Java tutorial
/* * $Id: 2001 2014-11-26 11:06:52Z euzenat $ * * Copyright (C) 2003-2014, INRIA * Copyright (C) 2004, Universit de Montral * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. */ /* This program evaluates the results of several ontology aligners and generates a LaTeX diagram for each of these */ package fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli; import org.semanticweb.owl.align.Alignment; import org.semanticweb.owl.align.AlignmentException; import org.semanticweb.owl.align.Evaluator; import fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.eval.PRecEvaluator; import fr.inrialpes.exmo.ontowrap.OntologyFactory; import fr.inrialpes.exmo.ontowrap.OntowrapException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.Integer; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Properties; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.parser.AlignmentParser; /** * A basic class for synthesizing the alignment results of an algorithm with * regard to the ontology characteristics as a colored module. * * These modules are however computed on averaging the precision recall/graphs * on test directories instead of recording the actual precision recall graphs * which would amount at recoding all the valid and invalid alignment cells and * their level. * * <pre> * java -cp procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.util.GroupOutput [options] * </pre> * * where the options are: * <pre> * -o filename --output=filename * -c --color * -v --values * -e --labels * -m --measure * -l list of compared algorithms * -t output --type=output: tex/html * </pre> * * The input is taken in the current directory in a set of subdirectories (one per * test) each directory contains a the alignment files (one per algorithm) for that test and the * reference alignment file. * * If output is * requested (<CODE>-o</CODE> flags), then output will be written to * <CODE>output</CODE> if present, stdout by default. In case of the Latex output, there are numerous files generated (regardless the <CODE>-o</CODE> flag). * * * <pre> * $Id: 2001 2014-11-26 11:06:52Z euzenat $ * </pre> * * @author Jrme Euzenat */ /* Generating Spider/Radar view in TikZ is very easy. The code below works. But it is less informative than the above presentation. \begin{tikzpicture} % JE: experiment to draw radar/spider plots in TikZ % n= number of dimensions (here 5) % w=radius if the graph (here 2) % p=number of isovalue lines (here 2) % grid % (for i=1 to n do \draw[black!50] (0,0) -- (i*360/n:w); \draw[black!50] (0,0) -- (0:2) node {instances}; \draw[black!50] (0,0) -- (72:2) node {properties}; \draw[black!50] (0,0) -- (144:2) node {label}; \draw[black!50] (0,0) -- (216:2) node {hierarchy}; \draw[black!50] (0,0) -- (288:2); % (for i=1 to p do \draw[black!50] (0,0) -- (i*360/n:w/i); \draw[black!50] (0:2) -- (72:2) -- (144:2) -- (216:2) -- (288:2) -- (360:2); \draw[black!50] (0:1) -- (72:1) -- (144:1) -- (216:1) -- (288:1) -- (360:1); % any curve can be displayed in the same way \draw (0:1) -- (72:1.22) -- (144:1.56) -- (216:.78) -- (288:.6) -- (360:1); \end{tikzpicture} */ public class GroupOutput extends CommonCLI { final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GroupOutput.class); static int SIZE = 16;// Nb of cells = 2^ = 16 static int cellSpec[][] = { { 101 }, //liph=0 { 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210 }, //phi=1 { 221 }, //lip=2 { 224 }, //lph=3 { 225, 228, 230, 231 }, //hil=4 { 232, 237, 238 }, //lp=5 { 233, 239, 240 }, //li=6 { 236 }, //lh=7 { 249 }, //ph=8 { 248, 251, 252 }, //ip=9 { 250 }, //hi=10 { 241, 246, 247 }, //l=11 { 253, 258, 259 }, //p=12 { 257 }, //h=13 { 254, 260, 261 }, //i=14 { 262, 265, 266 } };//emptyset=15 String[] listAlgo; String type = "tex"; String color = "blue"; boolean labels = false; boolean values = false; int measure = 0; PrintWriter output = null; String ontoDir = null; String prefix = null; public GroupOutput() { super(); options.addOption(createListOption("l", "list", "List of FILEs to be included in the results (required)", "FILE", ',')); options.addOption(createOption("v", "values", "Displays the values")); options.addOption(createOption("e", "labels", "Displays graph labels")); options.addOption( createRequiredOption("c", "color", "Use COLOR to fill cells (default: " + color + ")", "COLOR")); options.addOption( createRequiredOption("t", "type", "Output TYPE (html|tex; default: " + type + ")", "TYPE")); options.addOption(createRequiredOption("f", "format", "Display MEASure (prof; default: f)", "MEAS (prof)")); options.addOption( createRequiredOption("w", "directory", "The DIRectory containing the data to match", "DIR")); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { new GroupOutput().run(args); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } ; } public void run(String[] args) throws Exception { try { CommandLine line = parseCommandLine(args); if (line == null) return; // --help // Here deal with command specific arguments if (line.hasOption('v')) values = true; if (line.hasOption('e')) labels = true; if (line.hasOption('c')) color = line.getOptionValue('c', "blue"); if (line.hasOption('t')) type = line.getOptionValue('t'); if (line.hasOption('l')) listAlgo = line.getOptionValues('l'); if (line.hasOption('f')) { String s = line.getOptionValue('f'); if (s.equals("p")) measure = 1; else if (s.equals("r")) measure = 2; else if (s.equals("o")) measure = 3; } if (line.hasOption('w')) ontoDir = line.getOptionValue('w'); } catch (ParseException exp) { logger.error(exp.getMessage()); usage(); System.exit(-1); } parameters.setProperty("step", Integer.toString(SIZE)); try { File dir = null; if (ontoDir == null) { dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); } else { dir = new File(ontoDir); } prefix = dir.toURI().toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot stat dir ", e); usage(); System.exit(-1); } // Set output file OutputStream stream; if (outputfilename == null) { stream = System.out; } else { stream = new FileOutputStream(outputfilename); } output = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, "UTF-8")), true); // Header if (type.equals("tex")) { output.println("\\documentclass[11pt]{book}"); output.println(); output.println("\\usepackage{pgf}"); output.println("\\usepackage{tikz}"); output.println("\\usepackage{pgflibraryshapes}"); output.println(); output.println("\\begin{document}"); output.println("\\date{today}"); output.println(""); } // Process iterateAlgorithm(); // Trailer if (type.equals("tex")) { output.println("\\end{document}"); output.println(); } } public void iterateAlgorithm() { // for all alignments there, for (String algo : listAlgo) { //logger.trace("Algorithm: {}", algo); // type if (type.equals("tex")) { printPGFTeX(algo, iterateCells(algo)); } else { logger.warn("Flag -t {} : not implemented yet", type); } } } public double[] iterateCells(String algo) { double[] cells = new double[SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { cells[i] = iterateTests(algo, cellSpec[i]); } return cells; } public double iterateTests(String algo, int[] tests) { double result = 0.0; int nbtests = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {//size() or length //logger.trace(" tests: {}", tests[i]); String testdir = prefix + "/" + tests[i] + "/"; try { PRecEvaluator evaluator = (PRecEvaluator) eval(testdir + "refalign.rdf", testdir + algo + ".rdf"); result += getMeasure(evaluator); nbtests++; // Only the tests that succeed } catch (AlignmentException aex) { logger.debug("IGNORED Exception", aex); } } // Unload the ontologies. try { OntologyFactory.clear(); } catch (OntowrapException owex) { logger.debug("IGNORED Exception", owex); } return result / (double) nbtests; } public Evaluator eval(String alignName1, String alignName2) throws AlignmentException { Evaluator eval = null; // Load alignments Alignment align1 = null, align2 = null; try { AlignmentParser aparser = new AlignmentParser(); align1 = aparser.parse(alignName1); //logger.trace(" Alignment structure1 parsed"); aparser.initAlignment(null); align2 = aparser.parse(alignName2); //logger.trace(" Alignment structure2 parsed"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new AlignmentException("Cannot parse ", ex); } // Create evaluator object eval = new PRecEvaluator(align1, align2); // Compare eval.eval(parameters); return eval; } public void printPGFTeX(String algo, double[] cells) { output.println("\n%% Plot generated by GroupOutput of alignapi"); output.println("\\begin{figure}[!h]"); output.println("\\begin{center}"); output.println("\\begin{tikzpicture}"); output.println("\\begin{scope}[minimum size=1cm]"); if (labels) { output.println("\\draw (-.5,2.) node[anchor=east] {labels};"); output.println("\\draw (2.5,0.) node[anchor=west] {hierarchy};"); output.println("\\draw (-.5,0.) node[anchor=east] {properties};"); output.println("\\draw (2.5,2.0) node[anchor=west] {instances};"); } output.println("\\draw (0,2.) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[11]) + "] {}; % l"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (0,2.) node {" + stringFormat(cells[11]) + "}; % l"); output.println("\\draw (0,1.) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[5]) + "] {}; % lp"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (0,1.) node {" + stringFormat(cells[5]) + "}; % lp"); output.println("\\draw (0.5,1.5) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[2]) + "] {}; % lip"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (0.5,1.5) node {" + stringFormat(cells[2]) + "}; % lip"); output.println("\\draw (1.,2.) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[6]) + "] {}; %li"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (1.,2.) node {" + stringFormat(cells[6]) + "}; %li"); output.println("\\draw (-0.5,-0.5) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[9]) + "] {}; % ip"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (-0.5,-0.5) node {" + stringFormat(cells[9]) + "}; % ip"); output.println("\\draw (0,0) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[12]) + "] {}; %p"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (0,0) node {" + stringFormat(cells[12]) + "}; %p"); output.println("\\draw (.5,.5) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[3]) + "] {}; % lph"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (.5,.5) node {" + stringFormat(cells[3]) + "}; % lph"); output.println("\\draw (1.,1.) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[0]) + "] {}; % liph"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (1.,1.) node {" + stringFormat(cells[0]) + "}; % liph"); output.println("\\draw (1.5,1.5) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[4]) + "] {}; %hil"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (1.5,1.5) node {" + stringFormat(cells[4]) + "}; %hil"); output.println("\\draw (2.,2.) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[14]) + "] {}; %i"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (2.,2.) node {" + stringFormat(cells[14]) + "}; %i"); output.println("\\draw (2.,1.) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[10]) + "] {}; % hi"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (2.,1.) node {" + stringFormat(cells[10]) + "}; % hi"); output.println("\\draw (1.5,0.5) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[1]) + "] {}; % phi"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (1.5,0.5) node {" + stringFormat(cells[1]) + "}; % phi"); output.println("\\draw (1.,0) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[8]) + "] {}; % ph"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (1.,0) node {" + stringFormat(cells[8]) + "}; % ph"); output.println("\\draw (2.,0) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[13]) + "] {}; % h"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (2.,0) node {" + stringFormat(cells[13]) + "}; % h"); output.println("\\draw (2.5,-0.5) node[diamond" + colorFormat(cells[7]) + "] {}; % hl"); if (values) output.println("\\draw (2.5,-0.5) node {" + stringFormat(cells[7]) + "}; % hl"); output.println("\\end{scope}"); output.println("\\end{tikzpicture} "); output.println("\\caption{" + algo + " evaluation on F-measure (the darkest the best).}\\label{fig:diag" + algo + "}"); output.println("\\end{center}"); output.println("\\end{figure}"); } public void printTSV(double[][] result) { } public String stringFormat(double f) { String result; // JE: Must add the test is the value is Not a number, print NaN. if (f != f) result = "N"; else { int tmp = (int) (f * 100); int dec = tmp % 100; if ((int) (f * 1000) % 10 >= 5) dec++; if (tmp >= 100 || dec >= 100) result = "1.0"; else { result = "."; if (dec < 10) result = result + "0"; result = result + dec; } } return result; } public double getMeasure(PRecEvaluator evaluator) { if (measure == 1) return evaluator.getPrecision(); if (measure == 2) return evaluator.getRecall(); if (measure == 3) return evaluator.getOverall(); return evaluator.getFmeasure(); } public String colorFormat(double f) { if (color == null) return ""; else return ",fill=" + color + "!" + (int) (f * 100); } public void usage() { usage("java " + this.getClass().getName() + " [options]\nDisplays matcher results in a topological display"); } }