Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2013, Mairie de Paris * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice * and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice * and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of 'Mairie de Paris' nor 'Lutece' nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * License 1.0 */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; /** * This class provides methods for role management. */ public class RoleManagementJspBean extends AdminFeaturesPageJspBean { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Contants /** * Right to manage RBAC */ public static final String RIGHT_MANAGE_ROLES = "CORE_RBAC_MANAGEMENT"; /** * Serial version UID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5909246296083478844L; // parameters private static final String PARAMETER_METHOD_SELECTION_ALL = "all"; private static final String PARAMETER_METHOD_SELECTION_CHOOSE = "choose"; private static final String PARAMETER_SELECTION_METHOD_CHOOSE = "choose"; private static final String PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY = "role_key"; private static final String PARAMETER_ROLE_DESCRIPTION = "role_description"; private static final String PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY_PREVIOUS = "role_key_previous"; private static final String PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE = "resource_type"; private static final String PARAMETER_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD = "select_resources"; private static final String PARAMETER_RESOURCE_ID = "resource_id"; private static final String PARAMETER_PERMISSION_KEY = "permission_key"; private static final String PARAMETER_SELECT_PERMISSIONS_METHOD = "select_permissions"; private static final String PARAMETER_RBAC_ID = "rbac_id"; private static final String PARAMETER_AVAILABLE_USER_LIST = "available_users_list"; private static final String PARAMETER_CANCEL = "cancel"; private static final String PARAMETER_ID_USER = "id_user"; private static final String PARAMETER_ANCHOR = "anchor"; //markers private static final String MARK_PERMISSIONS_LIST = "permissions_list"; private static final String MARK_RESOURCE_ID_LIST = "resource_id_list"; private static final String MARK_RESOURCE_TYPE_LIST = "resource_type_list"; private static final String MARK_CONTROLED_RESOURCE_LIST = "controled_resource_list"; private static final String MARK_ROLE = "role"; private static final String MARK_ROLE_LIST = "role_list"; private static final String MARK_PAGINATOR = "paginator"; private static final String MARK_NB_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = "nb_items_per_page"; private static final String MARK_ROLE_KEY = "role_key"; private static final String MARK_RESOURCE_TYPE = "resource_type"; private static final String MARK_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD = "select_resources"; private static final String MARK_RESOURCE_LIST_AVAILABLE = "resource_list_available"; private static final String MARK_ASSIGNED_USERS_LIST = "assigned_users_list"; private static final String MARK_AVAILABLE_USERS_LIST = "available_users_list"; private static final String MARK_ASSIGNED_USERS_NUMBER = "assigned_users_number"; private static final String MARK_ITEM_NAVIGATOR = "item_navigator"; private static final String MARK_USER_LEVELS_LIST = "user_levels"; // properties private static final String PROPERTY_CONFIRM_DELETE_ROLE = "portal.rbac.message.confirmDeleteRole"; private static final String PROPERTY_CONFIRM_DELETE_CONTROL = "portal.rbac.message.confirmDeleteControl"; private static final String PROPERTY_ROLE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "portal.rbac.message.roleAlreadyExists"; private static final String PROPERTY_ROLE_ATTRIBUTED = "portal.rbac.message.roleAttributed"; private static final String PROPERTY_ROLE_CREATION_PAGETITLE = "portal.rbac.pageTitle.createRole"; private static final String PROPERTY_ROLE_MODIFICATION_PAGETITLE = "portal.rbac.pageTitle.modifyRole"; private static final String PROPERTY_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_PAGETITLE = "portal.rbac.pageTitle.viewRoleDescription"; private static final String PROPERTY_CHOOSE_RESOURCES_PAGETITLE = "portal.rbac.pageTitle.chooseResources"; private static final String PROPERTY_SELECT_RESOURCES_IDS_PAGETITLE = "portal.rbac.pageTitle.selectResourceIds"; private static final String PROPERTY_SELECT_PERMISSIONS_PAGETITLE = "portal.rbac.pageTitle.selectPermissions"; private static final String PROPERTY_MESSAGE_NO_ID_SELECTION_METHOD = "portal.rbac.message.resourceIdSelectionMethod"; private static final String PROPERTY_MESSAGE_ID_LIST_EMPTY = "portal.rbac.message.resourceIdListEmpty"; private static final String PROPERTY_MESSAGE_NO_PERMISSION_SELECTION_METHOD = "portal.rbac.message.permissionSelectionMethod"; private static final String PROPERTY_MESSAGE_PERMISSION_LIST_EMPTY = "portal.rbac.message.permissionListEmpty"; private static final String MESSAGE_ROLE_SPECIAL_CHARACTER = "portal.rbac.message.specialCharacters"; private static final String PROPERTY_ROLES_PER_PAGE = "paginator.roles.itemsPerPage"; private static final String PROPERTY_ASSIGN_USERS_PAGETITLE = "portal.rbac.assign_users.pageTitle"; private static final String PROPERTY_MANAGE_ROLES_PAGETITLE = "portal.rbac.manage_roles.pageTitle"; private static final String MESSAGE_CANNOT_REMOVE_ROLE = "portal.rbac.message.cannotRemoveRole"; // templates private static final String TEMPLATE_MANAGE_ROLES = "admin/rbac/manage_roles.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_CREATE_ROLE = "admin/rbac/create_role.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_MODIFY_ROLE = "admin/rbac/modify_role.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_VIEW_ROLE_DESCRIPTION = "admin/rbac/view_role_description.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_ADD_CONTROL_TO_ROLE = "admin/rbac/add_control_to_role.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_SELECT_PERMISSIONS = "admin/rbac/select_permissions.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_SELECT_RESOURCE_IDS = "admin/rbac/select_resource_ids.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_ASSIGN_USERS = "admin/rbac/assign_users_role.html"; // jsp private static final String JSP_URL_ROLES_MANAGEMENT = "ManageRoles.jsp"; private static final String JSP_URL_SELECT_PERMISSIONS = "SelectPermissions.jsp"; private static final String JSP_URL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION = "ViewRoleDescription.jsp"; private static final String JSP_URL_SELECT_SPECIFIC_IDS = "SelectSpecificIds.jsp"; private static final String JSP_URL_REMOVE_ROLE = "jsp/admin/rbac/DoRemoveRole.jsp"; private static final String JSP_URL_REMOVE_CONTROL_FROM_ROLE = "jsp/admin/rbac/DoRemoveControlFromRole.jsp"; private static final String JSP_ASSIGN_USERS_TO_ROLE = "AssignUsersRole.jsp"; private static final String JSP_URL_ASSIGN_USERS_TO_ROLE = "jsp/admin/rbac/AssignUsersRole.jsp"; private int _nItemsPerPage; private int _nDefaultItemsPerPage; private String _strCurrentPageIndex; private ItemNavigator _itemNavigator; /** * Get the roles management page. * This page provides the list of all existing roles. * @param request the http request * @return the html code for the role management page */ public String getManageRoles(HttpServletRequest request) { setPageTitleProperty(PROPERTY_MANAGE_ROLES_PAGETITLE); // Reinit session reinitItemNavigator(); List<AdminRole> listRole = (List<AdminRole>) AdminRoleHome.findAll(); // SORT String strSortedAttributeName = request.getParameter(Parameters.SORTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); String strAscSort = null; if (strSortedAttributeName != null) { strAscSort = request.getParameter(Parameters.SORTED_ASC); boolean bIsAscSort = Boolean.parseBoolean(strAscSort); Collections.sort(listRole, new AttributeComparator(strSortedAttributeName, bIsAscSort)); } _strCurrentPageIndex = Paginator.getPageIndex(request, Paginator.PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX, _strCurrentPageIndex); _nDefaultItemsPerPage = AppPropertiesService.getPropertyInt(PROPERTY_ROLES_PER_PAGE, 50); _nItemsPerPage = Paginator.getItemsPerPage(request, Paginator.PARAMETER_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, _nItemsPerPage, _nDefaultItemsPerPage); String strURL = getHomeUrl(request); UrlItem url = new UrlItem(strURL); if (strSortedAttributeName != null) { url.addParameter(Parameters.SORTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, strSortedAttributeName); } if (strAscSort != null) { url.addParameter(Parameters.SORTED_ASC, strAscSort); } // PAGINATOR LocalizedPaginator<AdminRole> paginator = new LocalizedPaginator<AdminRole>(listRole, _nItemsPerPage, url.getUrl(), Paginator.PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX, _strCurrentPageIndex, getLocale()); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put(MARK_NB_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, Integer.toString(_nItemsPerPage)); model.put(MARK_PAGINATOR, paginator); model.put(MARK_ROLE_LIST, paginator.getPageItems()); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_MANAGE_ROLES, getLocale(), model); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Get the role creation page. * This page provides a form to enter basic information about * the new role. * @param request the http request * @return the html code for the role creation page */ public String getCreateRole(HttpServletRequest request) { setPageTitleProperty(PROPERTY_ROLE_CREATION_PAGETITLE); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_CREATE_ROLE, getLocale()); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Perform the role creation. * The role key entered should not already exist. * The role key is mandatory. * @param request the http request * @return the url to forward to */ public String doCreateRole(HttpServletRequest request) { String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); String strRoleDescription = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_DESCRIPTION); if (StringUtils.isBlank(strRoleKey) || StringUtils.isBlank(strRoleDescription)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } else if (AdminRoleHome.checkExistRole(strRoleKey)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_ROLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } else if (!StringUtil.checkCodeKey(strRoleKey)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_ROLE_SPECIAL_CHARACTER, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } else { AdminRole role = new AdminRole(); role.setKey(strRoleKey.trim()); role.setDescription(strRoleDescription); AdminRoleHome.create(role); return JSP_URL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION + "?" + PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY + "=" + strRoleKey; } } /** * Get the role modification page. * This corresponds to the modification of the basic information linked to * the role : key and description * @param request the http request * @return the html code for the modification page */ public String getModifyRole(HttpServletRequest request) { setPageTitleProperty(PROPERTY_ROLE_MODIFICATION_PAGETITLE); String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); HashMap<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put(MARK_ROLE, AdminRoleHome.findByPrimaryKey(strRoleKey)); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_MODIFY_ROLE, getLocale(), model); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Performs the modification of the role's key and description. * The role key entered should not already exist. * The role key is mandatory. * It should update the key for all the entries in the role-resource * association list. * @param request the http request * @return the url to forward to */ public String doModifyRole(HttpServletRequest request) { String strOldRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY_PREVIOUS); String strNewRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); String strRoleDescription = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_DESCRIPTION); // check that new role key is valid if (StringUtils.isBlank(strNewRoleKey) || StringUtils.isBlank(strRoleDescription)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } if (strOldRoleKey.equals(strNewRoleKey)) // if the key doesn't change, update the description { // update the role AdminRole role = AdminRoleHome.findByPrimaryKey(strOldRoleKey); role.setKey(strNewRoleKey); role.setDescription(strRoleDescription); AdminRoleHome.update(strOldRoleKey, role); } else // if the key changes, first check that the new key doesn't exist { if (AdminRoleHome.checkExistRole(strNewRoleKey)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_ROLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } // update the role AdminRole role = AdminRoleHome.findByPrimaryKey(strOldRoleKey); role.setKey(strNewRoleKey); role.setDescription(strRoleDescription); AdminRoleHome.update(strOldRoleKey, role); AdminUserHome.updateUsersRole(strOldRoleKey, role); // update the role key in the role-resource associations RBACHome.updateRoleKey(strOldRoleKey, strNewRoleKey); } return JSP_URL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION + "?" + PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY + "=" + strNewRoleKey; } /** * Get the confirmation page before deletion of a role * @param request the HTTP request * @return the url of the confirmation page */ public String doConfirmRemoveRole(HttpServletRequest request) { String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); String strDeleteUrl = JSP_URL_REMOVE_ROLE + "?" + PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY + "=" + strRoleKey; String strUrl = AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_CONFIRM_DELETE_ROLE, strDeleteUrl, AdminMessage.TYPE_CONFIRMATION); return strUrl; } /** * Perform the role deletion. * Also delete the resources linked to this role * @param request the http request * @return the url of the role management page */ public String doRemoveRole(HttpServletRequest request) { String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); List<String> listErrors = new ArrayList<String>(); // check that no user has this role if (AdminUserHome.checkRoleAttributed(strRoleKey)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_ROLE_ATTRIBUTED, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } else if (!RBACRemovalListenerService.getService().checkForRemoval(strRoleKey, listErrors, getLocale())) { String strCause = AdminMessageService.getFormattedList(listErrors, getLocale()); Object[] args = { strCause }; return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_CANNOT_REMOVE_ROLE, args, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } else { // remove role AdminRoleHome.remove(strRoleKey); // remove resources entries for that role RBACHome.removeForRoleKey(strRoleKey); return JSP_URL_ROLES_MANAGEMENT; } } /** * Get the page describing a role and the resource associated * @param request the HTTP request * @return the HTML code for the description page */ public String getViewRoleDescription(HttpServletRequest request) { setPageTitleProperty(PROPERTY_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_PAGETITLE); String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); Collection<RBAC> listResources = RBACHome.findResourcesByCode(strRoleKey); I18nService.localizeCollection(listResources, getLocale()); Collection<ResourceType> listResourceTypes = ResourceTypeManager.getResourceTypeList(); I18nService.localizeCollection(listResourceTypes, getLocale()); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put(MARK_ROLE, AdminRoleHome.findByPrimaryKey(strRoleKey)); model.put(MARK_CONTROLED_RESOURCE_LIST, listResources); model.put(MARK_RESOURCE_TYPE_LIST, listResourceTypes); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_VIEW_ROLE_DESCRIPTION, getLocale(), model); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Get the confirmation page before deletion of a control * @param request the http request * @return the url of the confirmation page */ public String doConfirmRemoveControlFromRole(HttpServletRequest request) { String strIdControl = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_RBAC_ID); String strDeleteUrl = JSP_URL_REMOVE_CONTROL_FROM_ROLE + "?" + PARAMETER_RBAC_ID + "=" + strIdControl; String strUrl = AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_CONFIRM_DELETE_CONTROL, strDeleteUrl, AdminMessage.TYPE_CONFIRMATION); return strUrl; } /** * Perform the role deletion. * Also delete the resources linked to this role * @param request the http request * @return the url of the role management page */ public String doRemoveControlFromRole(HttpServletRequest request) { String strIdControl = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_RBAC_ID); int nId = Integer.parseInt(strIdControl); RBAC rbac = RBACHome.findByPrimaryKey(nId); // remove control RBACHome.remove(nId); return JSP_URL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION + "?" + PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY + "=" + rbac.getRoleKey(); } /** * Get the first page of the control addition to a role. * This page provides choice for resource selection. * 2 methods are provided : * <ul> * <li>wildcard selection : all resources of this type are selected.</li> * <li>specific selection : a page with the list of resource ids available * is provided next for user choice.</li> * </ul> * @param request the HTTP request * @return the HTML content for the resource selection method choice */ public String getAddControlToRole(HttpServletRequest request) { setPageTitleProperty(PROPERTY_CHOOSE_RESOURCES_PAGETITLE); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); String strResourceType = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE); ResourceType resourceType = ResourceTypeManager.getResourceType(strResourceType); boolean bResourceListAvailable = true; ReferenceList listResources = resourceType.getResourceIdService().getResourceIdList(getLocale()); if ((listResources == null) || (listResources.size() == 0)) { bResourceListAvailable = false; } model.put(MARK_ROLE_KEY, strRoleKey); model.put(MARK_RESOURCE_TYPE, strResourceType); model.put(MARK_RESOURCE_LIST_AVAILABLE, bResourceListAvailable); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_ADD_CONTROL_TO_ROLE, getLocale(), model); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Perform the checks on the resource selection method and perform the * suitable redirection. * <ul> * <li>If selection method is global (wilcard selection - parameter "all"), * the user is redirected to the permission selection page.</li> * <li>If selection method is specific (id selection - parameter "choose"), * the user is redirected to the resource id selection page.</li> * <li>If no selection method is found, or if it's neither parameter "all" * nor "choose", the user is redirected to a error page.</li> * </ul> * @param request the http request * @return the url of the page to be redirected to */ public String doSelectResources(HttpServletRequest request) { String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); String strResourceType = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE); String strSelectionMethod = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD); if ((strSelectionMethod == null) || (strSelectionMethod.trim().equals(""))) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_MESSAGE_NO_ID_SELECTION_METHOD, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } else if (strSelectionMethod.equals(PARAMETER_SELECTION_METHOD_CHOOSE)) { return JSP_URL_SELECT_SPECIFIC_IDS + "?" + PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE + "=" + strResourceType + "&" + PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY + "=" + strRoleKey + "&" + PARAMETER_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD + "=" + strSelectionMethod; } else if (strSelectionMethod.equals(PARAMETER_METHOD_SELECTION_ALL)) { return JSP_URL_SELECT_PERMISSIONS + "?" + PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE + "=" + strResourceType + "&" + PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY + "=" + strRoleKey + "&" + PARAMETER_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD + "=" + strSelectionMethod; } else { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_MESSAGE_NO_ID_SELECTION_METHOD, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } } /** * Get the list of ids corresponding to the current resource type. * This allows to provide the selection of resource ids that should be * controlled for the current role. * @param request the http request * @return the html code for the list of ids to select */ public String getSelectSpecificIds(HttpServletRequest request) { setPageTitleProperty(PROPERTY_SELECT_RESOURCES_IDS_PAGETITLE); String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); String strResourceType = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE); String strSelectionMethod = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD); ResourceType resourceType = ResourceTypeManager.getResourceType(strResourceType); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put(MARK_RESOURCE_ID_LIST, resourceType.getResourceIdService().getResourceIdList(getLocale())); model.put(MARK_ROLE_KEY, strRoleKey); model.put(MARK_RESOURCE_TYPE, strResourceType); model.put(MARK_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD, strSelectionMethod); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_SELECT_RESOURCE_IDS, getLocale(), model); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Perform the check on the resource id list selected on the specific id * selection page perform the suitable redirection. * <ul> * <li>If selection method is specific (id selection - parameter "choose"), * <ul> * <li>if at least one id as been selected, the user is redirected to the * permission selection page.</li> * <li>if no id as been selected, the user is redirected to an error page.</li> * </ul> * <li>If selection method is global (wilcard selection - parameter "all"), * the user is redirected to the permission selection page (This check could * be avoided as is should not happen).</li> * <li>If no selection method is found, or if it's neither parameter "all" * nor "choose", the user is redirected to a error page.</li> * </ul> * @param request the http request * @return the url of the page to be redirected to */ public String doSelectResourcesFromIdsList(HttpServletRequest request) { String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); String strSelectionMethod = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD); String strResourceType = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE); String[] strArrayResourceIds = request.getParameterValues(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_ID); String strUrl; // check that the selection method is "all" or "choose" // if method is "choose", check that we have at least one id checked if (strSelectionMethod == null) { strUrl = AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_MESSAGE_NO_ID_SELECTION_METHOD, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } else if (strSelectionMethod.equals(PARAMETER_METHOD_SELECTION_CHOOSE)) { if ((strArrayResourceIds == null) || (strArrayResourceIds.length == 0)) { strUrl = AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_MESSAGE_ID_LIST_EMPTY, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } else { StringBuilder sbUrl = new StringBuilder(JSP_URL_SELECT_PERMISSIONS); sbUrl.append("?"); sbUrl.append(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE); sbUrl.append("="); sbUrl.append(strResourceType); sbUrl.append("&"); sbUrl.append(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); sbUrl.append("="); sbUrl.append(strRoleKey); sbUrl.append("&"); sbUrl.append(PARAMETER_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD); sbUrl.append("="); sbUrl.append(strSelectionMethod); for (int i = 0; i < strArrayResourceIds.length; i++) { sbUrl.append("&"); sbUrl.append(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_ID); sbUrl.append("="); sbUrl.append(strArrayResourceIds[i]); } strUrl = sbUrl.toString(); } } else if (strSelectionMethod.equals(PARAMETER_METHOD_SELECTION_ALL)) { StringBuilder sbUrl = new StringBuilder(JSP_URL_SELECT_PERMISSIONS); sbUrl.append("?"); sbUrl.append(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE); sbUrl.append("="); sbUrl.append(strResourceType); sbUrl.append("&"); sbUrl.append(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); sbUrl.append("="); sbUrl.append(strRoleKey); sbUrl.append("&"); sbUrl.append(PARAMETER_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD); sbUrl.append("="); sbUrl.append(strSelectionMethod); strUrl = sbUrl.toString(); } else { strUrl = AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_MESSAGE_NO_ID_SELECTION_METHOD, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } return strUrl; } /** * Get the permission selection page. * 2 methods are provided : * <ul> * <li>wildcard selection : all permissions for this type are selected.</li> * <li>specific selection : the choice is to be made by the user in the list * of available permissions.</li> * </ul> * @param request the http request * @return the html code for the permission selection page. */ public String getSelectPermissions(HttpServletRequest request) { setPageTitleProperty(PROPERTY_SELECT_PERMISSIONS_PAGETITLE); String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); String strResourceType = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE); String strSelectionMethod = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD); String[] strArrayResourceIds = request.getParameterValues(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_ID); // load the permission list for permission selection ReferenceList listPermissions = ResourceTypeManager.getPermissionsList(strResourceType, getLocale()); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // forward the resource id list model.put(MARK_RESOURCE_ID_LIST, strArrayResourceIds); // load the permission list model.put(MARK_PERMISSIONS_LIST, listPermissions); // forward the role key, the resource type and the resource id selection method model.put(MARK_ROLE_KEY, strRoleKey); model.put(MARK_RESOURCE_TYPE, strResourceType); model.put(MARK_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD, strSelectionMethod); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_SELECT_PERMISSIONS, getLocale(), model); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Perform the checks on the permission selection and redirects to the * description of the role if ok. * <ul> * <li>If selection method is global (wilcard selection - parameter "all"), * the correspondind entry is stored as a control for all resources * previously selected. The user is redirected to the role description page. * </li> * <li>If selection method is specific (id selection - parameter "choose"), * <ul> * <li>if no permission is found, the user is redirected to an error page.</li> * <li>if at least one permission is found, the correspondind entry is * stored as a control for all resources previously selected. The user is * redirected to the role description page.</li> * </ul> * </li> * <li>If no selection method is found, or if it's neither parameter "all" * nor "choose", the user is redirected to a error page.</li> * </ul> * @param request the http request * @return the url of the page to be redirected to */ public String doSelectPermissions(HttpServletRequest request) { String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); String strResourceType = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_TYPE); String strResourcesSelectionMethod = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_SELECT_RESOURCES_METHOD); String strPermissionsSelectionMethod = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_SELECT_PERMISSIONS_METHOD); String[] strArrayResourceIds; String[] strArrayPermissionKeys; // get the list of resource ids selected (forward from previous screen, so no need for extensive checks) if ((strResourcesSelectionMethod != null) && strResourcesSelectionMethod.equals(PARAMETER_METHOD_SELECTION_ALL)) { strArrayResourceIds = new String[1]; strArrayResourceIds[0] = RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID; } else { strArrayResourceIds = request.getParameterValues(PARAMETER_RESOURCE_ID); } // check that the permission selection method is "all" or "choose" // if method is "choose", check that we have at least one id checked if (strPermissionsSelectionMethod == null) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_MESSAGE_NO_PERMISSION_SELECTION_METHOD, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } else if (strPermissionsSelectionMethod.equals(PARAMETER_METHOD_SELECTION_CHOOSE)) { strArrayPermissionKeys = request.getParameterValues(PARAMETER_PERMISSION_KEY); if ((strArrayPermissionKeys == null) || (strArrayPermissionKeys.length == 0)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_MESSAGE_PERMISSION_LIST_EMPTY, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } } else if (strPermissionsSelectionMethod.equals(PARAMETER_METHOD_SELECTION_ALL)) { strArrayPermissionKeys = new String[1]; strArrayPermissionKeys[0] = RBAC.WILDCARD_PERMISSIONS_KEY; } else { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, PROPERTY_MESSAGE_NO_PERMISSION_SELECTION_METHOD, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } // store the selected elements in database for (int i = 0; i < strArrayResourceIds.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < strArrayPermissionKeys.length; j++) { RBAC rbac = new RBAC(); rbac.setRoleKey(strRoleKey); rbac.setResourceTypeKey(strResourceType); rbac.setResourceId(strArrayResourceIds[i]); rbac.setPermissionKey(strArrayPermissionKeys[j]); RBACHome.create(rbac); } } return JSP_URL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION + "?" + PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY + "=" + strRoleKey; } /** * Returns the users assignation form * * @param request The Http request * @return the html code for display the modes list */ public String getAssignUsers(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); setPageTitleProperty(PROPERTY_ASSIGN_USERS_PAGETITLE); String strBaseUrl = AppPathService.getBaseUrl(request) + JSP_URL_ASSIGN_USERS_TO_ROLE; UrlItem url = new UrlItem(strBaseUrl); // ROLE String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); AdminRole role = AdminRoleHome.findByPrimaryKey(strRoleKey); // ASSIGNED USERS List<AdminUser> listAssignedUsers = new ArrayList<AdminUser>(); for (AdminUser user : AdminUserHome.findByRole(strRoleKey)) { //Add users with higher level then connected user or add all users if connected user is administrator if ((user.getUserLevel() > getUser().getUserLevel()) || (getUser().isAdmin())) { listAssignedUsers.add(user); } } List<AdminUser> listFilteredUsers = AdminUserService.getFilteredUsersInterface(listAssignedUsers, request, model, url); // AVAILABLE USERS ReferenceList listAvailableUsers = new ReferenceList(); ReferenceItem itemUser = null; boolean bAssigned; for (AdminUser user : AdminUserHome.findUserList()) { itemUser = new ReferenceItem(); itemUser.setCode(Integer.toString(user.getUserId())); itemUser.setName(user.getAccessCode() + "(" + user.getFirstName() + " " + user.getLastName() + ")"); bAssigned = Boolean.FALSE; for (AdminUser assignedUser : listAssignedUsers) { if (Integer.toString(assignedUser.getUserId()).equals(itemUser.getCode())) { bAssigned = Boolean.TRUE; break; } } //Add users with higher level then connected user or add all users if connected user is administrator if (!bAssigned && ((user.getUserLevel() > getUser().getUserLevel()) || (getUser().isAdmin()))) { listAvailableUsers.add(itemUser); } } // SORT String strSortedAttributeName = request.getParameter(Parameters.SORTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); String strAscSort = null; if (strSortedAttributeName != null) { strAscSort = request.getParameter(Parameters.SORTED_ASC); boolean bIsAscSort = Boolean.parseBoolean(strAscSort); Collections.sort(listFilteredUsers, new AttributeComparator(strSortedAttributeName, bIsAscSort)); } _strCurrentPageIndex = Paginator.getPageIndex(request, Paginator.PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX, _strCurrentPageIndex); _nDefaultItemsPerPage = AppPropertiesService.getPropertyInt(PROPERTY_ROLES_PER_PAGE, 50); _nItemsPerPage = Paginator.getItemsPerPage(request, Paginator.PARAMETER_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, _nItemsPerPage, _nDefaultItemsPerPage); if (strSortedAttributeName != null) { url.addParameter(Parameters.SORTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, strSortedAttributeName); } if (strAscSort != null) { url.addParameter(Parameters.SORTED_ASC, strAscSort); } // ITEM NAVIGATION setItemNavigator(role.getKey(), url.getUrl()); // PAGINATOR url.addParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY, role.getKey()); LocalizedPaginator<AdminUser> paginator = new LocalizedPaginator<AdminUser>(listFilteredUsers, _nItemsPerPage, url.getUrl(), Paginator.PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX, _strCurrentPageIndex, getLocale()); // USER LEVEL Collection<Level> filteredLevels = new ArrayList<Level>(); for (Level level : LevelHome.getLevelsList()) { if (getUser().isAdmin() || getUser().hasRights(level.getId())) { filteredLevels.add(level); } } model.put(MARK_ROLE, role); model.put(MARK_USER_LEVELS_LIST, filteredLevels); model.put(MARK_AVAILABLE_USERS_LIST, listAvailableUsers); model.put(MARK_ASSIGNED_USERS_LIST, paginator.getPageItems()); model.put(MARK_ASSIGNED_USERS_NUMBER, listAssignedUsers.size()); model.put(MARK_ITEM_NAVIGATOR, _itemNavigator); model.put(MARK_PAGINATOR, paginator); model.put(MARK_NB_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, Integer.toString(_nItemsPerPage)); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_ASSIGN_USERS, getLocale(), model); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Process the data capture form for assign users to a role * * @param request The HTTP Request * @return The Jsp URL of the process result */ public String doAssignUsers(HttpServletRequest request) { String strReturn; String strActionCancel = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_CANCEL); if (strActionCancel != null) { strReturn = JSP_URL_ROLES_MANAGEMENT; } else { String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); //retrieve the selected portlets ids String[] arrayUsersIds = request.getParameterValues(PARAMETER_AVAILABLE_USER_LIST); if ((arrayUsersIds != null)) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayUsersIds.length; i++) { int nUserId = Integer.parseInt(arrayUsersIds[i]); AdminUser user = AdminUserHome.findByPrimaryKey(nUserId); if (!AdminUserHome.hasRole(user, strRoleKey)) { AdminUserHome.createRoleForUser(user.getUserId(), strRoleKey); } } } strReturn = JSP_ASSIGN_USERS_TO_ROLE + "?" + PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY + "=" + strRoleKey; } return strReturn; } /** * unassigns user from role * @param request The HttpRequest * @return the HTML code of list assignations */ public String doUnAssignUser(HttpServletRequest request) { String strRoleKey = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); int nIdUser = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ID_USER)); String strAnchor = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ANCHOR); AdminUser adminUser = AdminUserHome.findByPrimaryKey(nIdUser); if (adminUser != null) { AdminUserHome.removeRoleForUser(nIdUser, strRoleKey); } return JSP_ASSIGN_USERS_TO_ROLE + "?" + PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY + "=" + strRoleKey + "#" + strAnchor; } /** * Get the item navigator * @param strRoleKey the role key * @param strUrl the url */ private void setItemNavigator(String strRoleKey, String strUrl) { if (_itemNavigator == null) { List<String> listIdsRight = new ArrayList<String>(); int nCurrentItemId = 0; int nIndex = 0; for (AdminRole role : AdminRoleHome.findAll()) { if ((role != null) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(role.getKey())) { listIdsRight.add(role.getKey()); if (role.getKey().equals(strRoleKey)) { nCurrentItemId = nIndex; } nIndex++; } } _itemNavigator = new ItemNavigator(listIdsRight, nCurrentItemId, strUrl, PARAMETER_ROLE_KEY); } else { _itemNavigator.setCurrentItemId(strRoleKey); } } /** * Reinit the item navigator */ private void reinitItemNavigator() { _itemNavigator = null; } }