Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 ludovicRoucoux * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package fr.novia.zaproxyplugin; import; import; import hudson.EnvVars; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.FilePath.FileCallable; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.model.AbstractDescribableImpl; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.EnvironmentSpecific; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Computer; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.model.JDK; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel; import hudson.slaves.NodeSpecific; import hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer; import; import; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.util.ListBoxModel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.*; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import; import org.jenkinsci.remoting.RoleChecker; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.zaproxy.clientapi.core.ApiResponse; import org.zaproxy.clientapi.core.ApiResponseElement; import org.zaproxy.clientapi.core.ClientApi; import org.zaproxy.clientapi.core.ClientApiException; /** * Contains methods to start and execute ZAProxy. * Members variables are bind to the config.jelly placed to fr/novia/zaproxyplugin/ZAProxy * * @author ludovic.roucoux * */ public class ZAProxy extends AbstractDescribableImpl<ZAProxy> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3381268691497579059L; private static final String API_KEY = "ZAPROXY-PLUGIN"; private static final int MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND = 1000; public static final String FILE_POLICY_EXTENSION = ".policy"; public static final String FILE_SESSION_EXTENSION = ".session"; public static final String NAME_POLICIES_DIR_ZAP = "policies"; public static final String NAME_SCRIPTS_DIR_ZAP = "scripts"; public static final String NAME_AUTHENTICATION_SCRIPTS_DIR_ZAP = "authentication"; public static final String CMD_LINE_DIR = "-dir"; public static final String CMD_LINE_HOST = "-host"; public static final String CMD_LINE_PORT = "-port"; public static final String CMD_LINE_DAEMON = "-daemon"; private static final String CMD_LINE_CONFIG = "-config"; private static final String CMD_LINE_API_KEY = "api.key"; // TODO Do import when zap-2.4.0.jar will contain the correct API version // public static final String CMD_LINE_DIR = CommandLine.DIR; // public static final String CMD_LINE_CONFIG = CommandLine.CONFIG; // public static final String CMD_LINE_HOST = CommandLine.HOST; // public static final String CMD_LINE_PORT = CommandLine.PORT; // public static final String CMD_LINE_DAEMON = CommandLine.DAEMON; private static final String ZAP_PROG_NAME_BAT = "zap.bat"; private static final String ZAP_PROG_NAME_SH = ""; /** Host configured when ZAProxy is used as proxy */ private String zapProxyHost; /** Host configured when ZAProxy is used as proxy (it's derived from the one above) */ private String evaluatedZapProxyHost; /** Port configured when ZAProxy is used as proxy */ private String zapProxyPort; /** Port configured when ZAProxy is used as proxy (it's derived from the one above) */ private int evaluatedZapProxyPort; /** Path to the ZAProxy program */ private String zapProgram; /** Indicate if ZAProxy is automatically installed by Jenkins or if it is already install on the machine */ private final boolean autoInstall; /** The ZAproxy tool to use */ private final String toolUsed; /** Environment variable about ZAProxy path */ private final String zapHome; /** Time total to wait for zap initialization. After this time, the program is stopped */ private final int timeoutInSec; /** Filename to load ZAProxy session. Contains the absolute path to the session */ private final String filenameLoadSession; /** URL to attack by ZAProxy */ private final String targetURL; /** URL to attack by ZAProxy. (it's derived from the one above) */ private String evaluatedTargetURL; /** Exclude url from scan **/ private final String excludedUrl; /** Exclude url from scan. (it's derived from the one above) */ private String evaluatedExcludedUrl; /** the scan mode (AUTHENTICATED/NOT_AUTHENTICATED) */ private final String scanMode; /** the authentication method type (SCRIPT_BASED/FORM_BASED) */ private final String authenticationMode; /** Realize a url spider or not by ZAProxy */ private final boolean spiderURL; /** Realize a url spider as user or not by ZAProxy */ private final boolean spiderAsUser; /** Realize a url scan as user or not by ZAProxy */ private final boolean scanURLAsUser; /** Authentication information for conducting spidering,ajax spidering or scan as a user*/ /** Username for the defined user (script based authentication)*/ private final String scriptUsername; /** Password for the defined user (script based authentication)*/ private final String scriptPassword; /** logged in indication (script based authentication)*/ private final String scriptLoggedInIndicator; /** Authentication script name used (script based authentication)*/ private final String authenticationScriptName; /** Username for the defined user (form based authentication)*/ private final String username; /** Password for the defined user (form based authentication)*/ private final String password; /** username post data parameter (form based authentication)*/ private final String usernameParameter; /** password post data parameter (form based authentication)*/ private final String passwordParameter; /** extra post data needed to authenticate the user (form based authentication)*/ private final String extraPostData; /** loggin url**/ private final String loginUrl; /** logged in indication*/ private final String loggedInIndicator; /** Id of the newly created context*/ private String contextId; /** Id of the newly created user*/ private String userId; /** Realize a url AjaxSpider or not by ZAProxy */ private final boolean ajaxSpiderURL; /** Realize a url AjaxSpider as user or not by ZAProxy */ private final boolean ajaxSpiderURLAsUser; /** Realize a url scan or not by ZAProxy */ private final boolean scanURL; /** Save reports or not */ private final boolean saveReports; /** List of chosen format for reports. * ArrayList because it needs to be Serializable (whereas List is not Serializable) */ private final ArrayList<String> chosenFormats; /** Filename for ZAProxy reports. It can contain a relative path or environment variable */ private String filenameReports; /** Filename for ZAProxy reports. It can contain a relative path (it's derived from the one above) */ private String evaluatedFilenameReports; /** Save session or not */ private final boolean saveSession; /** Filename to save ZAProxy session. It can contain a relative path. */ private final String filenameSaveSession; /** Filename for saved session. (it's derived from the one above) */ private String evaluatedFilenameSaveSession; /** The default directory that ZAP uses */ private final String zapDefaultDir; /** Zap default dir. (it's derived from the one above) */ private String evaluatedZapDefaultDir; /** The file policy to use for the scan. It contains only the policy name (without extension) */ private final String chosenPolicy; /** List of all ZAP command lines specified by the user * ArrayList because it needs to be Serializable (whereas List is not Serializable) */ private final ArrayList<ZAPcmdLine> cmdLinesZAP; /** List of all ZAP command lines. (it's derived from the one above) */ private ArrayList<ZAPcmdLine> evaluatedCmdLinesZap; /** The jdk to use to start ZAProxy */ private final String jdk; /** List of all parameters used for the * ZAP addon jiraIssueCreater */ /** create jiras or not */ private final boolean createJiras; private String jiraBaseURL; private String jiraUserName; private String jiraPassword; /** The jira project key */ private final String projectKey; /** The jira assignee */ private final String assignee; /** select alert type high */ private final boolean alertHigh; /** select alert type medium */ private final boolean alertMedium; /** select alert type low */ private final boolean alertLow; /** Filetr issues by resource type */ private final boolean filterIssuesByResourceType; /** * @deprecated * Old constructor */ @Deprecated public ZAProxy(boolean autoInstall, String toolUsed, String zapHome, int timeoutInSec, String filenameLoadSession, String targetURL, boolean spiderURL, boolean scanURL, boolean scanURLAsUser, boolean saveReports, List<String> chosenFormats, String filenameReports, boolean saveSession, String filenameSaveSession, String zapDefaultDir, String chosenPolicy, List<ZAPcmdLine> cmdLinesZAP, String jdk, boolean createJiras, String projectKey, String assignee, boolean alertHigh, boolean alertMedium, boolean alertLow, boolean filterIssuesByResourceType) { this.autoInstall = autoInstall; this.toolUsed = toolUsed; this.zapHome = zapHome; this.timeoutInSec = timeoutInSec; this.filenameLoadSession = filenameLoadSession; this.targetURL = targetURL; this.spiderURL = spiderURL; this.scanURL = scanURL; this.scanURLAsUser = scanURLAsUser; this.saveReports = saveReports; this.chosenFormats = chosenFormats != null ? new ArrayList<String>(chosenFormats) : new ArrayList<String>(); this.filenameReports = filenameReports; this.saveSession = saveSession; this.filenameSaveSession = filenameSaveSession; this.zapDefaultDir = zapDefaultDir; this.chosenPolicy = chosenPolicy; this.cmdLinesZAP = cmdLinesZAP != null ? new ArrayList<ZAPcmdLine>(cmdLinesZAP) : new ArrayList<ZAPcmdLine>(); this.ajaxSpiderURL = false; this.ajaxSpiderURLAsUser = false; this.jdk = jdk; this.spiderAsUser = false; this.username = ""; this.password = ""; this.usernameParameter = ""; this.passwordParameter = ""; this.extraPostData = ""; this.loginUrl = ""; this.loggedInIndicator = ""; this.excludedUrl = ""; this.scanMode = ""; this.authenticationMode = ""; this.scriptUsername = ""; this.scriptPassword = ""; this.scriptLoggedInIndicator = ""; this.authenticationScriptName = ""; this.projectKey = projectKey; this.createJiras = createJiras; this.assignee = assignee; this.alertHigh = alertHigh; this.alertMedium = alertMedium; this.alertLow = alertLow; this.filterIssuesByResourceType = filterIssuesByResourceType; System.out.println(this.toString()); } @DataBoundConstructor public ZAProxy(boolean autoInstall, String toolUsed, String zapHome, int timeoutInSec, String filenameLoadSession, String targetURL, String excludedUrl, String scanMode, String authenticationMode, boolean spiderURL, boolean spiderAsUser, boolean ajaxSpiderURL, boolean ajaxSpiderURLAsUser, boolean scanURL, boolean scanURLAsUser, boolean saveReports, List<String> chosenFormats, String filenameReports, boolean saveSession, String filenameSaveSession, String zapDefaultDir, String chosenPolicy, List<ZAPcmdLine> cmdLinesZAP, String jdk, String username, String password, String usernameParameter, String passwordParameter, String extraPostData, String loginUrl, String loggedInIndicator, String scriptUsername, String scriptPassword, String scriptLoggedInIndicator, String authenticationScriptName, boolean createJiras, String projectKey, String assignee, boolean alertHigh, boolean alertMedium, boolean alertLow, boolean filterIssuesByResourceType) { this.autoInstall = autoInstall; this.toolUsed = toolUsed; this.zapHome = zapHome; this.timeoutInSec = timeoutInSec; this.filenameLoadSession = filenameLoadSession; this.targetURL = targetURL; this.excludedUrl = excludedUrl; this.scanMode = scanMode; this.authenticationMode = authenticationMode; this.spiderURL = spiderURL; this.ajaxSpiderURL = ajaxSpiderURL; this.ajaxSpiderURLAsUser = ajaxSpiderURLAsUser; this.scanURL = scanURL; this.scanURLAsUser = scanURLAsUser; this.saveReports = saveReports; this.chosenFormats = chosenFormats != null ? new ArrayList<String>(chosenFormats) : new ArrayList<String>(); this.filenameReports = filenameReports; this.saveSession = saveSession; this.filenameSaveSession = filenameSaveSession; this.zapDefaultDir = zapDefaultDir; this.chosenPolicy = chosenPolicy; this.cmdLinesZAP = cmdLinesZAP != null ? new ArrayList<ZAPcmdLine>(cmdLinesZAP) : new ArrayList<ZAPcmdLine>(); this.spiderAsUser = spiderAsUser; this.scriptUsername = scriptUsername; this.scriptPassword = scriptPassword; this.scriptLoggedInIndicator = scriptLoggedInIndicator; this.authenticationScriptName = authenticationScriptName; this.username = username; this.password = password; this.usernameParameter = usernameParameter; this.passwordParameter = passwordParameter; this.extraPostData = extraPostData; this.loginUrl = loginUrl; this.loggedInIndicator = loggedInIndicator; this.jdk = jdk; this.projectKey = projectKey; this.createJiras = createJiras; this.assignee = assignee; this.alertHigh = alertHigh; this.alertMedium = alertMedium; this.alertLow = alertLow; this.filterIssuesByResourceType = filterIssuesByResourceType; System.out.println(this.toString()); } @Override public String toString() { String s = ""; s += "autoInstall [" + autoInstall + "]\n"; s += "toolUsed [" + toolUsed + "]\n"; s += "jdk [" + jdk + "]"; s += "zapHome [" + zapHome + "]\n"; s += "zapProxyHost [" + evaluatedZapProxyHost + "]\n"; s += "zapProxyPort [" + evaluatedZapProxyPort + "]\n"; s += "timeoutInSec [" + timeoutInSec + "]\n"; s += "filenameLoadSession [" + filenameLoadSession + "]\n"; s += "zapDefaultDir [" + evaluatedZapDefaultDir + "]\n"; s += "chosenPolicy [" + chosenPolicy + "]\n"; s += "targetURL [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "]\n"; s += "excludedUrl [" + evaluatedExcludedUrl + "]\n"; s += "scanMode [" + scanMode + "]\n"; s += "authenticationMode [" + authenticationMode + "]\n"; s += "authenticationScriptName [" + authenticationScriptName + "]\n"; s += "scriptUsername [" + scriptUsername + "]\n"; s += "scriptLoggedInIndicator [" + scriptLoggedInIndicator + "]\n"; s += "loginUrl [" + loginUrl + "]\n"; s += "usernameParameter [" + usernameParameter + "]\n"; s += "passwordParameter [" + passwordParameter + "]\n"; s += "username [" + username + "]\n"; s += "extraPostData [" + extraPostData + "]\n"; s += "loggedInIndicator [" + loggedInIndicator + "]\n"; s += "spiderURL [" + spiderURL + "]\n"; s += "ajaxSpiderURL [" + ajaxSpiderURL + "]\n"; s += "scanURL [" + scanURL + "]\n"; s += "spider as user [" + spiderAsUser + "]\n"; s += "ajaxSpiderURLAsUser [" + ajaxSpiderURLAsUser + "]\n"; s += "scanURLAsUser [" + scanURLAsUser + "]\n"; s += "saveReports [" + saveReports + "]\n"; s += "chosenFormats [" + chosenFormats + "]\n"; s += "filenameReports [" + evaluatedFilenameReports + "]\n"; s += "saveSession [" + saveSession + "]\n"; s += "filenameSaveSession [" + evaluatedFilenameSaveSession + "]\n"; s += "createJiras [" + createJiras + "]\n"; s += "jiraBaseURL [" + jiraBaseURL + "]\n"; s += "jiraUserName [" + jiraUserName + "]\n"; s += "projectKey [" + projectKey + "]\n"; s += "assignee [" + assignee + "]\n"; s += "alertHigh [" + alertHigh + "]\n"; s += "alertMedium [" + alertMedium + "]\n"; s += "alertLow [" + alertLow + "]\n"; s += "filterIssuesByResourceType[" + filterIssuesByResourceType + "]\n"; return s; } /** * @param filenameReports the filenameReports to set */ public void setFilenameReports(String filenameReports) { this.filenameReports = filenameReports; } // Overridden for better type safety. // If your plugin doesn't really define any property on Descriptor, // you don't have to do this. @Override public ZAProxyDescriptorImpl getDescriptor() { return (ZAProxyDescriptorImpl) super.getDescriptor(); } /* * Getters allows to load members variables into UI. */ public boolean getAutoInstall() { return autoInstall; } public String getToolUsed() { return toolUsed; } public String getZapHome() { return zapHome; } public int getTimeoutInSec() { return timeoutInSec; } public String getFilenameLoadSession() { return filenameLoadSession; } public String getTargetURL() { return targetURL; } public String getExcludedUrl() { return excludedUrl; } public String getScanMode() { return scanMode; } /** * @return the scriptUsername */ public String getScriptUsername() { return scriptUsername; } /** * @return the scriptPassword */ public String getScriptPassword() { return scriptPassword; } /** * @return the scriptLoggedInIndicator */ public String getScriptLoggedInIndicator() { return scriptLoggedInIndicator; } /** * @return the authenticationScriptName */ public String getAuthenticationScriptName() { return authenticationScriptName; } /** * @return the authenticationMode */ public String getAuthenticationMode() { return authenticationMode; } public boolean getSpiderURL() { return spiderURL; } public boolean getAjaxSpiderURL() { return ajaxSpiderURL; } public boolean getAjaxSpiderURLAsUser() { return ajaxSpiderURLAsUser; } public boolean getScanURL() { return scanURL; } public boolean getSaveReports() { return saveReports; } public List<String> getChosenFormats() { return chosenFormats; } public String getFilenameReports() { return filenameReports; } public boolean getSaveSession() { return saveSession; } public String getFilenameSaveSession() { return filenameSaveSession; } public String getZapDefaultDir() { return zapDefaultDir; } public String getChosenPolicy() { return chosenPolicy; } public String getZapProxyHost() { return zapProxyHost; } public void setZapProxyHost(String zapProxyHost) { this.zapProxyHost = zapProxyHost; } public String getZapProxyPort() { return zapProxyPort; } public void setZapProxyPort(String zapProxyPort) { this.zapProxyPort = zapProxyPort; } public List<ZAPcmdLine> getCmdLinesZAP() { return cmdLinesZAP; } public boolean getSpiderAsUser() { return spiderAsUser; } /** * @return the scanURLAsUser */ public boolean getScanURLAsUser() { return scanURLAsUser; } public String getUsernameParameter() { return usernameParameter; } public String getpasswordParameter() { return passwordParameter; } public String getusername() { return username; } public String getpassword() { return password; } public String getExtraPostData() { return extraPostData; } public String getLoginUrl() { return loginUrl; } public String getLoggedInIndicator() { return loggedInIndicator; } public boolean getcreateJiras() { return createJiras; } public String getProjectKey() { return projectKey; } public String getassignee() { return assignee; } public boolean getalertHigh() { return alertHigh; } public boolean getalertMedium() { return alertMedium; } public boolean getalertLow() { return alertLow; } public boolean getfilterIssuesByResourceType() { return filterIssuesByResourceType; } /*gets and sets the values from the credentials and base urls * method call is from Zaproxybuilder*/ public void setJiraBaseURL(String jiraBaseURL) { this.jiraBaseURL = jiraBaseURL; } public void setJiraUserName(String jiraUserName) { this.jiraUserName = jiraUserName; } public void setJiraPassword(String jiraPassword) { this.jiraPassword = jiraPassword; } /** * Gets the JDK that this Sonar builder is configured with, or null. */ public JDK getJDK() { return Jenkins.getInstance().getJDK(jdk); } public String getJdk() { return jdk; } /** * Test if the test type names match (for marking the radio button). * * @param testTypeName * The String representation of the test type. * @return Whether or not the test type string matches. */ public String isScanMode(String testTypeName) { return this.scanMode.equalsIgnoreCase(testTypeName) ? "true" : ""; } public String isAuthenticationMode(String testTypeName) { return this.authenticationMode != null && this.authenticationMode.equalsIgnoreCase(testTypeName) ? "true" : ""; } /*gets and sets the new fields which will contain the evaluated values of the report file name, * target url, exclude dir, filename save session, zap default dir and cmd lines zap. * So the environment variable will persist after each build*/ /** * Retrieve the zap proxy host field evaluated. * * @return The evaluated zap proxy host. */ public String getEvaluatedZapProxyHost() { return evaluatedZapProxyHost; } /** * Set the evaluated zap proxy host field. * * @param evaluatedZapProxyHost * The string representation of the zap proxy host field. */ public void setEvaluatedZapProxyHost(String evaluatedZapProxyHost) { this.evaluatedZapProxyHost = evaluatedZapProxyHost; } /** * Retrieve the zap proxy port field evaluated. * * @return The evaluated zap proxy port. */ public int getEvaluatedZapProxyPort() { return evaluatedZapProxyPort; } /** * Set the evaluated zap proxy port field. * * @param evaluatedZapProxyPort * The string representation of the zap proxy port field. */ public void setEvaluatedZapProxyPort(int evaluatedZapProxyPort) { this.evaluatedZapProxyPort = evaluatedZapProxyPort; } /** * Retrieve the filename reports field evaluated. * * @return The evaluated filename reports. */ public String getEvaluatedFilenameReports() { return evaluatedFilenameReports; } /** * Set the evaluated filename reports field. * * @param evaluatedFilenameReports * The string representation of the filename reports field. */ public void setEvaluatedFilenameReports(String evaluatedFilenameReports) { this.evaluatedFilenameReports = evaluatedFilenameReports; } /** * Retrieve the target url field evaluated. * * @return The evaluated target url. */ public String getEvaluatedTargetURL() { return evaluatedTargetURL; } /** * Set the evaluated target url field. * * @param evaluatedTargetURL * The string representation of the target url field. */ public void setEvaluatedTargetURL(String evaluatedTargetURL) { this.evaluatedTargetURL = evaluatedTargetURL; } /** * Retrieve the excluded url field evaluated. * * @return The evaluated excluded url. */ public String getEvaluatedExcludedUrl() { return evaluatedExcludedUrl; } /** * Set the evaluated exclude url field. * * @param evaluatedExcludedUrl * The string representation of the exclude url field. */ public void setEvaluatedExcludedUrl(String evaluatedExcludedUrl) { this.evaluatedExcludedUrl = evaluatedExcludedUrl; } /** * Retrieve the filename save session field evaluated. * * @return The evaluated filename save session. */ public String getEvaluatedFilenameSaveSession() { return evaluatedFilenameSaveSession; } /** * Set the evaluated filename save session field. * * @param evaluatedFilenameSaveSession * The string representation of the filename save session field. */ public void setEvaluatedFilenameSaveSession(String evaluatedFilenameSaveSession) { this.evaluatedFilenameSaveSession = evaluatedFilenameSaveSession; } /** * Retrieve the zap default dir field evaluated. * * @return The evaluated zap default dir. */ public String getEvaluatedZapDefaultDir() { return evaluatedZapDefaultDir; } /** * Set the evaluated zap default dir field. * * @param evaluatedZapDefaultDir * The string representation of the zap default dir field. */ public void setEvaluatedZapDefaultDir(String evaluatedZapDefaultDir) { this.evaluatedZapDefaultDir = evaluatedZapDefaultDir; } /** * Retrieve the cmd lines zap fields evaluated. * * @return The evaluated cmd lines zap. */ public List<ZAPcmdLine> getEvaluatedCmdLinesZap() { return evaluatedCmdLinesZap; } /** * Set the evaluated cmd lines zap field. * * @param evaluatedCmdLinesZap * The List<ZAPcmdLine> representation of the cmd lines zap field. */ public void setEvaluatedCmdLinesZap(ArrayList<ZAPcmdLine> evaluatedCmdLinesZap) { this.evaluatedCmdLinesZap = evaluatedCmdLinesZap; } /** * Get the ZAP_HOME setup by Custom Tools Plugin or already present on the build's machine. * * @param build * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @return the installed tool location, without zap.bat or at the end * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException * @see <a href="!topic/jenkinsci-dev/RludxaYjtDk"> *!topic/jenkinsci-dev/RludxaYjtDk</a> */ private String retrieveZapHomeWithToolInstall(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { EnvVars env = null; Node node = null; String installPath = null; if (autoInstall) { env = build.getEnvironment(listener); node = build.getBuiltOn(); for (ToolDescriptor<?> desc : ToolInstallation.all()) { for (ToolInstallation tool : desc.getInstallations()) { if (tool.getName().equals(toolUsed)) { if (tool instanceof NodeSpecific) { tool = (ToolInstallation) ((NodeSpecific<?>) tool).forNode(node, listener); } if (tool instanceof EnvironmentSpecific) { tool = (ToolInstallation) ((EnvironmentSpecific<?>) tool).forEnvironment(env); } installPath = tool.getHome(); return installPath; } } } } else { installPath = build.getEnvironment(listener).get(zapHome); } return installPath; } /** * Return the ZAProxy program name with separator prefix (\zap.bat or / depending of the build node and the OS. * * @param build * @return the ZAProxy program name with separator prefix (\zap.bat or / * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ private String getZAPProgramNameWithSeparator(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Node node = build.getBuiltOn(); String zapProgramName = ""; // Append zap program following Master/Slave and Windows/Unix if ("".equals(node.getNodeName())) { // Master if (File.pathSeparatorChar == ':') { // UNIX zapProgramName = "/" + ZAP_PROG_NAME_SH; } else { // Windows (pathSeparatorChar == ';') zapProgramName = "\\" + ZAP_PROG_NAME_BAT; } } else { // Slave if ("Unix".equals(((SlaveComputer) node.toComputer()).getOSDescription())) { zapProgramName = "/" + ZAP_PROG_NAME_SH; } else { zapProgramName = "\\" + ZAP_PROG_NAME_BAT; } } return zapProgramName; } /** * Verify parameters of the build setup are correct (null, empty, negative ...) * * @param build * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException * @throws Exception throw an exception if a parameter is invalid. */ private void checkParams(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener listener) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, InterruptedException { zapProgram = retrieveZapHomeWithToolInstall(build, listener); if (zapProgram == null || zapProgram.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("zapProgram is missing"); } else listener.getLogger().println("zapProgram = " + zapProgram); if (evaluatedTargetURL == null || evaluatedTargetURL.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("targetURL is missing"); } else listener.getLogger().println("targetURL = " + evaluatedTargetURL); if (evaluatedZapProxyHost == null || evaluatedZapProxyHost.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("zapProxy Host is missing"); } else listener.getLogger().println("zapProxyHost = " + evaluatedZapProxyHost); if (evaluatedZapProxyPort < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("zapProxy Port is less than 0"); } else listener.getLogger().println("zapProxyPort = " + evaluatedZapProxyPort); //createJiras is enabled if (getcreateJiras() == true) { //Minimum : the url is needed if (jiraBaseURL == null || jiraBaseURL.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Jira Base URL not Found"); } else listener.getLogger().println("jiraBaseURL = " + jiraBaseURL); //the username can be empty if (jiraUserName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Jira User name not Found"); } else listener.getLogger().println("jiraUserName = " + jiraUserName); //the password can be empty if (jiraPassword == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Jira password not Found"); } } } /** * Start ZAProxy using command line. It uses host and port configured in Jenkins admin mode and * ZAProxy program is launched in daemon mode (i.e without UI). * ZAProxy is started on the build's machine (so master machine ou slave machine) thanks to * {@link FilePath} object and {@link Launcher} object. * * @param build * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param launcher the object to launch a process locally or remotely * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public void startZAP(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener listener, Launcher launcher) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, InterruptedException { checkParams(build, listener); FilePath ws = build.getWorkspace(); if (ws == null) { Node node = build.getBuiltOn(); if (node == null) { throw new NullPointerException("no such build node: " + build.getBuiltOnStr()); } throw new NullPointerException("no workspace from node " + node + " which is computer " + node.toComputer() + " and has channel " + node.getChannel()); } // Contains the absolute path to ZAP program FilePath zapPathWithProgName = new FilePath(ws.getChannel(), zapProgram + getZAPProgramNameWithSeparator(build)); listener.getLogger().println("Start ZAProxy [" + zapPathWithProgName.getRemote() + "]"); // Command to start ZAProxy with parameters List<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(zapPathWithProgName.getRemote()); cmd.add(CMD_LINE_DAEMON); cmd.add(CMD_LINE_HOST); cmd.add(evaluatedZapProxyHost); cmd.add(CMD_LINE_PORT); cmd.add(String.valueOf(evaluatedZapProxyPort)); cmd.add(CMD_LINE_CONFIG); cmd.add(CMD_LINE_API_KEY + "=" + API_KEY); // Set the default directory used by ZAP if it's defined and if a scan is provided if (scanURL && evaluatedZapDefaultDir != null && !evaluatedZapDefaultDir.isEmpty()) { cmd.add(CMD_LINE_DIR); cmd.add(evaluatedZapDefaultDir); } // Adds command line arguments if it's provided if (!evaluatedCmdLinesZap.isEmpty()) { addZapCmdLine(cmd); } EnvVars envVars = build.getEnvironment(listener); // on Windows environment variables are converted to all upper case, // but no such conversions are done on Unix, so to make this cross-platform, // convert variables to all upper cases. for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : build.getBuildVariables().entrySet()) envVars.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); FilePath workDir = new FilePath(ws.getChannel(), zapProgram); // JDK choice computeJdkToUse(build, listener, envVars); // Launch ZAP process on remote machine (on master if no remote machine) launcher.launch().cmds(cmd).envs(envVars).stdout(listener).pwd(workDir).start(); // Call waitForSuccessfulConnectionToZap(int, BuildListener) remotely build.getWorkspace().act(new WaitZAProxyInitCallable(this, listener)); } /** * Set the JDK to use to start ZAP. * * @param build * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param env list of environment variables. Used to set the path to the JDK * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void computeJdkToUse(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener listener, EnvVars env) throws IOException, InterruptedException { JDK jdkToUse = getJdkToUse(build.getProject()); if (jdkToUse != null) { Computer computer = Computer.currentComputer(); // just in case we are not in a build if (computer != null) { jdkToUse = jdkToUse.forNode(computer.getNode(), listener); } jdkToUse.buildEnvVars(env); } } /** * @return JDK to be used with this project. */ private JDK getJdkToUse(AbstractProject<?, ?> project) { JDK jdkToUse = getJDK(); if (jdkToUse == null) { jdkToUse = project.getJDK(); } return jdkToUse; } /** * Add list of command line in the list in param * @param l the list to attach ZAP command line */ private void addZapCmdLine(List<String> l) { for (ZAPcmdLine zapCmd : evaluatedCmdLinesZap) { if (zapCmd.getCmdLineOption() != null && !zapCmd.getCmdLineOption().isEmpty()) { l.add(zapCmd.getCmdLineOption()); } if (zapCmd.getCmdLineValue() != null && !zapCmd.getCmdLineValue().isEmpty()) { l.add(zapCmd.getCmdLineValue()); } } } /** * Wait for ZAProxy initialization, so it's ready to use at the end of this method * (otherwise, catch exception). This method is launched on the remote machine (if there is one) * * @param timeout the time in sec to try to connect at zap proxy. * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @see <a href="!topic/zaproxy-develop/gZxYp8Og960"> *!topic/zaproxy-develop/gZxYp8Og960</a> */ private void waitForSuccessfulConnectionToZap(int timeout, BuildListener listener) { int timeoutInMs = getMilliseconds(timeout); int connectionTimeoutInMs = timeoutInMs; int pollingIntervalInMs = getMilliseconds(1); boolean connectionSuccessful = false; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Socket socket = null; do { try { socket = new Socket(); socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(evaluatedZapProxyHost, evaluatedZapProxyPort), connectionTimeoutInMs); connectionSuccessful = true; } catch (SocketTimeoutException ignore) { listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ignore)); throw new BuildException("Unable to connect to ZAP's proxy after " + timeout + " seconds."); } catch (IOException ignore) { // and keep trying but wait some time first... try { Thread.sleep(pollingIntervalInMs); } catch (InterruptedException e) { listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ignore)); throw new BuildException("The task was interrupted while sleeping between connection polling.", e); } long ellapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (ellapsedTime >= timeoutInMs) { listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ignore)); throw new BuildException("Unable to connect to ZAP's proxy after " + timeout + " seconds."); } connectionTimeoutInMs = (int) (timeoutInMs - ellapsedTime); } finally { if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } } } while (!connectionSuccessful); } /** * Converts seconds in milliseconds. * @param seconds the time in second to convert * @return the time in milliseconds */ private static int getMilliseconds(int seconds) { return seconds * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND; } /** * Generates security report for one format. Reports are saved into build's workspace. * * @param reportFormat the format of the report * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param workspace a {@link FilePath} representing the build's workspace * @param clientApi the ZAP client API to call method * @throws ClientApiException * @throws IOException */ private void saveReport(ZAPreport reportFormat, BuildListener listener, FilePath workspace, ClientApi clientApi) throws IOException, ClientApiException { final String fullFileName = evaluatedFilenameReports + "." + reportFormat.getFormat(); File reportsFile = new File(workspace.getRemote(), fullFileName); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(reportsFile, reportFormat.generateReport(clientApi, API_KEY)); listener.getLogger().println("File [" + reportsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "] saved"); } /** * Execute ZAProxy method following build's setup and stop ZAP at the end. * * @param workspace a {@link FilePath} representing the build's workspace * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @return true is no exception is caught, false otherwise. */ public boolean executeZAP(FilePath workspace, BuildListener listener) { ClientApi zapClientAPI = new ClientApi(evaluatedZapProxyHost, evaluatedZapProxyPort); boolean buildSuccess = true; // Try/catch here because I need to stopZAP in finally block and for that, // I need the zapClientAPI created in this method try { /* ======================================================= * | LOAD SESSION | * ======================================================= */ if (filenameLoadSession != null && filenameLoadSession.length() != 0) { File sessionFile = new File(filenameLoadSession); listener.getLogger().println("Load session at [" + sessionFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); zapClientAPI.core.loadSession(API_KEY, sessionFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { listener.getLogger().println("Skip loadSession"); } /* ======================================================= * | SE UP CONTEXT | * ======================================================= */ //setup context this.contextId = setUpContext(listener, evaluatedTargetURL, evaluatedExcludedUrl, zapClientAPI); if (scanMode.equals("NOT_AUTHENTICATED")) { listener.getLogger().println("SCANMOD : NOT_AUTHENTICATED"); //Non authenticated mod : spider url, ajax spider url, scan url /* ======================================================= * | SPIDER URL | * ======================================================= */ if (spiderURL) { listener.getLogger().println("Spider the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "]"); spiderURL(evaluatedTargetURL, listener, zapClientAPI); } else { listener.getLogger().println("Skip spidering the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "]"); } /* ======================================================= * | AJAX SPIDER URL | * ======================================================= */ if (ajaxSpiderURL) { listener.getLogger().println("Ajax Spider the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "]"); ajaxSpiderURL(evaluatedTargetURL, listener, zapClientAPI); } else { listener.getLogger().println("Skip Ajax spidering the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "]"); } /* ======================================================= * | SCAN URL | * ======================================================= */ if (scanURL) { listener.getLogger().println("Scan the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "]"); scanURL(evaluatedTargetURL, listener, zapClientAPI); } else { listener.getLogger().println("Skip scanning the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "]"); } } else if (scanMode.equals("AUTHENTICATED")) { //Authenticated mod : spider url as user, ajax spider url as user, scan url as user listener.getLogger().println("SCANMOD : AUTHENTICATED"); listener.getLogger().println("Setting up Authentication"); if (authenticationMode.equals("FORM_BASED")) { /* ======================================================= * | FORM BASED AUTHENTICATION | * ======================================================= */ setUpAuthentication("FORMBASED", listener, zapClientAPI, username, password, usernameParameter, passwordParameter, extraPostData, loginUrl, loggedInIndicator, null); } else if (authenticationMode.equals("SCRIPT_BASED")) { /* ======================================================= * | SCRIPT BASED AUTHENTICATION | * ======================================================= */ setUpAuthentication("SCRIPTBASED", listener, zapClientAPI, scriptUsername, scriptPassword, null, null, null, null, scriptLoggedInIndicator, authenticationScriptName); } /* ======================================================= * | SPIDER AS USER | * ======================================================= */ if (spiderAsUser) { listener.getLogger() .println("Spider the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "] as user [" + username + "]"); spiderURLAsUser(evaluatedTargetURL, listener, zapClientAPI, contextId, userId); } else { listener.getLogger().println( "Skip spidering the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "] as user [" + username + "]"); } /* ======================================================= * | AJAX SPIDER URL AS USER | * ======================================================= */ if (ajaxSpiderURLAsUser) { listener.getLogger().println( "Ajax Spider the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "] as user [" + username + "]"); ajaxSpiderURL(evaluatedTargetURL, listener, zapClientAPI); } else { listener.getLogger().println( "Skip Ajax spidering the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "] as user [" + username + "]"); } /* ======================================================= * | SCAN URL AS USER | * ======================================================= */ if (scanURLAsUser) { listener.getLogger() .println("Scan the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "] as user [" + username + "]"); scanURLAsUser(evaluatedTargetURL, listener, zapClientAPI, contextId, userId); } else { listener.getLogger().println( "Skip scanning the site [" + evaluatedTargetURL + "] as user [" + username + "]"); } } /* ======================================================= * | SAVE REPORTS | * ======================================================= */ if (saveReports) { // Generates reports for all formats selected for (String format : chosenFormats) { ZAPreport report = ZAPreportCollection.getInstance().getMapFormatReport().get(format); saveReport(report, listener, workspace, zapClientAPI); } } /* ======================================================= * | CREATE JIRA ISSUES | * ======================================================= */ if (createJiras) { // Generates reports for all formats selected listener.getLogger() .println("****************** Strated creating jiras ************************"); Map<String, String> map = null; map = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (API_KEY != null) { map.put("apikey", API_KEY); } map.put("jiraBaseURL", jiraBaseURL); map.put("jiraUserName", jiraUserName); map.put("jiraPassword", jiraPassword); map.put("projectKey", projectKey); //map.put("jiraUserName",jiraUserName); map.put("assignee", assignee); map.put("high", returnCheckedStatus(alertHigh)); map.put("medium", returnCheckedStatus(alertMedium)); map.put("low", returnCheckedStatus(alertLow)); map.put("filterIssuesByResourceType", returnCheckedStatus(filterIssuesByResourceType)); listener.getLogger() .println("****************** initialized variables *************************"); listener.getLogger().println(" Api key : " + API_KEY); listener.getLogger().println(" Base URL : " + jiraBaseURL); listener.getLogger().println(" UserName : " + jiraUserName); listener.getLogger().println(" Project key : " + projectKey); listener.getLogger().println(" Assignee : " + assignee); listener.getLogger().println(" Export High alerts : " + alertHigh); listener.getLogger().println(" Export Medium alerts : " + alertMedium); listener.getLogger().println(" Export Low alerts : " + alertLow); listener.getLogger() .println(" Filter by resource Type : " + filterIssuesByResourceType); try { zapClientAPI.callApi("jiraIssueCreater", "action", "createJiraIssues", map); } catch (ClientApiException e) { listener.getLogger().println(e.getMessage()); } } else { listener.getLogger().println("Skipped creating jiras"); } /* ======================================================= * | SAVE SESSION | * ======================================================= */ if (saveSession) { if (evaluatedFilenameSaveSession != null && !evaluatedFilenameSaveSession.isEmpty()) { File sessionFile = new File(workspace.getRemote(), evaluatedFilenameSaveSession); listener.getLogger().println("Save session to [" + sessionFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); // Path creation if it doesn't exist if (!sessionFile.getParentFile().exists()) { sessionFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } // Method signature : saveSession(String apikey, String name, String overwrite) zapClientAPI.core.saveSession(API_KEY, sessionFile.getAbsolutePath(), "true"); } } else { listener.getLogger().println("Skip saveSession"); } listener.getLogger().println("Total alerts = " + zapClientAPI.core.numberOfAlerts("").toString(2)); listener.getLogger().println("Total messages = " + zapClientAPI.core.numberOfMessages("").toString(2)); } catch (Exception e) { listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); buildSuccess = false; } finally { try { stopZAP(zapClientAPI, listener); } catch (ClientApiException e) { listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); buildSuccess = false; } } return buildSuccess; } /**method used to return the checked state * inside CREATE JIRA ISSUES * **/ private String returnCheckedStatus(boolean checkedStatus) { if (checkedStatus) { return "1"; } else { return "0"; } } /** * Converts the ZAP API status response to an integer * * @param response the ZAP API response code * @return the integer status of the ApiResponse */ private int statusToInt(final ApiResponse response) { return Integer.parseInt(((ApiResponseElement) response).getValue()); } /** * Converts the ZAP API status response to an String * * @param response the ZAP API response code * @return the String status of the ApiResponse */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String statusToString(final ApiResponse response) { return ((ApiResponseElement) response).getValue(); } /** *get user id * @param response the ZAP API response code * @return the user ID of the user */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String extractUserId(ApiResponse response) { return ((ApiResponseElement) response).getValue(); } /** *get context id * @param response the ZAP API response code * @return the context ID of the context */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String extractContextId(ApiResponse response) { return ((ApiResponseElement) response).getValue(); } /** * set up a context and add/exclude url to/from it * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param url the URL to be added to context * @param excludedUrl the URL to exclude from context * @param zapClientAPI the client API to use ZAP API methods * @return the context ID of the context * @throws ClientApiException */ private String setUpContext(BuildListener listener, String url, String excludedUrl, ClientApi zapClientAPI) throws ClientApiException { url = url.trim(); String contextName = "context1";//name of the Context to be created String contextURL = "\\Q" + url + "\\E.*";//url to be added to the context (the same url given by the user to be scanned) String contextIdTemp; //Create new context //method signature : newContext(String apikey,String contextname) throws ClientApiException contextIdTemp = extractContextId(zapClientAPI.context.newContext(API_KEY, contextName)); //add url to the context //method signature : includeInContext(String apikey, String contextname, String regex) // throws ClientApiException zapClientAPI.context.includeInContext(API_KEY, contextName, contextURL); listener.getLogger().println("URL " + url + " added to Context [" + contextIdTemp + "]"); //excluded urls from context if (!excludedUrl.equals("")) { try { String[] urls = excludedUrl.split("\n"); String contextExcludedUrl = "";//url to exclude from context like the log out url for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { urls[i] = urls[i].trim(); if (!urls[i].isEmpty()) { contextExcludedUrl = "\\Q" + urls[i] + "\\E"; zapClientAPI.context.excludeFromContext(API_KEY, contextName, contextExcludedUrl); listener.getLogger().println("URL exluded from context : " + urls[i]); } } } catch (ClientApiException e) { e.printStackTrace(); listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } return contextIdTemp; } /** * set up form based authentication method for the created context * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param zapClientAPI the client API to use ZAP API methods * @param loggedInIndicator indication for know its logged in * @param usernameParameter parameter define in passing username * @param passwordParameter parameter that define in passing password for the user * @param extraPostData other post data than credentials * @param contextId id of the creted context * @param loginUrl login page url * @throws ClientApiException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ private void setUpFormBasedAuthenticationMethod(BuildListener listener, ClientApi zapClientAPI, String loggedInIndicator, String usernameParameter, String passwordParameter, String extraPostData, String contextId, String loginUrl) throws ClientApiException, UnsupportedEncodingException { String loginRequestData = usernameParameter + "={%username%}&" + passwordParameter + "={%password%}&" + extraPostData; // set form based authentication method // Prepare the configuration in a format similar to how URL parameters are formed. This // means that any value we add for the configuration values has to be URL encoded. StringBuilder formBasedConfig = new StringBuilder(); formBasedConfig.append("loginUrl=").append(URLEncoder.encode(loginUrl, "UTF-8")); formBasedConfig.append("&loginRequestData=").append(URLEncoder.encode(loginRequestData, "UTF-8")); zapClientAPI.authentication.setAuthenticationMethod(API_KEY, contextId, "formBasedAuthentication", formBasedConfig.toString()); listener.getLogger().println("Authentication config: " + zapClientAPI.authentication.getAuthenticationMethod(contextId).toString(0)); //end set auth method listener.getLogger().println("Form Based Authentication added to context"); //add logged in idicator if (!loggedInIndicator.equals("")) { zapClientAPI.authentication.setLoggedInIndicator(API_KEY, contextId, loggedInIndicator); listener.getLogger().println("Logged in indicator " + loggedInIndicator + " added to context "); } } /** * set up script based authentication method for the created context * @author Abdellah AZOUGARH * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param zapClientAPI the ZAP API client * @param scriptName the name of the authentication script used to authenticate the user * @param scriptLoggedInIndicator the indication that the user is logged in * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException * @throws ClientApiException */ private void setUpScriptBasedAuthenticationMethod(BuildListener listener, ClientApi zapClientAPI, String scriptName, String contextId, String scriptLoggedInIndicator) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, ClientApiException { // set script based authentication method // Prepare the configuration in a format similar to how URL parameters are formed. This // means that any value we add for the configuration values has to be URL encoded. StringBuilder scriptBasedConfig = new StringBuilder(); scriptBasedConfig.append("scriptName=").append(URLEncoder.encode(scriptName, "UTF-8")); listener.getLogger() .println("Setting Script based authentication configuration as: " + scriptBasedConfig.toString()); zapClientAPI.authentication.setAuthenticationMethod(API_KEY, contextId, "scriptBasedAuthentication", scriptBasedConfig.toString()); listener.getLogger().println("Authentication config: " + zapClientAPI.authentication.getAuthenticationMethod(contextId).toString(0)); //add logged in idicator if (!scriptLoggedInIndicator.equals("")) { listener.getLogger().println("---------------------------------------"); zapClientAPI.authentication.setLoggedInIndicator(API_KEY, contextId, scriptLoggedInIndicator); } } /** * set up user for the context and enable user * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param zapClientAPI the client API to use ZAP API methods * @param username user name to be used in authentication * @param password password for the authentication user * @param contextId id of the created context * @return userId id of the newly setup user * @throws ClientApiException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ private String setUpUser(BuildListener listener, ClientApi zapClientAPI, String username, String password, String contextId) throws ClientApiException, UnsupportedEncodingException { String userIdTemp; // add new user and authentication details // Make sure we have at least one user // extract user id userIdTemp = extractUserId(zapClientAPI.users.newUser(API_KEY, contextId, username)); // Prepare the configuration in a format similar to how URL parameters are formed. This // means that any value we add for the configuration values has to be URL encoded. StringBuilder userAuthConfig = new StringBuilder(); userAuthConfig.append("username=").append(URLEncoder.encode(username, "UTF-8")); userAuthConfig.append("&password=").append(URLEncoder.encode(password, "UTF-8")); String authCon = userAuthConfig.toString(); zapClientAPI.users.setAuthenticationCredentials(API_KEY, contextId, userIdTemp, authCon); listener.getLogger().println("New user added. username :" + username); zapClientAPI.users.setUserEnabled(API_KEY, contextId, userIdTemp, "true"); listener.getLogger().println("User : " + username + " is now Enabled"); //to make spidering and ajax spidering in authentication mod setUpForcedUser(listener, zapClientAPI, contextId, userIdTemp); return userIdTemp; } /** * set up forced user for the context and enable user, this help to make spidering and ajax spidering as authenticated user * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param zapClientAPI the client API to use ZAP API methods * @param contextid id of the created context * @return userId id of the newly setup user * @throws ClientApiException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ private void setUpForcedUser(BuildListener listener, ClientApi zapClientAPI, String contextid, String userid) throws ClientApiException, UnsupportedEncodingException { zapClientAPI.forcedUser.setForcedUser(API_KEY, contextid, userid); zapClientAPI.forcedUser.setForcedUserModeEnabled(API_KEY, true); } /** * Set up all authentication details * @author thilina27 * @param username user name to be used in authentication * @param password password for the authentication user * @param usernameParameter parameter define in passing username * @param passwordParameter parameter that define in passing password for the user * @param extraPostData other post data than credentials * @param loginUrl login page url * @param loggedInIndicator indication for know its logged in * @throws ClientApiException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ private void setUpAuthentication(String authenticationMethod, BuildListener listener, ClientApi zapClientAPI, String username, String password, String usernameParameter, String passwordParameter, String extraPostData, String loginUrl, String loggedInIndicator, String scriptName) throws ClientApiException, UnsupportedEncodingException { //setup context //this.contextId=setUpContext(listener,url,zapClientAPI); //set up authentication method if (authenticationMethod.equals("FORMBASED")) { setUpFormBasedAuthenticationMethod(listener, zapClientAPI, loggedInIndicator, usernameParameter, passwordParameter, extraPostData, contextId, loginUrl); } else if (authenticationMethod.equals("SCRIPTBASED")) { setUpScriptBasedAuthenticationMethod(listener, zapClientAPI, scriptName, contextId, loggedInIndicator); } //set up user this.userId = setUpUser(listener, zapClientAPI, username, password, contextId); } /** * Search for all links and pages on the URL and raised passives alerts * * @param url the url to investigate * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param zapClientAPI the client API to use ZAP API methods * @throws ClientApiException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void spiderURL(final String url, BuildListener listener, ClientApi zapClientAPI) throws ClientApiException, InterruptedException { // Method signature : scan(String key, String url, String maxChildren, String recurse) zapClientAPI.spider.scan(API_KEY, url, "", ""); // Wait for complete spidering (equal to 100) // Method signature : status(String scanId) while (statusToInt(zapClientAPI.spider.status("")) < 100) { listener.getLogger().println("Status spider = " + statusToInt(zapClientAPI.spider.status("")) + "%"); listener.getLogger().println("Alerts number = " + zapClientAPI.core.numberOfAlerts("").toString(2)); Thread.sleep(1000); } } /** * Search for all links and pages on the URL and raised passives alerts * @author thilina27 * @param url the url to investigate * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param zapClientAPI the client API to use ZAP API methods * @param contextId the id number of the contexte created for this scan * @param userId the id number of the user created for this scan * @throws ClientApiException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void spiderURLAsUser(final String url, BuildListener listener, ClientApi zapClientAPI, String contextId, String userId) throws ClientApiException, InterruptedException { // Start spider as user zapClientAPI.spider.scanAsUser(API_KEY, url, contextId, userId, "0", ""); // Wait for complete spidering (equal to 100) // Method signature : status(String scanId) while (statusToInt(zapClientAPI.spider.status("")) < 100) { listener.getLogger().println("Status spider = " + statusToInt(zapClientAPI.spider.status("")) + "%"); listener.getLogger().println("Alerts number = " + zapClientAPI.core.numberOfAlerts("").toString(2)); Thread.sleep(1000); } } /** * Search for all links and pages on the URL and raised passives alerts * @author thilina27 * @param url the url to investigate * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param zapClientAPI the client API to use ZAP API methods * @throws ClientApiException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void ajaxSpiderURL(final String url, BuildListener listener, ClientApi zapClientAPI) throws ClientApiException, InterruptedException { //Method signature : scan(String apikey,String url,String inscope) zapClientAPI.ajaxSpider.scan(API_KEY, url, "false"); // Wait for complete spidering (equal to status complete) // Method signature : status(String scanId) while ("running".equalsIgnoreCase(statusToString(zapClientAPI.ajaxSpider.status()))) { listener.getLogger().println("Status spider = " + statusToString(zapClientAPI.ajaxSpider.status())); listener.getLogger().println("Alerts number = " + zapClientAPI.core.numberOfAlerts("").toString(2)); Thread.sleep(2500); } } /** * Scan all pages found at url and raised actives alerts * * @param url the url to scan * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param zapClientAPI the client API to use ZAP API methods * @throws ClientApiException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void scanURL(final String url, BuildListener listener, ClientApi zapClientAPI) throws ClientApiException, InterruptedException { if (chosenPolicy == null || chosenPolicy.isEmpty()) { listener.getLogger().println("Scan url [" + url + "] with the policy by default"); } else { listener.getLogger().println("Scan url [" + url + "] with the following policy [" + chosenPolicy + "]"); } // Method signature : scan(String apikey, String url, String recurse, String inscopeonly, String scanpolicyname, String method, String postdata) // Use a default policy if chosenPolicy is null or empty zapClientAPI.ascan.scan(API_KEY, url, "true", "false", chosenPolicy, null, null); // Wait for complete scanning (equal to 100) // Method signature : status(String scanId) while (statusToInt(zapClientAPI.ascan.status("")) < 100) { listener.getLogger().println("Status scan = " + statusToInt(zapClientAPI.ascan.status("")) + "%"); listener.getLogger().println("Alerts number = " + zapClientAPI.core.numberOfAlerts("").toString(2)); listener.getLogger().println("Messages number = " + zapClientAPI.core.numberOfMessages("").toString(2)); Thread.sleep(5000); } } /** * Scan all pages found at url and raised actives alerts * * @author abdellah.azougarh * @param url the url to scan * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @param zapClientAPI the client API to use ZAP API methods * @param contextId the id number of the contexte created for this scan * @param userId the id number of the user created for this scan * @throws ClientApiException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void scanURLAsUser(final String url, BuildListener listener, ClientApi zapClientAPI, String contextId, String userId) throws ClientApiException, InterruptedException { if (chosenPolicy == null || chosenPolicy.isEmpty()) { listener.getLogger().println("Scan url [" + url + "] with the policy by default"); } else { listener.getLogger().println("Scan url [" + url + "] with the following policy [" + chosenPolicy + "]"); } // Method signature : scan(String apikey, String url, String recurse, String inscopeonly, String scanpolicyname, String method, String postdata) // Use a default policy if chosenPolicy is null or empty zapClientAPI.ascan.scanAsUser(API_KEY, url, contextId, userId, "true", chosenPolicy, null, null);//arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7)scan(API_KEY, url, "true", "false", chosenPolicy, null, null); // Wait for complete scanning (equal to 100) // Method signature : status(String scanId) while (statusToInt(zapClientAPI.ascan.status("")) < 100) { listener.getLogger().println("Status scan = " + statusToInt(zapClientAPI.ascan.status("")) + "%"); listener.getLogger().println("Alerts number = " + zapClientAPI.core.numberOfAlerts("").toString(2)); listener.getLogger().println("Messages number = " + zapClientAPI.core.numberOfMessages("").toString(2)); Thread.sleep(5000); } } /** * Stop ZAproxy if it has been previously started. * * @param zapClientAPI the client API to use ZAP API methods * @param listener the listener to display log during the job execution in jenkins * @throws ClientApiException */ private void stopZAP(ClientApi zapClientAPI, BuildListener listener) throws ClientApiException { if (zapClientAPI != null) { listener.getLogger().println("Shutdown ZAProxy"); //throw new ClientApiException("Exception lancee dans stopZAP"); zapClientAPI.core.shutdown(API_KEY); } else { listener.getLogger().println("No shutdown of ZAP (zapClientAPI==null)"); } } /** * Descriptor for {@link ZAProxy}. Used as a singleton. * The class is marked as public so that it can be accessed from views. * * <p> * See <tt>src/main/resources/fr/novia/zaproxyplugin/ZAProxy/*.jelly</tt> * for the actual HTML fragment for the configuration screen. */ @Extension public static class ZAProxyDescriptorImpl extends Descriptor<ZAProxy> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4028279269334325901L; /** * To persist global configuration information, * simply store it in a field and call save(). * * <p> * If you don't want fields to be persisted, use <tt>transient</tt>. */ /** Map where key is the report format represented by a String * and value is a ZAPreport object allowing to generate a report with the corresponding format. */ private Map<String, ZAPreport> mapFormatReport; /** Represents the build's workspace */ private FilePath workspace; /** * In order to load the persisted global configuration, you have to * call load() in the constructor. */ public ZAProxyDescriptorImpl() { mapFormatReport = ZAPreportCollection.getInstance().getMapFormatReport(); load(); } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return null; } public Map<String, ZAPreport> getMapFormatReport() { return mapFormatReport; } public List<String> getAllFormats() { return new ArrayList<String>(mapFormatReport.keySet()); } public void setWorkspace(FilePath ws) { this.workspace = ws; } /** * Performs on-the-fly validation of the form field 'filenameReports'. * * @param filenameReports * This parameter receives the value that the user has typed. * @return * Indicates the outcome of the validation. This is sent to the browser. * <p> * Note that returning {@link FormValidation#error(String)} does not * prevent the form from being saved. It just means that a message * will be displayed to the user. */ public FormValidation doCheckFilenameReports( @QueryParameter("filenameReports") final String filenameReports) { if (filenameReports.isEmpty()) return FormValidation.error("Field is required"); if (!FilenameUtils.getExtension(filenameReports).isEmpty()) return FormValidation.warning("A file extension is not necessary."); return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Performs on-the-fly validation of the form field 'filenameSaveSession'. * <p> * If the user wants to save session whereas a session is already loaded, * the relative path to the saved session must be different from the relative path to the loaded session. * * @param filenameLoadSession * Parameter to compare with filenameSaveSession. * @param filenameSaveSession * This parameter receives the value that the user has typed. * @return * Indicates the outcome of the validation. This is sent to the browser. * <p> * Note that returning {@link FormValidation#error(String)} does not * prevent the form from being saved. It just means that a message * will be displayed to the user. */ public FormValidation doCheckFilenameSaveSession( @QueryParameter("filenameLoadSession") final String filenameLoadSession, @QueryParameter("filenameSaveSession") final String filenameSaveSession) { // Contains just the name of the session (without workspace path and extension) String cleanFilenameLoadSession = null; if (workspace != null) { cleanFilenameLoadSession = filenameLoadSession.replace(workspace.getRemote(), "") // Remove workspace path .replaceFirst("\\\\", "") // Remove separator after workspace path if windows .replaceFirst("/", ""); // Remove separator after workspace path if Unix if (!cleanFilenameLoadSession.isEmpty() && (filenameSaveSession.equals(cleanFilenameLoadSession) || filenameSaveSession .equals(cleanFilenameLoadSession.replace(FILE_SESSION_EXTENSION, "")))) return FormValidation .error("The saved session filename is the same of the loaded session filename."); } if (!filenameLoadSession.isEmpty()) return FormValidation.warning("A session is loaded, so it's not necessary to save session"); if (!FilenameUtils.getExtension(filenameSaveSession).isEmpty()) return FormValidation.warning( "A file extension is not necessary. A default file extension will be added (.session)"); return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * List model to choose the alert report format * * @return a {@link ListBoxModel} */ public ListBoxModel doFillChosenFormatsItems() { ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel(); for (String format : mapFormatReport.keySet()) { items.add(format); } return items; } /** * List model to choose the tool used (normally, it should be the ZAProxy tool). * * @return a {@link ListBoxModel} */ public ListBoxModel doFillToolUsedItems() { ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel(); for (ToolDescriptor<?> desc : ToolInstallation.all()) { for (ToolInstallation tool : desc.getInstallations()) { items.add(tool.getName()); } } return items; } /** * List model to choose the policy file to use by ZAProxy scan. It's called on the remote machine (if present) * to load all policy files in the ZAP default dir of the build's machine. * * @param zapDefaultDir A string that represents an absolute path to the directory that ZAP uses. * @return a {@link ListBoxModel}. It can be empty if zapDefaultDir doesn't contain any policy file. */ public ListBoxModel doFillChosenPolicyItems(@QueryParameter String zapDefaultDir) { ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel(); // No workspace before the first build, so workspace is null if (workspace != null) { File[] listFiles = {}; try { listFiles = workspace.act(new PolicyFileCallable(zapDefaultDir)); } catch (IOException e) { // No listener because it's not during a build but it's on the job config page e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // No listener because it's not during a build but it's on the job config page e.printStackTrace(); } items.add(""); // To not load a policy file, add a blank choice // Add policy files to the list, without their extension for (int i = 0; i < listFiles.length; i++) { items.add(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(listFiles[i].getName())); } } return items; } /** * List model to choose the authentication script file to use by ZAProxy scan. It's called on the remote machine (if present) * to load all authentication script files in the ZAP default dir of the build's machine. * The jenkins job must be started once in order to create the workspace, so this method can load the list of authentication scripts * the authentication scripts must be stored in this directory : <zapDefaultDir>/scripts/authentication * @param zapDefaultDir A string that represents an absolute path to the directory that ZAP uses. * @return a {@link ListBoxModel}. It can be empty if zapDefaultDir doesn't contain any policy file. */ public ListBoxModel doFillAuthenticationScriptNameItems(@QueryParameter String zapDefaultDir) { ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel(); // No workspace before the first build, so workspace is null if (workspace != null) { File[] listFiles = {}; try { listFiles = workspace.act(new AuthenticationScriptFileCallable(zapDefaultDir)); } catch (IOException e) { // No listener because it's not during a build but it's on the job config page e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // No listener because it's not during a build but it's on the job config page e.printStackTrace(); } items.add(""); // To not load a policy file, add a blank choice // Add script authentication files to the list, with their extension for (int i = 0; i < listFiles.length; i++) { items.add(listFiles[i].getName()); } } return items; } /** * List model to choose the ZAP session to use. It's called on the remote machine (if present) * to load all session files in the build's workspace. * * @return a {@link ListBoxModel}. It can be empty if the workspace doesn't contain any ZAP sessions. * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ public ListBoxModel doFillFilenameLoadSessionItems() throws IOException, InterruptedException { ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel(); // No workspace before the first build, so workspace is null if (workspace != null) { Collection<String> sessionsInString = workspace.act(new FileCallable<Collection<String>>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1328740269013881941L; public Collection<String> invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) { // List all files with FILE_SESSION_EXTENSION on the machine where the workspace is located Collection<File> colFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(f, FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(FILE_SESSION_EXTENSION), TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE); Collection<String> colString = new ArrayList<String>(); // "Transform" File into String for (File file : colFiles) { colString.add(file.getAbsolutePath()); // The following line is to remove the full path to the workspace, // keep just the relative path to the session //colString.add(file.getAbsolutePath().replace(workspace.getRemote() + File.separatorChar, "")); } return colString; } @Override public void checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) throws SecurityException { // Nothing to do } }); items.add(""); // To not load a session, add a blank choice for (String s : sessionsInString) { items.add(s); } } return items; } } /** * This class allows to search all ZAP policy files in the ZAP default dir of the remote machine * (or local machine if there is no remote machine). It's used in the plugin configuration page * to fill the list of policy files and choose one of them. * * @author ludovic.roucoux * */ private static class PolicyFileCallable implements FileCallable<File[]> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1328740269013881941L; private String zapDefaultDir; public PolicyFileCallable(String zapDefaultDir) { this.zapDefaultDir = zapDefaultDir; } public File[] invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) { File[] listFiles = {}; Path pathPolicyDir = Paths.get(zapDefaultDir, NAME_POLICIES_DIR_ZAP); if (Files.isDirectory(pathPolicyDir)) { File zapPolicyDir = new File(zapDefaultDir, NAME_POLICIES_DIR_ZAP); // create new filename filter (get only file with FILE_POLICY_EXTENSION extension) FilenameFilter policyFilter = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { if (name.lastIndexOf('.') > 0) { // get last index for '.' char int lastIndex = name.lastIndexOf('.'); // get extension String str = name.substring(lastIndex); // match path name extension if (str.equals(FILE_POLICY_EXTENSION)) { return true; } } return false; } }; // returns pathnames for files and directory listFiles = zapPolicyDir.listFiles(policyFilter); } return listFiles; } @Override public void checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) throws SecurityException { // Nothing to do } } /** * This class allows to search all ZAP authentication script files in the ZAP default dir of the remote machine * (or local machine if there is no remote machine). It's used in the plugin configuration page * to fill the list of authentication script files and choose one of them. * * @author abdellah.azougarh * */ private static class AuthenticationScriptFileCallable implements FileCallable<File[]> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1328740269013881941L; private String zapDefaultDir; public AuthenticationScriptFileCallable(String zapDefaultDir) { this.zapDefaultDir = zapDefaultDir; } public File[] invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) { File[] listFiles = {}; Path pathAuthenticationScriptsDir = Paths.get(zapDefaultDir, NAME_SCRIPTS_DIR_ZAP, NAME_AUTHENTICATION_SCRIPTS_DIR_ZAP); if (Files.isDirectory(pathAuthenticationScriptsDir)) { File zapAuthenticationScriptsDir = pathAuthenticationScriptsDir.toFile(); // create new filename filter (the filter returns true as all the extensions are accepted) FilenameFilter policyFilter = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return true; } }; // returns pathnames for files and directory listFiles = zapAuthenticationScriptsDir.listFiles(policyFilter); } return listFiles; } @Override public void checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) throws SecurityException { // Nothing to do } } /** * This class allows to launch a method on a remote machine (if there is, otherwise, on a local machine). * The method launched is to wait the complete initialization of ZAProxy. * * @author ludovic.roucoux * */ private static class WaitZAProxyInitCallable implements FileCallable<Void> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -313398999885177679L; private ZAProxy zaproxy; private BuildListener listener; public WaitZAProxyInitCallable(ZAProxy zaproxy, BuildListener listener) { this.zaproxy = zaproxy; this.listener = listener; } @Override public Void invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) { zaproxy.waitForSuccessfulConnectionToZap(zaproxy.timeoutInSec, listener); return null; } @Override public void checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) throws SecurityException { // Nothing to do } } }