Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010 Antoine Seilles (Natoine)
 *   This file is part of html-parser.
model-annotation is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
model-annotation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with model-annotation.  If not, see <>.
package fr.natoine.html;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.params.ClientPNames;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.params.CoreConnectionPNames;
import org.htmlparser.Node;
import org.htmlparser.Parser;
import org.htmlparser.Tag;
import org.htmlparser.filters.CssSelectorNodeFilter;
import org.htmlparser.filters.NodeClassFilter;
import org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode;
import org.htmlparser.nodes.TextNode;
import org.htmlparser.tags.BodyTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.HeadTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.Html;
import org.htmlparser.tags.LinkTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.MetaTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.Span;
import org.htmlparser.tags.StyleTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.TitleTag;
import org.htmlparser.util.NodeList;
import org.htmlparser.util.ParserException;

import fr.natoine.stringOp.StringOp;

public class HTMLPage {
    private String url;
    private String domain;
    private String title;
    private String css;
    private String body;
    private String scripts; //pour contenir les javascripts ou autres scripts de la page d'origine
    private String wrapperDiv;
    private String encoding;
    private boolean valid;

    private static String DEFAULT_WRAPPER = "PortletBrowserContent";
    private static int DEFAULT_TIME_TO_CREATE = 3000;

    public HTMLPage() {
        valid = false;
        url = "not a valid url";
        domain = "not a valid domain";
        title = "no title";
        css = "";
        body = "";
        wrapperDiv = DEFAULT_WRAPPER;
        encoding = null;

    public HTMLPage(String _url) {
        this(_url, DEFAULT_TIME_TO_CREATE, DEFAULT_WRAPPER);//TODO tester le meilleur time pour serveur de prod. Mon localhost met de l'ordre d'1 seconde  rpondre. Mon blog 2 secondes.

    public HTMLPage(String _url, int _time_to_create, String _wrapperDiv)//throws MalformedURLException, IOException
        //Sets the wrapper div
        wrapperDiv = _wrapperDiv;
        //sets the url
        if (_url.endsWith("/"))
            url = _url.substring(0, _url.length() - 1);
            url = _url;
        //processes the resources, sets the attributes
        if (_url.startsWith("http://")) {
            //Sets the domain
            domain = "http://" + extractDomain(_url);
            String response_content = extractFullContentPage(_url, _time_to_create);
            //System.out.println("[HTMLPage] response content : " + response_content);
            //don't try to get css, title and body if the url is not valid
            if (valid) {
                extractBodyTitleCss(response_content, _time_to_create);
                //corriger le body en fonction de l'encodage
            } else {
                //title prend l'url comme valeur par dfaut. On peut vouloir annoter des ressources qui ne sont pas accessibles et qui n'ont pas de titre.
                title = url;

    private void finalizeBody() {
        if (body != null && body.length() > 0) {
            Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(<body>)|(<BODY>)");
            Matcher m = p.matcher("");
            body = m.replaceAll("<div id='" + wrapperDiv + "'>");
            p = Pattern.compile("(</body>)|(</BODY>)");
            m = p.matcher("");
            body = m.replaceAll("</div>");
        } else
            body = "";

    private void encodeBody() {
        //CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName("UTF-16").newEncoder();
        if (encoding != null) {
            if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-8")) {
                CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1").newEncoder();
                try {
                    String decoded = new String(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(body.toCharArray())).array());
                    //System.out.println("decoded : " + decoded);
                    //CharsetDecoder decoder = Charset.forName(encoding).newDecoder();
                    CharsetDecoder decoder = Charset.forName(encoding).newDecoder();
                    decoded = decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(decoded.getBytes())).toString();
                    //System.out.println("decoded2 : " + decoded);
                    body = decoded;
                } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } else {
            String[] olds = new String[16];
            String[] news = new String[16];
            olds[0] = "&acirc;";
            news[0] = "";
            olds[1] = "&agrave;";
            news[1] = "";
            olds[2] = "&eacute;";
            news[2] = "";
            olds[3] = "&ecirc;";
            news[3] = "";
            olds[4] = "&egrave;";
            news[4] = "";
            olds[5] = "&euml;";
            news[5] = "";
            olds[6] = "&icirc;";
            news[6] = "";
            olds[7] = "&iuml;";
            news[7] = "";
            olds[8] = "&ocirc;";
            news[8] = "";
            olds[9] = "&oelig;";
            news[9] = "";
            olds[10] = "&ucirc;";
            news[10] = "";
            olds[11] = "&ugrave;";
            news[11] = "";
            olds[12] = "&uuml;";
            news[12] = "";
            olds[13] = "&ccedil;";
            news[13] = "";
            olds[14] = "&lt;";
            news[14] = "<";
            olds[15] = "&gt;";
            news[15] = ">";
            for (int i = 0; i < olds.length; i++) {
                body = body.replaceAll(olds[i], news[i]);

    private void correctHREF(String _javascript_href_wrapper) {
        Parser parser = Parser.createParser(body, null);

        try {
            NodeList nl = parser.parse(null);
            NodeList a_hrefs = nl.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(LinkTag.class), true);
            //System.out.println("[HTMLPage.correctHREF] nb ahref : " + a_hrefs.size());
            int nb_a = a_hrefs.size();
            int cpt_a;
            char quote = '\"';
            for (cpt_a = 0; cpt_a < nb_a; cpt_a++) {
                String true_href;
                Node a = a_hrefs.elementAt(cpt_a);
                String original_href = ((TagNode) a).getAttribute("href");
                if (original_href != null) {
                    if (original_href.startsWith("http"))
                        true_href = original_href;
                    else if (original_href.startsWith("./")) {
                        true_href = domain + "/" + original_href.substring(2);
                    //et si il y a plusieurs fois ../ ????
                    else if (original_href.startsWith("../"))//remonte d'un dossier
                        int firstindexOfslash_href = original_href.indexOf("/");
                        int lastindexOfslash = url.lastIndexOf("/");
                        if (lastindexOfslash == url.length()) {
                            lastindexOfslash = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1).lastIndexOf("/");
                        true_href = url.subSequence(0, lastindexOfslash) + "/"
                                + original_href.substring(firstindexOfslash_href);
                    } else if (original_href.startsWith("/"))
                        true_href = domain + original_href;
                        true_href = url + "/" + original_href;
                    ((TagNode) a).setAttribute("href", _javascript_href_wrapper + "(\'" + true_href + "\')", quote);
            //System.out.println("[HTMLPage.correctHREF] nl toString : " + nl.toHtml());
            body = nl.toHtml();
        } catch (ParserException e) {
            System.out.println("[HTMLPage.correctHREF] problems while Parsing");

    public String extractTitle() throws ParserException {
        String response_content = extractFullContentPage(url, DEFAULT_TIME_TO_CREATE);
        if (valid) {
            title = url;
            Parser parser = Parser.createParser(response_content, null);
            NodeList nl = parser.parse(null);
            NodeList titles = nl.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(TitleTag.class), true);
            if (titles.size() > 0) {
                if (titles.elementAt(0) instanceof Tag)
                    title = ((Tag) titles.elementAt(0)).getFirstChild().getText();
        return title;

    public String extractDomain(String _url) {
        String domain = "not a valid domain";
        String[] _url_split = _url.split("/");
        if (_url_split.length > 1)
            return _url_split[2];
            return domain;

    public String extractFullContentResource(String _url, int _time_to_respond) {
        String response_content = null;
        HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
        //httpclient.getParams().setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_ELEMENT_CHARSET , "UTF-8");
        //httpclient.getParams().setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET, "UTF-16");
        //httpclient.getParams().setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET, "ISO-8859-1");
        //httpclient.getParams().setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET, "US-ASCII");
        httpclient.getParams().setBooleanParameter(ClientPNames.HANDLE_REDIRECTS, true);
        httpclient.getParams().setBooleanParameter(ClientPNames.HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION, true);
        httpclient.getParams().setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, 3000);
        //HttpParams params = 
        //HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(params);
        HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(_url);
        try {
            //Timer pour mettre un dlai sur le temps d'excution de la requte
            //Timer timer = new Timer();
            //timer.schedule(new TimerTaskTooLong(httpget , _url) , _time_to_respond);
            //HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget);
            ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
            String responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler);
            if (responseBody != null) {
                response_content = responseBody;
                //      valid = true ;
        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
            //   valid = false ;
                    "[HTMLPage.extractFullContentCssLink] url : " + _url + " doesn't support GET requests !!! ");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //   valid = false ;
                    "[HTMLPage.extractFullContentCssLink] url : " + _url + " send no data !!! Not responding ... ");
        } finally {
            return response_content;

    private String extractFullContentPage(String _url, int _time_to_respond) {
        String content = extractFullContentResource(_url, _time_to_respond);
        if (content != null)
            valid = true;
            valid = false;
        //return Translate.decode(content) ;//pour rgler le problme d'encodage
        //return Translate.encode(content) ;//pour rgler le problme d'encodage
        return content;

    private void extractBodyTitleCss(String _html, int _time_to_extract_css) {
        try {
            Parser parser = Parser.createParser(_html, null);
            NodeList nl = parser.parse(null);
            //NodeList htmls = nl.extractAllNodesThatMatch (new TagNameFilter ("HTML"));
            NodeList htmls = nl.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(Html.class));
            if (htmls.size() > 0) {
                //NodeList heads = htmls.elementAt(0).getChildren().extractAllNodesThatMatch (new TagNameFilter ("HEAD"));
                NodeList heads = htmls.elementAt(0).getChildren()
                        .extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(HeadTag.class));
                NodeList bodys = htmls.elementAt(0).getChildren()
                        .extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(BodyTag.class));
                int nb_heads_node = heads.size();
                if (nb_heads_node > 0) {
                    //NodeList titles = heads.elementAt(0).getChildren().extractAllNodesThatMatch (new TagNameFilter ("TITLE"));
                    NodeList titles = heads.elementAt(0).getChildren()
                            .extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(TitleTag.class));
                    if (titles.size() > 0) {
                        if (titles.elementAt(0) instanceof Tag) {
                            Tag tag_title = (Tag) titles.elementAt(0);
                            title = tag_title.getFirstChild().getText();
                        } else
                            title = url;
                    } else {
                                "[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] no title tag, url for default title value");
                        title = url;
                    NodeList metas = heads.elementAt(0).getChildren()
                            .extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(MetaTag.class));
                    if (metas.size() > 0) {
                        int metas_size = metas.size();
                        for (int cpt_metas = 0; cpt_metas < metas_size; cpt_metas++) {
                            MetaTag meta = (MetaTag) metas.elementAt(cpt_metas);
                            String httpEquiv = meta.getHttpEquiv();
                            if (httpEquiv != null) {
                                if (httpEquiv.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type")) {
                                    String content = meta.getMetaContent();
                                    if (content.contains("charset")) {
                                        int charset_index = content.indexOf("charset");
                                        int egal_index = content.indexOf("=", charset_index);
                                        String charset = content.substring(egal_index + 1, content.length());
                                        encoding = StringOp.deleteBlanks(charset);
                            } else {
                                String charset = meta.getAttribute("charset");
                                if (charset != null) {
                                    encoding = charset;
                    String wip_css = "";
                    //Parcourir tous les noeuds head (bien qu'il ne devrait y en avoir qu'un seul)
                    int cpt_heads_node;
                    //System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] nb heads : " + nb_heads_node);
                    for (cpt_heads_node = 0; cpt_heads_node < nb_heads_node; cpt_heads_node++) {
                        NodeList headChildren = heads.elementAt(cpt_heads_node).getChildren();
                        /*Marche pas !!! */
                        // NodeList links = headChildren.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(LinkTag.class));
                        //Marche mais sert  rien vu que parcourt de tous les noeuds
                        //NodeList styles = headChildren.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(StyleTag.class));
                        //Parcourir tous les noeuds dans head pour extraire les link de css
                        int cpt_insideHead_nodes;
                        int nb_insideHead_nodes = headChildren.size();
                        //System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] nb head children : " + nb_insideHead_nodes);
                        for (cpt_insideHead_nodes = 0; cpt_insideHead_nodes < nb_insideHead_nodes; cpt_insideHead_nodes++) {
                            Node currentNode = headChildren.elementAt(cpt_insideHead_nodes);
                            //cas de css <style>
                            if (currentNode instanceof StyleTag) {
                                wip_css = wip_css.concat(((StyleTag) currentNode).getStyleCode());
                                //System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] wip_css : " + wip_css);
                            //cas de css rfrence par <link rel="stylesheet" href=""
                            if (currentNode instanceof TagNode) {
                                if (((TagNode) currentNode).getRawTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("link")
                                        && ((TagNode) currentNode).getAttribute("rel")
                                                .equalsIgnoreCase("stylesheet")) {
                                    //Rcupration de l'url de la css rfrence

                                    //System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] LinkTag");
                                    //String href_css = ((LinkTag)currentNode).extractLink();
                                    String href_css = ((TagNode) currentNode).getAttribute("href");
                                    //System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] href css : " + href_css);
                                    //rcuprer le contenu des css rfrences
                                    String true_url_href_css = null;
                                    if (href_css.startsWith("http://"))
                                        true_url_href_css = href_css;
                                    //TODO tester
                                    else if (href_css.startsWith("./")) {
                                        true_url_href_css = domain + "/" + href_css.substring(2);
                                    //et si il y a plusieurs fois ../ ????
                                    else if (href_css.startsWith("../"))//remonte d'un dossier
                                        int firstindexOfslash_href = href_css.indexOf("/");
                                        int lastindexOfslash = url.lastIndexOf("/");
                                        if (lastindexOfslash == url.length()) {
                                            lastindexOfslash = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1).lastIndexOf("/");
                                        true_url_href_css = url.subSequence(0, lastindexOfslash) + "/"
                                                + href_css.substring(firstindexOfslash_href);
                                    } else if (href_css.startsWith("/"))
                                        true_url_href_css = domain + href_css;
                                        true_url_href_css = url + "/" + href_css;
                                    //Rcupration de la css
                                    //System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] true href css : " + true_url_href_css );
                                    String css_content = extractFullContentResource(true_url_href_css,
                                    if (css_content != null)
                                        wip_css = wip_css.concat(css_content);
                                    //System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] wip_css : " + wip_css);
                    //css = wip_css ;
                    //TODO virer les commentaires dans la css les /* commentaires ... bla bla */
                    css = this.deleteCommentsNewLine(wip_css, wrapperDiv);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] no head tag, default title value = url");
                    title = url;
                if (bodys.size() > 0) {
                    //System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] there is a body");
                    body = bodys.elementAt(0).toHtml();
            } else {
                System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] not a valid HTML content");
                title = url;
        } catch (ParserException e) {
            title = url;
            System.out.println("[HTMLPage.extractBodyTitleCss] error parsing HTML content");

    //Deletes comments and new lines in css 
    public String deleteCommentsNewLine(String _wip_css, String _new_englobing_div) {
        if (_wip_css == null || _wip_css.length() == 0)
            return "";
        // Create a pattern to match comments
        //Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?:/\\*(?:[^*]|(?:\\*+[^*/]))*\\*+/)|(?://.*)", Pattern.MULTILINE);
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?:/\\*(?:[^*]|(?:\\*+[^*/]))*\\*+/)", Pattern.MULTILINE);
        Matcher m = p.matcher("");
        String result = m.replaceAll("");
        // Create a pattern to match all new lines and all tabs
        p = Pattern.compile("(\n)|(\t)");
        m = p.matcher("");
        result = m.replaceAll("");
        // Create a pattern to match all multiple " "
        p = Pattern.compile(" (?= )|(?<= ) ");
        m = p.matcher("");
        result = m.replaceAll(" ");
        //creates a pattern to match all }
        p = Pattern.compile("}");
        m = p.matcher("");
        result = m.replaceAll("} #" + _new_englobing_div + " ");
        int cpt_last_spaces_index = result.length();
        while (cpt_last_spaces_index > 0 && result.charAt(cpt_last_spaces_index - 1) == ' ') {
        result = result.substring(0, cpt_last_spaces_index);
        if (result.endsWith("#" + _new_englobing_div))
            result = result.substring(0, result.lastIndexOf("#" + _new_englobing_div));
        result = ("#" + _new_englobing_div + " ").concat(result);
        return result;

    public String toString() {
        String _to_print = "Classe " + this.getClass();
        _to_print = _to_print.concat(" url : " + url);
        _to_print = _to_print.concat(" domain : " + domain);
        _to_print = _to_print.concat(" title : " + title);
        _to_print = _to_print.concat(" css : " + css);
        _to_print = _to_print.concat(" body : " + body);
        if (valid)
            _to_print = _to_print.concat(" valid !!!");
            _to_print = _to_print.concat(" not valid !!!");
        return _to_print;

    public String getEncoding() {
        return encoding;

    public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
        this.encoding = encoding;

    public String getURL() {
        return url;

    public void setURL(String uRL) {
        url = uRL;

    public String getDomain() {
        return domain;

    public void setDomain(String domain) {
        this.domain = domain;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

    public String getCss() {
        return css;

    public void setCss(String css) {
        this.css = css;

    public String getBody() {
        return body;

    public void setBody(String body) {
        this.body = body;

    //traitement des XPointer
    //exemples de types de xpointer accepts pour l'instant :

    public void setScripts(String scripts) {
        this.scripts = scripts;

    public String getScripts() {
        return scripts;

    public String[] xpointerSplit(String _xpointer) {
        String xpointer_tag = "#xpointer(";
        int begin_sub = _xpointer.indexOf(xpointer_tag) + xpointer_tag.length();
        String clean_xpointer = _xpointer.substring(begin_sub, _xpointer.length());
        clean_xpointer = clean_xpointer.substring(0, clean_xpointer.indexOf(','));
        return clean_xpointer.split("/");

    //retourne l'indice textuel du xpointer
    private int getTextPositionXpointer(String _xpointer) {
        int coma_index = _xpointer.indexOf(',');
        if (coma_index > 0 && coma_index < _xpointer.length()) {
            String position = _xpointer.substring(coma_index + 1, _xpointer.length() - 1);
            return Integer.parseInt(position);
        } else
            return -1;

    public boolean isChildXPointer(String _xpointer_father, String _xpointer_child) throws ParserException {
        //System.out.println("father : " + _xpointer_father);
        //System.out.println("child : " + _xpointer_child);
        if (_xpointer_father.contains(",")) {
            String clean_xpointer_father = _xpointer_father.split(",")[0];
            if (_xpointer_child.startsWith(clean_xpointer_father))
                return true;
        Parser parser = Parser.createParser(body, null);
        NodeList nl = parser.parse(null);
        Node father = this.getNodeXpointer(_xpointer_father, nl);
        Node child = this.getNodeXpointer(_xpointer_child, nl);
        //System.out.println("Father Node : " + father.toHtml());
        //System.out.println("Child Node : " + child.toHtml());
        return isChildNode(father, child);

    public boolean isChildNode(Node _father, Node _child) {
        boolean to_return = false;
        NodeList children = _father.getChildren();
        int children_length = 0;
        if (children != null)
            children_length = children.size();
        int cpt_children = 0;
        while (!to_return && cpt_children < children_length) {
            Node to_test = children.elementAt(cpt_children);
            if (to_test.equals(_child))
                return true;
                to_return = isChildNode(to_test, _child);
        return to_return;

    //Renvoie le noeud relatif  un XPointer dans le body
    //!!!ATTENTION un saut de ligne entre deux divs est compt comme un textNode ... La merde htmlParser je vous jure.
    //!!!Attention, devrait ignorer les SPAN annotation dj ajoutes ... TODO
    public Node getNodeXpointer(String _xpointer, NodeList _nl) throws ParserException {
        //toujours vrifier que l'on ne considre pas une balise span de classe annotation   
        Node current = null;
        String[] splited_xpointer = xpointerSplit(_xpointer);
        //crer la nodelist
        //Parser parser = Parser.createParser(body , null);
        //NodeList nl = parser.parse(null);
        int nb_selectors = splited_xpointer.length;//nombre d'lments dans le xpointe (sparations par des /)
        //premier lment : body ou id
        if (splited_xpointer[0].contains("body")) {
            //se placer sur le premier noeud
            current = _nl.elementAt(0);
            //System.out.println("Node value : " + current.toHtml());
        } else if (splited_xpointer[0].contains("id")) {
            //rcuprer le vritable id
            String id = splited_xpointer[0].substring(splited_xpointer[0].indexOf("id") + 4,
                    splited_xpointer[0].length() - 2);
            //System.out.println("id : " + id );
            //se placer sur le noeud correspondant
            NodeList nlId = _nl.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new CssSelectorNodeFilter("#" + id), true);
            if (nlId.size() > 0)
                current = nlId.elementAt(0);
            //System.out.println("Node value : " + current.toHtml());
        if (nb_selectors == 1)
            return current; // il n'y a qu'un lment dans le xpointer donc on a fini le travail.
        else {
            int cpt_node_selector = 1;//pour compter les lments du xpointer parcourus.
            while (cpt_node_selector < nb_selectors && current != null) {
                int indice_child_node = Integer.parseInt(splited_xpointer[cpt_node_selector]);
                //System.out.println("indice_child_node : " + indice_child_node);
                NodeList children = current.getChildren();
                //System.out.println("nb children :" + children.size());
                int nb_children = 0; //va compter le nombre de fils parcourus
                int true_nb_children = 0; // va compter le nombre de fils parcourus hors span d'annotations.
                int children_size = 0;
                if (children != null)
                    children_size = children.size();
                while (nb_children < children_size && true_nb_children < indice_child_node)//parcours des fils du noeud courant jusqu' trouver celui d'indice indice_child_node
                    Node current_child = children.elementAt(nb_children);
                    //System.out.println("HTMLPage getNodeXpointer current_child nb " + nb_children + " : " + current_child.toPlainTextString() + " length : " + current_child.toPlainTextString().length());
                    //tester si le noeud est une span d'annotation
                    //if(current_child instanceof TagNode && ((TagNode)current_child).getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("span") && ((TagNode)current_child).getAttribute("class").equals("annotation"))
                    //if(current_child instanceof Span) System.out.println("SPAAAAAAAAAAAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
                    if (current_child instanceof Span && ((Span) current_child).getAttribute("class") != null
                            && ((Span) current_child).getAttribute("class").equals("annotation")) {
                        //System.out.println("HTMLPage getNodeXpointer considre bien que c'est un SPAN d'annotation");
                    } else if (current_child instanceof TextNode)
                    //il faut ignorer les sauts de ligne dans le HTML qui ne servent qu' structurer le code source, les navigateurs ne les prennent pas en compte eux
                        /*String content = current_child.getText() ;
                        content = content.replaceAll("\r", "").replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll("\t", "");
                        if(content.length() > 0) true_nb_children ++ ;
                        else System.out.println("Noeud ignor !!!");*/
                    } else {
                //System.out.println("fin du while, nb_children : " + nb_children + " true_nb_children : " + true_nb_children );
                if (true_nb_children == indice_child_node && children != null && children.size() > 0) {
                    if (nb_children > 0)
                        current = children.elementAt(nb_children - 1);
                        current = children.elementAt(0);
                    //System.out.println("on change de current, nouveau current : " + current);
        //System.out.println("[getNodeXpointer] current : " + current.toHtml());
        //Attention au cas ou le noeud sur lequel on s'arrte est une SPAN d'annotation
        if (current instanceof Span && ((Span) current).getAttribute("class") != null
                && ((Span) current).getAttribute("class").equals("annotation")) {//dans ce cas, prendre le noeud suivant tant qu'il n'est pas une annotation. Si on a une abration, il vaut mieux renvoyer current quand mme
                                                                                                                                                               //System.out.println("[getNodeXpointer] parcours des nextSibling");
            Node next_sibling = current.getNextSibling();
            while (next_sibling != null && next_sibling instanceof Span
                    && ((Span) next_sibling).getAttribute("class") != null
                    && ((Span) next_sibling).getAttribute("class").equals("annotation")) {
                next_sibling = next_sibling.getNextSibling();
            if (next_sibling != null)
                current = next_sibling;
        return current;

    //Renvoie vrai si deux xpointer rfrent un mme noeud
    private boolean testSameNodeXpointer(String _xpointer1, String _xpointer2) throws ParserException {
        if (!_xpointer1.substring(0, _xpointer1.indexOf("#"))
                .equalsIgnoreCase(_xpointer2.substring(0, _xpointer2.indexOf("#"))))
            return false;
        else if (_xpointer1.substring(0, _xpointer1.indexOf(','))
                .equalsIgnoreCase(_xpointer2.substring(0, _xpointer2.indexOf(','))))
            return true;
        else {
            Parser parser = Parser.createParser(body, null);
            NodeList nl = parser.parse(null);
            Node node1 = getNodeXpointer(_xpointer1, nl);
            Node node2 = getNodeXpointer(_xpointer2, nl);
            return node1 == node2;

    private void createSpanAndBefore(String _toModify, int _indice_start, int _indice_end,
            NodeList _newChildrenList, String _span_style, String _annotation_content, String _annotation_id,
            TagNode _endSpan) {
        String beforeSpan = _toModify.substring(0, _indice_start);
        String insideSpan = _toModify.substring(_indice_start, _indice_end);
        TextNode before_node = new TextNode(beforeSpan);
        Span span = createAnnotation(_span_style, _annotation_content, _annotation_id, insideSpan, _endSpan);

    private void createSpanAndSurrounding(String _toModify, int _indice_start, int _indice_end,
            int _to_modify_content_length, NodeList _newChildrenList, String _span_style,
            String _annotation_content, String _annotation_id, TagNode _endSpan) {
        this.createSpanAndBefore(_toModify, _indice_start, _indice_end, _newChildrenList, _span_style,
                _annotation_content, _annotation_id, _endSpan);
        String afterSpan = _toModify.substring(_indice_end, _to_modify_content_length);
        TextNode after_node = new TextNode(afterSpan);

    private Span createAnnotation(String _span_style, String _annotation_content, String _annotation_id,
            String _text_inside_span, TagNode _endSpan) {
        Span span = new Span();
        span.setAttribute("class", "annotation", '\"');
        span.setAttribute("style", _span_style, '\"');
        span.setAttribute("title", _annotation_content, '\"');
        span.setAttribute("id", "annotation_" + _annotation_id, '\'');
        NodeList newSpanChildrenList = new NodeList();
        TextNode inside_span_node = new TextNode(_text_inside_span);
        return span;

    //Modifie le body en ajoutant les balises span ncessaires pour colorer une annotation dans la page
    public void addAnnotationSpan(String _xpointer_start, String _xpointer_end, String _span_style,
            String _annotation_content, String _annotation_id) throws ParserException {
        //System.out.println("[addAnnotationSpan] xpointerStart : " + _xpointer_start + "xpointerEnd : " + _xpointer_end);
        //Les balises span  placer sont de classe annotation
        TagNode endSpan = new TagNode();
        Parser parser = Parser.createParser(body, null);
        NodeList nl = parser.parse(null);
        int indice_start = getTextPositionXpointer(_xpointer_start);
        int indice_end = getTextPositionXpointer(_xpointer_end);
        int nb_span_annotation = 0;
        //Si les xpointers renvoient  un mme noeud (l'id des balises span seront annotation_[id])
        if (testSameNodeXpointer(_xpointer_start, _xpointer_end)) {
            //System.out.println("same node");
            Node nodeToModify = getNodeXpointer(_xpointer_start, nl);
            //System.out.println("addAnnotationSpan to modify node : " + nodeToModify.toHtml());
            if (nodeToModify != null) {
                if (indice_start < indice_end)
                    addSpans(nodeToModify, indice_start, indice_end, nb_span_annotation, _span_style,
                            _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id, endSpan);
                else if (indice_start > indice_end)
                    addSpans(nodeToModify, indice_end, indice_start, nb_span_annotation, _span_style,
                            _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id, endSpan);
                //on gre les cas ou les indices ne sont pas dans le bon ordre et on exclue les cas ou les indices sont identiques et qu'il n'y a rien  faire
        } else {
            //System.out.println("not same node");
            //Si les xpointer ne renvoient pas  un mme noeud (l'id des balises span seront annotation_[id]-[indice] ou indice est le nombre de spans prcdentes pour cette annotation)
            boolean isChild = isChildXPointer(_xpointer_start, _xpointer_end);
            Node startNode = getNodeXpointer(_xpointer_start, nl);
            Node endNode = getNodeXpointer(_xpointer_end, nl);
            if (startNode != null && endNode != null) {
                int[] actual_state;
                //Soit la deuxime balise est un fils de la premire
                if (isChild) {
                    //System.out.println("isChild !!! xpointerStart : " + _xpointer_start + " xpointerEnd : " + _xpointer_end);
                    //Colorer tout le texte allant du point de dpart du xpointer jusqu' la balise fils
                    actual_state = addSpansAllNodeUntilSpecificNode(startNode, endNode, indice_start,
                            nb_span_annotation, _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id, endSpan);
                    indice_start = 0;
                    nb_span_annotation = actual_state[1];
                    //Colorer le texte de la balise fils/finale du dbut de cette balise jusqu' son indice
                    addSpans(endNode, 0, indice_end, nb_span_annotation, _span_style, _annotation_content,
                            "" + _annotation_id, endSpan);
                } else {
                    //Soit la deuxime balise est  un autre niveau dans le DOM (pas fils)
                    //System.out.println("is not Child !!! xpointerStart : " + _xpointer_start + " xpointerEnd : " + _xpointer_end);
                    //pour noeud de dpart
                    actual_state = addSpansAllChildren(startNode, indice_start, 0, _span_style, _annotation_content,
                            "" + _annotation_id, endSpan);
                    nb_span_annotation = actual_state[1];
                    //pour noeud entre dpart et arriv 
                    //Problem, si le noeud d'arrive n'est pas au mme niveau dans le dom ?
                    //Solution : Parcourir tous les noeuds  la mme hauteur que le noeud de dpart et tester si le noeud d'arrive est l'un de leurs fils
                    Node next_sibling = startNode.getNextSibling();
                    NodeList toHighlight = new NodeList();
                    while (next_sibling != null && !isChildNode(next_sibling, endNode)) {
                        next_sibling = next_sibling.getNextSibling();
                    if (next_sibling != null) {
                        //next_sibling est donc un pre du noeud d'arrive
                        //Colorer tout ce qui est dans toHighlight
                        for (int i = 0; i < toHighlight.size(); i++) {
                            actual_state = addSpansProcessChildrenNoEndLimit(toHighlight.elementAt(i), 0,
                                    nb_span_annotation, _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id,
                            nb_span_annotation = actual_state[1];
                        //colorer tous les noeuds avant le endNode
                        actual_state = addSpansAllNodeUntilSpecificNode(next_sibling, endNode, 0,
                                nb_span_annotation, _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id, endSpan);
                        nb_span_annotation = actual_state[1];
                    //pour noeud d'arriv
                    addSpans(endNode, 0, indice_end, nb_span_annotation, _span_style, _annotation_content,
                            "" + _annotation_id, endSpan);
        if (nl != null) {
            String new_html = nl.toHtml();
            if (new_html != null && new_html.length() > 0)
                body = new_html;

    private int[] addSpansAllNodeUntilSpecificNode(Node startNode, Node endNode, int indice_start,
            int nb_span_annotation, String _span_style, String _annotation_content, String _annotation_id,
            TagNode endSpan) {
        NodeList startNodeChildren = startNode.getChildren();
        if (startNodeChildren != null) {
            NodeList newStartNodeList = new NodeList();
            int cpt_children = 0;
            Node current_child = startNodeChildren.elementAt(cpt_children);
            while (!current_child.equals(endNode) && !isChildNode(current_child, endNode)) {
                //System.out.println("current_child : " + current_child.toHtml());
                if (current_child instanceof TextNode) {
                    String toModifyContent = ((TextNode) current_child).getText();
                    int to_modify_content_length = toModifyContent.length();
                    //vrification que les indices sont compatibles, sinon on met 0 et length en valeurs
                    if (indice_start > to_modify_content_length)
                        indice_start = 0;
                    if (nb_span_annotation > 0)
                        createSpanAndBefore(toModifyContent, indice_start, to_modify_content_length,
                                newStartNodeList, _span_style, _annotation_content,
                                "" + _annotation_id + "-" + nb_span_annotation, endSpan);
                        createSpanAndBefore(toModifyContent, indice_start, to_modify_content_length,
                                newStartNodeList, _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id, endSpan);
                } else {
                    int[] actual_state = addSpansNoEndLimit(current_child, indice_start, nb_span_annotation,
                            _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id, endSpan);
                    indice_start = 0;
                    nb_span_annotation = actual_state[1];
                current_child = startNodeChildren.elementAt(cpt_children);
            //on ajoute  la liste les noeuds non modifis
            while (cpt_children < startNodeChildren.size()) {
            //on sette la nouvelle liste de fils
        int[] to_return = { indice_start, nb_span_annotation };
        return to_return;

    private int[] addSpans(Node _nodeToModify, int _indice_start, int _indice_end, int _nb_span_annotation,
            String _span_style, String _annotation_content, String _annotation_id, TagNode _endSpan) {
        //rcupration des noeuds fils du noeud  modifier
        NodeList childrenOfNodeToModify = _nodeToModify.getChildren();
        if (childrenOfNodeToModify != null) {
            int nb_children = childrenOfNodeToModify.size();
            if (nb_children > 0)//Si le noeud n'a pas au moins un fils TextNode, il n'y a rien  faire.
                if (childrenOfNodeToModify.size() == 1 && childrenOfNodeToModify.elementAt(0) instanceof TextNode)//S'il n'y a que du texte dans le noeud, le traitement est simple
                    //System.out.println("addSpans only textNode");
                    TextNode content_textnode = (TextNode) childrenOfNodeToModify.elementAt(0);
                    String toModifyContent = content_textnode.getText();
                    int to_modify_content_length = toModifyContent.length();
                    //vrification que les indices sont compatibles, sinon on met 0 et length en valeurs
                    if (_indice_start > to_modify_content_length)
                        _indice_start = 0;
                    if (_indice_end > to_modify_content_length)
                        _indice_end = to_modify_content_length;
                    NodeList newChildrenList = new NodeList();
                    if (_nb_span_annotation > 0)
                        createSpanAndSurrounding(toModifyContent, _indice_start, _indice_end,
                                to_modify_content_length, newChildrenList, _span_style, _annotation_content,
                                "" + _annotation_id + "-" + _nb_span_annotation, _endSpan);
                        createSpanAndSurrounding(toModifyContent, _indice_start, _indice_end,
                                to_modify_content_length, newChildrenList, _span_style, _annotation_content,
                                "" + _annotation_id, _endSpan);
                } else {//il y a d'autres fils, pas qu'un noeud texte.
                        //parcours de tous les fils
                    int[] actual_state = addSpansProcessChildren(_nodeToModify, _indice_start, _indice_end,
                            _nb_span_annotation, _span_style, _annotation_content, _annotation_id, _endSpan);
                    _indice_start = actual_state[0];
                    _indice_end = actual_state[1];
                    _nb_span_annotation = actual_state[2];
        } else if (_nodeToModify instanceof TextNode)//en fait il n'y a que ce noeud  modifier
            String toModifyContent = ((TextNode) _nodeToModify).getText();
            int to_modify_content_length = toModifyContent.length();
            //vrification que les indices sont compatibles, sinon on met 0 et length en valeurs
            if (_indice_start > to_modify_content_length)
                _indice_start = 0;
            if (_indice_end > to_modify_content_length)
                _indice_end = to_modify_content_length;
            NodeList newChildrenList = new NodeList();
            if (_nb_span_annotation > 0)
                createSpanAndSurrounding(toModifyContent, _indice_start, _indice_end, to_modify_content_length,
                        newChildrenList, _span_style, _annotation_content,
                        "" + _annotation_id + "-" + _nb_span_annotation, _endSpan);
                createSpanAndSurrounding(toModifyContent, _indice_start, _indice_end, to_modify_content_length,
                        newChildrenList, _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id, _endSpan);
        int[] to_return = { _indice_start, _indice_end, _nb_span_annotation };
        return to_return;

    private int[] addSpansNoEndLimit(Node _nodeToModify, int _indice_start, int _nb_span_annotation,
            String _span_style, String _annotation_content, String _annotation_id, TagNode _endSpan) {
        //rcupration des noeuds fils du noeud  modifier
        NodeList childrenOfNodeToModify = _nodeToModify.getChildren();
        if (childrenOfNodeToModify != null) {
            //System.out.println("[addSpansNoEndLimit] has children");
            int nb_children = childrenOfNodeToModify.size();
            if (nb_children > 0)//Si le noeud n'a pas au moins un fils TextNode, il n'y a rien  faire.
                if (childrenOfNodeToModify.size() == 1 && childrenOfNodeToModify.elementAt(0) instanceof TextNode)//S'il n'y a que du texte dans le noeud, le traitement est simple
                    //System.out.println("addSpansNoEndLimit : only textNode");
                    TextNode content_textnode = (TextNode) childrenOfNodeToModify.elementAt(0);
                    String toModifyContent = content_textnode.getText();
                    int to_modify_content_length = toModifyContent.length();
                    //vrification que les indices sont compatibles, sinon on met 0 et length en valeurs
                    if (_indice_start > to_modify_content_length)
                        _indice_start = 0;
                    NodeList newChildrenList = new NodeList();
                    if (_nb_span_annotation > 0)
                        createSpanAndBefore(toModifyContent, _indice_start, to_modify_content_length,
                                newChildrenList, _span_style, _annotation_content,
                                "" + _annotation_id + "-" + _nb_span_annotation, _endSpan);
                        createSpanAndBefore(toModifyContent, _indice_start, to_modify_content_length,
                                newChildrenList, _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id, _endSpan);
                    //System.out.println("addSpansNoEndLimit new content : " + _nodeToModify.toHtml());
                } else {//il y a d'autres fils, pas qu'un noeud texte.
                        //parcours de tous les fils
                    int[] actual_state = this.addSpansProcessChildrenNoEndLimit(_nodeToModify, _indice_start,
                            _nb_span_annotation, _span_style, _annotation_content, _annotation_id, _endSpan);
                    _indice_start = actual_state[0];
                    _nb_span_annotation = actual_state[1];
        } else if (_nodeToModify instanceof TextNode)//en fait il n'y a que ce noeud  modifier
            //System.out.println("[addSpansNoEndLimit] is TextNode");
            String toModifyContent = ((TextNode) _nodeToModify).getText();
            int to_modify_content_length = toModifyContent.length();
            //vrification que les indices sont compatibles, sinon on met 0 et length en valeurs
            if (_indice_start > to_modify_content_length)
                _indice_start = 0;
            NodeList newChildrenList = new NodeList();
            if (_nb_span_annotation > 0)
                createSpanAndBefore(toModifyContent, _indice_start, to_modify_content_length, newChildrenList,
                        _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id + "-" + _nb_span_annotation,
                createSpanAndBefore(toModifyContent, _indice_start, to_modify_content_length, newChildrenList,
                        _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id, _endSpan);
        int[] to_return = { _indice_start, _nb_span_annotation };
        return to_return;

    private int[] addSpansAllChildren(Node _nodeToModify, int _start_indice, int _nb_span_annotation,
            String _span_style, String _annotation_content, String _annotation_id, TagNode _endSpan) {
        NodeList childrenOfNodeToModify = _nodeToModify.getChildren();
        if (childrenOfNodeToModify != null) {
            NodeList toModifyNewChildren = new NodeList();
            for (int cptchildren = 0; cptchildren < childrenOfNodeToModify.size(); cptchildren++) {
                Node current_child = childrenOfNodeToModify.elementAt(cptchildren);
                //SI c'est un textNode, on colore
                if (current_child instanceof TextNode) {
                    int[] actual_state = createSpanInTextNode((TextNode) current_child, cptchildren,
                            childrenOfNodeToModify, toModifyNewChildren, _start_indice,
                            ((TextNode) current_child).getText().length(), _nb_span_annotation, _span_style,
                            _annotation_content, _annotation_id, _endSpan);
                    _start_indice = 0; //on colore l'intgralit pour les autres noeuds
                    _nb_span_annotation = actual_state[2];
                //TODO modifier ce comportement, descendre jusqu'aux Textnode et les encadrer de span annotation
                //SI c'est autre chose, rien  modifier, on ajoute le noeud tel quel, du coup quand on annote avec un lien dans l'annotation, le lien n'est pas surlign...
                    toModifyNewChildren.add(current_child);// ne pas oublier de conserver les noeuds non annots
           if(_nodeToModify instanceof TextNode)
        String content = _nodeToModify.getText();
        NodeList newChildrenList = new NodeList();
        createSpanAndBefore(content, _start_indice, content.length(), newChildrenList, _span_style, _annotation_content, ""+_annotation_id, _endSpan);
        _nb_span_annotation ++ ;
        int[] to_return = { _start_indice, _nb_span_annotation };
        return to_return;

    private int[] addSpansProcessChildren(Node _nodeToModify, int _start_indice, int _end_indice,
            int _nb_span_annotation, String _span_style, String _annotation_content, String _annotation_id,
            TagNode _endSpan) {
        int already_ended = 0;
        NodeList childrenOfNodeToModify = _nodeToModify.getChildren();
        if (childrenOfNodeToModify != null) {
            NodeList toModifyNewChildren = new NodeList();
            for (int cptchildren = 0; cptchildren < childrenOfNodeToModify.size(); cptchildren++) {
                Node current_child = childrenOfNodeToModify.elementAt(cptchildren);
                //SI c'est un textNode, on colore
                if (current_child instanceof TextNode) {
                    int[] actual_state = createSpanInTextNode((TextNode) current_child, cptchildren,
                            childrenOfNodeToModify, toModifyNewChildren, _start_indice, _end_indice,
                            _nb_span_annotation, _span_style, _annotation_content, _annotation_id, _endSpan);
                    _start_indice = actual_state[0];
                    _end_indice = actual_state[1];
                    _nb_span_annotation = actual_state[2];
                    already_ended = actual_state[3];
                    if (already_ended == -1)
                        cptchildren = childrenOfNodeToModify.size();
                //SI c'est une SPAN annotation on va devoir faire une rcursion sur son contenu
                else if (current_child instanceof Span && ((Span) current_child).getAttribute("class") != null
                        && ((Span) current_child).getAttribute("class").equalsIgnoreCase("annotation")) {
                    int[] actual_state = addSpansProcessChildren(current_child, _start_indice, _end_indice,
                            _nb_span_annotation, _span_style, _annotation_content, _annotation_id, _endSpan);
                    _start_indice = actual_state[0];
                    _end_indice = actual_state[1];
                    _nb_span_annotation = actual_state[2];
                    already_ended = actual_state[3];
                    if (already_ended == -1) {
                        //ajouter tous les noeuds restant
                        for (int i = cptchildren + 1; i < childrenOfNodeToModify.size(); i++) {
                        //mettre fin au parcours
                        cptchildren = childrenOfNodeToModify.size();
                //TODO modifier ce comportement, descendre jusqu'aux Textnode et les encadrer de span annotation
                //SI c'est autre chose, rien  modifier, on ajoute le noeud tel quel, du coup quand on annote avec un lien dans l'annotation, le lien n'est pas surlign...
                    toModifyNewChildren.add(current_child);// ne pas oublier de conserver les noeuds non annots
        int[] to_return = { _start_indice, _end_indice, _nb_span_annotation, already_ended };
        return to_return;

    private int[] addSpansProcessChildrenNoEndLimit(Node _nodeToModify, int _start_indice, int _nb_span_annotation,
            String _span_style, String _annotation_content, String _annotation_id, TagNode _endSpan) {
        //int already_ended = 0 ;
        NodeList childrenOfNodeToModify = _nodeToModify.getChildren();
        if (childrenOfNodeToModify != null) {
            NodeList toModifyNewChildren = new NodeList();
            for (int cptchildren = 0; cptchildren < childrenOfNodeToModify.size(); cptchildren++) {
                Node current_child = childrenOfNodeToModify.elementAt(cptchildren);
                //SI c'est un textNode, on colore
                if (current_child instanceof TextNode) {
                    int[] actual_state = createSpanInTextNode((TextNode) current_child, cptchildren,
                            childrenOfNodeToModify, toModifyNewChildren, _start_indice,
                            ((TextNode) current_child).getText().length(), _nb_span_annotation, _span_style,
                            _annotation_content, _annotation_id, _endSpan);
                    _start_indice = actual_state[0];
                    //_end_indice = actual_state[1];
                    _nb_span_annotation = actual_state[2];
                    //already_ended = actual_state[3];
                    //if(already_ended == -1) cptchildren = childrenOfNodeToModify.size();
                //SI c'est une SPAN annotation on va devoir faire une rcursion sur son contenu
                /*else if(current_child instanceof Span && ((Span)current_child).getAttribute("class").equalsIgnoreCase("annotation"))
                   int[] actual_state = addSpansProcessChildren(current_child, _start_indice, _end_indice, _nb_span_annotation, _span_style, _annotation_content, _annotation_id, _endSpan);
                   _start_indice = actual_state[0];
                   _end_indice = actual_state[1];
                   _nb_span_annotation = actual_state[2];
                   already_ended = actual_state[3];
                   if(already_ended == -1)
                      //ajouter tous les noeuds restant
                      for(int i = cptchildren + 1 ; i < childrenOfNodeToModify.size() ; i ++)
                      //mettre fin au parcours
                      cptchildren = childrenOfNodeToModify.size();
                //TODO modifier ce comportement, descendre jusqu'aux Textnode et les encadrer de span annotation
                //SI c'est autre chose, rien  modifier, on ajoute le noeud tel quel, du coup quand on annote avec un lien dans l'annotation, le lien n'est pas surlign...
                    toModifyNewChildren.add(current_child);// ne pas oublier de conserver les noeuds non annots
        //int[] to_return = {_start_indice , _end_indice , _nb_span_annotation , already_ended};
        int[] to_return = { _start_indice, _nb_span_annotation };
        return to_return;

    private int[] createSpanInTextNode(TextNode _textNodeToProcess, int _cptchildrenOfNodeToModifyAlreadyProcessed,
            NodeList _childrenOfNodeToModify, NodeList _newChildrenOfNodeToModify, int _start_indice,
            int _end_indice, int _nb_span_annotation, String _span_style, String _annotation_content,
            String _annotation_id, TagNode _endSpan) {
        int end = 0;
        String text_content = _textNodeToProcess.getText();
        int length_text_content = text_content.length();
        if (length_text_content < _start_indice) //on est avant l'annotation
            _start_indice = _start_indice - length_text_content;
            _end_indice = _end_indice - length_text_content;
        } else if (length_text_content >= _start_indice && length_text_content > _end_indice)//toute l'annotation est dans ce noeud texte
            //crer l'annotation
            if (_nb_span_annotation > 0) {
                this.createSpanAndSurrounding(text_content, _start_indice, _end_indice, text_content.length(),
                        _newChildrenOfNodeToModify, _span_style, _annotation_content,
                        _annotation_id + "-" + _nb_span_annotation, _endSpan);
            } else
                this.createSpanAndSurrounding(text_content, _start_indice, _end_indice, text_content.length(),
                        _newChildrenOfNodeToModify, _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id,
            //mettre fin au parcours de fils puisque l'annotation a t cre, mais ne pas oublier d'ajouter tout le reste des noeuds non parcourus
            for (int children_unchecked = _cptchildrenOfNodeToModifyAlreadyProcessed
                    + 1; children_unchecked < _childrenOfNodeToModify.size(); children_unchecked++) {
            _cptchildrenOfNodeToModifyAlreadyProcessed = _childrenOfNodeToModify.size();
            end = -1;
        } else if (length_text_content >= _start_indice)//le dbut de l'annotation est dans ce noeud texte mais la fin est dans un autre noeud
            //il va falloir crer plusieurs annotations
            createSpanAndBefore(text_content, _start_indice, text_content.length(), _newChildrenOfNodeToModify,
                    _span_style, _annotation_content, "" + _annotation_id + "-" + _nb_span_annotation, _endSpan);
            _start_indice = 0;
            _end_indice = _end_indice - length_text_content;
        int[] to_return = { _start_indice, _end_indice, _nb_span_annotation, end };
        return to_return;