Java tutorial
/* * FGUtilCore, Utilities class for Minecraft bukkit plugins * * (c)2012-2013, fromgate, * * * FGUtilCore is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FGUtilCore is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeatherMan. If not, see <>. * */ package fromgate.obscura; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Color; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockState; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.LeatherArmorMeta; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile; import; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public abstract class FGUtilCore { JavaPlugin plg; //? private String px = ""; private String permprefix = "fgutilcore."; private String language = "english"; private String plgcmd = "<command>"; // ?+ YamlConfiguration lng; private boolean savelng = false; //String lngfile = this.language+".lng"; protected HashMap<String, String> msg = new HashMap<String, String>(); //?? ? private char c1 = 'a'; // 1 ( ? ?) private char c2 = '2'; // 2 ( ? ) protected String msglist = ""; private boolean colorconsole = false; // ? " " private Set<String> log_once = new HashSet<String>(); protected HashMap<String, Cmd> cmds = new HashMap<String, Cmd>(); protected String cmdlist = ""; PluginDescriptionFile des; private Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); Random random = new Random(); BukkitTask chId; //newupdate-checker private boolean project_check_version = true; private String project_id = ""; //66204 - PlayEffect private String project_apikey = ""; private String project_name = ""; private String project_current_version = ""; private String project_last_version = ""; //private String project_file_url = ""; private String project_curse_url = ""; private String version_info_perm = permprefix + "config"; // ? private String project_bukkitdev = ""; public FGUtilCore(JavaPlugin plg, boolean savelng, String lng, String plgcmd, String permissionPrefix) { this.permprefix = permissionPrefix.endsWith(".") ? permissionPrefix : permissionPrefix + "."; this.plg = plg; this.des = plg.getDescription(); this.language = lng; this.InitMsgFile(); this.initStdMsg(); this.fillLoadedMessages(); this.savelng = savelng; this.plgcmd = plgcmd; this.px = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', "&3[" + des.getName() + "]&f "); } public void initUpdateChecker(String plugin_name, String project_id, String apikey, String bukkit_dev_name, boolean enable) { this.project_id = project_id; this.project_apikey = apikey; this.project_curse_url = "" + this.project_id; this.project_name = plugin_name; this.project_current_version = des.getVersion(); this.project_check_version = enable && (!this.project_id.isEmpty() && (!this.project_apikey.isEmpty())); this.project_bukkitdev = "" + bukkit_dev_name + "/"; if (this.project_check_version) { updateMsg(); Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimerAsynchronously(plg, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateLastVersion(); if (isUpdateRequired()) logOnce(project_last_version, "Found new version of " + project_name + ". You can download version " + project_last_version + " from " + project_bukkitdev); } }, (40 + getRandomInt(20)) * 1200, 60 * 1200); } } /* ?? ?, * ?? PlayerJoinEvent */ public void updateMsg(Player p) { if (isUpdateRequired() && p.hasPermission(this.version_info_perm)) { printMSG(p, "msg_outdated", 'e', '6', "&6" + des.getName() + " v" + des.getVersion()); printMSG(p, "msg_pleasedownload", 'e', '6', this.project_current_version); printMsg(p, "&3" + this.project_bukkitdev); } } /* ?? ? , * ? ? - */ public void updateMsg() { plg.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plg, new Runnable() { public void run() { updateLastVersion(); if (isUpdateRequired()) {"[" + des.getName() + "] " + des.getName() + " v" + des.getVersion() + " is outdated! Recommended version is v" + project_last_version);"[" + des.getName() + "] " + project_bukkitdev); } } }); } private void updateLastVersion() { if (!this.project_check_version) return; URL url = null; try { url = new URL(this.project_curse_url); } catch (Exception e) { this.log("Failed to create URL: " + this.project_curse_url); return; } try { URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); conn.addRequestProperty("X-API-Key", this.project_apikey); conn.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", this.project_name + " using FGUtilCore (by fromgate)"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); String response = reader.readLine(); JSONArray array = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(response); if (array.size() > 0) { JSONObject latest = (JSONObject) array.get(array.size() - 1); String plugin_name = (String) latest.get("name"); this.project_last_version = plugin_name.replace(this.project_name + " v", "").trim(); //String plugin_jar_url = (String) latest.get("downloadUrl"); //this.project_file_url = plugin_jar_url.replace("", ""); } } catch (Exception e) { this.log("Failed to check last version"); } } private boolean isUpdateRequired() { if (!project_check_version) return false; if (project_id.isEmpty()) return false; if (project_apikey.isEmpty()) return false; if (project_last_version.isEmpty()) return false; if (project_current_version.isEmpty()) return false; if (project_current_version.equalsIgnoreCase(project_last_version)) return false; double current_version = Double .parseDouble(project_current_version.replaceFirst("\\.", "").replace("/", "")); double last_version = Double.parseDouble(project_last_version.replaceFirst("\\.", "").replace("/", "")); return (last_version > current_version); } /* * ? ? ? */ private void initStdMsg() { addMSG("msg_outdated", "%1% is outdated!"); addMSG("msg_pleasedownload", "Please download new version (%1%) from "); addMSG("hlp_help", "Help"); addMSG("hlp_thishelp", "%1% - this help"); addMSG("hlp_execcmd", "%1% - execute command"); addMSG("hlp_typecmd", "Type %1% - to get additional help"); addMSG("hlp_typecmdpage", "Type %1% - to see another page of this help"); addMSG("hlp_commands", "Command list:"); addMSG("hlp_cmdparam_command", "command"); addMSG("hlp_cmdparam_page", "page"); addMSG("hlp_cmdparam_parameter", "parameter"); addMSG("cmd_unknown", "Unknown command: %1%"); addMSG("cmd_cmdpermerr", "Something wrong (check command, permissions)"); addMSG("enabled", "enabled"); msg.put("enabled", ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + msg.get("enabled")); addMSG("disabled", "disabled"); msg.put("disabled", ChatColor.RED + msg.get("disabled")); addMSG("lst_title", "String list:"); addMSG("lst_footer", "Page: [%1% / %2%]"); addMSG("lst_listisempty", "List is empty"); addMSG("msg_config", "Configuration"); addMSG("cfgmsg_general_check-updates", "Check updates: %1%"); addMSG("cfgmsg_general_language", "Language: %1%"); addMSG("cfgmsg_general_language-save", "Save translation file: %1%"); } public void setConsoleColored(boolean colorconsole) { this.colorconsole = colorconsole; } public boolean isConsoleColored() { return this.colorconsole; } public void addCmd(String cmd, String perm, String desc_id, String desc_key) { addCmd(cmd, perm, desc_id, desc_key, this.c1, this.c2, false); } public void addCmd(String cmd, String perm, String desc_id, String desc_key, char color) { addCmd(cmd, perm, desc_id, desc_key, this.c1, color, false); } public void addCmd(String cmd, String perm, String desc_id, String desc_key, boolean console) { addCmd(cmd, perm, desc_id, desc_key, this.c1, this.c2, console); } public void addCmd(String cmd, String perm, String desc_id, String desc_key, char color, boolean console) { addCmd(cmd, perm, desc_id, desc_key, this.c1, color, console); } public void addCmd(String cmd, String perm, String desc_id, String desc_key, char color1, char color2) { addCmd(cmd, perm, desc_id, desc_key, color1, color2, false); } public void addCmd(String cmd, String perm, String desc_id, String desc_key, char color1, char color2, boolean console) { String desc = getMSG(desc_id, desc_key, color1, color2); cmds.put(cmd, new Cmd(this.permprefix + perm, desc, console)); if (cmdlist.isEmpty()) cmdlist = cmd; else cmdlist = cmdlist + ", " + cmd; } /* * ? */ public boolean checkCmdPerm(CommandSender sender, String cmd) { if (!cmds.containsKey(cmd.toLowerCase())) return false; Cmd cm = cmds.get(cmd.toLowerCase()); if (sender instanceof Player) return (cm.perm.isEmpty() || sender.hasPermission(cm.perm)); else return cm.console; } /* ??, ? : * perm - ?? * desc - ? */ public class Cmd { String perm; String desc; boolean console; public Cmd(String perm, String desc) { this.perm = perm; this.desc = desc; this.console = false; } public Cmd(String perm, String desc, boolean console) { this.perm = perm; this.desc = desc; this.console = console; } } public class PageList { private List<String> ln; private int lpp = 15; private String title_msgid = "lst_title"; private String footer_msgid = "lst_footer"; private boolean shownum = false; public void setLinePerPage(int lpp) { this.lpp = lpp; } public PageList(List<String> ln, String title_msgid, String footer_msgid, boolean shownum) { this.ln = ln; if (!title_msgid.isEmpty()) this.title_msgid = title_msgid; if (!footer_msgid.isEmpty()) this.footer_msgid = footer_msgid; this.shownum = shownum; } public void addLine(String str) { ln.add(str); } public boolean isEmpty() { return ln.isEmpty(); } public void setTitle(String title_msgid) { this.title_msgid = title_msgid; } public void setShowNum(boolean shownum) { } public void setFooter(String footer_msgid) { this.footer_msgid = footer_msgid; } public void printPage(CommandSender p, int pnum) { printPage(p, pnum, this.lpp); } public void printPage(CommandSender p, int pnum, int linesperpage) { if (ln.size() > 0) { int maxp = ln.size() / linesperpage; if ((ln.size() % linesperpage) > 0) maxp++; if (pnum > maxp) pnum = maxp; int maxl = linesperpage; if (pnum == maxp) { maxl = ln.size() % linesperpage; if (maxp == 1) maxl = ln.size(); } if (maxl == 0) maxl = linesperpage; if (msg.containsKey(title_msgid)) printMsg(p, "&6&l" + getMSGnc(title_msgid)); else printMsg(p, title_msgid); String numpx = ""; for (int i = 0; i < maxl; i++) { if (shownum) numpx = "&3" + Integer.toString(1 + i + (pnum - 1) * linesperpage) + ". "; printMsg(p, numpx + "&a" + ln.get(i + (pnum - 1) * linesperpage)); } if (maxp > 1) printMSG(p, this.footer_msgid, 'e', '6', pnum, maxp); } else printMSG(p, "lst_listisempty", 'c'); } } public void printPage(CommandSender p, List<String> ln, int pnum, String title, String footer, boolean shownum) { PageList pl = new PageList(ln, title, footer, shownum); pl.printPage(p, pnum); } public void printPage(CommandSender p, List<String> ln, int pnum, String title, String footer, boolean shownum, int lineperpage) { PageList pl = new PageList(ln, title, footer, shownum); pl.printPage(p, pnum, lineperpage); } /* * * */ /* ? ? ? (int) * ?? ? ? ? n1,n2,n3,...nN */ public boolean isIdInList(int id, String str) { if (!str.isEmpty()) { String[] ln = str.split(","); if (ln.length > 0) for (int i = 0; i < ln.length; i++) if ((!ln[i].isEmpty()) && ln[i].matches("[0-9]*") && (Integer.parseInt(ln[i]) == id)) return true; } return false; } /* * ? ? ? ? ? ?? (int) * ?? ? ? ? n1,n2,n3,...nN */ public boolean isAllIdInList(int[] ids, String str) { for (int id : ids) if (!isIdInList(id, str)) return false; return true; } /* * ? ? ? (String) ?? ? * ? ? n1,n2,n3,...nN */ public boolean isWordInList(String word, String str) { String[] ln = str.split(","); if (ln.length > 0) for (int i = 0; i < ln.length; i++) if (ln[i].equalsIgnoreCase(word)) return true; return false; } /* * ? ? ? item () ? id data ??, * ? ? id1:data1,id2:data2,MATERIAL_NAME:data * ? ? data */ @Deprecated public boolean isItemInList(int id, int data, String str) { String[] ln = str.split(","); if (ln.length > 0) for (int i = 0; i < ln.length; i++) if (compareItemStr(id, data, ln[i])) return true; return false; } /*public boolean compareItemStr (ItemStack item, String itemstr){ return compareItemStr (item.getTypeId(), item.getDurability(), item.getAmount(), itemstr); }*/ @Deprecated public boolean compareItemStr(int item_id, int item_data, String itemstr) { return compareItemStrIgnoreName(item_id, item_data, 1, itemstr); } // ? ? ?: id:data*amount, id:data, id*amount @Deprecated public boolean compareItemStr(ItemStack item, String str) { String itemstr = str; String name = ""; if (itemstr.contains("$")) { name = str.substring(0, itemstr.indexOf("$")); name = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', name.replace("_", " ")); itemstr = str.substring(name.length() + 1); } if (itemstr.isEmpty()) return false; if (!name.isEmpty()) { String iname = item.hasItemMeta() ? item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() : ""; if (!name.equals(iname)) return false; } return compareItemStrIgnoreName(item.getTypeId(), item.getDurability(), item.getAmount(), itemstr); // ;compareItemStr(item, itemstr); } @Deprecated public boolean compareItemStrIgnoreName(ItemStack itemStack, String itemstr) { return compareItemStrIgnoreName(itemStack.getTypeId(), itemStack.getDurability(), itemStack.getAmount(), itemstr); } @Deprecated public boolean compareItemStrIgnoreName(int item_id, int item_data, int item_amount, String itemstr) { if (!itemstr.isEmpty()) { int id = -1; int amount = 1; int data = -1; String[] si = itemstr.split("\\*"); if (si.length > 0) { if ((si.length == 2) && si[1].matches("[1-9]+[0-9]*")) amount = Integer.parseInt(si[1]); String ti[] = si[0].split(":"); if (ti.length > 0) { if (ti[0].matches("[0-9]*")) id = Integer.parseInt(ti[0]); else id = Material.getMaterial(ti[0]).getId(); if ((ti.length == 2) && (ti[1]).matches("[0-9]*")) data = Integer.parseInt(ti[1]); return ((item_id == id) && ((data < 0) || (item_data == data)) && (item_amount >= amount)); } } } return false; } @Deprecated public boolean hasItemInInventory(Player p, String itemstr) { ItemStack item = parseItemStack(itemstr); if (item == null) return false; if (item.getType() == Material.AIR) return false; return (countItemInInventory(p, itemstr) >= item.getAmount()); } @Deprecated public int countItemInInventory(Player p, String itemstr) { return countItemInInventory(p.getInventory(), itemstr); } @Deprecated public void removeItemInInventory(final Player p, final String itemstr) { Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(plg, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { removeItemInInventory(p.getInventory(), itemstr); } }, 1); } @Deprecated private boolean itemHasName(ItemStack item) { if (!item.hasItemMeta()) return false; return item.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName(); } @Deprecated private boolean compareItemName(ItemStack item, String istrname) { if (istrname.isEmpty() && (!itemHasName(item))) return true; if ((!istrname.isEmpty()) && itemHasName(item)) { String name = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', istrname.replace("_", " ")); return item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(name); } return false; } @Deprecated public int removeItemInInventory(Inventory inv, String istr) { String itemstr = istr; int left = 1; if (left <= 0) return -1; int id = -1; int data = -1; String name = ""; if (itemstr.contains("$")) { name = itemstr.substring(0, itemstr.indexOf("$")); itemstr = itemstr.substring(name.length() + 1); } String[] si = itemstr.split("\\*"); if (si.length == 0) return left; if ((si.length == 2) && si[1].matches("[1-9]+[0-9]*")) left = Integer.parseInt(si[1]); String ti[] = si[0].split(":"); if (ti.length > 0) { if (ti[0].matches("[0-9]*")) id = Integer.parseInt(ti[0]); else id = Material.getMaterial(ti[0]).getId(); if ((ti.length == 2) && (ti[1]).matches("[0-9]*")) data = Integer.parseInt(ti[1]); } if (id <= 0) return left; for (int i = 0; i < inv.getContents().length; i++) { ItemStack slot = inv.getItem(i); if (slot == null) continue; if (!compareItemName(slot, name)) continue; if (id != slot.getTypeId()) continue; if ((data > 0) && (data != slot.getDurability())) continue; int slotamount = slot.getAmount(); if (slotamount == 0) continue; if (slotamount <= left) { left = left - slotamount; inv.setItem(i, null); } else { slot.setAmount(slotamount - left); left = 0; } if (left == 0) return 0; } return left; } @Deprecated public int countItemInInventory(Inventory inv, String istr) { String itemstr = istr; int count = 0; int id = -1; int data = -1; String name = ""; if (itemstr.contains("$")) { name = itemstr.substring(0, itemstr.indexOf("$")); itemstr = itemstr.substring(name.length() + 1); } String[] si = itemstr.split("\\*"); if (si.length == 0) return 0; String ti[] = si[0].split(":"); if (ti.length > 0) { try { if (ti[0].matches("[0-9]*")) id = Integer.parseInt(ti[0]); else id = Material.getMaterial(ti[0].toUpperCase()).getId(); } catch (Exception e) { logOnce(istr, "Wrong material type/id " + ti[0] + " at line " + istr); return 0; } if ((ti.length == 2) && (ti[1]).matches("[0-9]*")) data = Integer.parseInt(ti[1]); } if (id <= 0) return 0; for (ItemStack slot : inv.getContents()) { if (slot == null) continue; if (!compareItemName(slot, name)) continue; if (id == slot.getTypeId()) { if ((data < 0) || (data == slot.getDurability())) count += slot.getAmount(); } } return count; } @Deprecated public boolean removeItemInHand(Player p, String itemstr) { if (!itemstr.isEmpty()) { int id = -1; int amount = 1; int data = -1; String[] si = itemstr.split("\\*"); if (si.length > 0) { if ((si.length == 2) && si[1].matches("[1-9]+[0-9]*")) amount = Integer.parseInt(si[1]); String ti[] = si[0].split(":"); if (ti.length > 0) { if (ti[0].matches("[0-9]*")) id = Integer.parseInt(ti[0]); else id = Material.getMaterial(ti[0]).getId(); if ((ti.length == 2) && (ti[1]).matches("[0-9]*")) data = Integer.parseInt(ti[1]); return removeItemInHand(p, id, data, amount); } } } return false; } @Deprecated public boolean removeItemInHand(Player p, int item_id, int item_data, int item_amount) { if ((p.getItemInHand() != null) && (p.getItemInHand().getTypeId() == item_id) && (p.getItemInHand().getAmount() >= item_amount) && ((item_data < 0) || (item_data == p.getItemInHand().getDurability()))) { if (p.getItemInHand().getAmount() > item_amount) p.getItemInHand().setAmount(p.getItemInHand().getAmount() - item_amount); else p.setItemInHand(new ItemStack(Material.AIR)); return true; } return false; } @Deprecated public void giveItemOrDrop(Player p, ItemStack item) { for (ItemStack i : p.getInventory().addItem(item).values()) p.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(p.getLocation(), i); } /* * ?? */ public void printMsg(CommandSender p, String msg) { String message = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', msg); if ((!(p instanceof Player)) && (!colorconsole)) message = ChatColor.stripColor(message); p.sendMessage(message); } /* * ?? (? ?) */ public void printPxMsg(CommandSender p, String msg) { printMsg(p, px + msg); } /* * ? ??, ? */ public void BC(String msg) { plg.getServer().broadcastMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', px + msg)); } public void broadcastMSG(String perm, Object... s) { for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) if (p.hasPermission(permprefix + perm)) printMSG(p, s); } public void broadcastMsg(String perm, String msg) { for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) if (p.hasPermission(permprefix + perm)) printMsg(p, msg); } /* * public void printMSG (CommandSender p, Object... s){ String message = getMSG (s); if ((!(p instanceof Player))&&(!colorconsole)) message = ChatColor.stripColor(message); p.sendMessage(message); } */ /* * ? ?? */ public void log(String msg) {'&', px + msg))); } public void logOnce(String error_id, String msg) { if (log_once.contains(error_id)) return; log_once.add(error_id);'&', px + msg))); } /* * ?? ? */ public void SC(String msg) { plg.getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', px + msg)); } /* * * */ /* * ? ? ?? */ public void InitMsgFile() { try { lng = new YamlConfiguration(); File f = new File(plg.getDataFolder() + File.separator + this.language + ".lng"); if (f.exists()) lng.load(f); else { InputStream is = plg.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/language/" + this.language + ".lng"); if (is != null) lng.load(is); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void fillLoadedMessages() { if (lng == null) return; for (String key : lng.getKeys(true)) addMSG(key, lng.getString(key)); } /* * ?? ?? * ?? . * : * key - ?? * txt - ? ?? */ public void addMSG(String key, String txt) { msg.put(key, ChatColor.stripColor(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', lng.getString(key, txt)))); if (msglist.isEmpty()) msglist = key; else msglist = msglist + "," + key; } /* * ? */ public void SaveMSG() { String[] keys = this.msglist.split(","); try { File f = new File(plg.getDataFolder() + File.separator + this.language + ".lng"); if (!f.exists()) f.createNewFile(); YamlConfiguration cfg = new YamlConfiguration(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) cfg.set(keys[i], msg.get(keys[i]));; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * getMSG (String id, [char color1, char color2], Object param1, Object param2, Object param3... ) */ public String getMSG(Object... s) { String str = "&4Unknown message"; String color1 = "&" + this.c1; String color2 = "&" + this.c2; if (s.length > 0) { String id = s[0].toString(); str = "&4Unknown message (" + id + ")"; if (msg.containsKey(id)) { int px = 1; if ((s.length > 1) && (s[1] instanceof Character)) { px = 2; color1 = "&" + (Character) s[1]; if ((s.length > 2) && (s[2] instanceof Character)) { px = 3; color2 = "&" + (Character) s[2]; } } str = color1 + msg.get(id); if (px < s.length) for (int i = px; i < s.length; i++) { String f = s[i].toString(); if (s[i] instanceof Location) { Location loc = (Location) s[i]; f = loc.getWorld().getName() + "[" + loc.getBlockX() + ", " + loc.getBlockY() + ", " + loc.getBlockZ() + "]"; } str = str.replace("%" + Integer.toString(i - px + 1) + "%", color2 + f + color1); } } else if (this.savelng) { addMSG(id, str); SaveMSG(); } } return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', str); } public void printMSG(CommandSender p, Object... s) { String message = getMSG(s); if ((!(p instanceof Player)) && (!colorconsole)) message = ChatColor.stripColor(message); p.sendMessage(message); } /* * ? */ public void PrintHLP(Player p) { printMsg(p, "&6&l" + this.project_name + " v" + des.getVersion() + " &r&6| " + getMSG("hlp_help", '6')); printMSG(p, "hlp_thishelp", "/" + plgcmd + " help"); printMSG(p, "hlp_execcmd", "/" + plgcmd + " <" + getMSG("hlp_cmdparam_command", '2') + "> [" + getMSG("hlp_cmdparam_parameter", '2') + "]"); printMSG(p, "hlp_typecmd", "/" + plgcmd + " help <" + getMSG("hlp_cmdparam_command", '2') + ">"); printMsg(p, getMSG("hlp_commands") + " &2" + cmdlist); } /* * ? */ public void printHLP(Player p, String cmd) { if (cmds.containsKey(cmd)) { printMsg(p, "&6&l" + this.project_name + " v" + des.getVersion() + " &r&6| " + getMSG("hlp_help", '6')); printMsg(p, cmds.get(cmd).desc); } else printMSG(p, "cmd_unknown", 'c', 'e', cmd); } public void PrintHlpList(CommandSender p, int page, int lpp) { String title = "&6&l" + this.project_name + " v" + des.getVersion() + " &r&6| " + getMSG("hlp_help", '6'); List<String> hlp = new ArrayList<String>(); hlp.add(getMSG("hlp_thishelp", "/" + plgcmd + " help")); hlp.add(getMSG("hlp_execcmd", "/" + plgcmd + " <" + getMSG("hlp_cmdparam_command", '2') + "> [" + getMSG("hlp_cmdparam_parameter", '2') + "]")); if (p instanceof Player) hlp.add(getMSG("hlp_typecmdpage", "/" + plgcmd + " help <" + getMSG("hlp_cmdparam_page", '2') + ">")); String[] ks = (cmdlist.replace(" ", "")).split(","); if (ks.length > 0) { for (String cmd : ks) hlp.add(cmds.get(cmd).desc); } printPage(p, hlp, page, title, "", false, lpp); } /* * ? ? ./. */ public String EnDis(boolean b) { return b ? getMSG("enabled", '2') : getMSG("disabled", 'c'); } public String EnDis(String str, boolean b) { String str2 = ChatColor.stripColor(str); return b ? ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + str2 : ChatColor.RED + str2; } /* * ? ? */ public void printEnDis(CommandSender p, String msg_id, boolean b) { p.sendMessage(getMSG(msg_id) + ": " + EnDis(b)); } /* * */ /* * ? */ public void setPermPrefix(String ppfx) { this.permprefix = ppfx + "."; this.version_info_perm = this.permprefix + "config"; } /* * ??? ( ?) * */ public boolean equalCmdPerm(String cmd, String perm) { return (cmds.containsKey(cmd.toLowerCase())) && ((cmds.get(cmd.toLowerCase())).perm.equalsIgnoreCase(permprefix + perm)); } /* * ? <id>:<data>[*<amount>] ItemStack * null ? ? ? */ @Deprecated public ItemStack parseItemStack(String itemstr) { if (itemstr.isEmpty()) return null; String istr = itemstr; String enchant = ""; String name = ""; if (istr.contains("$")) { name = istr.substring(0, istr.indexOf("$")); istr = istr.substring(name.length() + 1); } if (istr.contains("@")) { enchant = istr.substring(istr.indexOf("@") + 1); istr = istr.substring(0, istr.indexOf("@")); } int id = -1; int amount = 1; short data = 0; String[] si = istr.split("\\*"); if (si.length > 0) { if (si.length == 2) amount = Math.max(getMinMaxRandom(si[1]), 1); String ti[] = si[0].split(":"); if (ti.length > 0) { if (ti[0].matches("[0-9]*")) id = Integer.parseInt(ti[0]); else { Material m = Material.getMaterial(ti[0].toUpperCase()); if (m == null) { logOnce("wrongitem" + ti[0], "Could not parse item material name (id) " + ti[0]); return null; } id = m.getId(); } if ((ti.length == 2) && (ti[1]).matches("[0-9]*")) data = Short.parseShort(ti[1]); ItemStack item = new ItemStack(id, amount, data); if (!enchant.isEmpty()) { item = setEnchantments(item, enchant); } if (!name.isEmpty()) { ItemMeta im = item.getItemMeta(); im.setDisplayName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', name.replace("_", " "))); item.setItemMeta(im); } return item; } } return null; } public ItemStack setEnchantments(ItemStack item, String enchants) { ItemStack i = item.clone(); if (enchants.isEmpty()) return i; String[] ln = enchants.split(","); for (String ec : ln) { if (ec.isEmpty()) continue; Color clr = colorByName(ec); if (clr != null) { if (isIdInList(item.getTypeId(), "298,299,300,301")) { LeatherArmorMeta meta = (LeatherArmorMeta) i.getItemMeta(); meta.setColor(clr); i.setItemMeta(meta); } } else { String ench = ec; int level = 1; if (ec.contains(":")) { ench = ec.substring(0, ec.indexOf(":")); level = Math.max(1, getMinMaxRandom(ec.substring(ench.length() + 1))); } Enchantment e = Enchantment.getByName(ench.toUpperCase()); if (e == null) continue; i.addUnsafeEnchantment(e, level); } } return i; } public Color colorByName(String colorname) { Color[] clr = { Color.WHITE, Color.SILVER, Color.GRAY, Color.BLACK, Color.RED, Color.MAROON, Color.YELLOW, Color.OLIVE, Color.LIME, Color.GREEN, Color.AQUA, Color.TEAL, Color.BLUE, Color.NAVY, Color.FUCHSIA, Color.PURPLE }; String[] clrs = { "WHITE", "SILVER", "GRAY", "BLACK", "RED", "MAROON", "YELLOW", "OLIVE", "LIME", "GREEN", "AQUA", "TEAL", "BLUE", "NAVY", "FUCHSIA", "PURPLE" }; for (int i = 0; i < clrs.length; i++) if (colorname.equalsIgnoreCase(clrs[i])) return clr[i]; return null; } /*public ItemStack parseItemStack (String itemstr){ if (!itemstr.isEmpty()){ //int id = -1; Material m = Material.AIR; int amount =1; short data =0; String [] si = itemstr.split("\\*"); if (si.length>0){ if ((si.length==2)&&si[1].matches("[1-9]+[0-9]*")) amount = Integer.parseInt(si[1]); String ti[] = si[0].split(":"); if (ti.length>0){ if (ti[0].matches("[0-9]*")) m = Material.getMaterial(Integer.parseInt(ti[0]));//id=Integer.parseInt(ti[0]); else m=Material.getMaterial(ti[0].toUpperCase()); if ((ti.length==2)&&(ti[1]).matches("[0-9]*")) data = Short.parseShort(ti[1]); return new ItemStack (m,amount,data); } } } return null; }*/ /* * ?, ? ? */ public boolean isPlayerAround(Location loc, int radius) { for (Player p : loc.getWorld().getPlayers()) { if (p.getLocation().distance(loc) <= radius) return true; } return false; } /* * , MSG, */ public String getMSGnc(Object... s) { return ChatColor.stripColor(getMSG(s)); } /* * ? ? */ public boolean placeBlock(Location loc, Player p, Material newType, byte newData, boolean phys) { return placeBlock(loc.getBlock(), p, newType, newData, phys); } /* * ? ? */ public boolean placeBlock(Block block, Player p, Material newType, byte newData, boolean phys) { BlockState state = block.getState(); block.setTypeIdAndData(newType.getId(), newData, phys); BlockPlaceEvent event = new BlockPlaceEvent(state.getBlock(), state, block, p.getItemInHand(), p, true); plg.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) state.update(true); return event.isCancelled(); } public boolean rollDiceChance(int chance) { return (random.nextInt(100) < chance); } public int tryChance(int chance) { return random.nextInt(chance); } public int getRandomInt(int maxvalue) { return random.nextInt(maxvalue); } /* * ? ?? ? */ public boolean isIntegerSigned(String str) { return (str.matches("-?[0-9]+[0-9]*")); } public boolean isIntegerSigned(String... str) { if (str.length == 0) return false; for (String s : str) if (!s.matches("-?[0-9]+[0-9]*")) return false; return true; } public boolean isInteger(String str) { return (str.matches("[0-9]+[0-9]*")); } public boolean isInteger(String... str) { if (str.length == 0) return false; for (String s : str) if (!s.matches("[0-9]+[0-9]*")) return false; return true; } public boolean isIntegerGZ(String str) { return (str.matches("[1-9]+[0-9]*")); } public boolean isIntegerGZ(String... str) { if (str.length == 0) return false; for (String s : str) if (!s.matches("[1-9]+[0-9]*")) return false; return true; } public void printConfig(CommandSender p, int page, int lpp, boolean section, boolean usetranslation) { List<String> cfgprn = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!plg.getConfig().getKeys(true).isEmpty()) for (String k : plg.getConfig().getKeys(true)) { Object objvalue = plg.getConfig().get(k); String value = objvalue.toString(); String str = k; if ((objvalue instanceof Boolean) && (usetranslation)) value = EnDis((Boolean) objvalue); if (objvalue instanceof MemorySection) { if (!section) continue; } else str = k + " : " + value; if (usetranslation) str = getMSG("cfgmsg_" + k.replaceAll("\\.", "_"), value); cfgprn.add(str); } String title = "&6&l" + this.project_current_version + " v" + des.getVersion() + " &r&6| " + getMSG("msg_config", '6'); printPage(p, cfgprn, page, title, "", false); } public int getMinMaxRandom(String minmaxstr) { int min = 0; int max = 0; String strmin = minmaxstr; String strmax = minmaxstr; if (minmaxstr.contains("-")) { strmin = minmaxstr.substring(0, minmaxstr.indexOf("-")); strmax = minmaxstr.substring(minmaxstr.indexOf("-") + 1); } if (strmin.matches("[1-9]+[0-9]*")) min = Integer.parseInt(strmin); max = min; if (strmax.matches("[1-9]+[0-9]*")) max = Integer.parseInt(strmax); if (max > min) return min + tryChance(1 + max - min); else return min; } public Long timeToTicks(Long time) { //1000 ms = 20 ticks return Math.max(1, (time / 50)); } public Long parseTime(String time) { int hh = 0; // ? int mm = 0; // int ss = 0; // ? int tt = 0; // int ms = 0; // ? if (isInteger(time)) { ss = Integer.parseInt(time); } else if (time.matches("^[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$")) { String[] ln = time.split(":"); if (isInteger(ln[0])) mm = Integer.parseInt(ln[0]); if (isInteger(ln[1])) ss = Integer.parseInt(ln[1]); } else if (time.matches("^([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$")) { String[] ln = time.split(":"); if (isInteger(ln[0])) hh = Integer.parseInt(ln[0]); if (isInteger(ln[1])) mm = Integer.parseInt(ln[1]); if (isInteger(ln[2])) ss = Integer.parseInt(ln[2]); } else if (time.endsWith("ms")) { String s = time.replace("ms", ""); if (isInteger(s)) ms = Integer.parseInt(s); } else if (time.endsWith("h")) { String s = time.replace("h", ""); if (isInteger(s)) hh = Integer.parseInt(s); } else if (time.endsWith("m")) { String s = time.replace("m", ""); if (isInteger(s)) mm = Integer.parseInt(s); } else if (time.endsWith("s")) { String s = time.replace("s", ""); if (isInteger(s)) ss = Integer.parseInt(s); } else if (time.endsWith("t")) { String s = time.replace("t", ""); if (isInteger(s)) tt = Integer.parseInt(s); } return (long) ((hh * 3600000) + (mm * 60000) + (ss * 1000) + (tt * 50) + ms); } public String itemToString(ItemStack item) { String str = ""; String n = item.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() ? ChatColor.stripColor(item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()) : item.getType().name(); String a = item.getAmount() > 1 ? "*" + item.getAmount() : ""; str = n + a; return str; } public int safeLongToInt(long l) { if (l < Integer.MIN_VALUE) return Integer.MIN_VALUE; if (l > Integer.MAX_VALUE) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; return (int) l; } public boolean returnMSG(boolean result, CommandSender p, Object... s) { printMSG(p, s); return result; } }