Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Immotronic, 2012 * * Contributors: * * Lionel Balme ( * Kevin Planchet ( * * This file is part of ubikit-core, a component of the UBIKIT project. * * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to host third- * parties applications that make use of sensor and actuator networks. * * This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * "". * * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited * liability. * * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated * with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, * that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also * therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or * data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the * same conditions as regards security. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms. * * CeCILL-C licence is fully compliant with the GNU Lesser GPL v2 and v3. * */ package fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.ubikit.AbstractPhysicalEnvironmentModelEvent; import org.ubikit.Logger; import org.ubikit.PhysicalEnvironmentItem; import org.ubikit.PhysicalEnvironmentItem.Property; import org.ubikit.event.EventGate; import org.ubikit.event.EventListener; import org.ubikit.pem.event.ItemDroppedEvent; import org.ubikit.pem.event.ItemAddedEvent; import org.ubikit.pem.event.ItemAddingFailedEvent; import org.ubikit.pem.event.ItemPropertiesUpdatedEvent; //import fr.immotronic.license.LicenseManager; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.ActuatorProfile; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.ControllerProfile; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.EnoceanActuatorDevice; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.EnoceanControllerDevice; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.EnoceanDevice; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.EnoceanEquipmentProfileV20; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.EnoceanSensorAndActuatorDevice; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.EnoceanSensorDevice; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.SensorActuatorProfile; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.BlindAndShutterMotorDevice; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.ElectronicSwitchWithEnergyMeasurement; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.EnoceanStandardSensorDevice; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.FourByteSensorController; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.FourChannelPTMController; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.IntesisBoxDKRCENO1i1iCDevice; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.OnOffDevice; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.RHController; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.RHDevice; import fr.immotronic.ubikit.pems.enocean.impl.item.VariableLengthDataController; public final class DeviceManagerImpl implements DeviceManager { private final Map<Integer, EnoceanDevice> devices; // List of managed devices (sensors and actuators) private final Map<Integer, Integer> additionalUIDs; // Some complex device could be represented by several UID. This map stores association between those additional UIDs and their device. private final EnoceanControllerDevice[] actuatorControllers; private final EnoceanSerialAdapter enoceanSerialAdapter; private final DatabaseManager databaseManager; private final PemLauncher pem; private final EventGate higherAbstractionLevelEventGate; //private final LicenseManager licenseManager; private int actuatorCount; public DeviceManagerImpl(PemLauncher pem, DatabaseManager databaseManager, EnoceanSerialAdapter enoceanSerialAdapter/*, LicenseManager licenseManager*/) { this.databaseManager = databaseManager; this.pem = pem; higherAbstractionLevelEventGate = pem.getHigherAbstractionLevelEventGate(); this.enoceanSerialAdapter = enoceanSerialAdapter; devices = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, EnoceanDevice>()); additionalUIDs = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, Integer>()); actuatorControllers = new EnoceanControllerDevice[0x80]; // 0x80 match the maximum number of IDs for a TCM120/320/300 transceiver actuatorCount = 0; //this.licenseManager = licenseManager; loadKnownDevicesFromDatabase(databaseManager.getAllItems()); } /*===================================================================================* * Controller Management methods / PUBLIC * *===================================================================================*/ @Override public EnoceanControllerDevice getController(int controllerUID) { return actuatorControllers[controllerUID]; } @Override public EnoceanControllerDevice getController(ControllerProfile profile, int nbOfRequiredChannel) { // First, search for a existing controller with sufficient free channels left. for (int k = 0; k < getMaxNumberOfActuatorController(); k++) { EnoceanControllerDevice controller = getController(k); if (controller != null && controller.getControllerProfile() == profile && controller.checkChannelAvailability(nbOfRequiredChannel)) { if (LC.debug) { Logger.debug(, this, "getController(): Using an existing controller: " + controller.getUID()); } return controller; } } // At this point, no controller with sufficient free channels left was found. // A new one is created and hosted in the first available slot. if (LC.debug) { Logger.debug(, this, "getController(): A new controller is needed..."); } for (int k = 0; k < getMaxNumberOfActuatorController(); k++) { EnoceanControllerDevice controller = getController(k); if (controller == null) { switch (profile) { case FOUR_CHANNEL_PTM_CONTROLLER: { FourChannelPTMController c = new FourChannelPTMController(k, enoceanSerialAdapter, DeviceManagerImpl.this); actuatorControllers[k] = c; databaseManager.updateRecord(c.getDeviceRecord()); return c; } case RH_CONTROLLER: { RHController c = new RHController(k, enoceanSerialAdapter, DeviceManagerImpl.this); actuatorControllers[k] = c; databaseManager.updateRecord(c.getDeviceRecord()); return c; } case FOUR_BYTE_SENSOR_CONTROLLER: { FourByteSensorController c = new FourByteSensorController(k, enoceanSerialAdapter, DeviceManagerImpl.this); actuatorControllers[k] = c; databaseManager.updateRecord(c.getDeviceRecord()); return c; } case VARIABLE_LENGTH_DATA_CONTROLLER: { VariableLengthDataController c = new VariableLengthDataController(k, enoceanSerialAdapter, DeviceManagerImpl.this); actuatorControllers[k] = c; databaseManager.updateRecord(c.getDeviceRecord()); return c; } default: Logger.error(, this, "getController(): Unsupported controller profile: " +; return null; } } } // At this point, no controller with sufficient free channels left was found // and there is no room left to create a new controller. Logger.error(, this, "No room left for an new actuator controller."); return null; } @Override public void setController(ControllerProfile profile, String controllerUID, int enoceanUID) { int controllerIndex = EnoceanControllerDeviceImpl.getControllerIndexFromEnoceanUID(enoceanUID); if (LC.debug) { Logger.debug(, this, "Setting a Controller: " + + " controllerUID=" + controllerUID + ", enoceanUID=" + enoceanUID); } if (actuatorControllers[controllerIndex] != null) { Logger.warn(, this, "Try to set a controller at a non empty place. Should never happen in theory. Check the setController() caller."); } switch (profile) { case FOUR_CHANNEL_PTM_CONTROLLER: { FourChannelPTMController c = new FourChannelPTMController(controllerUID, enoceanUID, enoceanSerialAdapter, this); actuatorControllers[controllerIndex] = c; break; } case RH_CONTROLLER: { RHController c = new RHController(controllerUID, enoceanUID, enoceanSerialAdapter, this); actuatorControllers[controllerIndex] = c; break; } case FOUR_BYTE_SENSOR_CONTROLLER: { FourByteSensorController c = new FourByteSensorController(controllerUID, enoceanUID, enoceanSerialAdapter, this); actuatorControllers[controllerIndex] = c; break; } case VARIABLE_LENGTH_DATA_CONTROLLER: { VariableLengthDataController c = new VariableLengthDataController(controllerUID, enoceanUID, enoceanSerialAdapter, this); actuatorControllers[controllerIndex] = c; break; } default: Logger.error(, this, "setController(): Unsupported controller profile: " +; break; } } /*===================================================================================* * Actuator count & UID Management methods / PRIVATE * *===================================================================================*/ private void setActuatorCount(String actuatorUID) { int index = Integer.parseInt(actuatorUID.substring(7), 16); if (actuatorCount < index) { actuatorCount = index; } } private String createActuatorUID() { actuatorCount++; return "ENOACTx" + Integer.toHexString(actuatorCount); } private int getMaxNumberOfActuatorController() { return actuatorControllers.length; } /*===================================================================================* * Actuator & Sensor Management methods / PRIVATE * *===================================================================================*/ @Override public void removeDevice(String UID) {, this, "removeDevice(" + UID + ")"); // Get the device object EnoceanDevice device = (EnoceanDevice) pem.getItem(UID); if (device != null) { // Removing it according to its class. Controllers are not directly removed from here, // but are removed through actuators remove methods. boolean removed = false; if (device instanceof EnoceanSensorDevice) { removeDevice((EnoceanSensorDevice) device); removed = true; } else if (device instanceof EnoceanActuatorDevice) { removeDevice((EnoceanActuatorDevice) device); removed = true; } else if (device instanceof EnoceanSensorAndActuatorDevice) { removeDevice((EnoceanSensorAndActuatorDevice) device); removed = true; } if (removed) {, this, "removeDevice(" + UID + "): posting ItemDroppedEvent."); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.postEvent(new ItemDroppedEvent(device.getUID(), pem.getUID())); } } } private void removeDevice(EnoceanSensorDevice device) { // Remove the device from the device map devices.remove(device.getEnoceanUID()); // Remove the device entry from the database databaseManager.removeRecord(device.getUID()); } private void removeDevice(EnoceanActuatorDevice device) { EnoceanControllerDevice controller = device.releaseController(); if (controller.isUnused()) { // If the controller is now unused, remove it // Remove the controller from the controller array actuatorControllers[controller.getControllerIndex()] = null; // Remove the device entry from the database databaseManager.removeRecord(controller.getUID()); } devices.remove(device.getEnoceanUID()); // Remove the actuator as a listener for TurnOn/TurnOff event messages pem.getHigherAbstractionLevelEventGate().removeListener((EventListener) device); // Remove the device entry from the database databaseManager.removeRecord(device.getUID()); } private void removeDevice(EnoceanSensorAndActuatorDevice device) { // Remove additional enocean UID associated to the device to remove, if needed. Iterator<Integer> itr = additionalUIDs.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Integer d =; if (additionalUIDs.get(d) == device.getEnoceanUID()) { itr.remove(); } } EnoceanControllerDevice[] controllers = device.releaseController(); for (EnoceanControllerDevice controller : controllers) { if (controller.isUnused()) { // If the controller is now unused, remove it // Remove the controller from the controller array actuatorControllers[controller.getControllerIndex()] = null; // Remove the device entry from the database databaseManager.removeRecord(controller.getUID()); } } devices.remove(device.getEnoceanUID()); // Remove the actuator as a listener for TurnOn/TurnOff event messages pem.getHigherAbstractionLevelEventGate().removeListener((EventListener) device); // Remove the device entry from the database databaseManager.removeRecord(device.getUID()); } @Override public EnoceanDevice getDevice(String UID) { return (EnoceanDevice) pem.getItem(UID); } @Override public EnoceanSensorDevice getSensorDevice(int enoceanUID) { try { EnoceanSensorDevice device = (EnoceanSensorDevice) devices.get(Integer.valueOf(enoceanUID)); return device; } catch (ClassCastException e) { return null; } } @Override public EnoceanSensorAndActuatorDevice getSensorActuatorDevice(int enoceanUID) { try { EnoceanSensorAndActuatorDevice device = (EnoceanSensorAndActuatorDevice) devices .get(Integer.valueOf(enoceanUID)); // Have we found a device with this enoceanUID ? if (device == null) { // No, we do not. // Is the this enoceanUID be an additional one ? Integer primaryEnoceanUID = additionalUIDs.get(Integer.valueOf(enoceanUID)); if (primaryEnoceanUID == null) { // No, enoceanUID is not an additional id of an existing device. return null; } else { device = (EnoceanSensorAndActuatorDevice) devices.get(primaryEnoceanUID); } } return device; } catch (ClassCastException e) { } return null; } @Override public EnoceanDevice createNewDevice(int enoceanUID, EnoceanEquipmentProfileV20 eep, int manufacturerUID, JSONObject userProperties, DeviceParameters params) { // Here, we know that the device will be a standard Enocean sensor device. EnoceanSensorDevice device = new EnoceanStandardSensorDevice(higherAbstractionLevelEventGate, enoceanUID, eep, this); // Is the maximum number of allowed devices is reached ? if (devices.size() < /*licenseManager.getMaximalNumberOfItemsAllowed()*/10000) { // No, the maximum number of allowed devices is not yet reached. device.setPropertiesFromJSONObject(userProperties); if (device.getDataHandler() != null) { // Adding it to the Enocean device list, and update the database (meaning of the boolean parameter) addDevice(device, true); ItemAddedEvent ia = new ItemAddedEvent(device.getUID(), pem.getUID(), device.getType(), device.getPropertiesAsJSONObject(), device.getCapabilities(), device.getConfigurationAsJSON()); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.postEvent(ia); return device; } ItemAddingFailedEvent iaf = new ItemAddingFailedEvent(device.getUID(), "NO_DATA_HANDLER", 2); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.postEvent(iaf); return null; } ItemAddingFailedEvent iaf = new ItemAddingFailedEvent(device.getUID(), "MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES_REACHED", 2); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.postEvent(iaf); return null; } @Override public EnoceanDevice createNewDevice(int enoceanUID, SensorActuatorProfile sap, int manufacturerUID, JSONObject userProperties, DeviceParameters params) { EnoceanSensorAndActuatorDevice device = null; // Is the maximum number of allowed devices is reached ? if (devices.size() < /*licenseManager.getMaximalNumberOfItemsAllowed()*/10000) { try { switch (sap) { case INTESIS_BOX_DK_RC_ENO_1i1iC_DEVICE: device = new IntesisBoxDKRCENO1i1iCDevice(higherAbstractionLevelEventGate, enoceanUID, this, userProperties); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.addListener((IntesisBoxDKRCENO1i1iCDevice) device); break; case EEP_D2_01_00: case EEP_D2_01_02: case EEP_D2_01_06: case EEP_D2_01_11: device = new ElectronicSwitchWithEnergyMeasurement(higherAbstractionLevelEventGate, enoceanUID, manufacturerUID, sap, this, userProperties, params); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.addListener((ElectronicSwitchWithEnergyMeasurement) device); break; } addDevice(device, true); ItemAddedEvent ia = new ItemAddedEvent(device.getUID(), pem.getUID(), device.getType(), device.getPropertiesAsJSONObject(), device.getCapabilities(), device.getConfigurationAsJSON()); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.postEvent(ia); return device; } catch (NoControllerChannelLeftException e) { ItemAddingFailedEvent iaf = new ItemAddingFailedEvent(, "NO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_LEFT", 1); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.postEvent(iaf); } ItemAddingFailedEvent iaf = new ItemAddingFailedEvent(, "UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE_PROFILE", 2); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.postEvent(iaf); return null; } ItemAddingFailedEvent iaf = new ItemAddingFailedEvent(, "MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES_REACHED", 2); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.postEvent(iaf); return null; } @Override public AbstractPhysicalEnvironmentModelEvent createNewActuator(String actuatorProfile, String customName, String location) { assert actuatorProfile != null : "actuatorProfile MUST NOT be null"; assert customName != null : "customName MUST NOT be null"; // Is the maximum number of allowed devices is reached ? if (devices.size() < /*licenseManager.getMaximalNumberOfItemsAllowed()*/10000) { ActuatorProfile profile = ActuatorProfile.valueOf(actuatorProfile); if (profile != null) { EnoceanActuatorDevice actuator = null; try { switch (profile) { case ONOFF_DEVICE: OnOffDevice onoffDevice = new OnOffDevice(createActuatorUID(), this); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.addListener(onoffDevice); actuator = onoffDevice; break; case BLIND_AND_SHUTTER_MOTOR_DEVICE: BlindAndShutterMotorDevice blindAndShutterMotorDevice = new BlindAndShutterMotorDevice( createActuatorUID(), this); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.addListener(blindAndShutterMotorDevice); actuator = blindAndShutterMotorDevice; break; case RH_DEVICE: RHDevice rhDevice = new RHDevice(createActuatorUID(), this); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.addListener(rhDevice); actuator = rhDevice; break; } } catch (NoControllerChannelLeftException e) { ItemAddingFailedEvent iaf = new ItemAddingFailedEvent(customName, "NO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_LEFT", 1); return iaf; } if (actuator != null) { // Setting the actuator properties with the given user defined custom name & location actuator.setPropertyValue(, customName); actuator.setPropertyValue(, location); // Adding it to the Enocean device to the device manager addDevice(actuator, true); // Returning the actuator UID ItemAddedEvent ia = new ItemAddedEvent(actuator.getUID(), pem.getUID(), actuator.getType(), actuator.getPropertiesAsJSONObject(), actuator.getCapabilities(), actuator.getConfigurationAsJSON()); pem.getHigherAbstractionLevelEventGate().postEvent(ia); return ia; } else { Logger.debug(, this, "Actuator was not instanciated. Profile not supported."); } } ItemAddingFailedEvent iaf = new ItemAddingFailedEvent(customName, "UNKNOWN_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROFILE", 2); return iaf; } ItemAddingFailedEvent iaf = new ItemAddingFailedEvent(customName, "MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES_REACHED", 2); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.postEvent(iaf); return null; } private void addDevice(EnoceanSensorDevice device, boolean storeInDatabase) { devices.put(device.getEnoceanUID(), device); pem.addItem((PhysicalEnvironmentItem) device); if (storeInDatabase) { databaseManager.updateRecord(device.getDeviceRecord()); } } private void addDevice(EnoceanActuatorDevice device, boolean storeInDatabase) { devices.put(device.getEnoceanUID(), device); pem.addItem((PhysicalEnvironmentItem) device); if (storeInDatabase) { databaseManager.updateRecord(device.getDeviceRecord()); } } private void addDevice(EnoceanSensorAndActuatorDevice device, boolean storeInDatabase) { devices.put(device.getEnoceanUID(), device); pem.addItem((PhysicalEnvironmentItem) device); if (storeInDatabase) { databaseManager.updateRecord(device.getDeviceRecord()); } } @Override public void registerAdditionalEnoceanUID(int devicePrimaryEnoceanUID, int additionalEnoceanUID) { this.additionalUIDs.put(Integer.valueOf(additionalEnoceanUID), Integer.valueOf(devicePrimaryEnoceanUID)); } @Override public boolean updateDeviceProperties(String UID, String[] propertiesName) { // Get the device object EnoceanDevice device = (EnoceanDevice) pem.getItem(UID); if (device != null) { databaseManager.updateRecord(device.getDeviceRecord()); if (propertiesName != null) { higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.postEvent(new ItemPropertiesUpdatedEvent(UID, propertiesName)); } } return false; } @Override public boolean updateDeviceLastKnownData(String UID) { // Get the device object EnoceanDevice device = (EnoceanDevice) pem.getItem(UID); if (device != null) { databaseManager.updateDeviceLastKnownData(device.getDeviceRecord()); } return false; } private void loadKnownDevicesFromDatabase(ArrayList<DatabaseManager.Record> knownDevices) { int nbDevices = 0; int nbAllowedDevices = /*licenseManager.getMaximalNumberOfItemsAllowed()*/10000; // First, all controller and sensor items are processed. // Actuators will be process in a second loop, because they could have some link to // one or more controllers. Then Controllers MUST preexist in the item list. for (DatabaseManager.Record record : knownDevices) { if (record.isSensor() && !record.isActuator()) { if (nbDevices < nbAllowedDevices) { EnoceanSensorDevice device = new EnoceanStandardSensorDevice(higherAbstractionLevelEventGate, record, this); if (device.getDataHandler() != null) { addDevice(device, false); // Add the device in the system nbDevices++; } else { // SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Check matching between references enumeration and the switch structure. if (LC.debug) { Logger.warn(, this, "loadKnownDevicesFromDatabase(): Database entry does not match a supported EEP. Weird."); } } } } else if (record.isController()) { setController(record.getControllerProfile(), record.getUID(), record.getEnoceanUID()); } } // Now, a second loop is done to add actuators. for (DatabaseManager.Record record : knownDevices) { if (record.isSensor() && record.isActuator()) { if (nbDevices < nbAllowedDevices) { setActuatorCount(record.getUID()); switch (record.getSensorActuatorProfile()) // According the actuator description, instantiate the appropriate object { case INTESIS_BOX_DK_RC_ENO_1i1iC_DEVICE: IntesisBoxDKRCENO1i1iCDevice ibcd = new IntesisBoxDKRCENO1i1iCDevice( higherAbstractionLevelEventGate, record, this); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.addListener(ibcd); addDevice(ibcd, false); nbDevices++; break; case EEP_D2_01_00: case EEP_D2_01_02: case EEP_D2_01_06: case EEP_D2_01_11: ElectronicSwitchWithEnergyMeasurement eswem = new ElectronicSwitchWithEnergyMeasurement( higherAbstractionLevelEventGate, record, record.getSensorActuatorProfile(), this); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.addListener(eswem); addDevice(eswem, false); nbDevices++; break; } } } else if (record.isActuator()) { if (nbDevices < nbAllowedDevices) { setActuatorCount(record.getUID()); switch (record.getActuatorProfile()) // According the actuator description, instantiate the appropriate object { case ONOFF_DEVICE: OnOffDevice ood = new OnOffDevice(record, this); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.addListener(ood); addDevice(ood, false); nbDevices++; break; case BLIND_AND_SHUTTER_MOTOR_DEVICE: BlindAndShutterMotorDevice basmd = new BlindAndShutterMotorDevice(record, this); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.addListener(basmd); addDevice(basmd, false); nbDevices++; break; case RH_DEVICE: RHDevice rd = new RHDevice(record, this); higherAbstractionLevelEventGate.addListener(rd); addDevice(rd, false); nbDevices++; break; } } } } } }