Java tutorial
/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2017 Frederik Ar. Mikkelsen * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ package; import com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.player.AudioPlayer; import com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.track.AudioTrack; import fredboat.FredBoat; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fredboat.commandmeta.MessagingException; import fredboat.commandmeta.abs.CommandContext; import fredboat.db.DatabaseNotReadyException; import fredboat.db.EntityReader; import fredboat.db.entity.GuildConfig; import fredboat.feature.I18n; import fredboat.messaging.CentralMessaging; import fredboat.perms.PermissionLevel; import fredboat.perms.PermsUtil; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.TextChannel; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.VoiceChannel; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.managers.AudioManager; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; public class GuildPlayer extends AbstractPlayer { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GuildPlayer.class); private final FredBoat shard; private final long guildId; private long currentTCId; private final AudioLoader audioLoader; @SuppressWarnings("LeakingThisInConstructor") public GuildPlayer(Guild guild) { super(guild.getId()); log.debug("Constructing GuildPlayer({})", guild.getIdLong()); onPlayHook = this::announceTrack; onErrorHook = this::handleError; this.shard = FredBoat.getShard(guild.getJDA()); this.guildId = guild.getIdLong(); if (!LavalinkManager.ins.isEnabled()) { AudioManager manager = guild.getAudioManager(); manager.setSendingHandler(this); } audioTrackProvider = new SimpleTrackProvider(); audioLoader = new AudioLoader(audioTrackProvider, getPlayerManager(), this); } private void announceTrack(AudioTrackContext atc) { if (getRepeatMode() != RepeatMode.SINGLE && isTrackAnnounceEnabled() && !isPaused()) { TextChannel activeTextChannel = getActiveTextChannel(); if (activeTextChannel != null) { CentralMessaging.sendMessage(activeTextChannel, atc.i18nFormat("trackAnnounce", atc.getEffectiveTitle())); } } } private void handleError(Throwable t) { if (!(t instanceof MessagingException)) { log.error("Guild player error", t); } TextChannel tc = getActiveTextChannel(); if (tc != null) { CentralMessaging.sendMessage(tc, "Something went wrong!\n" + t.getMessage()); } } public void joinChannel(Member usr) throws MessagingException { VoiceChannel targetChannel = getUserCurrentVoiceChannel(usr); joinChannel(targetChannel); } public void joinChannel(VoiceChannel targetChannel) throws MessagingException { if (targetChannel == null) { throw new MessagingException(I18n.get(getGuild()).getString("playerUserNotInChannel")); } if (targetChannel.equals(getCurrentVoiceChannel(targetChannel.getJDA()))) { // already connected to the channel return; } if (!targetChannel.getGuild().getSelfMember().hasPermission(targetChannel, Permission.VOICE_CONNECT) && !targetChannel.getMembers().contains(getGuild().getSelfMember())) { throw new MessagingException(I18n.get(getGuild()).getString("playerJoinConnectDenied")); } if (!targetChannel.getGuild().getSelfMember().hasPermission(targetChannel, Permission.VOICE_SPEAK)) { throw new MessagingException(I18n.get(getGuild()).getString("playerJoinSpeakDenied")); } LavalinkManager.ins.openConnection(targetChannel); AudioManager manager = getGuild().getAudioManager(); manager.setConnectionListener(new DebugConnectionListener(guildId, shard.getShardInfo()));"Connected to voice channel " + targetChannel); } public void leaveVoiceChannelRequest(CommandContext commandContext, boolean silent) { if (!silent) { VoiceChannel currentVc = LavalinkManager.ins.getConnectedChannel(commandContext.guild); if (currentVc == null) { commandContext.reply(commandContext.i18n("playerNotInChannel")); } else { commandContext.reply(commandContext.i18nFormat("playerLeftChannel", currentVc.getName())); } } LavalinkManager.ins.closeConnection(getGuild()); } /** * May return null if the member is currently not in a channel */ @Nullable public VoiceChannel getUserCurrentVoiceChannel(Member member) { return member.getVoiceState().getChannel(); } public void queue(String identifier, CommandContext context) { IdentifierContext ic = new IdentifierContext(identifier,, context.invoker); if (context.invoker != null) { joinChannel(context.invoker); } audioLoader.loadAsync(ic); } public void queue(IdentifierContext ic) { if (ic.getMember() != null) { joinChannel(ic.getMember()); } audioLoader.loadAsync(ic); } public void queue(AudioTrackContext atc) { Member member = getGuild().getMemberById(atc.getUserId()); if (member != null) { joinChannel(member); } audioTrackProvider.add(atc); play(); } public int getTrackCount() { int trackCount = audioTrackProvider.size(); if (player.getPlayingTrack() != null) trackCount++; return trackCount; } public List<AudioTrackContext> getTracksInRange(int start, int end) { log.debug("getTracksInRange({} {})", start, end); List<AudioTrackContext> result = new ArrayList<>(); //adjust args for whether there is a track playing or not if (player.getPlayingTrack() != null) { if (start <= 0) { result.add(context); end--;//shorten the requested range by 1, but still start at 0, since that's the way the trackprovider counts its tracks } else { //dont add the currently playing track, drop the args by one since the "first" track is currently playing start--; end--; } } else { //nothing to do here, args are fine to pass on } result.addAll(audioTrackProvider.getTracksInRange(start, end)); return result; } //similar to getTracksInRange, but only gets the trackIds public List<Long> getTrackIdsInRange(int start, int end) { log.debug("getTrackIdsInRange({} {})", start, end); List<Long> result = new ArrayList<>(); result.addAll(getTracksInRange(start, end).stream().map(AudioTrackContext::getTrackId) .collect(Collectors.toList())); return result; } public long getTotalRemainingMusicTimeMillis() { //Live streams are considered to have a length of 0 long millis = audioTrackProvider.getDurationMillis(); AudioTrackContext currentTrack = player.getPlayingTrack() != null ? context : null; if (currentTrack != null && !currentTrack.getTrack().getInfo().isStream) { millis += Math.max(0, currentTrack.getEffectiveDuration() - getPosition()); } return millis; } public long getStreamsCount() { long streams = audioTrackProvider.streamsCount(); AudioTrackContext atc = player.getPlayingTrack() != null ? context : null; if (atc != null && atc.getTrack().getInfo().isStream) streams++; return streams; } //optionally pass a jda object to use for the lookup @Nullable public VoiceChannel getCurrentVoiceChannel(JDA... jda) { JDA j; if (jda.length == 0) { j = getJda(); } else { j = jda[0]; } Guild guild = j.getGuildById(guildId); if (guild != null) return LavalinkManager.ins.getConnectedChannel(guild); else return null; } /** * @return The text channel currently used for music commands. * * May return null if the channel was deleted. * Do not use the default channel, because that one doesnt give us write permissions. */ @Nullable public TextChannel getActiveTextChannel() { TextChannel currentTc = getCurrentTC(); if (currentTc != null) { return currentTc; } else { log.warn("No currentTC in guild {}! Trying to look up a channel where we can talk...", guildId); Guild g = getGuild(); if (g != null) { for (TextChannel tc : g.getTextChannels()) { if (tc.canTalk()) { return tc; } } } return null; } } @Nonnull public List<Member> getHumanUsersInVC(@Nullable VoiceChannel vc) { if (vc == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } ArrayList<Member> nonBots = new ArrayList<>(); for (Member member : vc.getMembers()) { if (!member.getUser().isBot()) { nonBots.add(member); } } return nonBots; } /** * @return Users who are not bots */ public List<Member> getHumanUsersInCurrentVC() { return getHumanUsersInVC(getCurrentVoiceChannel()); } @Override public String toString() { return "[GP:" + getGuild().getId() + "]"; } @Nullable public Guild getGuild() { return getJda().getGuildById(guildId); } public RepeatMode getRepeatMode() { if (audioTrackProvider instanceof AbstractTrackProvider) return ((AbstractTrackProvider) audioTrackProvider).getRepeatMode(); else return RepeatMode.OFF; } public boolean isShuffle() { return audioTrackProvider instanceof AbstractTrackProvider && ((AbstractTrackProvider) audioTrackProvider).isShuffle(); } public void setRepeatMode(RepeatMode repeatMode) { if (audioTrackProvider instanceof AbstractTrackProvider) { ((AbstractTrackProvider) audioTrackProvider).setRepeatMode(repeatMode); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't repeat " + audioTrackProvider.getClass()); } } public void setShuffle(boolean shuffle) { if (audioTrackProvider instanceof AbstractTrackProvider) { ((AbstractTrackProvider) audioTrackProvider).setShuffle(shuffle); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't shuffle " + audioTrackProvider.getClass()); } } public void reshuffle() { if (audioTrackProvider instanceof AbstractTrackProvider) { ((AbstractTrackProvider) audioTrackProvider).reshuffle(); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't reshuffle " + audioTrackProvider.getClass()); } } public void setCurrentTC(@Nonnull TextChannel tc) { if (this.currentTCId != tc.getIdLong()) { this.currentTCId = tc.getIdLong(); } } /** * @return currently used TextChannel or null if there is none */ @Nullable private TextChannel getCurrentTC() { return shard.getJda().getTextChannelById(currentTCId); } //Success, fail message public Pair<Boolean, String> canMemberSkipTracks(Member member, Collection<Long> trackIds) { if (PermsUtil.checkPerms(PermissionLevel.DJ, member)) { return new ImmutablePair<>(true, null); } else { //We are not a mod long userId = member.getUser().getIdLong(); //if there is a currently playing track, and the track is requested to be skipped, but not owned by the // requesting user, then currentTrackSkippable should be false boolean currentTrackSkippable = true; AudioTrackContext playingTrack = getPlayingTrack(); if (playingTrack != null && trackIds.contains(getPlayingTrack().getTrackId()) && playingTrack.getUserId() != userId) { currentTrackSkippable = false; } if (currentTrackSkippable && audioTrackProvider.isUserTrackOwner(userId, trackIds)) { //check ownership of the queued tracks return new ImmutablePair<>(true, null); } else { return new ImmutablePair<>(false, I18n.get(getGuild()).getString("skipDeniedTooManyTracks")); } } } public void skipTracksForMemberPerms(CommandContext context, Collection<Long> trackIds, String successMessage) { Pair<Boolean, String> pair = canMemberSkipTracks(context.invoker, trackIds); if (pair.getLeft()) { context.reply(successMessage); skipTracks(trackIds); } else { context.replyWithName(pair.getRight()); } } public void skipTracks(Collection<Long> trackIds) { boolean skipCurrentTrack = false; List<Long> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); AudioTrackContext playing = player.getPlayingTrack() != null ? context : null; for (Long trackId : trackIds) { if (playing != null && trackId.equals(playing.getTrackId())) { //Should be skipped last, in respect to PlayerEventListener skipCurrentTrack = true; } else { toRemove.add(trackId); } } audioTrackProvider.removeAllById(toRemove); if (skipCurrentTrack) { skip(); } } @Override public void onTrackStart(AudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track) { voteSkipCleanup(); super.onTrackStart(player, track); } private boolean isTrackAnnounceEnabled() { boolean enabled = false; try { GuildConfig config = EntityReader.getGuildConfig(Long.toString(guildId)); enabled = config.isTrackAnnounce(); } catch (DatabaseNotReadyException ignored) { } return enabled; } @Nonnull public JDA getJda() { return shard.getJda(); } @Override void destroy() { audioTrackProvider.clear(); super.destroy();"Player for " + guildId + " was destroyed."); } private void voteSkipCleanup() { VoteSkipCommand.guildSkipVotes.remove(guildId); } }