Java tutorial
/** * * ESUP-Portail MONDOSSIERWEB - Copyright (c) 2016 ESUP-Portail consortium * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import lombok.Data; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.beans.Etape; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.entities.apogee.Anonymat; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.entities.apogee.Examen; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.entities.apogee.Inscrit; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.entities.apogee.NatureElp; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.entities.apogee.Signataire; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.utils.RequestUtils; import fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.utils.Utils; @Component @Transactional("transactionManagerApogee") @Data public class MultipleApogeeServiceImpl implements MultipleApogeeService { private Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MultipleApogeeServiceImpl.class); @PersistenceContext(unitName = "entityManagerFactoryApogee") private transient EntityManager entityManagerApogee; @Resource private RequestUtils requestUtils; @Override public String getAnneeEnCours() { return (String) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery("select cod_anu from annee_uni where eta_anu_iae = 'O'").getSingleResult(); } @Override public String getLibEtablissementDef() { return (String) entityManagerApogee.createNativeQuery( "select e.lib_web_etb from apogee.variable_appli va, etablissement e where COD_VAP = 'ETB_COD' and va.PAR_VAP = e.COD_ETB") .getSingleResult(); } @Override public List<Examen> getCalendrierExamens(String cod_ind) { //Si on a une requte SQL pour surcharger la requte livre avec l'application if (StringUtils.hasText(requestUtils.getCalendrierDesExamens())) { //On utilise la requte indique dans le fichier XML @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Examen> lins = (List<Examen>) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery(requestUtils.getCalendrierDesExamens().replaceAll("#COD_IND#", cod_ind), Examen.class) .getResultList(); return lins; } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Examen> lins = (List<Examen>) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery("SELECT DISTINCT rownum ID,to_char(PESA.DAT_DEB_PES,'DD/MM/YYYY') datedeb, " + "DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(PESA.DHH_DEB_PES),1,1),'1', " + "TO_CHAR(PESA.DHH_DEB_PES),'0'||TO_CHAR(PESA.DHH_DEB_PES)) ||':'|| " + "DECODE(TO_CHAR(PESA.DMM_DEB_PES),'0','00',TO_CHAR(PESA.DMM_DEB_PES)) heure, " + "PESA.DUR_EXA_EPR_PES duree, " + "PESA.COD_SAL salle, SAL.LIB_SAL libsalle, " + "NVL(TO_CHAR(PI.NUM_PLC_AFF_PSI),' ') place, " + "BAT.LIB_BAT BATIMENT,BAT.LIB_LOC_BAT localisation, E.LIB_EPR epreuve, " + "'' codcin " + "FROM APOGEE.PRD_EPR_SAL_ANU PESA,APOGEE.EPREUVE E,APOGEE.PES_IND PI,APOGEE.BATIMENT BAT, " + "APOGEE.SALLE SAL,APOGEE.PERIODE_EXA PEX " + "WHERE PI.COD_IND=" + cod_ind + " " + "AND PI.COD_PES=PESA.COD_PES " + "AND PESA.COD_EPR=E.COD_EPR AND PESA.COD_PXA = PEX.COD_PXA " + "AND PEX.LIB_PXA LIKE '@%' AND SAL.COD_SAL = PESA.COD_SAL " + "AND BAT.COD_BAT = SAL.COD_BAT " + "ORDER BY DATEDEB,2", Examen.class) .getResultList(); return lins; } } @Override public List<String> getDixDernieresAnneesUniversitaires() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> lannee = getDernieresAnneesUniversitaires(); //On garde 10 annees maxi if (lannee != null && lannee.size() > 10) { for (int i = (lannee.size() - 1); i > 9; i--) { lannee.remove(i); } } return lannee; } @Override public List<String> getDernieresAnneesUniversitaires() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> lannee = (List<String>) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery("select cod_anu from annee_uni order by cod_anu DESC").getResultList(); return lannee; } @Override public int getDerniereAnneeUniversitaire() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") String annee = (String) entityManagerApogee.createNativeQuery("select max(cod_anu) from annee_uni") .getSingleResult(); return Integer.parseInt(annee); } @Override public Signataire getSignataire(String codeSignataire) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Signataire signataire = (Signataire) entityManagerApogee.createNativeQuery( "select sig.COD_SIG, sig.NOM_SIG, sig.QUA_SIG, " + "PKB_CRY1.decryptLob(decode(std.TEM_CES_STD,'T',std.IMG_TAM_STD,std.IMG_SIG_STD), " + " UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw('CLEFAPOGEE123456')) as IMG_SIG_STD " + " from APOGEE.SIGNATAIRE sig, APOGEE.SIGN_TAMP_DIGITALISE std " + " where sig.COD_SIG = std.COD_SIG (+) " + " and sig.COD_SIG = '" + codeSignataire + "'", Signataire.class).getSingleResult(); return signataire; } @Override public String getCodCivFromCodInd(String cod_ind) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") String codCiv = (String) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery( "select i.cod_civ " + " from apogee.individu i " + " where i.cod_ind =" + cod_ind) .getSingleResult(); return codCiv; } @Override public List<Inscrit> getInscritsEtapeJuinSep(Etape e) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Inscrit> linscrits = (List<Inscrit>) entityManagerApogee.createNativeQuery( "select i.cod_ind,i.cod_etu, i.lib_pr1_ind, I.lib_nom_pat_ind NOM, I.LIB_NOM_USU_IND NOM_USUEL, " + " to_char(i.date_nai_ind,'DD/MM/YYYY') date_nai_ind, " + " decode(rj.tem_iae_ko_vet,0,'O','N') iae, " + " decode(avc.ETA_ANO_OBJ_AOA,'V',' ',nvl(decode(to_char(rj.not_vet),null,rj.not_sub_vet,to_char(rj.not_vet)),' ')) notej , " + " decode(avc.ETA_ANO_OBJ_AOA,'V',' ',nvl(rj.cod_tre,' ')) resj , " + " decode(avc2.ETA_ANO_OBJ_AOA,'V',' ',nvl(decode(to_char(rs.not_vet),null,rs.not_sub_vet,to_char(rs.not_vet)),' ')) notes , " + " decode(avc2.ETA_ANO_OBJ_AOA,'V',' ',nvl(rs.cod_tre,' ')) ress " + " from apogee.individu i , apogee.resultat_vet rj " + " left outer join apogee.resultat_vet rs on ( rs.cod_ind = rj.cod_ind " + " and rs.tem_iae_ko_vet in ('0','2') " + " and rs.cod_etp = rj.cod_etp " + " and rs.cod_vrs_vet = rj.cod_vrs_vet " + " and rs.cod_anu = rj.cod_anu " + " and rs.cod_ses = '2' " + " and rs.cod_adm = '1') " + " left outer join AVCT_OBJ_ANO avc on (avc.COD_ANU=rj.COD_ANU " + " and avc.COD_OBJ_AOA=rj.cod_etp " + " and avc.COD_SES_OBJ_AOA=rj.COD_SES " + " and avc.COD_ADM_OBJ_AOA=rj.COD_ADM " + " and avc.TYP_OBJ_AOA='VET' " + " and avc.COD_VRS_OBJ_AOA=rj.cod_vrs_vet " + " and avc.ETA_ANO_OBJ_AOA='V' ) " + " left outer join AVCT_OBJ_ANO avc2 on (avc2.COD_ANU=rj.COD_ANU " + " and avc2.COD_OBJ_AOA=rj.cod_etp " + " and avc2.COD_SES_OBJ_AOA='2' " + " and avc2.COD_ADM_OBJ_AOA='1' " + " and avc2.TYP_OBJ_AOA='VET' " + " and avc2.COD_VRS_OBJ_AOA=rj.cod_vrs_vet " + " and avc2.ETA_ANO_OBJ_AOA='V') " + " where rj.tem_iae_ko_vet in ('0','2') " + " and rj.cod_etp = '" + e.getCode() + "' " + " and rj.cod_vrs_vet = " + e.getVersion() + " " + " and rj.cod_anu = " + e.getAnnee() + " " + " and rj.cod_ses in ('0','1') and rj.cod_adm = '1' " + " and i.cod_ind = rj.cod_ind " + " order by NOM,i.lib_pr1_ind,i.date_nai_ind ", Inscrit.class).getResultList(); return linscrits; } @Override public String getLibelleEtape(Etape e) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") String libelle = (String) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery("select lib_web_vet " + " from version_etape " + " where cod_etp = '" + e.getCode() + "' " + " and cod_vrs_vet = " + e.getVersion()) .getSingleResult(); return libelle; } @Override public List<String> getAnneesFromVetDesc(Etape e, int anneeMaximum) { List<String> lannee = new LinkedList<String>(); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") int anneeMin = Integer .parseInt( (String) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery(" select MIN(DAA_DEB_RCT_VET) " + " from vdi_fractionner_vet vfv " + " where VFV.COD_ETP='" + e.getCode() + "' " + " and VFV.COD_VRS_VET=" + e.getVersion()) .getSingleResult()); int anneeMax = Integer .parseInt( (String) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery(" select MAX(DAA_FIN_RCT_VET) " + " from vdi_fractionner_vet vfv " + " where VFV.COD_ETP='" + e.getCode() + "' " + " and VFV.COD_VRS_VET=" + e.getVersion()) .getSingleResult()); for (int i = anneeMax; i >= anneeMin; i--) { if (i <= anneeMaximum) { lannee.add("" + i); } } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { LOG.debug("Aucune anne valide trouve pour cette vet : " + e.getCode() + "/" + e.getVersion(), nfe); } return lannee; } @Override public List<Anonymat> getNumeroAnonymat(String cod_etu, String cod_anu) { if (StringUtils.hasText(cod_etu) && StringUtils.hasText(cod_anu)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Anonymat> lano = (List<Anonymat>) entityManagerApogee.createNativeQuery( "select rownum id, t.COD_ETU_ANO, t.LIB_MAN from (select distinct COD_ETU_ANO, LIB_MAN from v_ind_ano,MAQ_ANO, MAQ_OBJ_ANO " + " where v_ind_ano.cod_anu = '" + cod_anu + "' and v_ind_ano.cod_etu = " + cod_etu + " " + " and MAQ_ANO.COD_MAN = MAQ_OBJ_ANO.COD_MAN " + " AND concat(MAQ_OBJ_ANO.COD_OBJ_MOA, MAQ_OBJ_ANO.COD_VRS_OBJ_MOA )= concat(V_IND_ANO.COD_OBJ, V_IND_ANO.COD_VRS_OBJ ) " + " and COD_ETU_ANO is not null)t ", Anonymat.class).getResultList(); return lano; } return null; } @Override public String getNatureElp(String codElp) { if (StringUtils.hasText(codElp) && StringUtils.hasText(codElp)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NatureElp nature = (NatureElp) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery( "select nel.COD_NEL, nel.LIB_NEL, nel.LIC_NEL, NEL.TEM_EN_SVE_NEL " + "from ELEMENT_PEDAGOGI elp, NATURE_ELP nel " + "where nel.COD_NEL=elp.COD_NEL " + "and elp.COD_ELP='" + codElp + "'", NatureElp.class) .getSingleResult(); return nature.getLib_nel(); } return null; } @Override public String getCategorieSocioProfessionnelle(String cod_ind, String cod_anu) { if (StringUtils.hasText(cod_ind) && StringUtils.hasText(cod_anu)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") String codPcsEtu = (String) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery("select COD_PCS_ETUDIANT from ins_adm_anu " + " where cod_ind='" + cod_ind + "' and cod_anu=" + cod_anu) .getSingleResult(); return codPcsEtu; } return null; } @Override public int getNbPJnonValides(String cod_ind, String cod_anu) { if (StringUtils.hasText(cod_ind) && StringUtils.hasText(cod_anu)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BigDecimal nbPJnonValides = (BigDecimal) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery("select count(*) from TELEM_IAA_TPJ tit, INS_ADM_ANU iaa " + "where iaa.COD_ANU = " + cod_anu + " " + "and iaa.cod_ind = tit.cod_ind " + "and iaa.ETA_IAA = 'E' " + "and tit.cod_anu= iaa.COD_ANU " + "and tit.STATUT_PJ != 'V' " + "and tit.cod_ind = " + cod_ind) .getSingleResult(); return nbPJnonValides.intValue(); } return 0; } @Override public boolean isBoursier(String cod_ind, String cod_anu) { if (StringUtils.hasText(cod_ind) && StringUtils.hasText(cod_anu)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BigDecimal nbInsAdmBoursier = (BigDecimal) entityManagerApogee .createNativeQuery("select count(*) from ins_adm_anu iaa " + "where iaa.COD_ANU = " + cod_anu + " " + "and iaa.cod_soc = '" + Utils.COD_SOC_BOURSIER + "' " + "and iaa.ETA_IAA = 'E' " + "and iaa.cod_ind = " + cod_ind) .getSingleResult(); return nbInsAdmBoursier.intValue() > 0; } return false; } }