Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Mairie de Paris * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice * and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice * and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of 'Mairie de Paris' nor 'Lutece' nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * License 1.0 */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.sf.ehcache.CacheException; import net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache; import net.sf.ehcache.Element; import net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import; /** * */ public final class DocumentContentService extends ContentService implements CacheEventListener { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants private static final String CONTENT_SERVICE_NAME = "Document Content Service"; private static final String SLASH = "/"; private static final int MODE_ADMIN = 1; private static final String CONSTANT_DEFAULT_PORTLET_DOCUMENT_LIST_XSL = "WEB-INF/xsl/normal/portlet_document_list.xsl"; private static final String DOCUMENT_STYLE_PREFIX_ID = "document-"; private static final String LOCALE_EN = "en"; private static final String LOCALE_FR = "fr"; // XML tags private static final String XML_TAG_CONTENT = "content"; private static final String XML_TAG_SITE_LOCALE = "site_locale"; // Parameters private static final String PARAMETER_DOCUMENT_ID = "document_id"; private static final String PARAMETER_SITE_PATH = "site-path"; private static final String PARAMETER_PUBLICATION_DATE = "publication-date"; private static final String PARAMETER_SITE_LOCALE = "site_locale"; // Markers private static final String MARK_PUBLICATION = "publication"; private static final String MARK_DOCUMENT = "document"; private static final String MARK_PORTLET = "portlet"; private static final String MARK_CATEGORY = "categories"; private static final String MARK_DOCUMENT_ID = "document_id"; private static final String MARK_PORTLET_ID = "portlet_id"; private static final String MARK_PORTLET_ID_LIST = "portlet_id_list"; private static final String MARK_DOCUMENT_CATEGORIES_LIST = "document_categories_list"; private static final String MARK_URL_LOGIN = "url_login"; private static final String MARKER_TARGET = "target"; private static final String MARK_IS_EXTEND_INSTALLED = "isExtendInstalled"; // Templates private static final String TEMPLATE_DOCUMENT_PAGE_DEFAULT = "/skin/plugins/document/document_content_service.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_DOCUMENT_CATEGORIES = "/skin/plugins/document/document_categories.html"; //Properties private static final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_PORTLET_DOCUMENT_LIST_XSL = "document.contentService.defaultPortletDocumentListXSL"; private static final String PROPERTY_CACHE_ENABLED = "document.cache.enabled"; private static final String TARGET_TOP = "target=_top"; private static final String PROPERTY_RESOURCE_TYPE = "document"; // Performance patch private static ConcurrentMap<String, String> _keyMemory = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); private boolean _bInit; /** * Returns the document page for a given document and a given portlet. The * page is built from XML data or retrieved * from the cache if it's enable and the document in it. * * @param request The HTTP request. * @param nMode The current mode. * @return The HTML code of the page as a String. * @throws UserNotSignedException If the user is not signed * @throws SiteMessageException occurs when a site message need to be * displayed */ public String getPage(HttpServletRequest request, int nMode) throws UserNotSignedException, SiteMessageException { if (!_bInit) { init(); } String strDocumentId = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_DOCUMENT_ID); String strPortletId = request.getParameter(Parameters.PORTLET_ID); String strSiteLocale = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_SITE_LOCALE); if ((strSiteLocale == null) || !strSiteLocale.equalsIgnoreCase(LOCALE_EN)) { strSiteLocale = LOCALE_FR; } String strKey = getKey(strDocumentId, strPortletId, strSiteLocale, nMode); String strPage = (String) getFromCache(strKey); if (strPage == null) { // only one thread can evaluate the page synchronized (strKey) { // can be useful if an other thread had evaluate the page strPage = (String) getFromCache(strKey); // ignore CheckStyle, this double verification is useful when page cache has been created when thread is // blocked on synchronized if (strPage == null) { AppLogService.debug(" -- Page generation " + strKey + " : doc=" + strDocumentId + " portletid=" + strPortletId + "site_locale=" + strSiteLocale + "nMode=" + nMode); strPage = buildPage(request, strDocumentId, strPortletId, strSiteLocale, nMode); if (IntegerUtils.isNumeric(strDocumentId)) { int nDocumentId = IntegerUtils.convert(strDocumentId); Document document = DocumentHome.findByPrimaryKeyWithoutBinaries(nDocumentId); if ((document != null)) { putInCache(strKey, strPage); } } } else { AppLogService.debug("Page read from cache after synchronisation " + strKey); } } } else { AppLogService.debug("Page read from cache " + strKey); } return strPage; } /** * Initializes the service */ private void init() { // Initialize the cache according property value. // If the property isn't found the default is true String strCache = AppPropertiesService.getProperty(PROPERTY_CACHE_ENABLED, "true"); if (strCache.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { initCache(getName()); } _bInit = true; } /** * Build the document page * @param request The HTTP Request * @param strDocumentId The document ID * @param strPortletId The portlet ID * @param strSiteLocale the site locale code * @param nMode The current mode * @return * @throws * @throws */ private String buildPage(HttpServletRequest request, String strDocumentId, String strPortletId, String strSiteLocale, int nMode) throws UserNotSignedException, SiteMessageException { int nPortletId; int nDocumentId; boolean bPortletExist = false; Map<String, String> mapXslParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { nPortletId = Integer.parseInt(strPortletId); nDocumentId = Integer.parseInt(strDocumentId); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return PortalService.getDefaultPage(request, nMode); } Document document = DocumentHome.findByPrimaryKeyWithoutBinaries(nDocumentId); if ((document == null) || (!document.isValid())) { return PortalService.getDefaultPage(request, nMode); } DocumentType type = DocumentTypeHome.findByPrimaryKey(document.getCodeDocumentType()); DocumentPublication documentPublication = PublishingService.getInstance().getDocumentPublication(nPortletId, nDocumentId); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (documentPublication != null) { // Check if portlet is an alias portlet boolean bIsAlias = DocumentListPortletHome.checkIsAliasPortlet(documentPublication.getPortletId()); if (bIsAlias && (documentPublication.getPortletId() != nPortletId)) { AliasPortlet alias = (AliasPortlet) AliasPortletHome.findByPrimaryKey(nPortletId); nPortletId = alias.getAliasId(); strPortletId = Integer.toString(nPortletId); } if ((documentPublication.getPortletId() == nPortletId) && (documentPublication.getStatus() == DocumentPublication.STATUS_PUBLISHED)) { bPortletExist = true; } // The publication informations are available in Xsl (only publication date) and in template (full DocumentPublication object) mapXslParams.put(PARAMETER_PUBLICATION_DATE, DateUtil.getDateString(documentPublication.getDatePublishing(), request.getLocale())); model.put(MARK_PUBLICATION, documentPublication); } if (bPortletExist) { // Fill a PageData structure for those elements PageData data = new PageData(); data.setName(document.getTitle()); data.setPagePath(PortalService.getXPagePathContent(document.getTitle(), 0, request)); Portlet portlet = PortletHome.findByPrimaryKey(nPortletId); Page page = PageHome.getPage(portlet.getPageId()); String strRole = page.getRole(); if (!strRole.equals(Page.ROLE_NONE) && SecurityService.isAuthenticationEnable()) { LuteceUser user = SecurityService.getInstance().getRegisteredUser(request); if ((user == null) && (!SecurityService.getInstance().isExternalAuthentication())) { // The user is not registered and identify itself with the Portal authentication String strAccessControledTemplate = SecurityService.getInstance().getAccessControledTemplate(); HashMap<String, Object> modelAccessControledTemplate = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String strLoginUrl = SecurityService.getInstance().getLoginPageUrl(); modelAccessControledTemplate.put(MARK_URL_LOGIN, strLoginUrl); HtmlTemplate tAccessControled = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(strAccessControledTemplate, request.getLocale(), modelAccessControledTemplate); data.setContent(tAccessControled.getHtml()); return PortalService.buildPageContent(data, nMode, request); } if (!SecurityService.getInstance().isUserInRole(request, strRole)) { // The user doesn't have the correct role String strAccessDeniedTemplate = SecurityService.getInstance().getAccessDeniedTemplate(); HtmlTemplate tAccessDenied = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(strAccessDeniedTemplate, request.getLocale()); data.setContent(tAccessDenied.getHtml()); return PortalService.buildPageContent(data, nMode, request); } } // Get request paramaters and store them in a hashtable Enumeration<?> enumParam = request.getParameterNames(); Hashtable<String, String> htParamRequest = new Hashtable<String, String>(); String paramName = ""; while (enumParam.hasMoreElements()) { paramName = (String) enumParam.nextElement(); htParamRequest.put(paramName, request.getParameter(paramName)); } XmlTransformerService xmlTransformerService = new XmlTransformerService(); StringBuffer strXml = new StringBuffer(); XmlUtil.beginElement(strXml, XML_TAG_CONTENT); XmlUtil.addElement(strXml, XML_TAG_SITE_LOCALE, strSiteLocale); strXml.append(document.getXmlValidatedContent()); XmlUtil.endElement(strXml, XML_TAG_CONTENT); String strDocument = xmlTransformerService.transformBySourceWithXslCache(strXml.toString(), type.getContentServiceXslSource(), DOCUMENT_STYLE_PREFIX_ID + type.getStyleSheetId(nMode), htParamRequest, null); model.put(MARK_DOCUMENT, strDocument); model.put(MARK_PORTLET, getPortlet(request, strPortletId, nMode)); model.put(MARK_CATEGORY, getRelatedDocumentsPortlet(request, document, nPortletId, nMode)); model.put(MARK_DOCUMENT_ID, strDocumentId); model.put(MARK_PORTLET_ID, strPortletId); model.put(MARK_IS_EXTEND_INSTALLED, PortalService.isExtendActivated()); // Additional page info ResourceEnhancer.buildPageAddOn(model, PROPERTY_RESOURCE_TYPE, nDocumentId, strPortletId, request); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(getTemplatePage(document), request.getLocale(), model); data.setContent(template.getHtml()); return PortalService.buildPageContent(data, nMode, request); } //portlet does not exists return PortalService.getDefaultPage(request, nMode); } /** * Analyzes request parameters to see if the request should be handled by * the current Content Service * * @param request The HTTP request * @return true if this ContentService should handle this request */ public boolean isInvoked(HttpServletRequest request) { String strDocumentId = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_DOCUMENT_ID); String strIdPortlet = request.getParameter(Parameters.PORTLET_ID); if ((strDocumentId != null) && (strDocumentId.length() > 0) && (strIdPortlet != null) && (strIdPortlet.length() > 0)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns the Content Service name * * @return The name as a String */ public String getName() { return CONTENT_SERVICE_NAME; } /** * Return the template page * @param document * @return the template */ private String getTemplatePage(Document document) { if (document.getPageTemplateDocumentId() != 0) { String strPageTemplateDocument = DocumentHome .getPageTemplateDocumentPath(document.getPageTemplateDocumentId()); return strPageTemplateDocument; } else { return TEMPLATE_DOCUMENT_PAGE_DEFAULT; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Comments implementation /** * Gets the documents list portlet containing the document * * @param strPortletId The ID of the documents list portlet where the * document has been published. * @param nMode The current mode. * @param request The Http request * @return The HTML code of the documents list portlet as a String * @throws SiteMessageException IF a message need to be displayed */ private String getPortlet(HttpServletRequest request, String strPortletId, int nMode) throws SiteMessageException { try { int nPortletId = Integer.parseInt(strPortletId); Portlet portlet = PortletHome.findByPrimaryKey(nPortletId); String strXml = portlet.getXmlDocument(request); // Selection of the XSL stylesheet // byte[] baXslSource = portlet.getXslSource( nMode ); //FIXME Temporary solution (see LUTECE-824) String strFilePath = AppPropertiesService.getProperty(PROPERTY_DEFAULT_PORTLET_DOCUMENT_LIST_XSL, CONSTANT_DEFAULT_PORTLET_DOCUMENT_LIST_XSL); if (strFilePath == null) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } if (!strFilePath.startsWith(SLASH)) { strFilePath = SLASH + strFilePath; } String strFileName = strFilePath.substring(strFilePath.lastIndexOf(SLASH) + 1); strFilePath = strFilePath.substring(0, strFilePath.lastIndexOf(SLASH) + 1); FileInputStream fis = AppPathService.getResourceAsStream(strFilePath, strFileName); Source xslSource = new StreamSource(fis); // Get request paramaters and store them in a hashtable Enumeration<?> enumParam = request.getParameterNames(); Hashtable<String, String> htParamRequest = new Hashtable<String, String>(); String paramName = ""; while (enumParam.hasMoreElements()) { paramName = (String) enumParam.nextElement(); htParamRequest.put(paramName, request.getParameter(paramName)); } Properties outputProperties = ModeHome.getOuputXslProperties(nMode); // Add a path param for choose url to use in admin or normal mode if (nMode != MODE_ADMIN) { htParamRequest.put(PARAMETER_SITE_PATH, AppPathService.getPortalUrl()); } else { htParamRequest.put(PARAMETER_SITE_PATH, AppPathService.getAdminPortalUrl()); htParamRequest.put(MARKER_TARGET, TARGET_TOP); } XmlTransformerService xmlTransformerService = new XmlTransformerService(); String strXslUniquePrefix = DOCUMENT_STYLE_PREFIX_ID + strFilePath + strFileName; return xmlTransformerService.transformBySourceWithXslCache(strXml, xslSource, strXslUniquePrefix, htParamRequest, outputProperties); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } /** * Gets the category list portlet linked with the document * * @param request The Http request * @param document The document * @param nPortletId The ID of the documents list portlet where the document * has been published. * @param nMode The current mode. * @return The HTML code of the categories list portlet as a String */ private String getRelatedDocumentsPortlet(HttpServletRequest request, Document document, int nPortletId, int nMode) { if ((nMode != MODE_ADMIN) && (document.getCategories() != null) && (document.getCategories().size() > 0)) { HashMap<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<Document> listRelatedDocument = DocumentHome.findByRelatedCategories(document, request.getLocale()); List<Document> listDocument = new ArrayList<Document>(); ReferenceList listDocumentPortlet = new ReferenceList(); // Create list of related documents from the specified categories of input document for (Document relatedDocument : listRelatedDocument) { // Get list of portlets for each document for (Portlet portlet : PublishingService.getInstance() .getPortletsByDocumentId(Integer.toString(relatedDocument.getId()))) { // Check if document and portlet are published and document is not the input document if ((PublishingService.getInstance().isPublished(relatedDocument.getId(), portlet.getId())) && (portlet.getStatus() == Portlet.STATUS_PUBLISHED) && (relatedDocument.isValid()) && (relatedDocument.getId() != document.getId())) { listDocumentPortlet.addItem(Integer.toString(relatedDocument.getId()), Integer.toString(portlet.getId())); listDocument.add(relatedDocument); break; } } } model.put(MARK_DOCUMENT_CATEGORIES_LIST, listDocument); model.put(MARK_PORTLET_ID_LIST, listDocumentPortlet); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_DOCUMENT_CATEGORIES, request.getLocale(), model); return template.getHtml(); } else { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } } /** * @see net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener#dispose() */ public void dispose() { } /** * @see net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener#notifyElementEvicted(net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache, * net.sf.ehcache.Element) */ public void notifyElementEvicted(Ehcache cache, Element element) { _keyMemory.remove(element.getKey()); } /** * @see net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener#notifyElementExpired(net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache, * net.sf.ehcache.Element) */ public void notifyElementExpired(Ehcache cache, Element element) { _keyMemory.remove(element.getKey()); } /** * @see net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener#notifyElementPut(net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache, * net.sf.ehcache.Element) */ public void notifyElementPut(Ehcache cache, Element element) throws CacheException { } /** * @see net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener#notifyElementRemoved(net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache, * net.sf.ehcache.Element) */ public void notifyElementRemoved(Ehcache cache, Element element) throws CacheException { _keyMemory.remove(element.getKey()); } /** * @see net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener#notifyElementUpdated(net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache, * net.sf.ehcache.Element) */ public void notifyElementUpdated(Ehcache cache, Element element) throws CacheException { } /** * @see net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener#notifyRemoveAll(net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache) */ public void notifyRemoveAll(Ehcache cache) { _keyMemory.clear(); } /** * Build the Cache HashMap key for pages Goal is to be able to have a * synchronized on the key but a synchronize only work with strict * reference. So we manage an hashmap of string reference for cache keys to * be able to get them back. * * @param strDocumentId The id of the document * @param strPortletId The id of the portlet of the document * @param strSiteLocale The site locale * @param nMode The mode * @return The HashMap key for articles pages as a String. */ private String getKey(String strDocumentId, String strPortletId, String strSiteLocale, int nMode) { String key = "D" + strDocumentId + "P" + strPortletId + "L" + strSiteLocale + "M" + nMode; String keyInMemory = _keyMemory.putIfAbsent(key, key); if (keyInMemory != null) { return keyInMemory; } return key; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ @Override public Object clone() { return new DocumentContentService(); } /** * Remove a document from the cache * @param strDocumentId the document id * @param strPortletId the portlet id */ public void removeFromCache(String strDocumentId, String strPortletId) { if (getCache() != null) { String strKey = getKey(strDocumentId, strPortletId, LOCALE_FR, PortalJspBean.MODE_HTML); getCache().remove(strKey); strKey = getKey(strDocumentId, strPortletId, LOCALE_EN, PortalJspBean.MODE_HTML); getCache().remove(strKey); } } }