Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *   Copyright 2010,2011 Ippon Technologies 
 *   This file is part of Web Integration Portlet (WIP).
 *   Web Integration Portlet (WIP) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   Web Integration Portlet (WIP) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *   along with Web Integration Portlet (WIP).  If not, see <>.

package fr.ippon.wip.config;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;

import fr.ippon.wip.http.request.PostRequestBuilder;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;


 * The configuration parameters of a wip portlet.
 * @author Anthony Luce
 * @author Quentin Thierry
 * @author Yohan Legat

public class WIPConfiguration implements Cloneable {

    public static final String SEPARATOR = ";";

    // if someday we use a database...
    private int id;

    private String name;

    private String credentialProviderClassName;

    private String ltpaSecretProviderClassName;

    private boolean ltpaSsoAuthentication;

    private boolean forceResourceCaching;

    private boolean forcePageCaching;

    private boolean pageCachePrivate;

    private boolean enableCache;

    private boolean enableCssRewriting;

    private boolean enableCssRetrieving;

    private boolean enableUrlRewriting;

    private List<String> scriptsToDelete;

    private List<String> scriptsToIgnore;

    private String xsltClipping;

    private String xPath;

    private String clippingType;

    private String customCss;

    private boolean absolutePositioning;

    private boolean addPrefix;

    private String portletDivId;

    private String cssRegex;

    private String jsRegex;

    private String portletTitle;

    private String initUrl;

    private List<String> domainsToProxy;

    private String xsltTransform;

    private List<String> javascriptUrls;

    private Map<String, PostRequestBuilder.ResourceType> javascriptResourcesMap;

    // versioning
    private long timestamp;

    public WIPConfiguration() {
        timestamp = 0;
        javascriptUrls = new ArrayList<String>();
        scriptsToDelete = new ArrayList<String>();
        scriptsToIgnore = new ArrayList<String>();
        domainsToProxy = new ArrayList<String>();

    public Object clone() {
        WIPConfiguration clone = null;
        try {
            clone = (WIPConfiguration) super.clone();
            clone.setScriptsToDelete(new ArrayList<String>(getScriptsToDelete()));
            clone.setScriptsToIgnore(new ArrayList<String>(getScriptsToIgnore()));
            clone.setDomainsToProxy(new ArrayList<String>(getDomainsToProxy()));
            clone.setJavascriptUrls(new ArrayList<String>(getJavascriptUrls()));
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {

        return clone;

     * Get the clipping type (none, basic, xslt)
     * @return the clipping type
    public String getClippingType() {
        return clippingType;

     * Get the credential provider class name
     * @return the class name
    public String getCredentialProviderClassName() {
        return credentialProviderClassName;

     * Get the regular expression used to rewrite CSS code
     * @return The regular expression
    public String getCssRegex() {
        return cssRegex;

     * Get the custom CSS used to customize the style of the content of the
     * portlet.
     * @return The custom CSS code
    public String getCustomCss() {
        return customCss;

     * Get the list of domains who will be proxied by the portlet
     * @return The list of URL proxied
    public List<String> getDomainsToProxy() {
        return domainsToProxy;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

     * Get the initial URL of the portlet as a string, i.e. the URL of the
     * application launched in the portlet.
     * @return the initial URL
    public String getInitUrl() {
        return initUrl;

     * Associate AJAX resources with their URLs.
     * @return the association between AJAX resources and their URLs as a map
    public synchronized Map<String, PostRequestBuilder.ResourceType> getJavascriptResourcesMap() {
        if (javascriptResourcesMap == null) {
            javascriptResourcesMap = new HashMap<String, PostRequestBuilder.ResourceType>();
            List<String> javascriptUrlsClone = new ArrayList<String>(javascriptUrls);

            if (javascriptUrlsClone.size() == 1 && javascriptUrlsClone.get(0).equals(""))
                javascriptUrlsClone = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (String input : javascriptUrlsClone) {
                String tmp[] = input.split("::::");
                if (tmp.length == 2) {
                    String url = tmp[0];
                    PostRequestBuilder.ResourceType type = PostRequestBuilder.ResourceType.valueOf(tmp[1]);
                    javascriptResourcesMap.put(url, type);

        return javascriptResourcesMap;

     * Get Ajax URLs to be rewritten during the JS transforming
     * @return the list of URLs to be rewritten
    public List<String> getJavascriptUrls() {
        return javascriptUrls;

     * Get the regular expression used to rewrite the javascript code
     * @return The regular expression
    public String getJsRegex() {
        return jsRegex;

     * Get the LTPA secret provider class name
     * @return the class name
    public String getLtpaSecretProviderClassName() {
        return ltpaSecretProviderClassName;

     * Get the configuration name.
     * @return the configuration name
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Get the current id of the div containing the content of the distant
     * application.
     * @return The id
    public String getPortletDivId() {
        return portletDivId;

     * Get the portlet title.
     * @return the portlet title
    public String getPortletTitle() {
        return portletTitle;

     * Get the URLs of the scripts that will be deleted
     * @return the list of URLs
    public List<String> getScriptsToDelete() {
        return scriptsToDelete;

     * Get the URLs of the scripts that will not be transformed
     * @return the list of URLs
    public List<String> getScriptsToIgnore() {
        return scriptsToIgnore;

    public long getTimestamp() {
        return timestamp;

     * Get the XPath used to proceed the XSLT transformation.
     * @return the XPath
    public String getXPath() {
        return xPath;

     * Get the XSLT code to proceed clipping
     * @return the XSLT code as a string
    public String getXsltClipping() {
        return xsltClipping;

     * Get the XSLT code to proceed transformations
     * @return the XSLT code as a string
    public String getXsltTransform() {
        return xsltTransform;

     * Check if the absolute positioning is replaced.
     * @return a boolean indicating if the absolute positioning is replaced
    public boolean isAbsolutePositioning() {
        return absolutePositioning;

     * Check if the prefix is added before CSS selectors.
     * @return a boolean indicating if the prefix is added
    public boolean isAddPrefix() {
        return addPrefix;

     * Check if cache is enable or disable.
     * @return true if enable, else false
    public boolean isEnableCache() {
        return enableCache;

     * Check if CSS retrieving is enable or disable.
     * @return true if enable, else false
    public boolean isEnableCssRetrieving() {
        return enableCssRetrieving;

     * Check if CSS rewriting is enable or disable.
     * @return true if enable, else false
    public boolean isEnableCssRewriting() {
        return enableCssRewriting;

     * Check if URLs rewriting is enable or disable.
     * @return true if enable, else false
    public boolean isEnableUrlRewriting() {
        return enableUrlRewriting;

     * Check if the page caching is forced.
     * @return true if forced, else false
    public boolean isForcePageCaching() {
        return forcePageCaching;

     * Check if the resource caching is forced.
     * @return true if forced, else false
    public boolean isForceResourceCaching() {
        return forceResourceCaching;

     * Is LTPA SSO authentication enabled
     * @return if enable then true else false
    public boolean isLtpaSsoAuthentication() {
        return ltpaSsoAuthentication;

     * Check if pages have to be cached as private.
     * @return true if private, else false
    public boolean isPageCachePrivate() {
        return pageCachePrivate;

     * Check if the given uri has to be proxied
     * @param uri
     * @return true if the uri has to be proxied
    public boolean isProxyURI(final String uri) {
        if (uri.endsWith("css"))
            return true;

        return Iterables.any(getDomainsToProxy(), new Predicate<String>() {

            public boolean apply(String domain) {
                return uri.startsWith(domain);

     * Enable or not to replace CSS absolute positioning by relative
     * positioning.
     * @param absolutePositioning
     *            a boolean indicating if the absolute positioning is kept or
     *            not
    public void setAbsolutePositioning(boolean absolutePositioning) {
        this.absolutePositioning = absolutePositioning;

     * Enable or not the add of the WIP prefix before CSS selectors to avoid CSS
     * conflicts.
     * @param addPrefix
     *            a boolean indicating if the prefix has to be added
    public void setAddPrefix(boolean addPrefix) {
        this.addPrefix = addPrefix;

     * Set the clipping type
     * @param clippingType
     *            the clipping type
    public void setClippingType(String clippingType) {
        this.clippingType = clippingType;

     * Set the credential provider class name
     * @param ltpaSecretProviderClassName
     *            the class name
    public void setCredentialProviderClassName(String ltpaSecretProviderClassName) {
        this.credentialProviderClassName = ltpaSecretProviderClassName;

     * Set the regular expression used to rewrite CSS code
     * @param cssRegex
     *            The regular expression
    public void setCssRegex(String cssRegex) {
        this.cssRegex = cssRegex;

     * Set the custom CSS to be used to customize the style of the content of
     * the portlet.
     * @param customCss
     *            The custom CSS code
    public void setCustomCss(String customCss) {
        this.customCss = customCss;

     * Set a list of URL to proxy. Every URL resource in the HTML code related
     * to an URL given in the list will be rewrited to be treated through the
     * portal.
     * @param domainsToProxy
     *            The list of URL
    public void setDomainsToProxy(List<String> domainsToProxy) {
        this.domainsToProxy = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String domain : domainsToProxy)

     * Enable or disable caching.
     * @param enableCache
     *            true to enable, else false
    public void setEnableCache(boolean enableCache) {
        this.enableCache = enableCache;

     * Enable or disable CSS retrieving.
     * @param enableCssRetrieving
     *            true to enable, else false
    public void setEnableCssRetrieving(boolean enableCssRetrieving) {
        this.enableCssRetrieving = enableCssRetrieving;

     * Enable or disable CSS rewriting.
     * @param enableCssRewriting
     *            true to enable, else false
    public void setEnableCssRewriting(boolean enableCssRewriting) {
        this.enableCssRewriting = enableCssRewriting;

     * Enable or disable URLs rewriting.
     * @param enableUrlRewriting
     *            true to enable, else false
    public void setEnableUrlRewriting(boolean enableUrlRewriting) {
        this.enableUrlRewriting = enableUrlRewriting;

     * Force page caching.
     * @param forcePageCaching
     *            true to force caching, else false
    public void setForcePageCaching(boolean forcePageCaching) {
        this.forcePageCaching = forcePageCaching;

     * Force resource caching.
     * @param forceResourceCaching
     *            true to force caching, else false
    public void setForceResourceCaching(boolean forceResourceCaching) {
        this.forceResourceCaching = forceResourceCaching;

    public void setId(int id) { = id;

     * Set the URL of the distant application to integrate in the portlet
     * @param initUrl
     *            the initial URL
    public void setInitUrl(String initUrl) {
        this.initUrl = initUrl;

     * Set Ajax URLs to be rewritten during the JS transforming
     * @param javascriptUrls
     *            the list of URLs to be rewritten
    public void setJavascriptUrls(List<String> javascriptUrls) {
        this.javascriptUrls = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String url : javascriptUrls)

     * Set the regular expression used to rewrite javascript code
     * @param jsRegex
     *            The regular expression
    public void setJsRegex(String jsRegex) {
        this.jsRegex = jsRegex;

     * Set the LTPA secret provider class name
     * @param ltpaSecretProviderClassName
     *            the class name
    public void setLtpaSecretProviderClassName(String ltpaSecretProviderClassName) {
        this.ltpaSecretProviderClassName = ltpaSecretProviderClassName;

     * Enable or disable LTPA SSO authentication
     * @param ltpaSsoAuthentication
     *            if enable then true else false
    public void setLtpaSsoAuthentication(boolean ltpaSsoAuthentication) {
        this.ltpaSsoAuthentication = ltpaSsoAuthentication;

     * Set the name of the configuration
     * @param the
     *            name of the configuration
    public void setName(String name) { = name;

     * Force the pages to be cached as private or not.
     * @param pageCachePrivate
     *            true to force private, else false
    public void setPageCachePrivate(boolean pageCachePrivate) {
        this.pageCachePrivate = pageCachePrivate;

     * Set the id of the div containing the content of the distant application.
     * This is useful to protect the CSS code of the portal from the CSS
     * retrieved from the distant application
     * @param portletDivId
     *            The id
    public void setPortletDivId(String portletDivId) {
        this.portletDivId = portletDivId;

     * Set the portlet title.
     * @param portletTitle
     *            the portlet title
    public void setPortletTitle(String portletTitle) {
        this.portletTitle = portletTitle;

     * Set the URLs of the scripts that will be deleted
     * @param scriptsToDelete
     *            the list of URLs
    public void setScriptsToDelete(List<String> scriptsToDelete) {
        this.scriptsToDelete = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String script : scriptsToDelete)

     * Set the URLs of the scripts that will not be transformed
     * @param scriptsToIgnore
     *            the list of URLs
    public void setScriptsToIgnore(List<String> scriptsToIgnore) {
        this.scriptsToIgnore = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String script : scriptsToIgnore)

    public void setTimestamp(long timestamp) {
        this.timestamp = timestamp;

     * Set the XPath with the value defined by the user.
     * @param xpath
     *            the XPath
    public void setXPath(String xpath) {
        this.xPath = xpath;

     * Set the XSLT code to proceed clipping
     * @param xsltClipping
     *            the XSLT code as a string
    public void setXsltClipping(String xsltClipping) {
        this.xsltClipping = xsltClipping;

     * Set the XSLT code to proceed transformations
     * @param xsltTransform
     *            the XSLT code as a string
    public void setXsltTransform(String xsltTransform) {
        this.xsltTransform = xsltTransform;