Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Mairie de Paris * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice * and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice * and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of 'Mairie de Paris' nor 'Lutece' nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * License 1.0 */ package; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Daemon to send notifications to users that subscribed to suggests suggest * categories or suggest submits */ public class SuggestSubscribersNotificationDaemon extends Daemon { private static final String DATASTORE_DAEMON_LAST_RUN_KEY = "suggest.suggestSubscribersNotificationDaemon.lastRunDate"; private static final String MARK_COMMENTS = "comments"; private static final String MARK_SUGGEST_SUBMIT = "suggestSubmits"; private static final String MARK_BASE_URL = "base_url"; private Map<String, List<CommentSubmit>> _mapCommentNotif; private Map<String, List<SuggestSubmit>> _mapSuggestSubmitNotif; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void run() { synchronized (this) { Date date = new Date(); String strLastRunDate = DatastoreService.getInstanceDataValue(DATASTORE_DAEMON_LAST_RUN_KEY, null); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strLastRunDate) && StringUtils.isNumeric(strLastRunDate)) { resetNotifSend(); Plugin plugin = PluginService.getPlugin(SuggestPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME); Date dateLastRun = new Date(Long.parseLong(strLastRunDate)); // We get the list of comments posted after the last run of this daemon List<CommentSubmit> listComment = CommentSubmitHome.findSuggestCommentByDate(dateLastRun, plugin); if ((listComment != null) && (listComment.size() > 0)) { // We order the list of comments by suggest submit Map<Integer, List<CommentSubmit>> mapCommentsBySuggestSubmitId = new HashMap<Integer, List<CommentSubmit>>( listComment.size()); for (CommentSubmit comment : listComment) { comment.setSuggestSubmit(SuggestSubmitHome .findByPrimaryKey(comment.getSuggestSubmit().getIdSuggestSubmit(), plugin)); addCommentToMap(comment, mapCommentsBySuggestSubmitId); } // Now that the map contain every comment ordered by suggest submit, we just have to generate notifications // We get the list of subscriptions to suggest submits SubscriptionFilter subscriptionFilter = new SubscriptionFilter(); subscriptionFilter .setSubscriptionKey(SuggestSubscriptionProviderService.SUBSCRIPTION_SUGGEST_SUBMIT); subscriptionFilter.setSubscriptionProvider( SuggestSubscriptionProviderService.getService().getProviderName()); List<Subscription> listSubscription = SubscriptionService.getInstance() .findByFilter(subscriptionFilter); if ((listSubscription != null) && (listSubscription.size() > 0)) { for (Subscription subscription : listSubscription) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(subscription.getIdSubscribedResource()) && StringUtils.isNumeric(subscription.getIdSubscribedResource())) { int nIdSuggestSubmit = Integer.parseInt(subscription.getIdSubscribedResource()); List<CommentSubmit> listComments = mapCommentsBySuggestSubmitId .get(nIdSuggestSubmit); if ((listComments != null) && (listComments.size() > 0)) { registerCommentNotificationToSend(listComments, subscription.getUserId()); } } } sendRegisteredCommentNotifications(plugin); // We clear registered notifications _mapCommentNotif = null; } } SubmitFilter submitFilter = new SubmitFilter(); submitFilter.setDateFirst(new Timestamp(dateLastRun.getTime())); List<SuggestSubmit> listCreatedSuggestSubmit = SuggestSubmitService.getService() .getSuggestSubmitList(submitFilter, plugin); if ((listCreatedSuggestSubmit != null) && (listCreatedSuggestSubmit.size() > 0)) { // We get the list of subscriptions to suggest categories SubscriptionFilter subscriptionFilter = new SubscriptionFilter(); subscriptionFilter .setSubscriptionKey(SuggestSubscriptionProviderService.SUBSCRIPTION_SUGGEST_CATEGORY); subscriptionFilter.setSubscriptionProvider( SuggestSubscriptionProviderService.getService().getProviderName()); List<Subscription> listSubscription = SubscriptionService.getInstance() .findByFilter(subscriptionFilter); if ((listSubscription != null) && (listSubscription.size() > 0)) { for (Subscription subscription : listSubscription) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(subscription.getIdSubscribedResource()) && StringUtils.isNumeric(subscription.getIdSubscribedResource())) { int nIdCategory = SuggestUtils .getIntegerParameter(subscription.getIdSubscribedResource()); for (SuggestSubmit suggestSubmit : listCreatedSuggestSubmit) { if (nIdCategory != SuggestUtils.CONSTANT_ID_NULL && suggestSubmit.getCategory() != null && nIdCategory == suggestSubmit.getCategory().getIdCategory()) { registerSuggestSubmitNotificationToSend(suggestSubmit, subscription.getUserId()); } } } } } subscriptionFilter = new SubscriptionFilter(); subscriptionFilter.setSubscriptionKey(SuggestSubscriptionProviderService.SUBSCRIPTION_SUGGEST); subscriptionFilter.setSubscriptionProvider( SuggestSubscriptionProviderService.getService().getProviderName()); listSubscription = SubscriptionService.getInstance().findByFilter(subscriptionFilter); if ((listSubscription != null) && (listSubscription.size() > 0)) { for (Subscription subscription : listSubscription) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(subscription.getIdSubscribedResource()) && StringUtils.isNumeric(subscription.getIdSubscribedResource())) { int nIdSuggest = Integer.parseInt(subscription.getIdSubscribedResource()); for (SuggestSubmit suggestSubmit : listCreatedSuggestSubmit) { if (nIdSuggest == suggestSubmit.getSuggest().getIdSuggest()) { registerSuggestSubmitNotificationToSend(suggestSubmit, subscription.getUserId()); } } } } } sendRegisteredSuggestSubmitNotifications(plugin); } } DatastoreService.setInstanceDataValue(DATASTORE_DAEMON_LAST_RUN_KEY, Long.toString(date.getTime())); } } /** * Add a comment to a map of suggest submit ids and list of comments * @param comment The comment to add * @param mapCommentsBySuggestSubmitId The map to add the comment in */ private void addCommentToMap(CommentSubmit comment, Map<Integer, List<CommentSubmit>> mapCommentsBySuggestSubmitId) { List<CommentSubmit> listComments = mapCommentsBySuggestSubmitId .get(comment.getSuggestSubmit().getIdSuggestSubmit()); if (listComments == null) { listComments = new ArrayList<CommentSubmit>(); mapCommentsBySuggestSubmitId.put(comment.getSuggestSubmit().getIdSuggestSubmit(), listComments); } listComments.add(comment); } /** * Reset notifications to send */ private void resetNotifSend() { this._mapCommentNotif = new HashMap<String, List<CommentSubmit>>(); this._mapSuggestSubmitNotif = new HashMap<String, List<SuggestSubmit>>(); } /** * Register a list of comments to send to a user. If a comment has already * been registered for the user, then it is ignored * @param listComments The list of comments to send * @param strUserId The user to send the notification to */ private void registerCommentNotificationToSend(List<CommentSubmit> listComments, String strUserId) { List<CommentSubmit> listRegisteredCopmments = _mapCommentNotif.get(strUserId); if (listRegisteredCopmments == null) { listRegisteredCopmments = new ArrayList<CommentSubmit>(listComments); _mapCommentNotif.put(strUserId, listRegisteredCopmments); } else { List<CommentSubmit> listCommentsToAdd = new ArrayList<CommentSubmit>(); for (CommentSubmit comment : listComments) { boolean bAddComment = true; for (CommentSubmit registeredComment : listRegisteredCopmments) { if (registeredComment.getIdCommentSubmit() == comment.getIdCommentSubmit()) { bAddComment = false; break; } } if (bAddComment) { listCommentsToAdd.add(comment); } } listRegisteredCopmments.addAll(listCommentsToAdd); } } /** * Send all registered comment notifications * @param plugin the plugin */ private void sendRegisteredCommentNotifications(Plugin plugin) { SuggestFilter filter = new SuggestFilter(); filter.setIdState(Suggest.STATE_ENABLE); List<Suggest> listSuggest = SuggestHome.getSuggestList(filter, plugin); for (Suggest suggest : listSuggest) { for (Entry<String, List<CommentSubmit>> entry : _mapCommentNotif.entrySet()) { List<CommentSubmit> listCommentSubmitsTmp = new ArrayList<CommentSubmit>(); for (CommentSubmit commentSubmitTmp : entry.getValue()) { if (suggest.getIdSuggest() == commentSubmitTmp.getSuggestSubmit().getSuggest().getIdSuggest()) { listCommentSubmitsTmp.add(commentSubmitTmp); } } if (!listCommentSubmitsTmp.isEmpty()) { sendCommentNotification(suggest, listCommentSubmitsTmp, entry.getKey()); } } } } /** * Send a single comment notification * @param suggest the Suggest link to the notification * @param listComments The list of comments to include into the notification * @param strUserName The name of the lutece user to send the notification * to */ private void sendCommentNotification(Suggest suggest, List<CommentSubmit> listComments, String strUserName) { LuteceUser user = LuteceUserService.getLuteceUserFromName(strUserName); String strEmail = getEmailFromLuteceUser(user); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strEmail)) { Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put(MARK_COMMENTS, listComments); model.put(MARK_BASE_URL, AppPathService.getProdUrl()); HtmlTemplate templateBody = AppTemplateService .getTemplateFromStringFtl(suggest.getNotificationNewCommentBody(), locale, model); HtmlTemplate templateTitle = AppTemplateService .getTemplateFromStringFtl(suggest.getNotificationNewCommentTitle(), locale, model); MailService.sendMailHtml(strEmail, !StringUtils.isBlank(suggest.getNotificationNewCommentSenderName()) ? suggest.getNotificationNewCommentSenderName() : suggest.getTitle(), MailService.getNoReplyEmail(), templateTitle.getHtml(), templateBody.getHtml()); } } /** * Register a suggest submit to send to a user * @param suggestSubmit The suggest submit to register * @param strUserName The name of the lutece user to send the notification * to */ private void registerSuggestSubmitNotificationToSend(SuggestSubmit suggestSubmit, String strUserName) { List<SuggestSubmit> listRegisteredSuggestSubmit = _mapSuggestSubmitNotif.get(strUserName); if (listRegisteredSuggestSubmit == null) { listRegisteredSuggestSubmit = new ArrayList<SuggestSubmit>(); listRegisteredSuggestSubmit.add(suggestSubmit); _mapSuggestSubmitNotif.put(strUserName, listRegisteredSuggestSubmit); } else { boolean bAddSuggestSubmit = true; int nIdSuggestsubmit = suggestSubmit.getIdSuggestSubmit(); for (SuggestSubmit registeredSuggestSubmit : listRegisteredSuggestSubmit) { if (registeredSuggestSubmit.getIdSuggestSubmit() == nIdSuggestsubmit) { bAddSuggestSubmit = false; break; } } if (bAddSuggestSubmit) { listRegisteredSuggestSubmit.add(suggestSubmit); } } } /** * Send all registered comment notifications * @param plugin plugin */ private void sendRegisteredSuggestSubmitNotifications(Plugin plugin) { SuggestFilter filter = new SuggestFilter(); filter.setIdState(Suggest.STATE_ENABLE); List<Suggest> listSuggest = SuggestHome.getSuggestList(filter, plugin); for (Suggest suggest : listSuggest) { for (Entry<String, List<SuggestSubmit>> entry : _mapSuggestSubmitNotif.entrySet()) { List<SuggestSubmit> listSuggestSubmitTmp = new ArrayList<SuggestSubmit>(); for (SuggestSubmit suggestSubmitTmp : entry.getValue()) { if (suggest.getIdSuggest() == suggestSubmitTmp.getSuggest().getIdSuggest()) { listSuggestSubmitTmp.add(suggestSubmitTmp); } } if (!listSuggestSubmitTmp.isEmpty()) { sendSuggestSubmitNotification(suggest, listSuggestSubmitTmp, entry.getKey()); } } } } /** * Send a single suggest submit notification * @param suggest the Suggest link to the notification * @param listSuggestSubmit The list of suggest submit to include into the * notification * @param strUserName The name of the lutece user to send the notification * to */ private void sendSuggestSubmitNotification(Suggest suggest, List<SuggestSubmit> listSuggestSubmit, String strUserName) { LuteceUser user = LuteceUserService.getLuteceUserFromName(strUserName); String strEmail = getEmailFromLuteceUser(user); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strEmail)) { Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put(MARK_SUGGEST_SUBMIT, listSuggestSubmit); model.put(MARK_BASE_URL, AppPathService.getProdUrl()); HtmlTemplate templateBody = AppTemplateService .getTemplateFromStringFtl(suggest.getNotificationNewSuggestSubmitBody(), locale, model); HtmlTemplate templateTitle = AppTemplateService .getTemplateFromStringFtl(suggest.getNotificationNewSuggestSubmitTitle(), locale, model); MailService.sendMailHtml(strEmail, !StringUtils.isBlank(suggest.getNotificationNewSuggestSubmitSenderName()) ? suggest.getNotificationNewSuggestSubmitSenderName() : suggest.getTitle(), MailService.getNoReplyEmail(), templateTitle.getHtml(), templateBody.getHtml()); } } /** * Get the email from the lutece user * @param user The user to get the email of * @return The email of the user, or null if he has none */ private String getEmailFromLuteceUser(LuteceUser user) { String strEmail = user.getUserInfo(LuteceUser.BUSINESS_INFO_ONLINE_EMAIL); if (strEmail == null) { strEmail = user.getUserInfo(LuteceUser.HOME_INFO_ONLINE_EMAIL); } return strEmail; } }