Java tutorial
/* * $Id: 2102 2015-11-29 10:29:56Z euzenat $ * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, 2007-2014 INRIA * Copyright (C) 2004, Universit de Montral * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. */ /* This program evaluates the results of several ontology aligners in a row. It uses the generalisations of precision and recall described in [Ehrig & Euzenat 2005]. */ package fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli; import org.semanticweb.owl.align.Alignment; import org.semanticweb.owl.align.Evaluator; import fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.ObjectAlignment; import fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.URIAlignment; import fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.eval.ExtPREvaluator; import fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.parser.AlignmentParser; import fr.inrialpes.exmo.ontowrap.OntologyFactory; import fr.inrialpes.exmo.ontowrap.OntowrapException; import; import; import; import java.lang.Integer; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.Properties; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; /** A basic class for synthesizing the results of a set of alignments provided by different algorithms. The output is a table showing various generalisations of precision and recall for each test and for each algorithm. Average is also computed as Harmonic means. <pre> java -cp procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.util.ExtGroupEval [options] </pre> where the options are: <pre> -o filename --output=filename -f format = sepr (symetric/effort-based/precision-oriented/recall-oriented) --format=sepr -r filename --reference=filename -s algo/measure -l list of compared algorithms -t output --type=output: xml/tex/html/ascii </pre> The input is taken in the current directory in a set of subdirectories (one per test which will be rendered by a line) each directory contains a number of alignment files (one per algorithms which will be renderer as a column). If output is requested (<CODE>-o</CODE> flags), then output will be written to <CODE>output</CODE> if present, stdout by default. <pre> $Id: 2102 2015-11-29 10:29:56Z euzenat $ </pre> */ public class ExtGroupEval extends CommonCLI { final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExtGroupEval.class); String reference = "refalign.rdf"; String format = "s"; int fsize = 2; String type = "html"; boolean embedded = false; //String dominant = "s"; String[] listAlgo = null; int size = 0; String color = null; String ontoDir = null; public ExtGroupEval() { super(); options.addOption(createListOption("l", "list", "List of FILEs to be included in the results (required)", "FILE", ',')); options.addOption(createOptionalOption("c", "color", "Color even lines of the output in COLOR (default: lightblue)", "COLOR")); options.addOption(createRequiredOption("f", "format", "Extended MEASures and order (symetric/effort-based/precision-oriented/recall-oriented) (default: " + format + ")", "MEAS (sepr)")); //options.addOption( createRequiredOption( "t", "type", "Output TYPE (html|xml|tex|ascii|triangle; default: "+type+")", "TYPE" ) ); options.addOption(createRequiredOption("t", "type", "Output TYPE (only html available so far)", "TYPE")); //options.addOption( createRequiredOption( "s", "sup", "Are dominant columns algorithms or measure (default: s)", "ALGO" ) ); options.addOption(createRequiredOption("r", "reference", "Name of the reference alignment FILE (default: " + reference + ")", "FILE")); options.addOption( createRequiredOption("w", "directory", "The DIRectory containing the data to evaluate", "DIR")); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { new ExtGroupEval().run(args); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } ; } public void run(String[] args) throws Exception { try { CommandLine line = parseCommandLine(args); if (line == null) return; // --help // Here deal with command specific arguments if (line.hasOption('f')) format = line.getOptionValue('f'); if (line.hasOption('r')) reference = line.getOptionValue('r'); //if ( line.hasOption( 's' ) ) dominant = line.getOptionValue( 's' ); if (line.hasOption('t')) type = line.getOptionValue('t'); if (line.hasOption('c')) color = line.getOptionValue('c', "lightblue"); if (line.hasOption('l')) { listAlgo = line.getOptionValues('l'); size = listAlgo.length; } if (line.hasOption('w')) ontoDir = line.getOptionValue('w'); } catch (ParseException exp) { logger.error(exp.getMessage()); usage(); System.exit(-1); } print(iterateDirectories()); } public Vector<Vector<Object>> iterateDirectories() { Vector<Vector<Object>> result = null; File[] subdir = null; try { if (ontoDir == null) { subdir = (new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))).listFiles(); } else { subdir = (new File(ontoDir)).listFiles(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot stat dir", e); usage(); } int size = subdir.length; Arrays.sort(subdir); result = new Vector<Vector<Object>>(size); int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { if (subdir[j].isDirectory()) { //logger.trace("Entering directory {}", subdir[j]); // eval the alignments in a subdirectory // store the result Vector<Object> vect = iterateAlignments(subdir[j]); if (vect != null) { result.add(i, vect); i++; } } } return result; } public Vector<Object> iterateAlignments(File dir) { String prefix = dir.toURI().toString() + "/"; Vector<Object> result = new Vector<Object>(); boolean ok = false; result.add(0, (Object) dir.getName().toString()); int i = 0; // for all alignments there, for (String m : listAlgo) { i++; // call eval // store the result in a record // return the record. //logger.trace(" Considering result {}", i); Evaluator evaluator = eval(prefix + reference, prefix + m + ".rdf"); if (evaluator != null) ok = true; result.add(i, evaluator); } // Unload the ontologies. try { OntologyFactory.clear(); } catch (OntowrapException owex) { logger.debug("INGORED Exception", owex); } if (ok == true) return result; else return null; } public Evaluator eval(String alignName1, String alignName2) { Evaluator eval = null; try { // Load alignments AlignmentParser aparser = new AlignmentParser(); Alignment align1 = aparser.parse(alignName1); //logger.trace(" Alignment structure1 parsed"); aparser.initAlignment(null); Alignment align2 = aparser.parse(alignName2); //logger.trace(" Alignment structure2 parsed"); // Create evaluator object eval = new ExtPREvaluator(ObjectAlignment.toObjectAlignment((URIAlignment) align1), ObjectAlignment.toObjectAlignment((URIAlignment) align2)); // Compare eval.eval(parameters); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.debug("IGNORED Extension", ex); } ; return eval; } /** * This does not only print the results but compute the average as well * * @param result: the vector of vector result to be printed */ public void print(Vector<Vector<Object>> result) { PrintStream writer = null; try { if (outputfilename == null) { writer = System.out; } else { writer = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(outputfilename)); } printHTML(result, writer); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.debug("IGNORED Exception", ex); } finally { writer.close(); } } public void printHTML(Vector<Vector<Object>> result, PrintStream writer) { // variables for computing iterative harmonic means int expected = 0; // expected so far int foundVect[]; // found so far double symVect[]; // symmetric similarity double effVect[]; // effort-based similarity double precOrVect[]; // precision-oriented similarity double recOrVect[]; // recall-oriented similarity fsize = format.length(); try { Formatter formatter = new Formatter(writer); // Print the header writer.println("<html><head></head><body>"); writer.println("<table border='2' frame='sides' rules='groups'>"); writer.println("<colgroup align='center' />"); // for each algo <td spancol='2'>name</td> for (String m : listAlgo) { writer.println("<colgroup align='center' span='" + 2 * fsize + "' />"); } // For each file do a writer.println("<thead valign='top'><tr><th>algo</th>"); // for each algo <td spancol='2'>name</td> for (String m : listAlgo) { writer.println("<th colspan='" + ((2 * fsize)) + "'>" + m + "</th>"); } writer.println("</tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>test</td>"); // for each algo <td>Prec.</td><td>Rec.</td> for (String m : listAlgo) { for (int i = 0; i < fsize; i++) { if (format.charAt(i) == 's') { writer.println("<td colspan='2'><center>Symmetric</center></td>"); } else if (format.charAt(i) == 'e') { writer.println("<td colspan='2'><center>Effort</center></td>"); } else if (format.charAt(i) == 'p') { writer.println("<td colspan='2'><center>Prec. orient.</center></td>"); } else if (format.charAt(i) == 'r') { writer.println("<td colspan='2'><center>Rec. orient.</center></td>"); } } //writer.println("<td>Prec.</td><td>Rec.</td>"); } writer.println("</tr></tbody><tbody>"); foundVect = new int[size]; symVect = new double[size]; effVect = new double[size]; precOrVect = new double[size]; recOrVect = new double[size]; for (int k = size - 1; k >= 0; k--) { foundVect[k] = 0; symVect[k] = 0.; effVect[k] = 0.; precOrVect[k] = 0.; recOrVect[k] = 0.; } // </tr> // For each directory <tr> boolean colored = false; for (Vector<Object> test : result) { int nexpected = -1; if (colored == true && color != null) { colored = false; writer.println("<tr bgcolor=\"" + color + "\">"); } else { colored = true; writer.println("<tr>"); } ; // Print the directory <td>bla</td> writer.println("<td>" + (String) test.get(0) + "</td>"); // For each record print the values <td>bla</td> Enumeration<Object> f = test.elements(); f.nextElement(); for (int k = 0; f.hasMoreElements(); k++) { ExtPREvaluator eval = (ExtPREvaluator) f.nextElement(); if (eval != null) { // iterative H-means computation if (nexpected == -1) { nexpected = eval.getExpected(); expected += nexpected; } // If foundVect is -1 then results are invalid if (foundVect[k] != -1) foundVect[k] += eval.getFound(); for (int i = 0; i < fsize; i++) { writer.print("<td>"); if (format.charAt(i) == 's') { formatter.format("%1.2f", eval.getSymPrecision()); writer.print("</td><td>"); formatter.format("%1.2f", eval.getSymRecall()); symVect[k] += eval.getSymSimilarity(); } else if (format.charAt(i) == 'e') { formatter.format("%1.2f", eval.getEffPrecision()); writer.print("</td><td>"); formatter.format("%1.2f", eval.getEffRecall()); effVect[k] += eval.getEffSimilarity(); } else if (format.charAt(i) == 'p') { formatter.format("%1.2f", eval.getPrecisionOrientedPrecision()); writer.print("</td><td>"); formatter.format("%1.2f", eval.getPrecisionOrientedRecall()); precOrVect[k] += eval.getPrecisionOrientedSimilarity(); } else if (format.charAt(i) == 'r') { formatter.format("%1.2f", eval.getRecallOrientedPrecision()); writer.print("</td><td>"); formatter.format("%1.2f", eval.getRecallOrientedRecall()); recOrVect[k] += eval.getRecallOrientedSimilarity(); } writer.print("</td>"); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < fsize; i++) writer.print("<td>n/a</td>"); } } writer.println("</tr>"); } writer.print("<tr bgcolor=\"yellow\"><td>H-mean</td>"); int k = 0; for (String m : listAlgo) { if (foundVect[k] != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < fsize; i++) { writer.print("<td>"); if (format.charAt(i) == 's') { formatter.format("%1.2f", symVect[k] / foundVect[k]); writer.print("</td><td>"); formatter.format("%1.2f", symVect[k] / expected); } else if (format.charAt(i) == 'e') { formatter.format("%1.2f", effVect[k] / foundVect[k]); writer.print("</td><td>"); formatter.format("%1.2f", effVect[k] / expected); } else if (format.charAt(i) == 'p') { formatter.format("%1.2f", precOrVect[k] / foundVect[k]); writer.print("</td><td>"); formatter.format("%1.2f", precOrVect[k] / expected); } else if (format.charAt(i) == 'r') { formatter.format("%1.2f", recOrVect[k] / foundVect[k]); writer.print("</td><td>"); formatter.format("%1.2f", recOrVect[k] / expected); } writer.println("</td>"); } } else { writer.println("<td colspan='2'><center>Error</center></td>"); } //}; k++; } writer.println("</tr>"); writer.println("</tbody></table>"); writer.println("<p><small>n/a: result alignment not provided or not readable<br />"); writer.println("NaN: division per zero, likely due to empty alignent.</small></p>"); writer.println("</body></html>"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.debug("IGNORED Exception", ex); } finally { writer.flush(); writer.close(); } } public void usage() { usage("java " + this.getClass().getName() + " [options]\nEvaluates (with extended evaluators) in parallel several matching results on several tests in subdirectories"); } }