Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


  Copyright 2012 by Dr. Vlasios Voudouris and ABM Analytics Ltd
  Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
  See the file "LICENSE" for more information
package gamlss.algorithm;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import gamlss.utilities.MakeLinkFunction;
import gamlss.utilities.MatrixFunctions;
import gamlss.utilities.WLSMultipleLinearRegression;
import gamlss.distributions.DistributionSettings;
import gamlss.distributions.GAMLSSFamilyDistribution;
import gamlss.utilities.Controls;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.BlockRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;

 * 01/08/2012
 * @author Dr. Vlasios Voudouris, Daniil Kiose, 
 * Prof. Mikis Stasinopoulos and Dr Robert Rigby.

public class GlimFit {

    /** Number of GlimFit iterations performed.  */
    private int itn;
    /** Boolean used to print the message when the deviance has increased. */
    private boolean iterw;
    /** Global deviance. */
    private double dv;
    /** Previously stored value of the global deviance. */
    private double olddv;
    /** Vector of linear predictor values. */
    private ArrayRealVector eta;
    /** Vector of linear predictor values. */
    private ArrayRealVector lp;
    /**  Previously stored vector of linear predictor values. */
    private ArrayRealVector lpold;
    /** Vector of 1/(link function of the linear predictor) values. */
    private ArrayRealVector dr;
    /** Vector of first derivative  values with respect to the
     *  "whatDistParameter" parameter. */
    private ArrayRealVector dldp;
    /** Vector of second derivative  values with respect to the
     *  "whatDistParameter" parameter. */
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldp2;
    /** wt = vector of values -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr)). */
    private ArrayRealVector wt;
    /** wv = vector of values (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt). */
    private ArrayRealVector wv;
    /** Values returned by WLSMultipleLinearRegression after linear fitting. */
    private ArrayRealVector fvLinear;
    /** Previously stored smoother matrix.*/
    private BlockRealMatrix sMatrixOld;
    /** Object of MakeLinkFunction class. */
    private MakeLinkFunction makelink;
    /** Object of WLSMultipleLinearRegression class. */
    private WLSMultipleLinearRegression wls;
    /** Object of AdditiveFit class. */
    private AdditiveFit additive;
    /** Temporary array for interim operations.*/
    private double[] tempArr;
    /** Hashtable to store smoother matrices. */
    private HashMap<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> sMatrices = new HashMap<Integer, BlockRealMatrix>();
    /** Smother matrix. */
    private BlockRealMatrix sMatrix;
    /** Vector of the fitted values of distribution parader.  */
    private ArrayRealVector fv;
    /** Object of the fitted distribution of to the gamlss family. */
    private GAMLSSFamilyDistribution distr;
    /** Vector of response variable values. */
    private ArrayRealVector response;
    /** Design matrix. */
    private BlockRealMatrix xMatrix;
    /** Design matrices for each of the distribution parameters. */
    private Hashtable<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> designMatrices;
    /** Vector of weights. */
    private ArrayRealVector w;
    /** Steps for the evaluation of the response variable. */
    private double step;
    /** offset value for the fitted distribution. */
    private double offSet;

     * This is to emulate the GlimFit iterative algorithm.
     * @param distribution - object of the fitted 
     * distribution of to the gamlss family
     * @param y -  vector of response variable values
     * @param designM - design matrices for
     **@param  smoothM - initially supplied smoother matrices
     * each of the distribution parameters
     * @param weights - vector of the weight values
    public GlimFit(final GAMLSSFamilyDistribution distribution, final ArrayRealVector y,
            final Hashtable<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> designM, final HashMap<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> smoothM,
            final ArrayRealVector weights) {

        this.distr = distribution;
        this.response = y;
        this.designMatrices = designM;
        this.w = weights;

        makelink = new MakeLinkFunction();
        wls = new WLSMultipleLinearRegression(Controls.COPY_ORIGINAL);
        if (Controls.SMOOTHING) {
            additive = new AdditiveFit(distribution, smoothM, wls);

     * Gamlss fitting algorithm.
     *  @param whichDistParameter distribution parader
    public void glimFitFunctionRS(final int whichDistParameter) {

        sMatrix = sMatrices.get(whichDistParameter);
        fv = distr.getDistributionParameter(whichDistParameter);
        xMatrix = designMatrices.get(whichDistParameter);
        step = Controls.STEP[whichDistParameter - 1];
        offSet = Controls.OFFSET[whichDistParameter - 1];

        //itn <- 0
        itn = 0;

        //lp <- eta <- f$linkfun(fv)
        eta =, fv);
        lp = eta.copy();

        //dr <- f$dr(eta), //dr <- 1/dr
        dr = MatrixFunctions
                .inverse(makelink.distParameterEta(distr.getDistributionParameterLink(whichDistParameter), eta));

        // di <- f$G.di(fv), //dv <- sum(w*di) 
        // Multiplies vector of weights with vector of global 
        //sums up all the elements of final vector in order to
        //calculate the value of global deviance(likelihood value)

        dv = w.dotProduct(distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response));
        //dv = MatrixFunctions.dotProduct(w, distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response));            

        //olddv <- dv+1 # the old global deviance
        olddv = dv + 1;

        //dldp <- f$dldp(fv) 
        dldp = distr.firstDerivative(whichDistParameter, response);

        //d2ldp2 <- f$d2ldp2(fv)
        d2ldp2 = distr.secondDerivative(whichDistParameter, response);

        //d2ldp2 <-  ifelse(d2ldp2 < -1e-15, d2ldp2,-1e-15)
        d2ldp2 = d2ldp2Check();
        tempArr = null;

        //wt <- -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr))
        wt = wtSet();
        tempArr = null;

        //wv <- (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt)
        wv = wvSet(offSet);
        tempArr = null;

        // if (family$type=="Mixed") wv <-ifelse(is.nan(wv),0,wv)
        if (distr.getTypeOfDistribution() == DistributionSettings.MIXED) {
            wv = wvCheck(wv);
            tempArr = null;

        //iterw <- FALSE
        iterw = false;

        while (FastMath.abs(olddv - dv) > Controls.GLIM_CONV_CRIT && itn < Controls.GLIM_NUM_CYCLES) {

            //org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch watch = new org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch();
            //itn <- itn+1

            //lpold <- lp
            lpold = lp.copy();

            // if (any(||any( ) 
            //stop("NA's in the working vector or weights for parameter ")
            if (wt.isNaN() || wv.isNaN()) {
                System.err.println("NA's in the working vector " + "or weights for distr parameter ");

            // if (any(!is.finite(wt))||any(!is.finite(wv)) ) 
            //stop("Inf values in the working vector or weights for parameter") 
            if (wt.isInfinite() || wv.isInfinite()) {
                System.err.println("Infinite values in the working " + "vector or weights for distrparameter ");

            //if(length(who) > 0)
            if (sMatrix != null) {

                //sold <- s
                sMatrixOld = sMatrix.copy();

                //fit <-,y=wv,w=wt*w,s=s,who=who,
                //smooth.frame,maxit = bf.cyc, tol = bf.tol, trace = bf.trace
                sMatrix = additive.fitSmoother(wv, wt.ebeMultiply(w), xMatrix, sMatrix, whichDistParameter);

                //lp <- if (itn==1)  
                //fit$fitted.values else step*fit$fitted.values+(1-step)*lpold
                //s <- if (itn==1) 
                //fit$smooth else step*fit$smooth+(1-step)*sold 
                if (itn == 1) {
                    lp = additive.getFittedValues();
                } else {
                    lp = (ArrayRealVector) additive.getFittedValues().mapMultiply(step)
                            .add(lpold.mapMultiply((1 - step)));

                    sMatrix = (BlockRealMatrix) sMatrix.scalarMultiply(step)
                            .add(sMatrixOld.scalarMultiply(1 - step));

            } else {

                //   fit <- lm.wfit(X,wv,wt*w,method="qr")
                wls.newSampleData(wv, xMatrix.copy(), wt.ebeMultiply(w).copy());
                fvLinear = (ArrayRealVector) wls.calculateFittedValues(Controls.IS_SVD);

                //lp <- if (itn==1)  
                //fit$fitted.values else step*fit$fitted.values+(1-step)*lpold
                if (itn == 1) {

                    lp = fvLinear.copy();
                } else {

                    lp = (ArrayRealVector) fvLinear.mapMultiply(step).add(lpold.mapMultiply((1 - step)));

            // eta <- lp+os
            if (offSet != 0.0) {
                eta = MatrixFunctions.addValueToVector(lp, offSet);
            } else {
                eta = lp.copy();

            //fv <- f$linkinv(eta)
            fv = makelink.linkInv(distr.getDistributionParameterLink(whichDistParameter), eta);
            // replace old fitted values with new fitted values at distribution
            distr.setDistributionParameter(whichDistParameter, fv);

            //olddv <- dv
            olddv = dv;

            //di <- f$G.di(fv), //dv <- sum(w*di) 
            dv = w.dotProduct(distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response));
            //dv = MatrixFunctions.dotProduct(w, distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response));

            //if (dv > olddv && itn >= 2 && auto==TRUE) 
            if (dv > olddv && itn >= 2 && Controls.AUTO_STEP) {
                //for(i in 1:5)
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

                    //lp <- (lp+lpold)/2
                    lp = lp.add(lpold);
                    lp = (ArrayRealVector) lp.mapMultiply(0.5);

                    //eta <- lp+os
                    if (offSet != 0.0) {
                        eta = MatrixFunctions.addValueToVector(lp, offSet);
                    } else {
                        eta = lp.copy();

                    //fv <- f$linkinv(eta)
                    fv = makelink.linkInv(distr.getDistributionParameterLink(whichDistParameter), eta);

                    //replace old fitted values with new 
                    //fitted values at distribution
                    distr.setDistributionParameter(whichDistParameter, fv);

                    //di <- f$G.di(fv), //dv <- sum(w*di)
                    dv = w.dotProduct(distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response));
                    //dv = MatrixFunctions.dotProduct(w, distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response));

                    if (sMatrix != null) {
                        sMatrix = sMatrix.add(sMatrixOld);
                        sMatrix = (BlockRealMatrix) sMatrix.scalarMultiply(0.5);

                    //if ((olddv-dv) > cc)
                    if ((olddv - dv) > Controls.GLIM_CONV_CRIT) {

            //if ((dv > olddv+gd.tol ) && itn >= 2 && iterw==FALSE) 
            //warning("The deviance has increased in an inner iteration for ",
            //"If persist, try different steps or model maybe inappropriate")
            if ((dv > olddv + Controls.GLOB_DEVIANCE_TOL) && itn >= 2 && !iterw) {
                System.err.println("Warning: The deviance has increased in an" + " inner iteration for "
                        + whichDistParameter + " " + distr.areDistributionParametersValid(whichDistParameter)
                        + " If persist, try different" + " steps or the model maybe inappropriate ");

                //iterw <-TRUE
                iterw = true;

            //if (!f$valid(fv))
            //stop( "fitted values in the inner iteration out of range")
            if (!distr.areDistributionParametersValid(whichDistParameter) || fv.isNaN()) {
                System.err.println("fitted values in the inner " + "iteration out of range");

            //dr <- f$dr(eta), //dr <- 1/dr
            dr = MatrixFunctions.inverse(
                    makelink.distParameterEta(distr.getDistributionParameterLink(whichDistParameter), eta));

            //dldp <- f$dldp(fv) 
            dldp = distr.firstDerivative(whichDistParameter, response);

            //d2ldp2 <- f$d2ldp2(fv)
            d2ldp2 = distr.secondDerivative(whichDistParameter, response);

            // d2ldp2 <-  ifelse(d2ldp2 < -1e-15, d2ldp2,-1e-15)
            d2ldp2 = d2ldp2Check();

            //wt <- -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr)) 
            wt = wtSet();

            //wv <- (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt)
            wv = wvSet(offSet);

            //if (family$type=="Mixed") wv <-ifelse(is.nan(wv),0,wv)
            if (distr.getTypeOfDistribution() == DistributionSettings.MIXED) {
                wv = wvCheck(wv);

            // cat("GLIM iteration ", itn, " for ",  names(formals(f$valid)),
            //":Global Deviance = format(round(dv, 4))")
            if (Controls.GLIM_TRACE) {

                System.out.println("GLIM iteration " + itn + "  for" + whichDistParameter + " "
                        + distr.areDistributionParametersValid(whichDistParameter) + " : Global Deviance = " + dv);
            //System.out.println(watch.getNanoTime()/(1e+09)+"   ------");
        } // end of GlimFit While

        if (Controls.SMOOTHING) {
            setMatrixS(whichDistParameter, additive.getS());

    /** Set WLSMultipleLinearRegression to fit data with or without intercept.
     * @param noIntercept - boolean to specify whether the model
     *  will be fitted with or without an intercept term. */
    public final void setWLSnoIntercept(final boolean noIntercept) {

    /** Check whether vector wv has some NaN values 
     * and if it does sets NaNs to zero.
     * @param v = (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt)
     * @return v = (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt) or zeros*/
    private ArrayRealVector wvCheck(final ArrayRealVector v) {
        if (v.isNaN()) {
            double[] tempA = new double[v.getDimension()];
            for (int i = 0; i < tempA.length; i++) {
                Double vD = v.getEntry(i);
                if (vD.isNaN()) {
                    tempA[i] = 0.0;
                } else {
                    tempA[i] = vD;
            return new ArrayRealVector(tempA, false);
        return v;

     * Calculates values of wv vector (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt).
     * @param os - offset value
     * @return wv = vector of values (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt)
    private ArrayRealVector wvSet(final double os) {
        tempArr = new double[eta.getDimension()];
        for (int i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) {
            tempArr[i] = (eta.getEntry(i) - os) + dldp.getEntry(i) / (dr.getEntry(i) * wt.getEntry(i));
        return new ArrayRealVector(tempArr, false);

     * Calculates values of wt vector wt = -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr)).
     * @return wt = -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr))
    private ArrayRealVector wtSet() {
        tempArr = new double[d2ldp2.getDimension()];
        for (int i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) {
            tempArr[i] = -(d2ldp2.getEntry(i) / (dr.getEntry(i) * dr.getEntry(i)));
        return new ArrayRealVector(tempArr, false);

     * Checks whether the values of the second derrivative greater 
     * than -1e-15d and if they are, sets these values = -1e-15d.
     * @return vector of second derivative values with respect to 
     * the fitted distribution parameter
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldp2Check() {
        //ifelse(d2ldp2 < -1e-15, d2ldp2,-1e-15)
        double value = -1e-15d;
        tempArr = new double[d2ldp2.getDimension()];
        for (int i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) {
            if (d2ldp2.getEntry(i) > value) {
                tempArr[i] = value;
            } else {
                tempArr[i] = d2ldp2.getEntry(i);
        return new ArrayRealVector(tempArr, false);

     * Set smother matrix of the currently fitting 
     * (whichDistParameter) distribution parameter. 
     * @param s - smother matrix
     * @param whichDistParameter - fitting distribution parameter
    public final void setMatrixS(final int whichDistParameter, final BlockRealMatrix s) {
        sMatrices.put(whichDistParameter, s);
