Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (C) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package fr.norad.visuwall.plugin.hudson; import static; import static; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static fr.norad.visuwall.api.domain.BuildState.UNKNOWN; import static fr.norad.visuwall.plugin.hudson.States.asVisuwallState; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import fr.norad.visuwall.providers.hudson.Hudson; import fr.norad.visuwall.providers.hudson.domain.HudsonBuild; import fr.norad.visuwall.providers.hudson.domain.HudsonCommiter; import fr.norad.visuwall.providers.hudson.domain.HudsonJob; import fr.norad.visuwall.providers.hudson.domain.HudsonTestResult; import fr.norad.visuwall.providers.hudson.exception.HudsonBuildNotFoundException; import fr.norad.visuwall.providers.hudson.exception.HudsonJobNotFoundException; import fr.norad.visuwall.providers.hudson.exception.HudsonViewNotFoundException; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.domain.BuildState; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.domain.BuildTime; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.domain.Commiter; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.domain.ProjectKey; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.domain.SoftwareProjectId; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.domain.TestResult; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.exception.BuildIdNotFoundException; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.exception.BuildNotFoundException; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.exception.MavenIdNotFoundException; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.exception.ProjectNotFoundException; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.exception.ViewNotFoundException; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.plugin.capability.BuildCapability; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.plugin.capability.TestCapability; import fr.norad.visuwall.api.plugin.capability.ViewCapability; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; public class HudsonConnection implements BuildCapability, ViewCapability, TestCapability { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HudsonConnection.class); private static final Collection<String> DEFAULT_VIEWS = asList("Alle", "Todo", "Tous", "\u3059\u3079\u3066", "Tudo", "\u0412\u0441\u0435", "Hepsi", "All"); @VisibleForTesting Hudson hudson; private boolean connected; @Override public void connect(String url, String login, String password) { checkNotNull(url, "url is mandatory"); if (isBlank(url)) { throw new IllegalStateException("url can't be null."); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(login)) { hudson = new Hudson(url); } else { hudson = new Hudson(url, login, password); } connected = true; } @Override public Map<SoftwareProjectId, String> listSoftwareProjectIds() { checkConnected(); Map<SoftwareProjectId, String> projectIds = new HashMap<SoftwareProjectId, String>(); List<String> names = hudson.findAllProjectNames(); for (String name : names) { SoftwareProjectId projectId = new SoftwareProjectId(name); projectIds.put(projectId, name); } return projectIds; } @Override public Date getEstimatedFinishTime(SoftwareProjectId projectId, String buildId) throws ProjectNotFoundException, BuildNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(projectId); checkBuildId(buildId); try { String projectName = jobName(projectId); return hudson.getEstimatedFinishTime(projectName); } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException(e); } } @Override public boolean isBuilding(SoftwareProjectId projectId, String buildId) throws ProjectNotFoundException, BuildNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(projectId); checkBuildId(buildId); try { String projectName = jobName(projectId); HudsonBuild build = hudson.findBuild(projectName, Integer.valueOf(buildId)); if (build.getState() == null) { return true; } if (build.getDuration() == 0) { return true; } return false; } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException(e); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new BuildNotFoundException(e); } catch (HudsonBuildNotFoundException e) { throw new BuildNotFoundException(e); } } @Override public BuildState getBuildState(SoftwareProjectId projectId, String buildId) throws ProjectNotFoundException, BuildNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(projectId); checkBuildId(buildId); try { String projectName = jobName(projectId); HudsonBuild hudsonBuild = hudson.findBuild(projectName, Integer.valueOf(buildId)); String hudsonState = hudsonBuild.getState(); if (hudsonState == null) { return UNKNOWN; } return asVisuwallState(hudsonState); } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException(e); } catch (HudsonBuildNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException(e); } } @Override public String getLastBuildId(SoftwareProjectId projectId) throws ProjectNotFoundException, BuildIdNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(projectId); try { String projectName = jobName(projectId); return String.valueOf(hudson.getLastBuildNumber(projectName)); } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException(e); } catch (HudsonBuildNotFoundException e) { throw new BuildIdNotFoundException(e); } } @Override public List<String> findViews() { checkConnected(); List<String> views = hudson.findViews(); views.removeAll(DEFAULT_VIEWS); return views; } @Override public List<String> findProjectNamesByView(String viewName) throws ViewNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkNotNull(viewName, "viewName is mandatory"); try { return hudson.findJobNameByView(viewName); } catch (HudsonViewNotFoundException e) { throw new ViewNotFoundException("can't find view named :" + viewName, e); } } @Override public List<SoftwareProjectId> findSoftwareProjectIdsByViews(List<String> views) { checkConnected(); checkNotNull(views, "views is mandatory"); Set<SoftwareProjectId> projectIds = new HashSet<SoftwareProjectId>(); for (String viewName : views) { try { List<String> projectNames = hudson.findJobNameByView(viewName); projectIds.addAll(findSoftwareProjectIdsByNames(projectNames)); } catch (HudsonViewNotFoundException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } } } return new ArrayList<SoftwareProjectId>(projectIds); } private List<SoftwareProjectId> findSoftwareProjectIdsByNames(List<String> names) { checkConnected(); checkNotNull(names, "names is mandatory"); List<SoftwareProjectId> projectIds = new ArrayList<SoftwareProjectId>(); for (String name : names) { SoftwareProjectId projectId = new SoftwareProjectId(name); projectIds.add(projectId); } return projectIds; } @Override public void close() { connected = false; } @Override public String getDescription(SoftwareProjectId projectId) throws ProjectNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(projectId); try { String jobName = jobName(projectId); return hudson.getDescription(jobName); } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException("Can't find description of project id: " + projectId, e); } } @Override public SoftwareProjectId identify(ProjectKey projectKey) throws ProjectNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkNotNull(projectKey, "projectKey is mandatory"); String jobName = projectKey.getName(); if (jobName != null) { try { hudson.findJob(jobName); return new SoftwareProjectId(jobName); } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException("Can't identify job with project key: " + projectKey, e); } } throw new ProjectNotFoundException("Can't identify job with project key: " + projectKey); } @Override public List<String> getBuildIds(SoftwareProjectId softwareProjectId) throws ProjectNotFoundException { checkConnected(); try { String jobName = softwareProjectId.getProjectId(); List<Integer> buildIds = hudson.getBuildNumbers(jobName); List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(buildIds.size()); for (Integer buildId : buildIds) { res.add(String.valueOf(buildId)); } return res; } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException("Can't find build Ids of software project id " + softwareProjectId, e); } } @Override public String getMavenId(SoftwareProjectId softwareProjectId) throws ProjectNotFoundException, MavenIdNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(softwareProjectId); String jobName = softwareProjectId.getProjectId(); try { return hudson.findMavenId(jobName); } catch (fr.norad.visuwall.providers.common.MavenIdNotFoundException e) { throw new MavenIdNotFoundException("Cannot find maven id for " + softwareProjectId, e); } } @Override public String getName(SoftwareProjectId softwareProjectId) throws ProjectNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(softwareProjectId); try { String projectName = softwareProjectId.getProjectId(); HudsonJob project = hudson.findJob(projectName); return project.getName(); } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException("Can't get name of project " + softwareProjectId, e); } } @Override public boolean isClosed() { return !connected; } @Override public BuildTime getBuildTime(SoftwareProjectId softwareProjectId, String buildId) throws BuildNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(softwareProjectId); checkBuildId(buildId); try { String jobName = softwareProjectId.getProjectId(); HudsonBuild hudsonBuild = hudson.findBuild(jobName, Integer.valueOf(buildId)); BuildTime buildTime = new BuildTime(); buildTime.setDuration(hudsonBuild.getDuration()); buildTime.setStartTime(hudsonBuild.getStartTime()); return buildTime; } catch (HudsonBuildNotFoundException e) { throw new BuildNotFoundException("Can't find build #" + buildId + " of project " + softwareProjectId, e); } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new BuildNotFoundException("Can't find project " + softwareProjectId, e); } } @Override public boolean isProjectDisabled(SoftwareProjectId softwareProjectId) throws ProjectNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(softwareProjectId); try { String jobName = softwareProjectId.getProjectId(); HudsonJob job = hudson.findJob(jobName); return job.isDisabled(); } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException("Can't find job with software project id: " + softwareProjectId, e); } } @Override public List<Commiter> getBuildCommiters(SoftwareProjectId softwareProjectId, String buildId) throws BuildNotFoundException, ProjectNotFoundException { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(softwareProjectId); checkBuildId(buildId); List<Commiter> commiters = new ArrayList<Commiter>(); try { String jobName = softwareProjectId.getProjectId(); HudsonBuild build = hudson.findBuild(jobName, Integer.valueOf(buildId)); Set<HudsonCommiter> commiterSet = build.getCommiters(); for (HudsonCommiter hudsonCommiter : commiterSet) { Commiter commiter = new Commiter(hudsonCommiter.getId()); commiter.setName(hudsonCommiter.getName()); commiter.setEmail(hudsonCommiter.getEmail()); if (!commiters.contains(commiter)) { commiters.add(commiter); } } } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { throw new ProjectNotFoundException("Can't find job with software project id: " + softwareProjectId, e); } catch (HudsonBuildNotFoundException e) { throw new BuildNotFoundException( "Can't find build with software project id: " + softwareProjectId + " and buildId: " + buildId, e); } return commiters; } @Override public TestResult analyzeUnitTests(SoftwareProjectId softwareProjectId) { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(softwareProjectId); try { String jobName = softwareProjectId.getProjectId(); int lastBuildId = hudson.getLastBuildNumber(jobName); HudsonTestResult unitTestResult = hudson.findUnitTestResult(jobName, lastBuildId); return TestResults.createFrom(unitTestResult); } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Can't analyze integration test of project: " + softwareProjectId, e); } return new TestResult(); } catch (HudsonBuildNotFoundException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Can't analyze integration test of project: " + softwareProjectId, e); } return new TestResult(); } } @Override public TestResult analyzeIntegrationTests(SoftwareProjectId softwareProjectId) { checkConnected(); checkSoftwareProjectId(softwareProjectId); try { String jobName = softwareProjectId.getProjectId(); int lastBuildId = hudson.getLastBuildNumber(jobName); HudsonTestResult integrationTestResult = hudson.findIntegrationTestResult(jobName, lastBuildId); return TestResults.createFrom(integrationTestResult); } catch (HudsonJobNotFoundException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Can't analyze integration test of project: " + softwareProjectId, e); } return new TestResult(); } catch (HudsonBuildNotFoundException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Can't analyze integration test of project: " + softwareProjectId, e); } return new TestResult(); } } private String jobName(SoftwareProjectId softwareProjectId) throws HudsonJobNotFoundException { String jobName = softwareProjectId.getProjectId(); if (jobName == null) { throw new HudsonJobNotFoundException("Project id " + softwareProjectId + " does not contain id"); } return jobName; } private void checkBuildId(String buildId) { checkNotNull(buildId, "buildId is mandatory"); } private void checkSoftwareProjectId(SoftwareProjectId softwareProjectId) { checkNotNull(softwareProjectId, "softwareProjectId is mandatory"); } private void checkConnected() { checkState(connected, "You must connect your plugin"); } }