Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of pwt. * * pwt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * pwt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with pwt. If not, * see <>. */ package fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.Context; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.Driver; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.Editor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.EditorComposite; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.EditorLeaf; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.Error; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.Path; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.Visitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.event.DataValidationEvent; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.event.DirtyEvent; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.event.FlushErrorEvent; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.event.FlushSuccessEvent; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.event.ResetDisplayEvent; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.helper.MessageHelper; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.impl.SimpleEditorContext; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.util.PathUtils; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.exception.ModelNotSetException; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.factory.ContextFactory; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.model.Model; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.BinderVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.DirtyEventRegistrerVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.DriverSetterVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.EditorFactoryVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.EnumValuesVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.ErrorBinderVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.FlusherVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.HtmlForVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.InputValidatorVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.LabelFactoryVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.LabelRendererVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.MessageHelperContainerVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.ModelInitializerVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.PlaceholderRendererVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.ReadonlyAspectVisitor; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.visitor.TooltipRendererVisitor; public class ModelDriver<T> implements Driver<T> { public static class DefaultContextFactory implements ContextFactory { @Override public <B extends Editor> Context<B> createContext(ModelDriver<?> driver, Context<?> parentContext, B editor) { Context<B> context = (Context<B>) driver.getContext(editor); if (context != null) { return context; } String path = editor.getPath(); if (parentContext != null) { if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = parentContext.getPath().toString(); } else if (parentContext.getPath().toString().length() > 0) { if (path.startsWith("[") && path.endsWith("]")) { path = parentContext.getPath().toString() + path; } else { path = parentContext.getPath().toString() + Path.SEPARATOR_PATH + path; } } } if (driver.getRootEditor() == editor) { path = null; } context = new SimpleEditorContext<B>(driver, parentContext, editor, PathUtils.evalPath(path)); driver.addContext(context); driver.accept(new ModelInitializerVisitor(), context); driver.accept(new DriverSetterVisitor(), context); driver.accept(new LabelFactoryVisitor(), context); driver.accept(new EditorFactoryVisitor(), context); driver.accept(new LabelRendererVisitor(), context); driver.accept(new PlaceholderRendererVisitor(), context); driver.accept(new MessageHelperContainerVisitor(), context); driver.accept(new TooltipRendererVisitor(), context); driver.accept(new InputValidatorVisitor(), context); driver.accept(driver.htmlForVisitor, context); driver.accept(new DirtyEventRegistrerVisitor(driver.dirtyHandler), context); driver.accept(new EnumValuesVisitor(), context); driver.accept(new ReadonlyAspectVisitor(), context); for (Visitor visitor : Iterables.filter(driver.visitors, Visitor.VisitorTrigger.INITALIZE)) { driver.accept(visitor, context); } if (editor instanceof EditorComposite && (parentContext == null || !(editor instanceof EditorLeaf))) { for (Editor child : ((EditorComposite) editor).getEditors()) { this.createContext(driver, context, child); } } return context; } } private final HtmlForVisitor htmlForVisitor = new HtmlForVisitor(); private final Model<T> model; private final List<Context<?>> contexts = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List<Visitor> visitors = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List<Error> errors = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean autoFlush = false; private final DirtyEvent.Handler dirtyHandler = new DirtyEvent.Handler() { @Override public void onDirtyEvent(DirtyEvent event) { ModelDriver.this.dirty = true; if (ModelDriver.this.autoFlush) { ModelDriver.this.flush(); } else if (event.getEditor() != ModelDriver.this.rootEditor) {; } } }; private MessageHelper messageHelper; private Editor rootEditor; private Context<Editor> rootContext; private boolean dirty; private T value; private T displayedValue; public ModelDriver(Model<T> model) { this.model = model; if (model == null) { throw new ModelNotSetException(); } } public Model<T> getModel() { return this.model; } public T getValue() { return this.value; } public T getDisplayedValue() { return this.displayedValue; } public void setDisplayedValue(T displayedValue) { this.displayedValue = displayedValue; } public void setValue(T value) { this.value = value; } public boolean isAutoFlush() { return this.autoFlush; } public void setAutoFlush(boolean autoFlush) { this.autoFlush = autoFlush; } public Context<Editor> getRootContext() { return this.rootContext; } @Override public <E extends Editor> E getRootEditor() { return (E) this.rootEditor; } @Override public Iterable<Error> getErrors() { return this.errors == null ? Collections.<Error>emptyList() : Iterables.unmodifiableIterable(this.errors); } @Override public boolean hasErrors() { return this.errors != null && !this.errors.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean isDirty() { return this.dirty; } @Override public Collection<Visitor> getVisitors() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.visitors); } public Context<?> getContext(final Editor editor) { return Iterables.find(this.contexts, new Predicate<Context<?>>() { @Override public boolean apply(Context<?> context) { return context.getEditor() == editor; } }, null); } public boolean removeContext(final Context<?> context) { if (this.contexts.remove(context)) { List<Context<?>> children = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Context<?> child : this.contexts) { if (context.equals(child.getParentContext())) { children.add(context); } } for (Context<?> childContext : children) { this.removeContext(childContext); } return true; } return false; } public boolean addContext(Context<?> context) { if (context != null && !this.contexts.contains(context)) { this.contexts.add(context); return true; } return false; } @Override public MessageHelper getMessageHelper() { return this.messageHelper; } public void setMessageHelper(MessageHelper messageHelper) { this.messageHelper = messageHelper; } @Override public void initialize(Editor editor, Visitor... visitors) { assert this.rootContext == null : "already initialized"; this.rootEditor = editor; if (visitors != null) { Iterables.addAll(this.visitors, Lists.newArrayList(visitors)); Collections.sort(this.visitors, new Visitor.VisitorComparator()); } this.rootContext = ContextFactory.Util.get().createContext(this, null, editor); } @Override public boolean registerVisitor(Visitor visitor) { if (visitor == null) { return false; } this.visitors.add(visitor); Collections.sort(this.visitors, new Visitor.VisitorComparator()); if (Visitor.VisitorTrigger.INITALIZE == visitor.trigerOn()) { return this.accept(visitor); } return true; } @Override public void edit(T value) { this.value = value; this.resetDisplay(); } @Override public void resetDisplay() { this.errors.clear(); this.accept(new ErrorBinderVisitor(this.model, this.messageHelper, this.errors)); this.displayedValue = this.value; for (Visitor visitor : Iterables.filter(this.visitors, Visitor.VisitorTrigger.BEFORE_EDIT)) { this.accept(visitor); } this.accept(new BinderVisitor(this, this.displayedValue)); for (Visitor visitor : Iterables.filter(this.visitors, Visitor.VisitorTrigger.AFTER_EDIT)) { this.accept(visitor); }, this.displayedValue); } @Override public T flush() { this.errors.clear(); T result = this.model.cloneBean(this.value); FlusherVisitor<T> flusher = new FlusherVisitor<T>(this.model, result); result = flusher.getTargetValue(); this.accept(flusher); result = flusher.getTargetValue(); if (flusher.hasErrors()) { Iterables.addAll(this.errors, flusher.getErrors()); } else { DataValidationEvent validationEvent =, result); this.errors.addAll(validationEvent.getErrors()); } if (!this.errors.isEmpty()) { this.accept(new ErrorBinderVisitor(this.model, this.messageHelper, this.errors));, this.value, result, this.errors); result = this.value; } else { this.value = result;, result); } for (Visitor visitor : Iterables.filter(this.visitors, Visitor.VisitorTrigger.FLUSH)) { this.accept(visitor); } return result; } @Override public boolean accept(Visitor visitor) { if (!visitor.beforeVisit()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < this.contexts.size(); i++) { Context<?> context = this.contexts.get(i); if (context != null && !visitor.visit(context)) { break; } } if (!visitor.afterVisit()) { return false; } return true; } public boolean accept(Visitor visitor, Context<?> context) { if (!visitor.beforeVisit()) { return false; } if (context == null || !visitor.visit(context)) { return false; } if (!visitor.afterVisit()) { return false; } return true; } }