoutCorrectedFrames(startFrame, finalFrame); framesRead = frame; return frame; } @Override public double[] readout() throws DeviceException { if (continuousMode) { Integer numFrames = getNumberFrames(); // if nothing collected, so 0 frames, then view the contents of the first frame anyway if (numFrames == 0) { return readoutCorrectedFrames(0, 0)[0]; } return readoutCorrectedFrames(numFrames - 1, numFrames - 1)[0]; } return readoutCorrectedFrames(0, 0)[0]; } private double[][] readoutCorrectedFrames(int startFrame, int finalFrame) throws DeviceException { // make sure performCorrections from TfgScalerWithLogValues is called on every frame double[][] frames = readoutFrames(startFrame, finalFrame); for (int frame = 0; frame < frames.length; frame++) { frames[frame] = performCorrections(frames[frame]); } return frames; } @Override public void setContinuousMode(boolean on) throws DeviceException { this.continuousMode = on; if (on) { setTimeFrames(); } else { switchOffExtTrigger(); } } private void setTimeFrames() throws DeviceException { if (parameters == null) { throw new DeviceException( getName() + " could not set time frames for continuous scans as parameters not supplied!"); } // tfg setup-trig switchOnExtTrigger(); //Send as a single command. Otherwise DAServer reply timeouts are seen and the 3 commands take about 10s! StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("tfg setup-groups ext-start cycles 1" + "\n"); buffer.append(parameters.getNumberDataPoints() + " 0.000001 0.00000001 0 0 0 " + (ttlSocket + 8) + "\n"); buffer.append("-1 0 0 0 0 0 0"); // FIXME RJW on qexafs that fail, especially where # points < previous scan, why are # frames incorrect? logger.debug("Setting da.server to arm itself for " + parameters.getNumberDataPoints() + " time frames"); daserver.sendCommand(buffer.toString()); daserver.sendCommand("tfg arm"); } @Override public boolean isContinuousMode() { return continuousMode; } @Override public ContinuousParameters getContinuousParameters() { return parameters; } @Override public void setContinuousParameters(ContinuousParameters parameters) { this.parameters = parameters; } @Override public void clearMemory() throws DeviceException { scaler.clear(); scaler.start(); } /** * switch off external triggering by the TTL0 input * @throws DeviceException */ private void switchOffExtTrigger() throws DeviceException { daserver.sendCommand("tfg setup-trig start"); } /** * switch on external triggering by the TTL0 input * @throws DeviceException */ private void switchOnExtTrigger() throws DeviceException { daserver.sendCommand("tfg setup-trig start ttl" + ttlSocket); } @Override public int getNumberFrames() throws DeviceException { if (!continuousMode) return 0; String[] cmds = new String[] { "status show-armed", "progress", "status", "full", "lap", "frame" }; HashMap<String, String> currentVals = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String cmd : cmds) { currentVals.put(cmd, daserver.sendCommand("tfg read " + cmd).toString()); //"tfg read "+ cmd + ": " + currentVals.get(cmd)); } if (currentVals.isEmpty()) return 0; // else either scan not started (return -1) or has finished (return continuousParameters.getNumberDataPoints()) // if started but nothing collected yet if (currentVals.get("status show-armed") .equals("EXT-ARMED") /*&& currentVals.get("status").equals("IDLE")*/ ) { return 0; } // if frame is non-0 then work out the current frame if (!currentVals.get("frame").equals("0")) { String numFrames = currentVals.get("frame"); try { return extractCurrentFrame(Integer.parseInt(numFrames)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DeviceException(numFrames); } } return parameters.getNumberDataPoints(); } private int extractCurrentFrame(int frameValue) { if (isEven(frameValue)) { Integer numFrames = frameValue / 2; return numFrames; } Integer numFrames = (frameValue - 1) / 2; return numFrames; } private boolean isEven(int x) { return (x % 2) == 0; } public void setOverrunTime(double overrunTime) { this.overrunTime = overrunTime; } /** * The excess time to collect data for above the movement time. This ensures all motor encoder data has been read. * <p> * Default is 0.1; * * @return double time in seconds */ public double getOverrunTime() { return overrunTime; } public DAServer getDaserver() { return daserver; } public void setDaserver(DAServer daserver) { this.daserver = daserver; } public void setReturnCountRates(Boolean returnCountRates) { if (!timeChannelRequired && returnCountRates) { timeChannelRequired = true; extraNames = (String[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(new String[] { "time" }, this.extraNames); outputFormat = (String[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(new String[] { this.outputFormat[0] }, this.outputFormat); } else if (timeChannelRequired && this.returnCountRates && !returnCountRates) { timeChannelRequired = false; extraNames = (String[]) ArrayUtils.remove(this.extraNames, 0); outputFormat = (String[]) ArrayUtils.remove(this.outputFormat, 0); } this.returnCountRates = returnCountRates; } public Boolean getReturnCountRates() { return returnCountRates; } @Override public int maximumReadFrames() throws DeviceException { // as this is only a few integers per frame, its unlikely to ever cause memory issues. return 99999; } public int getTtlSocket() { return ttlSocket; } public void setTtlSocket(int ttlSocket) { this.ttlSocket = ttlSocket; } }