Java tutorial
/* * Copyright or or Copr. AmauryCarrade (2015) * * * * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * "". * * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited * liability. * * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated * with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, * that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also * therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or * data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the * same conditions as regards security. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. */ package fr.zcraft.MultipleInventories.snaphots; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.zcraft.MultipleInventories.MultipleInventories; import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.nbt.NBT; import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.nbt.NBTCompound; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A snapshot of an ItemStack when it was taken. The snapshot is frozen in time, * and cannot be modified. */ public class ItemStackSnapshot { private final Material id; private final short durability; private final int amount; private final Map<String, Object> nbt; /** * Creates a snapshot of an {@link ItemStack}. * * You should use {@link #snap(ItemStack)} instead. * * @param id The item's material * @param durability The item's durability. * @param amount The amount of items in the stack. * @param nbt The NBT tags in the stack. May be {@code null}. * * @see #snap(ItemStack) Easier method to create a snapshot that you should * use. */ public ItemStackSnapshot(final Material id, final short durability, final int amount, final NBTCompound nbt) { this(id, durability, amount, nbt != null ? nbt.toHashMap() : null); } /** * Creates a snapshot of an {@link ItemStack}. * * You should use {@link #snap(ItemStack)} instead. * * @param id The item's material * @param durability The item's durability. * @param amount The amount of items in the stack. * @param nbt The NBT tags in the stack. May be {@code null}. * * @see #snap(ItemStack) Easier method to create a snapshot that you should * use. */ public ItemStackSnapshot(final Material id, final short durability, final int amount, final Map<String, Object> nbt) { = id; this.durability = durability; this.amount = amount; this.nbt = nbt; } /** * Creates a snapshot of the given item. * * @param stack The ItemStack to create a snapshot of. * * @return The snapshot, or {@code null} if the item was {@code null} or if * an error occurred. */ public static ItemStackSnapshot snap(final ItemStack stack) { if (stack == null) return null; try { return new ItemStackSnapshot(stack.getType(), stack.getDurability(), stack.getAmount(), NBT.fromItemStack(stack).toHashMap()); } catch (NMSException e) { PluginLogger.error("Unable to extract NBT data from item {0}", e, stack.getType()); return null; } } /** * Reconstructs an ItemStack from this snapshot. * * @return A new ItemStack reconstructed from this snapshot. */ public ItemStack reconstruct() { return new ItemStackBuilder(id).data(durability).amount(amount).nbt(nbt).replaceNBT().craftItem(); } /** * @return A JSON representation of this snapshot, usable as export. */ @Override public String toString() { return toJSONString(); } /** * @return A JSON representation of this snapshot, usable as export. */ public JsonElement toJSON() { final JsonObject dump = new JsonObject(); dump.addProperty("id", id.toString()); dump.addProperty("Damage", durability); dump.addProperty("Count", amount); try { dump.add("NBT", MultipleInventories.GSON.toJsonTree(nbt)); } catch (final JsonSyntaxException e) { PluginLogger.error("Invalid NBT JSON string: {0}", e, nbt); } return dump; } /** * @return A JSON representation of this snapshot, usable as export. */ public String toJSONString() { return MultipleInventories.GSON.toJson(toJSON()); } /** * Loads a snapshot from a JSON export. * * @param json The JSON data. * * @return A snapshot with these data inside. */ public static ItemStackSnapshot fromJSONString(final String json) { return fromJSON((new JsonParser().parse(json)).getAsJsonObject()); } /** * Loads a snapshot from a JSON export. * * @param json The JSON data. * * @return A snapshot with these data inside. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static ItemStackSnapshot fromJSON(final JsonObject json) { try { return new ItemStackSnapshot(Material.getMaterial(json.getAsJsonPrimitive("id").getAsString()), json.getAsJsonPrimitive("Damage").getAsShort(), json.getAsJsonPrimitive("Count").getAsInt(), jsonToNative(json.getAsJsonObject("NBT"))); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { PluginLogger.error("Unable to load malformed item stack snapshot: {0}", e, json.toString()); return null; } } /** * From a JSON object, constructs a {@link Map Map<String, Object>} representing * the same structure (recursively) using native types. * * <p>GSON could have been used to achieve this, using something like</p> * <pre> * (Map<String, Object>) GSON.fromJson( * json, * new TypeToken<HashMap<String, Object>>() {}.getType() * ) * </pre> * <p>but if used this way, it loses precision on all big numbers * (e.g. {@code -4823875203713330821} become {@code -4823875203713331200}). * The ultimate precision on such big integers/longs s <strong>critical</strong> * for us, as NBT data frequently holds UUID stored using two longs of a similar * size of the example below.</p> * * <p>We had to re-implement this to ensure the generated structure to have the * right data type (instead of all numbers being doubles) and precision.</p> * * @param json The json object to be decoded. * @return {@link Map Map<String, Object>} representing the same structure * (recursively) using native types. * * @see #jsonToNative(JsonElement) Converts any json element (including objects) * to a native data structure. */ private static Map<String, Object> jsonToNative(final JsonObject json) { final Map<String, Object> nativeMap = new HashMap<>(); json.entrySet().forEach(entry -> { final Object nativeValue = jsonToNative(entry.getValue()); if (nativeValue != null) { nativeMap.put(entry.getKey(), nativeValue); } }); return nativeMap; } /** * From a JSON element, constructs a data structure representing * the same structure (recursively) using native types. * * <p>We had to re-implement this to ensure the generated structure to have the * right data type (instead of all numbers being doubles) and precision.</p> * * @param element The json element to be decoded. * @return A native data structure (either a {@link Map Map<String, Object>}, * a {@link List List<Object>}, or a native type) representing the same * structure (recursively). * * @see #jsonToNative(JsonObject) Converts a json object to an explicit {@link Map}. * The JavaDoc also contains explainations on why this is needed. */ private static Object jsonToNative(final JsonElement element) { if (element.isJsonObject()) { return jsonToNative(element.getAsJsonObject()); } else if (element.isJsonArray()) { final List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(); element.getAsJsonArray().forEach(listElement -> { final Object nativeValue = jsonToNative(listElement); if (nativeValue != null) { list.add(nativeValue); } }); return list; } else if (element.isJsonPrimitive()) { final JsonPrimitive primitive = element.getAsJsonPrimitive(); if (primitive.isBoolean()) { return primitive.getAsBoolean(); } else if (primitive.isString()) { return primitive.getAsString(); } else /* it's a number we yet have to find the type. */ { final BigDecimal number = primitive.getAsBigDecimal(); try { return number.byteValueExact(); } catch (final ArithmeticException e1) { try { return number.shortValueExact(); } catch (final ArithmeticException e2) { try { return number.intValueExact(); } catch (final ArithmeticException e3) { try { return number.longValueExact(); } catch (final ArithmeticException e4) { try { return number.doubleValue(); } catch (final ArithmeticException | NumberFormatException e5) { return number; } } } } } } } // Else the element is null. return null; } }