Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2012 by Dr. Vlasios Voudouris and ABM Analytics Ltd Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 See the file "LICENSE" for more information */ package gamlss.algorithm; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import gamlss.utilities.MakeLinkFunction; import gamlss.utilities.MatrixFunctions; import gamlss.utilities.WLSMultipleLinearRegression; import gamlss.distributions.DistributionSettings; import gamlss.distributions.GAMLSSFamilyDistribution; import gamlss.utilities.Controls; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.BlockRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; /** * 01/08/2012 * @author Dr. Vlasios Voudouris, Daniil Kiose, * Prof. Mikis Stasinopoulos and Dr Robert Rigby. * */ public class GlimFit { /** Number of GlimFit iterations performed. */ private int itn; /** Boolean used to print the message when the deviance has increased. */ private boolean iterw; /** Global deviance. */ private double dv; /** Previously stored value of the global deviance. */ private double olddv; /** Vector of linear predictor values. */ private ArrayRealVector eta; /** Vector of linear predictor values. */ private ArrayRealVector lp; /** Previously stored vector of linear predictor values. */ private ArrayRealVector lpold; /** Vector of 1/(link function of the linear predictor) values. */ private ArrayRealVector dr; /** Vector of first derivative values with respect to the * "whatDistParameter" parameter. */ private ArrayRealVector dldp; /** Vector of second derivative values with respect to the * "whatDistParameter" parameter. */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldp2; /** wt = vector of values -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr)). */ private ArrayRealVector wt; /** wv = vector of values (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt). */ private ArrayRealVector wv; /** Values returned by WLSMultipleLinearRegression after linear fitting. */ private ArrayRealVector fvLinear; /** Previously stored smoother matrix.*/ private BlockRealMatrix sMatrixOld; /** Object of MakeLinkFunction class. */ private MakeLinkFunction makelink; /** Object of WLSMultipleLinearRegression class. */ private WLSMultipleLinearRegression wls; /** Object of AdditiveFit class. */ private AdditiveFit additive; /** Temporary array for interim operations.*/ private double[] tempArr; /** Hashtable to store smoother matrices. */ private HashMap<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> sMatrices = new HashMap<Integer, BlockRealMatrix>(); /** Smother matrix. */ private BlockRealMatrix sMatrix; /** Vector of the fitted values of distribution parader. */ private ArrayRealVector fv; /** Object of the fitted distribution of to the gamlss family. */ private GAMLSSFamilyDistribution distr; /** Vector of response variable values. */ private ArrayRealVector response; /** Design matrix. */ private BlockRealMatrix xMatrix; /** Design matrices for each of the distribution parameters. */ private Hashtable<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> designMatrices; /** Vector of weights. */ private ArrayRealVector w; /** Steps for the evaluation of the response variable. */ private double step; /** offset value for the fitted distribution. */ private double offSet; /** * This is to emulate the GlimFit iterative algorithm. * @param distribution - object of the fitted * distribution of to the gamlss family * @param y - vector of response variable values * @param designM - design matrices for **@param smoothM - initially supplied smoother matrices * each of the distribution parameters * @param weights - vector of the weight values */ public GlimFit(final GAMLSSFamilyDistribution distribution, final ArrayRealVector y, final Hashtable<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> designM, final HashMap<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> smoothM, final ArrayRealVector weights) { this.distr = distribution; this.response = y; this.designMatrices = designM; this.w = weights; makelink = new MakeLinkFunction(); wls = new WLSMultipleLinearRegression(Controls.COPY_ORIGINAL); if (Controls.SMOOTHING) { additive = new AdditiveFit(distribution, smoothM, wls); } } /** * Gamlss fitting algorithm. * @param whichDistParameter distribution parader */ public void glimFitFunctionRS(final int whichDistParameter) { sMatrix = sMatrices.get(whichDistParameter); fv = distr.getDistributionParameter(whichDistParameter); xMatrix = designMatrices.get(whichDistParameter); step = Controls.STEP[whichDistParameter - 1]; offSet = Controls.OFFSET[whichDistParameter - 1]; //itn <- 0 itn = 0; //lp <- eta <- f$linkfun(fv) eta =, fv); lp = eta.copy(); //dr <- f$dr(eta), //dr <- 1/dr dr = MatrixFunctions .inverse(makelink.distParameterEta(distr.getDistributionParameterLink(whichDistParameter), eta)); // di <- f$G.di(fv), //dv <- sum(w*di) // Multiplies vector of weights with vector of global //sums up all the elements of final vector in order to //calculate the value of global deviance(likelihood value) dv = w.dotProduct(distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response)); //dv = MatrixFunctions.dotProduct(w, distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response)); //olddv <- dv+1 # the old global deviance olddv = dv + 1; //dldp <- f$dldp(fv) dldp = distr.firstDerivative(whichDistParameter, response); //d2ldp2 <- f$d2ldp2(fv) d2ldp2 = distr.secondDerivative(whichDistParameter, response); //d2ldp2 <- ifelse(d2ldp2 < -1e-15, d2ldp2,-1e-15) d2ldp2 = d2ldp2Check(); tempArr = null; //wt <- -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr)) wt = wtSet(); tempArr = null; //wv <- (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt) wv = wvSet(offSet); tempArr = null; // if (family$type=="Mixed") wv <-ifelse(is.nan(wv),0,wv) if (distr.getTypeOfDistribution() == DistributionSettings.MIXED) { wv = wvCheck(wv); tempArr = null; } //iterw <- FALSE iterw = false; while (FastMath.abs(olddv - dv) > Controls.GLIM_CONV_CRIT && itn < Controls.GLIM_NUM_CYCLES) { //org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch watch = new org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch(); //watch.start(); //itn <- itn+1 itn++; //lpold <- lp lpold = lp.copy(); // if (any(||any( ) //stop("NA's in the working vector or weights for parameter ") if (wt.isNaN() || wv.isNaN()) { System.err.println("NA's in the working vector " + "or weights for distr parameter "); } // if (any(!is.finite(wt))||any(!is.finite(wv)) ) //stop("Inf values in the working vector or weights for parameter") if (wt.isInfinite() || wv.isInfinite()) { System.err.println("Infinite values in the working " + "vector or weights for distrparameter "); } //if(length(who) > 0) if (sMatrix != null) { //sold <- s sMatrixOld = sMatrix.copy(); //fit <-,y=wv,w=wt*w,s=s,who=who, //smooth.frame,maxit = bf.cyc, tol = bf.tol, trace = bf.trace sMatrix = additive.fitSmoother(wv, wt.ebeMultiply(w), xMatrix, sMatrix, whichDistParameter); //lp <- if (itn==1) //fit$fitted.values else step*fit$fitted.values+(1-step)*lpold //s <- if (itn==1) //fit$smooth else step*fit$smooth+(1-step)*sold if (itn == 1) { lp = additive.getFittedValues(); } else { lp = (ArrayRealVector) additive.getFittedValues().mapMultiply(step) .add(lpold.mapMultiply((1 - step))); sMatrix = (BlockRealMatrix) sMatrix.scalarMultiply(step) .add(sMatrixOld.scalarMultiply(1 - step)); } } else { // fit <- lm.wfit(X,wv,wt*w,method="qr") wls.newSampleData(wv, xMatrix.copy(), wt.ebeMultiply(w).copy()); fvLinear = (ArrayRealVector) wls.calculateFittedValues(Controls.IS_SVD); //lp <- if (itn==1) //fit$fitted.values else step*fit$fitted.values+(1-step)*lpold if (itn == 1) { lp = fvLinear.copy(); } else { lp = (ArrayRealVector) fvLinear.mapMultiply(step).add(lpold.mapMultiply((1 - step))); } } // eta <- lp+os if (offSet != 0.0) { eta = MatrixFunctions.addValueToVector(lp, offSet); } else { eta = lp.copy(); } //fv <- f$linkinv(eta) fv = makelink.linkInv(distr.getDistributionParameterLink(whichDistParameter), eta); // replace old fitted values with new fitted values at distribution distr.setDistributionParameter(whichDistParameter, fv); //olddv <- dv olddv = dv; //di <- f$G.di(fv), //dv <- sum(w*di) dv = w.dotProduct(distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response)); //dv = MatrixFunctions.dotProduct(w, distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response)); //if (dv > olddv && itn >= 2 && auto==TRUE) if (dv > olddv && itn >= 2 && Controls.AUTO_STEP) { //for(i in 1:5) for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //lp <- (lp+lpold)/2 lp = lp.add(lpold); lp = (ArrayRealVector) lp.mapMultiply(0.5); //eta <- lp+os if (offSet != 0.0) { eta = MatrixFunctions.addValueToVector(lp, offSet); } else { eta = lp.copy(); } //fv <- f$linkinv(eta) fv = makelink.linkInv(distr.getDistributionParameterLink(whichDistParameter), eta); //replace old fitted values with new //fitted values at distribution distr.setDistributionParameter(whichDistParameter, fv); //di <- f$G.di(fv), //dv <- sum(w*di) dv = w.dotProduct(distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response)); //dv = MatrixFunctions.dotProduct(w, distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response)); if (sMatrix != null) { sMatrix = sMatrix.add(sMatrixOld); sMatrix = (BlockRealMatrix) sMatrix.scalarMultiply(0.5); } //if ((olddv-dv) > cc) if ((olddv - dv) > Controls.GLIM_CONV_CRIT) { break; } } } //if ((dv > olddv+gd.tol ) && itn >= 2 && iterw==FALSE) //warning("The deviance has increased in an inner iteration for ", //"If persist, try different steps or model maybe inappropriate") if ((dv > olddv + Controls.GLOB_DEVIANCE_TOL) && itn >= 2 && !iterw) { System.err.println("Warning: The deviance has increased in an" + " inner iteration for " + whichDistParameter + " " + distr.areDistributionParametersValid(whichDistParameter) + " If persist, try different" + " steps or the model maybe inappropriate "); //iterw <-TRUE iterw = true; } //if (!f$valid(fv)) //stop( "fitted values in the inner iteration out of range") if (!distr.areDistributionParametersValid(whichDistParameter) || fv.isNaN()) { System.err.println("fitted values in the inner " + "iteration out of range"); } //dr <- f$dr(eta), //dr <- 1/dr dr = MatrixFunctions.inverse( makelink.distParameterEta(distr.getDistributionParameterLink(whichDistParameter), eta)); //dldp <- f$dldp(fv) dldp = distr.firstDerivative(whichDistParameter, response); //d2ldp2 <- f$d2ldp2(fv) d2ldp2 = distr.secondDerivative(whichDistParameter, response); // d2ldp2 <- ifelse(d2ldp2 < -1e-15, d2ldp2,-1e-15) d2ldp2 = d2ldp2Check(); //wt <- -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr)) wt = wtSet(); //wv <- (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt) wv = wvSet(offSet); //if (family$type=="Mixed") wv <-ifelse(is.nan(wv),0,wv) if (distr.getTypeOfDistribution() == DistributionSettings.MIXED) { wv = wvCheck(wv); } //if(trace) // cat("GLIM iteration ", itn, " for ", names(formals(f$valid)), //":Global Deviance = format(round(dv, 4))") if (Controls.GLIM_TRACE) { System.out.println("GLIM iteration " + itn + " for" + whichDistParameter + " " + distr.areDistributionParametersValid(whichDistParameter) + " : Global Deviance = " + dv); } //watch.stop(); //System.out.println(watch.getNanoTime()/(1e+09)+" ------"); //watch.reset(); } // end of GlimFit While if (Controls.SMOOTHING) { setMatrixS(whichDistParameter, additive.getS()); } } /** Set WLSMultipleLinearRegression to fit data with or without intercept. * @param noIntercept - boolean to specify whether the model * will be fitted with or without an intercept term. */ public final void setWLSnoIntercept(final boolean noIntercept) { wls.setNoIntercept(noIntercept); } /** Check whether vector wv has some NaN values * and if it does sets NaNs to zero. * @param v = (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt) * @return v = (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt) or zeros*/ private ArrayRealVector wvCheck(final ArrayRealVector v) { if (v.isNaN()) { double[] tempA = new double[v.getDimension()]; for (int i = 0; i < tempA.length; i++) { Double vD = v.getEntry(i); if (vD.isNaN()) { tempA[i] = 0.0; } else { tempA[i] = vD; } } return new ArrayRealVector(tempA, false); } return v; } /** * Calculates values of wv vector (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt). * @param os - offset value * @return wv = vector of values (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt) */ private ArrayRealVector wvSet(final double os) { tempArr = new double[eta.getDimension()]; for (int i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) { tempArr[i] = (eta.getEntry(i) - os) + dldp.getEntry(i) / (dr.getEntry(i) * wt.getEntry(i)); } return new ArrayRealVector(tempArr, false); } /** * Calculates values of wt vector wt = -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr)). * @return wt = -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr)) */ private ArrayRealVector wtSet() { tempArr = new double[d2ldp2.getDimension()]; for (int i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) { tempArr[i] = -(d2ldp2.getEntry(i) / (dr.getEntry(i) * dr.getEntry(i))); } return new ArrayRealVector(tempArr, false); } /** * Checks whether the values of the second derrivative greater * than -1e-15d and if they are, sets these values = -1e-15d. * @return vector of second derivative values with respect to * the fitted distribution parameter */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldp2Check() { //ifelse(d2ldp2 < -1e-15, d2ldp2,-1e-15) double value = -1e-15d; tempArr = new double[d2ldp2.getDimension()]; for (int i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) { if (d2ldp2.getEntry(i) > value) { tempArr[i] = value; } else { tempArr[i] = d2ldp2.getEntry(i); } } return new ArrayRealVector(tempArr, false); } /** * Set smother matrix of the currently fitting * (whichDistParameter) distribution parameter. * @param s - smother matrix * @param whichDistParameter - fitting distribution parameter */ public final void setMatrixS(final int whichDistParameter, final BlockRealMatrix s) { sMatrices.put(whichDistParameter, s); } }