Java tutorial
/* Pasteque Android client Copyright (C) Pasteque contributors, see the COPYRIGHT file This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package fr.pasteque.client.sync; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.Log; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import fr.pasteque.client.models.Cash; import fr.pasteque.client.models.Receipt; import fr.pasteque.client.utils.URLTextGetter; public class SyncSend { private static final String LOG_TAG = "Pasteque/SyncSend"; public static final int TICKETS_BUFFER = 10; // Note: SyncUpdate uses positive values, SyncSend negative ones public static final int SYNC_DONE = -1; public static final int CONNECTION_FAILED = -2; public static final int RECEIPTS_SYNC_DONE = -3; public static final int RECEIPTS_SYNC_FAILED = -4; public static final int CASH_SYNC_DONE = -5; public static final int CASH_SYNC_FAILED = -6; public static final int EPIC_FAIL = -7; public static final int SYNC_ERROR = -8; public static final int RECEIPTS_SYNC_PROGRESSED = -9; public static final int CLOSE_INV_SYNC_DONE = -10; public static final int CLOSE_INV_SYNC_FAILED = -11; public static final int CUSTOMER_SYNC_DONE = -12; public static final int CUSTOMER_SYNC_FAILED = -13; private Context ctx; private Handler listener; /** The tickets to send */ private List<Receipt> receipts; /** Index of first ticket to send in a call */ private int ticketOffset; private int currentChunkSize; private Cash cash; private boolean receiptsDone; private boolean cashDone; private boolean closeInvDone; private boolean killed; public SyncSend(Context ctx, Handler listener, List<Receipt> receipts, Cash cash) { this.listener = listener; this.ctx = ctx; this.receipts = receipts; = cash; if ( == null) { this.closeInvDone = true; } } public void synchronize() { runCashSync(); } private void fail(Exception e) { SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, CASH_SYNC_FAILED, e); } private void runReceiptsSync() { if (this.receipts.size() == 0) { // No receipts, skip and notify this.receiptsDone = true; SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, RECEIPTS_SYNC_DONE, true); this.checkFinished(); } else { if (!this.nextTicketRush()) { this.finish(); } } } private void runCashSync() { Map<String, String> postBody = SyncUtils.initParams(this.ctx, "CashesAPI", "update"); try { postBody.put("cash",; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG,, e);; return; } URLTextGetter.getText(SyncUtils.apiUrl(this.ctx), null, postBody, new DataHandler(DataHandler.TYPE_CASH)); } private void runCloseInventorySync() { Map<String, String> postBody = SyncUtils.initParams(this.ctx, "InventoriesAPI", "save"); try { postBody.put("inventory",; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG,, e);; return; } URLTextGetter.getText(SyncUtils.apiUrl(this.ctx), null, postBody, new DataHandler(DataHandler.TYPE_CLOSEINVENTORY)); } private boolean nextTicketRush() { if (this.ticketOffset >= this.receipts.size()) { return false; } JSONArray rcptsJSON = new JSONArray(); for (int i = this.ticketOffset; i < this.receipts.size() && i < this.ticketOffset + TICKETS_BUFFER; i++) { Receipt r = this.receipts.get(i); if (Data.Customer.resolvedIds.size() > 0 && r.getTicket() != null && r.getTicket().getCustomer() != null) { String sId = Data.Customer.resolvedIds.get(r.getTicket().getCustomer().getId()); if (sId != null) r.getTicket().getCustomer().setId(sId); } try { JSONObject o = r.toJSON(this.ctx); rcptsJSON.put(o); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, r.toString(), e);; return false; } } this.currentChunkSize = rcptsJSON.length(); Map<String, String> postBody = SyncUtils.initParams(this.ctx, "TicketsAPI", "save"); postBody.put("tickets", rcptsJSON.toString()); postBody.put("cashId",; URLTextGetter.getText(SyncUtils.apiUrl(this.ctx), null, postBody, new DataHandler(DataHandler.TYPE_RECEIPTS)); return true; } private void parseReceiptsResult(JSONObject resp) { try { JSONObject o = resp.getJSONObject("content"); int saved = o.getInt("saved"); if (saved == this.currentChunkSize) { this.ticketOffset += this.currentChunkSize; if (!this.nextTicketRush()) { SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, RECEIPTS_SYNC_DONE); if ( != null) { // Continue with close inventory this.runCloseInventorySync(); } else { // Done this.finish(); } } else { SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, RECEIPTS_SYNC_PROGRESSED); } } else { SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, RECEIPTS_SYNC_FAILED, saved + " tickets saved, expecting " + this.currentChunkSize); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error while parsing receipts result", e); SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, RECEIPTS_SYNC_FAILED, resp); } } private void parseCashResult(JSONObject resp) { try { JSONObject o = resp.getJSONObject("content"); Cash cash = Cash.fromJSON(o); // Update cash id for tickets cash.setCloseInventory(; = cash; SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, CASH_SYNC_DONE, cash); // Continue with receipts this.runReceiptsSync(); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error while parsing cash result", e); SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, CASH_SYNC_FAILED, resp); } } private void parseCloseInvResult(JSONObject resp) { try { int id = resp.getInt("content"); SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, CLOSE_INV_SYNC_DONE,; // Done this.finish(); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error while parsing close inventory result", e); SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, CLOSE_INV_SYNC_FAILED, resp); } } private void finish() { SyncUtils.notifyListener(this.listener, SYNC_DONE); } private void checkFinished() { if (this.receiptsDone && this.cashDone && this.closeInvDone) { this.finish(); } } private class DataHandler extends Handler { private static final int TYPE_RECEIPTS = 1; private static final int TYPE_CASH = 2; private static final int TYPE_CLOSEINVENTORY = 3; private int type; public DataHandler(int type) { this.type = type; } private String getError(String response) { try { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(response); if (o.has("error")) { return o.getString("error"); } } catch (JSONException ignored) { } return null; } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (this.type) { case TYPE_RECEIPTS: SyncSend.this.receiptsDone = true; break; case TYPE_CASH: SyncSend.this.cashDone = true; break; case TYPE_CLOSEINVENTORY: SyncSend.this.closeInvDone = true; break; } switch (msg.what) { case URLTextGetter.SUCCESS: // Parse content String content = (String) msg.obj; try { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(content); String status = result.getString("status"); if (!status.equals("ok")) { JSONObject err = result.getJSONObject("content"); String error = err.getString("code"); SyncUtils.notifyListener(listener, SYNC_ERROR, error); finish(); } else { switch (type) { case TYPE_RECEIPTS: parseReceiptsResult(result); break; case TYPE_CASH: parseCashResult(result); break; case TYPE_CLOSEINVENTORY: parseCloseInvResult(result); break; } } } catch (JSONException e) { SyncUtils.notifyListener(listener, SYNC_ERROR, content); finish(); } break; case URLTextGetter.ERROR: Log.e(LOG_TAG, "URLTextGetter error", (Exception) msg.obj); case URLTextGetter.STATUS_NOK: SyncUtils.notifyListener(listener, CONNECTION_FAILED, msg.obj); finish(); return; } checkFinished(); } } }