Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


  Copyright 2012 by Dr. Vlasios Voudouris and ABM Analytics Ltd
  Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
  See the file "LICENSE" for more information
package gamlss.smoothing;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.BrentSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.UnivariateSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.BlockRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.DecompositionSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.EigenDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.MatrixUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.QRDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.GoalType;
import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import gamlss.utilities.MatrixFunctions;
import gamlss.algorithm.AdditiveFit;
import gamlss.algorithm.RSAlgorithm;
import gamlss.distributions.DistributionSettings;
import gamlss.distributions.GAMLSSFamilyDistribution;
import gamlss.utilities.ArithmeticSeries;
import gamlss.utilities.Controls;
import gamlss.utilities.oi.ConnectionToR;

 * 01/08/2012
 * @author Dr. Vlasios Voudouris, Daniil Kiose, 
 * Prof. Mikis Stasinopoulos and Dr Robert Rigby.
public class PB implements GAMLSSSmoother {

    /** gM = lambda * t(penaltyM) %*% penaltyM. */
    private BlockRealMatrix gM;
    /** xwM = w * basisM. */
    private BlockRealMatrix xwM;
    /** transpose of xwM .*/
    private BlockRealMatrix xwMt;
    /** xwxM = t(xwM) %*% basisM. */
    private BlockRealMatrix xwxM;
    /** solution of the linear equation A  H = B for matrices A.*/
    private BlockRealMatrix hM;
    /** S = transpose(penaltyM)*penaltyM. */
    private BlockRealMatrix sM;
    /** matrix R of the QR decomposition.  */
    private BlockRealMatrix rM;
    /** inverse matrix R of the QR decomposition.  */
    private BlockRealMatrix rMinv;
    /** augmented basisM matrix. */
    private BlockRealMatrix xaug;
    /** wxM = isM * basisM. */
    private BlockRealMatrix wxM;
    /** augmented w vector. */
    private ArrayRealVector waug;
    /** the hat matrix. */
    private ArrayRealVector lev;
    /** isM = square root of weights vector. */
    private ArrayRealVector isM;
    /** gamma differences. */
    private ArrayRealVector gamma;
    /** the variance of the smoothers. */
    private ArrayRealVector var;
    /** regression coefficient. */
    private ArrayRealVector beta;
    /** fitted values of the distribution parameter. */
    private ArrayRealVector fv;
    /** residuals - difference between the sample 
     * and the estimated function value. */
    private ArrayRealVector residuals;
    /** real parts of the eigenvalues of the original matrix. */
    private double[] uduV;
    /** real parts of the eigenvalues of the original matrix. */
    private BlockRealMatrix uduM;
    /** eighen degree of freedom. */
    private double edf;
    /** sig2 = sum(w * (y - fv) ^ 2) / (n - edf). */
    private double sig2;
    /** tau2 = sum(gamma ^ 2) / (edf-order). */
    private double tau2;
    /**edfTemp1 = edf-df. */
    private double edfTemp1;
    /** edfTemp2 = edf-df. */
    private double edfTemp2;
    /** previously calculated value of lambda. */
    private double lambdaOld;
    /** the no of observations. */
    private int n;
    /** Object of DecompositionSolver class.*/
    private DecompositionSolver solver;
    /** temp lambda value used in interim operations. */
    private double lambdaS;
    /** Temporary vector for interim operations. */
    private ArrayRealVector tempV;
    /** Temporary matrix for interim operations. */
    private BlockRealMatrix tempM;
    /** Temporary array for interim operations. */
    private double[] tempArr;
    /** Temporary double for interim operations. */
    private double tempD;
    /** object of non-linear optimisation objective function.  */
    private NonLinObjFunction nonLinObj;
    /** object of uni-root objective function. */
    private UniRootObjFunction uniRootObj;
    /** Object of BOBYQAOptimizer class.*/
    private BOBYQAOptimizer optimizer;

    /** Hashtable to store lambdas. */
    private Hashtable<Integer, Double> lambdas = new Hashtable<Integer, Double>();
    /** Hashtable to store base matrices for each column of 
     * smoother matrix of each distribution parameter. */
    private Hashtable<Integer, Object> baseMatricesSet = new Hashtable<Integer, Object>();
    /** Hashtable to store penalty matrices for each column of 
     * smoother matrix of each distribution parameter. */
    private Hashtable<Integer, Object> penaltyMatricesSet = new Hashtable<Integer, Object>();
    /** Hashtable to store degree of freedom values for each column of 
     * smoother matrix of each distribution parameter. */
    private HashMap<Integer, Object> dfValuesSet = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
    /** Hashtable to store base matrices for each column of 
     * smoother matrix of single distribution parameter. */
    private Hashtable<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> baseMatrices = new Hashtable<Integer, BlockRealMatrix>();
    /** Hashtable to store penalty matrices for each column of 
     * smoother matrix of single distribution parameter. */
    private Hashtable<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> penaltyMatrices = new Hashtable<Integer, BlockRealMatrix>();
    /** Hashtable to store degree of freedom values for each column of 
     * smoother matrix of single distribution parameter. */
    private HashMap<Integer, Integer> dfValues = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    /** Object of ConnectionToR class. */
    private static ConnectionToR rConnection;
    /** Fitting distribution parameter. */
    private int whichDistParameter;
    /** Hashtable of initially supplied smoother matrices. */
    private HashMap<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> smootherMatrices = new HashMap<Integer, BlockRealMatrix>();
    //   /** Value of lambda. */
    //   private Double lambda;
    /** column number of smoother matrix. */
    private int colNum;
    /** Vector of response variable values. */
    private ArrayRealVector y;
    /** Vector of weights. */
    private ArrayRealVector w;
    /** Basis matrix. */
    private BlockRealMatrix basisM;
    /** Penalty matrix. */
    private BlockRealMatrix penaltyM;
    /** Degrees of freedom. */
    private Integer df;

     * Constructor of PB class.
     * @param distr - object of the fitted distribution belonging
     *  to the gamlss family
     * @param rConnect - object of ConnectionToR class
     * @param smoothMatrices - initially suplied smoother matrices for each 
     * of the distribution parameters
    public PB(final GAMLSSFamilyDistribution distr, final ConnectionToR rConnect,
            final HashMap<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> smoothMatrices) {

        nonLinObj = new NonLinObjFunction();
        uniRootObj = new UniRootObjFunction();
        optimizer = new BOBYQAOptimizer(Controls.BOBYQA_INTERPOL_POINTS);
        this.rConnection = rConnect;
        this.smootherMatrices = smoothMatrices;

        for (int i = 1; i < distr.getNumberOfDistribtionParameters() + 1; i++) {
            if (smoothMatrices.get(i) != null) {
                //            if (smoothMatrices.containsKey(i)) {
                // Create smoother matrices of zeros
                lambdas.put(i, Controls.INITIAL_LAMBDA);
                for (int j = 0; j < smoothMatrices.get(i).getColumnDimension(); j++) {
                    buildMatrices((ArrayRealVector) smoothMatrices.get(i).getColumnVector(j),
                            Controls.DF_USER_DEFINED[i - 1], j);
                baseMatricesSet.put(i, baseMatrices.clone());
                penaltyMatricesSet.put(i, penaltyMatrices.clone());
                dfValuesSet.put(i, dfValues.clone());

                //            }

     * The main fitting method, initiate appropriate smoothing 
     * function according to incoming parameters.
     * @param additiveFit -object of AdditiveFoit class
     * @return reiduals
    //gamlss.pb <- function(x, y, w, xeval = NULL, ...)      
    public ArrayRealVector solve(final AdditiveFit additiveFit) {

        Double lambda = Controls.LAMBDAS_USER_DEFINED;
        colNum = additiveFit.getColNum();
        y = additiveFit.getZ();
        w = additiveFit.getW();
        whichDistParameter = additiveFit.getWhichDistParameter();
        basisM = (BlockRealMatrix) getBasisM().get(colNum);
        penaltyM = (BlockRealMatrix) getPenaltyM().get(colNum);
        df = (Integer) getDfValues().get(colNum);

        //n <- nrow(X) # the no of observations
        n = basisM.getRowDimension();

        //lambdaS <-  get(startLambdaName, envir=gamlss.env)
        //geting the starting value
        lambdaS = getLambdas().get(whichDistParameter);

        //if (lambdaS>=1e+07) lambda <- 1e+07
        if (lambdaS >= 1e+07) {
            lambda = 1e+07;
        //if (lambdaS<=1e-07) lambda <- 1e-07
        if (lambdaS <= 1e-07) {
            lambda = 1e-07;

        //if (is.null(df)&&!is.null(lambda)||!is.null(df)&&!is.null(lambda))
        if (lambda != null) {

            //fit <- regpen(y, X, w, lambda, D)
            beta = regpen(lambda);

            //fv <- X %*% fit$beta
            fv = (ArrayRealVector) basisM.operate(beta);

            //else if (is.null(df)&&is.null(lambda))
        } else if (df == null) {

            //lambda <- lambdaS
            lambda = lambdaS;

            //switch(control$c," ML"={
            switch (Controls.SMOOTH_METHOD) {
            case DistributionSettings.GAIC:
                fv = functionGAIC(lambda);
            case DistributionSettings.ML:
                fv = functionML(lambda);
            case DistributionSettings.ML1:
                fv = functionML1(lambda);
            case DistributionSettings.EM:
                System.err.println("EM has not been implemented yet");
            case DistributionSettings.GCV:
                fv = functionGCV(lambda);
                        " Cannot recognise the " + "smoothing method or it has" + "not been implemented yet");
        } else {

            //QR <- qr(sqrt(w)*X)
            //Rinv <- solve(qr.R(QR))
            rM = (BlockRealMatrix) new QRDecomposition(
                    MatrixFunctions.multVectorMatrix(MatrixFunctions.sqrtVec(w), basisM)).getR();
            rM = rM.getSubMatrix(0, rM.getColumnDimension() - 1, 0, rM.getColumnDimension() - 1);
            rMinv = (BlockRealMatrix) new QRDecomposition(rM).getSolver().getInverse();

            //S   <- t(D)%*%D
            sM = penaltyM.transpose().multiply(penaltyM);

            //UDU <- eigen(t(Rinv)%*%S%*%Rinv)
            uduV = new EigenDecomposition(rMinv.transpose().multiply(sM).multiply(rMinv)).getRealEigenvalues();

            //lambda <- if (sign(edf1_df(0))==sign(edf1_df(100000))) 100000
            //in case they have the some sign
            edfTemp1 = edf1_df(0, df);
            edfTemp2 = edf1_df(100000.0, df);

            if (FastMath.signum(edfTemp1) == FastMath.signum(edfTemp2)) {
                lambda = 100000.0;
            } else {

                //else uniroot(edf1_df, c(0,100000))$root
                final double relativeAccuracy = 1.0e-12;
                final double absoluteAccuracy = 1.0e-8;
                UnivariateSolver uniRootSolver = new BrentSolver(relativeAccuracy, absoluteAccuracy);
                lambda = uniRootSolver.solve(1000, uniRootObj, 0.0, 100000.0);

            //fit <- regpen(y, X, w, lambda, D)
            beta = regpen(lambda);
            fv = (ArrayRealVector) basisM.operate(beta);
        if (Controls.IF_NEED_THIS) {

            //waug <- as.vector(c(w, rep(1,nrow(D))))
            waug = w.append(MatrixFunctions.repV(1.0, penaltyM.getRowDimension()));

            //xaug <- as.matrix(rbind(X,sqrt(lambda)*D))
            xaug = MatrixFunctions.appendMatricesRows(basisM,
                    (BlockRealMatrix) penaltyM.scalarMultiply(FastMath.sqrt(lambda)));

            //lev <- hat(sqrt(waug)*xaug,intercept=FALSE)[1:n]
            //get the hat matrix
            lev = (ArrayRealVector) MatrixFunctions.getMainDiagonal(new BlockRealMatrix(MatrixFunctions
                    .calculateHat(MatrixFunctions.multVectorMatrix(MatrixFunctions.sqrtVec(waug), xaug)).getData()))
                    .getSubVector(0, n);

            //lev <- (lev-.hat.WX(w,x))
            //subtract  the linear since is already fitted 
            lev = lev.subtract(
                    hatWX((ArrayRealVector) getSmootherMatrices().get(whichDistParameter).getColumnVector(colNum)));

            // var <- lev/w
            //the variance of the smootherz
            var = lev.ebeDivide(w);

        //if (is.null(xeval)) # if no prediction
        if (Controls.XEVAL_USER_DEFINED == null) {
            // Residuals
            return y.subtract(fv);

            //else # for prediction
        } else {

            //ll <- dim(as.matrix(attr(x,"X")))[1]                 
            //nx <- as.matrix(attr(x,"X"))[seq(length(y)+1,ll),]
            tempArr = ArithmeticSeries.getSeries(y.getDimension() + 1, basisM.getRowDimension(), 1);
            BlockRealMatrix nx = new BlockRealMatrix(tempArr.length, basisM.getColumnDimension());
            for (int i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) {
                nx.setRowVector(i, basisM.getRowVector((int) tempArr[i]));

            //pred <- drop(nx %*% fit$beta)
            ArrayRealVector pred = (ArrayRealVector) nx.operate(beta);

            // Residuals
            return y.subtract(fv);

     *<p>Compute the "hat" matrix.
     * </p>
     * <p>The hat matrix is defined in terms of the design matrix X
     *  by X(X<sup>T</sup>X)<sup>-1</sup>X<sup>T</sup>
     * </p>
     * @param xDesign - column of initial smoother matrix
     * @return hat matrix
    //function (w, x) 
    private ArrayRealVector hatWX(final ArrayRealVector xDesign) {
        //p <- length(x)
        int p = xDesign.getDimension();
        //X <- if (!is.matrix(x)) 
        // matrix(cbind(1, x), ncol = 2)
        //else x
        tempM = new BlockRealMatrix(p, 2);
        tempM.setColumnVector(0, MatrixFunctions.repV(1, p));
        tempM.setColumnVector(1, xDesign);

        //k <- length(w)
        //p <- dim(X)[1]
        //if (p != k)
        if (p != w.getDimension()) {
            System.err.println("`w' and 'x' do not have the same length");
            //stop("`w' and 'x' are not having the same length")

        //Is <- sqrt(w)
        isM = MatrixFunctions.sqrtVec(w);

        //if (any(!is.finite(Is))) 
        if (isM.isInfinite()) {
            //warning("diagonal weights has non-finite entries")
            System.err.println("diagonal weights has non-finite entries");

        //WX <- X
        //wxM = tempM;

        //WX[] <- Is * X
        wxM = MatrixFunctions.multVectorMatrix(isM, tempM);

        return MatrixFunctions.getMainDiagonal(
                (BlockRealMatrix) new BlockRealMatrix(MatrixFunctions.calculateHat(wxM).getData()));

     * local function to get df using eigen values.
     * @param lambda - smoothing parameter
     * @param df - degree of freedom
     * @return sum(1/(1+lambda*UDU$values) - df
    //edf1_df <- function(lambda)
    private double edf1_df(final double lambda, final double df) {
        //edf <- sum(1/(1+lambda*UDU$values))
        double out = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < uduV.length; i++) {
            out = out + (1 / (1 + lambda * uduV[i]));
        return out - df;

     * ML smoothing method.
     * @param lambda - smoothing parameter
     * @return fitted values
    private ArrayRealVector functionML(Double lambda) {

        //for (it in 1:50)
        for (int i = 0; i < Controls.ML_ITER; i++) {

            //fit <- regpen(y, X, w, lambda, D)
            //fit model
            beta = regpen(lambda);

            //gamma. <- D %*% as.vector(fit$beta)
            //get the gamma differences
            gamma = (ArrayRealVector) penaltyM.operate(beta);

            //fv <- X %*% fit$beta
            //fitted values
            fv = (ArrayRealVector) basisM.operate(beta);

            //sig2 <- sum(w * (y - fv) ^ 2) / (n - fit$edf)
            tempV = MatrixFunctions.vecSub(y, fv);
            sig2 = MatrixFunctions.sumV(w.ebeMultiply(tempV.ebeMultiply(tempV))) / (n - getEdf());
            tempV = null;

            //tau2 <- sum(gamma. ^ 2) / (fit$edf-order)
            tau2 = MatrixFunctions.sumV(gamma.ebeMultiply(gamma)) / (getEdf() - Controls.ORDER);

            //if(tau2<1e-7) tau2 <- 1.0e-7
            if (tau2 < 1e-7) {
                tau2 = 1e-7;

            //lambda.old <- lambda
            lambdaOld = lambda;

            //lambda <- sig2 / tau2
            lambda = sig2 / tau2;

            //if (lambda<1.0e-7) lambda<-1.0e-7 
            if (lambda < 1.0e-7) {
                lambda = 1.0e-7;
            //if (lambda>1.0e+7) lambda<-1.0e+7
            if (lambda > 1.0e7) {
                lambda = 1.0e7;

            //if (abs(lambda-lambda.old) < 1.0e-7        ||lambda>1.0e10) break
            if (FastMath.abs(lambda - lambdaOld) < 1.0e-7 || lambda > 1.0e10) {
        return fv;

     * ML1 smoothing method.
     * @param lambda - smoothing parameter
     * @return fitted values
    private ArrayRealVector functionML1(Double lambda) {

        //for (it in 1:50)
        for (int i = 0; i < Controls.ML1_ITER; i++) {

            //fit <- regpen(y, X, w, lambda, D)
            //fit model
            beta = regpen(lambda);

            //gamma. <- D %*% as.vector(fit$beta)
            //get the gamma differences
            gamma = (ArrayRealVector) penaltyM.operate(beta);

            //fv <- X %*% fit$beta
            //fitted values
            fv = (ArrayRealVector) basisM.operate(beta);

            //sig2 <- 1
            sig2 = 1.0;

            //tau2 <- sum(gamma. ^ 2) / (fit$edf-order)
            tau2 = MatrixFunctions.sumV(gamma.ebeMultiply(gamma)) / (getEdf() - Controls.ORDER);

            //if(tau2<1e-7) tau2 <- 1.0e-7
            if (tau2 < 1e-7) {
                tau2 = 1e-7;

            //lambda.old <- lambda
            lambdaOld = lambda;

            //lambda <- sig2 / tau2
            lambda = sig2 / tau2;

            //if (lambda<1.0e-7) lambda<-1.0e-7 
            if (lambda < 1.0e-7) {
                lambda = 1.0e-7;
            //if (lambda>1.0e+7) lambda<-1.0e+7
            if (lambda > 1.0e7) {
                lambda = 1.0e7;

            //if (abs(lambda-lambda.old) < 1.0e-7        ||lambda>1.0e7) break
            if (FastMath.abs(lambda - lambdaOld) < 1.0e-7 || lambda > 1.0e7) {
        return fv;

     * Simple penalised regression.
     * @return betas - estimates resulting from an analysis performed
    //regpen <- function(y, X, w, lambda, D)
    private ArrayRealVector regpen(Double lambda) {

        //G <- lambda * t(D) %*% D
        gM = (BlockRealMatrix) penaltyM.transpose().multiply(penaltyM).scalarMultiply(lambda);
        //XW <- w * X
        xwM = MatrixFunctions.multVectorMatrix(w, basisM);

        //XWX <- t(XW) %*% X
        xwMt = xwM.transpose();
        xwxM = xwMt.multiply(basisM);

        //beta <- solve(XWX + G, t(XW) %*% y)
        //solver = new SingularValueDecomposition(xwxM.add(gM)).getSolver();
        solver = new QRDecomposition(xwxM.add(gM)).getSolver();
        beta = (ArrayRealVector) solver.solve((ArrayRealVector) xwMt.operate(y));

        //H <- solve(XWX + G, XWX)
        hM = new BlockRealMatrix(solver.solve(xwxM).getData());

        //edf <- sum(diag(H))
        //fit <- list(beta = beta, edf = sum(diag(H)))

        return beta;

      * GCV smoothing method.
      * @param lambda - smoothing parameter
      * @return fitted values
    private ArrayRealVector functionGCV(Double lambda) {

        //QR <-qr(sqrt(w)*X)
        //Rinv <- solve(qr.R(QR))
        QRDecomposition qr = new QRDecomposition(
                MatrixFunctions.multVectorMatrix(MatrixFunctions.sqrtVec(w), basisM));
        rM = (BlockRealMatrix) qr.getR();
        rM = rM.getSubMatrix(0, rM.getColumnDimension() - 1, 0, rM.getColumnDimension() - 1);
        rMinv = (BlockRealMatrix) new QRDecomposition(rM).getSolver().getInverse();

        //wy <- sqrt(w)*y
        ArrayRealVector wy = MatrixFunctions.sqrtVec(w).ebeMultiply(y);

        //y.y <- sum(wy^2)
        double y_y = MatrixFunctions.sumV(wy.ebeMultiply(wy));

        //S   <- t(D)%*%D
        sM = penaltyM.transpose().multiply(penaltyM);

        //UDU <- eigen(t(Rinv)%*%S%*%Rinv)
        uduM = new BlockRealMatrix(
                new EigenDecomposition(rMinv.transpose().multiply(sM).multiply(rMinv), Controls.SPLIT_TOLERANCE)

        //yy <- t(UDU$vectors)%*%t(qr.Q(QR))%*%wy
        BlockRealMatrix qM = (BlockRealMatrix) qr.getQ();
        //SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(
        //MatrixFunctions.multVectorMatrix(MatrixFunctions.sqrtVec(w), basisM));
        //BlockRealMatrix qM = new BlockRealMatrix(svd.getV().getData());

        //.... to finish !!!!!!!
        return null;

     * GAIC smoothing method.
     * @param lambda - smoothing parameter
     * @return fitted values
    private ArrayRealVector functionGAIC(Double lambda) {

        //lambda <- nlminb(lambda, fnGAIC,  
        //lower = 1.0e-7, upper = 1.0e7, k=control$k)$par
        lambda = optimizer.optimize(Controls.BOBYQA_MAX_EVAL, nonLinObj, GoalType.MINIMIZE,
                new double[] { lambda, lambda }, new double[] { Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MIN_VALUE },
                new double[] { Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE }).getPoint()[0];

        if (lambda > 1.0e+7) {
            lambda = 1.0e+7;
        if (lambda < 1.0e-7) {
            lambda = 1.0e-7;

        //fit <- regpen(y=y, X=X, w=w, lambda=lambda, D)
        beta = regpen(lambda);

        //fv <- X %*% fit$beta     
        fv = (ArrayRealVector) basisM.operate(beta);

        //assign(startLambdaName, lambda, envir=gamlss.env)
        return fv;

     * Inner class is a shell for objective function to
     * find optimal lambda.
    class NonLinObjFunction implements MultivariateFunction {
         * Implemenrted function.
         * @param point - point value
         * @return objective function values
        public double value(final double[] point) {
            return fnGAIC(point[0]);

     * Inner class is a shell for objective function to
     * find the root of the function.
    class UniRootObjFunction implements UnivariateFunction {

        /** degree of freedom. */
        private double df;

         * This function is used to evaluate the objective function.
         * @param x - income value to determine zero of the function
         * @return value of the function
        public double value(final double x) {
            return edf1_df(x, df);

         * Set degree of freedom.
         * @param df - degree of freedom
        public void setDf(final double df) {
            this.df = df;


     * The objective function GAIC smoothing method optimisation problem.
     * @param lambda - smoothing parameter
     * @return sum(w*(y-fv)^2)+k*fit$edf
    private double fnGAIC(Double lambda) {
        //fnGAIC <- function(lambda, k)

        //fit <- regpen(y=y, X=X, w=w, lambda=lambda, D)
        beta = regpen(lambda);

        //fv <- X %*% fit$beta
        fv = (ArrayRealVector) basisM.operate(beta);

        //GAIC <- sum(w*(y-fv)^2)+k*fit$edf
        tempV = MatrixFunctions.vecSub(y, fv);
        return MatrixFunctions.sumV(w.ebeMultiply(tempV.ebeMultiply(tempV))) + Controls.K * getEdf();

     * Constructs the base and penalty matrices and also sets a
     *  value for degree of freedom.
     * @param colValues - values of certain column (colNumber) of
     *  the smooth matrix of the fitting distribution parameter 
     * @param df - degree of freedom
     * @param colNumber - number of the supplied column (colValues)
     *  of the fitting distribution parameter
    //pb<-function(x, df = NULL, lambda = NULL, control=pb.control(...), ...)
    private void buildMatrices(final ArrayRealVector colValues, Integer df, final int colNumber) {
        //X <- bbase(x, xmin, xmax, control$inter, control$degree,
        //control$quantiles) # create the basis
        BlockRealMatrix xM = formX(colValues);

        //D <- if(control$order==0) diag(r) else diff(diag(r),
        //diff=control$order) # the penalty matrix
        BlockRealMatrix dM = formD(xM);

        //if(!is.null(df)) # degrees of freedom
        if (df != null) {
            //if (df>(dim(X)[2]-2))
            if (df > xM.getColumnDimension() - 2) {
                //df <- 3;
                df = 3;

                //warning("The df's exceed the 
                //number of columns of the design
                //matrix", "\n",  "   they are set to 3") 
                        "The df's exceed the number of columns " + " of the design matrix, they are set to 3");
            if (df < 0) {
                //if (df < 0)  warning("the extra df's are set to 0") 
                //df <- if (df < 0)  2  else  df+2
                System.err.println("the extra df's are set to 2");
                df = 2;
            } else {
                df = df + 2;
        baseMatrices.put(colNumber, xM);
        penaltyMatrices.put(colNumber, dM);
        dfValues.put(colNumber, df);

    * Constructs the base matrix.
    * @param colValues - values of the certain column of
    *  the smooth matrix which corresponds to the 
    *  currently fitting distribution parameter
    * @return - base matrix
    //bbase <- function(x, xl, xr, ndx, deg, quantiles=FALSE)
    private static BlockRealMatrix formX(final ArrayRealVector colValues) {

        //control$inter <- if (lx<99) 10 else control$inter # 
        //this is to prevent singularities when length(x) is small
        if (colValues.getDimension() < 99) {
            Controls.INTER = 10;

        //xl <- min(x)
        double xl = colValues.getMinValue();

        //xr <- max(x)
        double xr = colValues.getMaxValue();

        //xmax <- xr + 0.01 * (xr - xl)
        double xmax = xr + 0.01 * (xr - xl);

        //xmin <- xl - 0.01 * (xr - xl)
        double xmin = xl - 0.01 * (xr - xl);

        //dx <- (xr - xl) / ndx
        double dx = (xmax - xmin) / Controls.INTER;

        //if (quantiles) # if true use splineDesign
        if (Controls.QUANTILES) {
            //knots <-  sort(c(seq(xl-deg*dx, xl, dx),quantile(x, 
            //prob=seq(0, 1, length=ndx)), seq(xr, xr+deg*dx, dx))) 
            ArrayRealVector kts = null;

            //B <- splineDesign(knots, x = x, outer.ok = TRUE, ord=deg+1)
            return null;
        } else {

            //kts <-   seq(xl - deg * dx, xr + deg * dx, by = dx)
            //ArrayRealVector kts = new ArrayRealVector(
            //ArithmeticSeries.getSeries(xl-deg*dx, xr+deg*dx, dx),false);

            rConnection.assingVar("min", new double[] { xmin - Controls.DEGREE * dx });
            rConnection.assingVar("max", new double[] { xmax + Controls.DEGREE * dx });
            rConnection.assingVar("step", new double[] { dx });

            ArrayRealVector kts = new ArrayRealVector(
                    rConnection.runEvalDoubles("knots <- seq(min, max, by = step)"));

            //P <- outer(x, kts, FUN = tpower, deg)
            BlockRealMatrix pM = MatrixFunctions.outertpowerPB(colValues, kts, Controls.DEGREE);

            //D <- diff(diag(dim(P)[2]), 
            //diff = deg + 1) / (gamma(deg + 1) * dx ^ deg)
            BlockRealMatrix tempM = MatrixFunctions
                    .diff(MatrixFunctions.buildIdentityMatrix(pM.getColumnDimension()), Controls.DEGREE + 1);

            double[][] tempArrArr = new double[tempM.getRowDimension()][tempM.getColumnDimension()];
            for (int i = 0; i < tempArrArr.length; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < tempArrArr[i].length; j++) {
                    tempArrArr[i][j] = tempM.getEntry(i, j) / ((FastMath.exp(Gamma.logGamma(Controls.DEGREE + 1)))
                            * FastMath.pow(dx, Controls.DEGREE));
            tempM = new BlockRealMatrix(tempArrArr);

            //B <- (-1) ^ (deg + 1) * P %*% t(D)
            return (BlockRealMatrix) pM.multiply(tempM.transpose())
                    .scalarMultiply(FastMath.pow(-1, (Controls.DEGREE + 1)));

     * Constructs the penalty matrix.
     * @param xM - base matrix
     * @return penalty matrix
    private BlockRealMatrix formD(final BlockRealMatrix xM) {
        tempArr = new double[xM.getColumnDimension()];
        for (int i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) {
            tempArr[i] = 1.0;
        if (Controls.ORDER == 0) {
            return new BlockRealMatrix(MatrixUtils.createRealDiagonalMatrix(tempArr).getData());
        } else {
            return MatrixFunctions.diff(
                    new BlockRealMatrix(MatrixUtils.createRealDiagonalMatrix(tempArr).getData()), Controls.ORDER);

     * Get a set (for all distr parameters) of lambdas.
     * @return set of lambdas
    public final Hashtable<Integer, Double> getLambdas() {
        return lambdas;

     * @param lambda - single smoothing parameterer 
     * attributes to the currently fitting distribution
     *  parameter.
    public final void setLambda(final double lambda) {
        lambdas.put(whichDistParameter, lambda);

     * Get degree of freedom values for each column of smoother 
     * matrix of each distribution parameter.
     * @return - set of degree of freedom values
    public final HashMap<Integer, Object> getDfValuesSet() {
        return dfValuesSet;

     * Get a penalty matrix for each column of smoother 
     * matrix of each distribution parameter.
     * @return penalty matrix
    public final Hashtable<Integer, Object> getPenaltyMatricesSet() {
        return penaltyMatricesSet;

     * Get a base matrix for each column of smoother 
     * matrix of each distribution parameter.
     * @return base matrix
    public final Hashtable<Integer, Object> getBaseMatricesSet() {
        return baseMatricesSet;

     * Get a set of initially suppplied smoother matrices.
     * @return set of initially suppplied smoother matrices
    public final HashMap<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> getSmootherMatrices() {
        return smootherMatrices;

     * Get basis matrix.
     * @return basis matrix
    public final Hashtable getBasisM() {
        return (Hashtable) baseMatricesSet.get(whichDistParameter);

     * Get penalty matrix.
     * @return penalty matrix
    public final Hashtable getPenaltyM() {
        return (Hashtable) penaltyMatricesSet.get(whichDistParameter);

     * Get degree of freedom.
     * @return degree of freedom
    public final HashMap getDfValues() {
        return (HashMap) dfValuesSet.get(whichDistParameter);

     * Set eighen degree of freedom.
     * @param edf - eighen degree of freedom
    public final void setEdf(final double edf) {
        this.edf = edf;

     * Get eighen degree of freedom.
     * @return edf
    public final double getEdf() {
        return edf;

    //public double getEdf() {
    //   return edf-2;

     * Get variance.
     * @return variance
    public final ArrayRealVector getVar() {
        return var;