Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA * * This software is governed by the CeCILL-C License under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify * and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as * circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the CeCILL-C License for more details. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms. */ package; import com.gzoltar.core.instr.testing.TestResult; import fr.inria.lille.commons.synthesis.ConstraintBasedSynthesis; import fr.inria.lille.commons.synthesis.operator.Operator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass; import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType; import; import; import java.util.*; import static java.lang.String.format; public class NoPolLauncher { public static void main(String[] args) { String filePath = "misc/nopol-example/src/"; String binFolder = "misc/nopol-example/bin/"; String junitJar = "misc/nopol-example/junit-4.11.jar"; String classpath = binFolder + File.pathSeparatorChar + junitJar; String type = args[0]; String solverName = args[1]; String solverPath = args[2]; System.out.println(format("args:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s", filePath, classpath, solverName, solverPath)); Main.main(new String[] { "repair", type, "angelic", filePath, classpath, solverName, solverPath }); System.exit(1); } public static List<Patch> launch(File[] sourceFile, URL[] classpath, StatementType type, String[] args) { System.out.println("Source files: " + Arrays.toString(sourceFile)); System.out.println("Classpath: " + Arrays.toString(classpath)); System.out.println("Statement type: " + type); System.out.println("Args: " + Arrays.toString(args)); System.out.println("Config: " + Config.INSTANCE); System.out.println("Available processors (cores): " + Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); /* Total amount of free memory available to the JVM */ System.out.println("Free memory: " + FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory())); /* This will return Long.MAX_VALUE if there is no preset limit */ long maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); /* Maximum amount of memory the JVM will attempt to use */ System.out.println("Maximum memory: " + (maxMemory == Long.MAX_VALUE ? "no limit" : FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(maxMemory))); /* Total memory currently available to the JVM */ System.out.println("Total memory available to JVM: " + FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory())); System.out.println("Java version: " + Runtime.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion()); System.out.println("JAVA_HOME: " + System.getenv("JAVA_HOME")); System.out.println("PATH: " + System.getenv("PATH")); long executionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); NoPol nopol = new NoPol(sourceFile, classpath, type); List<Patch> patches = null; try { if (args.length > 0) { patches =; } else { patches =; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { executionTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - executionTime; displayResult(nopol, patches, executionTime); } return patches; } public static ArrayList<Integer> nbFailingTestExecution = new ArrayList<>(); public static ArrayList<Integer> nbPassedTestExecution = new ArrayList<>(); private static void displayResult(NoPol nopol, List<Patch> patches, long executionTime) { System.out.println("----INFORMATION----"); List<CtType<?>> allClasses = nopol.getSpooner().spoonFactory().Class().getAll(); int nbMethod = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allClasses.size(); i++) { CtType<?> ctSimpleType = allClasses.get(i); if (ctSimpleType instanceof CtClass) { Set methods = ((CtClass) ctSimpleType).getMethods(); nbMethod += methods.size(); } } System.out.println("Nb classes : " + allClasses.size()); System.out.println("Nb methods : " + nbMethod); BitSet coverage = NoPol.currentStatement.getCoverage(); int countStatementSuccess = 0; int countStatementFailed = 0; int nextTest = coverage.nextSetBit(0); while (nextTest != -1) { TestResult testResult = nopol.getgZoltar().getGzoltar().getTestResults().get(nextTest); if (testResult.wasSuccessful()) { countStatementSuccess += testResult.getCoveredComponents().size(); } else { countStatementFailed += testResult.getCoveredComponents().size(); } nextTest = coverage.nextSetBit(nextTest + 1); } System.out .println("Nb statements: " + nopol.getgZoltar().getGzoltar().getSpectra().getNumberOfComponents()); System.out.println( "Nb statement executed by the passing tests of the patched line: " + countStatementSuccess); System.out .println("Nb statement executed by the failing tests of the patched line: " + countStatementFailed); System.out.println("Nb unit tests : " + nopol.getgZoltar().getGzoltar().getTestResults().size()); System.out.println("Nb Statements Analyzed : " + SynthesizerFactory.getNbStatementsAnalysed()); System.out.println( "Nb Statements with Angelic Value Found : " + DefaultSynthesizer.getNbStatementsWithAngelicValue()); if (Config.INSTANCE.getSynthesis() == Config.NopolSynthesis.SMT) { System.out.println("Nb inputs in SMT : " + DefaultSynthesizer.getDataSize()); System.out.println("Nb SMT level: " + ConstraintBasedSynthesis.level); if (ConstraintBasedSynthesis.operators != null) { System.out.println("Nb SMT components: [" + ConstraintBasedSynthesis.operators.size() + "] " + ConstraintBasedSynthesis.operators); Iterator<Operator<?>> iterator = ConstraintBasedSynthesis.operators.iterator(); Map<Class, Integer> mapType = new HashMap<>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Operator<?> next =; if (!mapType.containsKey(next.type())) { mapType.put(next.type(), 1); } else { mapType.put(next.type(), mapType.get(next.type()) + 1); } } for (Iterator<Class> patchIterator = mapType.keySet().iterator(); patchIterator.hasNext();) { Class next =; System.out.println(" " + next + ": " + mapType.get(next)); } } System.out.println("Nb variables in SMT : " + DefaultSynthesizer.getNbVariables()); } System.out.println("Nb run failing test : " + nbFailingTestExecution); System.out.println("Nb run passing test : " + nbPassedTestExecution); System.out.println("NoPol Execution time : " + executionTime + "ms"); if (patches != null && !patches.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("----PATCH FOUND----"); for (Patch patch : patches) { System.out.println(patch); } } } }