Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) Immotronic, 2012
 * Contributors:
 *     Lionel Balme (
 *     Kevin Planchet (
 * This file is part of ubikit-core, a component of the UBIKIT project.
 * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to host third-
 * parties applications that make use of sensor and actuator networks.
 * This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
 * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
 * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C
 * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
 * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
 * "".
 * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
 * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
 * with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
 * economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
 * liability.
 * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
 * with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
 * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
 * that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
 * therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
 * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
 * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
 * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
 * data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
 * same conditions as regards security.
 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
 * CeCILL-C licence is fully compliant with the GNU Lesser GPL v2 and v3.

package fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.datahandler;

import java.util.Date;

import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.ubikit.Logger;
import org.ubikit.event.AbstractEvent;
import org.ubikit.event.EventGate;

import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.EnoceanSensorData;
import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.event.out.DimmingEvent;
import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.event.out.MeteringEvent;
import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.event.out.SwitchOffEvent;
import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.event.out.SwitchOnEvent;
import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.EnoceanData;
import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.EnoceanDataHandler;
import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.LC;

public class EEPD201xxDataHandler implements EnoceanDataHandler {
    private EventGate eventGate;
    private String itemUID;
    private int EEPType;

    private EEPD201xxData sensorData;

    public EEPD201xxDataHandler(EventGate eventGate, String itemUID, int EEPType, JSONObject lastKnownData) {
        this(eventGate, itemUID, EEPType, EEPD201xxDataImpl.constructDataFromRecord(EEPType, lastKnownData));

    public EEPD201xxDataHandler(EventGate eventGate, String itemUID, int EEPType, Mode mode) {
        this(eventGate, itemUID, EEPType, new EEPD201xxDataImpl(EEPType, mode));

    private EEPD201xxDataHandler(EventGate eventGate, String itemUID, int EEPType, EEPD201xxData sensorData) {
        this.eventGate = eventGate;
        this.itemUID = itemUID;
        this.EEPType = EEPType;
        this.sensorData = sensorData;

    public void processNewIncomingData(int transmitterID, EnoceanData data) {
        byte[] dataBytes = data.getBytes();

        AbstractEvent event = null;
        SwitchState[] switchStates = sensorData.getSwitchStates();
        Date[] eventDates = ((EEPD201xxDataImpl) sensorData).getSwitchStateDates();

        // Reading Command Identifier
        switch (dataBytes[dataBytes.length - 1]) {
        // Actuator Status Response
        case 0x04:

            switch (EEPType) {
            case 0x0:
            case 0x6:
                // Reading switch state
                switchStates[0] = (dataBytes[0] == 0) ? SwitchState.OFF : SwitchState.UNKNOWN;
                if (switchStates[0] != SwitchState.OFF && dataBytes[0] <= 0x64)
                    switchStates[0] = SwitchState.ON;

                eventDates[0] = data.getDate();

                // Does the state change since last data ?
                //if (switchState != ((EEPD201xxData.EEPD20106Data) sensorData).getSwitchState())
                if (switchStates[0] == SwitchState.ON)
                    event = new SwitchOnEvent(itemUID, (byte) 0, data.getDate());
                else if (switchStates[0] == SwitchState.OFF)
                    event = new SwitchOffEvent(itemUID, (byte) 0, data.getDate());

                // Remembering new state.
                sensorData = new EEPD201xxDataImpl(EEPType, switchStates, eventDates,
                        sensorData.getMeasurementValue(), sensorData.getMeasurementUnit(),
                        ((EEPD201xxDataImpl) sensorData).getValueDate(), Mode.NOT_APPLICABLE);

            case 0x2:
                // Reading dimmer value
                int dimmerValue = dataBytes[0];
                if (dimmerValue < 0 || dimmerValue > 0x64)
                    dimmerValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

                eventDates[0] = data.getDate();

                // Does the value change since last data ?
                //if (dimmerValue != ((EEPD201xxData.EEPD20102Data) sensorData).getDimmerValue())
                event = new DimmingEvent(itemUID, dimmerValue, data.getDate());

                // Remembering new state.
                sensorData = new EEPD201xxDataImpl(EEPType, dimmerValue, eventDates,
                        sensorData.getMeasurementValue(), sensorData.getMeasurementUnit(),
                        ((EEPD201xxDataImpl) sensorData).getValueDate());

            case 0x11:
                // Reading switch state
                int channel_index = (dataBytes[1] & 0x1f);
                switchStates[channel_index] = (dataBytes[0] == 0) ? SwitchState.OFF : SwitchState.UNKNOWN;

                if (switchStates[channel_index] != SwitchState.OFF && dataBytes[0] <= 0x64) {
                    switchStates[channel_index] = SwitchState.ON;

                eventDates[channel_index] = data.getDate();

                // Send switch event
                if (switchStates[channel_index] == SwitchState.ON)
                    event = new SwitchOnEvent(itemUID, (byte) channel_index, data.getDate());
                else if (switchStates[channel_index] == SwitchState.OFF)
                    event = new SwitchOffEvent(itemUID, (byte) channel_index, data.getDate());

                // Remembering new state.
                sensorData = new EEPD201xxDataImpl(EEPType, switchStates, eventDates,
                        sensorData.getMeasurementValue(), sensorData.getMeasurementUnit(),
                        ((EEPD201xxDataImpl) sensorData).getValueDate(),
                        ((EEPD201xxDataImpl) sensorData).getMode());


        // Actuator Measurement Response
        case 0x07:
            //Reading unit
            MeasurementUnit unit;
            byte unitByte = (byte) ((dataBytes[4] >> 5) & 0x7);
            switch (unitByte) {
            case 0x0:
                unit = MeasurementUnit.WATT_SECOND;
            case 0x1:
                unit = MeasurementUnit.WATT_HOUR;
            case 0x2:
                unit = MeasurementUnit.KILOWATT_HOUR;
            case 0x3:
            case 0x4:
                Logger.warn(, this,
                        "Received an unknown unit identifier. Check code and enocean EEP2.5 specs.");
                unit = MeasurementUnit.UNKNOWN;

            // Reading measured value
            int value = (dataBytes[3] & 0xff) << 24 | (dataBytes[2] & 0xff) << 16 | (dataBytes[1] & 0xff) << 8
                    | (dataBytes[0] & 0xff);

            // Does the value change since last data ?
            //if (unit != sensorData.getMeasurementUnit() || value != sensorData.getMeasurementValue())
            event = new MeteringEvent(itemUID, value, MeteringEvent.MeasurementUnit.valueOf(, 0,

            // Remembering new state.
            switch (EEPType) {
            case 0x0:
            case 0x6:
                sensorData = new EEPD201xxDataImpl(EEPType, sensorData.getSwitchStates(),
                        ((EEPD201xxDataImpl) sensorData).getSwitchStateDates(), value, unit, data.getDate(),
            case 0x2:
                sensorData = new EEPD201xxDataImpl(EEPType, sensorData.getDimmerValue(),
                        ((EEPD201xxDataImpl) sensorData).getSwitchStateDates(), value, unit, data.getDate());


            Logger.warn(, this,
                    "Unsupported CMD identifier from EEPD20106 Device received. Check code and enocean EEP2.5 specs.");

        // And then, send the event, if any. Sending MUST be done after remembering received data, otherwise if an event listener performs
        // a getLastKnownData() on event reception, it might obtain non up-to-date data.
        if (event != null) {

    public EnoceanSensorData getLastKnownData() {
        return sensorData;
