Java tutorial
/*- * Copyright 2011 Diamond Light Source Ltd. * * This file is part of GDA. * * GDA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * GDA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with GDA. If not, see <>. */ package gda.device.detector.addetector.filewriter; import; import gda.device.DeviceException; import gda.device.detector.areadetector.v17.NDFile; import gda.device.detector.nxdetector.NXFileWriterPlugin; import gda.device.detector.nxdetector.NXFileWriterWithTemplate; import gda.jython.InterfaceProvider; import gda.observable.Observable; import gda.observable.Observer; import gda.scan.ScanInformation; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; public abstract class FileWriterBase implements NXFileWriterPlugin, NXFileWriterWithTemplate, InitializingBean { private NDFile ndFile; protected String fileTemplate; private String filePathTemplate; private String fileNameTemplate; private Long fileNumberAtScanStart; private boolean enableDuringScan = true; private boolean setFileNameAndNumber = true; private boolean pathErrorSuppressed = false; private Observable<Short> writeStatusObservable; private boolean writeStatusErr = false; private Observer<Short> statusObserver; abstract protected void disableFileWriting() throws Exception; @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { if (ndFile == null) throw new IllegalStateException("NDFile is null"); if (fileTemplate == null) throw new IllegalStateException("fileTemplate is null"); if (filePathTemplate == null) throw new IllegalStateException("filePathTemplate is null"); if (fileNameTemplate == null) throw new IllegalStateException("fileNameTemplate is null"); if (fileNumberAtScanStart == null) throw new IllegalStateException("fileNumberAtScanStart is null"); writeStatusObservable = getNdFile().createWriteStatusObservable(); } private boolean writeErrorStatusSupported = true; public boolean isWriteErrorStatusSupported() { return writeErrorStatusSupported; } public void setWriteErrorStatusSupported(boolean writeErrorStatusSupported) { this.writeErrorStatusSupported = writeErrorStatusSupported; } public Boolean isWriteStatusErr() throws Exception { if (!writeErrorStatusSupported) return false; if (statusObserver == null) { statusObserver = new Observer<Short>() { @Override public void update(Observable<Short> source, Short arg) { writeStatusErr = arg == 1; } }; writeStatusObservable.addObserver(statusObserver); writeStatusErr = getNdFile().isWriteStatusErr(); } return writeStatusErr; } protected void checkErrorStatus() throws DeviceException { boolean writeStatusErr; try { writeStatusErr = isWriteStatusErr(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceException(getName() + " error checking writeStatusErr", e); } if (writeStatusErr) { String writeMessage = ""; try { writeMessage = getNdFile().getWriteMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceException(getName() + " file writer plugin in error. Error getting writeMessage", e); } throw new DeviceException(getName() + " file writer plugin reports '" + writeMessage + "'"); } } /** * Use this method to clear writeStatus ready for next scan. * @throws DeviceException */ protected void clearWriteStatusErr() throws DeviceException { boolean isErr; try { isErr = isWriteStatusErr(); if (isErr) { getNdFile().startCapture(); getNdFile().stopCapture(); Thread.sleep(1000); isErr = isWriteStatusErr(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceException("Error clearing writeStatus in filewriter plugin", e); } if (isErr) throw new DeviceException("Unable to clear writeStatus in filewriter plugin"); } public void setNdFile(NDFile ndFile) { this.ndFile = ndFile; } /** * File template to pass directly to AreaDetector. AreaDetector's NDFilePlugin * ( will always apply arguments to the template in the * order filepath, filename, filenumber * * @param fileTemplate */ @Override public void setFileTemplate(String fileTemplate) { this.fileTemplate = fileTemplate; } /** * The file path to pass to AreadDetector, with $scan$ resolving to the currently running scan number, and $datadir$ * to the current scan file's directory. * * @param filePathTemplate */ @Override public void setFilePathTemplate(String filePathTemplate) { this.filePathTemplate = filePathTemplate; } /** * The file name to pass to AreadDetector, with $scan$ resolving to the currently running scan number, and $datadir$ * to the current scan file's directory. * * @param fileNameTemplate */ @Override public void setFileNameTemplate(String fileNameTemplate) { this.fileNameTemplate = fileNameTemplate; } /** * If non-negative, the file number to preset in AreaDetector before staring the exposure * @param fileNumberAtScanStart */ public void setFileNumberAtScanStart(long fileNumberAtScanStart) { this.fileNumberAtScanStart = fileNumberAtScanStart; } public void setSetFileNameAndNumber(boolean setFileNameAndNumber) { this.setFileNameAndNumber = setFileNameAndNumber; } public NDFile getNdFile() { return ndFile; } /** * @return the file template to configure in AreaDetector */ public String getFileTemplate() { return fileTemplate; } public String getFilePathTemplate() { return filePathTemplate; } public String getFileNameTemplate() { return fileNameTemplate; } public long getFileNumberAtScanStart() { return fileNumberAtScanStart; } public boolean isSetFileNameAndNumber() { return setFileNameAndNumber; } public boolean isPathErrorSuppressed() { return pathErrorSuppressed; } public void setPathErrorSuppressed(boolean pathErrorSuppressed) { this.pathErrorSuppressed = pathErrorSuppressed; } /** * @return the file path to configure in AreaDetector */ protected String getFilePath() { return substituteScan(substituteDatadir(getFilePathTemplate())); } /** * Only if the path template starts with the datadir, return a path relative to it, otherwise * return an absolute path. */ protected String getFileDirRelativeToDataDirIfPossible() { String template = getFilePathTemplate(); if (StringUtils.startsWith(template, "$datadir$")) { template = StringUtils.replace(template, "$datadir$", ""); template = StringUtils.removeStart(template, "/"); } else { //return absolute path (after substituting data directory) template = substituteDatadir(template); } return substituteScan(template); } /** * @return the file path relative to the data directory if it starts with the datadir, * otherwise returns absolute path. * @throws Exception */ protected String getRelativeFilePath() throws Exception { String fullFileName = getFullFileName(); String datadir = PathConstructor.createFromDefaultProperty(); if (StringUtils.startsWith(fullFileName, datadir)) { String relativeFilename = StringUtils.removeStart(fullFileName, datadir); relativeFilename = StringUtils.removeStart(relativeFilename, "/"); return relativeFilename; } return fullFileName; } private String substituteDatadir(String template) { if (StringUtils.contains(template, "$datadir$")) { template = StringUtils.replace(template, "$datadir$", PathConstructor.createFromDefaultProperty()); } return template; } protected String getAbsoluteFilePath(String filePathRelativeToDataDir) { return PathConstructor.createFromDefaultProperty() + File.separator + filePathRelativeToDataDir; } private String substituteScan(String template) { if (StringUtils.contains(template, "$scan$")) { long scanNumber; try { scanNumber = getScanNumber(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine current scan number", e); } template = StringUtils.replace(template, "$scan$", String.valueOf(scanNumber)); } return template; } /** * @return the file name to configure in AreaDetector */ protected String getFileName() { return substituteScan(substituteDatadir(getFileNameTemplate())); } /** * Value of Input Array port in plugin */ private String ndArrayPortVal = ""; public String getNdArrayPortVal() { return ndArrayPortVal; } public void setNdArrayPortVal(String ndArrayPortVal) { this.ndArrayPortVal = ndArrayPortVal; } @Override public void stop() throws Exception { if (isEnabled()) disableFileWriting(); } @Override public void atCommandFailure() throws Exception { if (isEnabled()) stop(); } public void setEnabled(boolean enableDuringScan) { this.enableDuringScan = enableDuringScan; } public boolean isEnabled() { return enableDuringScan; } public void enableCallback(boolean enable) throws Exception { if (enable) ndFile.getPluginBase().enableCallbacks(); else ndFile.getPluginBase().disableCallbacks(); } /** * * @return The unique scanNubmer from the current scan. * @throws Exception */ protected long getScanNumber() throws Exception { ScanInformation scanInformation = InterfaceProvider.getCurrentScanInformationHolder() .getCurrentScanInformation(); if (scanInformation == null || scanInformation.getScanNumber() <= 0) { throw new Exception(MessageFormat.format( "ScanNumber not available, scanInformation= {0} - If null, check that gda.scan.sets.scannumber = True", scanInformation)); } return scanInformation.getScanNumber(); } @Override public String getFullFileName() throws Exception { return ndFile.getFullFileName_RBV(); } protected void setNDArrayPortAndAddress() throws Exception { if (ndArrayPortVal != null && ndArrayPortVal.length() > 0) ndFile.getPluginBase().setNDArrayPort(ndArrayPortVal); } @Override public boolean willRequireCallbacks() { return ndFile.getPluginBase() != null && isEnabled(); // always requires callbacks if enabled // Note: camserver filewriter has no base so cannot require callbacks } @Override public void prepareForLine() throws Exception { } @Override public void completeLine() throws Exception { } @Override public void completeCollection() throws Exception { } @Override public void prepareForCollection(int numberImagesPerCollection, ScanInformation scanInfo) throws Exception { } }