Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014 Sbastien Lesaint ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package fr.javatronic.damapping.toolkit.enums; import fr.javatronic.damapping.toolkit.BiMapping; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; import; import; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; /** * This class holds the backend maps for a StringEnumMapper that relies on maps to store mappings and implements the * StringEnumMapper except methods. * * @param <E> any enum type */ @Immutable class StringEnumMapperMaps<E extends Enum<E>> { private static final String NULL_ENUM_VALUE_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Can not create an except for a null enum value"; private static final String NULL_STRING_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Can not create an except for a null String"; @Nonnull private final ImmutableMap<E, String> enumToString; @Nonnull private final ImmutableMap<String, E> stringToEnum; private StringEnumMapperMaps(@Nonnull ImmutableMap<E, String> enumToString, @Nonnull ImmutableMap<String, E> stringToEnum) { this.enumToString = enumToString; this.stringToEnum = stringToEnum; } /** * Creates a new instance of StringEnumMapperMaps which backing maps will be populated from the result of the * specified BijectiveTransformer. * * @param clazz an enum type class * @param bijectiveTransformer a {@link fr.javatronic.damapping.toolkit.enums.BijectiveTransformer} */ public StringEnumMapperMaps(@Nonnull Class<E> clazz, @Nonnull BijectiveTransformer<E> bijectiveTransformer) { EnumMap<E, String> enumStrMap = Maps.newEnumMap(clazz); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, E> strEnumBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (E enumConstant : clazz.getEnumConstants()) { String str = requireNonNull(bijectiveTransformer.apply(enumConstant), "String representation of value " + enumConstant + " can not be null"); enumStrMap.put(enumConstant, str); strEnumBuilder.put(str, enumConstant); } this.enumToString = Maps.immutableEnumMap(enumStrMap); this.stringToEnum =; } @Nonnull public ImmutableMap<E, String> getEnumToString() { return enumToString; } @Nonnull public ImmutableMap<String, E> getStringToEnum() { return stringToEnum; } @Nonnull public StringEnumMapperMaps<E> except(@Nonnull E enumValue) { requireNonNull(enumValue, NULL_ENUM_VALUE_ERROR_MESSAGE); return new StringEnumMapperMaps<>(exceptEnumMap(enumValue, null), this.stringToEnum); } @Nonnull public StringEnumMapperMaps<E> except(@Nonnull String str) { requireNonNull(str, NULL_STRING_ERROR_MESSAGE); return new StringEnumMapperMaps<>(this.enumToString, exceptStringMap(str, null)); } @Nonnull public StringEnumMapperMaps<E> except(@Nonnull E enumValue, @Nonnull String str) { requireNonNull(enumValue, NULL_ENUM_VALUE_ERROR_MESSAGE); requireNonNull(str, "method except(E, String) can not be used to remove a mapping from an enum value. Use method except(E)"); return new StringEnumMapperMaps<>(exceptEnumMap(enumValue, str), this.stringToEnum); } @Nonnull private ImmutableMap<E, String> exceptEnumMap(E enumValue, @Nullable String str) { EnumMap<E, String> enumMap = Maps.newEnumMap(this.enumToString); if (str == null) { enumMap.remove(enumValue); } else { enumMap.put(enumValue, str); } return Maps.immutableEnumMap(enumMap); } @Nonnull public StringEnumMapperMaps<E> except(@Nonnull String str, @Nullable E e) { requireNonNull(str, NULL_STRING_ERROR_MESSAGE); requireNonNull(e, "method except(String, E) can not be used to remove a mapping from an String. Use method except(String)"); return new StringEnumMapperMaps<>(this.enumToString, exceptStringMap(str, e)); } @Nonnull private ImmutableMap<String, E> exceptStringMap(String str, @Nullable E e) { Map<String, E> map = Maps.newHashMap(this.stringToEnum); if (e == null) { map.remove(str); } else { map.put(str, e); } return ImmutableMap.copyOf(map); } @Nonnull public StringEnumMapperMaps<E> except(@Nonnull BiMapping<E, String> exceptionMapping) { requireNonNull(exceptionMapping, "BiMapping can not be null"); return new StringEnumMapperMaps<>(exceptEnumMap(exceptionMapping.from(),, exceptStringMap(, exceptionMapping.from())); } }