Java tutorial
/* * Copyright COCKTAIL (, 1995, 2010 This software * is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abiding by the * rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or * redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL license as * circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * "". * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify * and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a * limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the economic * rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability. In this * respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with loading, * using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user * in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean that it * is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is * reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth * computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the * software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling * the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, * to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security. The * fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had knowledge * of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. */ package fr.univlr.cri.planning.factory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Component; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Date; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateList; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Dur; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Period; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PeriodList; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Property; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PropertyList; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Value; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.webdav.lib.WebdavResource; import org.cocktail.fwkcktlwebapp.common.CktlLog; import org.cocktail.fwkcktlwebapp.common.database.CktlRecord; import org.cocktail.fwkcktlwebapp.common.util.DateCtrl; import org.cocktail.fwkcktlwebapp.common.util.StringCtrl; import org.cocktail.fwkcktlwebapp.server.CktlWebApplication; import org.cocktail.planning.IcsToSPOccupationFactory; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.univlr.cri.planning.Application; import fr.univlr.cri.planning.PartagePlanning; import fr.univlr.cri.planning.SPConstantes; import fr.univlr.cri.planning.SPOccupation; import fr.univlr.cri.planning.constant.LocalSPConstantes; import fr.univlr.cri.planning.datacenter.A_SPDataBusCaching; import fr.univlr.cri.planning.datacenter.ParamBus; import fr.univlr.cri.planning.datacenter.SPVEvent; import fr.univlr.cri.planning.extern.calendartostring.CalendarNotFoundException; import fr.univlr.cri.planning.extern.calendartostring.CalendarObject; /** * @deprecated a remplacer ... * @author ctarade * */ public class HugICalendarFactory extends A_SPDataBusCaching { private int nbEvents; private ParamBus paramBus; public HugICalendarFactory(ParamBus aParamBus) { super(aParamBus.editingContext()); nbEvents = 0; paramBus = aParamBus; } // private final static String GRHUM_ICAL_TYPE_PRO = "PRO"; private final static String GRHUM_ICAL_TYPE_PERSO = "PERSO"; public StringBuffer appendBufferFromICalendarFile(StringBuffer buffer, Number noIndividu, String iCalendarPath, String typeCal, NSTimestamp deb, NSTimestamp fin, String icsFilename) throws CalendarNotFoundException, Exception { // CalendarObject cal = newCalendarObjectFromICalendarFile(iCalendarPath); CalendarObject cal = newCalendarObjectFromICalendarFileICal4J(iCalendarPath, deb, fin); // pour un calendrier inscrit comme "PERSO", // on met tous les vnements en "CONFIDENTIAL". if (typeCal.equals(GRHUM_ICAL_TYPE_PERSO)) { NSArray evs =; for (int i = 0; i < evs.count(); i++) { VEvent vEvent = (VEvent) evs.objectAtIndex(i); vEvent.getProperties().add(Clazz.CONFIDENTIAL); } } // CACHE buffer = appendCalendarObjectToStringBuffer(buffer, cal, deb, fin, nbEvents, icsFilename); return buffer; } /** * Lecture d'un fichier icalendar via l'API de la librairie ical4j. Les * occupations contenues dans la fenetre d'interrogation [dateDebut, dateFin] * sont retournees. * * @param pathICalendar * : le chemin du fichier ICS * @param dateDebut * : date de debut de la periode d'interrogation * @param dateFin * : date de fin de la periode d'interrogation * @return * @throws CalendarNotFoundException */ private CalendarObject newCalendarObjectFromICalendarFileICal4J(String pathICalendar, NSTimestamp dateDebut, NSTimestamp dateFin) throws CalendarNotFoundException { CalendarObject oCal = null; InputStream in = null; try { // fin = new FileInputStream(pathICalendar); URL url = new URL(pathICalendar); URLConnection con = url.openConnection(); con.connect(); in = con.getInputStream(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new CalendarNotFoundException("Calendar " + pathICalendar + " non trouv ou acc?s refus."); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } /* * CalendarBuilder calendarBuilder = new CalendarBuilder(); * * try { long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Calendar calendar = *; oCal = new CalendarObject(pathICalendar); l1 = * System.currentTimeMillis() - l1; CktlLog.log(">> parsing : " + l1 + * " ms ("+pathICalendar+")"); * * // on passe au evenements for (Iterator i = * calendar.getComponents().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Component component * = (Component); if (component.getName().equals(Component.VEVENT)) * { VEvent vEvent = (VEvent) component; oCal.addSPVEvent(new * SPVEvent(vEvent)); } } * * * * } catch (IOException e) { throw new * CalendarNotFoundException("Calendar "+ pathICalendar * +" erreur de lecture " + e.getMessage()); } catch (ParserException e) { * throw new CalendarNotFoundException("Calendar "+ pathICalendar * +" erreur de lecture " + e.getMessage()); } */ String string = null; try { long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); URL url = new URL(pathICalendar); URLConnection con = url.openConnection(); con.connect(); BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(con.getInputStream()); StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); int b; while ((b = != -1) out.write(b); out.flush(); out.close(); bin.close(); string = out.toString(); l1 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1; System.out.println("converting calendar url to string : " + l1 + " ms (" + pathICalendar + ")"); } catch (IOException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); StringReader sin = new StringReader(string); CalendarBuilder builder = new CalendarBuilder(); Calendar calendar = null; try { calendar =; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParserException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } l1 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1; System.out.println("parse calendar string : " + l1 + " ms (" + pathICalendar + ")"); oCal = new CalendarObject(pathICalendar); // on passe au evenements for (Iterator i = calendar.getComponents().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Component component = (Component); if (component.getName().equals(Component.VEVENT)) { VEvent vEvent = (VEvent) component; oCal.addSPVEvent(new SPVEvent(vEvent)); } } // on met en cache notre affaire if (oCal != null) { putCalendarInCache(pathICalendar, oCal); } return oCal; } // CalendarObject -> StringBuffer pour WOResponse /** * */ public StringBuffer appendCalendarObjectToStringBuffer(StringBuffer buffer, CalendarObject oCal, NSTimestamp debut, NSTimestamp fin, int nbEv, String icsFilename) { NSMutableArray events =; nbEvents = nbEv; for (int i = 0; i < events.count(); i++) { SPVEvent vEvent = (SPVEvent) events.objectAtIndex(i); buffer = appendBufferSPVEvent(buffer, vEvent, debut, fin, icsFilename); } return buffer; } /** * */ private StringBuffer appendBufferSPVEvent(StringBuffer buffer, SPVEvent sPVEvent, NSTimestamp debutPeriode, NSTimestamp finPeriode, String icsFileName) { NSTimestamp debut = sPVEvent.dateDebut(); NSTimestamp fin = sPVEvent.dateFin(); if (sPVEvent.isVisible()) { if (sPVEvent.isRepetition()) { PeriodList consumed = null; try { consumed = periodeList(sPVEvent.getVEVent(), debutPeriode, finPeriode, true); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (consumed != null) { NSArray consumedArray = new NSArray(consumed.toArray()); for (int j = 0; j < consumedArray.count(); j++) { Period period = (Period) consumedArray.objectAtIndex(j); // si events ni avant, ni apres periode demand if (isIncluded(debut, fin, debutPeriode, finPeriode)) { buffer.append("debut" + nbEvents + " = " + DateCtrl.dateToString( new NSTimestamp(period.getStart().getTime()), SPConstantes.DATE_FORMAT) + "\n"); buffer.append("fin" + nbEvents + " = " + DateCtrl.dateToString( new NSTimestamp(period.getEnd().getTime()), SPConstantes.DATE_FORMAT) + "\n"); // buffer.append("type"+nbEvents+" = "+ev.type()+"\n"); buffer.append("type" + nbEvents + " = " + icsFileName + "\n"); buffer.append("affichage" + nbEvents + " = " + sPVEvent.classDisplay() + "\n"); // pas de detail pour les event "PRIVATE" if (sPVEvent.isClassePublic()) { buffer.append("detail" + nbEvents + " = " + sPVEvent.details() + "\n"); // verifier // si // \n // dans // description // par // ex } else { buffer.append("detail" + nbEvents + " = <Evenement prive>\n"); // verifier // si // \n // dans // description // par // ex } nbEvents++; } } } } else { if (isIncluded(debut, fin, debutPeriode, finPeriode)) { buffer.append("debut" + nbEvents + " = " + DateCtrl.dateToString(sPVEvent.dateDebut(), SPConstantes.DATE_FORMAT) + "\n"); buffer.append("fin" + nbEvents + " = " + DateCtrl.dateToString(sPVEvent.dateFin(), SPConstantes.DATE_FORMAT) + "\n"); // buffer.append("type"+nbEvents+" = "+ev.type()+"\n"); buffer.append("type" + nbEvents + " = " + icsFileName + "\n"); buffer.append("affichage" + nbEvents + " = " + sPVEvent.classDisplay() + "\n"); // pas de detail pour les event "PRIVATE" if (sPVEvent.isClassePublic()) { buffer.append("detail" + nbEvents + " = " + sPVEvent.details() + "\n"); // verifier // si // \n // dans // description // par // ex } else { buffer.append("detail" + nbEvents + " = <Evenement prive>\n"); // verifier // si // \n // dans // description // par // ex } nbEvents++; } } } return buffer; } /** * Est-ce les dates sont comprises dans les intervalles. Si les intervalles * sont vide, alors on retourne <code>true</code>. */ private boolean isIncluded(NSTimestamp debut, NSTimestamp fin, NSTimestamp limitDebut, NSTimestamp limitFin) { return ((limitFin != null && limitDebut != null && !fin.before(limitDebut) && !debut.after(limitFin))) || (limitFin == null && limitDebut == null); } // METHODE PRINCIPALE SI Requete interne du ServeurPlanning public StringBuffer parseICalendarFileForPeriodToStringBuffer(Number noIndividu, NSTimestamp debut, NSTimestamp fin) { String err = ""; Boolean statut = Boolean.TRUE; NSArray<SPOccupation> spOccupationList = new NSArray<SPOccupation>(); if (noIndividu == null) { err = "Parametre noIndividu absent."; statut = Boolean.FALSE; CktlLog.trace("parameter <noIndividu> missing."); } else { NSArray recsIcal = paramBus.fetchICalendar(noIndividu); int nbEvents = 0; for (int i = 0; i < recsIcal.count(); i++) { CktlRecord recIcal = (CktlRecord) recsIcal.objectAtIndex(i); String racine = recIcal.stringForKey(LocalSPConstantes.BD_ICAL_LIEN); String fichierIcs = recIcal.stringForKey(LocalSPConstantes.BD_ICAL_NAME); String urlIcal = racine; if (!StringCtrl.isEmpty(fichierIcs)) { if (!racine.endsWith("/")) { urlIcal += "/"; } urlIcal += fichierIcs; } // utiliser le cache String strIcalKey = Integer.toString(((Integer) EOUtilities .primaryKeyForObject(recIcal.editingContext(), recIcal).valueForKey("key")).intValue()); // creer la cle String key = buildKey(strIcalKey, Integer.toString(SPConstantes.IDKEY_INDIVIDU.intValue()), Integer.toString(noIndividu.intValue()), null, null); CktlLog.log(">>>>>>>>> " + strIcalKey + " = " + urlIcal); // tenter une recuperation depuis le cache NSArray<SPOccupation> allSpOccupationList = (NSArray<SPOccupation>) getObjectFromCache(key); // si le cache est indisponible, alors on va relire et traiter le // fichier depuis la source if (allSpOccupationList == null) { // toutes les occupations issues du calendrier ICS allSpOccupationList = IcsToSPOccupationFactory.parse(urlIcal); // sauvegarde de la liste en cache putObjectInCache(key, allSpOccupationList); } // ne conserver que celles qui sont inclues dans la priode demande for (int j = 0; j < allSpOccupationList.count(); j++) { SPOccupation occupation = allSpOccupationList.objectAtIndex(j); if (isIncluded(occupation.getDateDebut(), occupation.getDateFin(), debut, fin)) { spOccupationList = spOccupationList.arrayByAddingObject(occupation); } } } } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); WOResponse responsePlanning = PartagePlanning.reponsePlanning(spOccupationList, 1, ""); // CktlLog.log("*************** encoding:" + // responsePlanning.contentEncoding()); buffer.append(responsePlanning.contentString()); return buffer; } // Creation du fichier ics dans le chemin spcifi // fonctionne pour un chemin classic "C:..." ou WebDav de l'univ public boolean createFileICalendar(String res, String cheminEtNom) { boolean statut = false; CktlLog.trace("trying creating .ics file : [" + cheminEtNom + "]"); // tester si chemin classic ou WebDav if (cheminEtNom != null) { if (!cheminEtNom.endsWith(LocalSPConstantes.ICS_FILE_NAME_EXTENSION)) cheminEtNom += LocalSPConstantes.ICS_FILE_NAME_EXTENSION; String url = ((CktlWebApplication) CktlWebApplication.application()).config() .stringForKey(LocalSPConstantes.KEY_ICAL_CHEMIN); if (cheminEtNom.startsWith(url)) { // url webdav // pour trouver chemin String chemin = "http://"; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cheminEtNom.substring(7), "/"); int nb = st.countTokens(); for (int i = 0; i < nb - 1; i++) { chemin += st.nextToken() + "/"; } String log = ((CktlWebApplication) CktlWebApplication.application()).config() .stringForKey(LocalSPConstantes.KEY_ICAL_LOG); String pwd = ((CktlWebApplication) CktlWebApplication.application()).config() .stringForKey(LocalSPConstantes.KEY_ICAL_PWD); try { WebdavResource webd = new WebdavResource(chemin, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(log, pwd)); // cration et criture du fichier webd.putMethod(cheminEtNom, res); statut = true; } catch (Exception e) { CktlLog.trace("WebDAV encountered problems while creating .ics file ..."); } } else if (cheminEtNom.startsWith("http")) { CktlLog.trace("problems creating .ics file [" + cheminEtNom + "], path must be WebDAV server or local file."); } else { // chemin local File f = new File(cheminEtNom); try { FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(f); byte[] bits = res.getBytes(); stream.write(bits); statut = true; stream.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { CktlLog.trace("problem while creating local .ics file : FileNotFoundException"); } catch (IOException io) { CktlLog.trace("problem while writing local .ics file : IOException"); } } } if (statut) CktlLog.trace("creation successfull !"); else CktlLog.trace("creation failed !"); return statut; } // getters public int getNbEvents() { return nbEvents; } // ** les differents cache ** private static NSMutableDictionary theDicoCacheICalendarObjects; /** * Le nom des cles de chaque sous-dico du cache */ private final static String CACHE_KEY_TIMEOUT = "TIMEOUT"; private final static String CACHE_KEY_ICALENDAR_OBJECT = "ICALENDAR_OBJECT"; /** * TTL d'un object <code>CalendarObject</code> en cache (ms) */ private final static int timeoutCalendarObject = ((Application) Application.application()).ttlICalendarRead(); /** * Le dictionnaire contenant tous les fichiers ics convertis en objet * <code>CalendarObject</code>. La structure est : * * key : icsUrl value : NSDictionary key=CACHE_KEY_TIMEOUT, value=(Long)<duree * de vie max> key=CACHE_KEY_ICALENDAR_OBJECT value=(CalendarObject)<cache> */ private NSMutableDictionary dicoICalendarObjects() { if (theDicoCacheICalendarObjects == null) theDicoCacheICalendarObjects = new NSMutableDictionary(); return theDicoCacheICalendarObjects; } /** * Ajouter un objet <code>CalendarObject</code> dans le dictionnaire de cache. * La duree de vie est initialisee. */ private void putCalendarInCache(String iCalendarUrl, CalendarObject calendar) { NSDictionary existingDico = (NSDictionary) dicoICalendarObjects().objectForKey(iCalendarUrl); if (existingDico == null) { NSMutableDictionary newDico = new NSMutableDictionary(); newDico.setObjectForKey(calendar, CACHE_KEY_ICALENDAR_OBJECT); // duree de vie newDico.setObjectForKey(new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutCalendarObject), CACHE_KEY_TIMEOUT); dicoICalendarObjects().setObjectForKey(newDico, iCalendarUrl); // CktlLog.trace("caching : ["+iCalendarUrl+"]"); } } /** * Recupere l'objet <code>CalendarObject</code> a partir du cache. Si ce * dernier est trouve avec une duree de vie maximal non depassee, alors on le * retourne. Si l'objet est trouve mais perime, il est supprime. Si l'objet * est non trouve ou perime, alors on retourne <code>null</code> */ public CalendarObject getCalendarObjectFromCache(String iCalendarUrl) { CalendarObject calendar = null; NSDictionary dico = (NSDictionary) dicoICalendarObjects().objectForKey(iCalendarUrl); if (dico != null) { Long maxTime = (Long) dico.valueForKey(CACHE_KEY_TIMEOUT); long timeRemaining = (maxTime != null ? maxTime.longValue() - System.currentTimeMillis() : 0); // pas perime if (timeRemaining > 0) { // CktlLog.trace("cache retrevied : ["+iCalendarUrl+"] - " + // timeRemaining +"ms remaining"); calendar = (CalendarObject) dico.valueForKey(CACHE_KEY_ICALENDAR_OBJECT); } else { // obsolete : on efface // CktlLog.trace("cache removed : ["+iCalendarUrl+"] - out-of-date since " // + (-timeRemaining) +"ms"); dicoICalendarObjects().removeObjectForKey(iCalendarUrl); } } /* * else { CktlLog.trace("calendar not in cache : ["+iCalendarUrl+"]"); } */ return calendar; } // traitement des objets de la librairie ical4j /** * Permet de transformer un VEVENT decrivant une repetition de dates, avec * eventuellement des exceptions en liste de periode (occupations uniques). * * @param dateDebut * : date de debut de la periode d'interrogation * @param dateFin * : date de fin de la periode d'interrogation * * TODO a deplacer dans un structure centralisee */ public PeriodList periodeList(VEvent vEvent, NSTimestamp dateDebut, NSTimestamp dateFin, boolean normalise) throws ParseException { DtStart start = vEvent.getStartDate(); DtEnd end = vEvent.getEndDate(); Duration duration = vEvent.getDuration(); Transp transp = vEvent.getTransparency(); PeriodList periods = new PeriodList(); if (transp != null && Transp.TRANSPARENT.equals(transp.getValue())) return periods; if (start == null || duration == null && end == null) return periods; Dur rDuration; if (duration == null) rDuration = new Dur(start.getDate(), end.getDate()); else rDuration = duration.getDuration(); PropertyList rDates = vEvent.getProperties(Property.RDATE); for (Iterator i = rDates.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RDate rdate = (RDate); if (Value.PERIOD.equals(rdate.getParameter("VALUE"))) { Iterator j = rdate.getPeriods().iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { periods.add((Period); } } } // la periode de fin d'interrogation est la meme que celle de l'application Date periodEnd = new Date(DateCtrl.dateToString(dateFin, "yyyyMMdd")); PropertyList rRules = vEvent.getProperties(Property.RRULE); for (Iterator i = rRules.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RRule rrule = (RRule); DateList startDates = rrule.getRecur().getDates(start.getDate(), periodEnd, (Value) start.getParameter("VALUE")); int j = 0; while (j < startDates.size()) { Date startDate = (Date) startDates.get(j); // on reconstruit un objet DateTime pour conserver la bonne duree en // heures DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(startDate.getTime()); Period newPeriod = new Period(startDateTime, rDuration); periods.add(newPeriod); j++; } } if (start.getDate().before(periodEnd)) { if (end != null && end.getDate().after(start.getDate())) { periods.add(new Period(new DateTime(start.getDate()), new DateTime(end.getDate()))); } else { if (duration != null) { DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(start.getDate().getTime()); Period newPeriod = new Period(startDateTime, duration.getDuration()); if (newPeriod.getEnd().after(start.getDate())) { periods.add(newPeriod); } } } } PropertyList exDates = vEvent.getProperties(Property.EXDATE); for (Iterator i = exDates.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExDate exDate = (ExDate); Iterator periodIterator = periods.iterator(); while (periodIterator.hasNext()) { Period period = (Period); if (exDate.getDates().contains(period.getStart()) || exDate.getDates().contains(new Date(period.getStart()))) { periodIterator.remove(); } } } PropertyList exRules = vEvent.getProperties(Property.EXRULE); PeriodList exPeriods = new PeriodList(); for (Iterator i = exRules.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExRule exrule = (ExRule); DateList startDates = exrule.getRecur().getDates(start.getDate(), periodEnd, (Value) start.getParameter("VALUE")); Iterator j = startDates.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { Date startDate = (Date); DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(startDate.getTime()); Period newPeriod = new Period(startDateTime, rDuration); exPeriods.add(newPeriod); } } if (!exPeriods.isEmpty()) periods = periods.subtract(exPeriods); if (!periods.isEmpty() && normalise) return periods.normalise(); else return periods; } private Integer ttlObjectCalendarStream; public int ttlObject() { if (ttlObjectCalendarStream == null) { ttlObjectCalendarStream = new Integer(app().ttlICalendarRead()); } return ttlObjectCalendarStream.intValue(); } public static String getNomFichierPourUrlIcs(String urlIcs) { Random random = new Random(); String nomFichier = urlIcs.substring(urlIcs.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); nomFichier = StringCtrl.normalize(nomFichier); nomFichier = Integer.toString(random.nextInt(999999999)) + "_" + nomFichier; return nomFichier; } }