Java tutorial
/** * * ESUP-Portail MONDOSSIERWEB - Copyright (c) 2016 ESUP-Portail consortium * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Configurable; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.FileDownloader; import com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.MainUI; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.beans.ElementPedagogique; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.beans.Etape; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.controllers.ConfigController; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.controllers.EtudiantController; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.controllers.NoteController; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.controllers.UserController; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.utils.MyFileDownloader; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.utils.PropertyUtils; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.utils.Utils; /** * Fentre du dtail des notes */ @Configurable(preConstruction = true) public class DetailNotesWindow extends Window { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final String NAME = "notesWindow"; @Resource private transient ApplicationContext applicationContext; @Resource private transient UserController userController; @Resource private transient EtudiantController etudiantController; @Resource private transient NoteController noteController; @Resource private transient ConfigController configController; private Etape etape; private Button btnDisplayFiltres; private Panel panelVue; /** * Cre une fentre */ public DetailNotesWindow(Etape et) { super(); etape = et; init(); } private void init() { //On vrifie le droit d'accder la vue if ((userController.isEnseignant() || userController.isEtudiant()) && MainUI.getCurrent() != null && MainUI.getCurrent().getEtudiant() != null) { /* Style */ setWidth(80, Unit.PERCENTAGE); setHeight(95, Unit.PERCENTAGE); setModal(true); setResizable(false); //Test si user enseignant et en vue Enseignant if (userController.isEnseignant() && MainUI.getCurrent().isVueEnseignantNotesEtResultats()) { //On recupere les notes pour un enseignant etudiantController.renseigneDetailNotesEtResultatsEnseignant(etape); } else { //On rcupre les notes pour un tudiant etudiantController.renseigneDetailNotesEtResultats(etape); } /* Layout */ VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setSizeFull(); layout.setMargin(true); layout.setSpacing(true); /* Titre */ setCaption(applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".title", null, getLocale())); List<ElementPedagogique> lelp = MainUI.getCurrent().getEtudiant().getElementsPedagogiques(); //Sous titre avec l'anne HorizontalLayout titleLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); titleLayout.setSizeFull(); titleLayout.setHeight("20px"); Label messageLabel = new Label( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".label.messageinfo", null, getLocale())); messageLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); messageLabel.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_SMALL); titleLayout.addComponent(messageLabel); titleLayout.setExpandRatio(messageLabel, 1); titleLayout.setComponentAlignment(messageLabel, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); //Test si user enseignant if (userController.isEnseignant() && lelp != null && lelp.size() > 0) { //Bouton pour afficher les filtres btnDisplayFiltres = new Button(); btnDisplayFiltres.setWidth("52px"); btnDisplayFiltres.setHeight("32px"); btnDisplayFiltres.setStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_PRIMARY); if (MainUI.getCurrent().isVueEnseignantNotesEtResultats()) { btnDisplayFiltres.setStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_FRIENDLY); } btnDisplayFiltres.setIcon(FontAwesome.FILTER); btnDisplayFiltres.setDescription( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".btn.displayFilters", null, getLocale())); btnDisplayFiltres.addClickListener(e -> { btnDisplayFiltres.setVisible(false); panelVue.setVisible(true); }); titleLayout.addComponent(btnDisplayFiltres); titleLayout.setComponentAlignment(btnDisplayFiltres, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); //titleLayout.setExpandRatio(btnDisplayFiltres, 1); btnDisplayFiltres.setVisible(true); } if (lelp != null && lelp.size() > 0 && configController.isPdfNotesActive()) { Button pdfButton = new Button(); pdfButton.setStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_BORDERLESS_COLORED); pdfButton.addStyleName("button-icon"); pdfButton.addStyleName("red-button-icon"); pdfButton.setIcon(FontAwesome.FILE_PDF_O); pdfButton.setDescription( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".btn.pdf.description", null, getLocale())); if (PropertyUtils.isPushEnabled()) { MyFileDownloader fd = new MyFileDownloader(noteController.exportPdfDetail(etape)); fd.extend(pdfButton); } else { FileDownloader fd = new FileDownloader(noteController.exportPdfDetail(etape)); fd.extend(pdfButton); } titleLayout.addComponent(pdfButton); titleLayout.setComponentAlignment(pdfButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); } layout.addComponent(titleLayout); //Test si user enseignant if (userController.isEnseignant() && lelp != null && lelp.size() > 0) { panelVue = new Panel(); HorizontalLayout vueLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); vueLayout.setMargin(true); vueLayout.setSpacing(true); vueLayout.setSizeFull(); Button changerVueButton = new Button( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".button.vueEnseignant", null, getLocale())); changerVueButton.setStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_PRIMARY); if (MainUI.getCurrent().isVueEnseignantNotesEtResultats()) { changerVueButton.setStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_FRIENDLY); changerVueButton.setCaption( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".button.vueEtudiant", null, getLocale())); } //On change la variable vueEnseignantNotesEtResultats et on recr la vue en cours changerVueButton.addClickListener(e -> { etudiantController.changerVueNotesEtResultats(); init(); }); Label vueLabel = new Label( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".label.vueEtudiant", null, getLocale())); if (MainUI.getCurrent().isVueEnseignantNotesEtResultats()) { vueLabel.setValue( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".label.vueEnseignant", null, getLocale())); } vueLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); vueLabel.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_SMALL); vueLayout.addComponent(changerVueButton); vueLayout.setComponentAlignment(changerVueButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); vueLayout.addComponent(vueLabel); vueLayout.setExpandRatio(vueLabel, 1); panelVue.setContent(vueLayout); layout.addComponent(panelVue); panelVue.setVisible(false); } Panel panelDetailNotes = new Panel(etape.getLibelle() + " - " + applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".label.anneeuniv", null, getLocale()) + " " + etape.getAnnee()); panelDetailNotes.addStyleName("small-font-element"); panelDetailNotes.setSizeFull(); if (lelp != null && lelp.size() > 0) { Table detailNotesTable = new Table(null, new BeanItemContainer<>(ElementPedagogique.class, lelp)); detailNotesTable.setSizeFull(); detailNotesTable.setVisibleColumns(new String[0]); if (contientElpObtenusPrecedemment(lelp)) { detailNotesTable.addGeneratedColumn( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".table.elp.annee", null, getLocale()), new AnneeColumnGenerator()); } detailNotesTable.addGeneratedColumn( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".table.elp.code", null, getLocale()), new CodeElpColumnGenerator()); detailNotesTable.addGeneratedColumn( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".table.elp.libelle", null, getLocale()), new LibelleElpColumnGenerator()); detailNotesTable.addGeneratedColumn( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".table.elp.notesession1", null, getLocale()), new Session1ColumnGenerator()); detailNotesTable.addGeneratedColumn( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".table.elp.resultatsession1", null, getLocale()), new ResultatSession1ColumnGenerator()); detailNotesTable.addGeneratedColumn( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".table.elp.notesession2", null, getLocale()), new Session2ColumnGenerator()); detailNotesTable.addGeneratedColumn("resultatsession2", new ResultatSession2ColumnGenerator()); detailNotesTable.setColumnHeader("resultatsession2", applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".table.elp.resultatsession2", null, getLocale())); if (configController.isAffRangEtudiant() || etudiantController.isAfficherRangElpEpr()) { detailNotesTable.addGeneratedColumn( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".table.elp.rang", null, getLocale()), new RangColumnGenerator()); } if (configController.isAffECTSEtudiant()) { detailNotesTable.addGeneratedColumn( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".table.elp.ects", null, getLocale()), new ECTSColumnGenerator()); } detailNotesTable.setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true); detailNotesTable.setColumnReorderingAllowed(false); detailNotesTable.setSelectable(false); detailNotesTable.setImmediate(true); detailNotesTable.addStyleName("scrollabletable"); panelDetailNotes.setContent(detailNotesTable); } else { setHeight(30, Unit.PERCENTAGE); HorizontalLayout messageLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); messageLayout.setSpacing(true); messageLayout.setMargin(true); Label labelAucunResultat = new Label( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".message.aucuneresultat", null, getLocale())); labelAucunResultat.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_BOLD); messageLayout.addComponent(labelAucunResultat); panelDetailNotes.setContent(messageLayout); } layout.addComponent(panelDetailNotes); if (lelp != null && lelp.size() > 0 && MainUI.getCurrent().getEtudiant().isSignificationResultatsUtilisee()) { Panel panelSignificationResultats = new Panel( applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".info.significations.resultats", null, getLocale())); panelSignificationResultats.addStyleName("significationpanel"); panelSignificationResultats.addStyleName("small-font-element"); panelSignificationResultats.setIcon(FontAwesome.INFO_CIRCLE); VerticalLayout significationLayout = new VerticalLayout(); significationLayout.setMargin(true); significationLayout.setSpacing(true); String grilleSignficationResultats = ""; //grilleSignficationResultats = significationResultats.toString().substring(1,significationResultats.toString().length()-1); Set<String> ss = MainUI.getCurrent().getEtudiant().getSignificationResultats().keySet(); for (String k : ss) { if (k != null && !k.equals("") && !k.equals(" ")) { grilleSignficationResultats = grilleSignficationResultats + "<b>" + k + "</b> : " + MainUI.getCurrent().getEtudiant().getSignificationResultats().get(k); grilleSignficationResultats = grilleSignficationResultats + "   "; } } Label mapSignificationLabel = new Label(grilleSignficationResultats); mapSignificationLabel.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_SMALL); mapSignificationLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); significationLayout.addComponent(mapSignificationLabel); panelSignificationResultats.setContent(significationLayout); layout.addComponent(panelSignificationResultats); } layout.setExpandRatio(panelDetailNotes, 1); setContent(layout); /* Centre la fentre */ center(); } } private boolean contientElpObtenusPrecedemment(List<ElementPedagogique> lelp) { for (ElementPedagogique el : lelp) { if (el.getLevel() > 1 && !el.isEpreuve() && StringUtils.hasText(el.getAnnee())) { return true; } } return false; } /** Formats the position in a column containing Date objects. */ class AnneeColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator { /** * Generates the cell containing the value. The column is * irrelevant in this use case. */ public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); // RECUPERATION DE LA VALEUR BeanItem<ElementPedagogique> bid = (BeanItem<ElementPedagogique>) item; ElementPedagogique el = (ElementPedagogique) bid.getBean(); Label libLabel = new Label(); if ((el.getLevel() == 1 || !el.isEpreuve()) && StringUtils.hasText(el.getAnnee())) { //indentation des libelles dans la liste: String annee = Utils.convertAnneeUnivToDisplay(el.getAnnee()); if (el.getLevel() == 1 && !el.isEpreuve()) { annee = "<b>" + annee + "</b>"; } if (el.isEpreuve()) { annee = "<i>" + annee + "</i>"; } libLabel.setValue(annee); } libLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); return libLabel; } } /** Formats the position in a column containing Date objects. */ class CodeElpColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator { /** * Generates the cell containing the value. The column is * irrelevant in this use case. */ public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); // RECUPERATION DE LA VALEUR BeanItem<ElementPedagogique> bid = (BeanItem<ElementPedagogique>) item; ElementPedagogique el = (ElementPedagogique) bid.getBean(); Label libLabel = new Label(); if (StringUtils.hasText(el.getLibelle())) { //indentation des libelles dans la liste: String code = el.getCode(); if (el.getLevel() == 1 && !el.isEpreuve()) { code = "<b>" + code + "</b>"; } if (el.isEpreuve()) { code = "<i>" + code + "</i>"; } libLabel.setValue(code); } libLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); return libLabel; } } /** Formats the position in a column containing Date objects. */ class LibelleElpColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator { /** * Generates the cell containing the value. The column is * irrelevant in this use case. */ public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); // RECUPERATION DE LA VALEUR BeanItem<ElementPedagogique> bid = (BeanItem<ElementPedagogique>) item; ElementPedagogique el = (ElementPedagogique) bid.getBean(); Label libLabel = new Label(); if (StringUtils.hasText(el.getLibelle())) { //indentation des libelles dans la liste: int rg = new Integer(el.getLevel()); String libelp = el.getLibelle(); String lib = ""; for (int j = 2; j <= rg; j++) { lib = lib + "     "; } if (el.getLevel() == 1 && !el.isEpreuve()) { libelp = "<b>" + libelp + "</b>"; } if (el.isEpreuve()) { libelp = "<i>" + libelp + "</i>"; } libLabel.setValue(lib + libelp); } libLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); return libLabel; } } /** Formats the position in a column containing Date objects. */ class Session1ColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator { /** * Generates the cell containing the value. The column is * irrelevant in this use case. */ public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); // RECUPERATION DE LA VALEUR BeanItem<ElementPedagogique> bid = (BeanItem<ElementPedagogique>) item; ElementPedagogique el = (ElementPedagogique) bid.getBean(); Label libLabel = new Label(); if (StringUtils.hasText(el.getLibelle())) { //indentation des libelles dans la liste: String note = el.getNote1(); if (el.getBareme1() != 0 && (configController.isToujoursAfficherBareme() || el.getBareme1() != 20)) { note += "/" + el.getBareme1(); } if (el.getLevel() == 1 && !el.isEpreuve()) { note = "<b>" + note + "</b>"; } if (el.isEpreuve()) { note = "<i>" + note + "</i>"; } libLabel.setValue(note); } libLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); return libLabel; } } /** Formats the position in a column containing Date objects. */ class Session2ColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator { /** * Generates the cell containing the value. The column is * irrelevant in this use case. */ public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); // RECUPERATION DE LA VALEUR BeanItem<ElementPedagogique> bid = (BeanItem<ElementPedagogique>) item; ElementPedagogique el = (ElementPedagogique) bid.getBean(); Label libLabel = new Label(); if (StringUtils.hasText(el.getLibelle())) { //indentation des libelles dans la liste: String note = el.getNote2(); if (el.getBareme2() != 0 && (configController.isToujoursAfficherBareme() || el.getBareme2() != 20)) { note += "/" + el.getBareme2(); } if (el.getLevel() == 1 && !el.isEpreuve()) { note = "<b>" + note + "</b>"; } if (el.isEpreuve()) { note = "<i>" + note + "</i>"; } libLabel.setValue(note); } libLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); return libLabel; } } /** Formats the position in a column containing Date objects. */ class ResultatSession1ColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator { /** * Generates the cell containing the value. The column is * irrelevant in this use case. */ public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); // RECUPERATION DE LA VALEUR BeanItem<ElementPedagogique> bid = (BeanItem<ElementPedagogique>) item; ElementPedagogique el = (ElementPedagogique) bid.getBean(); Label libLabel = new Label(); if (StringUtils.hasText(el.getLibelle()) && el.getRes1() != null) { //indentation des libelles dans la liste: String res = el.getRes1(); if (el.getLevel() == 1 && !el.isEpreuve()) { res = "<b>" + res + "</b>"; } if (el.isEpreuve()) { res = "<i>" + res + "</i>"; } libLabel.setValue(res); } libLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); return libLabel; } } /** Formats the position in a column containing Date objects. */ class ResultatSession2ColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator { /** * Generates the cell containing the value. The column is * irrelevant in this use case. */ public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); // RECUPERATION DE LA VALEUR BeanItem<ElementPedagogique> bid = (BeanItem<ElementPedagogique>) item; ElementPedagogique el = (ElementPedagogique) bid.getBean(); Label libLabel = new Label(); if (StringUtils.hasText(el.getLibelle()) && el.getRes2() != null) { //indentation des libelles dans la liste: String res = el.getRes2(); if (el.getLevel() == 1 && !el.isEpreuve()) { res = "<b>" + res + "</b>"; } if (el.isEpreuve()) { res = "<i>" + res + "</i>"; } libLabel.setValue(res); } libLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); return libLabel; } } /** Formats the position in a column containing Date objects. */ class RangColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator { /** * Generates the cell containing the value. The column is * irrelevant in this use case. */ public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); // RECUPERATION DE LA VALEUR BeanItem<ElementPedagogique> bid = (BeanItem<ElementPedagogique>) item; ElementPedagogique el = (ElementPedagogique) bid.getBean(); Label libLabel = new Label(); if (StringUtils.hasText(el.getRang())) { libLabel.setValue(el.getRang()); } libLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); return libLabel; } } /** Formats the position in a column containing Date objects. */ class ECTSColumnGenerator implements Table.ColumnGenerator { /** * Generates the cell containing the value. The column is * irrelevant in this use case. */ public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); // RECUPERATION DE LA VALEUR BeanItem<ElementPedagogique> bid = (BeanItem<ElementPedagogique>) item; ElementPedagogique el = (ElementPedagogique) bid.getBean(); Label libLabel = new Label(); if (StringUtils.hasText(el.getEcts())) { libLabel.setValue(el.getEcts()); } return libLabel; } } }