Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Mairie de Paris * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice * and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice * and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of 'Mairie de Paris' nor 'Lutece' nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * License 1.0 */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; /** * This class provides the user interface to manage StyleSheet features */ public class CalendarStyleSheetJspBean extends AdminFeaturesPageJspBean { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants // Right public static final String RIGHT_MANAGE_STYLESHEET = "CALENDAR_MANAGEMENT"; public static final String PROPERTY_EXTENSION_REGEXP = ".?[a-zA-Z0-9\\s]*"; private static final long serialVersionUID = -2844865034209122837L; // Markers private static final String MARK_MODE_ID = "mode_id"; private static final String MARK_MODE_LIST = "mode_list"; private static final String MARK_STYLESHEET_LIST = "stylesheet_list"; private static final String MARK_STYLE_LIST = "style_list"; private static final String MARK_STYLESHEET = "stylesheet"; private static final String MARK_PAGINATOR = "paginator"; private static final String MARK_NB_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = "nb_items_per_page"; private static final String MARK_PORTAL_COMPONENT_NAME = "portal_component_name"; private static final String MARK_PORTLET_TYPE_NAME = "portlet_type_name"; private static final String MARK_STYLE_DESCRIPTION = "style_description"; private static final String MARK_EXPORT_EXTENSION = "export_extension"; // Templates files path private static final String TEMPLATE_MANAGE_STYLESHEETS = "admin/plugins/calendar/manage_stylesheets.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_CREATE_STYLESHEET = "admin/plugins/calendar/create_stylesheet.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_MODIFY_STYLESHEET = "admin/plugins/calendar/modify_stylesheet.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_STYLE_SELECT_OPTION = "admin/plugins/calendar/style_select_option.html"; // JSP private static final String JSP_URL_STYLESHEET_LIST = "jsp/admin/plugins/calendar/style/ManageExportStyleSheets.jsp"; // Properties private static final String PROPERTY_PATH_XSL = "path.stylesheet"; private static final String PROPERTY_STYLESHEETS_PER_PAGE = "paginator.stylesheet.itemsPerPage"; private static final String MESSAGE_STYLESHEET_NOT_VALID = ""; private static final String MESSAGE_CONFIRM_DELETE_STYLESHEET = ""; private static final String LABEL_ALL = "portal.util.labelAll"; private static final String JSP_DO_REMOVE_STYLESHEET = "jsp/admin/style/DoRemoveStyleSheet.jsp"; private static final String JSP_REMOVE_STYLE = "RemoveStyle.jsp"; //Messages private static final String MESSAGE_INVALID_EXTENSION = "calendar.message.invalidFileExtension"; private int _nItemsPerPage; private int _nDefaultItemsPerPage; private String _strCurrentPageIndex; /** * Displays the stylesheets list * @return the html code for displaying the stylesheets list * @param request The request * @throws AccessDeniedException If the user is not allowed to access this * feature */ public String getManageStyleSheet(HttpServletRequest request) throws AccessDeniedException { if (!RBACService.isAuthorized(CalendarResourceIdService.RESOURCE_TYPE, RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID, CalendarResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, getUser())) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } // Parameters processing ReferenceList listModes = ModeHome.getModes(); String strComboItem = I18nService.getLocalizedString(LABEL_ALL, getLocale()); listModes.addItem(-1, strComboItem); Plugin plugin = PluginService.getPlugin(Constants.PLUGIN_NAME); List<StyleSheet> listStyleSheets = (List<StyleSheet>) CalendarStyleSheetHome.getStyleSheetList(plugin); String strSortedAttributeName = request.getParameter(Parameters.SORTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); String strAscSort = null; if (strSortedAttributeName != null) { strAscSort = request.getParameter(Parameters.SORTED_ASC); boolean bIsAscSort = Boolean.parseBoolean(strAscSort); Collections.sort(listStyleSheets, new AttributeComparator(strSortedAttributeName, bIsAscSort)); } _nDefaultItemsPerPage = AppPropertiesService.getPropertyInt(PROPERTY_STYLESHEETS_PER_PAGE, 50); _strCurrentPageIndex = Paginator.getPageIndex(request, Paginator.PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX, _strCurrentPageIndex); _nItemsPerPage = Paginator.getItemsPerPage(request, Paginator.PARAMETER_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, _nItemsPerPage, _nDefaultItemsPerPage); String strURL = getHomeUrl(request); if (strSortedAttributeName != null) { strURL += ("?" + Parameters.SORTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "=" + strSortedAttributeName); } if (strAscSort != null) { strURL += ("&" + Parameters.SORTED_ASC + "=" + strAscSort); } LocalizedPaginator<StyleSheet> paginator = new LocalizedPaginator<StyleSheet>(listStyleSheets, _nItemsPerPage, strURL, Paginator.PARAMETER_PAGE_INDEX, _strCurrentPageIndex, getLocale()); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put(MARK_MODE_ID, ""); model.put(MARK_NB_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, "" + _nItemsPerPage); model.put(MARK_PAGINATOR, paginator); model.put(MARK_STYLESHEET_LIST, paginator.getPageItems()); model.put(MARK_MODE_LIST, listModes); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_MANAGE_STYLESHEETS, getLocale(), model); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Returns the create form of a new stylesheet with the upload field * @param request the http request * @return the html code for the create form of a new stylesheet * @throws AccessDeniedException If the user is not allowed to access this * feature */ public String getCreateStyleSheet(HttpServletRequest request) throws AccessDeniedException { if (!RBACService.isAuthorized(CalendarResourceIdService.RESOURCE_TYPE, RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID, CalendarResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, getUser())) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put(MARK_STYLE_LIST, getStyleList()); //model.put( MARK_MODE_LIST, ModeHome.getModes( ) ); //model.put( MARK_MODE_ID, strModeId ); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_CREATE_STYLESHEET, getLocale(), model); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Processes the creation form of a new stylesheet by recovering the * parameters * in the http request * @param request the http request * @return The Jsp URL of the process result * @throws AccessDeniedException If the user is not allowed to access this * feature */ public String doCreateStyleSheet(HttpServletRequest request) throws AccessDeniedException { if (!RBACService.isAuthorized(CalendarResourceIdService.RESOURCE_TYPE, RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID, CalendarResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, getUser())) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } StyleSheet stylesheet = new StyleSheet(); MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; String strErrorUrl = getData(multipartRequest, stylesheet); if (strErrorUrl != null) { return strErrorUrl; } String strFileExtension = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EXPORT_EXTENSION); // Mandatory fields if (strFileExtension.equals("")) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(multipartRequest, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } //Test if there aren't special characters in extension boolean isAllowedExp = strFileExtension.matches(PROPERTY_EXTENSION_REGEXP); if (!isAllowedExp) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_INVALID_EXTENSION, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } strFileExtension = (strFileExtension.startsWith(".")) ? strFileExtension.substring(1) : strFileExtension; Plugin plugin = PluginService.getPlugin(Constants.PLUGIN_NAME); //insert in the table stylesheet of the database CalendarStyleSheetHome.create(stylesheet, strFileExtension, plugin); //create a local file //localStyleSheetFile( stylesheet ); //Displays the list of the stylesheet files return AppPathService.getBaseUrl(request) + JSP_URL_STYLESHEET_LIST; } /** * Reads stylesheet's data * @param multipartRequest The request * @param stylesheet The style sheet * @return An error message URL or null if no error * @throws AccessDeniedException If the user is not allowed to access this * feature */ private String getData(MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest, StyleSheet stylesheet) throws AccessDeniedException { if (!RBACService.isAuthorized(CalendarResourceIdService.RESOURCE_TYPE, RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID, CalendarResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, getUser())) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } String strErrorUrl = null; String strDescription = multipartRequest.getParameter(Parameters.STYLESHEET_NAME); //String strStyleId = multipartRequest.getParameter( Parameters.STYLES ); //String strModeId = multipartRequest.getParameter( Parameters.MODE_STYLESHEET ); FileItem fileSource = multipartRequest.getFile(Parameters.STYLESHEET_SOURCE); byte[] baXslSource = fileSource.get(); String strFilename = FileUploadService.getFileNameOnly(fileSource); String strFileExtension = multipartRequest.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EXPORT_EXTENSION); // Mandatory fields if (strDescription.equals("") || (strFileExtension.equals("")) || (strFilename == null) || strFilename.equals("")) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(multipartRequest, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } // Check the XML validity of the XSL stylesheet if (isValid(baXslSource) != null) { Object[] args = { isValid(baXslSource) }; return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(multipartRequest, MESSAGE_STYLESHEET_NOT_VALID, args, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } stylesheet.setDescription(strDescription); //stylesheet.setStyleId( Integer.parseInt( strStyleId ) ); //stylesheet.setModeId( Integer.parseInt( strModeId ) ); stylesheet.setSource(baXslSource); stylesheet.setFile(strFilename); return strErrorUrl; } /** * Returns the form to update a stylesheet whose identifer is stored in the * http request * @param request The http request * @return The html code * @throws AccessDeniedException If the user is not allowed to access this * feature */ public String getModifyStyleSheet(HttpServletRequest request) throws AccessDeniedException { if (!RBACService.isAuthorized(CalendarResourceIdService.RESOURCE_TYPE, RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID, CalendarResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, getUser())) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } String strStyleSheetId = request.getParameter(Parameters.STYLESHEET_ID); int nId = Integer.parseInt(strStyleSheetId); Plugin plugin = PluginService.getPlugin(Constants.PLUGIN_NAME); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put(MARK_STYLE_LIST, getStyleList()); //model.put( MARK_MODE_LIST, ModeHome.getModes( ) ); model.put(MARK_STYLESHEET, CalendarStyleSheetHome.findByPrimaryKey(nId, plugin)); model.put(MARK_EXPORT_EXTENSION, CalendarStyleSheetHome.getExtension(nId, plugin)); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_MODIFY_STYLESHEET, getLocale(), model); return getAdminPage(template.getHtml()); } /** * Return a ReferenceList with id style for code and a concatenation of * portal name + portlet type name + style description for name. * @return The {@link ReferenceList} * @throws AccessDeniedException If the user is not allowed to access this * feature */ public ReferenceList getStyleList() throws AccessDeniedException { if (!RBACService.isAuthorized(CalendarResourceIdService.RESOURCE_TYPE, RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID, CalendarResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, getUser())) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } Collection<Style> stylesList = StyleHome.getStylesList(); ReferenceList stylesListWithLabels = new ReferenceList(); for (Style style : stylesList) { HashMap<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put(MARK_PORTAL_COMPONENT_NAME, PortalComponentHome.findByPrimaryKey(style.getPortalComponentId()).getName()); PortletType portletType = PortletTypeHome.findByPrimaryKey(style.getPortletTypeId()); model.put(MARK_PORTLET_TYPE_NAME, ((portletType != null) ? (I18nService.getLocalizedString(portletType.getNameKey(), getLocale())) : "")); model.put(MARK_STYLE_DESCRIPTION, style.getDescription()); HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_STYLE_SELECT_OPTION, getLocale(), model); stylesListWithLabels.addItem(style.getId(), template.getHtml()); } return stylesListWithLabels; } /** * Processes the updating form of a stylesheet whose new parameters are * stored in the * http request * @param request The http request * @return The Jsp URL of the process result * @throws AccessDeniedException If the user is not allowed to access this * feature */ public String doModifyStyleSheet(HttpServletRequest request) throws AccessDeniedException { if (!RBACService.isAuthorized(CalendarResourceIdService.RESOURCE_TYPE, RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID, CalendarResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, getUser())) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; int nId = Integer.parseInt(multipartRequest.getParameter(Parameters.STYLESHEET_ID)); Plugin plugin = PluginService.getPlugin(Constants.PLUGIN_NAME); StyleSheet stylesheet = CalendarStyleSheetHome.findByPrimaryKey(nId, plugin); String strErrorUrl = getData(multipartRequest, stylesheet); if (strErrorUrl != null) { return strErrorUrl; } String strFileExtension = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EXPORT_EXTENSION); // Mandatory fields if (strFileExtension.equals(StringUtils.EMPTY)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(multipartRequest, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } //Test if there aren't special characters in extension boolean isAllowedExp = strFileExtension.matches(PROPERTY_EXTENSION_REGEXP); if (!isAllowedExp) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_INVALID_EXTENSION, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } strFileExtension = (strFileExtension.startsWith(".")) ? strFileExtension.substring(1) : strFileExtension; // Remove the old local file removeOldLocalStyleSheet(nId); // Update the stylesheet in database CalendarStyleSheetHome.update(stylesheet, plugin); // Update the export file extension in database CalendarStyleSheetHome.updateExtension(stylesheet.getId(), strFileExtension, plugin); // Recreate the local file //localStyleSheetFile( stylesheet ); //Displays the list of the stylesheet files return AppPathService.getBaseUrl(request) + JSP_URL_STYLESHEET_LIST; } /** * Returns the confirm of removing the style whose identifier is in * the http request * * @param request The Http request * @return the html code for the remove confirmation page * @throws AccessDeniedException If the user is not allowed to access this * feature */ public String getRemoveStyleSheet(HttpServletRequest request) throws AccessDeniedException { if (!RBACService.isAuthorized(CalendarResourceIdService.RESOURCE_TYPE, RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID, CalendarResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, getUser())) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } String strId = request.getParameter(Parameters.STYLESHEET_ID); UrlItem url = new UrlItem(JSP_DO_REMOVE_STYLESHEET); url.addParameter(Parameters.STYLESHEET_ID, strId); Plugin plugin = PluginService.getPlugin(Constants.PLUGIN_NAME); StyleSheet stylesheet = CalendarStyleSheetHome.findByPrimaryKey(Integer.parseInt(strId), plugin); Object[] args = { stylesheet.getDescription() }; return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_CONFIRM_DELETE_STYLESHEET, args, url.getUrl(), AdminMessage.TYPE_CONFIRMATION); } /** * Processes the deletion of a stylesheet * @param request the http request * @return The Jsp URL of the process result * @throws AccessDeniedException If the user is not allowed to access this * feature */ public String doRemoveStyleSheet(HttpServletRequest request) throws AccessDeniedException { if (!RBACService.isAuthorized(CalendarResourceIdService.RESOURCE_TYPE, RBAC.WILDCARD_RESOURCES_ID, CalendarResourceIdService.PERMISSION_MANAGE, getUser())) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } int nId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(Parameters.STYLESHEET_ID)); Plugin plugin = PluginService.getPlugin(Constants.PLUGIN_NAME); //int nIdStyle = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter( Parameters.STYLE_ID ) ); StyleSheet stylesheet = CalendarStyleSheetHome.findByPrimaryKey(nId, plugin); String strFile = stylesheet.getFile(); CalendarStyleSheetHome.remove(nId, plugin); //removal of the XSL file int nModeId = stylesheet.getModeId(); Mode mode = ModeHome.findByPrimaryKey(nModeId); String strPathStyleSheet = AppPathService.getPath(PROPERTY_PATH_XSL) + mode.getPath(); File fileToDelete = new File(strPathStyleSheet, strFile); if (fileToDelete.exists()) { fileToDelete.delete(); } // return getHomeUrl( request ); //return JSP_REMOVE_STYLE + "?" + Parameters.STYLE_ID + "=" + nIdStyle; return JSP_REMOVE_STYLE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private implementation /** * Use parsing for validate the modify xsl file * * @param baXslSource The XSL source * @return the message exception when the validation is false */ private String isValid(byte[] baXslSource) { String strError = null; try { SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser analyzer = factory.newSAXParser(); InputSource is = new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(baXslSource)); analyzer.getXMLReader().parse(is); } catch (Exception e) { strError = e.getMessage(); } return strError; } /** * Create and Update the local download file * * @param stylesheet The style sheet */ /** * @param stylesheet */ /* * private void localStyleSheetFile( StyleSheet stylesheet ) * { * int nModeId = stylesheet.getModeId( ); * Mode mode = ModeHome.findByPrimaryKey( nModeId ); * String strPathStyleSheet = AppPathService.getPath( PROPERTY_PATH_XSL ) + * mode.getPath( ); * String strFileName = stylesheet.getFile( ); * String strFilePath = strPathStyleSheet + strFileName; * * try * { * File file = new File( strFilePath ); * * if ( file.exists( ) ) * { * file.delete( ); * } * * FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( file ); * fos.write( stylesheet.getSource( ) ); * fos.flush( ); * fos.close( ); * } * catch ( IOException e ) * { * AppLogService.error( e.getMessage( ), e ); * } * } */ /** * remove the xsl file from the tmp directory * @param nId the identifier of the file */ private void removeOldLocalStyleSheet(int nId) { Plugin plugin = PluginService.getPlugin(Constants.PLUGIN_NAME); //Remove the file which been modify StyleSheet stylesheet = CalendarStyleSheetHome.findByPrimaryKey(nId, plugin); int nMode = stylesheet.getModeId(); Mode mode = ModeHome.findByPrimaryKey(nMode); String strPathStyleSheet = AppPathService.getPath(PROPERTY_PATH_XSL) + mode.getPath(); String strOldFileName = stylesheet.getFile(); String strOldFilePath = strPathStyleSheet + strOldFileName; File oldFile = new File(strOldFilePath); if (oldFile.exists()) { oldFile.delete(); } } }