Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of pwt. * * pwt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * pwt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with pwt. If not, * see <>. */ package fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.EditorValue; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.helper.TakesValueEditorWrapper; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.base.HasDrawable; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.theme.client.CssStyle; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.base.AbstractTableCell; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.base.AbstractTableColumn; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.base.SimpleStyle; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.event.SelectionEvent; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.event.SelectionEvent.HasSelectionHandlers; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.util.StyleUtils; public class TableSelecter<T> extends AbstractTableColumn<T> implements HasSelectionHandlers { private static final CssStyle STYLE_TABLE_SELECTER = new SimpleStyle("table-selecter"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_ROW_CLICKABLE = new SimpleStyle("clickable"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_ROW_SELECTED = new SimpleStyle("info"); public enum SelectionMode { COLUMN, ROW_CLICK, BOTH; } private class TDSelecter extends AbstractTableCell<T> implements ClickHandler, EditorValue<T>, HasDrawable { private final InputElement inputElem; private HandlerRegistration parentClickRegistration; private HandlerRegistration clickRegistration; private T value; TDSelecter() { super(TableCellElement.TAG_TD); if (TableSelecter.this.singleSelection) { this.inputElem =; } else { this.inputElem =; } this.getElement().appendChild(this.inputElem); } @Override public void setReadonly(Boolean readonly) { super.setReadonly(readonly); this.inputElem.setReadOnly(Boolean.TRUE.equals(readonly)); } @Override public T getValue() { return this.value; } @Override public void edit(T value) { this.value = value; this.redraw(); } @Override public LeafValueEditor<T> asEditor() { return new TakesValueEditorWrapper<T>(this); } @Override public void redraw() { this.inputElem.setChecked(TableSelecter.this.selection.contains(this.value)); this.inputElem.setReadOnly(Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.getReadonly())); this.inputElem.setDisabled(!TableSelecter.this.enable); StyleUtils.toggleStyle(this.getParent(), TableSelecter.STYLE_ROW_SELECTED, TableSelecter.this.selection.contains(this.value)); switch (TableSelecter.this.selectionMode) { case COLUMN: StyleUtils.toggleStyle(this.getParent(), TableSelecter.STYLE_ROW_CLICKABLE, false); if (this.clickRegistration == null) { this.clickRegistration = this.addDomHandler(this, ClickEvent.getType()); } break; case ROW_CLICK: StyleUtils.toggleStyle(this.getParent(), TableSelecter.STYLE_ROW_CLICKABLE, TableSelecter.this.enable); if (this.parentClickRegistration == null) { this.parentClickRegistration = this.getParent().addDomHandler(this, ClickEvent.getType()); } break; case BOTH: StyleUtils.toggleStyle(this.getParent(), TableSelecter.STYLE_ROW_CLICKABLE, TableSelecter.this.enable); if (this.clickRegistration == null) { this.clickRegistration = this.addDomHandler(this, ClickEvent.getType()); } if (this.parentClickRegistration == null) { this.parentClickRegistration = this.getParent().addDomHandler(this, ClickEvent.getType()); } break; default: break; } } @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (!TableSelecter.this.enable) { return; } boolean fire = false; if (event.getSource() == this) { fire = TableSelecter.this.setSelected(this.value, this.inputElem.isChecked()); event.stopPropagation(); } else if (event.getSource() instanceof TableRow) { TableRow<T> row = (TableRow<T>) event.getSource(); T clickedValue = row.getValue(); fire = TableSelecter.this.setSelected(clickedValue, !TableSelecter.this.isSelected(clickedValue)); } if (fire) { TableSelecter.this.fireEvent(new SelectionEvent(TableSelecter.this.selection)); } this.redraw(); } } private HandlerManager handlerManager; private final List<T> selection = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List<TDSelecter> cells = Lists.newArrayList(); private boolean singleSelection = false; private SelectionMode selectionMode = SelectionMode.COLUMN; private String groupId = Document.get().createUniqueId(); private boolean enable = true; public TableSelecter() { this.setType(Type.ACTION); } protected TableSelecter(TableSelecter<T> source) { super(source); this.singleSelection = source.singleSelection; this.selectionMode = source.selectionMode; this.handlerManager = new HandlerManager(source.handlerManager, this); this.handlerManager.resetSinkEvents(); } @Override public IsWidget cloneWidget() { return new TableSelecter<T>(this); } public boolean isSingleSelection() { return this.singleSelection; } public void setSingleSelection(boolean singleSelection) { this.singleSelection = singleSelection; } public SelectionMode getSelectionMode() { return this.selectionMode; } public void setSelectionMode(SelectionMode selectionMode) { this.selectionMode = selectionMode; if (selectionMode == SelectionMode.ROW_CLICK) { this.setColumnVisibility(ColumnVisibility.HIDE); } } @Override public TableTH<T> doCreateHeaderCell() { TableTH<T> headerCell = new TableTH<T>(); StyleUtils.addStyle(headerCell, TableSelecter.STYLE_TABLE_SELECTER); return headerCell; } @Override public AbstractTableCell<T> doCreateBodyCell() { TDSelecter cell = new TDSelecter(); StyleUtils.addStyle(cell, TableSelecter.STYLE_TABLE_SELECTER); if (this.selectionMode == SelectionMode.ROW_CLICK) { cell.setVisible(false); } this.cells.add(cell); return cell; } public boolean isSelected(T object) { return this.selection.contains(object); } public List<T> getSelection() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.selection); } public boolean setSelected(T object, boolean selected) { boolean hasChanged = selected && !this.selection.contains(object); hasChanged |= !selected && this.selection.contains(object); if (this.singleSelection) { this.selection.clear(); } else { this.selection.remove(object); } if (selected) { this.selection.add(object); } this.redraw(); return hasChanged; } @Override public HandlerRegistration addSelectionHandler(SelectionEvent.Handler handler) { return this.createHandlerManager().addHandler(SelectionEvent.TYPE, handler); } protected HandlerManager createHandlerManager() { if (this.handlerManager == null) { this.handlerManager = new HandlerManager(this); } return this.handlerManager; } @Override public void fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event) { if (this.handlerManager != null) { this.handlerManager.fireEvent(event); } } public void clearSelection() { this.selection.clear(); this.redraw(); } public void setEnable(boolean enable) { this.enable = enable; this.redraw(); } public boolean isEnable() { return this.enable; } private void redraw() { for (TDSelecter cell : this.cells) { cell.redraw(); } } }